Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 07, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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, 1
M t . ft t - t im
.Short Sidehead Stories
i Monty AppodtoMd
iitiiv Helmut Hiiitiliil"fiiliiil Zlimif
lllll'l'' ' ni'llllmiUlllll Ml U'MlllMttt
hi ruliltly ill""' f"'i Various
. .1 I 11 'l'l, II
(IIII.KIIlll'l l' I'll'1' I""' 'BIIM, II
I ,,f $im,Su belhtt tllaliurncil,
Glv Co.i(.rt
a, I. .11 I',.., Lui'i.a llilu mi, ...I,
:,Bf.lll Oll'goll Wlll'l WIH Will mm
,f . M'Mt M'lllltM l I'll' llllH'lllll
In I hut pat I f aliili. Ml Citwc
(Hill iMttny fl'll'lld Ifl KlIKlf I'll
ulin villi iMt i"'l "' nil" opptir-
In It. Ill this pluming Viirlillnt,
tints CM Flor-
, IllllllllMK, llf ItilliimtCI, Ki'
),, wln.nl the I'iml HiiitlBl church
lllln ,-ily ii'ii'iilly minuted n rail,
,1,,. ,nMiiif i'f Hi'1 iH"ii City
,,1, hit" riiiiilli'il the t lunch iiffli pin
I, ,i. 1 1 iliitiri-. II' V. liul.liln will fir-
H I ll Hull CUV llbnlll May I
,Y Salmon li)0 Taken
,, Hmiwii rlni' ii'l' i'i "f Hi"' state
lt.it. tn-ry "H "'" I'l1!"!' Hulmmi livrt,
,1. Hull li'' l' iiln-iuly taken lllln
,, lull Will nlctlto'H't snltllilll KK
,, Hu m- are yet il guilt tunny Hull III
ll , ( Jlitil In lilW till' fillln Ml. ItttlWll
, Hi.. iiip.i i t fur no u ii ii n ii I ly lin ui'
lllln ill' ll H" Uimil.
t Postmanltr Ctfiffil
.,,, nun Imrii Mmnliiy tiftct noon.
I 1, will, ml i lulil liiiuil'l iIiiiimIiI' I
,.Mmnti'i' imhI Mi'. T. I' liiiitdull.
,!. Ill' I llHinillll l (tint lh
,i.. lit Inn l I'"' eligible -i a I'nnt
,r i ;. in nil Willi it li. .mi. Inn li.iliy
mi hi lot txlM llll'l I hi- i . hiIiim fur
.. i'iy nf n five iiHi-i' of tnnlla,
nut illfli nil In llll.tliloe wlin In one
,,. in., at tinny W n In On umi I'lly.
hat Curd OIIHS
K M Itm tm-lnti-r and Wm An
hi. ,.f tli Itmi I'f Iturinclnlrr &
, n, .1 in I Captain J M Umlmm
I., . .nn.' nttiii in nf tlx- ii,lf Mini k.
. t of M.ilit iiii'l Men iilli tn 'ln, ! u
i. ,l oni. irttlim nf l3M,i'Ml. Thin in
.,f III- iilni li.il ImhIii, nn IiI.h k In
illv, tn-liiK l,it'il ill tlix up'n'
i.fi.U'. i in in i . It ,in I. mil hi I'm:
mi Ihi' HiMily nf Hoi liiirili'.
Tlm Allowtd
I'YIi-nnliHl III timr
Imil nnl.it tl"
iiiimiy In mblrh
tin- rilui'Mt tonal
nut It i In- .'"tli Inni
n, liiHila of I'luikn
tn lull.-, inni nr-
. nl.llilt fi.nn thin
iv I In- Hint- lthlu lilt li tlu wink
i.i m in iIbi Itiniil nf th rimimltt'
imlH Willi I lir ltin irf A i 1 1 Thi
lli.nnl 1 1 mi- llnil In !Hiitrt will I'll-Hi-
i .iinmm.' to giiihi r a tnmti mm
i.n.l 1 1 1 itlt it lil .tlill.lt of I In- Wink
.. m h'niln nf tlm iiittnty.
