4 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FEIDAY, APRIL 14, 1905. Oregon City Enterprise CITY AND COUNTY OFFICIAL: Published Every Friday. Subscription Rates: One year , ..$1.50 Biz months 75 Trial subscription, two months . . 25 Advertising rates on application. Subscribers will find the date of ex niration stamDed on their papers fol lowing their name. If this is not chanered within two weeks after a ntrmenL kindly notify us, and the matter will receive our attention. Entered at the postoffice at Oregon City, Oregon, as second-class matter. FRIDAY, APRIL 14, , 1905. The Land Office at Oregon City has been ordered moved to Portland in the near future. The principal reasons given for the change are economy and a more central loca tion, but in this case figures seem to lie. Rent is higher in Portland than in Oregon ,City, and the bulk of the land in the state not yet pat ented is certainly just a few miles nearer the latter city. The scheme probably is to get the Land Office officials in a place where they may be watched by Joe Day. Lincoln County Leads. , . o A PUBLIC NEED. cent. And why so? Merely because appropriations of an excessive and burdensome character for the sup port of several, so-called normal schools Mere tacked onto the general appropriation bill- arousing public sentiment to that extent that the entire measure is now being sub jected to the referendum petitions that are in circulation throughout the entire state. But who suffers for this sort of legislation? Is it the legislator who so deliberately votes away the people's money? No. On the other hand the man who really pays the penalty is the employe at these state institutions, who is earning from $35 to $50 a month and is obliged to stand for a 15 per cent discount in sources, which are not always found or his warrant. At best these employes expected In newly settled communities, dul wiiiuii Lilts wise numeseetkcr uuuhiu ers of prime Importance. It would be a great disappointment to both teachers and pupils, who have la bored so faithfully to prepare the ex hibits, should it now be abandoned. THE EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE. The Educational Exhibit. To Teachers and School Officers: Inasmuch as the County Court and the committee on county exhibit have defi nitely decided that an educational ex hibit to the Lewis and Clark Exposition from this county. Is not a legitimate ob ject for the disbursement of public funds, the only course left open to .us is to col lect the exhibit and arrange, it in the Superintendent's office, hoping that the county court or the executive committee may find some way to provide funds for installing It. We should exceedingly regret to have Clackamas County excluded from the ed ucational exhibit, especially at this time, when it behooves to bend our united energies to the accomplishment of the one object to show our Eastern visitors, to the best advantage, all of the resources of Clackamas County, not merely ma terial resources, which are readily tak en for granted, but also educational re- receive no more than their services are actually worth and it is on in justice that they should be thus pun ished for the log-rolling legislative appropriations of a lot of scheming politicians. o A MILLION NEW AMERICANS: Existing conditions warranted the action of the Clackamas Pomona Grange in petitioning the City Council for the installing of public urinals in Oregon City. The request is not to be considered as a joke or a laughable matter. There exists in Oregon City a growing need for these urinals and it is to be regret ted that the city's straightened cir cumstances financially wftll likely defeat favorable action by the Coun cil on this subject at this time. o BRUSH UP ! Credit for inaugurating a civic improvement movement in Oregon City belongs to the energetic and public spirited women of this city. The time has arrived for some such improvement in the conditions of Oregon City and we are pleased to see the women take the initiative. They are entitled to the hearty co operation of every citizen in their efforts to clean up the city and place it in its most presentable condition before the opening of the Lewis & Clark Fair. Get your broom and use it effectively. SCORE ONE FOR THE LADIES. The stream of immigration, which slackened a little last year, has swelled again