4 OKKGOX CITY KNTKHriMSE, i'lMDAY, Al'IilL VM. Oregon City Enterprise NOW -0l I'KKK CITY AND COUNTY Published Every Friday. j UYKKY. OFFICIAL 1 1 mvqits of tlic Oivpiti I ity ust oMui- liiUiiiir pwiviIinI !10,(HiO . i fur hist, r AdTertistng rates on application. t!u war cnli tiiT Marrh 'M M . 4 A ... II 1.11 I. ... ...... I.. ... -.--. L KIM, IHMMIilMrr I til IK Kt I f Hits II1.I1U- rtntTHr ii.50 ai)iuaUin to tho pit minx BU months "5 ijwrtimnt at Witsliins-toii fur n city Trial subscription, two monws.. -a !,,.jv,.rv f ,ail. I Wore this mio . , .i . . . i . . . rillt !' rr.lllIOtI ilUV OlIV, l IK' riHVl'l. I of tho lost othiv liuist cMiH'il MO. 1000 iicr luininu. Tho nvoipts of tin Oroizoii fit v oflitv for tho war tiul- I iiiiT tho olst u!t niiiountod to $10. lo-M. ontitlin tins city to tho saint .sorvuv with rosjxvt to tho iIoIiutv of m :i i 1 that is onjowil !y Allwtiiy ami r.n'iio. as well as lariror ntio of tho state. Now let's push our ilaiin for this senitv to tho end that the depart ineiit will promptly trail t it. Put vmtr shoiihhr to tho whirl and liur ran lor Dromon (. itv ! o Subscribers will Dnd the date of ex plration stamped on their papers fol lowing thetr name. If this is not changed within two weeks titer a payment, kindly notify us. and the matter will receive our attention. Entered at the postofflce at Oregon City, Oregon, as second-class matter. FRIDAY, APIJIL 7. 1 !... WILL KKKP A M0YIN". What will Uvoiiii' of Orojron City without the land otliir ? Alliany IteiiKKTat. With or without the t'lovernment Land Otliee Orison City will con tinue to lio the principal manufac turing point in the state. Tho var ious factories of this city employ a greater niunbor of men with a la r ner monthly pay-roll than any othor city of its size on tho Coast. And there is abundant water power for numerous other manufacturing institutions. The procuring of these, together with an extensive development and settling up of the county will l accomplished hy and through the aggressive Board of Trade that is Ining organized by the representative lmsiness men in this community. Believing that while there's life there's hope, the people of Oregon City and a great majority of the residents in the Oregon City Iand listrict will not Teeonte them selves to the proposed change in the location of the Land (Mice until the order of the President has Urn entirely carried out. If there were any legitimate rea son for removing the lani Otfiee to Portland, the opposition that is being offered would le unwarrant ed. But so far as can l learned it appears that the order directing the removal was made on the rec ommendations of certain special agents, whom, it is reasonable to presume, were dissatisfied with the limited accommodations at Oregon City in the way of ten-cent vaude villes and other entertaining agen cies of a like calibre. When the true facts in the case can U presented liefore the Presi dent, it is reasonably believed that a reversal of the order will be had. But in the meantime and nl -sequent to the final disposition of the controversy, Oregon City will continue to provide, among num erous other products, the pajn-r up on which the Democrat mav be published. SHOCLD !K AT IIOMK. A FAITIIFCL OFFICIAL. Tin; death of County Clerk 1". A. Sleight last Thursday evening was sudden anil unexpected. It was the general impression that lie was slowly but surely recovering from a severe illness. In his death the family loses i husband and fath er whoso every thought was given to the happiness and t-omfort of those dear to him. The loss to the county js