Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 07, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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In the Circuit Court of the Butt of Ore-
on, for the County of Clackamas.
Ralph H. Slaughter, rtalnuft.
C. A. Ryan. Mr. C. A. Ryan and P. H.
Marlay. Defendant.
To C. A. Ryan. Mr. C. A. Ry an, and
P. II. Marlay, defendant above named:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
In the above entitled suit by the first
day of the next term of the above entitl
ed Court following the expiration of the
time prescribed in the Order for publi
cation of the summons, which first day
will be the Hth day of April, 1905. and
If you fall to appear and answer, for
want thereof plaintiff will apply to said
Court for the relief demanded In his com
plain L
The relief demanded in the foreclosure
of a certain Mortgage executed by de
fendant C. A. Ryan on or about the Tth
day of Jury, 1909, to secure the payment
of a certain promissory note for 1200 00,
with Interest at t per cent, per annum,
and which said mortgage conveyed unto
plaintiff for that purpose the following
described real property, situated In
Clackamas County, State of Oregon: Be
ing a part of the William Greshong D.
L C. T. t, 8. R. 1 E, W. M. bounded as
Beginning $0 rods X. of the S. K. cor
ner of the said D. JL. C. on the Eastern
line thereof; thence W. io rods; thence
N. 40 rods; thence E. ISO rods to the
said claim line; thence 8. 40 rods to the
place of beginning containing 40 acres.
And a further decree barring and fore
closing you said C. A. Ryan and P. H.
Marlay of and from any and all right,
title or interest in or to said real prop
erty and every part thereof.
This summons Is published by Order
of the Honorable Thos. F. Ryan. County
Judge for the County of Clackamas.
State of Oregon, made March J, IMS.
Attorney! for Plaintiff.
This sum moos is published by order
of the Hon. The. F. Ryan. Judge of the
County Court, of Clackamas county,
made and entered on March 2d. directing
the first publication thereof to be made
on March id, 105. and the last publica
tion on April 14th. IMS.
Attorney for Plaintiff
Executor's Notice
In the county Court of Oregon.
Clackamas County.
In the matter of the Estate of John
Ritter. deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has been duly appointed by an
order of the above entitled Court made
and entered on the tth day of March.
IK. Executor of the Estate of John
Ritter, deceased.
All persons having claims against said
estate are hereby required to present
the same with the proper vouchers, as
by law required, at the office of W. 8.
Hurst, in Aursra. Marlon county, Ore
gon within six months from the date
Dated the :iJ day of March. 1M6.
Executor of the Estate of John Ritter.
so the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the County of Clackamas,
rive C Packwood. Plaintiff,
William H. Packwood. Defendant
To William H. Packwood. the above
aamed defendant:
m the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint Bled against you
In the above entitled Court and suit on
or before the last day of the period of
six weeks from the date of the first pub
lication of thia summons, to-wit: on or
before April 14. 1J05. and If you fail to
so appear and answer said complaint,
the above named plaintiff will apply to
the Court for the relief demanded there
in, to-wlt: For a decree dissolving the
bonds of matrimony now existing; be
tween said plaintiff and defendant, and
that plaintiff be given the custody of
Frederick W. Packwood and Mary J.
Packwood. the two minor children of
plaintiff and defendant Thia summons
is published In pursuance of an order of
Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, Judge of the County
Court, made on the 2Jd day of February,
IMS. The time prescribed In said order
for the publication of this summona is
once a week for six consecutive weeks.
The date of the first publication thereof
is the 3d day of March. 1905.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice to Creditors.
Estate of Alexander Thomson, deceased:
Notice Is hereby given by the under
signed, executor of the estate of Alex
ander Thomson, deceased, to the credit
ors of all persons having claims against
said deceased or his estate, to exhibit
them, with the necessary vouchers, with
in six months after the first publication
of this notice, to said executor at the
office of t"ren ft Schuebel. In Oregon
City. Oregon, within six months after
the 31st day of March. 1M5.
This notice dated and first publication
hereof March II. 1905.