litlont lit Dawton
i I" Wtilti- thin Wf.lt lift nl ttn- Kn-
l, uttUf H nninl'i l nf iiii'Ht of h
".Hi Tiinrn In wild ll !! f.iiHflllifil
!i im. ,. niliiu liifiiiinntloti i iini i'tn
t rum.inn 8nl. illntili t, AiiliHiic tilt'
liiii,n tiitit ttt iriti wnn ttiiit MiimnHi'
tin- n niiiikiiUli' tlml nf tti h tiifiit
Hi.' utplit ni uli nn nl Mini Ktnwdi of
1'iiiiki, n mining tiniii mi tln Ami'lt
i ! aim mill a Hrnt iif l.iwnnn, gum in
I' n foiunl tin rp Hint u" front I'i'l
"i i i tun Tlii'tr nn ii Kit'itt ninny
.il I'ttv mill t"i.t' kilillttn itiimty (nu
ll Hit- liiiwnmi tlinlilrt rnii.iK-.l pllhrl
iIiiIiik hi n.iin liiinin n vfiilnii-.
f Wm Told Tbtkt an Opwttton Wm
iTtUibl. How Bti Incpal It
r'lirn m tiliynli'tati trlU a woman uf-
fnK witii tivarian ur womb trouble
ll un c r riitiou In iii-itrMinry, Ui very
I nKbt of the knife nl tlir oirrLtnjf
v utriWm Urror U her hean, nu
lun.iitiiU art full vt women cotninf
ov,ri-n or womb 0htUohii.
AfffAfarjJrtAferMey 1
Hv You Any VlnorT
Any tint. Iiih Ihh u until It v nf uonil
vhu Kiii', Winn nc i'Mit will cnnri t' n fuvm'
nn Mi niy (Imin imil W, W. Jlum... mim-i'.
Inli'liilt'litn In rliiirK. ,,f Unit fi'iiliii,, (
tin' I'nlilhll In In. miiili' nl Hi" Irf'wlH A
Clink Km I r finiu thin cnnntv. If lln.u ixiil
klnilly 'li lhi i- ii t Im i nuit hntim- ii niiiirt
if I'ltllil' min lie nil nf Ihi'Hii iii,,.lu,iM
At llti' nniili. Him. Iln.y W , ,.,f,m,,K
u tiilniilili. M-rvkft fnc tin. I'nimiiltti
I Inil In wm khiM kit Ininl In ttilli.i l ...,.
Iliililn I'Xlillill fi.nii ihln riiiiniy,
All went n.hlna
ilMKnii CHy niifninin rnicrly iiwiiltfil
lllllvill nf Ihi. Ii'lmi ,,f Am II t In Im
ur, l lnhlii imiiIIi iniilil In. Ht'iti tu v
IliM Hit- tliy fin- i-yri-y illifiilmi ,.ry Hut
initiiy tniirnlini mni ili ixmiiin ,,f ,.t.
ti'lin, III llll il With II I lllmlN nf nahli.u
luiltlf wnn i,v,., iiri'iitfr nil the- fnllnwlng
iliiy AltimiH llm m tnnful miul.in wi'if
II, I.' Klnilulil wlin I'liiiKhl it nun nliliiK
III Cliui' Cittk, Hi-yi'inl nf Hie tnmi
wi-lt. It'll In. In n lung, wltllt. lit- Im.l rmir
ihul im't'tilnl iifit-i'ii tmiii.a in 1,'HKiii.
Dlud at Portland
AllilM-W II, mill, kh. wlin illi-il n 1'nit.
Ininl Motiitity, mii a "! ytina of iii., f
wnn it millvf! nf H.'iitliiiK), I'inlNiiilliiic to
Atii-ttrti .lnii ti yoiina mm tli. Imm.
i in mat'iiiiaiit it ii.i ufi.-i wm tin t-nmiu
In flHKuM wlirit. fi,i- yi-inK tin tin n ii--
Itli'tl at Winl tlitiiiiii CIV. Hi" In nnr-
ilvnl hy Ihi' nllnwlnii t lilhlii n ; Jnlm,
lnnl'l. Hitilin.l ninl Chiul.a, of I'tinll...
