8 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MARCH 24, J905. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. C Moake to The "Waverly Assn. lot 4, blk. 38, Cambridge; $100. E. M. McCSrath, to E. N. Piatt, lots 11. 12, 13, 14, 15, blk. 26 Oregon Iron & Steel Co.'s 1st Add to Oswego; $400. G. Norris to W. W. Norrls, 37 acres to CL 60, 23; $450. J. J. Zlnser to L. C. & E. C. Beckei 37.91 acres In Sec. 35, 12; $1500. P. A. Black to F. Wolf, lot 4, blk 13 lot 1 and 2, . blk 12, and half acre west of lot 4, blk. 13, Bashfield; $500. F. Wolf to F. Smith, lot 4, blk 13, lot 1 and 2 blk. 12 and half acre west of lot 4, blk. 13, Marshfield; $750. O. W. P. T. S. Co to Mrs. E. J. Tocum lot 10, blk 18, Estacada; $125. S. O. Wickland to F. Wolf, and wife, 5 acres In tract B. Clackamas riverside; $500. B. Jagger to L. Jagger lot 3, 4. 5. 6 blk. 61;-lot 4 blk 143; and one third In terest lot 2 and 7 blk. 26, Oregon City; $1. A. M. Mullan to O. Wisslnger, 65x100 ft., blk. 29, Milwaukie; $500. Sellwood Land & Imp. Co., to P. Swan son lot 2 and 3 tract 86, Subd. Oak Grove; $382.50. C. Hall to J. W. Standinger, one-fourth A. Sec. 2, 5 2; $10. W. Mellien to F. E. Mellien part of blk A. Darlinks Add to Oregon City; $1. P. J. Riddlgs to F. J. & A. Biddings 671100 and one third A. north of R. Allen CL 61; $1000. M. J. Stockwell to I. D. Larkins half A. R. Thompson CI., 5 & 6 1; $30. H. W. Bagby to J. Bagby south half of .W. R. Bagby CL, 5 2; $1.00 H. W. Bagby to F. S. Bagby, trustee, north half of W. R. Bagby CL, 52, ex cept 80 A; $1. E. J. Maple to J. Diekleman lot 9 and part lot 11, blk. 4, Parkplace; $1. J. H. Dickelman to L. Dickelman lot 9, 10 and south half 11, blk 4, Parkplace; $1.00. J. Stewart to O. W. P. T. S. Co., NW auarter of NW Quarter, S half of NW quarter, SW quarter of NE quarter. Sec. 16, 3 5; NW quarter onw NE uqarter Sec. 36, 3 4; $600. A. W. & B. Jagger to F. Jagger lot 7, 8, 9, blk. 13, Pleasant Hill Add; $1 F. Jagger to B. Jagger, lots 7, 8, 9, blk. 13, Pleasant Hill Add; $1. I. D. Bentley to F. E. Moody & J. M, Little 40.69 A. Sec 4. .6 1; $400. J. M. Little to F. E. Moody half int. in 40.69 A. Sec. 4, 6J1; $40. O. W. P. T. S. C, to S. L. Beary lot 3 blk. 7, Estacada; $210. C. C. Christner to L. E. Kenworthy, 25 acres Sec. 2, 51; $900. A. Desing to C. M. Fairbrother, lot 1, and 2, Sec. 21, lot 1, and 2 & SW quarter of NE quarter, SE quarter of NW uqarter Sec. 28, 33; $2550. C. M. Fairbrother to A. Desing, lots 1, 12, Falls View; $1000. D. A. Jones to I. & E. T. Davis NW quarter of Sec. 2, 4 4; 5 acres and 61 sq rd. Sec 35, 3 4; $1500. L. L. Porter , to H. W. Elliott, lots 3, IS and 19 and 20, blk. 10 Windsor; $100. P. H. Peters to A. Pratt 10 acres Sec. 24, 4 1; W; $550. J. A. Bird to Mrs. C. Fisher, 60 and one quarter acres, Sec. 31, 5 1; $1050. R. White et al to J. S. White te al 19 . acres Holman CI. 3 2; lot 2 and 3, blk. 34, lot 10 and part lot 6. blk 50 Central Add; $1600. V. Johnson to J. Jarl E half of SE quar ter Sec. 9, 2 i; $1000. L. Diekleman to E. J. Maple, lot 4, blk. 97, Oregon iCty, $1200. H. A. Lee to A. B. Dedman, lot 8, 9, Blk. 1. Lee's Add to Canby; $60. D. O. Freeman to W. & S. Evans, lot 7, S, 9, blk. 2, Barlows; $600. D. C. Latourette to G. A. Strese, 10 and one half acres CI 38. 32; $2700. Oregon Idon & Steel Co to L. Chaber, 10.10 acres Sec. 28, 2 1; $1.00 et al. E. F. Riley to J. Ghormley. lots 1, 2, .3, 4, 39, 40, 42, 43, blk. 70, Minthorn; $100. M. A. Johnson to J. Ghormley," lots 1, 2, 39, 40, 42, 43, block 70, Minthorn; 45.00. D. Farrer to S. S. Dallas. N half of S. W. quarter and 19 square rods, Sec. 10. 23; $4400. O. W. Robbins to L. Robbins. half Acre M. Sweigle Claim 5 2; $500. L. Robbins to O. W. Robbins 158.34 acres in CL 39, & Cec 15, 5 J2; $2970. M. Robbins to A. O. Jensen N half of NW quarter Sec. 19, 5 1; $3500. O. B. Koplin to D. F. Adcock, tract A. 1st Add to Will Falls Acreage Tracts ; $400. G. Ellsworth to E. R. Ellsworth SE quarter of SE quarter of SW quarter Sec. 32, 1 4; $25. F. Karlen to R. Karlen, 10 acres A. L. Whitcofbb CL 11, $1.00. N. M. Pettit to P. Peterson 3.04 A. and 6 A. in Eastham CI & Sec 25, 5 1, W, $1000. S. B. Edwards to J. W. Edwards, E half of SE half of SE quarter of Sec. 26. 