Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 14, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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r rief lifts of Gossip From AH Parts of the County. ft
M. Johnston and ' family of Portland,
were visiting relatives in Logan Sun-
Correspondents are requested to re
new their work; We will furnish all
necessary stationery. The news from
yonx neighborhood should appear in
these columns every week.
can by. .
' ' ' ! -
More houses . building, others content
Mr. Redmond will build a house to
rent on a lot recently purchased of Mrs.
: Rogers.
Canby farmers are not so optimistic
, as the Portland papers in regard to the
; fruit prospect. The prevalent opinion is
that frosts have done so much damage
as to make the crop very short, especially
The M. E. Sunday School is preparing
an Easter program of more than ordinary
Judge Wm. Knight's court held a ses
: sion last Monday in which an assault
and battery case was tried, the principals
being parties from near Macksburg. At
torneys Dimick and Gchuebel were coun
sels on the case. There was no convlc-
Capt. C. O. Branson and wife, evange
lists, stopped over night at the Metho
dist parsonage last Monday. They were
on their way to Central Point, where
they began revival meetings Tuesday
A. W. Prescott, of Salem, visited his
sister, Mrs. Bevins, over Sunday.
A number of friends came together at
the home of Mr. S. Terry last Wednes
day and did his spring work plowing
etc., for him. He has not yet recovered
from his accident at the fair grounds
and unable to do anything.
On Tuesday, 11th inst., Rev. C. A.
Housel solemnized the marriage of Miss
Olive Sutherland to Mr. Frank Lockwood,
the ceremony taking place at the resi
dence of the bride's parents, five miles
south of this place in the presence of im
mediate relatives and friends. Mr. and
Mrs. Lockwood will go at once to Wash
ington county where they will reside.
Mr. Lockwood is employed at Tualatin.
Rev. Ludlum will preach at the Logan
church Sunday next. .
! Mrs. J. C. Sprague went to Corvallis
Saturday to visit her children.
Those attending Grange Saturday re
port a very pleasant - meeting. A con
test between bid folks and young folks
is in progress how.:
Pomona Grange will meet at Park
place April 12.
Mr. H. S. Anderson is one man who
appreciated the rain, as he kept his saw
mill running.
The young folks will meet at Mr.
Gill's to practice some songs for their
contest Sunday next.
- Won a Name of Fame
DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the fa
mous little pills, have been made famous
by their certain yet harmless and gentle
action' upon the bowels and liver They
have no equal for biliousness, constipa
tion, etc. They do not weaken the stom
ach, gripe, or make you feel sick. Once
used, always preferred. They strengthen.
Sold by G. A. Harding.
Full of Tragic Meaning
are these lines from J. H. Simmons, of
Casey, la. To think what might have
resulted from his terrible cough if he
had not taken the medicine about which la Dusiness trlp to Oregon City, Monday.
Mrs. Baty and daughter Gladys, from
Molalla, has been visiting with her sis
ter, Mrs. Wm. Smith.
Mrs. Albert Lehman of Sellwood. after
spending a few days with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Lewis, returned home
The dance at Beaver Creek Friday
night was O. K.
Mrs. Emmott is improving slowly.
Mr. McCarthy, finished sowing his oats
last week.
Al. Schoenborn is grubbing stumps and
planting garden. Al. will make a good
farmer, but he needs a cook.
A few of the young folks of Carus at
tended the dance at C. Smith's Satur
day evening. All report a good time.
A large crowd attended the ball game
at Carus, the victory going to the Eldo
rado players by one.
Ira Morris has been spending a few
days at the Howard home.
Ern Jones and wife were seen in our
burg Sunday, also Norman Howard.
Mr. and Mrs. Davis and family made
Miss Minnie Royer was visiting at
A. W. Cooke's and A. Newell' s Sunday
and Monday."
- Mr. and . Mrs. Ed. Self er and Mr. and
Mrs. Percy Morton were visiting at
Grant Mumpower's of Stone. Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Maybe and children of
Gresham, were visiting at his sister's,
Mrs. Del. Forbes. Sunday.
Mr. Percy Hunter and Miss Sabina
Cooke,, both of this place, were married
Sunday, April 9th, at the home of Rev.