I. hi, Mr. I. H, Unkti nn, Mm Jnlln
Hurry, ttf itHKmi City; Sim. Miiiy lln-
nnl, of N. linmk.i; nn.! Mm Cninlli hi, of
1'rlHllt lull.
Mud iarvad Thr Months-
lliiiiy Kl.llimn. i,f Mummim, g.l.o .l.-.l
n'lillty III Hit' Jnntli t- t niii t Mnli'luy In
Hit' UiH iny nf ii Wiilrh inni 11 nuiull mini
uf inoiit y, Hit- t'oiiiiiltiluliiu wlin, i-.
IllK Moll, tl.n, I, Otfl.., of Mnhlllii. Ill
Vlf tif lilt, fin t (hill ItlillllKK lilt hl.t ll
In. iii i.i nl. .1 In llm t'nuiity JmII fur thf
hint Ihllf Ill.iTilhn III ilifllltll iif tin. If.
iilli, hull. n, IIiik llm ii'invi'iy of 111.'
,iltiiliilnlliK wllni nn fiinn ah kn'i nn, Jua-
lli f Hllni I'tiiirlnih-il Unit llm u. t tiwil
ymniK in.tii li.nl Im-' aultli h ntly imriinb-
1 iiii'l oiih i.il Itlillimn' ri l. iin.-.
nyiiiitniiiH whlht u i;im Im licvi'i' hncn
iiTiiitli'il In which tint mtlfiit niiivlvd
inniit tlmil two wrck". In th iimw of lint
I't'tJiohl child, tint lttli ortit npeht Hun
tiny with hie itiiri'iilH v I m 1 1 1 1 1 k the Fair
iJihiiiiiIh Bin) CHy I'lirk ut I'urtliini),
i im jtt 1 1 k iilimit IhiiniKlii'iit thi (lay, Hint
'iiin,lilm il ni.inc of hi'liiK fntlii' il Mon
ilny it ml Tui'mliiy iilthniiKh nlin nilcii.l-
I'lt Kthlllll llll'l iMIt'tlHlll tlf flft' tfM'ltlH t'K-
uliuly ii n u h 1 1 ii I . Wi iliii'Miltty iiiof nlnit
Him i'oniiluliitil nf not lii'liiu Hlili' to fully
linn her Inwi-i; llmhn imd u phynlcliiit wnn
iiillcil. Tin. lower llmhK Itiniitnii inrn
lyut'tl Hint, ilrniille lh I'fTmtM nf Hit- nl-ti-ttdliiK
iiliynli'liin. Thru thf iirmtt n ml
IiiiiiiIm ht.iiimi' 1iiI.Iihm, Hi.' imiiilyHln
kimliiiilly iilffcthiK th"' (litlrt! hntly until
lht following Monthly inornhiK when
th Hill i-iiniii il. I iiiitHM tilt iroKli'M of
llio fnl nl illnt'iiHi., I In' putti'iit tllil not
litivt- th nllKhttnl fcycr, ri-tiiltifil lit-r
iippt'tllt- anil wn I'oiini'liniii tn th i-imI.
Pupils Ar Good
Minn Cik'Iiiiiii. n ifinhi'i' In tli- Har
dily mhnnl nf thf Oii-it'tlt City nihllt'
t liooln, linn ilcylnt il n nnynl ini iinn of
I. iiiiImIiIiik illnohftlli-nt iupllH. Whfii the
f'tiiiilut't nf a pupil het'tiuiea mull that
pmilfthriii'iit l ilinervt'il, the teacher
erf-em on the rtenlt of the inlneli'Viiim
chll'l a nniiill Hciillet Hag that la ih-noin-llinletl
the "tlaiiKer film." The effect of
the rtilnhiK of thin IIiik In to place the
ilhtiiliiilhiil ncholar In Uolallun no far
an the oilier puplln hi the room are con
celHetl The pupil, whone (leak recelvin
thin ilecoialluli, IM iKiinred li- liln elana
tuatm nn. I lie In left nli h tly In hlmni If.
funnily hut u few inlinilm of thin treat
ment yleliln from the fractltiun ptipil a
noleinu piiiinlne to nit'lul hln wayn ami tn
the leninval nf the m ill let linn, lie I
rentoreil In hln t iintmiuiiy place milium
the other ,.lilln The expel lence nf thin
teacher him heen a pracMcitl ili riiniitttra-
II. ni of njMilnit the IihI wlthuut linpalr
liiat tile ihni lilliie of the m hmil litom.
