t City EGON VOL .'18. NOSI OHKGON CITY, OUEGON, FitlDAV, MARCH 31, 1905. ESTABLISHED 1866 urn GROSS & SHAW Glittering Specialties lor March for Hit month March, tha follow Ing HtlTliUt apctalll ar placed upon Hi" mat hat. at oltl lima prices thit ,,fu ,,n 0i Kotliln but l"t ' "ouch l(r tnl ftilty rriKimnirtid, a ft genuine Uinln will flnJ Pl, ' hl ! Vfrllx-iiifiil. Uo4 money l blng pikIk In ral eat vry day. Maka t t'lu" asaiulnalhm ft IboM oRnrtngs ni r"m " w wl" ,,,w ihr Vl'n tetter ,,M,n rpri4. ll - Tl tt buy Ulwan Ore. son 'Hy I'wrtland. a"1' ! (iiita 40 rr. on main county rood and m railroad; 20 acres In cul tivation, Imlanra nearly all rl h brush ml and not hanl l clnr; aura uld bulhlin ' " rnurh valua. Tlila (rm of a place la peclally adapted to iimwIxTrloa. amall fruits and itiaik"! nrjriiln Inlrnprovrd Und not so 'xwl. adjoining sold ovar La ytnf " al II 00 jwr ar, llmmur tlila plara ' bo Ual fur lh prloa. i:i 2j-l.n wo have a combined, garden and fruit farm on lha beautiful 01rkmn Itlv.r. th lineal and pur mi mountain trm in Dragon, tH milra frau Oretn City; graveled ru4 l tie rntlio distance. Tlila pla- without any Improvements sold over ira yar mo for IJS0O and now I am offering It for lha month of March (. IK19 HnuJI huuM and tlllln barn. J4 -There I presented Hoar far car. fut buyers, who hava soma money and wlh to go Into lha dairy business on a modern and proper basis, a (Iirn4id trad of land lying all miles frfim Orrgun City aa lha rrow fllca, but aumewliai further by Ina modern CROSS & SHAW r LrokTKk, ATTORN KY AT I.AV tTmciorrurTT rcaanaan. Jrun to Oregon City Knuriria. Vl t. M U.C LTOOKITT1 irrOKNKYH AND COUSMKIXIRH AT LA T tii nrnggf nggoox t iTT,ooo rvnlih A ha tract of Title. !aa Money, rsrecloe Morlgagea. and tranaaot Uaneral Ijw flualneea. ),W. KAKTIIAM ATTOUNKY AT LAW ollectlona. Mortgage Foracloaurea, Ab tract of Title and General Law Dua- Inria. Office over jW of Oregon City, Oregon City, Or. 1' Q'Ra 0. Bohaebei U'KKN it SCHUEBRL i Attorneys at Lnw. ! Mil iTacilc m court, make collections I il eitlemeiita of K.tata. u'ii'h iNtrai-t of title, lend you motif 7 ""1 lend y tur m ney on rlrat tnargan, P'flCe In EntftrnrlRA Rulldlnflf. Orrgun Oily, Oregon. Livy stipp Attohney at Law. JtiHliRt) of tha Peace. , Kgr HUlg., Oieon Ci'y J U.CAMl'UEI.I,, ATTOUNKY AT LAW, "won City, oson. 1 Practice In allthe oourts ef the state. 01- '."I (iiuSold building. fclUCKAMAS TITLE CO. r"r( Clackamas County abstracts of Bnouid ha nranared by tne Clackamas Title Company, Incor Poratod, Chamber of Commerce nunaing, Portland. This company the builder and owner of tba best na moat complete plant of Clack amas county titles. Astracts from US nfflnn. . - .. .. a. j 1 DB uro compuea Dy experw 01 8 experience, competent attor- .ranteed accuracy. i .CKmai Cnuntu I Am Mnrtnifli La... . ' ..... i fc"ts managed, Taxea ex mined and p,d r-Riley, pres... F. i. Riley, sec, I road that run by lha plana. Till plana It all fancad and haa about 100 ai:r lit cultivation and CO mora rtnar ly roady to br.nlc Tha cultivated land la prai tkiUly and a natur al clover anil. A flna llttla trout trm pmmmcii through tha farm, af fording lha flrioat of watr for 75 acrr of but torn pantura land, now bt'ltig alaahod and anadvd to Kngllnh ra graaa and timothy. Thra la H 000 worth uf tahmMa llmbnr tm tha prop erly, along llila alraant, that la be ing ialoualy guardod aa Ilia alafhlng irogre-. A good frarna houaa, nwdlng aomn repairing, hut vitluahpj and niilt.ly aultalil. V(Mxllihd and othar amall ouibulldlnga. A rathrr tHKir barn, but cmUT-ta are now bring l-l for lha orni'tlon uf a larga inodnm dairy bin-n-arly all lha material for tlila atructui come from the Plato, g(ra orchard with dryar. OihkI at-hool half inll;n-amery and dliaa factory I mllaa. If thla apian did dairy farm la told during the month of Manh, for f 30 pr acre, -ay lot ma will ba glvro. tha follow ing vi-ry valualne pareonal protxrly will b inoludod In tha bargain: 11 hrad thoroughbred Jfracy Cow. t-n of th i-m frvah and thn rrram going to lha rrmry; onn Ji-ray and tjurrn acy hull, 4 pure bred Jry hlfrr i aim; onn iilindld apan of horai-a nvrr hand hlah. young and without a I'lnmlah and a true aa nan, worth lit,, una wagon, worth !o; one ntw harnoae, roat ti0, nnw plow, harrow, and all loola on tha farm. Jo terra of land already a,'i-.)d lo vrtrh, oat and rlovrr; tK-arly all Ilia cultlvatod land plowed and rvady lo and. K momlxT, Ihla bargain rannot b du pllratnd In Clackamaa County, and the owner will very aubelantlally ralaa the prlea after April lt. Thla plara la In a aplendld neighborhood that la rapidly growing. th We touch the button, and pre lo! hare come annlher: Juat It milea out and a modern plank road SHOES THAT TALK Over Fifty Styles and Lasts. Bluchers, Bals, Congress. Low cut Bluchers . 