Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 14, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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Country V Correspondence
rThe people around Central Point are
working hard getting exhibits ready for
the Lewis & Clark Fair. They expect
to get at least one or more of the prizes.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Randall took a trip
to Mt. Vernott, "Washington, to visit
their daughter, Mrs. A. W. ' Brouy. . On
their return they stopped at Seattle and
Tacoma and took in the surrounding
Miss Gussie Randall and Miss Bertha
Hewitt of Salem, have been visiting the
former's parents the past week.
; Miss -Mary Engle is still in Portland
and is improving slowly,
Miss Walker, our teacher is still giv
ing much satisfaction in her spring term
of school.
Several of the children are sick . with
the measles.
Mrs. F. Blanchard is staying at her
sister's, Mrs. H. Phelps, and we are glad
to hear that she is improving as well as
can be expected.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Randall enter
tained a number of young folks at their
home Saturday, the 8th. The evening
was spent in playing games, 'followed by
a delightful spread.
Half the ills that man is heir to come
from indigestion. Burdock Blood Bitters
strengthens and tones the stomach;
makes indigestion impossible.
The Spring has opened and the weather
is pleasing to the farmers.
Miss Elvira Miller from Rock Creek,
attended the funeral of Mrs. Emma
Hobbs last Monday, and visited friends
at Marquam till Wednesday.
Miss Sylvia and Mr. Ray Marquam
visited friends and relatives of this place
last week.
For Spring Hats call on Mrs. Ann Rid
ings. Miss Elvira Miller and Mrs. Mary Mar
quam went to Silverton on a business
trip last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Hibbard have mov
ed to their ranch which is about three
miles from here.
Miss Jewell Marquam has been laid up
with neuralgia for about three days, but
is getting better now.
The farmers jare very busy now fin-'
ishing up their crops.
There Will be Less Sleeplessness When
Oregon City People Learn This.
Can't rest at night with a bad back;
A lame, a weak or an aching one.
Doan's Kidney Pills are for bqd backs.
They cute every form of kidney ills,
From common backache to diabetes.
' Mrs. M. Custer, residing at 535 W.
Second St., Albany. Oregon, says: "As
a result of cold sometime last Fall my
back became so lame that I could hardly
get about at all. In the morning I felt
sore and lame and my night's rest was
broken by too frequent action of the
kidneys. A box of Doans' Kidney Pills
was procured for me. I noticed their
good effects after taking a few doses and
in a short time I was cured. When I
find a remedy that does all that is claim
ed for it I am only too pleased to make
the fact known to others. . I consider
Doan's Kidney Pills the best kidney rem
edy I ever used."
Plenty more proof like this from Oregon
City people. Call at Dr. C. G. Huntley's
drug store and ask what his customers
For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York,
sole agents for the United States.
Remember the name Doan's and take
no other.
Plans to Get Rich
are Cjten frustrated by sudden break
down, due to dyspepsia or constipation.
Brace up and take Dr. King's New Life
Pills. They take out the materials which
are clogging your energies, and give
you a new start. Cure headache and diz
izness too. At Howell & Jones, drug
store; 25c, guaranteed.
ft ear Huntley's Drug Store,
Great Britain and America. '
Last Sunday Frank Selby, the 13 year
old son of E. C. Selby, found a can part
full of powder in the barn, and thought
he would take it down on the side of a
gulch near the home set a match to ft.
The younger children started to follow
him, but he had presence of mind enough
to make them go back to the house.
Frank touched a match to the powder
and the result was a fearful explosion,
burning his face in a terrible manner,
his eyes were very badly burned, but the
doctor (hinks he will not Jose the sight.
He managed to find his way to the house
and frightened the family by his appear
ance. A doctor was quickly summoned
and every thing done to relieve his suf
ferings. He is gaining some on his con
dition, but is quite nervous yet from the
shock. It was indeed a very narrow es
cape from having his head blown off.
Verny Jefferson and Harley Frost were
both trying to catch the same ball last
Friday evening, and ran against each
other, the Jefferson boy had a gash cut
in his face that required some stitches,
aijd the Frost boy is minus some of his
front teeth.
Mr. Murrow returned a few days ago
from a trip to Eastern Oregon where he
has interest in some land.
Miss Nora Currins and Mrs. Hall went
to Portland Tuesday.
Mrs. Gillette attended Grange at Park
place last Wednesday.
