OKKOOX CITY 'KNTJ'JRPliiSK, FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1905. r SUMMONS. fl Hip I'lrtnill Court of ih BlftU of Ore- for '" "irty of Clat-kama. flllv C I'ackwuod, I'hilntlff, VH, William II. I'ai'kwood, Ii.ffrnlmil, WIIIIiiim II, I'aekwood. the uhovs .,( iiffi-tiilniit: l (in- nnme of the HIhIp of Oregon, vuii Ifi-i-by required appear mid answer ''oinpliiliit M't Hgiilnitt you In ttit above- entitled Com I and milt on liifurc Hi" hist day "i" peloJ of nil weeks from H" dul 'f " flit pub Hi 'I1'1 summons, to-wlt: on or Morn April H. 1M&. If you fall l . appear and answer suld complaint, !l,r above limnrd plaintiff will apply to the Court for llm relief demanded thr in, to-wlt: Kor a deere dissolving lh bond" ' matrimony now existing be. twrin mid jlulntliY and defendant, mid thul plaintiff bn given Hip custody of Frederick W. I'nikwood mid Mury J. I'ri kwiHid, lh two minor children of plaintiff Mild defendant. This kuiiiiiii'Iih li published In tui miutii of mt order of llwi. Tim. K, Hymi. Judge of the County Coin I , tnudn on the !.1d dy of I'ehnmry, t. Th time I'li i" i tin d In unit older fur the iiutillrnllon of thin summon l one week for l consecutive weeks, Thr dwti f the. flint ptib!l-Ntln thereof i. h id tiny of Muii li, 190G, IIKNKY HT. ItAr.NKIt. Attorney for I'lnlntlff, UMMONI. In thi' Circuit Court of Mm Statu of Oregon for elm kiiuiiiK County. I I. I. li rbhwlikeit, 1'lnlntiff, VN, John Hiliwlrk.il, )fpiidmit. To John Mchwlekert, defendant above, lilt ril.'.l ; In Hi., Minim of tli Ntiitn of Oregon you in.' hereby required to appear mid an swer thi. complaint filed MKulrmt you In the, above entitled emiMi on or befor Krhhiy, Hi.' IMilh day of April, 11)05, mild dny ln 1 1 m morn Omit nix week from the, 1 7 1 h duy of Miiri'h, 1IIU6, the date, of tlni Mint ptioll.'iitloii of this summon, mid If you full to mi mmwtir, for want there of, th plHlutlff will npply to th Court fur the relief piny d for, to-wlt: For n dec-re of nnld Court forever dls- nnlvltiK thi bond of matrimony now ex isting between plaintiff mo defendant, mid for her costs nr.d illHlmr n.'tn.'iila In thin milt, mid for uh other mid further relief un to llm Court seem J tint nnd IMullulil', Thi' onli-r for fiuhlli'Mtlon of iiiiniiionn In thin court wnn iimdi- hy lh Hon, Thon, K, Hymt, Jiidgn of Km County ('ourt of mild I'linkuinun county on the 16th dny of Mni't'h, lani. Th dull' of the Mini pullrulln of thin niiltinionn In Munti 17, lVt. W, M, trilKN. Attoitti-y fur riHintirr. CITATION. Court of Clnckiiman 111. k. y'n i SUMMON. In lh Circuit 'riurt of thi- Huu of Orr- i-iii, for th t'oiinly of Clm knmnn, Aiti-lphl Allen, I'lnlntlff. vn. J tiny Allen, tiffciidnnt. T.i J, Uuy Allen t fendiit: In the nm of the Mtnte of Oregon: Yini me hereby inpilreit to nppenr nnd mixwer tliH oiiiipiHlnt filed mtninnt you In the niiiive entitled null, on or Ix-fote Hie Kith dny of Apt II. mot. mid If you l.ill to mmwer. for wmit thereof, thn plnliitlff will nok fur Hie relief prnye1 for In her roniplnlnl. vli: th ttlnnolullon of ihe murrluiin Inindn imw .llln be tween th plulnllff mid ilefeiidnnt, on the moondn of cruel nnd Inhuman tient-mint Thin minium!, In pulillnhed by of the linn, Tlton, K. Itynn, Judie of the founly Court, of ( 'In 'kaiimn county, mnde nnd enl. i d on Mun h 2ii. dlieellnn thn llixt pul.lli ill Inn th' i.nf to be iimde on March 3d, mid the luxt publl.u- tltrn on April Hih. 100.., School Notion. After II HI llt.illllin' tellll. I'lullli- m liuol i lune.l Mun h It Tlleio Were i-IkIiIi i II pllpll elll olleil, The nu-iiim iminiier of poplin wim U.7J mid Ihe nVeiuM' dully nll iidmice wun I 4". The t 1 1 1 1 1 h uwiiid.d m'.liiln for ex cidlein i. In deMi tinent mid ncholnrnhlp Went Allien Hilly, Kill smile; Mimkji.I Nl.