Oit'Koit CHy Item Iii Orenonlau.
tad Cat of Inianlty
W hile irimtihiK to tit r home at Clin k
urn, m with lur linnliiiii.l M. unlay ttfl.r
ntn.ti. Mil. J A. HleiM-n iMM-atni violently
lim.iue. Oftleeia were nuiiimun.-, ami th"
lllltnltllllilte Wiiiii.in. ufler In Inn -
u.flr.l to Hive Ul l IX-W.'.-U' till) i till, I
alie w fiiriylnii In Iter armn, V
liiouiilit In ihe I'.iiinly jail. Mm Hle
tM'H'a ttemelltt'tl ItMltlltlon la helleveil In
Ih- Ihe ti-nnll of t hll.l l.lilli. In n.,li(nll
to (he yuiiiiit ililltl that wa hniii nix
wei'ka nan, Ml. Hlilnii la the inullicr of
two oilier yoiuig I'lilltlreii. Mr. HlelM-n
aa cominlltetl to the anyliim Tuiniluy
llfll in, Mill.
Clackamas Has Canttnarlan
III Itnttrttt tlte t,i.iiiy of the coiiiity.
Iinit' Anntnntir J, K. MoitIb thin Week
t'liitillftl the inline of a centttini Ian, IM
waiil liliey, I'll unntil Hill pivclilcl. .Mr.
Iniey. whu renhhn ienr Wllnnuvllle. hint
tlitiilier celt-hiutetl hi tut" hmiilrtHlth
hit Unlay nmilvci nui-y. With the i xct p
Hon of Ih'Iiik ciiiiIHii-.I to hi home hy
1 1, in,. n of a hltikeii leu, the I. null of all
iit'il.ltiit hint Hprhia. tin' ceiiletiiu hut la
iinuntmlly luile tin. I hnuty. Mi. Iiney
In it inithe nf Teimttiaee ninl him re
nlihtl fur twenty -three em In Oickoii,
lie la luaklnti hln luuiic with an only
nun l Ins thiiiKhler. all nf the oilier
tin mix ta of u liuitc fumlly Im Iiik il. i.l.
Noma for a Visit
Mlna M Iv l.lll'k. r, pitifennluual riurne,
foiineily nf Ihln city, linn rettlllictl from
her ranch near (hild'-nilale, WiihIiIiikIoii,
to ittteml in anine linnlni nn ami at the
name time enjoy a slant vlalt with her
numerous filemla who are glad to - her
th.-eiful fine uiice rniire. However Mln
l.lihkei .11.1 not come In atay, hut Inteml
to return nlmrtly to (iultl. nilalti where
he will renin until she prove up im her
claim. Mln l.lllik.-t'n many frlentla liave
Kit till)' mlnnetl lier and lenTt't that It I
n.-i . nniiiy fur her tn aliwut lit inetf fioin
llil cominiiiilty, Hlie wm fur alxtt-eli
yeaia a nnkh rit of lliln city nnd ilurlnK
Ihut time relieved a ureal deal of pain
Mild auftei'liiK lliiiiuuli her piiifi-nnlniuil
itlillliy. Hut what la Oieicon Clty'a Ion
III tltla .ii it l-ii l:i r hiHtani'C I the gain of
the M-ople uf liiihlenilalt' and Mlna 1-llh-ker'a
frlentla wlnh her auecena In
htr work and piufenalon wherever
nhe may K", Hlin ei lly. loyalty and t oii
itiifloiinen to her frleiida and her
pi,,f. nniun a Mla l.llhker'a inni to. mid
Ihi! aucrens of lier wnik la due Uugely
Mora Illegal Fishing
Ijtle Inni Flhl.iv iilKl't, Itepnty Klah
Waidt-iin W, W, Hmlth ami Lniiln I;. ill
iippii.ii luted two act in ih that wcic
fniintl In the Wlllamtite ihei jimt la
low the fall In thin city. In the tieta
welt f. mil. I two n.iliui'ii l ii.li i In w 1 1 u -tlniia
fiom Htate Klfh Waiden Vanlnj
. n. all cunllnciited property uf thl
chttlacler will he forwarded to thai of
ficial at Antnlla to lie dlnpnind uf to tilt!