that 'of an honorable, up. right ami conservative public ser ciin wnose every omeial act was performed with the same considera tion as would lx; shown in the trans action of private busineps. Mr. Sleight was an esteemed and respected citizen, a faithful am conscientious official. I here an1 in Oregon I it v sev- eral tlippaut voiuiir xirls. Some of them, we venture to siv, an1 scarce ly weened from the cradle. Thcv are still moinU'rs of the short-r-kirt class. But for impudence they are not cxccllitl. On the street tlicy are loud in their conversation, shocking in their condui t and in-iw lent in their manner. Their a jKHranee on the street i. th as to attract attention and excite re marks not complimentary, from the gang of hoodlums that makes it a business of assembling on promi nent street corners and evixrtorat- v. ... 1 ing toinicco and other filth tiwn tho sidewalks and street crossings. There is need for positive refor mation along this line. It would lv well for mothers to know more of their daughters ami the company tliey are keeping. Make a conli- uential companion of your, daugh ter. Make the home and its sur roundings so pleasant and agni'able that the daughter will find missing the occasion for frequenting public places of entertainment or loiter ing' about the streets. Better re quire that she at least continue to play with her dolls until she has readied an ago that ordinarily car ries wjth it a little common sense and a projK-r judgment of right and wrong. Otherwise, there will le an urgent need for the branch of the Florenir Crittenden home for tin establishing of which, a society has lieen organized among the repres entative women of Oregon Citv ill ildivn of their floral tributes and it would certainly have done the loners a world of good. As it is, lav will long In- ivniemlercil th the whoso rought slighted youngsters simple floral pioirs were I with the nuiio degree of sympathy for tin k'roaved family as accom panied the large and costly pieces. They were simply wild flowers, but the kindly spirit that prompted their offering should not have Urn so rudely and inconsiderately dis couraged. o tout c .Southern plaining witness, ried, admits that elf and thereby Are you doing all in your power fur the general development and improvement of the community or are you satisfied to sit luick at ease and as far as vou are concerned, let things drift 'i Have von written those letters o Katern friends telling them of the attractiveness of Oregon and inviting them to the Fair or air you allowing them to languish in noranee of this laud of plenty? l)o you greet the newcomer with hearty welcome and a word of en- eourageii'ent, or do oti trv to scare lini out by assuring him that thin is no country for mm unvunvV lo vuu take an active interest in the appearance of the town or do Voll limk Upon UIlsIL it V s lacks rubbish heaps and broken down 'diets as ynii liMik IIIhiii the itoor something we are always to have with us? Are vou looking out for and sav ing your choicest products for the icwis and I lark r.Mnition Is your lawn kot up and made iresentalii' to visitors, or dins if resemble a ast years bird's nest"' Ho ou make an effort to show visiting friends almut and give them the magnificent view which may U- had from surrounding hills. or arc you sitisfied m allowing them to leau- without obtaining a correct idea of the YaHey? o yoii encourage the establish- i ng of new industries and help along the movements which luinn irogress and improvement, or do vou stand ready with a bucket f old water to douse every proposi tion which has