Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 14, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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New To-Day.
per cent. Farm security.. UHen
: & Schubel. .
at lowest rates, Latourette's office,
Commercial Bank Building, Oregon
' City. -.-.
FOR RENT A five-room house In good
condition. Plenty of ground suitable
for garden. Inquire at the Enterprise
English Setter, ten months old, with
lemon ears, white around one. eye,
lemon around the other eye, lemon
spot on hip above tail. Reward for
return to H. S. Moody, Fashion Stables,
Oregon City, Oregon.
m w w v e"-B" 1
In the office of County Clerk Green
man, Mrs. F. A. Sleight has accepted a
Compare our prices with others. They
are beyond competition. Miss Goldsmith.
an r mploye at the paper mills, fell to the
pav.?ntent Friday morning, the rider sus
taining a compound fracture of the leg.
A committee has been appointed by
Oregon City Aerie Fraternal Order of
Eagles to arrange a suitable program
for the observance of the Eagle's Mem
orial Sunday which falls on the first
Sunday in May. -
Another addition to the membership
of the Oregon City lodge of Fraternal
Brotherhood was had last Thursday night
when a delegation of that organization
came up from Portland and performed
the initiatory work.
Just Came Pretty shirt waists 88c up
Handkerchiefs lc, 2c up; Ladies Hose
9c up; new Laces and Ribbons at cut
prices. RED FRONT . STORE.
The seven head of horses that were
stolen several weeks ago from resi
dents of West Oregon City have been
restored to their rightful owners. May,
the man accused of the stealing, has
been held to await the action of the cir
cuit court.
Wanted, a girl for general house work.
Good plain 'cooking. No washing. Ap
ply at Enterprise office. -, r
R. L. Knowles on April 3 began a
term of school in District No. 42, at
In the drawing at the skating rink
last Saturday evening, the prize of a
pair of roller skates was won by Miss
Deeds have been filed for the exchange
f school sites in District 51, George, and
the erection of a new school building
has begun.
While skating at the Y. M. C. A. gym
nasium last Saturday evening, Willie,
the youngest son of L. Ruconich, fell
and sustained a compound fracture of
the left arm just above the wrist. This
is the first accident that has happened
at the rink.
Mary Horn is suing E. W. Homshuh,
Chas. Horn and C. . Schuebel for a de
cree setting aside the deed by which
Horn recently transferred to Homshuh
all of his property. Hedges & Griffith
are the attorneys for Mrs. Horn.
Wanted Girl for general housework.
First class wages paid. Call at store
of I. Selling. s
In the initial baseball game between the
Barclay and Eastham schools last Thurs
day afternoon, the former won by a
score of 8 to 2.
L. O. Moore, proprietor of the Royal
Restaurant, has had the interior of the
restaurant remodeled. With its new dress
of paint and attractive wall paper, to
j gether with the other furnishings, this
resort is now one or tne neatest places
of its kind in the city.
Good Flour $1.05 sack; Rice 4c, Soda
4c, Soap 7 to 10 bars 25c, Soap powder
r .. ........ .-1 1 V .... -I a Annoaa
One hundred and twenty-five of the rt Tj(ona ic ach
pupils of the Clackamas county public J RED FRONT STORE,
schools are this week taking the Eighth .
Grade examination.
D. F. Warren, of Garfield, charged with
assault and battery, the complaining wit
Bargain Plan this year Ladies Walk- ness being Mrs. Wm. Stubbe, will have
ing hats 48c up; Dress hats $1.40 up.
Beautiful hats at two-thirds usual price.
a trial in the justice court a week from
tomorrow. The offense complained ' of
was committed about three months ago,
Warren having in the meantime been at
Marriage licenses were issued Satur
day as follows: Olive Malenda Maxon
'i n rl ( R Martin- TTlma Uoao onH WaHi
Noble;' Olive E. Southerland and Frank ThJ Prices of our hats are within the
,.- . , t reach of all cheap and nobby. Miss
j Goldsmith. n
i ne memoers oi tne county Joun went I Ira LaWrence, of this city, will soon
to Eagle Creek Tuesday to view the town- remove witn nis family to Lopez Island,
sue m mat town mat it is proposed to puget Sound, where he will locate on
vacate, a petition to that effect having the farm reCently occupied by the late
Deen niea witn tne court. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Andrews. Mr. Law
, r-- . ... . - . ... ; . -fe. j rence together with E. B. Andrews, also
Shying at an approaching street car, of this city, have leased the farm for a
the horse ..being ridden by Walter Bruce, period of three years.