-olul, Hod my, "th Ktude; Mnbi-1 Vuiik-hn. Cm I l-Vyer, till Kindej Mtnly Idiy, 4th mnde; Helen M.oliit, Willie I'l-yer, I'd nrmte. NKI.I.IK AK.MHTHONU, Tem her, III the County County Orciton, In the matter of the Munrfllfiimblj of Hiiibitru IteithiH Moilo. k, Ani.dhi toulnt) Mullock, nnd Anmi Mnile Morlock, milium. Now com. n K. 0, Cinifleld. KUiirdlHn of Dim nbiivu nnriK"! nilnom by bin Btlorriey, II, Ifi, Cronn, mid tllen In Court bin duly ceitllled petition on behiilf of mild minor, nnkliiK for mi order mid llceune alloWlliK him to ne the Inteient which maid minora luivn hi th" following d.ncrlbed real en litlc nltunt In th County of CluckHmnn, Hlntn of OriKon, to-Wit: IicKlnnlnir t th Northennt corrn-r of Unit ceilnln tract of hind found den-i-ilbcd In deed recorded on pngu 370, Vol, 49, record of deed for CluckamH County, OreKoii. (Httld beglnnlriK point bnlnlt the, Northennt corner of th Houth wenl niuirler of the Northwent ijimrter of H.'i tlon four T, 3 H ft. 3 K. of tha W. M runriliig thence Hovlh along th Kul line of mild tract 2C.4S chain to thn County road; thencw along nald County loml North 6 degree Went 1.68 chiilnn; then.e Kouth 74 degreen Went along nuld road fi.DO cliulim; thence North Hti degree, Went 14 chain more or lea to the Went line of nald flection 4; thence North along nald Hectlon line, 28 chain more or lenn to tike Northwct corner of thn Boulhwint qumtcr of the Northwent quarter of nald flection 4; thence Kanl 20 chiihm to the place of beginning, con taining H aifen more or lean, nubject t j the life entate .f their father, Daniel I Mullock. And It appearing to the aatlnfiictlcii of Ihe Court that It would be beneficial to mild warJn that mich real entat't and their inti-rent In the name nhoiild ! Mold, mid Ihe Court being fully adylned It In jtrdered, adjuilgeil and decreed that M-m- j day. the Int day of May, l0f. at the hour I of ten o'clock a, m. he the day and time I net apart for the hearing of nueh petition mm iji oifjeciieil I'l lite rwiiiw. it finj there 1h', and that Daniel Morlm-I;. th'. father of nald minora, Undue HornlM-rger, Wllhelmlna Hlller. next of kin of nald wariln. mid nil other penmn lnterent-d In nuld Kntute are hereby cited t-i t land appear 1 fore thin Court on naid Irt 'day of May, 1905. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in., to nhow raune why !lcine You and pa,-h of you ftr hereby cited to appear before thi court at th court room thereof In the court houne of Clack- am km (Jounty, (rcgon, on tha 24 th day of , April, lttOG, at 10 o'clock a. m. then and thero to nhow cauiwi, If any exlnt, why , an order nhoiild not lm mod for the ale at prlvat? nale by the administrator of the real property belonging to the entate of the nald Jame B. Currle, dceane.d, which renl property 1 more particularly dencrlbed an follow, to-wlt: The outh-went quarter of the noiith uant (iiarter, the eant half of the nouth went quarter mid lot four (4) of nectlon thirty (30 townnhlp () north, nix 0D went of tha Willamette Meridian, contalnlnK 12 0-100 In Clatnop County, Oregon. The north-went quarter of nectlon twelve. 12), townnhlp three (3) south, range five, (6) eant of the Willamette Meridian, In Clackarna County, Oregon, a prayed for In the petition of A. M, Crawford, administrator of nald entate, now on fll In thi court. i: range ; 4V 4V CYCLONE OF ARGAINSI Wltnenn my hand and the neat of said j 4. Court hereto affixed, thi 22d day of March, 1906, (HEAL). F.' A. SLEIGHT, Clerk of th County Court. Hy K. W. Greenman, Deputy, ORDINANCE NO -4i 4l t i 4k 4fc . An ordinance providing for the light ing of Oregon City and authorizing the execution of an agreement with Portland Oeneral Electric Company therefor. Oregon City Doe Ordain a Follow: flection 1. That the Mayor and Re corder of Oregon City be and they are hereby authorired to enter Into an agree- , , ment, on behalf of Oregon City, with the i Portland general Electric Company pro viding for the lighting of the ntreet of Oregon City for the term of five year from the flint day of June, JS06. Hectlon 2. , Such agreement nhall pro vide that during nuch terra Oregon City nhall un- and the Portland General Elec tric Company nhall furnlnh for une with in the iirenent limit of Oregon City electric current for not ! than thirty- eight nominal two thousand candle pow JOHN YOUNGER, JT1E2 "W 13 Xa 23 Near Huntley 8 Dr U M0e, nlmuld not be grunted for the niile of mich -- I real entitle an praveil for. W)KTY iKAKS BXFHKIHNCH X ordered and decreed .hat a copy of thin order be publlnhed In the jrt Brilill ttlttl Alfifrica, ' '(Hegon City Knterprlne for three nuc- eennlve wei-kn (M-fore the hearing of mich petition, Dated March ' aunt CnUrrh quiekly yield to troaU Kut by Uy Crra lialm, which U agre. bl rvmlio. It i rcid through th , nontxil, eliMUMHM and bl Ui wbol ftu oider over which it diffuse IUlf. DruggUta rll Ui 600. ) Trial i ly tnml, 10 oeuts. Tt it and you r sure to oonUnu U trestuieDt. AnnouncoinrnL To wacommodaU Ujom who tr partial id. l!iD. THOH. K. RYAN. County Judge, CITATION. 