Executor of the Estate of Alexander
Thomson, deceased.
CRen Schuebel. Attorneys for said
In the Circuit Court of the State at
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Robert C. Helscr and Otto llelser.
F. M. Smith. II. V. Smith. Sarah J
Crvighton. M, J. Alexander. Jennie
Cole, Julius Smith. Charles 8. Smith,
Edna Myers, Uraee Jones. Archibald
Smith. C. A. Smith. Wesley Smith.
Minnie Hodley. Adellna Pearson. Ward
Smith. Hubert Icehouse and Iconic
ihoue. Defendants.
To F. M. Smith . H. F. Smith. Sarah
J. Cretghton. M. J, Alexander, Jennie
Cole. Julius Smith. Charles 8. Smith
Edna Myers. Grace Jones, Archibald
Smith. C. A. Smith. Wesley Smith. Mln
nle Hodlcy. Adellna Pearson. Ward
Smith. Hubert Lrhouse and I-conle Le
house. Defendants.
In the name of the state of Oregon:
Tou are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
In the above entitled suit, on or before
Saturday.. April 2. IMS, the same being
six weeks from the date of the first pub
ncation or mis summons; ana ir you
fall to so appear or answer, for want
thereof plaintiffs will apply to the court
for the relief demanded In the complaint.
That defendants may be required to
set forth the nature of their claims, and
that all adverse claims of defendsnts
and each of them may be determined
by a decree of this court That bjr said
decree It may be declared and adjudged
that defendants, nor any one of them,
have no Interest or estate whatever In
or to said land or premises; and that the
title of plaintiffs is good and valid. That
defendants be forever enjoined and de
barred from asserting any claim what
ever In or to said land and prrmlsra
adverse to plaintiffs, and for such other
and further relief as this court may
deem meet and equitable In the premti
es. and for their costs and disburse
ments. (The land and premises to which
title la to be quieted Is described as fol
lows, to-wit: Beginning at a point I
chain south of tbe NE corner of Sec.
. T. 2. 8R I, E of the W M.. running
thenw wat to the west line of the
Benjamin Smith D. U C. and the east
line of the Cnvaller Richardson D. L. C;
thence South to the BE corner of the
i said Richardson D. U C; thence east
Notice is hereby given that I will not ! to the east line of said Sec. ; thence
be responsible for any debts or accounts j north to the place of beginning, contain-
contracted by my wife. Adaline Hamll
ton, who has left roe without cause or
March 1st. DOS.
April 14.
Notlca af Final Settlement
Estate of William Barlow, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has filed In the County Court of
the State of Oregon for the County of
Clackamas his final account as execu
tor of the said estate and that the said
court has set Monday, the first day of
May, 1905, at the hour of ten o'clock
a. m- of said day at the court room of
said court In Oregon City, as the time
and place for hearing objections to the
said final account
Executor of the Estate of William Bar
low, deceased.
Hedges 4 Griffith. Attorneys for Execu
tor. First publication March II, 1905.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the County of Clackamas.
Adelphl Allen, Plaintiff,
J. Guy Allen, Defendant.
To J. Guy Allen Defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon:
Tou are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
In the above entitled suit, on or before
Administratrix Notice
Notice Is hereby given that the under
signed has been duly appointed by the
County Court of the 8tate of Oregon for
Clackamas County, administratrix of the
estate of Owen J. Roberts, deceased.
All persons having claims against said
estate are hereby required to present the
same to me properly verified, as by law
required, at the residence of the under
signed at Mllwaukle. Oregon, within six
months from the date hereof.
Dated March 24. 1906.
Administratrix of the Estate of Owen J.
Roberts, deceased.
tng SO acres, more or less, situate In
Clackamas County, State of Oregon.)
This summons is published, pursuant
to an order made and entered the day
of March. 1906. by Thomas F. Ryan,
County Judge of Clackamas county, di
recting that it be published In the Oregon
City Enterprise, a weekly newspaper,
printed and published In Oregon City.