to a volume without precedent. In February, 1905, the arrivals were 67,116, against 33,- 967 for the same month in 1904, and a similar rate of increase con tinued through March. At that rate we shall have over a million immigrants in the calendar year, of whom a third, if left to themselves, will, stay in New York and two- thirds in half a dozen Eastern states. The Commissioner of Immigration is trying to devise some means of relieving this congestion and send ing the new-comers where they are needed and where they can have some chance of developing into pros perous citizens. Mr. Sargent pro poses to attain this end by estab lishing an exhibition hall at Ellis Island,- devoted to displaying the resources of the various states and the opportunities they offer the set tlers. The exhibits are to be fur nished by the States and local com mercial bodies and explained bv a corps of guides. In this way the immigrants will learn that there is a considerable fringe of the United States beyond Hoboken. As it is, most of them land in a state of be wildered and helpless ignorance, and unless they have relatives to draw them elsewhere they are likely to settle down in the sweatshop and pushcart region that first receives them, and never know of the fuller and freer life further west, o : CHEER UP! Why Worry About Indigestion When Pep sikola Will Give You Relief. -J? ARGAIN i I Here's a list for you, give us your orders LI Every item guaran- p ted as represented or may be returned and your money refunded . ft Isn't this very fair? Asparagus White 1904 pack, 2 lb. Monopole brand regular price 35c, my price 2 A cans for Tomatoes! CENTENNIAL NOTES. "Hit the Trail," is the slogan of 1905 The Lewis and Clark Exposition opens June 1. You can hit the Trail every day until October 15. ' Sculptors are hard at work putting the finishing touches on heroic groups and figures which will be placed about the Lewis & Clark Exposition grounds. A spur track is being built on the Gov eminent peninsula at the Lewis & Clark Exposition to facilitate the unloading of exhibits consigned to the government buildings. Heliographic communication will be es tablished between the summit of Mt. Hood and the Lewis & Clark Exposition grounds during the Centennial. A. A. Glisson of the Fort Worth and Denver City Railway is in Portland , and says the "Lone Star" state will send thousands to the Lewis & Clark Expo sition. A wild west show ' is announced for the Trail. For participation in the at traction bands of Indians are being as sembled at Lawton, (O.T.). Geronimo, the famous Appache warrior, will be one of the aggregation. When the women begin united action for civic improvement some thing is going to be done. They are the real keepers of the homes and when they say we want better sidewalks, neater lawns, more flow ers and shrubs and better ornamen tation it shall be so. The Lewis & Clark Club have begun the cam paign and other organizations like the Fortnightly Club, W. R. P. League and fraternal organizations among the women should join with them in a general plan of activity along this line. Score one for the lacttes, let their good work find hearty encouragement. Eugene Register. The entire history , of the West does not furnish any parallel to the remarkable immigration movement which is now on towards Oregon. Those who are in touch with the conditions are astounded at the movement from the Middle West to the Pacific Coast. The influx into Oregon may be accounted, for partly through the Lewis & Clark Exposi tion, though one great factor in in ducing immigration is undoubtedly the climate of the Pacific Coast. California and Washington have both been far better advertised than Oregon, but now that the resources and possibilities of this state have been brought prominently before the world, it is confidently expected that the present movement is only indi cative of a great population, not only for Oregon, but for the other Coast states as well. It is difficult to un derstand why a land with so many varied inducements should for so long remain comparatively unset tled; 1905 and 1906 will not only see great changes on this Coast, but the next ten years will probably see the population of this entire region doubled. William Bittle Wells in Pacific Monthly. o WHO PAYS THE PENALTY? It is announced from Salem that warrants issued on account