Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 31, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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5 jX 1 I A ...... 2
uar vxf esponaents' corner
Brief Bits of Gossip From All Parts of th County.
rVirroRnnnrtnnU nr rnauested to r-1 turned to her hom m Portland last
new their work. We will furnish all
necessary stationery. The news from
your neighborhood should appear In
these columns erery week.
On Tuesday, the 2Sth. Miss Urania
Ijioroy finished a sueoessfiU term of
school tn District No. "5.
Mr, Arthur Wnlfer Is working for D.
C Richardson.
Considerable real estate Is changing
hands from time to time. Among the
most recent transactions recorded was
the sale of Mr. Dastnirer's plase to a
party from Nebraska. The former own
er moved to Oregon City and is now
working In the pulp and paper mills.
. Mr. Jacob Heeny la down at Stella,
Washington working in the logging
Mr. Bonney, our enterprising tarn mfll
man has recently obtained a franchise
from the City Council permitting him to
string wires and operate a telephone
system through the streets of Oregon
City. The line is now built from there
to Viola and Logan, and will in the near
future be rapidly extended to Stone and
Clackamas Heights.
Considerable sickness has been rife In
this community for the past several
weeks. Among those recovering from
the attack of the la grippe are Fred
and Ora Wilcox, Mr. F. Sprague and
also the Infant son of Mr. James Trull
am from pneumonia fever.
Engaged people should remember, that
after marriage, many quarrels can be
avoided, by keeping their degestions In
good condition with Electric Bitters. S.
A. Brown, of Bennettsvllle, S. C. says:
"For years, my wife suffered intensely
from dyspepsia, complicated with tor
pid liver, until she lost her strength am!
vigor, and became a mere wreck of her
former self. Then she tried Electric
Bitters, which helped her at once, and
finally made her entirely well. She Is
now strong and healthy." Howell &
Jones, druggists, sell and guarantees
them, at 50c a bottle.
Friday. v
Mlss Nancy Thomas railed on Mrs. J
H. Mums one day last week.
Messrs. John Thomas and Andy Fan
ton went coon hunting last Saturday
Got Off Cheap.
He may think lie has got oft cheap,
who, after having contracted constipa
tion or Indigestion, Is still able to per
fectly restore his health. Nothing will
do this but Ir. King's New Life Tills,
a quick, pleasant and certain cure for
headache, constipation, etc. !S cents
at Howell Jones' drug store; guaranteed.
A. V. Davis started to go to Scotts
Mill last Friday morning with John
Churchill in the hack by his side, it
began ruining and when Churchill went
to hoist his umbrella the team became
frightened. Davis set himself to hold
the team telling the holster to "let her
go galnger" and they did go like a snap
down the hill striking the fence, leaving
the hack, driver, umbrella, Churchill and
all. the scared horses went on until one
horse struck a tree dropping dead, In
the wreck It was found that Mr. Church -III
had a dislocated shoulder.
E. K. Judd went up to the place of
the accident five miles from Molallu.
and brought the sufferer In for medical
aid. Drs. Leavltt and Parent set the
shoulder and sent the old gentelman
home midway between a rejoice and a
growl. The accident will go hard with
Churchill as he Is quite feeble and the
damage to Davis' rig is considerable,
besides losing a valuable horse.
George Ogle has recently taken quite
ill with la grippe, and it is feared that it
may go hard with him.
Lewis Dart and family have Juki re
turned from Linn county where they
have been bargaining for a farm.
George Daugherty has a smoke going
down on Mount Jerusalem Hill. That's
going to be a splendid lookout across
the country If that Is to be the location,
Quite a painful accident befell Mr.
H. S. C. Phelps while he was in Oregon
City one day last week. Mr. Phelps was
riding his horse along Main street when
the horse's feet slipped from under him,
throwing Mr. Phelps with considerable
force to the hard pavement, breaking
one of his ribs and bruising him up
to quite an extent. Dr. Sommers at
tended the wounded man and he was
able to be brought out home that even
Mr. and Mrs. D. Dimick visited rela
tives In Canby, lost Saturday and Sun
clay. Mr. and Mis. B. J. Helvey visited Mr.
J. H. Bums and family last week.
Mrs. L. G. Rlggs and Mrs. George
Manes made a business trip to Oregon
City last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Stryker visited Mr.
