OKEOON CITY ENTKltPBISE, Fit I DAY, A PHIL 7, 1005. 3 I Jew To-Hay. 1 ?0N. L Kerm ioourlty. U'lUn par i'""" , 4 Bcbubol. ji ,nmrcll Hank UulMIng, Oregon Wulltr.l -lirl for II"tl iKJUWWtllK. (.n,a Wa' J'UI'I. V.UII l IOie . H. Uln ,, family of "l'r. J. W, l'w ,uiiln t l" M,,,lll,,t "n1 J"'" iKHfir iIht for permanent r-l- Wanted, a ' ",r "- . uiain ruuklns:. ro wanma J, l Knl-rprl !, .. . n. mit-ch. Sf.lt fhB. It J' iH"'1 w I" - tr and Waahliiaton streets and Will ,C tbrt. Cotta. llin I'. Kurrmlrr, ul t.utm i.rwa. i j to John MrVot.nt.il, rt.miiy m " , county. 103 at frs-a. Local IWcnfc?. .jPi" WlllKIIK'tlW f MM puil'my ''""' . ,..f.Mll Canby at bsbll by a uf U t' ii .,, "r lt''"' "h"'"' Thr'r beyond competition. Mis Uoldsinlth. T, ). lluiikliix, who wa appointed to fi . tli- ol'lblt fur the competition fit' which t'l(, were offered by the ex- iiiiif f 'iinmii mtving in cbura-i t'lnckumus County exhibit at the Iwli and Clark Knlr, 1 on duty ut the Court Ihiumi. utid exhibit will tin muelvvd un til A II 13, whi'ii tin- award will be made. Th comity rump Modern Woodmen of AtiK-ili it met nt Oi--hoii City Wcilnnmlay Hii'l i-linti'il J, K. Hli-fi-r, of tMmuseus, county iti'li-mitn to attend the state -miii whirl, will timet at Ilukt'r City Mity !li. it. W. lloiltiK, of liorlnn, wu liiimi'il ii iilli-inut" unj (iii-Kuii City will ..i.itnl un tin. ilium fur holillnv IfXt y.'ui county ckiiiu, i.nlirln b"lnif l&0W. wrtU t J:l Vtrrk hrr In thp v of JltHtl- Pl'I'P ..iur.Uy rtPtti'"t hr official! kt lh nmrrwr' , Ciur llclil 10 wr. rrmm iioj'-t. lh urliof our hti r within tltt r. . ..a ..i.l.u Ulu , h of U-cin,y ; ' '-- ,,tmlth. r.imorrow Bflfrnoon WlllmU . if i. .ii ,. tb MICty "I" BlIKWl iaru.i mi rt-t t.lt with th IltU MilHry Ardmy ,. ln.rothy D. I. Nh. of flifor ,. iind ttrr Hn, of Mmtn. wrr urird hr N1n-l , It'V. E K ol church, oltli-Utln. m of th flrnl omclal of County .fh Jr--iimn w lo I"" mkn-tat niM to Nrtll My H.lPt nd Robert wiiim Th tiric.tlv aroom Ii ,,hrw of County t'ommlMlonnr Klllrn. J.ilnr4 by drUgnltton of vUltlng rthrrn from I'ortlund who cm by cr. th Orraon City Knight of 4.bc h!4 n n)oybU nmokrr In mm tin building la-t Thurdy night. lmoortlng dlruct from Kt-rn work trlU th lory of ch-p prkMi for h grd good l Muw UoJtUmltn a i. Jrk. th H-vrnth trM"t o.rr. through thlr gttornry. Ilm k A l.iml. k r aulng O. U Harbour the tBt circuit court for W 1 ,id to b bIitnc du on account and , prombumry iu. lux-tor and Mrt. Ftwmwi are glng to id In fortland during the uramnr i.intha. Thry Intrnd building another on their property on the Wl Bide i fall and will rent lh ona they now nipy. The doctor will b found at hl !!- a uaual through tho day. UOrtTOAGK I-OAN8 NEQOTAITED i loweat rate. Latourelta'a offlc. Com Lrclal Hank IJulldlng. Oron City. The officer la charge of the Salvation rmy operation at Oregon City will i-.-w.-lt on Sunday. April thfrom re ..tide ource we know that mentioned mcer will be married to l,leutenani le II. Iavl on Monday, April 10th, at i Klrat atreet, 1'ortlnnd. Oregon. At the Congregational church next in.lity the themea will ' reluto to the rl. of evatigctlNtlo meeting that will ! held bv the churche of Oregon City, . i the mortilng 1'aalor llolllngr win i each on "Tha wcond Coming of Chrlut DUcouragementa and llopea," In the veiling tha thema will b "Octtlng i-ady." Kuiwrul it..rvlr..B nviT the remain of lie late Mr. and Mr. Korreat C. An n-w, who wens burned to death hint .k at their homo near Seattle, wore .1.1 ut thn Flrt Prenbytorlait church i thl city at 11 o'clock Sunday mom K. Ilev. Indsborough conducting the 'rvicea, and burial wua hud at Moun idn View cemi'tcry. Charman'i Vlvt Cram will cura chap pd hand and t a aoothlng faca cream. (Hove can b worn Immediately after ap plying. t,arg bottle 26 