Mrs. Albright is taking treatment for
her eyes, which are in a very serious
Chas. Ely thinks he can make more
money fishing than at the carpenter's
trade. .
Mr. and Mrs. Pettitt are at home now
in their cozy new residence.
C. W. Fredricks thinks he will sell his
residence here and move down town
farthe so as to be nearer to his store.
: We are glad to see Elmer Dixon honor
ed with offers of positions in superin
tending the Clackamas County exhibits
at the fair, also In the Poultry Depart
ment. - He knows enough to fill both
places' creditably. . "" '-
The good people of this part of Ore
gon City were ashamed of the language
and conduct of the boys that played base
ball, and judging from . their conduct,
there is need of more than evangelistic
work in reforming some of them. If
the parents of those, boys could have
heard them it . would surely have made
them hang their heads in shame, ;
We are glad to see an effort being
made for civic improvement. . We have
advocated' it from the start and if every
resident would make a personal effort
to make their homes neat and tidy and
the streets and alleys cleaned up, there
would be little need of committees be
ing sent out to see the work being done.
Three months from now would see Ore
gon City in a far different appearance.
While the evangelists are working for
the salvation of souls let the homes be
made beautiful and it will add dollars
in value and contentment to the heart.
We are glad to see the cemetery being
cleaned up and put in nice and beautiful
shape. There will be many new graves
to place flowers on this coming Decora
tion . Day, and many homes will hold a
vacant chair.
n Mr. Burly a. blacksmith from St. Johns, Aims now.. Everyone is busy and each
has rented the Fredricks shop, and Is j thinks be has more to do than his neigh-
quite busy.
! bor, at least it seems that way to hear
Often The Kidneys Are
Weakened ly Over-Work.
Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood.
It' used to be considered that only
urinary and bladder troubles were to be
tracea to me jcianeys,
but now modern
science proves that
nearly all diseases
have their beginning
in the disorder of
these most important
The kidneys .filter
and purify the blood
that is their -work.
Therefore, when your kidneys are weak
or out of order, you can understand how
quickly your entire body is affected and
how every organ seems to fail to do its
duty. .
If you are sick or ' feel badly," begin
taking the great kidney, remedy, Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because as soon
as your kidneys are well they will help
all the other organs to health. A trial
will convince anyone. .
If you are sick you can make no mis
take by first doctoring your kidneys.
The mild and the extraordinary effect of
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great
kidney remedy, is soon realized. It
stands the highest for its -wonderful cures
of the most distressing cases, and is sold
on its merits by all f?nLZ
druggists in fifty-cent artta
and one-dollar size
bottles. You maySSSi
have a sample bottle Home of Swamp-Root,
by mail free, also a pamphlet telling you
how to find out if you have kidney or
bladder trouble. Mention this paper
when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing
hamton.N. Y. Don't make any mistake,
but remember the name, Swamp-Root,
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad
dress, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle.
rw,. -. i i i i mi . I
Little Ineta Dixon has been compelled (
through nervous prostration to quit scnooi
for a while, but is slowly recovering.
Mrs. John Fairciough has been' con
fined to her home for several days by
nervous weakness. v
- Mr. J. Porter of Tacoma, Washington,
is visiting Mr. Jas. Kays, an old - com
rade by the army, and it is quite a re
union not having met since they mus
tered out of service years ago. It is
like the reuniting of brothers to see our
brave old comrades meet after long
years, and hear them talk just like boys
of the present time talk of their days of
pleasure and troubles.
' Accidents come with ' distressing fre
quency on the farm. Cuts, bruises, stings
and- sprains. Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil
relieves the pain instantly. Never safe
without it.
to save you 0 per cent, over other dealers on either
Mixed Paint or "Lead and Oil. If you contem
plate painting, and of course yoti do, because yoti
want your house to look the best in the neigh
borhood, don't hesitate after getting other prices
to come to tis. We assure you the quality can't
be equaled in the city.
If you use Lead , use Pioneer or Atlantic brands,
they are the best. If you use Mixed Paint you
want NEW ERA, it can't be beat.