1 n.l- n n nA miknit. anCl JjaiS 1U I'aiClU CUil, lauvi uiawk eaiiu """iuj- i U VJr-i rnlf Volnnr in tan. Hack or 1 any vi van) - mahogany. . . $5.00 $4.50 $4.00 kntrc an $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 An absolute guarantee with every pair The Douglas Shoe Store The Place for Quality MAIN ST. every Inch of tha way. 12000 worth of good building. Including dwelling, 3 bam. Implement liouae, blackamtth ahop, apple houan, chon mill run by water power, etc. 100 are In amiMith A No. 1 cultivation, g'tod fence, and grd everythlngl Wfc are now telling you about aa good an all round farm, and It la a money maker, aa there la In the sounty, and Ihl atatement will be proved to your entire latlafui'tlon by a peraonal ri amlniitlon, Don't procrnatlnate and (e a great buy at 12 an acre. Tenna can ba mad. Uood rcaaon . for aelllng, (th. Mere I Ihe laat farm Irivent ment that will Im put on the barjraln counter for th month of March. Thla I properly denominated a dock farm for It haa acceaa to a hundred thou aand acrea of tha flneat mountain range where cntlla feed up to their belllea In pea vine and elk weed and get rolling fat without any eipenee to apeak of to tha owner, except a little aalt and ome time. Now re member thla ranch la not a long way cifT from Ihl range, but rlgbt up uaalnat It, and atlll atrange to re late, It la not over 10 minute walk from a flrmt claa broad guaga motor line where a wide awaka management with buahel of money are making a alngle construction Improvement to coat a round million. It I confident ly aaaerted that thi-ee great Improve menta will make the place double It preaent value In two yrare. Thera are Ho acrra of A No. 1 plow land In thla atix k ' farm with a good aoll, aultalile for atock graaaea; to acrea now In clover, large orcharda, three great living aprlnaa. large new bam liuiM, (mall dwelling. Now here la a cracker-Jack of a propoaltlon: If thla place la aotd In March, all grow ing cropa, It head cattle, among them a young reglatered Durham bull, a pen horee. wagon, new binder, new mower, new horae rnk. and all farm ing tiMila will be thrown In, and the whole ahootlng match at 130 per acre. Kuay tenna Hchool near by and neighborhood on the boom. W are wanting good fair alged place ranging In value from 11260 to I J, 000, and at right prlcea. We have many other propertlea on hnnd for aale, at all airt of prlcea. We can Bull any reaaonalile buyer. lJun't forget that a good home In Oregon City or Uladatone, la a mlvhty good thing lo have stowed away among your valuable aaaeta. We can aell lot aa 11 IK) mt lot on the motor line and from that up. with all kind of Improvementa. Acre trade from 1)00 to UoO on tha motor line. Uut keep your eya on our March burgaln. From the Beginning to the end you will find a dinner crved at the Brunswick an endlesa round of pleaiiire. The good cheer and good company surrounding you is enhanced by the courteous and quick service. The viands aud good wines we serve make you feel at peace with yourself and all around you, Why not enjoy a good dinner and fine music after the show? Oregon City, Oregon. . - - --- j - . $3.50 $3.00 $2.50 District Ik School shoes - 1 .rl have arrived in all the latest styles. Their reputation as, !n4.n-0 itr irA'teriitA Pel rtfc ' $2.00 $2.25 $2.50 ' OREGON CITY, ORE. MAY BE REMOVED RBMOVAL Of OREGON CITY LAND OFriCE ORDERED. Committee of Cltlzene Appointed to De feat Scheme. Abturd Ex cuse Given. Wiutlilngton, March 1 The Irfind Of fice at Oregon City, will be moved to I'ortland, July 1 by order of tho I'n.