cent, Captain I, I Hrugniuit, who for three month ha been In charge of tha Bui- vmimi Army woik In thl city, will be married at I'urtlund Monday evening to I.leutenuiit llt-l l(, Iiavl. Cuptuln Hrugmnn will be granted a two week' furlough following hi marriage when he will ! ttaalgned to another appointment Lieutenant .I C. Ward will uuceeil to the command of the Oregon City work until further not Ire. Kranklln T. irlltlth, the attarney of the I'oitland OeneraJ Klectrlo Company will meet, during the preaent week, the lly cuunell of Caiiby, Wuodburn, Au nil a and Hubbard, with a view to Ob taining a f i .Hi' Ii Ue it, extend It line lluimgti It reeiectv coiMiratn limit of tlmee town, Thl I In contemplation f ilia comi'iny' plan to continue auch lliif from thl city to But. iii. and I part of the general arrangement for the Improvement and enlargement on a grand ale d u i In the ret-rit year. An rnergetla lady can aecure tha agon cy for thl eity and nurruundinf country for a. high grade line of Flavoring Ex tract, I'erfume. Toilet Article. Toilet Hoapa, etc , by addreaalng tha rearall Manufacturing Company, ! Molne. Iowa. They allow a big commlailon, alo give premium. Writ them for (ample outfit. The C'lai kama County court ha fixed the charge that ahall be made over the Ml. II'mk lull road. In arranging the rhedul of churgea. provUlon la made for automobile, which a charge of each will be mad. In addition to auto mobile, the -hedulc Include the fol lowing Item: four wheel Vehicle, drawn by one pan or yoke. $'J, with 41 cent additional for each additional yoke; ve hide drawn by one hie II. 26; addle hure. 7tc; pack horne, toe; home" or mule. looe. 14; cattle. looe JOt: per head; aheep, goat and hog. Sc. Small Farm of 33 acres on main level road 1 miles from Canby, 15 acres improved, balance brush and timber. All good soil, level and fenced. One acre orchard, fair buildings. Everything goes on place; team, wagon, bug gy, cows hogs, chickens and household furniture. This is an exceptionally good buy and cannot be boat for fruit and vegeta bles. , Price J&2200 J. A. MOEHNKE, Main Street Alleging cruel treatment on the part of the defendant that made abandonment of him eaeentlal to her own hupplne, N. J, NUon ha brought ault again! W. i. II. Nixon, to whom ahe wu mar rled at Roveburg In ill.. Florence Allc llullw. of I'ortland, I also aulng Robert Itutler for a divorce. The parllea were married at I'ortland In 1S93 and the plain tiff charge her huband with cruel treat ment and Improperly charging her with Infidelity. Of the two minor children Helena, aged 1 yeam. and Everet. 7. plaintiff ak for the custody of the daughter. ron-ntlng to the award of the on to the father. The Knd-avorer of the C.mgregatlon al church held their monthly nuinea meeting and kk-u! at the home of Mr llrrt ltoak on Wednesday evening. Thl clety I quite active and reported good month' work. The omcer elected for the next lx month are. Prealdent. Ilert Itoake; Vice-president. Mln Mamie imake; Seeretaty. Mot Lna Gadke c,irr..ei.iullnit Hccrctury, Mr. . A. White; Treaurr. John Rom; OrganUt Ml May Clark and Mlaa Luclle Ilacon A t urogram wit arranged for a study of the great evnngcllstlc movement that ma wonderfully attiring the ChrUtlan thought of the day for next Sunday even lng" minting. - 1 TnrCi Personal Mention In In In in O. A. Schuebel. of Shubel, wa In tho cltv Saturday MIh Florence IVIoe Is visiting with friend at Hulcm. Ir. J. J. Iavltl, of MolulU, wa the City, Wednesday. A. I u ill Ivll luht. of Cunby. wit a visitor to thl city Wednesday. CluiH. Nubl.