Clackamas County. Oregon, for a period
of six consecutive and successive weeks,
of which the date of the first publication
Is March 1?. IMS.
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
In the Circuit Court of the Slate of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Helen Schwickert, Plaintiff,
John Schwickert, Defendant
To John Schwkkert. defendant abovs
In the name of the state of Oregon you
are hereby required to appear and an
swer the complaint filed against you In
tne above entitled cause on or before
He Unds to Settlement and Kntnv
lvpariroxit of the Interior, lieneral Land
Office, Washington. I. C. January t.
lo&. Notice l hereby given tlrut on
IWember II. 104. the Secretary of the
Interior released from withdrawal and
roe tot i-d to settlement the public lands
In the following decrlled areas which
were te mporartly withdrawn on August
J, ltM, tor proposed additions to The
Cascade Range Forest Reserve; and that
the said public lands released from
withdrawal and restored to settlement on
Ifctember 1. 1904, will become sublet
to entrv. tiling and selection at the
I'nlted Slate land Offices tor the re
sportive districts In which the restated
landsille. vis: at Oregon City nd lt
burg, k regin. on My 1. loi; Townships
nve (SI. six 11. and seven (?) rtoulli.
Range four 4i East, W. M : In Town
ship elKht (Si Mouth. Range four (41
host, the west half of Section two (II,
hVcttons three tl to tn tl. both In
clusive, the south half and north-west
quarter of Section eleen (II), the north
west quarter of Bullion fourteen (it),
the north half and south-west quarter
of Section fifteen 415. Sections sixteen
(14) to twenty i!0), both Inclusive, the
north-west quarter of Section twenty
one CI), the south half and north-wm!
quarter of Section twenty-nine (J,
Sections thirty (30) and thirty-one (SI),
and the west nait or (tectum thlrty-t
J.'); In Township nine (9) South. Hang
four ( East sections nve ((). six ),
seven (7), thirteen 111) and fourteen (It)
the south half of Section fifteen (II),
Sections sixteen (It) to thirty-six (14),
bom inclusive; in Township ten (IS)
South. lUnge four 14) Kant. elections
one (1) to twenty CO), bolh Inclusive,
the South-west quarter of Section twenty
one CI), the north-east quarter of Sac-
lion twenty-two t..l. Sections twenty
three (!1), twenty-four Ct, and
twenty-live (251. the north half and
southeast quarter of Section twentv-sli
i:l. Sections twenty-nine CD) to thirty
two (i:i. both Inclusive, the south half
and north-west quarter of Section thirty-
three (11), the soulh-weet quarter of
Section thirty-four (SI), the south-east
quarter of Section thirty-five (J4. Sec
tion thirty-six (JO; In Township eleven
(Ml South. Itange tour (4) Kast. Sec
lions four (4) to nine (I), both Inclusive,
Mectlons sixteen (It) to twenty (30)
both Inclusive, the north half and south
west quarter of Section twenty-one (21),
the west half of Section twenty-eight.
Sections twrnty-nlna C snd thirty
(10); In Township twelve (11) South.
itange four (4) East, Sections three (J) to
thirty-three 111), both Inclusive, and See
tiona thirty-five Hi) and thirty-six S4);
an in tne Oregon my Ijinil IMstrtci
Townships fourteen (14). fifteen (11)
sixteen ill) and seventeen (11) South,
twenty-two (j:) South. Range one (1)
West; In Township twenty-three CI)
South. Range one (1) West. Sections one
(1) to eleven (11), both Inclusive. Sec
tions fifteen (111 to twenty-one CI), both
inclusive, and Sections twenty-eight CI)
to thirty-three (), both Inclusive; In
Township twenty-four C4) South. Range
one (1) West. Sections five (I) to nine
(). both Inclusive, the west half of See-
tlon fourteen (14). Sections nfteeei (It)
to twenty-three CI), both inoluslve. and
Sections twenty-five CS) to thirty-six
u. ooin inclusive; in Township twenty
nve CI) South. Ranae una ill Meat.
