Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 07, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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fit I. KM. A K l.- l" yriirn H 1 1 1 1 H'll
ih iikh. "" 11 '" HKXtMilK or June V,
H l itlllK llMll WIlU'll I llllVlClN
.....I I I,., 1,1 M. i . lll ...... I.,
,y I III' . iiM....-
j, r,. I, 1 1 HI M I Will lIcHpcllitu CKl'tlpe
, ill.' hiiki'ii (ii'iilhiilliiry by iiniino
IllllM htllllHIH I" I n III U)' i:illlil.
J, k iihhi tin1 oiiIkIiI"'. Thin liliimly
J,,. ,.! I III' IIVcS llf I til ' llf I III' ll'IINl-
IhiiiiIk. I'VimU Ki'iTill, II. T. Tlffiiny
14 I! I , JiHM ". nun wi'ii" i in mi iy
,,, ,l i i illy cliiil ili'wii iimim Huh
i.y the iiiui'l''ii'W mvli'lM In Mink
Hi. II inrnl"'.
,,tiy lii'Hi ""' """ Wl'1" I'"
,,,11, 1,, fur Tiin'y Mini Mi-lilll U'l llnti
aiiii Mini iiiiiiiniiillliiii with whli h in
uli. Hull ili-uilly Wink we hclllml
I, luilD 11 1 1 l Will Ih' IlKlllKlll III'" III
H)l III" lIlll'U" "I IIIHIlli'l III till'
,,lil fill' III" I'MII ' '! Ill Hl
,1mm mill rull'liliiil''il ' iiftnlr.
,,. iiii-n iir I lul l y Wi ljthl mnl
ill M'lllli'. I"'ll w 1 1 IM'Velttl uIIums,
the fniiiiT I it iliilntt three yr
, un. In lit"' Wwll" WmIIh ihIhoii fur
ltd '. wlillx lh IiiIIt l mil
l hi the i'nK"H 'il""M. wlih u l.
Hi lltl'lllp l" "He f'H iHH Kllli y,
... nlllnm nf till" ruilllly liuvn In i ll
Llntf ii'ti 'he "" fur m-U'ltil
ii mnl Imvn dually iiiihul t llir
,i wlu'ir I '"'I ' tnii liny Imve
hkIm fvlil'-iM1 Willi wliliii to tiiiii
llir iwii rout Irl, HIIil I ! i mi. will
i.j , .iiu Ii I iiinui' in mmr mill jury,
I, will colivrlto III this illy II. M
i'lm .
Country Correspondence
H'oiilliiiii'il from I'iihh a),
Johnnie roiiiiiiyiiiiiii whd Nt'i'ti iui,.
curly HiiiiAuy timiiiliiK mi Ii In wny id
rulnii. Mill, Whin Ih II i. Jin k?
Our school ti Him Ihik !,., n riiuih in.
H iiv imI by in fr hiiiIhk litnl IiiiiikIiiK of
Dim pilan ili Iiiikk. i;,Uii h m lionl rc
cclvcil n ml prise In tin. I'liiiniy fr
lllllllllIM llll- III'Ml Improvement. riy
ll'lC I'llllHlMll'l) of r.llir IllHllllll'lll il-
luii-n, Our limber, MInm Join- khvh an
i-iiti iliiliiiiH m fur Din pin pom, f fi mri
Inn III. in mnl otherwise niiryliiK on the
Kiioil Wulk llf llllllllvlHK,
A. J, Aniuill lift IiihI Krhliiy for Crr
loii. fiiim thru, i wm , Mitnniinirilid
liy IiIn futln r iiml will ih fi w w-i-k
vlnllliiK In Viiliiiinu.
i;ini"i' lHmni, of Hi In illy, iiim .,.t up.
poltiii'il miiiuiili-iiii-iit nf llit 1'iiiiliry
i xhllill m ili 1'wU ft 1'li.rk Kitlr.
Hiv, Wllllnm Miikoii, M Willi ColiK
niiiliitiiil MInlNli'i- lulu nt J'liiiinii'n
mmir, North ' Wnl-, In vlnllInK Ili'V, It.