-al- dent. Thla move la made becuuae Port land I more ccntrully located. The tranaer to Portland la believed he In tha Interi nt of the public. Portland la a railroad center, !' more readily ac ceNMlblit to all purta of the lund dletrict than Oregon City, and la the natural location for the Iind Office. Nearly a year ago Jjtn Commlialoner Klcharda auggeated thla removal, but before ac tion waa taken Senator Mitchell filed a vlgoroua proteat, atatlng that there waa no local demand for the change and In alatlng that removal of the office from Oregon City would Injure buxlnei In that town. On the atrength of that pro teat the matter waa held up. Commla- aloner Richard, after further Investiga tion, la autlBfled there la ample juatlfl- catlon for making the change and be lieve the Intercut and comfort of the public are paramount to any claim Ore gon City may have on the office. Ac cordingly he transmitted hi recommend ation to Secretary Hitchcock. It waa approved and I now put Into effect by order of the President. It Is the Intention of the department to retain the prcaent Rcglnter and Re ceiver, If they are willing to remove to Portland, and also to retain all clerka and employes of the office under the aam condition. It la not yet determined where the lAini Office will locate In Portland. It la dealrable to Install It In the Federal building If pceiBlble, but the present occupant declare there la not room In that building1 for another office; In fact they lnlat they are already crowded for apace. If It hull be found Impracti cable to move Into the Federal building, quarters will be rented. The Govern ment haa been paying what It consider exorbitant rent for Ita Land Office ac commodation at Oregon City. It la be lieved aa reaaonable. If not better, terms can be had In Portland. The tranafer will take effect July 1, aa the leaae of the office at Oregon City expires on that date. A. W. Lafferty, of St. Loula, ex-prose-cutlng attorney, haa been appointed aa apeclal agent of the Interior Department and is ordered to Oregon City. He Is a peraonal appointment of Mr. Hitchcock. The proiKjacd removal of the Land Of fice from thla city will be vigorously oppoat-d. At a public meeting of cltl sens lust Friday night there was ap pointed a committee; of eleven members with Instructions If poaslble to defeat the tnklng of this o trice to Portland. The members of the committee are: County Judge Ryan, Mayor E. A. Som mer, II. E. Croaa, C. II. Dye, Represen tative C. G. Huntley, J. U. Campbell. W. 8. fltin. Franklin Griffith. Senator tl. C. Hrownell, Cha. Albright and Hon. J. T. Appt-raon. The claim that the removal of the of fice to Portland la bvlng made for econ omical rcaaona Is not accepted aa genu ine by Oregon City people who think they aee In the plan a move prelimi nary to the consolidation of the govern ment's land buBlneaa In thla st&i in a central oltlce with headquarters at Portland. At present there are sis Land Offices In the atate, those other than in thla 1 city being located at The Dalles, La f Orande, Ijikevlew. Koscburg and Burns. ! At any rate It Is believed here that a j consolidation of the Oregon City and Rose ' burg offices could be effected to the lm j provement of the service. But so far as j the move being In the interest of econo t my, Oregon City people laugh at the ' Idea. The Oregon City office now occu ' pies a suite of five rooms for which a monthly rentul of 130 (a paid and it is argued that similar rooms could not be hud In Portland for several times that amount. In addition It appears that accommodations must be provided for the lJiml OtTice at Portland, all avail able room having been otherwise ap propriated in the Government buildings. In their present quarters the officials of the Oregon City Land Office have no extra room and could not transact the business of the office In more limited quarters. The Oregon City Land Office is the first Land Otllce that was established In Oregon and omj of the first created West of ,the Mississippi river. Originally the business that is now conducted through tho Land Otllce was directed by the State's Surveyor General, whose office was created In September, 1850, John B. Preston being the first appointee. In 1SD4 the Oregon City Lund District was created, tho following officers being named: R. Wilcox, register; James Guthrie, Jr., receiver. The office was originally located In tha building know as the Phoenix house, being afterwards removed to the Charmnn building and finally being Installed In the Welnhnrd Building, its present location. The Oregon City Land j Office serves a wide territory embracing Clatsop, Tillamook, Washington, Col umbia, Multnomah, Yamhill, Clackamas, Polk, Marlon aud Linn counties and a part of Benton county with a total acre age of 7,468,250 acres. Of that acreage there has been taken 5,710,509 acres and there are In the reserves 1,238,070 acres. There is a total ucreiiKe unappropriated and unreserved of 489.671 acres and of that there ore 127,716 acres unaurveyed leaving 361,956 acres surveyed and