-tt. Rr.i of Needy, was the city the first of the wock. M. Ontllcld. of RlMley's station, Is re coveting from u acrlou Illness. Dr. A. L. HoiUtlo hua recovered from evere Illness of typhoid fever. Mr. ond Mi s. W. R. IT Hen are visiting with friends In Salem for a few Unys. C 8. Howard, of Mullno and Ot ltoyhv of Wllholt, were In the city last Satur llltV. Aii...r Mount, of Sllverton. ha been visiting his brother Ir. 11, S. Mount. IhlH cilV. Miss Ilockctt has returned to her home t Salem after a visit with Mends ilila rltv. Me Putt v. of Corvulll. who has bee: erlously 111 In this city, 1 rapidly re Aiheit. Monroo' and'Oeorgo Oroshonff, of Wllholt Spring, were In the city lust Thursday. Mrs. J. J. Powers, of Los Angeles, California. I visiting her alster, Mrs. Frank Redner. Chus. Albright was a suuerr. days this week because of an attack of rheutmitlsm. W II. Vaughan, Ceo. T. Frailer and H. S. Ramsby, ot Molalla, were In the city Saturday. Chns. Mtxire. of Bumpter. has arrived in this city to attend his father who Is Hcilously 111. Mra J. R. Humphrews and son are ex pected to arrive from Woodstock, New Itrunswlck, tomorrow. H M. Robblns. of Monitor, who hos been under the doctor's care following an operation, I Improving. Rev, A. B. Foster, pimtor of the Pres- byterlun church at TIllanKiok, Is visit ing his family In this city. II. 8, Gibson, of Eugle Creek, a former iperlnterideiit of schools In Clackamas ounty, wa In the city Tuesday, J. U. fampbcll and Frank Ilusch have turtiitd from the upper Cluckuma ounty on a land Inspection trip. W. II, Johnson, a prominent farmer rid saw mill rnun of Oreshum, wa In the city the latter part of last week, Mis Ilrtha Hewitt, a student at Wil lamette University, at Halem, win the uest Hunduy of her uncle, K, L. John- m. Wllllum arid Ira Mener, of Canton, Ohio, visited thl week at the home of their cousin, Mrs. Oeorge lloeye In this Ity. Mr. and Mr. L. F, Daly, of Portland, who were recently married In this city, av gone to Southern California for a visit. Mrs. E. F. Htory and children, who ave been spending the Winter with relative In Southern CullfopTilu. have returned. T. R. A. Hell wood, of Mllwuukle, late )c inocrutlc! candidate for county a- or, wa In the city paying his taxes a Vw days ugo. M. U. Iatourette left the first of the week for lierllu, Washington, to look after the mining Intercut of his father) I). I Jttourettc. I.. P, Carlson, of I'arkplace, has been ailed to Kansas on a buslnesa mtsalon that will probably detuln him In the Sun dower state for a year. Thos. Finney, of Minnesota, wa last week the guet of Mr, and Mr. C. A. Naxh. Mr. Finney expect to locate In the Willamette Valley. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Walt and Adum Knight, of Canby, were among those attending the funeral of the lute County :ierk Sleight, lust Sunday. Kenneth Ijttourette has returned to his position as asltant cashier In the Commercial liunk, succeeding Howard I jiluurrttc who has now associated himself with the legal department of the firm. A. R. Iilmlck, chief dispatcher for the Oregon Water power a Railway Com puny, was In the cHy Saturday visiting his brother. Grant B. ftlmlrk. Both C It. and A. 11. IXmlck spent Sunday with their mother at Hubbard. Sam Phleeter, who for a number of yeur ha been in the employ or tne W. P. P. Company, haa gone to La Camus, Washington, where he Is en gaged In similar work. Max Itollark. head bookkeeper for the Oregon City Manufacturing Company, left Tuesday morning for the mountain In the vicinity of Eugene where he will remain for ome time for the benefit of hi health. ' Mis Nettle Bradley was taken to the Good Samaritan Hospital at Portland Tueaday, her condition at that time be Ing unchanged. Her many friend will welcome the flrt new of an Improve ment In her condition. Hon It. Paulsen, of George, waa a buat neaa vlaltor to Oregon City the middle of the week. Mr. Paulaen says tha proapects are good for an exceptionally good