Something around the place that needs painting. If it's your hoiise
we would recommend New Era Mixed Paint at $1.65 . or Regal
Mixed Paint $1.50 per gallon. The first is guaranteed to wear five"
years and both the manufacturers and ourselves stand back of the
guarantee- This means that if any time during that period you are
not satisfied with the paint in every respect we will, without cost to
you, repaint your house at our expense. Couldn't be more fair could
it? Maby it's your barn, if so we can furnish you material at an ex
pense of 75c per gallon that will wear an age. Climax Carriage Paint
will make your old buggy or cart look like new, and the expense is
nominal. Two quarts, at 75c per quart, wil-cover an ordinary buggy.
One coat is all that is necessary. , If your floors look shabby when
you are cleaning house buy a can of Varno-Floor Stain or Lacqueret
and touch them up you will be surprised at the improvement; A
package of Calcimo ot a cost of 50c will put a neat, new finish on your
wall. Remember we carry everything in the Psint, Oil, Varnish and
Brush line and will be glad to furnish " you with ' afl v the advice and r. ;
information at our command for the asking. , .
Stafford is getting to be quite a lively
go-ahead place. A potato buyer drove
into Mr. Gage's back yard Friday to in
quire about potatoes, and as he got into
his boggy again the horse ran away,
throwing the man out, and kicking every
jump. Coming in contact with the big
gate at the entrance to the lane, he
freed himself . from : the buggy and away
he went with a piece of one thill whip
ping him about the legs. He was caught
near "Willamette' and returned to his
owner, and Mr. Gage fastened the, bug
gy behind a vehicle with ropes and haul
ed it down Monday.'. The rig belonged to
Mr. Kohler, the blacksmith at Oswego.
The driver claimed to be unhurt.
The bright days and the wind is dry
ing the surface of the ground badly.
One ought to go over the fields with a
roller or harrow.
Mr. Gage's nephew, who is a black
smith, from Michigan, has gone to Os
wego to help in the shop, and learn ways
and prices of the country.
Mrs. Powell has gone to the city to
have dental work done.
Sherwood is again trying to "butt in"
and get our mail delivered a day late
from that place.
For instance, to-day's paper would go
to Sherwood on the 4 p.m. train, and
be there all night, and start from there
at II a.m., getting here about 2:30 p.m.;
just 24 hours after the time we receive
it at present, by the star route from
Oregon City to Wilsonville. Who cares
to read .he state news.
The fields are looking beautiful now.
and apples are coming into bloom.
Adens. Ellesrsen. Poiivka and Wed
die have again been having their land
surveyed. .
The last report was that each was
five acres ahead, but of course that is
only a "they say so," but Stafford don't
quarrel much even over land.
' The $9.26 received from the school en
tertainment has been expended in books
and the scholars are happy over their
nest egg of a library. .
Susy Gross was out to her sister's Mrs.
Seedling's, at the time of the raising of
the barn. v
Louise Oldenstadt is working for Mrs.
Miller, at Oregon City.
We hear that Mark is going to build a
cage, then catch a bird.
Ola Barnes has been quite sick, but
is better.
"Little Colds," Thousands of lives sac
rificed every year. Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup cures little colds, cures big
colds, too, down to the very verge of
Farming is the order of the day at
Stock and p.ultry taYe few
troubles which are not bowel and
liver irregularities. Black
Draught Stock and Poultry Medi
' cine is a bowel and liver remedy
for stock. It puts the organs of
digestion in a perfect condition.
Prominent American breeders and
farmers keep their herds and flocks
healthy by giving them an occa
sional dose of Black-Draught Stock
and Poultry Medicine m their
food. Any stock raiser may buy a
25-cent half-pound air-tight can
of this medicine from his dealer
and ke i his stock'" in vigorous
health f ir weeks. Dealers gener
ally keei B!a :k-Draught Stock and
Poultry " ? -file) ne. If yours does
not. sen ! cents for a sample
can to 'if manufacturers. The
Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat
tanoogn, Tenn.
them talk. . .
Ed. Andre, of Bullrun, . was at Aims
Friday and Saturday of last week shear
ing sheep for "J. N. and H. E. Bramhall.
Sheep are In fair' condition here, but-not
doing as well as usual at this season of
the year. . . '
On the 8th inst.' the Aims post, office
was moved into the store of J. A. Hick
man, who was recently appointed P. M.
at this place. This' is Mr. Hickman's
second appointment in this capacity, and
the patrons of the office have reason to
feel assured that the service rendered
will be satisfactory to all.
- Heavy frost, at this place on the night
of the 9th. " .'
