OREGON CITY KNTEttl'iUSE, FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1905. I ...Short Sidehead Stories...! X TI!IM..TOt,0 TALM 01' TUB WBI!K' DOINIIK. Will Bowl Newberg lliinagrT (InodMlow, of the Oregon iinwtliiK team, Is In correspondence din Newbeis bowlers with whom a p,aiihil Witim w'" ,,w arranged lit tb fitKUiv ll weon v. iy ,eam over Nrwberg mid bowl tha ifW III K" game lurulnf four Veers lil.k Wilson, Hie colored mail with nmi"' Mlt"- sentenced by j ,,. M.iilili hmt Haturduy to fur yium In tlw Hliitf umlt"'iitlty' for burg lary, Wilson l th man who burglar liiit three UmmImcmm bonne In thin city ini days ago mill. being arrested, plead- - 1 Many Want Rtnilum H, pi.tMinnllvn Km nil Jiikkw thin Vnk circulated aiming I hi' business mxn tul itlnn of Mklim for Ihn referendum of the tlen Friday afternoon uni waa knocked be ticnth tha horsus, both win! of thu wagon paaalng over tilH body lit the hit, fortunately for tha lad, thu wagon was nut loaded mid he escaped uninjured. Thu mlahap occurred on Main street op posit the public drinking fountain, versy fur which tli milt hen ben brought, mi etaui consisting of money, note nil accounts, tnerehandl, real and personal property, MKtrrKntlnK over fl0O,OOU. Will ef Peter Molntyre Tim will of, thit lata Peter Mclntyre, who died In thla city from thu result of Injuries mialalned at the Oregon City Woolen Minn, ha been admitted to pro bulii, The ini it.. In of the railrnatcd viiIiib of 14000, unit hy the term of th Instrument ihr entire etal, both per sonal and iul, km- In I hi' widow Mm. Mury Mclntyre, with tha exception of a gold watch, which In given decedent' mm, Jam 1),, und tin. mini of 1, In given the only daughter, Mary. Mm. Mury Mclnlvu. wan uniuilnliol . iilrl nngnn fliy ,-tlll.mi. . f Mt Th will wm ixwiitl w Ih'i I'lnhi r 4. lvoo, In thn pri'iH'm of J, W, tUr und J, K, t'lmk, Circuit Court Ordr At mi iulJoumi)I M'Mliin of th t'lack iiitiiin rounty rlrriitt i-onrt In thin elty Hiil in dny, Judgw McHildit ovorruM tha J-r nlti nt m d'tiiurrT In the mtmont milt, of K, W. Ilornnhuh annlnnt Mary Horn Mtid khv th dcfnndttn-tii until April 10 In which U nnnwnr th com plaint. Iilvon 4ewH wr nmdrd mm follow: Ixirltg Woodworth v. fluniniiimt Wwxlworth; iJi'lla Kienti vm. ClmrliN Krunli; l4iwinc lvlb VN. AiiiiU- I,nvlh; and DunM Hiwht v. Mary llri'iht, In lb Ilnrcht (, tho Wlf." WHM HWHirlcd ,thii pofoHimlim rf urn propi-rty ov'r which there ilKtd a illHputn, An order of default und r-f-i ii'iif w miidn In th illvori! milt of Mary A. Knox ugalnt Mghtcn H. Knox und In th dlvor- milt of John M. Iim drotli v. Alma Ih-ndroth, the pltt'n- tlff wa dlrffitfd hy the court to pay the defendant the auin of 180 with which to iiink' ii ilefenai-. ml Airtiruttloii tdll piituu'd at the lat Iriflnlalorf. Thf prtltlona were hugely iKiird. Mr, Jut-r finding hut few to hum the (MtliUin wim prt-aeiited, (li-.llmd to nlgn It. who Will Pravtnt Clut't hMity lllilcl Atturney ( Hc.huehel Iwia iti . lined that lie will t'KUM wariHllta ( ,i iNNtieil fur arret of rvwy per Wl ln la any way int. if mil or iil onii'i to pull off In thla county the pro l,Mil right lieiwi.n Tommy Iiuina and wtr Hurry. .Mllng t". H, Khlda, ail pvr rliilemti lit uf tianapol tutton for the i W J', t'onipany In the atret one day IhM wrrk. Mr. ft hiu-lad riullrtril that tumixiny nt to txawl the tght along any for It veitidnly would not he allowed in mJie place lii "lackainaa rounty. Dimag by Wind Horm Jaculi liri'Ulier, of luanll, Wun III the lt llv hint nf the werk and i..,iia iihimual dainuae reauHIng In Ida In rainy fi'in the .tf wind alorm that fili4 lhat aectlun lunt K1ly night. The rMif waa turn from U'tn. Meyrr'a rn a4 like dainuge n-aultI lo the nitur faim hulldlnga on adhu-.