Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 07, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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Judge Ryan Addresses Good Roads Con
vention at Grants Pass.
In Its nort of the minting of the
Oregon Good Roads Aswlatinn held nt
Grants Fasa last week, the Observer
rmd the following to say of County Jtidre
Ryan's address in which was detailed
Ms experience in practical road building
in Clackamas county:
"The first address was by Judue Ryan
f Oregon City. Clackamas county was
the first county in Oregon to take up the
(rood roads work and now has I4r miles
of Improved roads, of which the mileage
is about cg.ua! In niucadnm. plank unJ
gravelj and the Judge- said they were
building from seven to eighteen miles
more each year. Last year SM.OOO was
expended upon the mads, of which IIS.
OiK) was contributions. The Judge stat
ed that over t',000 had been contributed
ao far this year and that they expected
the amount to reach I20.WD for the
year. The gravel roads cost on an aver
age of 11600 per mile, the plank roads
$1400 and the; macadam I1S0O per mile.
The plank roads were built of 3x10 inch
plank, eight feet long laid on Sxl2 string
ers 4 and one half feet apart. The road
is first brought to an even surface and
then the stringers are embedded level
with the aurace of the ground, and then
quite as much on the earth as on the
trtnjrers. They are not spiked down,
but are held in place by earth scraped
over the ends, which enables teams to
go off and on readily and the earth pre
vents the planks being ruined by sun
checking at the ends. For farm traf
fic these plank roads last from 12 to 14
years, but hut but sis to eight year
under heavy traffic, The plank luted
an average of four years longer by be
ing laid flat on the ground. Judge Ryan
was much in favor of gravel for road
building, if all earth and sand is re
moved and it is screened so that the
coarse rock may be put, on the bot
tom and the fine on the surface. Judge
Ryan stated that his county had found
ateam far cheaper than horse power for
grading and waa even doing much of
their plowing by steam power. Trac
tion threshing engine were used. No
road grade was permitted to be above
7H per cent and roads having heavy
grades were relocated and put on easy
grades, but If the adjoining property
holders would not permit the county to
make the change then no money was
spent on the road thus forcing the ob.tect
ors to consent to the betterment of the
grade. Judge Kyun strongly favored the
state granting counties the rlcht of emi
nent domain so that roads could he forced
on practn'aoie routes as an- an iau- j
roads. Judge Ryan' address dealt wltn
the practical side of the road question
and was one of the ablest delivered be
fore the convention."
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that
Contain Mercury.
as mercury will surely destroy the sens
of smell and completely derange the whole
system when entering it through the
mucous surfaces. Such articles should
never be used except on prescription j Sec, !
from reputable physlclon. as the damage'
8. t.. & I Co. to l. 8wnn. lids :
and 3. in blk vi. ok tirove. I nJ S
M U Church et al to K L Thompson
irt of Co. Willis CI. In 1-1. K: $tW.
i Hank of Oreg on City to W, H, Shlvely
J part of lots & and . ink l." Oregon City;
Mr June t al to K. Freeman II M
: acres In Sec. Si. K; $17 .
i Riil !". Purlrle It. K. Co. to Wm A
Cunningham N half of SK quarter of
X half of NK quarter of Sec 10. 44, R.
C. K. Thomas to O. A Kaun lota 6 and
7. Sec. :. K; I3S0.
V. C. Ilnun to A Frank. K half of
N quarter of See J. 4. K; ITS.
A Klanl to O. Kagerllne NK of NW
of See. 3. i4. K, 111.'.
J. K. Poohnk to V. V. IVIIock one
third Interest In 8 liulf or SK quarter
34. K; t.'oo.
H. F. Preston to It. J. Preston 7 A.
they will do is ten fold to the good you i
can possibly derive from them. Hall's
Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. . i
Cheeney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no
in ci. 44, K; $1 00
J. Castro to 8 1. Castro. acres In
SW quarter Sec. ?S. 1-3. K-. iit0,
Chas. Roberts to R, J. C.oodfellow, part
mercury, and Is taken Internally, act- " ' blk. 63 Urtgon City. 1150.
ing directly upon the blood and mucous 8- 8. Dallas to Wm. R. Dallas, 3t A.
surfaces of the system. In buying Hall s j in sees 4 and . Z 3. K; 1100.
Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genu-1 R- K- lovelace to J. W. Norton half
inc. t l taken Internally and made In ' acre In Sec. 9. :-3. K; $100,
Toledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. I M. V. O Urlen tao A. J. Mcintosh one
Testimonials free.
Sold by druggists,
Take Hall s Family
IYIce 75c per bot
Pills for cvnstlpa-
It A. I-ee to S. K. Shlvety, 1 acre near
Canby; $100.
T. F. Ryan to C. Hullett part of Rin-
earaon CI. No. 41 !. 8. R. ! E; $1 CO
O. W. P. T. S. Co.. to J. L. Plates lots
I and 4. ink. 14. Estacada; $.o:.50.
S. Krltiewsky to J. It. Ripley. 360 SB
acres In CL 5. S3. E; JS.SKM).
U D. Howlett to U Hornshuh lota 3
and 4. Blk. 151. Oregon City; $350.
J. W. Meldrurn to M. E. I.llbker ;;5.100
acres in. CI. 41. I;. E; $4: 75.
J. Gerber Jr. to A. C. Gerber. i: acres
In CI. 4S. 33. E; $1.
B. Bischl et al to Ebner & Hougham.
194 acres in Sec. 4 and 5 61. E; $5500.
J. W. Doores to O. E. F. 40 A. In
N half of Sec. IS. 61. E; $1,850.
third of 75 acres In Claim 5. J J. F
C. P. Beatty to R. Hat ton. I acres
Sect lion :4. II. E. 1:50
M. Samson to R. Hatton 13 acres
section II. E; t.'JM.
Chas. Morris to M. Pamaon 1 acre In
section II. E. $100.
J. P. Forrlster to J. McConncl. 8 half
of SW quarter. N half of 8V quarter.
Section SS. 2-4. 8. of Sandy road, con
taining 103 acres: $Sooo.
T. F. Ryan to H. R. M. Rlnearson lots
I. 2. 13, 14, 15. 1. block 4. Gladstone. $1.
Wm. R. Pwvla to B. llllller 120 acres
In section 2. 43, and 31 -3. $3500.
W. B. Keen to Syndicate Invet Co..
8 half of NW uqarter. NE quarter of
SW quarter Sec. 6. 2-5. E. $5i0
F. Shlnk to C. S. Fuge lot blk. ST.
County Add . $U5.
H. L. McClellun to N. ltoolcan S half
of NE quarter of SE quarter of Sec. 25.
13, E; $S00..
E. L. Hunter to P. A. Hunter half of
NW quarter of the NE quarter section
31 1 3. E: $1.
i- a Mi.i.M in Hell Weight lota
11. I." IS. 17. Is- I" a ul '.'. H half of 1.
Pnim-Wmls; It ("
F. .V SSlrliiht to F. T tiiKMIh &T and
5S llunrlands. $1 .
Wm Gitl to Thointwoli. 31 A.
m ci. ;:. .i v
W. II Ilolllngshead I" ' ' lodcr,
!,( 1 Mk. 1. 'iiern Point. $;6.
, K A. McCov I" A I! Kami' tit. & A.
in Geo. Wills CI. I -
A F. Peterson to W R..'itiaii, 10 A
in Sc.- 3. 2 -2. E. $-l
H 11 M. Rlnearson tti T I'. It an lot
IS, ti!k IV tiladstone. $1,
M K Gils.-n to H M Elliott H half
of Sec 20. 2- 3. E. $1
II H l.ltlle to N K Ginlfiey, iJ'n A
in VI M. 2 - S. E. $17W.
(1 tluiisi-u to 11 Enuellnit 10 acre
in CI 53. 2-2, E, $2:60.
J, kiaker to It Kutlierford NK quar
tet of NE quatter of Sec. 2. 4 2. K.
p II Muiloy to M. Fuiimat. 31 IT A
CI i 3-1; 1475,
M Robblna to A. M Anderson. SW
quaiter of NW quarter. P- tli't !0. and
roadway In Sec 19 6-1; $1400
C t. tit 1. C. ljtouretl to N Stone
SK quarter of Section . 44; $:50
T. C. M-ehan to A O. A U C. Miller.
4 20 A CI 44. l5 A Sec 24. U 1 See
2i. 3 -1; $1550
Ongon Iron aV Steel Co. to (!, 8cha
b.r. lo A Sees 2S and 33. I I. II.