Joseph Perringer and family last Sun
day. Mr. Chas. Pipka and family were the
guests of Mr. Martin Richter and family
Sunday last.
rs. Ross Peebler who has been visit
ing her mother for the past month re-
Champion Liniment for Rheumatism.
Chas. Drake, a mail carrier at Chap
inville. Conn., says: "Chamberlain's Pain
Balm is the champion of all liniments.
The past year I was troubled a great
deal with rheumatism in my shoulder.
After trying several cures the storekeep
er Jiere recommended this remedy and It
completely cured me." There is no use
of any one suffering from that painful
ailment when this liniment can be ob
tained for a small sum. One application
gives prompt relief and Its continued
use for a short time will produce a per
manent cure. For sale by Geo. A. Harding.
Captain Smith mid wife spent Monday
with their daughter. Mrs. lhiul Kreytag,
of Portland. Their little grand-daughter
is very sick and the doctor pronounces
it typhoid fever.
Mrs. Coffee I Slovflly Improving In
health after a long Illness.
Mr. Hrayton and Mrs. Hutts celebrat
ed their birthdays last Saturday at the
Grange Hull.
A large cuke with "S lighted candles
decorated the table and tifld to Mr.
Urayton'a friends that 8 winters of his
life hus passed away. May Mr, Brayton
and Mrs. Hutts both live to see many
other birthdays la the wish of their
many friends.
The IaiiU's Supper will be administer
ed In the Congregational church April
2. I9U5, and any who wish to unite with
the church am Invited to be present
Sunday evening at 7:3d, April 3,
Several of the Parkplaee young people
attended the Boston Social Monday even
ing at the Baptist church In Oregon
City. A good time was enjoyed.
An entertainment and banket social
was given by the Dickey's Prairie school
t Its clone March ISth, which Judging
y the appreciation expressed by the
udlence and the money talsed, was a
unplete success.
The pioKiain, though not lengthy, was
lined ami wen execuieu iiuu me im-
Ipants ale deserving of great ereuit.
striking feature was tlm picturing t
Incidents In the childhood of lilawntlia.
the Indian boy, by a number of tableaux.
Music and songs were finnlshed by
Miss Haul Hardy, of Portland; Mrs. and
Mr. Nlcolal and Mis, Davis. Other help-
sr, besides pupils, most worthy of
mention were Halph, Mart and Albeit
Italy and Mr. ami Mrs. Roberts.
After the program the baskets were
auctioned by Ira Buyer of Kngle. the
iroceeds were $$:I7.N0. The money will
be used to purchase desks for the school.
At the close of the entertainment a
ote of thanks was tendered the teach
r, Miss Nellie Armstrong, for the able
manner In which the work of tlie school
and entertainment had been conducted,
State of Ohio, City of Toledo,
Lucas County ss.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he
Is senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business In the City
of Toledo, County and State aforesaid,
and that said firm will pay the sum of
ONK HfNDRKD DOLLARS for each and
every cuse of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscribed In
my pitsence, this 6th day of December,
A. 1.. 1SS6.
tSeal.) A. W. GLEASON.
Notary Public.
Hull's Catarrh Cure Is taken inter
nally, and acta directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Send
for testimonials free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists, "& cents.
Take Halls Family Pills for Constipation.
Horace Davta left Sunday for North
Yakima, Washington, where he will i
work during the summer. I
Mr. John Linn, his (wo daughters anil 1
son-in-law have arrived at the Linn
saw mill from Illinois. Mr. I. Inn Is one !
of the proprietors of the mill. j
K. C. Huffman of Portland ami Hobt,
Duncan, of Oregon ICly, were visiting
relatives and attending Grange the latter j
part of last week,
A good social dance was given Friday
evening In the Hull which lasted till day-
While at work on Coyd l,ooiiey'a house ,
Henry Palinuteer had the misfortune to
step on a null, resulting In a painful In
Juiy. I
Church services Saturday evening, j
April 1st. at Barrteld school house by j
the Rev. i'attim. of Moia.
Mr. D. R. Dimick has bought the
Parker ranch.
Miss Ixniisa Perringer who is working
tn Portland came out home Friday and
staid until Sunday.
Miss Geno Bums and Miss Lydia Wllk
erson were the guests of Miss Rosa
Hrlggs last Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. J. H. Burns was the guest of Mr.