-nt furtna tthltw uullHill.lliiKn und fincea arte very generally damaged hy the wind. Tha velocity of Ihe wind on the iilghl meu liipiird wn iimiatial, nnrnntiiin ti-a be ing blown dawn In addition tu the havoc thut Waa talaa'd ntheiwlne Wfrndum Ptltlon IVtltlona Invoking the i foreinluin on the Ui lo t n I Appropi lallon Hill panned at the lain Icglalatlve aenalun, are being lircolalrd throughout Cliukiimiin ciiunly, Itenldeiila from different aectlona of the county have called during the lant week and obtained etltloiia for circulation. Ili f i hp ihr Urn explrea within which theae petltloiia may be filed, It la eg l.cted Th kamaa e.mnty will he well reprencnli-d an tin-re la a alrong arntl nient for the ' Immediate itmalderatlon and action m the bill by the people of the Ml ii t Guardian Appointed for Trglllngar After a two dny' i-onicnt In the pro bate court. Judge Ityan Monday after noon appointed J. J. (''Hike guardian for !. J. Trulllnger, In appointing f'onke guuldlnil, the court holda thai Trul linger I "Incapable of conducting hla own afTalin owing to debilitated phy nl.nl and mental condition." Trulllnger la aged mora than eighty year and through hla attorney, '. II, I Jilmiietti-, reelntmt the attempt to hnve a guardian apiMilnted, alleging that he I eomietent to iraimact and ttnd to hla own bunl nenn, Ttie tietlilon for the appointment of guaidlan waa filed with th rolirt by the notia uf Mr. Trulllnger, who claimed that he la not In a proper mental con dition to conduct hla affair. Judge (. K. Ilayea appeared a attorney for the for Hon Sttallng Pan May, of 1'ortland, I In the county Jail at Oregon '-'Hy charged with Ihe larceny of aevenil head of horaea from thla vicinity, t'ho. Decker I" ahej wanted by Ihe police on the name charge. It la alleged that thena men, who for year were engaged In the hack bual lien at I'm t lanil, are ienponlble for the unexphilned dlaappeiiriuica of a num ber of tine luoni-n fruin thl ha-allty during the lunt few week. Home of the animal were dlnponcd of at Aatorla and It waa there that the information waa neeuied that Maya Imn been lO rented, Holiday Nell tynn, wan i)rctcd ott WiMidburii on advice of Hherlff Mhaver, on the charge of aii-allng from a farmer named Kdgar, near Muniuam, a valuable home that he afterward aold for 1125 at I'ortland. filai-n wa brought to Ore gon City Hunday evening by Constable Trcmbath and lodged In the county Jul), Olaeu will be given a preliminary ex amination In for Juntlce Htlpp at 10 o'clock thla morning. He will be defend ed by Hcnalor Hrownell and O. H. Ulm Ick. The trial of May, who will be de fended by Hrownell and J. V, Watt, will be held next Monday afternoon. Not Vat Mull A. J Aiiprrnoii dl'. I at Oregon city yenterdoy. He had been promt- 1 petitioner, n-nl In Oregon affair for many eaia. He wan iiu mU-r of the t. A, O, Ixiard j Much Monty Involvad of irgiiil.- Altutity l-morat. Thai ftachuet lieltow et aJ, plaintiff, va. la mocrat mutt la mlnfnkeii. lion. J. I Wollniln ig. nunlvlng paitner and T. App'inin, of I'uikpbue. uiih of Clack- j adinlulnlrnlor of the piirtuernhip of H. aman cooniy'a Ignored and renHcted i Mnik and II. Wulli nbvig, and a ad- clllii iin. In mill hole and lo iul)' and by J oilnKtiiitor of the purtneinhlp iff 8. w mean a' nut.ect for the grave yard or a crematory. It waa Captain Appeiaon'a brother, who renlit.