Oregon Iron Ste-1 Co. to F. E
Scrllxier. Tract B. Saffaratia IVtinllvau
la. $100.
G. IVardotlT et al to J. A. Stoll. 100
acre S-c. 6. 2-3. $5iW
E. Nelll to U II Whalley. 8 half of
NK quarter Sec. 2. 14. $1000.
E. M Howell lo J E. IU.er, .Ji4
A OrrgiMi City CI 2-2, 1:49.
Unparalleled Clttbfcing
Do You Want Good Reading? Let Us Have Your Ear
The Enterprise has made an especial arrangement by which It is enabled to
make the following cnparalleled clubbing offers:
Oregon City Enterprise
Ladies' Home Journal
Saturday Evening Post
The above three publi
cations together with the
Youth's Companion will
be sent one year for $5.50
Oregon City Enterprise
Everybody's Magazine
Ladies' Home Journal
Oregon City Enterprise
The Enterprise
together one of the fol
lowing: Harper's Bazaar
Ladies' Monthly
Pictorial Review
Table Talk
The Criterion
Twentieth Cen
tury Home
will be sent for ONE
YEAR for only
Oregon City Enterprise
American Poultry JVn'l
Fruit Growers' Journal
Cincinnati Enquirer or
Oregon City Enterprise
Harper's Bazaar
Oregon City Enterpripe
Country Life in America
Thousands Have Kidney
Trouble and Nerer Suspect it
Mow To Find Omt.
Fills lxttlc orcuuimungU with your
water ami let it statu! Iwcnly-four lwurs ;
unhealthy con
dition ofllie kill
lie) ; if it utm
your linrn it is
evidence of ki'l-
tie)- trouble ; too
frcquetit desire
to tut it or twtitt
in the Imtk is
also convincing proof that the kulueyt
and bludder are out of order.
What To Do.
There i comfort in the knowledge so
often ex pressed, that Dr. Kilmer's
Swnmp-Rot, the jrrcat kidney retnely,
fulfills everv wish in ctinntr rheumalUm.
pain in the Wk, kidneys, liver, bludilcr
aiil every arl ol llic urinary tmwuif(e
It correct inability to hold water
anil scalding ain in puMii it, or bad
effect following une of liquor, wine or
beer, and overcomes that unplcusaiit nc
ccsMty of U-inK compelled to k often
(lurinK the lav, and to yrX. up many
times during tiie niijht. The tuiM nml
the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root
is soon realized. It stand the liiKhrt
for its wonderful cure of the itumt dis
tressing case. If you ticcd a medicine
you nhotild have the bct. SMd hv tlrut;
gists in fifty-cent and one-dllar sict.
You may have a sample Uttle mid
book that tell all
alwut it, both sent free
l... :t .1.1 ... t v
uy ... .... A mrm m. CiJCJI;;:
Kilmer & Co., Ynv- -a-l11Li3f'j
hamton, N. Y. When Horoof iki
writing mention this paper and don't
make any mistake, but remember the
name, Lr. Kilmt-r's Swamj-koot, aud
the address, Einghamton, Is.
j S.aion of 190S.
I Bob, the well known stallion, will make
! thr Ai-amin of 1905 at Oak (irov. HtK k
j Kurrn. Ki rvlce l. Sci vkti i-vcry day
j In the y-ar txi '-pt Humlay. His colts
j can be s t-n at thn fanns of Holx-rt 'ur
; rin. Jum-s O. I.inn, H. nry iltln-iis and
J. II. Kltehm, of Currlnnvllli'. lN.vld
I Brt ldi nstein, of Kutacada, has a span
of colta from the sam.- horn. E. II.
I BurKhiu-dt. of Harton; David Hoffnii-la-
ter. of Kaglt- Creek and ilotner tiliivt-r, of
Ktil- Cn-t-k, also have hla colls. Mr.
Dowty also has several colts at his farm.
