t ,',.2 -,. .,.,,'... . . 4 . ; 0RF30X CJTY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1905. I at Salem. Gar Correspondents' Corner Brief Bits of Gossip From. All farts ot the County. ft ' Corresnondenta ara refines ted to re- I LIBERAL new their -work. We will rurnish all necessary stationery. The news from your neighborhood should appear In these columns every , week. DAMASCUS. I J. P. Woodle, of Eagle Creek, is doing some work for A. W. Cooke. Mr. Mark Rowen of Stone was seen on our streets one day last week. . i . The Grange Social and Oyster Supper given at the home of G. W. Derry, Fri day evening, March 10th, was a sucess In every way.- ' . Mr. J. R. Martin took a hike over to Boring last Saturday. How about it, Dick? A few of the Damascus young men have taken their departure for Eastern Oregon, among them are Carl Wolfhagen and Ora and Charley Acock. ; Once more the gentle Oregon mist is falling. . S. C. Young attended the annual meet ing of the stockholders of the Clear Creek Creamery. Monday. "Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Derry, Mr. and Mrs. Al. Derry and Mlnnte Grace, were calling on Mr. A. Newell and A. W. Cooke Sunday. ' The dance given by Damascus Camp No. 7533 Modern Woodmen of America at Barton in the Barton Mercantile Co.'s Hall, Saturday night, March 18th, was a grand success, both socially and fi nancially. , About fifty numbers were sold. ARE YOU ENGAGED? Engaged people should remember, that after marriage, many quarrels can be avoided, by keeping their degestions in good condition with Electric Bitters. S. A. Brown, of Bennettsville, S. C, says: "For years, my wife suffered intensely from dyspepsia, complicated with tor pid liver, until she lost her strength and vigor, and became a mere wreck of her former self. Then she tried Electric Bitters, which helped her at once, and finally made her Entirely well. She is now strong and healthy." Howell & Jones, druggists, pell and guarantees them, at 50c a bottle. Mr. and Mrs. Al Jones, Roy Graves and Winnie Howard were guest of Ben Faust and family Sunday. , - Chas. Daniels, of Mulino is working for Austin & Mills at present. Say, have you seen "Farmer Hall" , the "Patent Rat Trap " Roy Graves started to his home in Grant county Monday. Mr. Husband is able to be around again after a serious spell of sickness. Will Jones and son Merle, were calling on Ern Jones and wife Saturday. Mrs. Husband to btaying with hA- daughter, Mrs. Fred Perren. ' Frank Kinney, of Mulino, has moved to Carus where he, will work for Sam Greg ory, the teasel man. The party "Fish's" Saturday night. was O. K. ' Some "bad boy " filled Win. Austin's dog with bird shot last week. Esmond Hall is hauling lumber Molalla this week. to SPR1NGWATER. VIOLA. The long wished for audible tone of the telephone are now Iieard in Viola. The burning of fern and dry shrubbery suddenly ceased the latter part of last week. Viola public school closed one of the most successful tpf-ms of its history March 17. , Miss Butten was given a pleasant sur prise party on the evening of March 17. A fine autograph album, containing many names of friends made during her short stay in Viola, was presented her as a token of the appreciation of the successful school she had taught. The donation party given to Rev. Pat ton and wife was much enjoyed by all; judging from the amount of groceries. An unusual number of callers could -be entertained at the parsonage. It is reported that Elmer Walker has sold his saw mill to an Eastern Com pany. Chas. Miller, Jr. made a business trip to Portland during the week. Rev. Patton will preach at Redland, 11 a. m., March 26th, and 7:30 p. m., at Viola. Mercury 36. Has been as high this month as 76. On the 12th inst had quite a wind storm. It took the tower off tne cnurcn. We are now having rain, which the soil needs. It is snowing in the mountains which is a good indication that we will have moisture in the summer, insuring good crops. There have been quite a number on the sick list in this vicinity. Mr. Bard and Sidney Smith were quite ill, requir ing the services of Dr. M. C. Strickland, of Oregon City and C. B. Smith, of Es- tacada. They are both convalescent now. Farmers are well ' through seeding. Next in order when the weather becomes settled will be gardening. . The Springwater Grange is experienc ing quite a growth In . membership. At Its last meeting two members were re ceived -and the application of two others were received and acted upon. The school entertainment under the auspices of our efficient teacher was a decided success, about $25 being taken in. This will be applied in the purchase of an organ for school purposes. Mrs. Cornette and two daughters, of Gresham, were here a few days ago on business and visiting relatives and friends. ' Frank Smith is home after several years' absence in Washington. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tracy, of Logan, a daughter. The Women's Missionary Society is progressing nicely. George Guttridge has gone to Colorado for his health. Miss Ora Luelling, of Moro, has been quite ill. Her sister, Miss Waivo, has gone to nurse her and Miss Emma Shib ley takes Miss Waivo's place at the Post Office and store. Miss Mulkey, of Myrtle Creek, has gone home from Upper Springwater, and Miss Cook takes her place in teaching the school at that place. Ross Eaton, of Oregon City, called on his cousin, Otis Howard,. Saturday. E. A. Howard purchased a fine hound from . Victor Grimm of Macksburg for Frank Jagger. Now Bro., Farmers, all open your purses with a five or ten dol lar bill for Coyote scalps " and soon the coyotes will not feast on your sheep. William Inskeep has returned to Port land. .. Geneva Green is visiting friends at Carus. " - . Berthena Howart3 returned home Sunday from a three days visit with her grand mother at Macksburg. Mrs. Eph Jones yas the guest of her sister Mrs. D. Spatz Sunday. . Mrs. M. London made a business trip to Wm. M. Davis' Monday. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid. and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY, Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D, 1886. (Seal.) A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75 cents. Take Hall's Family Pills for Consti pation. CANBYx Got Off Cheap. He may think he has got off cheap, who,, after having contracted constipa tion or indigestion, is still able to per fectly restore his health. Nothing will do this" but Dr. King's New Life Pills, a quick, pleasant and certain cure for headache, constipation, etc. 25 cents at Howell& Jones', drug store; guapan teed. '' CARUS. The good weather is a thing of the past. v The farmers are enjoying the . gentle showers, sitting by the fire. , ' The dance at the teased barn Satur day, was not largely attended owing to the invitations being of two kinds. Frank Schoenbom- and friend of Ore gon City, were callers at Carus Sunday. Misses Edna and Iva Irish left Mon day for an extended visit with friends BP HE above picture of the man and fish is the trade mii rk of Scott's Emulsion, mid is the synonvm for Ptrenfrth and purity. 'It is sold in almost all the civilized coun t ries of the globe. - If, the cod fish became extinct it would be a world-wide ealam itv because the oil that comes from its liver surpasses all other fats in nourishing and life-giving properties. r 1 mrty. years ago the proprietors of Scott's Emul sion found a way of preparing cod liver oil so that everyone can take it and get the full value of the oil without the objectionable taste. Scott's Emulsion is the best thing irithe world for weak, backward children, thin,: delicate people, and all conditions, of wasting and lost strength. . , "j." Send tar ttee sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, CHEMISTS o-i mail arxuT, inrw Toax SOe. nd $1.00. Alt druggist. Bright's Disease and Diabetes News. Mr. Chas. Borroughs and family are now contemplating a move to Indiana. Mr. Rosenkrans recently sold his res idence property to W. H. Bair. Rev. Skaggs, of Vancouver, Wash., is conducting revival meetings at' the Chris tian church. Postal inspector Clement visited Can- by last week and looked over a. route for a rural delivery. It will supply the peo ple living east of here, reaching Mulino. Mr. Lewis Cloninger and family, who formerly lived at Canby and still own a house here, but have lived in California for some years, " have . returned and ex pect to again take up their residence with us. Ed. Schul will open another meat mar ket in a few- days in the room next the post office. v . R. A. Wilkerson and the Adair Bros. were moving a few days ago, the former to live with his sons out in the country and the latter are preparing for a trip to Eastern Oregon. J. J. Schmit has sold out his butcher business and residence and expects to move to another location, hoping for Bargains S pecial ISHOES, SHIRTS CLOTH ING, UNDERWEAR, Shoes. Some at COST or LESS, others NEARLY COST. , Coupons Given for DISHES Fresh Flower and Garden Seeds 3 for 10c Big tablets, 3c; Shoe Laces ;. 1c Ink, 3c; Vaseline, 4c; Glue ..7c 8 lead pencils, rubber tips 5c Sewing Machine Oil 5c; same 4 oz can 10c Oranges or Lemons .....1c Pkg. Pins, lc; dozen clothes pins ......1c Wire Tacks Pkg, lc; Shoe Tacks . ...2c 3 cornered file 5c; fiat' file .10c Steel Hammer, 33c, Screwdriver ......8c 16-inch Rasp 45c; Shovel, . . 