anv relation to vour MM'ket-lxMik !' In other words, are you a pusher or a knocker.' hxc haiiL'o. r1 wa the retiring of the family of the deceased from the cemetery ilur-! ing the time that the grave was j king filled. When the grave had j Ucn filled and the Horn I pieces ar-, ranged, the family returned. ; After the poor fellow has served si cii of a lit'lirii yean' sen- for criminally assaijimg a j Oregon girl, the com. who is now mar-; she pcrjuivd her- j secured the coll-I viet ion of the man wluuu -ne ciauin ii : i. i 'Ci. . is in ing wroiigiiiuv piiiiiMieu. i ' " mailer will be investigated liv llie penitent iary authorities I h fore any action is taken. I f it develop thai the woman actually lied, she should Ik' put in the penitentiary and made ' to serve the entire fiftivn years. ! Th Bluts. I Jn nul fn l Immhiisi- II rl, l .l.i not ultdi ImtiiiK)' T1iiiiikIi fis'Msh wiinte m i,rkN Inixl.'' I ill iHxirir tlmn I m.if. Hiil. ell. I'm fi. viy Mm-. 1 i .in l i. II why- I wish I km w THE COMMERCIAL BANK OF OREGON CITY Oregon City, Oregon AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $100,000 D. C. LATOURETTE r. J MEYER p.osldnt Cathlor Transacts a general banking business. Open from 9 a, ni. to 4 p. in. LET US Prices RcasonaM Do Your Work Work (luan W do u (lenral HiiKRagf mid Tmanfer lUiHineioi. Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moved Oflico Opposite Musoiiio lUiildiiiK Williams Bros. Transfer Co. Tplrplioni..-) l(li, f. 1121 ICfuiilriirti IH.l;! I.lf.' tn ii ttollow ni.sk. is. A us. I. Uilliti. ill ! l . Tllilv il.H'K Mi' I rlmlli-r. lll In ! A knlf.-lln usl In inv I'lttoO; IM' lnl no (iii iul n.'i tiiii.li- a fi', An. I wlit I m .nl I an ih'I l.ii" 1 ilo n. 'I nii.uin ln-cioisr I w.iin My rliillli'M In iilial.l.liH-sn . tin I'll! Mini sim.iik- uml iniUiliiK a hiuiiii. I II i .ui.ll.lly . i.nf. s Hut I m Hi in In my mul . I'lll' W M III l "III h .1 illslll.ll ll.'ll-' 'rilv Hull ll Nlllllllljf III lllf MkV. Tlx- i ilin h "ii tin- lrtK. Hul, nli. tn jimi Ii.. il.iwu mi. .Hi- An. I tint kimw iinytlilni' My h'-iii ( i hi.iw. I urn i. I -ll ni. ins .i r l h1i In Ih' Kl.l'l Tl' .inih ln,l IiIiihh iIiiuiikIi . nl.il Of ui'i'U' linn In hliMiiu. Hut rviiy in. i n I Itnn In "..in In Kulnti to lux t.'tnli I hlllii )rNli litiiy -uliii k Kiilr islinl.i l!l lU'tr rmw link' I w I 'H Ul ..FOR STATK Tl'KAsriIEJf. A (.001) SELECTION'. The appointment by the county fourt of Deputy County Clerk Fred W. Greeimian, to fill the unexpired lerni of the late County Clerk Sleight, meets vjlth the approval of a lare majority of the people of Clackamas county. Mr. Oroenman. during a three years' deputyship in the Clerk's office, became thorough ly acquainted with the details "of that important department and for that reason was better qualified to take up the work of the oflice and conduct the same than any of the other aspirants. Mr. (Jrecnman's ability to transact the business of this department of the county's government was very convincingly established during the illness "of Mr. Sleight. He personally conduct ed the oflice for a period of about three months without the assist ance of a single deputy. . Mr. Greenman and the people of Clackamas county are alike to be congratulated on the appointment. County Judge T. F. I.'van has announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination for State Treasurer. A native of Ohio, and coming to Oregon from Browns ville a few vears ago, dudae Ii'van oegan nis career at wregon Uitv ih a laljorer at the woolen mills, lie afterwards engaged in the hotel biwines and early lieeanic