They are all of kind disposition. 414
Injactwecgy rate With any newspa-
PJ8i?Itlp ln
we qtiote here do not cover the magazine that yog desire tUke.omonicate
with as and we will be pleasedjo qaote yjfpf.iHng rates
The Oregon City Enterprise, jq J
Oregon City, Oregon.
Send the Oregon City Enterprise and the foUowin mw, I
for one year as per your advertised clubbing offer: I
Enclosed find $ ' ' S
, 2,)0 miles of long din.
tance telephone wire in
-Oregon, W'ftshingtori.Cali
fomia and Idaho now in
operation by the Pacific
.Station Telephone Com
pany, covering 2,2J
Quick, accurate, cheap
All the satisfaction of a
personal communication.
Distance no effect lo a
clear understanding. Spo
kane and San Francisco
as easily heard as Portland.
Oregon City office at
Harding's Drur Store.
' A aF I "V ,
HAOt St slack ettnuos
W OTiocutnrK
,4. TOWIRCO..IOITOII y... ....
towiw eaotaN co.. lto., TosoNTo.'coatD.. I
. i u.l I.. II 1. JL li. I
j a. n' inn.. " " -I,
I atxl . ilk. 10. fatil')'; -
.. i.. u' I A H M V
II r, H rwd'i " " w' -w
on. r a'ftrs. Hri. 6. 3-1 W; I'-'tun.
W. ti in t.i N Nl"ii, W.sl Imlf
f NW nit.r. . 3, 2-4;
K. H t'lialfant ft ill t l T IWvra
M aci.s W, it oHtiouM l. n I.
J Hitter t J MamlH""' " ,u"'
of tK qiiartn. Hit 3. b I ; M"
j C, John-ton l K It Itiiium.
iiimtier f M'. iiipr w m. -
HrllWiHul l.mi niul Itiilnovi'liH'lit ' to
t IV ttnlH.mr. I.mt lot 3. t'l 3" .
HhImIv. k Univr. 1160.
II h)Ii- In K Miillin H half if HK
iimiti-r Mrrllun ;i. I
II H 1h tl l t.i V A lli hull
Itit.itui In N Imlf of K Imlf 'i NK i'lr
ir H il II. i -l: II
J. K. Jniiilnn to W. II Ji-nnlnts 9
A , fl : -U2. II.
K. II. Ili-lms A. lAWMIIt. llll Utll
lnl..t.'t In NK Imlf fldlm o 8 -i, l0
S. K.lrr to I", mill A Waul tim t A.
VH'm'tt YU ArrroK" Tri l; I7
A A K. Km.rl to K K Wrnlanil
ri.iltiy In . J t. II
K. H Munis to llif IjuhI t'o. of tire
Don. 3ii A. Koiv :n. 3--, II.
Tim Ijltlll t'omiMlliy of ltr"ll fu trr-
-.in Wwti-r l'i-r A Hullwny Co. H Imlf
of N imif .f rW -t. II
K. M Morns to O V V A lly Co.
HI mrrs H'f. 3 3-1, l m-rrs
U 4 5. II
The Ijiii I Co of Hirmin to Mm O W.
IV lt Cn tiii.t" III
llmi. Ijitmtitlu. I I. 3-4.
, II
V. II lliirlhurt tu U W. IV Ity Co
i:o A. Hi. 12. 44: II.
Il.irln- Juiir-
i-i it A
Th Cl'inis Abstract Trust Co.
art ownrrs of th only oomplets sbstrsrt
plnt In Clsckamaa county, prompt and
rsllabla work on short notloa. All work
fuarantvpil. Abstracts road, monsy
loaned, mortf as forcload. trusts
cutrd. sstatsa settled and tlllea per
fected. J. V. CI-ArtK. Aity at-Uw.
I'reeMrnt and Manager.
Offic over Hank of Oregon City.
Kdllor I-uti i u -ar :
Will you Hllow mn oi e for a tr.y
to the It. dii i Ct.i-k ririrmiul.-iil
II.- I mietuki-n Winn he ta he iru.l
n iliitiotlon In the Kntrrj.rlw of last
Ills ntmwrr iuhllli.-. In he Knlrr
rlie of Miiri h I". ill.iiye.l u li l
nurum r. 1 dli! hot ilw m It Worthy t.f a
leply. Itet wi-rk he had vrry mm h Ihe
me tale to tell
Thiwr o-ralir.l BiieWf-ra remind one
f ..