II. Owrn t jirfHcnt.
Minn l-lzitli' Thimmn vIxltlnK nt
WHinoi k' Tui-u'lny nlittit,
MImm A Un Mllliird wan cnllInK In town
Mtcommtndalloni of CltUm en
0. W. P. Co.'i Frnchl.
!i,r h . ..iiiinriMiuiiiiii hi iu mmi'im
i iiiliii' iIihI pi nt IkI nutnii
fn-lnlll flUlirtlllwi if III" O. W, I'.
i.iiv Im not illMni Iwil wait iihui
..II llllili'it ut lilt lltn'tlllK lif t llf
n il Wnlui ily i vi iiltiit. No fur
h, y.in Win lin'l on llin oliji.i-t t,y
r.nilli II.
in. u Uil of 'Ui kiimnn 1'iiiiniiia (imiicr
iMilill,' iiitnula, rrftiiril to niiiiltlrp
hrnllll mnl Hllrr.
'11111111'' III' 11 .lHl flOIII 1 M'
II I In l.'i I-I lliolllll ll, IIIM, llf incut
I'U ia nu t n ipili t il. ulll 111 II Irfrr
i in thu iriii'iriy iiitiinll !'.
, i.lilPllllli f Wit p.innnl aulllollllllg
. u lii rnti-r lulu it ronirai-t with Hir
fnuii'l UmiiibI lentil' f'umpany fur
i. w nllii l UgllUlIK rVi' fill u lilll
jt i .l'i h r iiiniith for li t' lih i' of Ih
, mi.llr Hir i u- Unlit.
.Illlullii Wri llllriMlur'i pl'il'llll
i hi- iiuililiitK of only n no t wlk on
i ntn-it Uiwiin Klivr-nlli irft unit
lUmln, irilui Iiik front IJ !0 to tl.bO
fn nf llin t'lty Alloim-y for plow
t v.mmii'y i. ivinl tuiothrr for
kIHK llir ! of tlx' llllplo rnii-lit of
I Ktlrlt.
ii- llilllutril itollul Wa llppliiillHll-d
feiil III ill-fin) lull Dip iHm Iimi of rlili-r-
nK tin- li. A. It 'l'liti who will
i. Un- kihiiinI uliili- i-ll'Blllpmillt of
"iii.inlull.iii w lih It will ( li"l'l hr
l-'liin wi.utlur I Dm okIit of the i)ny.
Ml, Wm. Illulini mnl A. HIhIwii inuilr,
u liimlii- nip In I'liiiliiinl thiM wi-i-k.
Idv. II M Join,, i,f I'liiilmiil iiillfi
on fili ii'ln In-ii- till wi-i k.
Hiillor HolM-il mnl ihiiiiuc iiik work
Inn ut pi i m ot for In, Join .
Flunk Iiml Inli-ml Ii-ihImk fur J'urt
lini'l Uil wi-rk.
Mi I.. Imffy Hii.l A, 'riioiim loili llin
I', of II lillly kiiiiI l"l H'ltiniliiy.
Mivpnil of Un- yiiiinK folk who iit-tt-tlill-il
till' ililld nt K. HoWMHl' IlINt
M.il ut il.iy HHirlKil ii kimmI linn-.
lii-liillvi un- vlxltliiK J. Ilohlunili'i- ut
pn m nt
II. Iiml wii (M-i'ii hiiii1.i1 Inwiiril Ih"
llriivrr 'n-i-k Ktniv IiihI Wfi-k. Tlici"
inonl li muni- nt I ii I ! Inn Illrk
Mi I, W. Thntiin rulli'il on fiU-inl
itt ('inn tlil wi-ik
Ml 1.. 1'Htry mnl II. Thmim f ntlr-d
on H I'. InnllK'Mi mnl futnlly tlil wnk.
I., luk''i' rnlliil on Hii'tnli-miiii llin.
Int Hun, lay.
Thi'i" will In' pn-iii lilntt t Iti" Mi'llin
iIIhI rhiirrh ill-Hi Hiiinliiy, hy III" pwttor,
hnlli ill 11 it. in. mnl II p in.
Hnpl. I., It. FIHil mnl iillii-r rullroHil
nllli'liilN tut vi- In ii iloliiK I'linl'V of hit",
Tim Mi'tlni'llnt I -mil'-' AM Noddy
Kiiv" it Horliil hint Wi-,1 ni-n'lii y i-vt-nliiK.
J. II, Wllki-iHoii J at lioiri" thl wi-t-k.
'I'hi, iiilhoinl rompmiy I i-rnployliiK H
luiKi-r iiiiiiihir of n i i-ii In our niniiiiiiilly
now. An extra fn-w I nt wm k ri-inov-
In Koiiin nl, I tnnk from th" kiiivi-I pit.