promi nently identified wfith Uomiican politics in city and county affairs. lie was honored with election to a number of oflices in the adminis tration of city affairs and is now concluding his second term a County Judge. Judge Ryan has many warm ier- somil and political friends in every county in the state from whom he has already received much encour agement in his candidacy for this important state oflice. The nomi nation this year for all state officers will lie made by the Direct Primary. Judge Ryan's wide and favorable acquaintance throughout the state will prove a material factor in his contest for indorsement at the hands of the people. o ONLY A Tll.'Xeil OF WILD FLOWERS. Three little tots, each carrying a bunch of wild flowers were un noticed at a recent funeral in this city. The little ones, desirous of showing in a simple way their re gard for the dead, had gathered the choicest wild flowers they could find, and, having arranged them into attractive boouets, went to the place for holding the funeral. Quietly and reverently they stood on the porch ol the main entrance while the services were in progress. The services concluded, the casket was carried to the hearse, the rela tives and friends ol the ilcee.i.,1 went to the carriages assigned them, while the attendants took charge of the many beautiful ami elaborate floral nieces, remateill v passing the three little tots who we're entirely unnoticed. Fim.llv the funeral party proceeded to the cemetery, leaving the three child ren in the possession of their simple norai ottering. As the ittle i,n, realized they had been overlooked one was seen to wipe a large tear off her cheek. It would not have delavcd flu. service in tho least for one of those in charge of the fl oral niiwj have stopped and relieved the three A KELIC OF ANTIQITTY. The form of the census blank used in the enumeration by Oregon assessors was authorized by the Lcgislaturt'iof ISC, I, and while the state ha.s advanced steadily along the line of a diversity of products, no change has ever U-cji made in the ii'tisus blank to provide for now condition. Four of the state's chief products Imps, prunes, iiio liair and poultry are not mention ed in the blank at all. The state has Imi ii rapidjv growing in indus trial iiiiKirtaiiee all tiice year, but no effort ha Ix-en made by the L-g. islatuiv to keep the state ivn-tis blank revised to meet existing con ditions. Secretary of Slate Dun liar called the attention of the last legislature to the importance of a revision of tile blank, bill mi alien. on was paid to his recommenda tion. I he blanks cnt out to the county aoss"rs have lieen hreimreil , . . -II in strict conformitv to the i;itni. mid no blame can attach to Mr. Dunbar for tin ii i ,. ' " ' . i in census, nowever. win h' of little Value to the state at hir.r,. I he rich ami prosperous counties ol tin- lllamette alley will silf for most by the pour showing, as many of their important industries will not I, enumerated at all. Folk Count v Observer. Tlii' thliiic" iliiil . I1.11111..I nil' inn' I IlWilllliy. Ol K.'llr, Mv K111 1 h falli n. unj I hi ur No volet ery. ' t'i uml nil!" Villi rail nil fix'IKh-no rr you. I 'on fmj ill! II, hrn linirr fio-lln; blurt H K. KISKIt Bttchtr t Prticrlptloo. Till illiiliiil.ilxll,- Htiiry of II, 111 VVni'l l:.-,-eh, i ha l'rii iv nllrd a In- lliiitlve of hi .ilnu p.-niK. uf luiinot A riiiiiiiry i In k ) mull eiilli d on Ihr KM at niliilMtrr toi l nkr.l hi u.Mrr ulHi.it lui( Id il.i IHi Hiiinii wlin n In clifp In 1 hun h. Komi'thlii-c which hml U riinif mill.. i - jil.