Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 07, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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1 Oat Correspondents' Corner f
2 Brief Bits of Gossip From All Paris of ttvt County. (
nwiiiAKted to r- 1 PARKPLACE
new their' work. We will furnisb all
necessary stationery. The sews from
your neighborhood should appear in
these columns every week.
Mips NVHIp O:Kkflt Wt last wk for
mstPin Vnohfnjrton to vlslst hr fiithor
anl other rrlntive ivsldlng then.
Mr. AuRiirt I unk. who is slowly recov
ering from F. prolonged illness, was sol
driving throi:(rh our streets one Jay last
Reverend Patlon of Viola spent se.eul
days in Voitland last week. partli'tna:
tug In the ro ival meetlnfrs that .w n w
being conducted there by Rev. Chap
man and ini traellng corps of assistant.
Mr. O. A. Jlollngsworth has latch- has
lately experienced much trouble with his
hand. Some time ago he ran a silver
Into his finger which soon titoerated and
required Immediate service of a physic
ian. It has now reached the stage
where only by incessant attention to the
same It can be saved at all.
Mr. DeMoy of Garfield is a frequent
Redland visitor.
Mr. Bonney "is now engaged in install
ing telephones In the business houses
of Oregon City. With town and country
brought to a close union, communication
between the two will be greatly facili
tated. Mr. Joseph Hughes last Sunday vis
ited his brother John of this place.
Mr. S. Kircheskevy has sold his place
to a Portland party; also Mr. II. C,
Wade of Clackamas Station has an op
tion on the farm belonging to James B.
Mrs. Wm. Holmes caught her thumb
in the coffee arinder Monday and bruis
ed It severely. She was obliged to go to
a doctor for medical treatment.
Miss Haenel, and Walter Morris and hi
sister Kffle. members of the Abernethy
Orange, attended the Clackamas drange
Saturday. They speak highly of the
way the work Is done there and the hos
pitality of the Clackamas Grangers.
Considerable excitement was caused
Monday at Parkplace by a woman
from near Clackamas, who became vio
lently Insane. The sheriff was summon
ed and caught her In Gladstone and took
her to the county jail.
The Parkplaee school will give an en
tertainment and basket social. In the
Assembly Hall. Saturday evening. April
15. A cordial Invitation is extended to
all who are interested in the welfare of
the school, as the proceeds are to go to
the expenses of the Lewis Clark ex
hibit wmk.
We are glad that April Fool's day
brought such tine weather. Everybody
is happy and cheerful; the sick are bet
ter and some are able to be out In the
Mr. Hud HIHon of 'anly visited his
mother and brother lust Sunday.
Mr , K. KnUtit and family of t'nly
Kvere the guests of Mr. Heoige Manes
. and wife Sunday lust.
Mr. and Mis. Orrin Adklns were vls
j iilng at Mr. John Miliums last Sunday.
lr. Casto of the Alpine Farm
I calling on friend In this Vicinity last
I wei k.
Won a Name of Fame
IVWItts Little Kurly Kiwis, the fa
mous little pills, have been made famous
by their certain yet harmless and gentle
action upon the bowels and liver. They
have no equal for biliousness, constipa
tion, etc. They do not weaken the stom
ach, gripe, or make you feel sick. Once
used, always preferred. They strengthen.
Sold by O. A. Harding.
Plant to Get Rich
are often frustrated by sudden break
down, due to dyspepsia or constipation.
Brace up and take Dr. King's New Life
Pills. They take out the materials which
are clogging your energies, and give
you a new start. Cure headache and dii
izness too. At Howell & Jones drug
store; 25c, guaranteed.
Last weeks' communication loitered
on the road, and did not get in to the
office in time to appear. I suppose. I
John De Nuts' throat is better and he
is about his work again.
Sam Hosier's little boy with the brok
en leg is doing as well as any one can
Mr. and Mrs. Welsenborn went down
last Tuesday and made out papers to
sell their farm of 20 acres for $2400. and
the would be purchaser paid down $20
to bind the bargain, and now they want
their money back and back out. Many
a slip twixt the cup and the lip.
Mrs. C. Polivka has a baby girl a week
The past week of showers has helped
vegetation very materially, and the warm
sun of Wednesday still more.
Mrs. Gebhardt is stopping with Mrs.