yield, both In quality and quantity, of nil crop and fruit thl year. Franklin T. Otimth, attorney for the Portland General Electric Company, this week Interviewed the councils of the towns of Canby and Aurora, with regard to getting a franchise permitting his company to erect and maintain a sys tern of telegraph poles through those place, the purpoae of the company be Ing the extending of Its service up the Valley to 8u)em. Wm. Rutherford, a farmer from near Viola, waa In the city Monday. Mr. Rutherford reports conalderable rtiter prise among the people of his district whom he aay are prosperous and con tented. He doe not think the recent severe front did any damage to the fruit crop of this county as was at first feared. He says r)one of the blossoms are dropping from any of the trees which would be proof of the . harmful effects of the frost. WHAT'S THK MATTER WITH US?" Oregon City I Experiencing a Substan tial Building Growth. What's the matter with Oregon City? Piirlng the last week there have been onsutriniitt'-d a number of Important business deul that Insure to Oregon City substantial growth and the erection of a number of additional business houm-s. The Junior Bros, will erect on Main treet North of the Commercial Bank building a modern building that will be cupled by Wilson Ac Cooke who will leave their present location. These same property owners have sold to the Htar Brewing Company of Vancouver, the property on Main street, adjoining the city hall. This property will be ma terially Improved, It Is reported, and ad ditional business structure erected there- i. There are also rumor of other Im portant building operations. In fact Ore gon City ha been forging ahead for s.-veiul months. The growth ha not been spasmodic in any sense but on the ontrory It ha been of a permanent haracter. In addition to the Improve ment In the business district, there Is no end to the residences and cottages that are springing up throughout the esldence sections. In addition to these mprovements, the Willamette Pulp & 'uper Company, ha adopted plans for new paper mill, the construction of which will begin at once. When this work lias started, Oregon City will be found a place of great activity, a condl tlon that will continue well along throughout the year, furnishing employ ment for a great many men. Oregon City always was a good town, und without an equal In the state. With he addition of these new buildings and nterprtses, Its worth will be still mors nhanced. As a manufacturing point It Is a won ler and the push and enterprise of Its IM-ople are Just beginning to And expres sion along other lines. Oregon City la iound to grow and you can't stop her. Drs. Beatle & Beatle, Dentists, Rooms 16, 17 II, Welnhard Building. SOCIAL EVENTS Mis Myrtle Shonkwller was given birthday surprise at the home of her sister, Mrs. R. M. Davlsson last Friday night. $ About seventy of the friends of Miss Clara Warner gave that young lady- china and linen rush at her home Tucs day evening. Miss Warier was the re clplent of a great many useful gifts. Mr. and Mr. J. M. Mark, of this city- have announced the engagement of their daughter, Katharine Maud, to Mr. Chas, U Bluhm. also of Oregon City. The wedding will take Place at the First Congregational church In thl city, Wed nvaduy evening, April 26, 1905. $ $$ Arrangements are being made by the Oregon City Aerie of Eagles for a gran dancing party at the Armory to be given the latter part of April. Sam Stowe, Harry E. Irupcr and John W. Cochran have been named as a general committee on arrangements with power to appoint necessary sub-committees. A full or chestra from Portland will be engaged and It Will be the purpose of the Eagles to make this, their Initial party, a grand success. f The pupils of Miss Veda