-nl In ht i iinitt. k:i lion. Mr. Ilrn hi r llnli ni .1 very utti-n-llvi'ly. a.liiiilii-.l 1r1.1t 11 n.-il.iuii. ninl then milil: "Whin I him iiimi' In I'lymouth Church I thoiiKht ulMiut ihh pi.. bli-in. anil I will I. II you h. c(iuir I dcclil. il iihti. I K4ii tin xion Rtiirt onltT tlml If h- miw miy -isiii unlt-.ii In my I'Ollk'I'CK ttlon hi KhoiiM (ll KtllllKht to tin imli'lt mi. I wiiki up ih. niinNti-r." Wrlnkl. A fniK In ihr Imt'i In w.nih f,,,.. In your llirniit. VS.. ciiii live without filt-ml. but ,, without iiilKhlMin '. 1,..,., 1 ihim to Imiinw fiotn In jiiitb' my. If tiulh ll. ul the iHitti.tn of 11 w.., wi nr. 111 li .ist . ..nsin. ni in ,.Unf , i i-noiiKll ill.. 11. Soiiji. with 11 iM-titlmi nt -il..i ii't Iiil to tin xiiihII hoy wh)ti It (i.i Into IiIh iyi uml iiohi. A-i hi w' A-i lnw' If Win. noiKlit off if until nil. I inn .li.it"m.iilin l ik.-n wh.n wt w-i,. i-u,i,.. Iiil .111 i iinnv In our IIioiikIiik , ki'IIIiik vin with tin "othiT mini." whiit rm. I'i.Oe.s woulil ii.io l,k I'l.-iid. "" -M I.. It.ivn.. Not Tor Him. "Think, my mm, think." nalil u,. I'luiiil r.itlir. Some duv n .,,. ... illsllllieieiiev of the".' '" ll' a Cnll.-il .Stal. M.niitor. You III till (Olllltiy COLUMBIA RIVER SCEERY Portland and Tho Dalles ROUTE Pnniiln4nt 1 luyuiaiui line Steamers "BAILEY OATHT""DAI.Lt CITV- "ttOULAT0l,l', "MtTLAKO" ! "lAOH tr. "Hall Gatitrt" Uv Portland I T A. M. Monday. Wrdnday and fti day; Iravt Th ta)lr T A. it. Tu day. Thurt1ay and (taturday. Ptr. "Itr-rulator" Irav Tortland M. Turaday. Thursday and Saturday; Iravn Th ralli 7 A. U. Monday, Writnraday and Kr lay. Ptiiamn travtnf Portland tnak dally ronnvctlon at l.yl with C. R. A I. trata for Ooldendal and Klickitat Vallay point. C. R. N. train la Goldvndal oa Monday. Wdnrday and Ktiday at I JO A. M., nialni ronnvrtlon wtta itramfr -nulator" for Portland and way point C. K. V N. train, Uavr Ootdcndal cw Tuday. Thuraday and lUturday al I JO A. M., connecting at Tjrto lt lmr Badl B.H for Th Dall. ntctlng thr with O. R, N. train East and Wl Sir. "8adl B." Irav Caacad Lock dally Oiccpt Sunday) at f A. M, for Tb Dallr and way point; ania al 11 A. M ; larr Th tallr t P. M , arrlrM Ccd Lock I p. M. Meal aorvrd on alt tramra. Fin aci-ommodation lor tumi and wason. Utxllng at Portland at Aldr ltrwt Dock. h. c. CAMpneu, Managar Cn. Offlca. Portland. Oron. Daily Shoittiinj o Union Pacific THRFP TRiC Tfl Tuc r.l ' "- u 1 nr. DAILY Ttirouah PuIIooh i. ..a l.t atrrpin-f car dally In Omaha. i-iiL niKikiktiai liii it I ail .l..i.. . . ' 1 A. i " Vlly. throuafi Pullman JLt . ...... .... 1 ii xmauy ronau, w.rkly to I hlraau. Kanaa City. rwI Ilia chalia !.... f,. 'J ,H 7O 1 OOH Portland to Chicago No Chaogt of Cat. j Dp.rt ' Tim ch.,uUa, At.n fhlraao-Pottland K.clal 1 11 a. m Halt I-aka. Inv,r, j r t. Worth, Om.tia. j . . nw v 117, nt 1-ouia. Chl(o and k-at. "I Atlanlla Kitiraa 1 ll P. rn l. Ilunt-Initon. Rait 1 M,m n.ii. S ft. Worth, Omaha.' I M.J Kanaa City, L 1 ixiuia, 1. nicao and tat. ft. Paul f rt Mall, Walla Walla. U li P m laton. ftnokan. Mm via Hpo- 1 B-aiMilla, Ht. Paul. nana. ; ... . --. I V ,ll .fJ and Raat 1 Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Cc Rivtr Schedule ol- Oruon City Boat Oally chdull 8trmn Alton and I'omona for Ha lem and way poinla. Irav Portland dally ,-& puiiuiii 1 ii n wn lira. Ua. t'MON LiEPOT AHmf eon 1. 