Liesman, who has a baby girL
Henry Gage started for his home at
Nestucra on Monday, going by the way
of Oregon City to look up some land
Jakie Schatz attained his majority last
week, and nothing but the rain prevented
his numerous friends from making a
raid upon him.
Frank Klmmery and wife have moved
Into the Moore house.
Mrs. Henry Hornshuh was painting
and papering her house last week.
A crowd of young folks gathered at
Mr. Cooper's home Wednesday evening.
Found and left at Charley Spangler's.
a lady's small silver watch. Owner can
have same by calling and proving prop
erty. Was left at Mr. Dangler's about
three weeks ago.
Mr. Jesse Mitts, of 'Needy, was vis
iting with his brother. Prof. Mitts.
Miss Ada Gregory was the guest of
Misa Lucy Spats Sunday.
Mj and Mrs. Edwin Howard gave
another one of their, successful dances
Saturday evening, April 1. About 25
couples were present: a delirious lunch
was served at midnight Ail tripped
the light fantastic until the wee sma'
hours in the morning, when all departed
for their respective homes wishing Mr.
Howard to give another dance In the
Some at COST or LESS,
Coupons Given for DISHES
Fresh Flower and Garden Seeds 3 for 10c
Hlg tablets, 3c; Shoe Uni 1c
Ink. 3c: Vaseline. 4c; Glue , 7c
8 lead pencils, rubber tips 5c
Sewing Machine Oil 5c; same 4 o can 10c
Oranges or Lemons 1c
l'kg. Pins, lc: doteii clothes pins 1c
Wire Tacks Pkg. le; Shoe Tacks ....2"tc
J cornered tile 5c; flat tile 10c
Steel Hummer. 33o. Screwdriver tc
lS-lnt'h Rasp 45c; Shovel 50c
Mrs Tlllle Smith, of Culloii, IS vis
iting h.r aunt, Mrs. Clias. Plpkit,
Quite a number of the neighbors ihkI
friends tinned nut lt Monday and cut
G.amliim Hums a huge pile of wood.
J,. Thomas visited the school last
Miida .
Mis. II. II. Wheeler of Lexington, Is
staying ill her sou In hie and fam
ily.' Mr. and Mrs. ChMu i'aiKer w.ie the
quests f Mr. J. V). Wllke.soi. and fain
llv lust Sunday.
Mi. and Mis. William 11' visited
liiaii'tnia Hums last Sunday,
Mis J. II limns called on Mr. H J
I lelvey one day last wn k
Gold Dust. 19c In bulk 5c
Hand Soup, best and biggest 4c
Laundry Soap, 7, i, and 10 bars 25c
Beans 4c; Soda pound , c
Raisins, worth 10c, for Tc and tc
Flour $1.06 up; Graham $1.05
Com Meal 25c; beat 1-ard 11c
Coffees 10c. 15c. best Mc
Full of Tragic Meaning
are these lines from J. H. Simmons, of
Casey, la. To think what might have
resulted from his terrible cough if he
had not taken the medicine about which
he Writes: "I had a fearful cough, that
disturbed my night's rest. I tried every
thing but nothing would relieve it until
I took Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which
completely cured me." Instantly relieves
and permanently cures all throat and
lung diseases; prevents grip and pneu
monia. At Howell & Jones, druggists;
guaranteed; 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle
Subscribe to The Enterprise.
It's the little colds that grow Into big
colds; the big colds that end in consump
tion and death. Watch the little colds.
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup.
Miss Gertie Shubel has gone to Ore
gon City to work.
Mr. and Mrs. Hettman called on High
land relatives Sunday.
Jacob Walker left Tuesday for Idaho.
Misses Lydia and Lottie Hornshuh,
Chris and Fred Moehnke. Arthur Hnrn-
!shuh. Philip Masstnger and Will licit-
man. spent Sunday afternoon with Henry
and Elnore Ginther.
Almeda Bennet called on Lulu and
Beudah Hornshuh Sunday.
Tina and Tina Mo-hnke cnled on
Hazel and Elnore Ginther Thursday ev
ening. Miss Lena Grosshullcr Is home on a
Judge Schuebel spent a few days Hull
ing In our creeks last week.
E. F. Ginther attended the Socialist
meeting at Oregon City Sunday.
Steven Sager spent Sunday with
friends here.
Elnore Ginther had the misfortune to
loose her gold watch last Thursday re
turning from school. The watch bears
the. initials E. G. and can easily be Iden
tified should anyone find the same.