..A little hid on a hlltel.le l.mwn.
Wrote it trr- of life In tuwn
"A llltlr iiial'l.-n In town ttiet day.
Wrote of the Mlletde fr away
And nellhi-r did welt, alas' for oh.
Tney told ..f thliiRs they ilid not know "
Hir srhool house ha he aays I ? f-r
high, the pole 10 f.-et. whl. h mkr :?
fert that the flag n h air
Our riag la 10 f.-rt long
lie lUlma (hat anyone with common
iiiiM'. an M-e that imr fins; ran sway
there aa well am on in t. oe II..
rtldi'iitly haan t romtnon aeruw., r he
Would nut make eu. h n aaaerllon.
Where would a 10 f.Hit fins; away U.
tr. on a hull, ling ii frrj hlah with a
In foot mr, or on a building II feet hih
with a 6a foot orf
JuJk for yourself,
1 did hot complain of the height our
fl'ig was In the ir. Ha anyone rm.lii,
the explanation given Soma werka ago
can aee. i,ul I ,11,1 complain of he
length of the pole which acts ,
the tower about two feel leaving almut
an S foot ik' for a lo foot flag wy
This left the flag to wrap around the
tower and tear.
The dirk's wife mended It fnr ua and
then with Ihe consent ,f the Hoard
(who first wunted It wrapped up and
laid away), w pinned I not nailed ua the
Heaver Creek correspondent aal.ti u in
llic front part of the hulldlng where "the
liol.le stars and atrlpeg- are In full view
of the t-ntha hool,
lining Inanimate I do ot think Ihe
Hog will rT..r frilIn ,h rfti.rll of
lli uver Creek aetond halo!..,! k
of Which the rorrespotolrnt J
h.tve such a horror;.
I prornlaed If the rnrrcannn.l. ...i .i.
he whs ao greatly annoyed ,y lis t,on-
3- J"W-
ThebcM known jrtiide to married lmnnl.
nraa Is to hold t. ul,l,:1d , yol, wonX
ovcr-hy cl..erf..liir of diKpitj,,,, M.
lent! am) keep,,,,, your youthful looU
capped by thus,. ,n, , wlj(.h womrn"
whirl, m, tC","Ml""ly w"lng trouble
wh ch Bfll.rt h, r arc apt t caune a sour
d pnMUo,i, l,e,vousc,s ,1 bccloudrd
I)r, k.V. I'ierce. tl- sjiccialim in woman's
penencr ,n t,,.., Nll.,, lht ff '
tlat certain roots and he,bs niR r ,
liquid cxttact, would help Uir major S
of cane,. This he railed I)r. I'icrrc's l',T
vortte I'rescnption. ThousamU f wm' '
have te.Mif.rd to it, merit,, ,, j, p"
is sold by all medicine dealers This U
a potent tunic fr the w,ay Hy" J
.So iuuch fauh ha, Ir. Pierce i It, yn"rr i,,
Hint he off,.,. $v r,,ltl, for aMys;r,, i
W'Ucorrhea. Female We-iknena iV i
or liallino r ' I ,lK"?H i rllmii,,
or lailinir of Wouib, w i ch he rum..
Favorite lr' H- ripti,,,, " m,lk,.s . .
women iron, sick L,cn
no suhHtttute for tin- medicine w id, Jo ,1.
wonders for weak wotne,, " H",k,,
Dr. Pierce', Common Sciihp Medicil
Wz&Zs&x. -aft
Main Street, Duffiilo, N. y.
4U or HO foot Itoln. In no. ....
he ve,y glad to do ,;
Ihe teacher mid pupils wis), ,u , "
Dug In the ai hool timtn, ,i "'
as It would concern anyoiio 1
It Would pel Imps t wise fr ,,
lispondeiil hear In mi,,,)
tlelijiiliiln I'laiikllti ptcni11( j
Who alleluia atih lly ( ,) ' '
tin seldom time to uii..i, , I
of oihera."
... y
Dti.rvt, vour Patron
Tha growth of
Mil...' ..MM Of lt I....M1 1..... ..