Williams at tho Woodmen Hall last Saturday after noon gave a Matinee Muslcale that was as much enjoyed as the event was large ly attended. In the various numbers that the program offered, tho performers reflected credit, not only on themselves, but alHO on their accomplished tutor. Those taking part on the program were Louise Huntley, Louise Wralker, Norma Holman, Elvena Howard, Grace Zlnser, Leila McCarver. Edwin Jackson, Ona Renner, Swafford, Julllotte Cross, Jene McDonald (pupil of Miss Harding), WU lard Hawley, Dorrls Plummer and Mil dren Warren. OASTOXtlA. Banths flto KM YM Haw Always Bougit WILL NAME SUPERINTENDENT. CommitUa en Lawl & Clark Exhibit Consider Important Matter. At a meeting Tueaday afternoon of the xecutlve committee having In charge the exhibit to be made at the Lewis Clark Kalr at Portland, the exhibit committee was authorised to appoint a superin tendent to have entire charge of the ex hibit. Its collection and arrangement un til June 1. This committee will meet tomorrow afternoon for the purpose of making the appointment The secretary was Instructed to com munlcate with the management of the Fair and ascertain just what the com petitive exhibits from the various coun ties may consist of in the contest for the $1000 prise. The exhibit committee was also dl rected to appoint judges to pass on the samples of agricultural products and make awards of the small cash prises for the best samples that may be sub' mttted for the exhibit from this county, This feature; of the contest will end Thursday, April 13, when the awards will be mad. Members of the Press commltte were requested to act In conjunction with the Board of Trade la compiling and publish ing a descriptive pamphlet advertising Oregon City and Clackamas county, and the sum of $2S was appropriated to de fray the expenses of the committee that Is soliciting the exhibit. In voting down an appropriation of $200 that wastsked by the educational committee, that was named by the gen eral committee In connection with the gathering of an exhibit from this county, It Is probable that the executive com mittee has defeated the making of an educational exhibit from this county. The members of the educational commit tee are greatly disappointed, since they arranged for an unusually creditable ex hibit from the school of the county. This action of the executive committee leave the educational committee without fund with which to perform the work assigned It. It was also ordered by the meeting that sub-committees avoid Incurring any expense whatever in the performance of their work. BELIEVED TO HAVE DROWNED. Sol Clark, Well-Known Local Character, Ha Disappeared. Sol Clark, a well-known local charac ter, disappeared Tuesday afternoon un der circumstances that leads to the be lief that he was drowned In the Willam ette river Just above the falls In this city. Clark, In company with a son, was fishing for eels on the Island near this city, having been rowed to the landing by the boy who afterwards returned to mainland. When the son went In search of his father after the lapse of a few hours, there was no trace to be had of Clark, whose whereabouts have not yet been learned. It is believed that Clark, In the ab sence of his son, fell Into the river and was drowned. The missing man was aged about 46 years. FOR CIVIC IMPROVEMENT. Women's Club Calls Mass Meeting of Citizens to take Action. The Women's Club at Its meeting Wed nesday decided to call a mass meeting of cltlxens to be held at the court house Friday evening for the purpose of con sidering civic Improvement In Its various forms and arranging for accomplishing something definite In that direction. The meeting should be well attended by the enterprising people of Oregon City that some plan may be devised