-d at Portland, who tliod. Wi Not Injwrad While running Into the ntreet id avoid a nip of water that Waa about to tw thiown Uan him by a playmate, the twi-lie-yrar old mm of Chaa, Tool", of mi. mull, rollliled with a panning team Mark it Company. Haul Maika and Her man Miiikn. and Herman Muikn a ex ecutor under the lant will of Anher Mulkn, deceaned defendant. I the title of a tane thut ha bern placed on the ('Imkainaa county circuit court docket, Ihe cane having originated In lHiugla county from which It waa trunafarred to the dackama county court to be tried iH'furo Judge Mcltrlde on a change of Venue. There In Involved In the contro- STOP! WOMEN, Catting Ready for Chautauqua The board of director of the Willam ette Valley Chautauipiu Aaaoclatiou haa named the following ntdiidlng commlt teea: Kxecutlve C. II. U)e, II. K. Croaa, and ;. A. Hteel; finance J. T. Apper n, W. A. Huntley, and Uco. A. Hard ing; ath)i-1leVV A. HunHey, Ci. Av Hteel and if. K. C'ronn; grounda and rea taiirantJ. T. Appernon, W. A. Huntley and (I. A. Harding; tranaportatlon a. A. Hteel, J. T. Appernon and II. K. Croa. The aaniHdutlon has been advlned that the Chemawa Indian i hool band, that him for year attended the Chautauqua meeting and fumlahed tnualc, will not b available thla year. The matter of employing a aultahle band organisation waa referred to a committee. Ml Veda William, of thla city, ha been engaged a planlnt for the 1305 Anaembly. Ar rangemenl have been concluded with Ir. (i. B. Uowdy, a talented lecturer of I-ebanon. Ohio, who will deliver two lec ture. It haa been decided by the Chau taiKiua management to keep the ground open for a period of two week following the Chautauqua. The ground will be mippllcd with water and the Chautau qua management will employ a keeper to look after the lntereat of the camp era who will be charged a nominal fee for the unn of the ground. AND CONSIDER THE ALL-IMPORTANT FACT I That in addreaalnr Mrs. Flnkham you art confiding- your private ill to a woman a woman whoae eiperienc with wo nan' dlaeaaea covert a great npanj year. You can talk freely to a woman when it i revolting' to relate your private troublea to a man besides a man doea not under stand nlmply bccauHo be ia a man. Many women suffer In silence and drift along- from bad to worse, knowing- full well that they ought to have Immediate aaaistanoe, buta natural modesty impels them to shrink from exposing them selves to the questions and probably examinations of even their family physician. It ia unnecessary. 'Without money or price you ean oonsult a woman whose knowledge from actual experience is great. Mrs. Pinkhawn's Standing InTitatlont Women .suffering- from any form of female weak xteas are Invited to promptly communicato with Mrs. l'inkham at Lynn, Mass. All letters are received, opened, read and answered by women only. A woman can freely talk of her private illness to a woman; thus has been estabiiBitca tne eternal conndence between Mrs. Pinkham and the women of America which has never been broken. Out of the vast volume of experience which she bbh to draw from, It is more than poasioie that she has gained the very knowledge that will help your case. She asks noth ing in return except vour irood-wlll.and her advice has relieved thouaands. Surely any woman, rich or poor, is very foolish If she does not take advantage of this crcnerous offer of assistance. Lydia IS. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Following we publish two let ters from woman who accep ted this invitation. Mote the result. First letter. "Dear Mrs. Pinkham t " Forest years I have tuffersd something terrible every month with my periods, 'i he pains are excruciating and 1 can hardly stand them. My doctor ayi 1 have ovarian and womb trouble, and I must go through an op eration if I want to get well. 1 do not want to Hubmit to it tf 1 can possibly help it. Please tell inn what to do. I hope Tou can relieve me. "-Mrs. Marv Dimmick, 59th and B. Capitol Bts Benning P.O., Weablngton.D.O. Second letter. ' Dear Mea. Pinkham: " After following carufullv VOnr advice. and taking Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound, I am very anxious to send you my testimonial, that others may know their Taiueand what you nave done ior me. WILL