Anderson and family last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Thomas were the
guests of Mr. T. J. Grimes and wife one
evening last week.
Messrs. Joseph Perringer and Otto
Striker were visiting Mr. Mike Huiraa
lust Sunday.
Miss Helena Richter. of Portland, la
home now visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Martin Richter.
Mr. Victor Carrothcrs of Canby, is
staying with Mr. D. R. Dimick.
For Thin
Fat is of great account
to a baby ; that is why
babies are fat. If your
baby is scrawny, Scott's
Emulsion is what he
wants. The healthy baby
stores as fat what it does
not need immediately for
bone and muscle. Fat
babies are happy ; they do
not cry ; they are rich ;
their fat is laid up for
time of need. They are
happy because they are
comfortable. The fat sur
rounds their little nerves
and cushions them. When
they are scrawny those
nerves are hurt at every
ungentle touch. They
delight in Scott's Emul
sion. It is as sweet as
wholesome to them.
Stnd for fr satnplt.
Be sure that this picture in
the form of label Is on the
wrapper of every bottle of
Emulsion you buy.
Scott Sr Bowne
409-413 Ptart Strft
Mw York
50c. and $1.00
, Ail Druggists
Miss Cleo Douglass has gone to Du
fur, where she will spend the Summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Udell of Dover,
were visiting at Mr. R. B. Gibson's Sunday.
Mr. J. W. Douglass will leave this
week for Eastern Oregon, where he will
spend two months with his son Walter.
Mr. Ed. Douglass and his cousin. Miss
Ruby Cooke, of Damascus, who Is vis
iting relatives here, attended the dance
at Barton Saturday evening.
Mrs. Linnie Gibson caJle.d on Mrs.
Rudolph one day last week.
Mrs. J. Wi Douglas went to Oregon iC'ty
last week, on business.
Mr. Ray Woodle was visiting bis
brother, Mr. Guy Woodle, of Dover, last
The dance given at Mr. Wolfs of Do
ver, Saturday evening, was a grand suc
cess In every way. Among the many
that attended were: Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. Douglass and daughter Blna, Mr.
and Mrs. W. F. Douglass and Mr. H. S.
Gibson, of this place.
Bright's Disease and
Diabetes News.
Some at COST or LESS,
Coupons Given for DISHES
Fresh Flower and Garden Seeds 3 for 10c
Big tablets, 3c; Shoe Laces 1c
Ink, 3c; Vaseline, 4c; Glue 7e
8 lead pencils, rubber tips 5c
Sewing Machine Oil 6c; same 4 oz tan 10c
Oranges or Lemons 1c
Pkg. Pins, lc; dosen clothes pins 1c
Wire Tacks Pkg, lc; Shoe Tacks 2tc
3 cornered file 6c; flat file 10c
Steel Hammer, 33c, Screwdriver 8c
16-inch Rasp 45c; Shovel 50c
"Save ma!" cried she.
"For whom?" cried he.
"For yourself!"
for Infants and Children.
TTia Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Slgnaturt of
Tho Klnrt You Huvo Always Bought, niwl which lias beea
la uho tor over 30 yearn, has boni tho nljrnaturo of
and has Ihmmi iniido under his per
mmal mpervUloti slneo Its liifuticv.
Allow no ono tadeeelvo you la thin.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Jut-OJi.rMHl,aro but
12iprinients that trlllo with and endanger the health or
Infiuits and Childrcu-Kxpcrlcnco Against lSiperuaoui.
Contort Is a hurmless milwtltuto for Cantor OH, Parts
go r I c, Drop und Hoothlng Hyrnps. It Is rieananU It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic)
substance. Its ago Is its guarantee. It destroy Worm
end allays Feverlnhucss. It cures Dlarrhwa and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Coiistlputloii
and Flatulency. It anxlmlltttc the Food, regulates tho
Stomuch and Ilowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
m mur m sw mmm m
yj Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
m " MMMt, svwirf, a vn,
Enterprise for Job Printing
The New Fulton Compounds Have
Record of 87 per cent of Recoveries
Among Chronic Cases of Bright'
Disease and Diabetes, Heretofore
Considered Incurable.