14; $350. S. B. Edwards to - C. E. Edwards 55 acres, Sec 26, 1 1, 7 per cent on $1000. S. B. Edwards to H. V. Edwards, W half of SE quarter of SE quarter Sec. 26. 1 4; 7 per cent on $400. S. B. Edwards to A. D. Edwards W. 25 acres Section 26, 1 4; 7 per cent on $1000. S. B. Edwards to B. Edwards, E half of SW quarter of SE quarter Section 26 1 4; 7 per cent on $450. S. B. Edwards to C. H. Edwards, w' half of SW quarter of SE quarter Sec. 26. 1 4; 7 per cent on $500. H. Hinderlie to I, Pederson 43 Acres Sec. 9 51; $900. J. Murray to M. N. & R. H. Crisell. 70 acres Sec 27, 31; W $2100. M. Maes to H. C. Pietsch half inter est in lot 1, block 1, Estacada; $200. W. Barlow to J. H. Dickson 3.06 A., Sec. 29 & 32 31; $75. W. P. Ferrel to E & A. Still, roadway in CL 52, 2 3; $25. J. F. Booth to B. F. Webster E half of SE' quarter Sec. 11, 2 5; and 20 lots in Pleasant little Homes No. 3; $1.00. Willamette Falls Co. to J. E. Painter Tract E, Willamette Falls Acreage Tracts; $200. WilL Falls Co. to H. T. Shipley tracts T & U and parts of S. & V. 1st Add to WilL Falls Acreage Tracts; $457.80. O. & C, R. R. Co., to R. Kaiser N half of SW quarter Sec. 25, 2 t; $360. C. Sager to A. G. Sager 4 acres E of Lot 4, Sec. 30 13; $1 G. N. Sager to a! G.' Sager S half of SE quarter of NW Quarter See 30, 1-3, S. Kichey to E. & E. Richey 99 A S Richie CL 13; $1.00. ' E. Sager to E. Kesterson 61.24 A. Sec. 19 & 20 1 3; 01. O. W. T. S. Co., to D. Nunemaker lot 12, blk. 20, Esctacada; $75. O. W. P. T. S. Co., to J. W. Gunsal ous, lot 12, blk. 12 Estacada; $75. S. Gibson to J. Gibson E half of NE quarter of NE quarter Sec. 15, E half of SE quarter of SE quarter Sec. 10, 41; $300. W.R. Rearick to S. G. Hawkins. 5 A Sec. 20 & 29 12; $550. C. B. Powell to J. P. J. Anderson E half of NW quarter of SW quarter Sec. 32, 51; $900. J. H. Miley to C. A. & C. B. Will cock, 10 acres Cec. 30 3 1; $100. G. H. Clark to T. A. Mostul 41.44 A A. Foster CL, 2 3; $800. M. M. Karrell to J. Hardman Lot 18 blk. 3, Mt. Pleasant Add; $200. I. M. Mundhenke to F. A Habelach 65.26 A. in I. Capps CL, 22., $3765.00. C. T. Howard to K. R. Long, 7.42 acres. Sec. 16, 4 Z; $185.50. J. Grossmuller to P. Stegeman, 4:30 acres Sec. 7, 4 3; $1.00. W. H. Heiser to C. Proebstel, 15 A. Sec. 4. 23; $600. A. Konigshofen to T. J. Hemt 32.22 and roadways N. of J. Mark CL; $60. H. R. Dubois et al to Dubois Lumebr Co., lots 7and 8 Sec. 29, 3 4- $5. H. R. Dubios to Dubois Lumber Co. Lot 6, Sec. 32, 3 4; $5. T. F. Ryan to J.. W. and G. R. Braker S. half of S half of SE quarter Section 20, 32; $500. L. Bottemiller to J. H. Bdttemilier, all interest in estate of Henry Botte mille; $325. R. W. Gainard to J. H. Bottemilled all interest in estate of Henry Bottemiller; $700. Oregon Iron & Steel Co., to W. E. Wanker, N half of lot 1, byk. . 3, Oswego ; $270. L. A. Davidson to H. A Walron SW quarter Section 30, 3 2; $50. L. Martinez, to H. A. Waldron SW quarter Section 30, 3 2; $50. I. & E. B. Collard to H. A. Waldron, SW quarter Sec. 30 3 2; $300. G. D. Robinson to H. A. Waldron SW quarter Sec. 3 2; $50. J. Davison to H. A. Waldron SW quar ter Sec. 3 2; $50. S. J. Seaman to E. C. Maddock, trustee one-third interest in Samuel Waldronch Section 30, 3 2; $370. F. Kayser to F. Kayser SE quarter Sec. 21, 43; $1200. J. Wilson to S. Green 1 acre near Root's Add to Marshfield; $350. J. M. Erickson to The Skandinavian Amer. Luth. Cong. & Zion Skand. Luth Cong. 1.9-160 A. Sec. 7, 41; H. Green to M. E. Walker lots 7 and 8, blk 146, Oregon City; $690. H. A. Ginthens to A. E. Lasley 25.50 A., CL 44. 3 4; $750 A A. Milln to W. Walter, lot. 8. blk 106, Oregon City; $500. H. L. Stratton to J. W. Hoffman lot 5 blk 19. Falls View; $175. E. J. Waldron and E. C. Maddock to W. M. Raddatz 66.17 acres Section 30, 32; $2316. H. O. Peck to A. R. Burford lots 17, 18, 19. 