SERVE AT APRIL TERM. Thlrtyon Jurors Selected for Service at Circuit Court. Sheriff Shaver and Deputy Clerk Greenman this week selected the regular Jury panel for aervlce at the April term of the state circuit court. The lint Includes the following free holder: W. B. Stafford, Oregon City; C. W. Corby, Clackamas; Wm. E. Wan ker, Oswego; Samuel J. London. Sandy; T. O. Hidings, Marquam; Emll Welse. Damascus; P, Klelnnmlth, Oregon City; W. 8. Rider. New Era; A. I). Burnett, Kagle Creek; August Krlekson, Mullno; John Q. Kppcraon, Doling; John Moliiui, Canby; David O. Freeman. Barlow; James Shannon, Heaver Creek; John V. Ullott. Cherry vllle; Chas. T. Pollvka, Stafford; Clark 8. Fuge, Oregon City; A. .Mauls. Ely; Frank McQugin. Bull Hun; Then, A. Campan, Needy; "Albert tengle. Mohilla; Oeorge Lockerby, Gar Held; Frank Unbelt. Sprlngwater; Fred Heft, Highland; W. Tauohmann, Wll sonvllle; Juliua Paulsen, Oeorge; John Itottemlller, Mllwaukle; A. Shubel, Shu bcl; A. V. Davis, Soda Springs; Oscar Wlnslngcr, Mllwuukie; and Julius Busch, I.omin. if ft At' By buying your watch from us you gain advantages not to be overlooked. We have had many years experience in repairing watches, and therefore know every make. Our stock being very large gives you a range of selections as to price, quality and style. We carry a very large stock of gold filled cases and Hamilton, Waltham and Elgin movements. Right now we are showing the very latest and most striking patterns of the Boss filled, Descent filled and other leading makes. If you are interested do not fail to come in and look over our assortment. We can furnish a gold filled case, guaranteed to wear 20 years, with an Elgin or Waltham movement for $12.00. We have better grades at $15.00 to $20.00 and the very best as high as $35.00 and $40.00. In silver watches we are showing some as low as $6.00, and up to $20.00. In nickel, $1.00, $2.00, $3.00, $5.00, $10.00 and $15.00. WE GUARANTEE OUR WATCHES TO GIVE SATISFACTION. T'"- Neither agenor youth is exempt from eye troubles and defective vision. If there is any suspicion of trouble withyour eyes, come in; we'll examine them free and furnish ht glasses at the right price. We fill oculist's prescriptions.with absolute accuracy. BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN The Oregon City Jewelers Wm. McDonald Wants S2000 Because of j CLEARS UP THE COMPLEXION. Mm. McDonald Wants S2000 Because of Alleged Defective Road. Wm. McDonald has filed a suit for J2000 damages against Clackamas coun ty for Injuries alleged to have been sus tained In July. 190t. because of the faulty condition of a county road In, the vicinity of New Era. McDonald, who Is represented by Geo. C. Brownell and J. U. Campbell, al leges that the road was undergoing re pairs and In its hulf-planked condlHon was unsafe for public trawl. He claims that In descending the steep grade with a load of lumber, the Insecure plank ing flew up striking his horses" legs and causing them to run down the hill, de molishing the wagon and injuring him to the extent that he claims to have not entirely recovered. McDonald repre sent that he was confined to his bed for twenty days and was obliged to ex pend 1100 for medical attendance, all of which he says was to his damage In the sum of 15000. In view of the circum stances attending the accident he con siders that he Is entitled to damages In the sum of $2000 and sues for that amount. McDonald recently filed with the county court a bill for S1900 damages, but the claim was promptly disallowed. I 'oet I can't get a bit of tire In my lines today. Friend Here's a match. DOWNWARD COURSE. Druggists Say Laxskola Works Wonders for the Skin. Huntley Bros. Co. not only recommend Laxacola as the Ideal liquid laaxtive for women and children, but some of their