" '-'" oeiimilul). i
Hitlli hIw ..n ll.ri l..bl... .
la well enough to preach "patroeuT
Industry'' but escept th aervi
at a home Inatllulluti equala H... J
nf-lowii enterprtaea, this aigum, '
rlea no weight and la sntliy ' '
rd. aa It should b. lint with iit
.eoiio li n iimiomihi, A few -....
1.' I. I..I.M...- . .
cada Uimdry. It U a-iuiptMHj
l.l.ai lno.rif..1 ......l.l. . '" I
' ...-...,,, aiH
turning out wots; mat la ii
and auiierlor to tnunh of n,.
work that la being d.ma In fj!
llelng homo Institution and fumkf
employment tor many Oregon
it la enjoying an Immenaa i-,,
Tha high standard of h work
4nfia e.iHin.ana It In
" anersj kjf
b promptly called for and dlJ
any part of tha city, TaUphoa, J
a. yonnaon, propiietor.
A II&0.000 eshlt.lt of the priMlw
the rtilllpplna Islands will M g
eating feutuio f tha Chlte.l Mt,
niioirnl a rtiagfllfliwnt prk liti
the lwla A Clark Kipoalit,,,,.
Mrs Kva Kmrry ly. at.ih.ie a .
Colniural " who has een hu.y fw J
era! nmnina trai Ing i1ea'tidaliti g
Irf-wla A Clark pally olh-r tk
lea.l. ra of Dial famous rirwdltl,
I,h t. .l ai fowler. California. (
the ' Hoy Hhannon" freijrhlly Rm
ed In Ihe Joumala of tha eipl-mf
la Judae J l Hhamion. an
reatrcd teald'tlt i.f KoWlrr f, t
yeara Judge Hhannoii haa artTiti
Imitation In I the guest of th,
Clark KiMiann, which la to l h
celebration 'f the centrnnial of
Uwia and CUrk i:wdlti..n, oa Ju
Ihe rtilig ilay
Don't Barrow Trout) I
ll la a bad hat.lt t.rr,i in
bul Ihe Dotal thing )oit sn r
I-.J-OW. la troill le Win i airt
heavy, weory and w.nn out by th, t
and tilaona of il).,.la bltl
llrtght a illaraae. and similar
.la,ir,.-ra il.m l alt down and hfo
)"ir aymplotna. bul t. for nl
I'.lei trie Hlllera rfw ) on all
cuie and permanent fotgetf ulneaj
)uur troubles, and your l1y a
Iw burdened by a load of oVht t.
Al Howell a Jones drug store
' Uunranteed
lam't trgvel orer lh Iltlnoii Ot
aa ny old rogj wlj dp yo w
don't wnt your ptrun: te
you ara particular and want IhtJ
ana moan to hava It. ask tha c
agpnt ta rotita you rta tto ILUN
CENTRAL tha road that ron. ttir
aolbi vestibtila. trains blm
Paul. Omaha, Chleairo, St lA
Mernphla and Now Orlaatu.
No additional charja la midtfc
anat In our rcrlinlnt chair can:
ra Bttt'd with lavatorioa ami i-
Inj roim, and bar a porturlif
IlatM via tha IUiN0!3 CENT!
am thn lliweal an, I .Ill I.. .1.'
quota tbt-tn In connection wit. I
transcontinental lirw.
Commercial Agimt, HJ Third If
Portland. Ori'gon.
J. C. LLN'D8ln
T. l.k V. A.. 112 Third Sfrwt,f
land. Oregon.
PaS . a . ?
rri. anq t'taaonr A;nt. Co!:
Iii'lg, Soattlo, Waahinrton.
ars knowa .y vtial they h I
mwii. fnr nair a Mfiluff ILVT
nifi BWetl till. M.Hil...1-l..f.fll
raiwu one to prmluea blagar. It.
nns baa anv othaira. MuM
t an iiaalam. I og Heeg A a.
aaal ffttto all applleaiita.
0. M. FERRY A. CO.,
Datrolt, Mloh.
tkm IsTtjiU V.' X
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A Delightful Beverage
A Safe Stimulant
A Good Medicine
For Salt by
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ola Aganoy for Oragon City-