20. blk 5; lots 13. 14, 15. 16 17. blk. 6, Pleasant little homes No. 3; $1 J. H. Stickney to E. Stickney 6 A. in CL 49, 21; $3000. F. Emmerson to S. Haymen 14.80 A. Sec. 4. 2 2; $1300. R. Goucher to J. Rupp, W half of NW quartei Sec. 11, 4 1; $1600. F. E. Moody to G. H. Gdegory Jr., 23 V W. fenglo CL, 52; $2000. J. R. Coe to S. E. Coe, 3 A. CL 46 1; W. lots 5 and 6 Sec. 23; 51, W $1600. O. W. P. T. S. Co., to A. F. Fritz. lots 1 and 2. Estacada; $700. C. Bluhm to W. & L. Bluhm, lot and pardt lot 6, blk. 8. Pleasant Hill Add; $280. W. H. Seward to Wurefl Bros. lots. 3. 10 11. blk. 1, Barlow; $1160.00. H. Moehnke et al to Clackamas Co., roadway in Sec. 32, 3 3, Sec. 5 and 6, -3, $1. M. H. Flannigan to C. H. Cauzeld, land in Oregon iCty CL; $1.00 C. A. Baxter to M. E. Baxter lot 7, blk. 6. Green Point; $300. J. Parrott to J. A. Parrott 57 acres of J. C. Geer CL 31. W; $900. E. & A. Knapp to G. C. and T. Gadke, part lot 2, blk. 22 Oregon City; $525. The Clackamas Abstract & Trust Co. are owners of the only complete abstract plant in Clackamas county. Prompt and reliable work on short notice. All work guaranteed. Abstracts made, money loaned, mortgages foreclosed, trusts exe cuted, estates settled and titles per fected. J. F. CLARK, Atty-at-Law, President and Manager. Office over Bank of Oregon City. DO YOU GET TJP WITH A lyAMB BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news papers is sure to know of the wonderful 1 '1 cures made by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kid ney, liver and. blad der remedy. It is the great med ical triumph of th nineteenth century discovered after yean of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the eminent kidney and bladder specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, uric acid, catarrh of the bladder and Bright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. It has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work and in private practice, and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper, who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book tell ing more about Swamp-Root, and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trou ble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. The regular fifty-cent and one- dollar size bottles are Hom of swamp-Boot. sold by all good druggists Don't make VflL LSS? and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., vry bottle. I. IS BROUGHT TO LIGHT. Oregon City People Receiving the Full Benefit. There have been many cases like the following in Oregon City. Everyone re lates the experience of people. These plain straightforward statements will do much toward relieving the suffering of thousands. Such testimony will be read with interest by many people. C. Pratt, carpenter, living one and one half mile from Albany, says: "Doan's Kidney Pills were so highly recommended to me by a friend that I decided to give them a trial and procured a box. I over taxed myself and brought on severe back ache. I paid little -attention to it. at first, but it gradually grew worse. When I did anything which caused a strain on my back, or took a slight cold, I was sure to suffer from severe pain across my loins. I started using Doan's Kidney Pills as directed and they helped me from the first. By the time I had finished taking them the pain had entirely dis appeared." Plenty more proof like this from Ore gon City people. Call at C. G. Huntleys drug store and ask what their custom ers report. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remembsr the name, Doan's and take no other. INTEREST IN LIVE STOCK SHOW. Leading Firms Contribute for Show at Lewis & Clark Exposition. Portland, March 23. Interest in the livestock show to be held in connection with the Lewis & Clark Exposition which will be held in Portland from June 1, to Oct. 15, next, is increasing daily, and the inducement of over $50,000 in prizes, which is offered to stock rais ers, is certain to attract all the leading stockmen of the country to the Exposi tion. The managers of the Western World's Fair have decided to hold the horse show from August 28 to September 8, and the shows of cattle, swine and sheep and goats from September 19 to Sep tember 29. The other dates will be an nounced later. The leading stockraisers' associations of the' country have shown their interest in the Exposition enterprise by contrib uting generously to the fund set aside- for prizes, and their hearty co-operation s assured. The National Livestock As sociation has appropriated $2,500; Mc Laughlin Bros, of Kansas City, $2500; the Percheron Horse Registry Associa tion $2,000 for premiums on Percheron horses; the American Shorthorn breed ers Association $3,000 for premiums on shorthorns, and the American Hereford Breeders Association' $1,000 for premiums on Hereford cattle. This, with the $40, 000 appropriated from the Exposition funds for the purpose, brings the grand total of prize money up to $51,000. The premiums offered by the Lewis & Clark Fair management are divided as fol lows : For horses $12,000 For Cattle 16,500 For sheep and goats 6,500 For swine 3,500 For poultry and pets 1,500 The American Angora Goat Associa tion, whose annual shows at Kansas.vCity have attracted a great deal of attention, both among raisers of goats and among people generally, who have watched the progress of the comparatively new in dustry of goat raising, will hold its an nual show this year for the first time west of Kansas City. The show at the Lewis & Clark Exposition will be the greatest show ever held. While the interest in the stock show has been general throughout the United States, and a generous participation by all the large stock raisers of the union is assured, the show will especially in terest eastern visitors to the Fair on ac count of the fact that at the exposition the stockraisers of the Oregon Country will be more generally represented than ever before. The value of the livestock of 1904 in the state of Oregon was nearly $34,000,000. There were almost 125,000 dairy cows in the state, almost 300,000 horses and mules, over 3,000,000 sheep and lambs, and almost 300,000 swine. DYSPEPSIA ON THE DECLINE. Huntley Bros. Co. Claim Pepslkola Cures 39 cases Out of 40. Why any one in Oregon City should continue to suffer with indigestion when a 25 cent box of Pepsikola will cure is certainly a mystery. Huntley Bros. Co., have been selling Pepslkola quite some time now, and they know from actual experience right in their own store just what this famous little chocolate coated dyspepsia tablet will do, and if you make inquiry these druggists will tell you they never knew a remedy to prove so decidedly bene ficial in the treatment of indigestion, dyspepsia, palpatation, sleeplessness and other forms of stomach trouble. It cer tainly ought to give you confidence when you know that every box of Pepsikola contains 10 days' treatment, and at the end of that time if you are not decidedly benefitted all you need do isto go back to the druggist and get your money. Pepsikola is sold right on its merits. It cures indigestion simply, by toning up the stomach and digestive organs so that food will assimilate and give strength to the system just as nature intended. And Pepslkola is such a grand nerve tonic, too. Just try a 25 cent box and see if it don't give you new energy, new ambition and new courage to carry out your plans and daily work. If it doesn't your money back. Not Qualified to Judge. "Say, pa, what's easy money?" , "I don't know. I work on a salary.' Something Just as Bad. Have you ever attended an inaugu ration?" No. but I was lost in the woods once and had to sleep on the ground three nights in succession." COMPARE Every time you compare price, and you will send your next order for Job workj to the Oregon- City Enterprise. By