lady customers say it Is also a remark able skin beautlfier. The reason Is easy to find. Laxskola moves the bowels regularly and without discomfort, and at the same time stimulates the liver and acts upon the bile pigments thus removing the cause of sallow,, muddy skins that do so much to impair the beauty of one's complexion. If you priie a fresh, clear, velvety skin, and regular habits, or if baby needs a mild, safe, gentle laxative when colicky, or constipated, Just try a 26 cent bottle of Laxakola with Huntley Bros. Co. guarantee it will do all claimed for It. or you can get your money back. A Dinner Invitation. After a hearty meal a dose of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will prevent an attack of Indigentlon. Kodol Is a thorough dl gestant and a guaranteed cure for Indi gestion. Dyspepsia. Gas on the Stomach, Sour Risings, Bad Breath and all stom ach troubles. N. Watklns, Lesbus, Ky.. says: "I can testify to tne emcacy or Kodol In the cure of Stomach trouble. I was afflicted with stomach trouble for fifteen years and have taken six bottles of your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, which entirely cured me. The six bottles were worth 11000 to me." Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will digest any quantity of all the wholesome food you want to eat while your stomach takes a restrecuperates and grows strong. This wonderful prep aration Is Justly entitled to all of Us many remarkable cures. Sold by Geo. A. Harding. ' As vou know. I wrote vou that my doctor aid I must have an operation or I could not live. I then wrote you, toning you my ail ment. I followed your advice and am en tirely well. I can walk miles without an ache or a pain, and 1 owe my life to you and to Lydia E. Pinkham' Vegetable Compound. I wish every suffering woman would read this testimonial and realize the value of writ ing to you and your remedy." Mrs. Mary Dimmiok, 60th and K. Capitol Streets, Ben ning P. O., Washington, D. C. When a medicine has been successful In restoring to health so many women whose testimony is so unquestionable, you cannot well say, without trying it, " I do not believe it will help me." If you are 111, don't hesitate to get a bot tle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at once, and write Mrs. Pink ham, Lynn. Mass., for special advice it is free and always helpful. A Dollar Will Do It Some people think they never control enough money to start a bank ac count. In this they are mistaken. We solicit small accounts as well as large. And we handle the busi ness of both with our best care. We believe you ought to have a bank ac count, and we offer you our services. Zke Bank of Oregon City Oregon Qty, Oregon Fast. Being Realised by Oregon City Peoule. A little backache at first. Dally Increasing till the back Is lame and weak, lirlnarv disorders quickly -follow. Diabetes and rtnulTy Bright Disease. This is the downward course of kidney Ills. Don't take this course. Follow this advice. Mrs. D. E. Sewtn, of 65 East Tenth street, Portland, says: "Doan's Kidney IMlls brought to my notice from reading about them In the paper from my home iAimlnister, Mass. Every now and then 1 rend of some one whom I knew person ally being cured of kidney trouble by the use of Doan's Kidney Fills I would not hnve paid so much attention to It had I not known them to good reliable people who would not make such a state ment unless it were absolutely true. Last fall when I found my kidneys were not performing their functions prop erly, I procured a box. They benotiuea inc. varv much. To say I have a high opinion of Doan's Kidney IMlls expresses my opinion toward them very muaij. Plenty more proof like this from Ore gon City people. Call on C. G. Huntley's drug store and ask what his customers