Men's 60c and 60c Underwear for 44c
Men's Black sox 3 pair 2ie
Underwear, odds and ends 27e
Men's $1.25 part wool overshirts cut ..75c
Fine Shirts 40c. 60c, 65c SOc
These are samples and about halt price.
Men's Clay Worsted Suits were Si .40
Wholesale now $9.00
Men's Wool Suits cut to $5.90
Pants to close 75c. 95c ...$1.45
Boys' Punts cut to 79c
Boys' Suits, long pants $2.77
Boys' Two-Piece Suits were $3 .20. . . .$2.44
Ladles Hose cut to 9c, 14c 19c
Belts to close tc, 14c, 24c 3c
Corsets 19c up any of them at whole
sale or less. i
Wool Blankets and Comforts, Big Cut
Shoes, Etc
Bargain I Ait Men's $1."5 and $2.00 shoes
for $1.59
Ladies' Fine Shoes. $1.60 grade ....$1.19
Men's Shoes 78c up
Better Shoes. $1.29 $1.47
Best High cut logger's shoes u.ual-
y I 1S.00 cut to $4.75
High cut calf cut to W.19
Boys' Full Stock cut to $1.40
Boys' Calf Shoes small, cut to $1.19
Baby Shoes 19c up
Ladles' Heavy unllned Shoes ..$1.20 $1.37
Child's heavy. 5 to 6, cut to 55c
Red Front Store
LC. HAMILTON, Proprietor
All fyin Down
Lou Hubbard Is ItnpioUug Ills lan.li
and deal lug new piece of land allele
lie expects to begin Ills Hew lesl.leiice In
a short iltne.
Mr. r.prbelt had the iiiIV'.h tune to
lose a cow last week.
Mr. Liitllum, the Baptist minister, who
holds services help mien a month, railed
to meet Ills RpiHilnlineiit on the second
nil account of the seilous Illness of his
rr.rtv In.iiliei hate taken u con
tract of logging for ltuisell s saw mill al
Mailo 'brook.
There whs a Very pleasant wedding
on the Jilth nt the home or .nr. ami
l,. I I' I'hllllns of this lilatr. Tile
liigil i'oiiii ai i ton hm in i. .
Coiln tt ami Miss lb ! Phillips. Initti of
i 'niton, and Die' man lug ceremony "
. i ... i i. i.- ii.. ..r iiiuii.
peiioillieu oj r. i.ii,,,. ... ..-.
land. In the presence of u liiillil" r of rela
tives ami select fib-mis uf the families,.
linmeoinieiy aucr me uapp po
pioiioiimed one. the guests lepabeil to
the illllillg loom Where the bible's moth
er had a iMiiuiteous feust ptepured which
was u.iuuuy scieu p .miiwib tiit
GoilMtl and Nellie Phillips. All rn)oed
K.. ...... I. It... Iu..l t,.,.., .,.! ntlh thai
exception of Pncle Perry Phillips who
could not fe0 really happy nor ml
heartily for the oppressing thought Hint
weddings ure'so few and far between
i ( ii I In 1 1.. 1 on Pag'- 7
The Klntl You Have Always Bought, ntul which hn ieet
In uo fbr over 30 j wrn, lm bonio tlio elirnrttur f
rf - tuitl Ihij Immi infMlti under liln pet.
mMfz-cUcAx4m Allow no ono to iWl ve ymi I u thii,
All Counterfeit, Imitation ami Jtitt-nn-irtMHP'ttrfs but
Kipertmetit that trltle with ami emlanirertlio health of
Infants mid C'hllilrcn-l'icrlrnoo njfuliit Kiporlmetit,
Caatoria 1 a hurmlca auhstltute fur Cantor OH, Pars,
gorle. Drops ami NMthlnjr Hjruii. It I rieanaiiU It
contain neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narrotlo
nubstai.ee. it aife I It piarantet It destroy Worms.
And allay reverlnhnea. it ftire Dlarrlura and Wind
Oolle. It relieve Teethlnir Trouble, cure Constipation
nod Flatulency. It UANimilate the Food, regulate tuo
Ktonuu-li and Ilowel, jflvlnir healthy and natural sleep,
Tho Children's PauaceaTlio Mother's Friend.
Bears tho Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Sim swms. rt tMM atMSt. mtm hmm fn.
Jor Infant, and Cbildrtn.