K. A. IliiHi nkiHtiN lin jimt rnovi ,1 Into
tin, HliiKMtlll lion", Ih" hoimi- tin vit
riiti'il huvliiK hii-n noli) to VV. II. Ilitlr.
lliTiry Hinllli wiM a nor" IiihI Wi-il-iii'Nihiy
for II HH. It piiy to rulmi KooO
hoi i-.
Ili-v. Mr. Ann I now mior of thn
IikhI ClirlNlliin iliiiif-h, Jlw Hnd lit "X
ii Hi lit Wlfi- Imvtr lnovi',1 miluliK ii. ho I
Iii-Iii iniiililf to K- t u lioiiHi- hip iiii upy
liiK room In tin- Iiiiukd nf Mr. H. T. Klnli-i-r.
Mr. I'mlyli-, who him until nwi-iitly
lii i-n i iikii' il In tht- liiilrhi-r IhihIiii-h
Ihti', lin movi-il lo llnhliunl wln-rt lit
will oin,n up a hoi. Mr. Iloyt, ulo of
! tlil plui " will Ih? hhkim lat'-i with him
iiml will in, iw Hoon.
lluKiro" Mink tin I '-li 1 ty hi-'-ii HxIiik
iip III Klint HlM-i-t iron-l ty iit'piiratoiy
lo opmilnK I ''!' I "Htiit" liiinlii'HH. Mr.
J.ih. Ailkln will ulo lit-. v.- un oflli't- In
tin' itm room, till In In- In ilniiK" "f
Wiiirt-n Ki'inliill.
Tin, mill oml I'ompuny Im-kmh tin- wink
if IIIIIiik In purl of Hi,' MoIhIIii tn-ntli,
Iiiihi Hiiniliiy. An t'luiltn- with wvwi i-m
iiiovi th" uriivfl whlrh I louil"(l In th
w-Ml i-tiil of Un- kiiivi-I pit liy ii mi-inn
hovr min h liii'K' i' than th" oin- whli.-h
wu tuki-ii 'iiilli from hi-i" lut Winter.
Tin- n-Kuliir itw of "unity tm-n wne
wm kin w ith It.
At tn"t-ilng of tin- t rut!v rnnimlt
lin of tin' i 'unity "imimi"i'tlri(t Ao-
-liitlon. Ii'-I'l hi-i" on th" 2M tilt. It wu
ii-i-il"il lo holil Ih" iiiniuul i-mnpmi-i-tliiK
J mi" :"i lo July .
alil tout of the Improvement of Maid
Tblnl tr""t from thu Eat lln of Main
Mtftt-t Eatrly to th Kant line of Ilall-
i road Avcrnjf, I the Hum of 1489.41, and
iK-rlhii and Kiiiik:" llanltiKton top- ( th rfmalnlng two-third of th total
pt-il i-hool )at ThnrNday. j prohahln cot 1 1978.79,
I.IH rary I (fi ltltiu alonK llti". Tht?r Now, Therefore, oald mm of $9711.79 I
wu u larxu crowd out lul Kutnrday
i-vi-tiliiK - everyhody Iiml a kooI time.
Mr. Oi-rher wa the guent of Mr. Wm.
Biililow Huturday rilxhl.
Ml Hnlilow wu vImIIIiik All BintV-r
I In- oilier day, v
Mr. Iliii-kin-r I hunllrig lumber. He
expert to hull,) hi holme oon.
Mr. White' little hoy had hi linger
eitt off hint Hiiniliiy whllt; playing with
a wedge.
Alvln Andrew I getting along line,
Mr. Bmllh I Improving very lowly,
hu 1 not hntne yet.
Quit a n urn her of young folk went
Axlilng Monday,- but didn't catch many
11h. Kay, glil. yon will have to be. mor-
4 Uli'i next time.
We W511 Gu&tf&ntee
Near Huntley'B Druii Store,
'.Ireat Britain aul Amt-rica.
Kftital Catarrh quickly yield to tri
tudtit by Kly's Crrn Mm, which i K",
l,ly romtio. It 1 rceiied through th
uoatrila, 1mo nd hJa th whol car
(c otr vhkh it diffiwoa IUlf. lrugKiU
ell th hOe. Trial k hj nail, 10
rnu. Tt it taJ you are iur to oo&linu
the trMtUM-nt.
Announof incut.