Still goes on next door
to Harding?s Drug Store
Now is yout opportunity to purchase
your Spring and Easter Suit at a rc
diculously low price, not that we have
overbought hut that business in Ore
gon City is dead. We've got to move
1 our clothing on to people's backs in-
stead of on our counters, tables and
I shelves. The goods are all new and
I seasonable and we lose money but the
J clothes must go-
Buys you a suit at this great Bankrupt Sale that will
astonish you. Comparison of value would seem like
the grossest of exaggeration in this case. We simply
give you, men of Oregon City, new lines of suits that are
.not a week in the. store and at factory cost.
Everything in Gent's Furnishing
;;. Goods and Shoes goes at your
own price. 35
Tomorrow afternoon at Willamette
Falls the Barclay High School nine of
this city will play Hill's Military Acad
emy, of Portland. The game promises to
be a good one. Averaging not to exceed
16 years of age, the Barclay nine this
year is" p.n exceptionally strong team
that promises to make a' good showing
this season. ,
The plan of the Plantation1 Minstrels
to visit Molalla and there repeat the suc
cessful performance 1 that was given in
this city in February, has been abandon
ed. Should a similar company be formed
next year, and there is already some talk
of it, an Itinerary Including a number of
the principal towns in the county will
probably be arranged.
Importing direct from Eastern work
shops tells the story of cheap prices for
high grade goods at Miss Goldsmith s,
The wide-awake people of Mt. Scott
and vicinity are In the march of pro
gress. Last Monday the U. S. inspector
of Rural Routes went over the territory,
accompanied by C. "F. Zinzer and H. C.
Uh-lch, and expressed himself as well
pleased with the route petitioned for,
which includes about thirteen miles in
the vicinity of Lents and on over Mount
Altl-tone is the tonic to build you up
after a spell of the La Grippe. Guaran
teed. Sample free. Charman & Co., de
pendable druggists.
By order of Judge Frazer, of Port
land. C. N. Crittenden, of Aurora, has
been appointed receiver of the Bagby
Lumber Company, of that place. The
appointment of the receiver was hasten
ed by the bringing of a suit against the
company yesterday by F. S. L Bagbyy
creditor, who has a claim of $450. Hedg
es & Griffith are the attorneys for
number of the creditors.
Charman's Velvet Cream will cure chap
ped hands and is a soothing face cream.
Gloves can be worn immediately after ap
plying. . Large bottle 25 cents.
F. S. L. Bagby is suing the Bagby
Lumber Company for an alleged balance
of $450 for labor performed. Plaintiff
intimates that the defendant company,
which was organized in 193 with a cap
ital stock of $25,000, is heavily involved
and in iminent danger of insolvency. He
avers that the liabilities of the corpora
tion aggregate $20,000. Mr. Bagby owns
$3300 worth? of stock In the company,
at lowest rates, Latourette's office. Com
mercial Bank Building, Oregon City.
Jared Toby, the son of Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Toby of West Oregon City, died
at the home of his parents Sunday morn
ing at 8:30 o'clock. About one week ago
he suddenly became ill and developed a
case of pneumonia. He was 20 years
old, and was a native of Minnesota. The
funeral was held at the Baptist church
Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, and
the interment was had at Mountain
An energetic lady can secure the a gen
cy for this city and surrounding country
for a high grade line of Flavoring Ex
tracts, Perfumes, Toilet Articles, Toilet
Soaps, etc., by addressing the JPearsall
Manufacturing Company. Des Moines,
Iowa. They allow a big commission, also
give premiums. Write them for sample
The Western Union Telegraph Com
pany has extended its money transfer
service to foreign countries. The local
Western Union office will accept money
to be transferred by cable to all points
in Great Britain and Ireland. France,
Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Hun
gary, Italy, Sicily, Spain, Portugal, Bel
gium, Holland. Denmark, Sweden, , Rus
sia, in Europe, Roumania, Servia, Greece,
Corsica, Sardinia and all other coun
tries in Europe. .They also transfer
money to Alaska, Cuba and the Philli-pines.
The first referendum petitions relat
ing to the general appropriation bill
were filed with County Clerk Greenman
Wednesday. There are 100 signatures to
the petitions which were circulated in
the Sttafford. Garfield and Beaver Creek
districts. They were circulated largely
through the services of Representative
Frank Jagger. County Clerk. Greenman
will certify as to the correctness of the
signatures and return the petitions to
those who filed them with him and they
will then be forwarded to the Secretary
of State at Salem.
Treasurer Cahi;l Promptly Applies Tax
W ney on Outita'-ctncj Pjpur.
The total outstanding warrant indebt
edness of Clackamas county is being
largely reduced by the immediate appli
cation in the cancellation of the county's
outstanding warrants all money that is
being collected on the tax roll.
According to statistics that have been
compiled by Treasurer Cahill, on April 1.