Tut Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tht
Signature of
Enterprise for Job Print
c Into Bright'.
to 10th Monti,
by All Known
he new Fulton
-h Record 87
A Tried and True FrlendT'
One- Minute Cough Cure contains not an
atom of any harmful drug, and It has
!-n curing Coughs. Colds, Croup and
Whooping Cough no long that it has
proven lts-lf to be a ti led and true friend
to the many who ime It. Mrs. Gertrude
E. Fenner. Marlon, Ind., says: "Cough
ing and straining so weakened me that
I run down In weight from 148 to 92
pounds. After trying a number of reme
dies to no avail. One Minute Cough Cure
entirely cured me. Sold by fieo. A. Harding.
tl work on kidney
M. D.f of Phll
8 "ing that ertry.
"J People Imagine
when. In act it
amut of kldnr, diK
' all Interference,
0 Brighf. DlWMe
f benefit of phy6l.
bnte to Bright',
!f Bright'.
It In the
-. i. it m tne
tronic and is fb
'xceDttho "
hlva 1. 1
I Misses Spangler. of Cams, and Miller,
I ot Libera), rent Monday with Mm
L.lzzle Wells. alRo Mr. Henry Ermerson. i
of Beaver Creek. i
Several from here attended the dance
at Henry Sultzer's Wednesday night, j
Merle Jones of Carus spent Saturday j
and Sunday with Ralph and Ray Kaust.
Misses Moody and Husband spent Sun
day at Molalla with Mrs. Ray Austin.
Maude Husband spent Sunday with
her sister Annie Paraln of Cnlon .Mills.
Jas. Hannaben and son called on Kin
Jones Sunday.
Ben Kaust went to Mullno went to
Mulino Saturday to set up a cream sep
arator for Grant Ashby.
The right honorable Boss "Mills' was
on the sick list three days last week.
Mrs. Win. Skein called on Mrs. Ed.
Austin Monday.
nonce of the
more than sto 10
"g known th
ionise will "e
fe- The .tick!
. busines. and
re the flrt
s tw pr centl.
' "ed, all .tnoni'
s. If you hare
Is osly HI
Jobs J.Fulton
fisnoisco, sole
Vs are the sole
Ordinary household assldents have no
terrors when there's a bottle of Dr.
Thomas' Electric Oil In the medicine
chest. Heals burns. cuts. bruises
spHns. Instant relief.
Mrs. Klebe, of Matksburg, was the
guest of Mrs. L. O. Kiggs .last Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Knotts of Mullno,
were visiting their daughter, Mrs. L. T.
Bums, last Monday.
Miss Minnie Trullinger visited her par
ents at Mullno last Saturday and Sunday.
HIS is a common expres
sion we hear on every
side. U n less there is
some organic trouble, the con-
dition can doubtless be remedied,
i Your doctor is the best adviser.
Do not dose yourself with all
; Kinds of advertised remedies
j get his opinion. More than likely
! you need a concentrated fat food
to enrich your blood and tone
! up the system.
I Scott's Emulsion
I of Cod Liver Oil
is just such a food in its best form.
It will build up the weakened
and wasted body when all
other foods fail to nourish. If
you are run down or emaciated,
give it a trial : it cannot hurt
you. It is essentially the best
possible nourishment for delicate
children and pale, anaemic girls.
We will send you a sample free.
The House Furnisher
7 ' A- I TV 4 .'A
iuu paia iu iiiucu iur your gooas; wu
of such a crime? If so, prevent it for the future by studyic'
our prices. These prices are only for the careful buyei
J wwj vt J ctaw wwuiVWi A tlU XK.WA.lVdS WJ,t Witt
his money on slick talk, the careful' buyer for value rccciw:
Be lure that this picture
in the form of a label Is on
the wrapper of every bottle
of Emudion you buy.
scon & B0WNE
409 Pearl Street, New York
SOc. and $1. All Drut;iili
fS 1 171 y
oiLDeRS Hn nti tn Riii H9
stock of Cedar doors and
windows cn hand also
building hardware. Let
us figure for you we can
save you money. There
are some damaged doors
left from our disastrous
fire which will go cheap.
Steel Range
JO years guarantee
18 inch oven
6 holes
Most elaborate nickel
.. ' '
high grade
finish, fine
mirror, full
This Rocker
Of Wall
per double
roll and
per pai
and tp
Charman & Co., City Drug Store.