by which this city will undergo a more vigorous house cleaning than was ever expe rienced before. There Is great need for a vigorous campaign of this kind that Oregon City with Its naturally beautiful scenery may be placed In something like a presentable condition for the reception of the many visitors who will come to this city during the time of the Lewis & Clark Fair. New Cur for Cancer. AH surface cancers are now known to be curable, by Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Jas. Walters, of Duf field, Va., writes: "I had a cancer on my lip for years, that seemed incurable, till Btfcklen's Arnica Salve healed It, and now It is perfectly well." Guaranteed cure for cuts and burns. 25c at Howell & Jones drug store. Fishing Season Again Don't take any chances with poor tackle if you hook a big fish you donft want to have your line or leader break just about the time you are trying to land your prize. We have fished some ourselves and know something of the trials and tribu lations of a fisherman, therefore we take especial pains in getting together the very best tackle to be had. During the many years of selling and using fishing tackle we have learned what to buy, and where to buy it, both as regards to quality and price. Come in and look over the largest line of fishing tackle in Clackamas county. Split Bamboo Rods. $1.00 to $10.00 Reels 25c to $2.00 ! New Automatic Reels ......$5.00 Lines 5c to $2.50 Plain Hooks -r--. 5c dozen Gut Hooks a 10c 35c dozen Leaders 5c 50c Fish Baskets $1.00 to $2.50 Fly Books-.' 25c-$5.00 We make up a complete fishing outfit consisting of a split bamboo pole, rod, reel, line, hooks, leader and sinker for $1.75 regular $2.00 value. We carry a complete line of Spauiding's baseball goods and are prepared to fit out clubs at special prices. .Huntley Brothers Co PROGRESSIVE DRUGGISTS PETTIT & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers in Lumber ALL KINDS CONSTANTLY ON HAND. DRY LUMBER A SPECIALTY Yard and Office Head of Molalla Avenue, Opposite Evethart's Store Phone No. 1847 OREGON CITY, OREGON A Few Hundred Dollars is often' the making of ones success. Systematic saving will soon result in the accumulation of the few hundred dollars. The best way to save is to open an account with us and add to it weekly or monthly as you can. cIke Bank of Oregon City General Committee on Educstlonal Ex hlblt. ' It has been definitely settled that neither the County Court nor the com mittee on County Exhibit will pay any part ' of the expense of an educational exhibit. To consider the situatlton a meeting of the Educational Committee Is hereby called for Saturday, April 8, at 10:30 a. m., at the Superintendent's effice. J. C ZINSEK, Supt. of Schools. Rheumatic Pains Qui.nJv Cured. The excruciating pains characteristic of rheumatism and sciatica are quickly relieved by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The great pain relieving power of the liniment has been the surprise and delight of thousands ot sufferers. The quick relief from pain which It affords Is alone worth many times Us cost. For sale by Geo. A. Harding. A lazy liver makes a lazy man. Bur dock Blood Bitters is the natural, never falling remedy for a lazy liver. Winter Rates to Yaqulna Bay. In order to accommodate the many people who wish to make a winter trip to Taqulna Bay, the Southern Facifle Co. will sell, on Wednesdays and Sat urdays of each week, until March SI, 1906, round trip tickets at low rates, to Taqulna and return, limited o sixty days from date of sale. Those who de sire to take advantage of this rate should apply to nearest Southern Pacific agent for tickets. Eczema, scald head, hives, itchiness of the skin of any sort. Instantly relieved, permanently cured. Doan's Ointment. At any drug store.