To tooonnioUat Uiom who r ixxtitl
to th um of aUituixeri in )lyiDg IiUitI
into th oaaal ihuhum for fttarrhal trviu
Utt, the mprietort tretr Cream Ulm in
lliiuid form, whlrh will-U known u Ely'
Liqtiia Crem Ilalm. I'rice including th
jimyiug tult U 75cuU. Iruglu or by
mall. 'J be liquid form embodiea th md.
teloftl jiropertie of th olld irrprtion.
The telephone eein In l- quite humly
in till iit of th" rutin try, et-ela!ly
to the boy and alii.
Cotiwuy art- going lo move to Olud
ni,iiie ioti. I um aure we are all aorry
lo pint with our dear friend.
Ml Kllu and Kuil huts wi-re the
giiet of M'-t'ord lut Sunday.
Mr. t'iMiier' aiier, from Idaho. I
vllllttg ut 1'iMipei iiuw for her health,
he I grnitly improving.
Mi. Kellogg Went to I'ot tlund Himday
but returned Monday evening.
Mr. K. White tut been on the lick lint,
but la Improving.
Ml Anna Myi-i hit Im-i-m quite lrk
but I Itetter.
Mr. Hlley I getting along fine after no
lung a time III. We are glad to hear It.
Ml Hertha Thonia who ha been
quit" III. I Improving very fut.
Ml Kthel Holme wu calling on Con
way' Sunday.
Mr. and Mr, faieb Cro of Oregon
"ll y un; lull Iiik at Mr. Jo; Boring.
Mr. and Mr. 0. W. Ix-rry pent Hun
day with her parent. Mr. and Mr. W,
A. Hlarkweather, of Concord,
Mr. Irvln Hawk, of I'aikplace, and
uIho Mr. ;,-!. JolniMton, of Hunnyalde,
were mi-it on our atreet nii day Iat
Mr. and Mr. Cha. Hoyer. Mr. Frank
Hi, ill and Mlxter Annie and Imlm-, were
gui t of Mr. A. Nt well and fatnlly laat
Th" Infant un of Mr. Henry lloff
mi later died April 4th, uge. one week.
Mr. KiiHie (irlflirt and Mr. Nan Mum
IMiwer and children, of Stow, were vla
lllng at A. W, Cooke' Monday.
Mr. K. M. Oaburn, road upervlmr of
UlMtrlt-t No. 3, wan iteen riding around
one day lat week, viewing the road
and bridge.
Mr. Geo. Dullali. u brother of Mr. Bid
and Hill Linlla. came here from Kana
kint week, with the Intention of locating
to save you 1 0 per cent, over other dealers on either
Mixed Paint or Lead, and Oil. If you contem
plate painting, and of course you do, because you
want your house to look the best in the neigh
borhood, don't hesitate after getting other prices
to come to us. We assure you the quality can't
be equaled in the city.
If you use Lead, use Pioneer or Atlantic brands,
they are the best. If you use Mixed Paint you
want NEW ERA, it can't be beat.
Something around the place that needs painting. If it's your house
we would recommend New Era Mixed Paint at $1.65 or Regal
Mixed Paint $1.50 per gallon. The first is guaranteed to wear five
years and both the manufacturers and ourselves stand back of the
guarantee This means that if any time during that period you are
not satisfied with the paint in every respect we will, without cost to
you, repaint your house at our expense. Couldn't be more fair could
it? Maby it s your barn, if so we can furnish you material at an ex
pense of 75c per gallon that will wear an age. Climax Carriage Paint
will make your old buggy or cart look like new, and the expense is
nominal. Two quarts, at 75c per quart, wil- cover an ordinary buggy.
One coat is all that is necessary. If your floors look shabby when
you are cleaning house buy a can of Varno-Floor Stain or Lacqueret
and touch them up you will be surprised at the improvement. A
package of Calcimo ot a cost of 50c will put a neat, new finish on your
wall. Remember we carry everything in the Psint, Oil, Varnish and
Brush line and will be glad to furnish you with all the advice and
information at our command for the asking. .
Meltable HDr-uists
hereby aeed to the aeveral Iota and
part of lot and tract of land abutting
on the portion of Third atreet to be Im
proved, In the reHpectlve amount et
oppolt the number and description
thereof In aectlon three (3) of thl ordi
nance, fi being benefitted by ald atreet
Improvement. In ald amount.
Section 2. The Recorder l hereby di
rected to enter a tftatement of the a-
et!ment hereby made, In the Docket
of nty Llena, and cause notice thereof
to lie published a provided by the City
Section. 3.