Druggists know that Brlght's Disease and
Diabetes have been regarded by physicians ss
Incurable and that up to the adrent of the
Fulton Compounds that nothing on their shelves
would touch It. It Is a proven fact that nearly
Bine-tenths of all cases are now curable, and
druggists themselves are taking the new Com
pounds. One of the recoveries was Dr. Zeile
himself, the pioneer druggist of 622 Paclflo
street, San Francisco, and be gave It to overs
dozen others who recovered. Here Is another
Interesting recovery (We copy from the Sacra
mento News of November 16, 1902):
"After a serious Illness of over s year Judge
J. R. Allen of this city has recovered and re
tards himself most fortunate In successfully
battling with what is generally regarded as s
fatal malady, Brlght's Disease of the Kidneys.
In speaking of his case Judge Allen said: '1
believe that the treatment given me by my
physician was In accordance with the best
methods used in the regular practice of medi
cine, but it afforded me no relief. Hearing of
the Fulton Compounds I went to Ban Francisco
to Investigate and was soon convinced I should
undergo the treatment. It was tbree months
before I noticed a change for the better. I used
the medicine faithfully for nearlr a Tear and
can now find no evidence of the disease and
am satisfied it is entirely eliminated. My ap-
Gold Dust, 19c in bulk 5c
Hand Soap, beat and blKKest 4c
laundry Soap, 7. 8, and 10 bars 25c
B-ans 4c; Soda pound 4c
Raisins, worth 10c, for 7c and 8c
Flour $1.05 up; Graham $1.05
Corn Mial 25c; best Lard 11c
Coffees 10c, 15c, best 20c
Men's 50c and KOc Underwear for 44c
Men's Black sox 3 pair 25c
Underwear, odds and ends 27c
Men's (1.25 part wool overshirts cut ..75c
Fine Shirts 40c, 60c, 66c 80c
These are samples and about half price.
Men's Clay Worsted Suits were Jil.40
Wholesale now $9.00
Men's Wool Suits cut to $5.90
Pants to close 75c, 5c, $1.45
Boys' Pants cut to 79c
Boys' Suits, long pants $2.77
Boys' Two-Piece Suits -were $3.20 $2.44
Ladies Hose cut to 'Jc, 14c 19c
Jelts to close 8c, 14c, 24c 38c
Corsets 19c up any of them at whole
Bale or less.
Wool Blankets and Comforts, Big Cut
itite is good, I have gained seventeen pounds
in welgbt and will be pleased to describe
experience to anyone who may call or write.
Bacramenio news. Nov. 10, luua.
The editor of the News himself was the friend
who told Judge Allen of the Fulton Compounds,
They are the only things known that curs
Brlght's Disease and Diabetes. Fulton's Renal
Compound for Brlght's and Kidney Diseases,
II: for Diabetes, 11.50. John J. Fulton Co,,
409 Washington street, 6an Francisco, Bole
compounders. Free analyses for pntients.
Send for Pamphlet. We are the ezcluslvs
agents for these Compounds In this city.
Charman & Co., City Drug Store.
Shoes, Etc.
liainaln Lot Men's $1.75 and $2.00 shoes
for $1.59
Ladies' Fine Shoes, $1.50 Riade $1.19
Men's Shoes 78c up
Better Shoes, $1.29 $1.47
Best High cut logger's shoes usual-
y 1 $8.00 cut to $4.75
High cut calf cut to $3.19
Boys' Full Stock cut to $1.40
Boys' Calf Shoes small, cut to $1.19
Baby Shoes ..19c up
Ladies' Heavy nnllned Shoes ..$1.20 $1.37
Child's heavy, 5 to 6, cut to 55c
Red Front Store
E. C. HAMILTON, Proprietor i
The House Fat nisher
You paid to much lot your goods!
Did your wife
ever accuse you
of such, a crime? If so, prevent it for the future by studying
our prices. These prices are only for the careful buyer,
reckless buyers are doomed. The reckless buyer will spend
his money on slick talk, the careful buyer for value received
4TtA i tr r a
Going lo Build?
We have an immense
stock of Cedar doors and
windows on hand also
building hardware. Let
us figure for you we can
save you money. There
are some damaged doors
left from our disastrous
fire which will go cheap.
Steel Range
JO years guarantee
18 inch oven
6 holes
Most elaborate nickel
Jr . . . i. 'v. i
highy grade
finish, fine
mirror, full
This Rocker
I Artistic
mill mill ihu.iiihiimiiii
per double
roll and
per pair
and up