Sections one til to twenty-three CI).
both inclusive the north half of Sections
twenty-four (14) and twentr-slx tU).
Sections twenty-seven (17) to thirty-tin
ji, ootn inclusive; in Township thirty
(j noutn. nange one (1) West Sections
one !), two (!) and three (1), fWtlons
nve l) to twenty-three till, both In
elusive, and Section twenty-seven (J?)
to inirty-sn U, both Inclusive; In
Township thirty-one (11) South Hin
one (1) West. Sen Ions nve (I), six til,
seven (7) and eight (I), tbe south-west
quanrr w section nine (1), Sections fit
teen (It) to twenty-one (11), both In
elusive, and Sections twenty-seven (i7)
to thirty-six (J). both Inclusive, all In
iam nnaeoura lna District.
J. H. FlMPI.sC A l-tin.- CminlulMM
Approved: THOS. RTAN. Acting Sacra-
wi am interior.
Nolle of Flnst Settlement
In th County Court n" nf
Oregon for Clark awn Count).
in the matter of (he pi timi uhlp estate
of Iigus A Albright;
Notice l hereby given that th lindr
slgned ha filed In Ihr- shove entitled
court Ms final account of hi" administra
tion of said estate and that 'said couit
lm fixed Monday. April 17, 1JA
o clock a m, of ld day st the couit
r,H.ro of ssld court s Ihe time snd place
of hearing objections to sld rml sc
count, anj the settlcini'iit of ld sa
ute. ( HAS AUIlthillT. JH ,
Administrator of the I'artiietehlj esUte
of I-.gus Alhrlghl.
Administratrix Notice of Appointment
Notice la hereby given that the under
signed has been appointed by the Coun
ty Court of the State of Oregon for
Clackamas County as Administratrix of
the estate of John J. Ahalt. deceased.
All persons having claims against said
estate are hereby notified to present the
same to me with proper vouchers as
required by law at tbe office of Wm. I.
uowj vis ur wiorv i e . n . -j.
Friday, the 2Sth day of April. 106 said', ; m Fnlon Vuil,iin- P'
day being more than six weeks from the IT,' lB'1n' '" months from
Notice of Flnsl Settlement
Notice Is hereby give that the under
signed executrix of the last Will of Will
iam R. Bagby, deceased, late of Clack
amas County, Oregon, had filed her final
report in the County Court of said coun
ty and state and the Hon. Thos. F.
Ryan, Judge of said court has annoinreH
tne 15th day of April. 1905, and if you I Monaajr' Uth- "05, at 10 o'clock
fail to answer, for want thereof the I A' M' 1T he hearln of objections. If
,,nt.ff w,l, ask for the relief prayed tV'T AS
for In her complaint, viz: the dissolution j having objections to said report Is here-
me mamage oonds now existing; be-' notmea to file the same in said court
tween the plaintiff and defendant, on
the grounds of cruel and Inhuman treat-
I or or before said date.
Executrix of said, estate.
i.m aay or March, 1.06. the date of the
first publication of this summons, snd
if you fall to so answer, for want there
of. the plaintiff will apply to the, Court
for the relief prayed for. to-wit
For a decree of said Court forever dis
solving the bonds of matrimony now ex
isting between plaintiff and defendant
and for her coats and disbursements In
this suit and for such other and further
relief as to the Court seems Just and
The order for publication of summons
In this court was made by the Hon. Thos.
F. Ryan, Judge of the County Court of
said Clackamas county on the 16th day
of March, 190S.
The date of the first publication of this
summons is March 17, 1305.
W. 8. L-REK.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
I now
Treasurer's Notice,
have funds on hand in m.
county warrants endorsed prior to Jan
uary 1. 1S03. Interest will cease on such
warrants from the date of this notice.
Dated Oregon City, Oregon, March 11,
130S- ' EN08 CAIIILL,
Treasurer of Clackamas fAr, Ore
date hereof.
Administratrix of the Estate of John J.
Ahalt, deceased.
First Insertion March 14, 1905.
Last Insertion, April 21. 190S.