40 4 1- 1. ' 1 4-. to th unef atotuizsr in spjiljiua liquid into th canal pmwaca for eotarrJuU triu. tdfi, th proprietor prep Cremn Halm la liquid form, which will U known m Ely's J.'IIN T, WHAU.KV. Attoiiiey for Plaint Iff, j Ii.uid Cream Itatm. Prio including th irnylng tul i 75onU. DruggUU or by I nail, 'ilie liquid form embodies th md- lcinal propertiea of the solid preparation HulimTlbe to The Enterprise. In the County Court of the 8tte of .Oregon, for the County of Clackamas, j In the matter of the Entate of James I K. Currle, deceased, j To Margaret Dooley, John Magorry. Thomas Magorry and Patrick Magorry. mid all others unknown or non-renldentn, If any nuch there be, who are heirs or devisees of James E. Currle, deceased, or Interested In nald entate: In the name of the State of Oregon: - j We WMI ' Gu&&&ntee j to save you 1 0 per cent, over other dealers on either Mixed Paint or Lead and Oil. If you contem plate painting, and of course you do, because you want your house to look the best in the neigh borhood, dont hesitate after getting other prices to come to us. We assure you the quality can't be equaled in the city. If you use Lead, use Pioneer or Atlantic brands, they are the best. If you use Mixed Paint you want NEW ERA, it can't be beat. .-r electric are lamp. That Oregon City I nhall pay the Portland General Electric Company for nuch service, monthly, at I . I... ...t. ..r viKu in-ioft us so) I)nl- ;r lam per month for each of nald arc lump. Hectlon 3. The number of lampn may j be Increased at any time at the requet of Oregon City and for such Increased i number Oregon City nhall pay the lame v. rules, At no lime uurmg wie icim ui the said ngieement nhall the number of arc lampn le reduced to lens than thirty eight. Section 4. All arc lamp ahall be kept lighted at all time between twilight and dawn during the term of nald agree ment; provided, that if by reason of ac cident, or other oaune beyond the control of nald company said service be inter rupted, then In such cane and for the time reasonably necessary to restore such service a proportionate rebate shall be made from the agreed price, and such rule shall also apply in the case of in- dividual lamps remaining unllghted for any of nald reason. Section C. Portland General Electric Company nhall f-.irnlnh Ell poles, wires, and lamp and nhall place uch addi tional arc lamp where the same may be required by Oregon City, provided, how ever, that the said Portland Cfeneral Electric Company shall not be required to erect any arc lamp at a greater dis tance than 1200 feet from any other arc lamp uned for street lighting under the nald agreement. Oregon City shall de fray the cont of all removals and relo cation. Section . That the agreement be tween Oregon City and the said Port land General Electric Company made pur suant to Ordinance No. 266 and dated September 14. 1901. be cancelled and set aside upon the execution of the agree ment provided for herein. Read first time and ordered published at a special meeting of the Council of Oregon City, held Tuesday. March 21, 1905. and to come up for second reading and final action at a regular meeting of the Council of Oregon City, to be held Wednesday. April 5, 1905, at 8 o'clock p. m. Bv order of the Council of Oregon City. W. A. DIMICK, Recorder. ' Circumstances compel us to close out, our immense stock of seasonable merchandise at prices that will startle this community and open the purse-strings of every eco nomical purchaser- Every thing will be marked down. Everything Must Go A Cyclone of Bargains. Sale Commences SATURDAY, APRIL 1 A rare opportunity. To miss this immense money saving sale would be a great loss to you. Watch for our ad in next week's issue The Faitf Stoe as- Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Notions, Etc. t Main Street, Harding Block. Oregon City, Oregon by which school II lunoh was r.JTT-J'Z l fc-j.