ready for settlement. These figures are taken from the last. Government report is sued in July, l5o4. Citizen's Committee Acts. At a meeting Monday afternoon, of the citizen's committee, that was ap pointed to prevent If possible the pro- I posed removnl of the Oregon City Land . Office from this city, the following tele ! gram, signed by Mayor Sommer, the members cf the City Council, State Sen- ator Browned and Representatives Hunt-1 ley, Uramhall and Jagger, on motion of W. 8. U'Hen, was forwarded to Presi dent Roosevelt: . "To the President of tha United States: The citizens of Oregon City and Clack- j amas county, Irrespective of party af-1 filiations, do most earnestly proteat against the removal of the Lend Office of th Oregon City Land District front Oregon City, where It haa been located for more than fifty years. Give u a "square deal" and let us be heard be fore final action Is taken." County Judge, Ryan was made chair man of the- committee meeting and 3. 1J. Campbell served as secretary. On motion of If. K. Cross, the chairman appointed a committee of five to draft a proper remonstrance and prepare a letter to the President, protesting against the removal of tho Land Office, and to take all necessary steps, Including the raising of funds, and the circulation of petitions, to prevent such an undesir able consumatlon. II. E. Cross, Senator O. C. Brownell, Representative C. O. Huntley, Chas. Albright and W. S. U'Ren were named as the committee to which on motion Chairman uyan waa made ex-offlclo member. The meeting also adopted the follow ing resolution: "Whereas, It haa been reported through the Associated Press that It la the In tentlon of the Government to remove the office of the Oregon City Land Dis trict to the city of Portland, for the rea sons as stated In said report that It will be more convenient and economical for the Intending settlers and the Gov ernment, and "Whereas, the people of Oregon City Irrespective of party. In mass meeting assembled, believing that not only great Injustice would be done the people of Oregon City, the County of Clackamas, and more than three-quarters of th said Oregon City Land District, by auch change In location, but also that It will occasion delay In t,he settlement upon lands In this District, by intending set tlers, who accustomed to believe that the office of the Oregon City Land Office is located, write to residents of said city for Information relative to settle ment In ald district, and "whereaa. feeling that a movement o( so much Importance to the people o Vhls community and district, the people should be allowed to be heard In said matter, therefore be it "Resolved, That our Senators and Representatives In Congress be request ed to use thelr Influence with the De partments and President to prevent the removal of this office from Oregon ICty where Is haa become known and conaid ered as an institution of an historic city, and "Resolved, That a committee be ap pointed to circulate remonstrances against aald removal among the people of this county and the several counties of the Oregon City Land Dlatrict." Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the Stockhold ers of the Gladstone Real Estate Asso ciation, will take place at the office of H. E." Cross In Oregon City, Oregon, on Monday, April 3d, 1905, at the hour of 1 o'clock, p.m., at which time a board of directors will be elected for the ensuing year and such (fther business trans acted aa may properly come before the meeting. H. E. CROSS. President. March 20. 1906. 2w SCHOOL NOTES. District ?;.. 42. Cherryvllle, has levied a 15 mill tax to build a new school house. Miss Carrie Stoker of District No. 99 will give an entertainment April 27th, for the benefit of the library. The dis trict has 131 now on hand for that pur pose. Miss Nellie Armstrong gave an enter tainment In District No. 25. at the close of her term, netting J37.80, which will be used to purchase some new desks. Miss Wyona E. Surface of District No. 82. gave an entertainment March 18th which netted $41,. to be used for school Improvements. Parkplace meeting, April 22. Clara Harper haa engaged a spring term in District No. 65. Wyona E. Surface has begun a term of school at Hood View. Edna Harris begins a term of school at Sa:-,dy Monday, April 3d. The George school will commence on Monday, April 3, Mrs. Rachael S. Harris In charge. Mr. E. J. Taylor of the New Tork gal lery, has been authorized to furnish photographs of school