heat Intel ml uf thtt atate. lcpule
Smllh and Hall are extremely vlKllnnt
In their pittritl of the Wlllnnictle and
Cliukamii ihei ill thin vicinity ami
while It lilts proven ImpitHHlhle til we
enie it cuinicUnK In Ihe courts fur II
li'Kitl llnllllitt, theae oltlcei'H prnpuHe to
make It eniuclally IllciuiyeUlt'llt fur tlldi
ci incii Iii their Million of th- law until
the ilnhlnii acamin upeiia un the Ifitlt l"t.
I'lifrt- are fases where an operation
tin' only reNotiroe, but when one con-
rn the rmt number of eimes of
Irian and womb trouble cured by
$lln K. I'inklinm'a Vefretabltv Coin
fnI after physieiBna have wdvined
tritMontt, no vvmnuiihliould unbrultto
l wit hout HrNt trylnir the Vepetiible
Inpound and writitiff Mm. I'inkham,
ni, Mass., for advice, which ia free.
fliss Mnrpret Merkley of S75 Third
ct't, Milwaukee, Wis., writes:
r Mra. Vlnkliftra:
"5 Linn) of ntrmiKth, extrttnie nervousnaaa
ling palm through tha pelvlf organ,
fl niK down puiita and cramp eompellBd
it o Htmk tiKHlical ad vim The doctor, after
-UIK an t'xatiiination, mid I had ovarian
and ulceration ami advimnl an opura-0-
To thin I strongly objected ami decided
wv Lydla K. Pinklinin'a Vegntabln ('om
al. The ulceration quiekiy healed, all
i bad ayniptoma (liNafiarid and I am
more Ktrong, vlgoruus and well."
ovarian nnd womb troubles are stead
"n the lucreiiHO among women. If
monthly periods are very painful,
loo frequent and excessive if you
e pain or swelling low down in the
I side, bearing down pains, leucor
a. don'tnegleot yourself : try Lydia
- uuuu a vcsjeiaote vaiix'xjuuu.
Cava Drill at Portland
The t'nlfiuin Hank of Dickiih CUy
Cniiip No. IHi, Wutiduieti of tlic World.
connlMttng uf nineteen men, Went t
I'liiUanil laat Ktiduy ulKlit to attend a
ineetltiK t'f Multnotnah Camp, when the
til i gun City team did mime thill work
exemplify Itm the work uf the tinier. The
nicmht'inhlp "f the I'nlfurm Hank l a
follows: M. U. rhllllpH, caiiliiln; Tate,
Hint lieutenant; HlniinoiiM, seennd lieu
tenant; -i 'roller, Cum. K. Kred,iickis
tliwler, H. Ki'tixt, It. T. llarhnur. 1. Haln,
(l. Krickaott, A . U-wla, A. Caniiiin, K.
Walilron, Hrutie. Oliver, HUH, C, Slm
ninii and 11. Suundcrn. A Iuikc nunihcr
nf Woodmen, not In uniform, nitconipun
ed the tcatn. On the fulluwhiK hIkIU,
Ihe t'lilfurm Hunk save a dunce at the
Armory In this city, HvcivhI'b mvhcHtru
fiirnlshltiK tlic music.
Hald to Circuit Court
After a preliminary examination 1
foir Justice of the peace Bllpp here
Monday, l)an Maya, of Portland, wa
held to the circuit court with honda fixed
at $r,(Kl tin a iliniKi' of stealing Seven
lit ud of liniaea from farmera rfldltiK on
the West Hide. Deputy District Attor
ney Hchui hel ciiii.lui lei the prnHecutiun
which railed only two wilnennes, t'ha.
Moehnke, tine of ihe funnel a from whom
the horse were stolen anil Isaac Berg
man, of Asttaia. who piirchnned the atol
cn unlmul and IdcnlttlnT the primmer aa
the man of whum the purchase was
made. Attorney ltrnwnell. for the de
felldanl, nfTeretl I In testimony. W. K.