Department of tbe Interior, Land Of
fire at Oregon City. Oregon, March IS.
Notice la hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his
intention to make final proof In support
of his claim, and that said proof will be
made before the Regiter and Receiver
at Oregon City, Oregon, on May I, l06
Georg A. Bell,
H. E. No. 12172 for the Z SE & NWU
8E4 of Sec. J2. T. 2 8., R. 7 E.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, vii:
John Marugg. of Salmon. Oregon.
John Murphy, of Salmon, Oregon.
W. E. Welch, of Balmon. Oregon.
C. W. Kern, of Salmon. Oregon.
l x
SHiNirrs salc.
tit the Circuit Court of the HUte of Ore
gon, for County of Clackamas.
Sidney Sin th snd T I'. IUndll.
James Shw and James Vf . Shaw.
Coiintv of Clackamas
lty Urine of a Judgment der. decree
and an execution, doly Issued out of
and imd-r the seal of the above entitle,)
court. In th abovs entitled rsu, to
me duly directed and dated the :nd day
of March. 1&. upon a Judgment render
ed and vnleted In said routt on the Id
day of MT. l In fv..r of Sidney
Smyth and T. V. Kanl-tll. plaintiff, and
agalnat James Shaw and Jaine W.
Shaw, defendants, for the sum of !' oo,
and the further sum of U0 as attorney's
fee. and Ihe further sum' of 134 40 ciwl
and disbursements, and the coat of and
uHn this writ commanding nt to make
sale of th following dccrlb-d real prop
erty, situate In the Cuunty of Clk
mas. State of Oregon! lo wlt
All of the following described prop
erty In Shaw's Annex to Oregon City
Lot I I In Block I,
Its 1-: 4-7-I- 10 11 14 in Hlock :
I-ot 14 1 snd 11 to II Inclusive In
Block . Uts J to I and 11 to II. both
Inclusive In Block 4
lot 14 7-1- and 11 to 29 Inclushe. In
lllot k ( tts 2 to 17 Incisive In Block
I I-ot 1 to II Inclusive In Block 7
Ixts i.: i -io n il u-i.:s. m ink i
I.t 1 to 20 Incluslvs In HUwk lots 1
to :0 Inclusive In Block 10 I -oH a '0
Inclusive In Block It, Uts 11 1 1-7
and to ! Inclusive In Hlnck 1! Lots
1114 In Block 11. L'ts 1 to 20 Inclusive
In Block 14 Ixts 1 to 20 Inclusive In
Block 15 Lots I to 20 Inclusive In
Block 14 I its 1-1-4- and I to 20 In
clusive in Block 17. lots 1 to 10 In
clusive in Block i
Now, Therefore, by virtue of said ex.
ecutl.si. judgment order and decree, and
In compliance with the commands of
said writ. I will on Saturday, the Ith
day of April. 1. at the hour of 10
o'clock a. m . at th front door of the
County Court House In th City of Ore
gon City, In said county and stst. sell
at public- auction, subject to redemption,
to the highest bidder, for I'. 8, gold
coin rash In hand, all the right, title and
Interest which Ihe within named defend
ants or either of them, had on ths date
of the mortgage herein of since had In
or to th above described real property
or any part thereof, to satisfy said exe
cution. Judgment Wder. decree, Intereajt.
costs and all accruing coats.
J. It HICAVF.tl.
Sheriff of Clackamas County.
Notice sf Flnsl Settle
In th county court of th I.
Oregon, foe Clackamas Couaty
la the matter of th estsr 4 t
Bingham, deceased:
Nolira Is hereby glvn thst I kii
my nnal account in the abort U
estate and thai the abovs fusw4
has appointed Monday, the 1st fc
May. lioi. as the time for heart
lections to said final acruuBt
tbe Settlement thereof.