- there was a weight social 19.26 was realized for the brary. after which a light served. We were shocked to hear of the sud den death at Jefferson of Mrs. Weddel's sister Rosa. She was about 27 years of age and leaves a husband and two little children, beside a host of relatives and friends. The disease was peritonitis and she was sick but a week. Mr. and Mr. Weddle were summoned by telephone, and got there but a few minutes before she passed away. On Tuesday a little daughter came to bless the home of Mr. and Mrs. Polivka, Mr. Wisenborn sold out to some par ties from' Portland. Retains bedding and clothing and steps out price $2400 for 20 acres. Pleasant and Harmless. Don't drug the stomach to cure a cough. One Minute Cough Cure cuts the mucous, draws the infiamatlon out of the throat, lungs and bronchial tubes, heals, soothes and cures. A quick cure for Croup and Whooping Cough. One Minute Cough Cure relieves a cough in one minute because it acts first on the mucous membrane right where the cough troubles In the throat or, deep-seated on the lungs. Sold by Geo. A. Harding. Wm. Wallace and family, H. Seltzer and Mrs. McDonald and son were vis itors at the Boynton home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. August Erickson and sons. Albert and Oscar, ana miss t-ean. will depart for down the river the first of next month. Mr. Erickson will cook for the crew of fishermen and Mr. Erickson and Albert have work. Walter Wile is working in Portland at Present. f j Eight pupils In school here are pre paring to graduate from the 8th grade by the end of this term; which will be four weeks. Adkin's logging camp has been re moved from Buckner Creek camp to the old stamping grounds on Jack Knott' place. Mr. U. Shaw has had the misfortune to have two milch cows missing very suddenly and has failed to find them. Mr. Fish's horse which was very sick has recovered. Maud Manning is staying with her sis ter, Mary Daniels, at present. Mr. and Mr. Fred Pendleton are stay ing with the former's father. Chas. Daniels Is working for Austin In the saw mill. YOU SURELY HAVE as Something around the place that needs painting. If it's your house we would recommend New Era Mixed Paint at $1.65 or Regal Mixed Paint $1.50 per gallon. The first is guaranteed to wear five years and both the manufacturers and ourselves stand back of the guarantee This means that if any time during that period you are not satisfied with the paint in every respect we will, without cost to you, repaint your house at our expense. Couldn't be more fair could it? Maby it s your barn, if so we can furnish you material at an ex pense of 75c per gallon that will wear an age. Climax Carriage Paint will make your old buggy or cart look like new, and the expense is nominal. Two quarts, at 75c per quart, wil- cover an ordinary buggy. One coat is all that is necessary. If your floors look, shabby when you are cleaning house buy a can of Varno-FIoor Stain or Lacqueret and touch them up you will be surprised at the improvement. A package of Calcimo ot a cost of 50c will put a neat, new finish on your wall. Remember we carry everything in the Psint, Oil, Varnish and Brush line and will 'be glad to furnish you with all the advice and information at our command for the asking. . . . . Reliable Pr-uggists CHAMBERS HOWELL LINN E. JONES STAFFORD. week.) CARUS. (Continued from last ' A big gate feii upon little Johnle Moser In such a way as to break his hip. Dr, Sommers was called by tele phone and reduced the fracture but he continue restless and uneasy, crying a good part of the time, and very hard to control.' The poor chap 1b but four years old. His mother sits by him continu ally trying to soothe him as only mother can, hut it is hard lines. Mrs, Farmer, who was reported dan gerously 111 with la grippe and pneu monia, at last witting, died Friday morn ing. Besides a husband and two baby girls, the eldest 3 nnd one-half years and the younger but a few months old, she leaves a father and mother, Mr. and Mrs, Saldcrn. of Portland, three sisters