Milan, who la indicted aa nn accomplice
to May, waived an examination and was
Intd to the circuit court in cash bonds
llxt-tl at t.'fiO which he furnished. The
preliminary examluatlun of Nell Olsen,
against whom a doulilc charge of horse
stealing Is pending, waa also given an
r-x ii in I mi I Inn. He will waive an exami
nation at this time and waa held to the
tit cult court.
Was Landry's Paralysis
The cause nf the death uf the young
dung-liter uf ltlchiird Pctaohl uf tills city
has heen cstiilillMhcd us n pronounced
ciihc of l.niuli'y'H , paralysis, cases of
which are very rare Willi the medical
1 profession. It Is the conclusion, how
I ever, nf the member uf the profession
.111 this city, that the fact that there art"
three nUter discs In the city uf a purii
I lytic nature, Is a cii-lucldence, rather
than an epidemic. Tins conclusion is
bused on Ihe grounds that the other
cases under treatment differ essentially
from that nf the I'etanld child and nre
believed In have resulted from agBia
va led nervous cuntlltlons, since neither
nf the three cases offers a single symp
tom "f the Illness from which the Pels
uld child tiled, laindry's pitrulysls Is a
nirc tiling with tha medical prnfesslou,
and thus far medical science has been
powerless to Intercept lis certain fatal
results. Frequently death ensues with
in two ur three days following; the tlrst
Is Better Than Two Afterwards. Ore
gon City People Have a Chance to
Profit by Another'a Experience.
ll la u strange thing how people will
put away un opportunity until too lute;
Ha only little things thai go to make up
every day existence; the trouble la we
tloii't pay suftlcieut attention to them,
llackiniie 1 a little thing. 8nmetimea it
coniea after a hard day's work, or a
slight cold, it will pasa off. you any. Its
only the result of tivertaxlng my back.
II Isn't the fault uf ynu'r back but your
kidneys. The 'exertion or straining has
Interferreii with the delicate mechan
ism. You call It backache, but It really
Is kidney ache. If the kidneys are not
rellevetk chronic disorders set in and
this la where the "little things" should
lint lie passed over.
l.ee M. Mohr, of Clackamas county,
Oregon, writes: "I have used four boxes
uf Doun's Kidney Pills for kidney ami
bladder trouble from which I hud suf
fered for llfty years. It was the tlrst
medicine 1 ever used during that time
that wive me any relief. H has rid me
of n ' severe pain In the bladder which
caused mo a great deal of suffering; and
also has regulated the action nf the kid
neys." Plenty more proof like this from Ore
gon City people, ("all ut C, p. Hunt
ley's Drug store mid usk what their
customers report. ,
For sale hy all dealers. Price 5(1 els.
Foatel'-MIUnirn Co., HufTulo, New York,
sole agents for the I'nited States.
Remember the name', Dunns, and take,
no other.
The Salvation Army.
Siiliirduy. April Mb, X ). m. special
service with musical accompaniment nnd
songs by a l.ady Soloist. Admission
free. 1 ,
Sunday, Aprlf 9th. at 2 p. m. children
or Junior inreting. il p. m. Family gathering-
1' m. (.treat Farewell of Cap
tain Louis Brusniun and Lieutenant
Heasle 11. Davis. Several specials will
assist In this meeting, while the whole
will be accompanied by the melodious
songs of the two ulghtengalcs. Admis
sion free. All are cordially Invited.
The ofliuer in charge, ......
By buying your watch from us you gain advantages not to be overlooked.
We have had many years experience in repairing watches, and therefore know
every make.
Our stock being very large gives you a range of selections as to price, quality and
style. We carry a very large stock of gold filled cases and Hamilton, Waltham and
Elgin movements.
Right now we are showing the very latest and most striking patterns of the Boss
filled, Crescent filled and other leading makes.
If you are interested do not fail to come in and look over our assortment.
We can furnish a gold filled case, guaranteed to wear 20 years, with an Elgin or
Waltham movement for $12.00.