report. For sale by all dealers. Price CO cents. Foster-Milburn Company, Buffalo,' New York, sole agents for the llnited States. Remember the name, Doan's, and take no other. "Laugh and Grow Fat." Life is such a serious business with the average mortal that an opportunity for a hearty laugh is more than wel come to most people. "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine," and so do the humorous features of that great metropolitan dally. The Chicago Record- Herald. The first. thing that greets you on the first page of every issue is the humorous cartoon by Ralph Wilder, the well-known artist, that frequently tells more at a glance than could be conceived In a column of reading matter. Every issue contains also a humorous small story on the editorial page, and the "Al ternating Currents' column, written Dy S, E. Klser, one of the most popular humorous writers In the country. In ad dition to all these, the Sunday issue al ways Includes a comic section, guaran teed to produce laughter. i A Destructive Fire. To draw the lire out of a burn, or heal a cut. without leaving a scar, use De VVItt's Witch Haael Salve. A specific for piles. Get the genuine. J. L. Tucker editor of the Harmonlser, Centre, Ala., writes: "I have used DeWltt's Witch Iluiel Salve In my family for Piles, cuts and burns. It is the best salve on the market. Every family should keep it on hand." Sold by Geb. A. Harding. A model postoffloe will be installed at the Lewis & Clark Exposition. It will prove interesting as an exhibit and use ful in handling the immense amount of mail matter received at and sent out from the Exposition headquarters. A Plot that Failed. Telegram No. 1 Chicago. 'Wire me from New York to come there on urgent business. Spring house cleaning Is on. BEACH." Telegram No. 2 New York. "Mudway stock is going up. Come at once prepared to stay two weeks. LEACH." Telegram No. 3 Chicago. Deal' Hubby: Hope you reached New York safely. Nothing has happened since you left. Have decided to post pone house cleaning until you return. Nobodv can shake the rugs so well. PEACH." School Report. Following is the report of the Beaver Creek School District No. 15. for the month ending March 24, 1905: Number of days taught. 20;' number pupils remaining enrolled. 21; average dally attendance. 17; number days ab sence. 13: number cases tardiness, 0. Those who were neither absent nor tardy during the month are Max Hollmann, Chris Fischer. Frltsle and Ernstie Kam- rath, William and Griffith Roberts, and Blodwen Parry'. visitors were Laura Parry. Wm. Shan non and Mrs. Hughes. Visitors are always welcome. ELNORE GINTHER. Teacher. Her Business Faculty. A young woman stylishly gowned call ed at the First National Bank of this city and inquired how she could send 150 to a friend in an adjoining state. "Buy a New York draft and send it to your friend," suggested the teller fluently. Following his advice she bought the draft, and taking It with her, went away. In less than a week she returned. "It's very strange, but my friend has not received that money and I have called to see what has become of it?" "You wrote to her?" asked the teller. "The same day that I paid it to you." "Did you put a stamp on the enve lope?" "Yes. I certainly did and glued it on." "Are you sure you put the draft in the envelope?" "Why, no, I kept that I thought that was my receipt for the money I gave you." "Well, I'm fiabergasted!" said the teller, as he fell over himself, "if that isn't exactly like a woman." Mike was going to his club and Dennis was having his evening at home. Dennis says to Mike: "Got yer. key, Mike?" "Yis." "Well, you better be taking mine along." "What do I be wanting of yer key?" "So you'l have a key for both the key holes you'll be seeing in the morning when ye come home."