and a host of friends to mourn her demise. She was taken to Portland and buried from KlnU-y's undertaking parlors. Henry Schat and Delkar have each been having John Sager and Frank Kechel pull stumps for them with their big machine. Our supervisor has made the main road pretty smooth the whole length his beat, and' we'' understand will go at some of the worst places on side roads, though the rain Monday interfered some with his plans. John DeNnl is reported very sick with some affection of the tongue, which is very much swollen. Dr. Sommers came out to see him nnd lanced it, which re lieved him greatly, and while it is stilt badly swollen, he Is quite comfortable at present writing. Our teacher, Mr. Hyatt, with the as sistance of his pupils gave a very en joyable entertainment Friday evening. They had a miniature stage nicely doc orated with evergreens nnd a curtain I which worked all right and the numbers wore all rendered In a pleasing manner. The Stafford band added materially to the pleasure of the evening. Then Mr, and Mrs. Davis went to Beaver Creek Sunday. Mr. McCarthy Is Improving the looks of his farm by building fence and slash ing the underbrush oft. Mr. Ward had the misfortune to lose a horse lately. Miss Winnifred Howard returned home from Liberal Tuesday, where she had been visiting with friends. Miss Jessie Jackson of Ely, visited with her aunt, Mrs. Ethel Spangler, a few days last week. Mr. Charles Spangler and wife, Mr. Fred Spangler, Emerson Spatz. Miss Jessie Jackson and Bertha Spangler called on Edwin Howard and family Wednesday evening. A young lady in Cams believes In spiritualism. Born, to the wife of Walter Emmett, a son, March 26. Mother and child do ing nicely. By The Tonic Route. The pills that act as a tonic, and not as a drastic purge, are ueniiu .untie Early Risers. They cure Headache. Constipation, Billlousness, etc. Early Risers are small, easy to take and easy to act a safe pill. Mack Hamilton, hotel clerk at Valley City, N. D.. says: Two bottles cured me of chronic consti pation." Sold by Geo. A. Harding. Subscribe to The Enterprise. LIVER ff "UndThed ford's li a good medicine for I W It cured my -on after I WOO with doctors. It is icine I take."-MBS. I XAUTIX, Parkersburg, "I owe my whole life to Burdock Blood Bitters. Scrofulous sores covered my body, I seemed beyond cure. B. B. B. has made me a perfectly well woman." Mrs. Chas. Hutton, Bervllle. Mich. MULINO. Joe Daniels has gone to Brookfleld, where he will work during the Ashing season. An attempt Is being made to extend the Mutual telephone on to Cams from Mulino a meeting will be held to that effect. Miss Edith Wites was a visitor at the home of Mrs. Gib, White of Liberal last week. ' The party at the Erickson home in honor or Johntes' birthday was a de cided success. Mr. Edwards of Lafayette, was the guest of his sons who are living- on their farm here, a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Kinney have moved to Cams In the house formerly occupied by Mrs. Moore and family. Mil's. Woodstde called on Fred and Agnes Woodslde Sunday. Fred Wallace has gone to Oak Point to work during the summer. Johnie Rhodes' smiling face was seen In our midst one day last week. OASTOniA Bean the f 9 Kind You Havfl Always Boutfit OASTORIA. Bear the A liw KM Vou Have Always Bougm Blaek-Drwoght iivar diss, he bad spent allthemed-CAIiOLINB W. Va. If your liver does not act reg ularly go to your druggist and secure a package of Thedford'i Black-Irauffht and take a dose tonight. This great family medicine frees the constipated bowels, stirs up the torpid lirer and causes a healthy secretion of bile. Thedford's Black - Draught will cleai'se the bowels of im purities nnd strengthen the kid nevs. A torpid liver invites colds, biliousness, chills and fever and all manner of sick ness and contapion. Weak kid neys result in Bright's disease which claims as many victims as consumption. A 25-cent Eackage of Thedford's Black iraugnt should always be kept in the house. "I ufed Thedford's Black Draught tor lirer and kidney com-.plaint--, and found nothing to exoal it."-V II.UAM COFFMAN, Uar blehMd, ill. The Kind Von Have Always fZ7 Bignaturt of 2 Signature of