We have better grades at $15.00 to $20.00 and the very best as high as $35.00
and $40.00.
In silver watches we are showing some as low as $6.00, and up to $20.00.
In nickel, $1.00, $2.00, $3.00, $5.00, $10.00 and $15.00.
YdDtsir Eyes
Neither age' nor youth is exempt from eye troubles and defective vision. If there
is any suspicion of trouble with' your eyes, come in; we'll examine them free and furnish
the'right glasses at the right price.
We fill oculist's prcscriptionswith absolute accuracy.
The Oregon City Jewelers
Record Made by 6hriff Shaver In Re
ceipting for County Taxes.
In the collection of taxea, Sheriff J.
K. Shaver this year broke the record In
receipting for money due the county on
the 1901 tax roll. On a roll aggregat
ing f J23,0til.lM, the county's tax collector
haa collected l"7.0!Hi.39. Of that amount.
Sheriff Shaver Issued receipts for the
grand total of 14,S47.49 during the
month of March, breaking the record In
this county for tax collections In any
one month.
The lime within which taxes could be
paltl and the property owner get the
benefit of the rebate allowed by law
haa expired and those neglecting the set
tlement of their taxes will be liable to
the Interest and penalty charges pro
vided by law.
Huntley Brothers Tell Why Laxakola
Beautifies the Skin. .
Dt"i In most any time now and you
are likely to see one of the clerks wrap
ping up a bottle ofLaxakola, and Ore
fc..i City ladies havu learned of the
remarkable effect of Laxakola upon the
bile pigments and the beneficial ac
tion It has upon the skin and complex
ion Is really aurprislng. Huntley Pros.
Co. will tell you the demand for It is
increasing rapidly; not so much on ac
count of the advertising, but because
this or that lady drops In to the store
with the statement that she been recom
mended to try it.
Probably no other remedy ever .made
so enviable a reputation In so short a
time, for Laxakola Is sold now In al
most every prominent city In America.
Should you need a mild.-, safe, gentle
liquid laxative that will improve your
appearance, cure constipation, and will
mike you feel belter in every way, try
a :'5 cent bottle of the great tonic lax
ative, Laxakola. and your only regret
will be that you did not know of this
splendid remedy before.
Help the Committee.
When the Clackamas County Kxhlblt
has finally been arranged and become
a part of the Lewis & Clark, Fair, and
you as a resident of Clackamas County
views it In its entirety may discover that
according to your idea something has
been overlooked and you would of se
cured that the very tlrst thing on the
collection of exhibits. As a resident of
Clackamas county, "Now Is the accepted
Time." to come forth to the committees'
uld with various articles of the county's
resources. Now Is the time for action,
there Will be plenty of time -or silence
afterwards. Don't keep your good Ideas
hid away until too late.
; J. W. THOMAS, ,
Secretary Press Comtttee.
begin taking It. This Is because It gets
a rest recuperate and generally grows
so strong and healthy that It troubles you
no more. K. L. Babcock. Amherst. Minn.,
says: "I have taken a great many reme
dies for indigestion but have found noth
ing equal to Kodol Dyspepsia Cure."
Kodol digests what you eat. cures Indi
gvstlon. Dyspepsia. Sour Stomach. Belch
ing. Heartburn and all Stomach trou
bles. Its preparation is the result of
many years of research. Sold by Geo.
A. Harding.
In low spirits just cheer up and try a
25 cent box of Pepslkola on the drug
gist's say so and If It fails to give you
new nerve force, new ambition and new
energy you can get your money back
without any question or argument.
Good Forage Plant.
For many years Mr. Richard Scott of
Milwaukie. Oregon, has been sounding
the praise of Thousand-Headed kale as
a winter forage plant for feeding milch
cows and other stock. On his well ma
nured farm he secures from 30 to 40 tons
of forage per acre from this plant which
remains In a growing condition all win
ter. In our iast issue. Mr. W. K. New
ell added his testimony to that of Mr.
Scott as to the value of this plant. Dr.