J. A. Royer. " ,.'-.
Mrs. A. Newell and Mrs. J. Tong,
called on Mrs. John Skirvin one day last
The County Camp of the Modern Wood-
. - TYTCLJT7C1 I met ai xsivfiuii v,ny last X uesoay,
VAJXipOnS kilVen IOr JJl0ILh0 J to elect delegates to the state Camp, to
be held at Baker City, Oregon. Mr. Ed.
Some at COST or LESS,
Fresh Flower and Garden Seeds 3 for ,10c
Big tablets, 3c ; Shoe Laces , . 1c
Ink, 3c; Vaseline, 4c; Glue ....7c
8 lead pencils, rubber tips 5c
Sewing Machine Oil 5c; same 4 oz can 10c
Oranges or Lemons ...,1c
Pkg. Pins, lc; dozen clothes pins ...... 1c
Wire Tacks Pkg, lc; Shoe Tacks ....ZZc
3 cornered file 5c; fiat file ..10c
Steel Hammer, 33c, Screwdriver ...... 8c
16-inch Rasp 45c; Shovel ..50c
Seifer was chosen delegate from Damas
cus Camp No. 7533.
PI I A v till I I
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been.
in use tor over 30 years, has borne the signature of
and has been made under his per
Gold Dust, 19c in bulk 5c
Hand Soap, best and biggest 4c
Laundry Soap, 7, 8, and 10 bars 25c
Beans 4c; Soda pound 4c
Raisins, worth 10c, for 7c and 8c
Flour $1.05 up; Graham $1.05
Corn Meal 25c; best Lard 11c
Coffees 10c, 15c, best 1.... 20c
Died, of consumption, at Molalla, April
8th, Mrs. J.'- M. Austin. Deceased was
born in Savannah, Missouri, on January
8th, 1868. Came to Molalla June 18th,
1887. Was married to J. M. Austin,
August 12th, 1888. Funeral services
were conducted by the Grange at the
Adam's cemetery, Mrs. Austin being a
charter member of Molalla No. 310. She
leaves a kind and devoted husband to
mourn her death.
he writes: "I had a fearful cough, that
disturbed my night's rest. I tried every
thing but nothing would relieve it until
I took Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which
completely cured me." Instantly relieves
and permanently cures all throat and
lung diseases; prevents grip and pneu
monia. At Howell & Jones, druggists;
guaranteed; 50c and 31.00. Trial bottle
Miss Belva Shaw spent a couple of
days in Oregon iCty last week.
Mr.s. J. S. Evans was a .visitor at
Meadowbrook last Tuesday.
Ajchie Dougan and Clarence Mallatt
have gone on a Ashing trip.
Chas. Boynton and wife attended the
Horse Fair at Woodburn.
There will be an entertainment and
basket social at the Lakeshore School
House April 29, 8 o'clock p.m. The pro
ceeds from the sale of the baskets will
go towards- getting a new school bell.
Everyone invited.
Mrs. Del. Trullinger and daughter took
a trip to Macksburg, Thursday.
Mis. C. Spangler called on Mrs. Em
mott one day last week.
Mrs. Young, Mrs. F. Irish and Hazel
Fanton were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Monroe Irish and family Sunday.
Daisy Hughes was the guest of Mrs.
John Jones Sunday.
Men's 50c and 60c Underwear for 44c
Men's Black sox 3 pair 25c
Underwear, odds and. ends 27c
Men's 31.25 part wool overshirts cut ..75c
Fine Shirts 40c, 50c, 65c 80c
These are samples and about hah price.
Men's Clay Worsted Suits were $11.40
Wholesale now $9.00
Men's Wool Suits cut to $5.90
Pants to! close 75c, 95c, $1,45
Boys' Pants cut to 79c
Boys' Suits, long pants $2.77
Boys Two-Piece Suits were $3.20. .. .$2.44
Ladies Hose cut to 9c, 14c, 19c
Belts to close,.. ...8c, 14c, 24c 38c
Corsets 19c up any of them at whole
sale or less.
Wool Blankets and Comforts, Big Cut
Shoes, Etc
Don't Borrow Trouble.
It is a bad habit borrowing anything,
but the worst thing you can possibly
K::ow, is trouble. Whet, sick, sore
heavy, weary and worn out by the pains
and poisons of dyspepsia, biliousness.
Blight's disease, and similar internal
disorders, don't sit down and brood over
your symptoms, but fiy for relief lc;
Electric Bitters. Here you will find
cure and permanent forgetfulness of all
your troubles, and your body will not
be burdened by a load of debt disease.