Ixjta 3 and 0. I'.lock 2, Portland
Flouring Mill Company f 47.67
Uixn i and 5. Mock" 2H, Oregon
Water 1'ower & Hallway Co., 202.5
Ut t, filock 29, McMlnnvlIle Col- -
lege 335.08
Itt 2, lilock 29, T. L. Charman., 76.25
Lot 7, lilock 2D, the Northerly
of the Northerly V4. of Mary K.
Motie, Agne Mllln and Clara M.
I'lckena 32.8
lA,t 7, Block 29, Southerly 4 of and
the Southerly of the Northerly
'4 of, Charles E. Bray, Kebeeca
T. Bray and Anna K. Khoade.
Lot 8, Block 29. Southerly thirty
feet of, Mary E. Moore, Agne
. Mllln and Clara M. rickens..,.
I-ot 8, Block 29. Northerly thirty
six feet of, Corporation of Ore
gon City 180.02
Head first time and ordered published
at a regular meeting of the Council of
Oregon City, held Wednesday, April 6th,
By order of the Council of Oregon City.
The Great
Slaughter Sale
Mr. and Mi. l'omierlne and two
children viited at Mr. Weddles Sunday.
C. I'ollvka with hi two older children
walked out enojylng the pleasant day
Kundiiy. and culled at the children'
grandparent, Mr. and Mr. Weisenbom.
The eldest, a boy of five. I of an In
quiring tmn of mind, and got hold of a
bottle of carbolic acid and tried to taste
It. but only got a drop on hi tongue and
lip and threw the bottle down, but the
family did not know how much he had
swullowed and there wa a scared lot of
folk for a wlille. He could not eat much
for two or three meal, but I all right
again now.
Henry Baker who went lo Arizona a
number of year ago, after undergoing
un opeiatlun fur lung trouble has re
turned, very much improved In health.
Another land buyer was in town this
week. Itld not hear that he bought any.
The tax assessor I around. Look out
for him.
Mr. Cage ha lost about a third of his
sheep. They are very poor, some of
them can hardly stand up. They have
been having plenty of hay. A man told
him the other day It was aalal they had
eaten. He said he had known of a
number of flock the same way. The
dry seamiti last summer killed out so
much grass and other green stuff that
sheep like, and the salal wa about the
only green thing they could see o they
ate that, and It plays havoc with their
Intel nul organs.
The Farmer Line of telephones U
Betting well along towards Wilsonvllle.
Well, the more the merrier. Simon Pet
ers has both phones. They have become
almost a necessity in every house. If
one wants to use them very bad once in
a year, It will have paid for ftself.
Mr. Fanner' baby, who was sick when
Its mother died, caught the measles and
wits iulte III at last accounts. It Is
with relatives In Portland.
We heur that Mr. Saldern wants to
ell his place.
Mr. Seedling Is to raise his barn Sat
urday. Mrs. Wooilhonse hus a sister visiting
her front Oklahoma.
Mrs. Henry Schatx has her new carpet
home, and is very much pleased with it.
tick Kllegsen is trying to drum tip the
rest of the petitioners to work out their
Husessment on the new road to Oregon
City. They have all worked except 4 or
then the road will have to stand till
next time.
Mrs. Gebhardt has been staying with
Mrs. Leetuntm who hits been sick.
An ordinance assessing the probable
cost of the Improvement of Third street
from the Kast line of Main street East
erly to the East line of Railroad Avenue
of Oregon City. Oregon, and directing
tin entry of such assessment in the
Docket of City Liens.
Oregon City Does Ordain at Follows:
Section 1. That whereas the Council
of Oregon City having ascertained and
determined that the probablo cost of Im
proving Third street from the East line
of Main street Easterly to the East line
of Railroad Avenue of Oregon City, Ore
gon, as provided by Ordinance No. 309
to be the sum of $1468.20, and
Whereas, tinder the provisions of Sec
tion 85 of Chapter 13 of the Charter of
Oregon City, us amended, It is directed
thut one-third of the total cost of the
Improvements of streets shall be paid
from the permanent street "Improvement
fund," and
Whereas, one-third of the total prob-
An Ordinance to provide for the con
struction and repair of sidewalks on
Main street between Eleventh street and
the Basin in Oregon City.