giving quality In both material and workmanship we endeavor to deserve your business. WE ARE In all kinds of Jok and Commercial One trial will convince you. ARE YOU Do you want that brief, catalog, etc, printed at once ? Well, send It to the Enterprise office. We have Just Installed a modern Mergan thaler Linotype machine and are prepared to do all such work on short notice and at right price. OUR EQUIPMENT For turning out all kinds of first class work In the way of good print ing Is second to no other house outside of Portland. If you are In need of printing of any kind, correspond with us and let us figure with you. We can save you money. All orders and correspondence will receive prompt attention. Telephone Main 21. THE ENTERPRISE OREGON CITY, A Rare Chance for a Slice of Falls View Addition to Oregon City. Now is your time to buy ground cheaply in Oregon City for a residence to save rent. One hundred lots must be sold quickly, and will go from $io to $50 each. Will sell the higher priced lots on the installment plan. Inquire of O. A. CHENEY, Land and Insurance Agent, Oregon City, Ore. Office with .1 ustice Stipp. Forsaieby HOLMES $ 1 3.50 per Ton M PIONEER mn$ht and Exjtfegg Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES RE ASONA BLE -jELLO I 2,000 miles of long dis tance telephone wire in "j Oregon, Washington , Cali fornia and Idaho now in operation by the Pacific 01.1: m.i i C. N. Greei oiauoii xeiepnone com pany, covering 2,250 towns ' Quick, accurate, cheap All the satisfaction of a personal communication. Distance no effect to a clear understanding. Spo kane and San Francisco as easily heard as Port land. , Oregon City office at Hardmgfs Drue Store QUALITY AHEAD Printing as well as book work. IN A RUSH? OREGON Deserves Your Patronage. The growth of a community and the success of its local institutions depends entirely on the loyalty of its people. It is well enough to preach "patronize home industry" but except the service given at a home institution equals that of out-of-town enterprises, this argument car ries no weight and is entirely disregard ed, as it should be. But with Oregon City people it is different. A few months ago E. L. Johnson established the Cas cade Laundry. It is equipped with the latest improved machinery and is daily turning out work that is equal to any and superior to much, of the laundry work that is being done in Portland. Being a home institution and furnishing employment for many Oregon City people it is enjoying an immense patronage. The high standard of the work being done commends it to the general public. Laundry left at the O. K. barber shop will be promptly called for and delivered to any part of the city. Telephone 1204. E. L. Johnson, proprietor. GUP ID'S MIRROR. "The beauty of a woman's face or figure is but the external sign of the good health within," says Ur. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., the specialist in women's diseases. Further, to be hap py and beautiful one must naturally ? Now, if a woman 3? WS?' has dragging-down 7PMi(:VjiTH feelintrs, together with constantly re- V-Stf- turning pains and 4 ) vjJ -M N aches, a too great v . drain upon her vi- - " tality and strength, she will never look beautiful. The feelings cf nervousness, the befogsred mind, the ill-temper, the pale and wrinkled face, all result from those disorders peculiar to women, and the only way to effect their cure is to strike at the source of the difficulty. There is every reason why she should write some great specialist, one who has made the diseases of women a specialty for a third of a century like Dr. R. V. Pierce, founder of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y. All correspondence is , held sacredly confidential, and he gives his advice free and without charere. During a long period of practice, Doctor Pierce found that a prescription made up entirely of roots and herbs, without the use of alcohol, cured ninety-eight per