At Howell & Jones drug store. Price
Bargain Lot Men's $1.75 and $2.00 shoes
for $1.59
Ladies' Fine Shoes, $1.50 grade ....$1.19
Men's Shoes , 90c
Better Shoes, $1.29 $1.47
Best High cut logger's shoes usual-
y 1 $6.00 cut to ..$4.75
High cut calf cut to $3.19
Boys' Full Stock cut to :...$1.40
Boys' Calf Shoes small, cut to $1.19
Baby Shoes 19c up
Ladies' Heavy unlined Shoes ..$1.20 $1.37
Child's heavy, 5 to 6, cut to ....... ,55c
Red Front Store
E. C.VHAMILTON,Proprictor r
Two heavy frosts here recently.
Two life insurance agents made their
appearance this week, the Arst of the
Mr. B. Swales and P. M. Kirchen spent
Sunday at Damaseus.
S. E. Gerber and S. G. Kirchem will
accompany A. M. Kirchem on a survey
ing trip to Couer D'Alene.
The young people will have a dance
at Harding Grange Hall on April 15. All
are invited.
Mr. Thos. Eaden who is visiting in
New York will start home soon.
Do Vour Ankles op Limbs Swell?
Are Youp Eyes PufJy? We ape
the Sole Agents for the Only
Thing Known That Cures the
Kidney Diseases that Cause
Dropsy, viz: Fulton's Compound.
Miss Edith Wiles has a sprained ankle,
caused by the saddle turning when she
was out riding horseback a few days
ago. The horse became scared and she
was thrown off.
Mr. W. Woodside was lAowing for
Chas. Selby one day last week.
Clyde Smith is working for Silas Ad
kins. G. Trullinger is very low again, he has
been ailing for some time. -
Dan Graves, who has been working
for Eph Dodge, of Cedar Island, is home
Katie Lyons and Frank Manning called
on Fred and Agnes Woodside Saturday.
The dance at C. Smith's Saturday ev
ening was a successful affair.
Johnnie and Addie Rhodes are the
proud parents of a daughter.
Mrs. Woodside made a trip to Silver
ton last week.
Grant Ashby has purchased a cream
Rev. Wiles is building a new fence on
the front side of his farm.
Mr. Orem is teaming for C. T. Howard.
Dr. Powell and Al. Wells passed
through our burg last week en route
for upper Milk creek.
It Is now well known that dropsy is not in
Itself a disease but is commonly a symptom of
Bright's Disease or Diabetes. Hence, up to the
discovery of the Fulton Compounds, dropsy was
incurable. It Is now, however, curable in nearly
nine tenths of all cases. Here is an interesting
recovery, to which we refer by permission.
Mrs. Peter Goyheneix of 928 Fillmore street,
San Francisco, became alarmingly dropsical.
Her physician had Anally to tap her every few
days. She was tapped nearty forty times and
grew worse from day to day. The physician
Anally told her husband that she had Blight's
Disease of the Kidneys, that it was in an ad
vanced chronic state and beyond medical aid.
. Her heart also gave her the usual trouble and
she was in such a serious condition the relatives
were sent for. They put her on Fulton's Com
pound. It stayed on her stomach, the Arst
thing that had done so for a week. The second
week the dropsy declined a little and the im
provement was then gradual until her recovery
was-complete. This -case was examined into
by representatives of the San Francisco Star
and the Overland Monthly, and the genuineness
of the case and the recovery were full; attested
in their columns.
.. Mrs. Thomas Christol of 426 Twenty-seventh ;
street, San Francisco, was also swollen with
dropsy, as a result of chronic Bright 's Disease,
to more than seventy-Ave pounds beyond her
normal weight, and had to be moved in sheets
and was close to death's door although she had
four physicians. She was put on the Fulton
Compounds. Three weeks showed improvement
and in six' months she was well, and permits
-this reference. -- -
There is only one thing known that will oure
the chronic kidney disease that is behind dropsy
and that is Fulton's Compound. The Renal
; Compound for Bright's and Kidney diseases, $1;
for TiiAhetM SI FO n T r.-. . 1 , .... rv.
Washington street, San Francisco, sole com
pounders. Send for pamphlet. We are the sola
agents for this city.
A Tried and True Friend.