1905, there were outstanding warrants
against the county to the amount of
$84,167.37. This total is made up of the
following items: Warrants issued during
the year 1903, $41,452.47; for the year
1904, $34,883.54: for 1905, tto April 1,
A call has been issued for all out
standing warrants indorsed prior to May
1903. This call Includes a total of
$14,055.26 in warrants which will re
duce to $70,112.11 the outstanding war
rant indebtedness of the county.
. T. F. Cowing spent Sunday at Asto
ria. .
'Andrew Kocher, of Canbyr was In the
city Tuesday. . '
C. Schuebel, deputy district . attorney,
was at Sandy, Wednesday.
' Mrs. O. D. Eby has returned from a
visit with relatives at Molalla.
' Frank Schatzman and F. C. Perry, of
Molalla, were in the city Monday.
M. R. Boyles, of Molalla, was in the
city the latter part of last week.
A. J. Douglas, of Eagle Creek, was in
the city on business last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. . Chas. Humphrey, of
Astoria, visited . with . Oregon City rela
tives Sunday. , . 1
Mrs. C. B. Frissell's many friends will
be pleased to learn that her condition is
greatly improved.
G. . L. Taylor, a prominent saw-mill
operator of Toledo, was in the city the
latter part of last week.
Wm. Stubba. of Estacada, the pioneer
newspaper subscription rustler. - was in
the city last Saturday.
Mrs. Harry Symes and daughter, Helen,
of. Salem, visited this week at the home
of E. J. Daulton in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Southard, of Port
land, visited in the city last Sunday, at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Shaw.
Miss Evelyn Hurley, of New York, and
Miss Mary Conyers, of Portland, were
the guests Sunday of Mrs. C. W. Pope.
Mrs. M. E. Graves and daughter Crys
tal will be the guests of Mrs. R. W. ;
French of The Dalles, for a few weeks.
H. M. and Roselyn Robbins, who have
been under the doctor's care in this city i
for some ime, returned Sunday to their
homes at Monitor. I
G. Plass, secretary of the Mt. Hood
Brewing Company, of Sellwood, was in
the city Tuesday on business in the in
terest of his company.
Rev. F. H. Mixsell, formerly pastor of
the Oregon City Presbyterian Church and
now located at South Bend. Washington, j
was visiting old acquaintances in this
Deputy District Attorney C. Schuebel
and G. B. Dlmick were in Canby Monday
conducting an assault and battery case
in the justice court.
city for a few days last week.
F. E. Albright, of Molalla, was in the
city the latter part of last week He re
ports that the people of Molalla are too
busy to keep track of news items.
County Judge A. E. Lake, of Wasco
county, and Mrs. EV Foster, of Eagle
Creek, were among those attending the
funeral of the late Miss Bradley in this
city Wednesday.
George Brown has accepted a position
in the Cascade laundry, succeeding Mr.
Hess who goes to Woodburn to assume
the management of a. laundry plant that
is being installed there.
George Parsons, director of Parson's
orchestra, or .fortiana, was m me city
this week consulting with the Eagles in
regard to the dancing party to be- given
by that lodge at the Armory Monday
evening, April 24. Parson's orchestra has
been engaged to furnish the music.
Mrs. C. W. Strickland, who has for
the last two months been at St. Vin
cent's hospital, Portland, has returned
and is now at the home of Mrs. L. H.
Strickland, at Gladstone. Mrs. . Strick
land's many friends will be glad to learn
that she Is improving nicely.
Jacob Cassell, proprietor of the Elec
tric Hotel, left this week for a two
months' visit in the East. Iowa, Illinois,
Ohio and Pennsylvania are among the
states to be visited and Mr. Cassell will
not return until the latter part of May.
This is his first visit to his old home af
ter an absence of twenty-five years.
S. S. Johnson, who for several months
represented the Portland Journal in the
capacity of correspondent at this point,
has resigned his position and gone to
Johnson made many friends who will
Portland. While at - Oregon City Mr.
wish him well wherever he may locate.
R. L. Holman is temporarily acting as
Journal correspondent, in this vity.
E. H. Burghardt, the Barton merchant.
was in the city the latter part of last
week in the interest of 'the application of
the people of that section of the county
for the building of a bridge across the
Clackamas on the Logan -Barton road.
The Barton delegation . returned well
pleased with the success of their visit,
having persuaded the county court to
assume 70 , per cent of the expense of
building the proposed structure.
Drs. Beatie & Beatle, Dentists, Rooms
16, 17 18. Weinhard Building.
ft PoriM Clotii Una
Next door to Harding's drug store
Oregon City, Oregon
The Knights and Ladies of Security
gave a successful dancing party at the
Armory last Saturday night.
One of the most successful sessions
the Artisans have engineered for a long
time was that of last Thursday night
when the Oregon City Assembly was
visited by about fifty of the Sellwood
Assembly. After an Interesting pro
gram, a delicious supper was served and
then dancing until 1 o'clock followed.