buildings for the use of the Educational exhibit. ROYAL Saldng Saves The use of Royal Baking Powder is essential to the healthfutness of the family food. Yeast ferments the food. Alum baking powders are injurious. Royal Baking Powder saves health. ROYAL BAKINQ POWDER CO., NEW YORK. BOARD OF TRADE CLACKAMAS COUNTY TO BE BOOST- . EO BY SUCH AN AGENCY. Commercial Organisation Will Be Form d Preparatory to Advertising Coun ty and Its Resources. In the organization of Board at Trade, It Is proposed to give Clackamaa county and Ita resources the advertis ing that It is considered essential to Inducing more Eastern people to locate thla section. Thla conclusion waa reached at a well-attended meeting of business men at the court house laat Friday night. O. W. Eaatham, F. O. Eby and W. A. Huntley, comprising the committee on permanent organization, recommended the organization of the Oregon City Board of Trade with a capital stock of 13004, consisting of 100 shares of $34 each, payable In cash on organization'. or at the option of the subscriber, 15. M down, and $1 monthly thereafter until the full amount la paid. The meeting accepted the recommendations of the committee and appointed O. W. Eaat ham, H. E. Cross and W. A. Huntley a committee on Incorporation. 3. V. Campbell. C. H. Dye, E. O. Caufieid. W. S. URen and J. W. Moffatt were named as a committee to solicit sub scribers to the stock. The articles of Incorporation have been prepared and the soliciting committee haa begun the taking of subscriptions to the stock. At the suggestion of County Judge Ryan a committee consisting of O. W. Eaatham, L. L. Porter and Franklin T. Griffith was named to confer with the management of the Portland papers with a view of securing for Oregon City and Clackamaa county more recognition In the general editions of those papera. in calling the attention of the meeting to the situation. Judge Ryan stated that while at Grants Pass last week In five days he did not see to exceed two Items that had been published from Oregon City. And alnce there are distrib uted throughout the entire state persona who formerly resided In this city und have an Interest In this place and Clack amas county, he thought Clackamas county Is entitled to a little more prom inence than has been given. The committee indorsed the report of the cltizena committee thai waa ap- pointed at a recent mass meeting to effect a mutually satisfactory freight franchise for the Oregon Water Power & Railway Company. The committee's report recommended that "no legisla tion be enacted by the City Council changing the present legal status of the franchises and privileges now held by the company." Progress of the Referendum. The referendum movement on the ap propriation bill la making progress, not withstanding discussion of the subject haa died down. The preliminary work of preparing the petitions have been completed, there is little talk now, but it is aald the petitions are being circulated freely and as freely signed. County Clerk Jones has been busy during the week certifying to the signatures. It has been generally reported that 4500 signatures are required. To be more , exact, the required numoer is 4618. The total vote for supreme judge at the last election was 93.608, and five per cent of this Is 4618. Some question has been made as to the manner In which the persons may sign petitions and have their signatures accepted as genuine. The law provides that the county clerk shall compare the signatures on the petition with the signatures on the reg istration books and certify to those he believes to be genuine. The registra tion law requires that the full name of a voter shall be signed to the register. In pursuance of this law a voter who usually signs his name "J. W. Smith." would sign his full name, "James W. Smith." Now, if he signs the referen dum petition "J. W. Smith," the ques tion is whether the county clerk can certify this signature as genuine when the register shows a different signature. The practice in Marion county has been ' to accept the signature, even though not exactly the same, if the hand writ ing Indicates that it is genuine. Attorney-General Crawford has said that he ; bellevea the course followed by the clerk of Marlon county Is "correct, and that where a man has registered his full name but uses Initial letters in sign ing his name to petitions, the signa ture should be certified, if the "clerk be- ' lieves them to be genuine. McMinnvllle Reporter. p Health