One Minute Cough Cure contains not an
atom of any harmful drug, and it has
been curing Coughs, Colds, Croup and
Whooping Cough so long! that it has
proven itself to be a tried and true friend
to the many who use it. Mrs. Gertrude
E. Fenner, Marion,. Ind., says; "Cough
ing and 'straining so weakened me that
I run down in weight from 148 to 92
pounds. After trying a number of reme
dies to no avail. One Minute Cough Cure
entirely cured me. Sold by Geo. A. Hard- I
ing. 1
IN some conditions the
gain from the use
of Scott's Emulsion is
very rapid. - For this
reason we put up a
fifty-cent size, which is
enough for an ordinary
cough or cold or useful
as a trial for babies
and children. In other
conditions the gain is
slower health cannot
be built up in a day.
In such cases Scott's
Emulsion must be taken
as nourishment; a food
rather than a medicine.
It's a food for tired and
Mr. Hausman and son Halph, of Mis
souri, visited with his boyhood's chum,
E. W. Hornshuh a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. GInther called on
E. W. Hornshuh and family Sunday ev
ening. ' .
Mr. and Mrs. Walker spent a pleasant
evening Saturday with E. T. Ginther
and wife.
G. A. Scluebel is' improving his resi
dence by applying a coat of paint.
E. W. Hornshuh is the champion Ash
erman out - here. He. accompanied by
four others, caught three trout Saturday.
Mrs: Ada Moehnke made a business
trip to town Saturday.
Some one quietly entered Cris. Horn
shuh' s smoke house last week and re
lieved him of perhaps six large hams.
Several of our young folks attended
the ball game at Highland Sunday af
ternoon. Henry Hettman made a trip to Clarkes
last week. - . "
Elsie Bluhm who has been - staying
with her brother August at BeaVer CTeek j
has returned -home. I
- Ed.. Schmidt.was traversing our streets
last -week. .' . '
weak digestions.
Fend "or free sample i
Scott & Bowne, 409-415 Pearl SL !
Chemists New York j j
50c. and Si. 00. All druggists ! j
frrrw,iVMiwwWs j
I a H H II EI?33I'KH'V El
1 A - f Wm
3 Vina Ji'C'v N Tj'ekieJ
1 A Delightful Beverage 1
1 A Safe Stimulant I
1 A Good Medicine S 1
f ' For Sale by .- : 0 I
Ik! , . E MATTHIAS - fl I
.... - It
j ' ... : V
J Subscribe "for the Enterprise. '
Mr. Joseph DeShazer and family spent
Sunday with his brother at Firwood.
Mr. Nelson Woodle, and Kitzmiller,
went to Oregon City last week to attend
to business.
Mrs. Woodle and son, are visiting at
Eagle Creek. The baby is still improv
ing in health and 'will soon be all right.
The bell for the school house arrived
Mr. DeShazer has been in poor health
for some time. He went yesterday to
consult Dr. Robert of Eagle Creek.
Mr. Sellman and family spent Sunday
at Eagle Creek Falls, Ashing.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You
Trwy- sonal supervision since its inf&ncyw
ws-i4W4r1i A TTrbTxr -nr aha 04vaItta vvn vv f Tila.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment
What is CASTOR I A
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates- the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Sears the Signature of
"The Kind You Haye Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
' Vux ccMTau. commmv. TV .uruv mm, Mm vomc cm.
Bears the
Signature of
i Enterprise for Job Printing
m dm
You paid tofmtfch lot your goods!
Did your wife
ever accuse you
of stick a crime? If so, prevent it for the future by studying
our prices. These prices are only for the careful buyer,
reckless buyers are doomed 4 The reckless buyer will spend
his money on slick talk, the careful buyer for value received
f i iocx v s .; s ss s
1 .y - w j . v
y nit i. u r ys n m sr t x r r m . v
qgf Going to Build?
n. pi ice
We have an immense,
stock of Cedar doors and
coors windows on hand also
ByM buying hardware. Let
g us figure for you we can
save you money. There
are some damaged doors
left from our disastrous
fire which will go cheap.
E ' - ' ' BYV '.-.-.:-- .
high grade
finish, fine
mirror, full
3 W&r- - 1
I . iJtU ' m
Steel Range
1 0 years guarantee
18 inch oven
6 holes
Most elaborate nickel
This Rocketf
' ner double
fQ,--'-- ro ant
per pair
and up
CTiarman & Co., City Drug Store.