Administratrix of ths estate sf t
Bingham, deceased
ny r.. y.. na. aett. Deputy. ' Dt. of Drat publication. Marts 1'
iatea at Oregon uty. Oregon. March Iate of la at publication. April Ii
To Margaret ftoley, j
Thomas Magorry am) I'atrttk u
snd all others unknown or k,
if any sucl, there b.
devlseos of James E, Curtl s
Interested lit Said e,; '
In Ihe nanis of th g,, t
toil snd each of you ars hi.. N
appear befors this court i J
room (hereof In the court hou, I,
amns County, Oregon, ,, ,hm
April, 1DO0, al 10 o'clock
there to show cause, f hnf (
an order should not be (,,,,( fj1 1
at tulvate Sale bv ih .,... .
in" " I'1"!""? ""longing q t)
..( 1 1,, aalil Jm,., If ... .
- vurns, A.
which rest property is rnor. H
ewillHd as follow , (,.n;
The eotilh-weal tiiajtr of
east quaiU'r, lbs east ,( .,
- . . .
west quaiier aim lot ur .
thirty ll tow ii. hip (
l () weal of th. Wlllamell, ii 1
rotilalnltig UZ 0 100 n Clatsop
Ths north-west quaiinr (Jf
twelve (12), lownshlp ihre (j.
range live ibi east of tla
as prayed for In Ibm petltiitn aj j
Ciawfoid, administrator nf M v
now on nie in tills routt,
Wlloea my hand and lis t,tlt
Court hereto affixed, this ;4
Marcit, 17 to
(HK.M.) K. A. SIJ-,
Cloik of the (
By F W. (lreeftTO,a
In (h Circuit Court of th .
Oiegoii for CUckamas County,
Muggle A Hurley, IlslnUff,
Allwrt It But ley, Iefendn(.
To Allwrt It. Hurley, th abo,, J
IWendanl :
In die name of th state of (.
)uu are hereby retiitred to fp
answer Ihe complaint nid att'u
In the aiwve entitled suit, In u J
entitled ( outt. on or before Frld) i
II, lo4. lb same bring six m4i
the first publication of thls sets
and you will take notice that If ft
to so appear and answer said toe ,
the Plaintiff will apply to (hi c
Ihe relief drtnandod In Said tmJ
to wit That lbs bunds of aui
rxladng between you snd piauv
This summons I published k
order of ths Hon. Thos. Y, ll)u .
of Ihe Counly Court of Ihe Ceu
Clackamas, Stats of Oregon, Is Ik
gon City Enterprise, a wetltrf i
paper of general circulation Is Ci
mas county, fur slg weeks. cosW
Friday. March IT. 101. snd tat!
to and Including Friday, April
Attorney far tid
off F(D)LE?S
miorjET mm rm
On account of the great merit and popularity of FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR
for Coughs Colds and Lung Trouble, ScvSral manufacturers are advertising
nutation, with similar sounding names with the view of profiting by the five 3
known reputation of FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. "vorably
FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR you do not get the original and genuine
vou?iTfenobrehehbl,nre a,"d im.ist.uPn hing Foley's Honey and Tar. Do not risk
your life or health by taking .mitations, which cost you the same as the nu ne
Four. Hokey and Ta is put up in three si2esi-2Sc( coc and Joof
Prepared only fay FOLEY 6 CO., 92-94-90 Ohio Street, Chicago, Illinois.
- SOLD m RECSliiiEHDED BY -- '-
in the County Court of Harkamas
County Oregon.
In the matter of the rjuardtansMp of
llarb.ra Iteglna Morlnrk. Amelia lulse
Morlwk. and Anna Marie Morlock
mow cornea k (J. Caufield. guardian of
the above namml mlsors fay his attorney
u. r.. i rose, and files In Court his duly
cenineo: petition on behalf of said minors,
asking for an order and license sllowlns
mm to sen the Interest which said minora
nave in the following described real es
tate situate In the County of Clackamas
Btate of Oregon, to-wlt:
Beginning at the Northeast corner nf
that certain tract of land found dee.
crlhed In deed recorded on page 170.
Vol. 49. record of deeds for Clackamas
County, Oregon, fald beslnnlns iim
being the Northeast corner of the South
west quarter of the Northwest m.arer ,.t
flection four T. H., R j k. of the W
M running thence Soith slchir ii,.