of the various state institutions including the normal schools, .state university and state argricultural .college are i already being discounted 15 per Ayers When the nerves are weak everything goes wrong. You are tired all the time, easily discouraged, nervous, and irritable. Your cheeks are Sarsaparilla pale and your blood is thin. Your doctor says you are threatened with a nervous breakdown. He orders this grand old family medicine. For more than 50 ream I linva used Avitr'i 8arsaparilla in my fatnilv. It ii a fcrand tonic at all times, and a wonderful mndicine for im pure blood." D. C. Holt, West Haven, Conn. 100 a bottle. j.o. aterco. "srint C . Lowell. Mas Weak Nerves tor's ght. "Why any one should worry about in digestion," said the head clerk in Hunt ley Bros. Co. drug store, "is hard for us to understand. ."We have been selling Pepslkola for several months now and in all our ex perience we never knew a remedy to give such universal satisfaction. "We know four or five old chronic dyspeptics on the verge of despair for years who to-day are cheerful and happy a" " " Keeptne bowels regular with Ay a httle chocolate coated tablet taken Rills, just One pill each nil ciiier fcti-jt meal. "If people only realized what a won derful, remedy it is and how much good it has done right in this very town they would not doubt or hesitate another minute."' Words can not express the Srviit good it has don- in Ovefefn Ci.y. and Pepslkola must be a remedy of more than unusual merit for if Huntley Bros. Co. had to refund the money to very many dissatisfied customers they would certainly discontinue selling it on their own personal guarantee! Ask your self if this is not true. If you are thin, nervous,, worried and in low spirits just cheer up and try a 25 cent box of Pepslkola on the drug gist's say so and if it fails to give you new nerve force, new ambition and new energy you can get your money back without any question or argument. Itching piles? Never mind if physicians have failed to cure. Try Doan's Oint ment. No failure there. 50 cents, at any drug store. 2 Fine new standard, and when I say stand- Si J" Seedless Muscatells, finest quality, new Matches j I have only a small lot left that can be sold at my present quotation. If you want any come quick, 500 matches in box, 12 boxes mpkg,per pkg. 35c. ard I mean it, cans are chock full of choicest red ripe fruit. This price for one week only. Case 2 dozen, per doz xVC Raisins 1904 crop. The biggest snap of the year, 4 lbs. for 25c 3 4rJa, Figs Bulk California the very finest. This is a snap, per lb 5c Peaches 2 2 1-2 lb. fancy California yellow, cans are mil oi cuoiuo run. ruining oeiier, can you beat this price, $1.62 per dozen. 4 Package old time Buckwheat, the kind that .tastes and smells like buckwheat, 1 regular price 15c, to close out 3 packages for 25c Starch Velvet, a perfect cold water starch and is j guaranteed equal in quality to any 4 brand, closing out what's left at IZ half price, package C -J,- We must move a lot this week S' here is the price that will do it, 8 lbs. for Roasted Coffee H. P. B's p Tinnnot. v, 24 I -2c 5 elegant style, rich and fragrant in cup, a oeauty H. P. B's Economy,, a real money saver, a genuine snap at, per lb 19 J-2c H. P. B's Down-to-Date, a good one very cheap at, per lb. J4' J-2c n w . ir .... Pi. , iviy prices aeiy competition quality considered. ' I f02 Lipton Tea. This is the big- gest snap offered in years and is good for Saturday, April 15th, only and for cash, 1-2 lb. tins AOkm 25c; and 1 lb. tins.. Don't get married until you have seen us about the wedding cake. We can furnish jjjj it to suit the most fastidious taste. Cakes to order. for all occasions our specialty J 2 2 He Phone 1261 Po BRIGHTBILL 503 Main Street A.... A.. A......... A..A.A......... A ------------------K Bean the Signature of Tha Kind Yon Have Always Bough GOOD MORNING Have you consulted A. Mihlstin about that plumbing you need done? Main Street, near Eighth Oregon City - - - Oregon THE COMMERCIAL BANK OF OREGON CITY Oregon City, Oregon AUTHORIZED. CAPITAL $100,000 D. C. LATOURETTE F. J. MEYER Transacts a general banking business. 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. President Cashier Open from Piiiie F. C. GADKE THE PLUMBER Prices Reasonable LET US DO YOlir Work Work Guaranteed We do a General Baggage and Transfer Business. Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moved Office Opposite Masonic Building Williams Bros. Transfer Co. Telephones Office 1121 . Residence 1833 You Will Be Satisfied WITH YOUR JOURNEY It" your ticket read over the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad, the "Scenic Line of the World' BECAUSE There are so many scenic attractions and points of interest along the line between Oprdeti and Denver that the trip never becomes tiresome. COLUMBIA RIVER SCEERY Portland and The Dalles ROUTE Regulator Line Steamers "BAILEY GATZERT" "DALLES CITY" "REGULATOR" "METLAKO" "SADIE B." Str. "Bailey G&tsert" leaves Portland 7 A. M. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days'; leaves The Dalles 7 A. M. Tues days. Thusrsdays and Saturdays. Str. "Regulator" leaves Portland 7 A. M. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays: leaves The Dalles 7 A. M. Mondays. Wednesdays and Frf Jays. . Steamers leaving- Portland make dally connection at Lyle with C. R. & N. train for Goldendale and Klickitat Valley points. ' C. R. & N. train leaves Goldendale on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 1:30 A. M.. making connection with steamer Regulator" for Portland and way points. - C. R. & N- train leaves Goldendale on Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays at 8:30 A. M., connecting at Tyle with steamer "Sadie B." for The Dalles, con necting there with O. R. tt N. trains East and West. . Str. "Sadie B." leaves Cascade Locks daily (except Sunday) at 7 A. M. for Tbs Dalles and way points; arrives at 11 A. M-: leaves The- Dalles S P. M.. arrives Cascade Lock P. M. . Meals served on all steamers. Fine accommodations tor teams and wagons. Landing Dock. H. C. CAMPBELL, Manager Gen. Office. Portland. Oregon. Oregon Shoitline amd Union Pacific THREE TRAS TO THE EAST DAILY Through Pullman standard and Tour ist sleeping cars daily to Omaha, Chicago. Spokane; tourist sleeping cars daily to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars (personally conducted) weekly to Chicago, Kansas City, reclin ing chairs (seats free to the east daily.) t Portland at Alder Street 70 HOURS Portland to Chicago No Change of Cars. 70 Daily River .Schedule If you are going Bast, write for informa tion and get a pretty book that will tell you all about It. W. C. McBRIDE, General Agent PORTLAND. OREGO BearitlM 8ignator f The Kind You Haw Alwa;n Bought Oregon City Boats Dally Schedule: ' Steamers Altona and Pomona for Sa lem and way points, leave Portland dally (except Sunday) at 6:45 a. m. ; leave Ore- fon City, 8:15 a. m.; returning, leave alem, 7 a. m.; leave Oregon City, 4:M p. m. Oregon City Transportation Co. General Committee on Educational Ex hibit. . It has been definitely settled that neither the County Court nor the com mittee on County Exhibit will pay any part of the expense of an educational exhibit. To consider the situatiton a meeting of the Educational Committee is hereby called for Saturday, April 8, at 10:30 a. m., at the Superintendent's office. . J. C. ZINSER, Supt. i -of Schools. . Subscribe for the Enterprise. Depart. Time Schedules. Asrivx - , 'A Chicago- Salt Lake, Denver, Portland Ft. Worth, Omaha, c.2s Special Kansas City. SL 6 p - 1 9:15 a. m Louis, Chicago and ! East. Atlantic , . r , Express Stdt Lake, Denver, ' 8:16 p. m. Ft. Worth. Omaha, 8:00 a m. via. ftunt- Kansaa City. St. lngton. Louis, Chicago and lSast. St Paul " ' Fast Mail Walla Walla, Lew 6:15 p m iston. Spokane, Min- via Spo- Jf Pau'. 7:16 a m. . - Duluth, Milwaukee, kane. Chicago and East. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. - . . Leaves. UNION DEPOT j Arrives. 8:00 A.M. For Maygers.Rainier, Daily. Daily. Clatskanie, Westport Clifton, Astoria, War ren ton. Flavel, Ham- 11:10A.M. mond. Fort Stevens, Gearhart Park, Sea side, Astoria and Seashore. Express Daily. Astoria Express. I 7:00 P.M. 9:40 P.M. ; I - C. A. STEWART, ComnVl Agt., it Alder street. Phone Main 906. J. C. MA TO. G. F. ft P. A.. Astoria. Or. Ocean and River Schedule For San Francisco Every Ave days at 8 p. m. For Astoria, way points and Portland. Oregon. . 8 p. m.; Saturday at 10 p. m. Daily mi-vice (water permitting) on Willaaa ette and Tamhill rivers. For detailed information of rates. The Oregon Railroad A Navigation tV., your nearest ticket agent, or General Passenger Agent. A. L. CRAIG,