Withycombe also tells us that he forsees
a large Held of usefulness for Thousand
Headed kale in Western Oregon, partic
ularly in the Coast counties. The nature
of the soil throughout the large share
of the Willamette Valley is such that the
daily cutting and hauling from the fields
would be a muddy job and Injurious to
the land. On soils of a different charac
ter, however, this objection would not
apply. Along the Coast in Western Ore
gon kale finds the winter climate ideal
and on rich land will produce an amount
of succulent food per iicre which can not
be obtained in any other way now known.
Kale, fed In collection with good hay
will make winter dairying profitable in
the Coast districts which at present con
fine their operations mainly to the pro
duction of milk In summer. It is al
ways to be kept in mind hat kale should
be fed soon after milking and at no
other time. The Rural Northwest.
Forget About Your Stomach.
If your digestion is bud the vital organs
of your body are not fed and nourished
as they should be. They grow weak and
invite disease, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure di
gests what you eat, cures indigestion and
all stomach troubles. You forget you
have a stomach from the very day you
Why Worry About Indigestion When Pep
sikola Will Give You Relief.
"Why any one should worry about in
digestion," said the head clerk In Hunt
ley Bros, Co. drug store, "is hard for us
to understand.
"We have been selling Pepslkola for
several months now and in all our ex
perience we never knew a remedy to
give such universal satisfaction.
"We know four or five old chronic
dyspeptics on the verge, of despair for
years who to-day are cheerful and happy
because all of the beneficial effects of
a little chocolate coated tablet taken
after each meal.
"If people only realized what a won
derful remedy It is and how much good
it has done right In this very town they
would not doubt or hesitate another
minute." Words can not express the
Ki i.i good it has don? in Oregon City,
and Pepslkola must be a remedy of
more limn unusual merit 'for If Huntley
Bros, Co. had to refund the money to
very many dissatisfied customers they
would certainly discontinue selling: it on
their own personal guarantee. Ask your
self if this is not trvte.
If you are thin, nervous, worried and
Receipts of Oregon City Post Office En
title City to Service.
Postmaster T. P. Randall this week
made application of the Post Office de
partment at Washington for a free de
livery of mail within Oregon City.
For the year ending March 31, the re
ceipts of the Oregon City post office ag
gregated $10,024, exceeding the $10,000
that is required before a city is entitled
to this service. This free delivery If
mail is enjoyed by the people of Albany,
and Eugene, and there is no reason why
Oregon City should not have the same
service. In asking that this delivery of
mail be established at Oregon City. Post
master Randall should have the sup
port and Indorsement of every business
man and enterprising citizen.
About Rheumatism.
There are few diseases that inflict
more torture than rheumatism and there
is probably no disease from which such,
a varied and useless iot of remedies
have been suggested. To say that it
can be cured. Is therefore, a bold state
ment to make, but Chamberlain's Pain
Balm , which now enjoys an extensive
sale, has met with great success tn the
treatment of this disease. One applica
tion of Pain Balm will relieve the pain,
and hundreds' of sufferers have testified
to permanent cures by its use. Why
suffer when Pain Balm affords such
quick relief and costs but a trifle? For
sale by Geo. A. Harding.
Aguinaldo'a Birth Place.
Aguinaldo's birthplace, and the pres
ent home of Aguinaldo's mother, is lo
cated in Manila, well out toward the bor
der of the city. It is a plain, unpreten
tious house, built much on the same
style as all the other houses of the
masses In Manila with its light, thin
walls, cool basement and thatched roof.
It stands close to the street, and is
crowded In among; a number of other
houses of Its class.
Visitors to Manila frequently visit the
place and chat with the aged mother of
the famous Filipino leader. While she
is the mother of several sons, It is plain
ly evident she loves Emilio more fer
vently than any of the others, and her
eyes blaze with patriotic fervor when
the name of her favorite son is mention
ed. From the Pacific Monthly for April.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Best
and Most Popular. '
"Mothers buy it for croupy children,
railroad men buy it for severe coughs
and elderly people buy it for la grippe,",
say Moore Bros., Eldon, Iowa. "We ,
sell more of Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy thun any other kind. It seems to
have taken the lead over several other
good brands." There Is no question but
this medicine is the best that can be
procured for coughs and colds, whether
it be a child or an adult that Is afflicted.
It always cures and cures quickly. Sold
by Geo. A. Harding.