Enst line of said tract 25 t rhnlns io
the County road; thence nlons a.i.l
County road North S degrees West .(
chains; thence Hiuth 74
along said road t to chains; thence North
W degre,,, West 14 rhalns more or le.,
to the West line of said Section 4; thenre
North along said Becllon line chains
more or less to the Northwest corner of
the Southwest quarter of the Northwest
quarter of said flection 4; th.-nce East !0
chains to the place of beginning, con
taining 61 acres more or less, subject t
the life estate of tMr Uthti '
And It appearing to the satisfaction of
the Court that It Would be beneficial to
said wards that such real estate nnd
their Interest the sums should be sold
and the Court being fully sdvlsd It Is
ordered, adjudged and decreed tlmt M..n
day, the 1st day of May, 1906. at the hour
.... o,,.k tt. m. be the clay and time
t apart for the hearing of such p(.in
and of objection, to the ..me, If
here be and that Daniel Morlock, tho
w r, . . m"lor' IouU HornlM-rger,
Wllhelm I i a trill-.. . . . ' '
. '' or Kin of aald
In said Estate are hereby cited to be
, - iJTO, at the hour of 1
la the Circuit Court of the Plait.
irun. tor the County of Clsckaa.
It. BUsh. lnalntlff.
J. Bttah. Defendant.
To i. Hiuh. defsndant abuM si
I tit name of ths KUte of trw
ars hereby required to kppear if'
swer the complslnt filed against )'
ths fchena entitled cause on m K
Ith day of April. IK, said oaf
nwrs than slg weeks from Sltk a
February, lo. the date of ths aw
llratlon of this summons and If f
to so answer, for want there
plaintiff will apply to ths Court
relief prayed for. to-wlt;
Kor a decree of said court forn
solving tha bonds of matrlmonr V
Istlng between plaintiff snd eV
and for such other and furtbs;
as to ths Court seems Just and M'4
Ths order for publication of In
in this court was made tr lis
Tbomss Mcllrldn. Judge of th A
entitled Court on the 80th day d!
ruary. l06.
The date of the first publication
summons Is February 24. 1J0S.
Attorneys for ?
ociock a. m.. to show e.... ... . ..
.,;.M .... ... -'.""' nr licnss
" ",n "v srantoa f0r the sale of i,u( h
real estate as prayed for.
It Is further ordered and decreed that
a copy of t hi. orHor be published' fS
Oregon City Enterprise for m ' . . '
-Hive week, before th. hearing of
Dated March 23d, 1905.
TH08. F. RTAN,
. County Judge.
In the County Court of the state of
Oregon, for the Couniv , X.:..T.UU 0f
In the matter of ,.' aTu-
E. Currie, deceased. " 01
In the Circuit Court of Ihe Stats
Kn. for the County of Clacks
William II. Van Wey, I'lalntlff,
Allen O. Van Wey. Defendant.
To Alle (J. Van Wey. tha aboWW
In tho name of the State of Orel
are hereby required to appear V
swer the complaint filed against H
the shove entltld suit In th 1
named court on or befor Friday. Al
1W1. the same being all wees'
the first publication of this sui
nd you will take notice that If J
to so appear and answer said oof:
the 1'lalntlff will apply to the Con
the relief demandnd In ssld COWF
to-wit: That th i,o..,i. f ma!'!
lsting between you end rialniiS
This summons Is published W
order of the Hon. Tho. V. nyn.
of the County Court of the Cou"!'
Clackamas, State of Oregon. In 0
(ton City Enterprise, a weekly n,l
of general circulation In
County, for slg successive wooW "
moncInK Krldity, February S4, U1
continuing to and Including- AP
Attorney for P-"'
Saloon tlcsnse.
Notice la h.k i.. ih,.l I 1"
Ply at tlin neif eevulne tnnetllllt "
City Council for a renewal of ntf Z
license at my present place of u'j
on Main and Fifth street.
A. II. OWES!"';