Ortgon City Dots Ordain at Follow:
Section 1. It Is hereby made the duty
of all owner of lands adjoining Main
street In Oregon City between Eleventh
street and the Basin to construct, re
construct and maintain In good repair,
the sidewalks in front of said lands, and
all sidewalks to be constructed hereafter
In front of the said land by any of the
said owner, shall be of concrete made In
proportion of three parte of aand. four
parts of washed gravel not to exceed
one Inch In it greatest diameter and
one part of cement of standard brand.
with a smooth hard surface finish not
less than one-half Inch thick to be made
of one part cement and one part sand
mixed and laid according to plana and
siteciflcations to be furnished by the
City Engineer. Any sidewalk hereafter
to be constructed In front of said lands
shall be of the even width of ten feet
with a rise from the curb of one-fourth
Inch to the foot and with a concrete
curb six Inches thick on top, eight inches
thick on the bottom and eighteen Inches
high, -
Section 2. If the owner of any lot or
part thereof fronting upon the said por
tion of Main street shall surfer any side
walk along the same to become out of
repair, it shall be the duty of the Street
Commissioner to post a notice on the
adjacent property, headed "NOTICE TO
KEPAIR SIDEWALK" In letters not
less than one inch in length and said
notice shall. In legible characters, direct
the owner, agent or occupant of said
property. Immediately to repair the same
in a good and substantial manner, and
the Street Commissioner shall rile with
the Recorder, an affidavit of the post
ing of such notice, stating the date when
and the place where the same Is posted.
The Recorder shall, ' upon receiving the
attldavits of the Street Commissioner,
send by mail a notice to repair said side
walk to the owner (if known); of such
property, or to the agent (if known) of
the owner, and directed to the post-omce
address .of such owner or agent, when
such post-olllce address is known to the
recorder, and if such post-office address
be unknown to the Recorder, such notice
shall be directed to such owner or agent
at Oregon City, Oregon.
Section 3. The owner, agent or occu
pant, before making such repairs, shall
obtain from the City Engineer a permit
so to do. which shall prescribe the kind
of repitira to be made, the material to be
used, and specifications therefor, and the
owner, agent or occupant, shall make
said repairs within thirty days from the
date of posting said notice.
Section 4. If the owner, agen. or occu
pant of any such lot or part thereof or
parcel of land, shall fail, neglect or re
fuse to make the sidewalk repairs within
the time designated, the Street Commis
sioner shall make the same, and keep an
accurate account of the cost of the labor
and materials In making the repairs In
front of each lot or parcel of land, and
shall' report such cost to the council, and
the description of the lot or part there
of, or parcel of land, fronting upon the
sidewalk upon which said repairs are
made, and the cost thereof shall con
stitute a Hen upon the abutting property
and shall be collected In like manner as
assessments for Street improvements.
Section 5. All ordinances and parts of
ordinances in conflict herewith are here
by repealed.
Read first time and ordered published
at a regular meeting of the Council of
Oregon City, held Wednesday. April 5th,
By order of the Council of Oregon City.
Is Now Going on at
Cyclone of
Circumstances compel us
o close out our immense
stock of seasonable mer
chandise at prices that will
startle this community and
open the , purse-strings of
every economical purchas
er. Everything will be
marked down.
Everything Must Go
A Cyclone of Bargains
A rare opportunity. To
miss this immense money
saving sale would be a great
loss to you. 'Watch for our
ad in next week's issue.
Dry Goods, Fancy Goods,
Notions, Etc.
Main Street, Harding Block
Oregon City, Oregon
Bean tit ) lit l4 w Hart lw Bctlfflt
Subscribe for the Enterprise
222 South Peoria St,
Chicago, In.., Oct. 7, 1902.
Eight months ago I wu so ill
that I was Compelled to li or tit
down nearly all the tim. My
stomach was so weak and upset
that I could keep nothing- on it
and I vomited frequently. I
could not urinate without great
pain and I coughed to much that
my throat and lungs were raw
and sore. The dooton pro
nounced it Bright's disease and
others said it was consumption.
It mattered little to me what
they called it and I had no de
sire to lire. A sister risited me
from St. Louis and asked ma if
I had ever tried Wine of Cardui.
I told her I had not and she
bought a bottle. I believe that
it saved my life. I believe many
women could save much suffer
ing if they but knew of its value.
Don't you want freedom from
pain? Take Wine of Cardui
and make one supreme effort to
be well. You do not need to be
a weak, helplen sufferer. You
can have a woman's health aad
do a woman's work in life. Why
not sectlre a bottle of Win af
Cardui from your drugg Ut la
Bears th - A TI Kind You Haw Always Bfliifit
Th Kind You Haw Always
An almost, infallible raae!y for dis
eases of the Throat, fcnd Lungs,
known & used the world over for
almost a Century.