8al"m p. in. ".v. 7 iTi' m. 1 a. m ; rrturnln. av 1.; lav Oirgyn City, i ll Orgon City Tramoortatlon Ca. know the hmuMint lu.i. limy iixi'lii lo licit." "Hut I el.. n t want to ! SlatiH n.n;itor." wlilniii "iiiiiMc it mak'H mo Mfimirk tin- Ml-H IVIH, lor k'i what Kou'l wiuil.l ho I'nlliil I III' I ll IV. to ll'll Oil my 1'iix- O Tin Htnff work 011 tin' beautiful 1 ti .tK ;or .Vitioim lit the lwla K ( 'lin k Kxio jKltloli k now loinilleteil. The ll,K,. ! ii I mi is i lu.ir 1, ...ii.. i , , . ... , i . i "'. ""o ik iniiii or 1 llCKillilils count c f 1 1 e n i I . , . Wooil uml ucrr i.. i. ....... .. . milHom y. The bl lilx,. el oHHeH i;,i, Uike, the Iliix.-Ht boily of Wiil.-r ever ell-eliiH.-il Wllhlll III) expoMlllon f,.,,,.,., ,,,, eiinii'i tH the iimlnl,,,,,! W ,,, (;,,.,. Illellt In sin it . "I tlie infretuent iiislunci's in uhicli till sllCCCSsl.r (,f H ,i; ollicial ;is not miineil until after the fun eral ami burial of the deceased of. h'eer. This is to the credit of the ueiiiliers of the Claekiimas count y -'mirt. The strife for imhlie oicc is lierce enough without, viain the Contest lid'on. tin. ,1. ........ .,,1 ..c " "' i ' (isi ii ill lieiid is -iven nsieeiru hurial. u iMilli is an iiiivvelcnme visitor. Nlil lll'C the services t lint f,,ll,,u. U. , , . . ... v , "l . . l us visilati'in. lint th,.n, js 0I1I, j,,.,. ture of the iiveiL-l' funeral I hat Illicit sensihly i' (lisjienseil with, and that is the exhihitin-,' of the rciuniiis to the public. This is an iilioiiiinal.le custom that tends only to serve the morbid curiosity, fre miently. of a curious nssembiv I hat. cmne merely to see how she or he '"looked." Hovv much better it is to remember the departed, espec inUy in cases of protracted illness, as you last saw him lie fun. the fniul parl ie ii lat his familv I at the home prior to the funer und view the remains. Hut the ilic exhibition of the remains is not in -'nod taste. Aunt her itmn- t ion observed at Sund av's I'll tir illne. If you arc a friend of deceased and al Ayer's Your doctor will tell you that ..mi, pmc, wean, nervous chil dren become strong and well by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. bmall doses, for a few dav. Sarsaparilla ine change is very prompt and very marked. Ask your doctor why it Is. He has our formula and will explain. i-ow. r.. t'CKmilTK,Vlllllltf,S.J. 100 a bottln All ruil,t for 1 M, M ti i The Children riiiai,.... JTT1"1,1aai,aaaaaJ Till M'r You Will Be Satisfied WITH YOUR JOURNEY II jour li.Ut. rr.ol i,,rr I hr Urnirr (ml Hi.. Criiiiilr M,ijlr..i..l. i,r H.riili l.iiir .if I tit Worlil" BECAUSE TliriT lire HO Imiliv Hil-ilir Mllr.l. uml point of (ntrrr.t kIouk t hr linr lirlwrrn ()Kilrn an. I limtrr tlml tlir trip nrvrr hri-ninr !iir..,it,c If you itrr K,,l.. 1.;,,,,. ., oon uml k-rt i, prmy h.,k tli.it will irl Vo,i llll III. .Hit K, W. C. AUBKIDIJ, General AKent PORTLAND. n.r, IMAM . I'aity. T 00 I'M tor Matter tUltilr. !CIlkrii. WMtpurt K llfloii. A.torla.War- rrnlnn, rtavrl. ll.m jniuiiit. Kor1 Hlvtrn lraihart 1'aik. Hr. ("iilr. Acturia and' hor. !Kira Ijalljr. Aturia tCiprt I U IMC I 0 t Alt, C, A. HTEWAKT. rornm'l Ahlrr lrrrt. fhona Main IM C. MAYO. (J, r. V. A.. Atorll( Ocean and River Scheduli . r'or Kan KranHaro Evnr flv aarl P rn. t or Adurla. way polnu m I'oi-tland, Orraon. f p. n. : Katurilay at 10 p. ro ta ?.r1' ' .","" twrmlttlni) mi WUlu rtt and Vamhll) rlvara. I ror ilrtrd Information of rata; In Orton Kll,..,1 m. ki.ui...i.. oi. , . ... , . ., unm aarnt. or 0nral l'orngr Afl A. L, CRAIO, GOOD MORNING Have you coiistiltt-il A. Mihlstin ,(M,t Hint plum lung yon ii,.f,l ,ionc? Main Str.ft. ncHr Ki.,i,iu Oregon City . . . -"KH fln the mm ttJlfii! ML A8TnTiT m Mfid You Have Always Bouffh' Mm. to Is Mill! ill 7 I r. C. GADKE THE PLUM5E, OASTon t yv. Bwi it. IhB Kind You Have Always W 1 Signatqre of ' " nriyr Pt,