cent, of such cases. After using this remedy for many years in bis private practice he put it up in a form that can he had at any stote where medicines are handled. In many cases Dr. R. V. Pierce's Favorite Prescription will fit the needs and put the body in healthy condition. So sure of it is Dr. Pierce, he offers a reward of $500 for women who cannot be cured of Leucorrhea, Female Weakness, Prolapsus, or Falling of Womb. ' All he asks is a fair aud reasonable trial of his means of cure. Don't allow the dealer to insult your intelligence by offering you a cheap sub stitute. Send 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing and get Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser in paper covers, free. Adilress Dr. R. V. Pierce, BuGalo, K. Y. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the most desirable laxative for delicate women. M iarepresented. "I know," he said when her father had told him to proceed, "that I'm not half good enough for your daughter and I'll not be able to support her in the style to which she has been accustomed, nor is there any probability that she would pine away and die if you refused to give your consent." "Then why, if I may ask. do you come to lay the matter before me?" "Well, you have the reputation of being a daring man, so I though you might be willing to take a chance on me." - After he had struck the sidewalk he raised himself upon one elbow and tried to reason the thing out. "Confound it," he said at last, "they're wrong. I'll bet that old man fairly gloats whenever he gets hold of a sure thing." Champion Liniment for Rheumatism. Chas. Drake, a mail carrier at Chap inville, Conn., says: "Chamberlain's Pain Balm is the champion of all liniments. The past year I was troubled a great deal with rheumatism in my shoulder. After trying several cures the storekeep er here recommended this remedy and it completely cured me." There is no use of any one suffering from that painful ailment when this liniment can be ob tained for a small sum. One application gives prompt relief and its continued use for a short time will produce a per manent cure. For sale by Geo. A. Hard ing. IF YOU ARE NOT PARTICULAR Don't travel over the Illinois Central, as any old road will do you and we don't want your patronage; but if you are particular and want the best and mean to have it, ask the ticket agent to route you via the ILLINOIS CENTRAL the road that runs through solid vestibule trains between St. Paul, Omaha, Chicago, St- Louis, Memphis and New Orleans. No additional charge is made for a seat in our reclining chair cars which are fitted with lavatories and smok ing rooms, and have a porter in at- Rates via the ILLINOIS CENTRAL are the lowest and we will be glad to quote them in connection with any transcontinental line. "B. H. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agent, 142 Third Street, Portland, Oregon. J. C. LINDSEY, T. F. & P. A., 142 Third Street, Port land, Oregon. PAUL B. THOMPSON, Frt. and Passenger Agent, Colman Bldg., Seattle, Washington. What a Zemsky Sober Is. "Pa, what's a zemsky sobor?" "Oh, it's something like the poney and cart that a kind father is always promising to give to his little boy for being good." WET WEATHER. WISDOM.' THE ORIGINA L I3J ROWERS SLICKER 6LACK OR YELLOW .WILL KEEP YOU DRY NOTHING EL5E WILL TAKE NO SUB3T1TUTW CATALOGUES TREE SHOWING FULL LINE Or GARMENTS AND HATS. A. J. TOWER CO., BOSTON, MASS., U.S.A. TOWER CANADIAN CO., LTD., TORONTO, CANADA. If yon want to get the biggest returns for At vmi r labor And i bl. J. glWi your ground. iWMW j j c e- the standard after 49 years test. They always produce the largest and surest crops. Ail aeaiers sen toem. uur io; Heed Annual free on request. D. M. Ferry & Co DETROIT. MICH fit Pronounced by World's best ex pertsthe world's best whiskey. Grand prize highest award St Louis World's Fair. For Sale by - E. MATTHIAS -Sot Aganay for Oregon City. II X I I V J 1 k x-k r 1 Atrfe ft