The recent volunteer work done In the
county road between here and Bullrun,
has " greatly improved the condition of
the road, but there is still room for any
and all who wish to show their good will
and great strength,
Sheridan Jones left last week for San
Francisco, where he goes to learn the
barber trade. ' Good luck- Sherd, hope to
see you back again soon a full fledged
skin scraper. . '
" "People in general on this side of the
mountains read with horror the accounts
of . wholesale sheep shooting in 'the East
ern part of the state, and thank God
that they live in a civilized country, yet
the poisoning during the winter of be
tween four and five hundred head of
sheep, belonging to Hickman and Fritz,
of Aims, is unmistakable evidence of the
existence of a class of criminals, far more
dangerous to the peace . and prosperity
of any community than the sheep shoot
ers of Eastern Oregon.
of Ointments for Catarrh that
Contain Mercury.
as mercury will surely destroy the sense
of smell and completely derange the whole
system when entering it through the
mucous surfaces. Such articles should
never be used except on prescription
from reputable physicions, as the damage
they will do is ten fold to the good you
can possibly derive from them. Hall's
Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. o.
Cheeney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no
mercury, . and is taken internally, act
ing directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's
Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genu
ine. Tt is taken internally and made in
Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co.
Testimonials free.
Sold by druggists. Price 75c per bot
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa
The friends of Mrs. Paul Freetag will
regret to know that she is lying very
ill in a Sanatorium in Portland, where
she underwent an operation the first of
the week.
Miss Delphena Haenel is spending the
week with Miss Childs of Gladstone,
during the absence of the latter's grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. ITRen, who are
visiting their daughter, Mrs. Childs, of
Brownsville, Oregon. '
The Parkplace Sunday School is pre
paring an interesting program for Easter,
which will be given Sunday at 3 p.m.
Miss Martha Ponting has just finished
a large oil painting, "Among the Is
lands," which is a credit to her, and
shows painstaking on the part of her
art teacher, Miss Wilson. It is to go
to the Lewis and Clark Fair.
As to Miracles. .
Mrs. Walshington I cant understand
why if there ever was such things
miracles there are none now.
Mrs. Wappington My dear, there are
miracles now. My husband has attend
ed "two stag parties within ten days and
is still on the "water wagon.
Roc if' TjP!, G-A., Jan. 89, 1901.
Bacc-D.-:iUi;-it Stock and Poultry
Medi-J-iie i t!-o bet I ever tried- Our
toi;fc k.-jr icg bad when yon sent
me Kin mr licir.o and now they are
g-ettin? vvT'-e. They are looking 20
percent, beiirp.
Gty Drug Store
Paints, Oils, Glass,
Varnishes, Enamels .
Large assortment of
Alabastine in All Tints
The Great
Slaughter Sale
t - . r -
Is Now Going on at
Cyclone of
Circumstances compel us,
to close out our immense
stock of seasonable mer
chandise at prices that will
startle this community and
open the purse-strings of
every economical purchas
er. Everything will be
marked down.
Everything Must Go
A Cyclone of Bargains
A rare opportunity. To
miss this immense money
saving sale would be a great
loss to you, "Watch for our
ad in next week's issue.
Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, .
Notions, Etc.
Main Street, Harding Block,
Oregon City, Oregon
Boars the The Kind You HaveAlways Boug!4
It you want to get the
f Cf9S bimrest returns for
yur ground, V';'
Kti&Mff vou can't afford 'mtfAl?
to plant anything but V-
'the standard after 49 years'
test. They always produce
the largest and surest
crops. All dealers sell
trspTtaogj them. Our I905
; -v seea adhori
free on request.
1. . ji
Bean the he Kind Vou Hava Always Bought
In all its stages.
Ely's Cream Balm'
cleanses, soothes and heals
the diseased membrane.
It cures catarrh and drives
away a cold in the head
Cream Balm is placed Into the nostrils, spreads
over the membrane and is absorbed. Belief is ln
mediate and a care follows. It is not drying does
not produce sneezing. Large Size, 50 cent at Drug
gists or by mail; Trial Size, 10 cents.
ELY BROTHERS, 66 Warren Street, New York.
K 1 1 i i m Bin : ' voiir . c'Streinert h
"SittSi ' ' : -; : "VERMIFUGES
.even's mijj"w5:T 's
a pleasant, potent, aiid psroncsient Invfgorator": for WOMEN,
CHiiptodtf-3r4--me,n.-- r' TT"
G2i ix1 ntoia -zotts. druggist.