S 8
The pupils of the Barclay High school
under the direction of Prof. Greenleaf,
of Portland,, are preparing to present
"Rip Van Winkle" at Shlvely's Opera
House in this city Saturday evening,
April 29.- There are among the Barclay
pupils a number having considerable
ability along this line and a very cred
itable performance may be assured.
' Window cards have been distributed
announcing " the first annual ball " to be
given by the Oregon City Aerie of Eagles.
The party will be held at the Armory.
Easter Monday, the 24th inst. Parson's
full nrphpRtrn. nf Ti-ir-t lnH havfnv
Friday, June 9. Designated as Oregon j nna -,. th Tw v.
City Day-at Lewis & Clark Fair. j , th
Friday, June 9 was yesterday desig- , G B Dlm,ck Dr w E Car Hon c
nated as Oregon City Day at the Lewis ; n wtw tjv a i t m
The people of this city I ,ce R HolmlLn, Bruce Zu'mwalt"
O. W. Eastham and C. W. Kelly.
& Clark Fair.
will share the day with McMinnville,
which has also been assigned the same
day for its exercises.
Bm tha
t Tha Kind Yon Haw Always BoaVt
. -.. Never Sold by Druggists. V
R. W. BAKER, Agent, .
Willamette, Or.
Money Saving in Painting doesn't mean
necessarily the use of cheap-by-the-gallon paint.
It means the use of first quality paint paint
that will cover more surface to the gallon, that
will spread easy and save the painters time, that
will wear well and put off for the longest time
the need of repainting. V
Sbewin- Williams
is a money saver. It covers more surface to
the gallon because it is ground exceptionally
fine and is thoroughly mixed. It wears longer
because it is made from the best materials, so
thoroughly combined that they become inseper
able and. hold together on the building for the
longest time. When you buy Sherwin-Williams
Paint at $J.75per gallon it is much cheaper for
you in the end than any other paint would be
at $1.25 per gallon.
We have a complete paint stock and are
prepared to furnish lead, oil or any kind of paint
ing materiatat Portland prices. Our paint man
is always ready to figure out for you the exact
amount of material necessary, and give you ad
vice about mixing and applying any and all
kinds of paints. Come in and talk it over with him
Htmtley "Brothers Co
Druggists & Paint Dealers Oregon City, Or.
Manufacturers and Dealers
in Lumber i
Yard and Office Head of Molalla
Avenue, Opposite Everhart's Store
Phone No. J847
A Few Hunclredl Dollars
is often the making of one's success. Systematic
saving will soon result in the accumulation of the
few hundred dollars. The best way to save is to open an
account with us and add to it weekly or monthly as
you can.
17ie Bank of Oregon City
School Report.
The following is report of District No.
99, Clackamas County, for month end
ing March 31:
Number of days taught,' 20; number of
days attendance, 523; number of days
absence, 16 ; number of times , tardy, 3.
Names of those who have been neither
tardy or absent; Larry Berg, Bert Berg,
Simon Becker. Edith Deardorff, Mabel
Deardorff, Joseph Frolich, Lulu and Me
lita Rushford, Glen and Ray Rushford,
Maud Strack, Gertrude Ulrich, Lydia
Zinser, Royal Zinser. Laura Ulrich.
Visitors always welcome.
New Cure for Cancer. .
All surface cancers are now known
to be curable, by Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Jas. Walters, of Duf field, Va., writes:
I had a cancer on my lip for years, that
seemed Incurable, till Bucklen's Arnica
Salve healed it, and now It is perfectly
well." . Guaranteed cure for cuts and
burns. 25c at Howell & Jones drug
Bob, the well-known stallion, will make
the season of 1905 at Oak Grove Stock
Farm. Service 6. Services every day
in the year except Sunday. His colts
can be seen at the farms of Robert Cur
rin, James O. Linn, Henry Githens and
J. H. Kitchen, of Currinaville. David
Breidenstein. of Estacada, has a span
of colts from the' same horse. B. H.
Burghardt, of Barton; David Hoffmels
ter, of Eagle Creek and Homer Glover, of
Eagle Creek, also have his colts. Mr.
Dowty also has several colts at his farm.
They are all of kind disposition. 4 14
Winter Rates to Yaqulna Bay.
In order to accommodate the many
people who wish to make a winter trip
to Yaqulna Bay, the .Southern Pacific
Co. will sell, on Wednesdays and Sat
urdays of each week, until March 81.
1905, round trip tickets at low lates, to
Taquina and return, limited to sixty
days from date of sale. Those who de
sire to take advantage of this rate should
apply to nearest Southern Pacific acent
for tickets. : -. - ' ,
Subscribe for the Enterprise.