50c Pacts That Caused us to Take th Agency for the Fulton Compounds, the First Known Cure for Bright' Disease and Diabetes. First,, let It be distinctly understood that every one of the cases below had been diagnosed by one or more physicians as Bright'e Disease or Diabetes and chronic and incurable; second, note the certainty of-t he results as shown by the recovery iljo cf the. friends they told who were similarly afflieted. N. W. Spauldlne, President Spaulding Saw Co., San Francisco, had a recovery in his own family and told several others who recovered. Adolph Weske, capitalist, San Francisco, recovered himself and told two friends who recovered. Dr. Carl D. Zelle, pioneer druggist, 522 Pacific street, San Francisco, recovered himself and gave it to more than a dozen patients who recovered. Chas. Engelke editor of the German paper, San Francisco, recovered himself and told it to s number who recovered, one of them being Charles F. Wacker, the Sixth street merchant.. R. M. Wood, editor Wine and Spirit Review, recovered himself and told it to several who recovered, among them being an old-school physician. Edward Short of the San Francisco Call re covered, also three of his Xriends-yiz.: William Martin, Captain Hubbard of the Honolulu route and William . Hawkins of the TJ. S. Quarter master's Department, San Francisco. John A. Phelps of the Hotel Bepelier, San Francisco, and two of his friends. Mrs. M. Empey, 130 Steiner St. (also recom mended it to several who recovered, one of them leaving the German Hospital to go on the treatment.) - ... . - . And hundreds of others. Bright's Disease and Diabetes, heretofore in curable, are now positively curable and in nearly nine-tenths of all cases. . If vou still have any doubt irlve vonrself tha benefit of the doubt. Fulton's Renal Compound for Brieht's and Kidney Disease. 1: for Diabetes. . tt.Sl 'SaTI! for namnhiAt. XV A ar. Via u.l. ' local agenta. Gold Dust, 19c in bulk-- .::'.-;... 5c Hand Soap, best and biggest 4c Laundry !Soap, 7, 8, and 10 bars ......25c Beans 4c; Soda pound 4c Raisins, worth 10c, for 7c and ........ : 8c Flour Jl'.OS up; Graham .....$1.05 Corn Meal 25e; best Lard ........... .11c Onff 1 0n. ISp. Ytfst POft N Men's 50c and 60c Underwear for. . . . . .44c Men's Black sox 3 pair 25c Underwear, odds and ends ;27c Men's $1.25 part wool overshirts cut . .75c Fine Shirts 40c, 50c, 65c .'...'': 80c These are samples and about half price. Men's Clay Worsted Suits were $11.40 Wholesale now $9.00 Men's Wool Suits cut to .'. $5.90 Pants to close 75c, 95c, .'. ..$1.45 Boys' Pants cut to 79c Boys' Suits, long pants .V. $2.77, Boys' Two-Piece Suits were $3.20 $2.44 c, 14c, :.19c .8c, 14c, 24c 38c Ladies Hose cut to Belts to close, ; . . Corsets 19c up any of them at whole sale or less. Wool -Blankets and Comforts, Big Cut Shoes, Etc. Bargain Lot Men's $1.75 and $2.00 shoes for " Ladies' Fine Shoes, $1.50 grade Men's Shoes Better Shoes, $1.29 .'...' Best Highs cut logger's shoes y 1 $6.00 cut to High cut calf cut to Boys' Full Stock ' cut ' to . . . Boys" Calf Shoes small,' cut to $1.19 -Baby Shoes .......... ............19c up Ladies' Heavy unlined Shoes ..$1.20 $1.37 Child's heavy, 5 to 6, cut to ..; 55c .... $1.59 ....$1.19 ' ..78c up $1.47 usual ....$4.75 $3.19" $1.40 Red Front Store L CJUMILTON Proprietor; Chairman & Co., City Drug Store. OREGON CITY, OREGON better health. - ;The 'buyers are 'Lucke Bros.', ' relatives to Councilman' Lucke, and have recently moved here. They took possession of the business last Sat urday. Work has begun on a new house for Mr. Duschel, he having let the contract for building to Mr. Glazier. J ' '' The executive committee of the Can'by Camp Meeting are to hold their" Spring meeting here on Thursday, 23d, to make plans, etc. for the annual camp meeting. The date of bur writing is too early to give the facts.' Among those expected to be present are: Rev. T. L. Jones, of Amity; Rev. R. E. Dunlap. of Dayton; Rev. J. H. Wood, of Oregon City; Rev L. E. Rockwell, D.D., of Portland and Rev. C. L. Hamilton, Tf Hillsboro. . Some important and much-needed , im provements 'are being made on the in side of the Methodist -parsonage. The Ladies' Aid Society . is engineering, as well as financing the enterprise. An ef ficient corps of its members brougnt their dinners and spent the day last Wednes day, removing the old paper, scrubbing, painting and tacking on new cloth. In cidentally the parson, was errand boy, for them, was also their guest at his own table, and a sumptuous repast was duly appreciated. ' The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has beea. in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per- V BEAVER CREEK.. T The long looked for rain came at last; and sure enough it did not come very slow. Daniel Jones,' who is a patient at the St. Vincent's Hospital, is expected home soon. A. Steudman called on A. Thomas one day this week. J. Fischer called on the Steudman fam ily last Sunday. Bertha Hughes is visiting relatives at Salem. ; ' H. Shannon and engine went head backwards through the Beaver Creek bridge this week. Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Jones fere the proud parents of an 8-pound baby girl which arrived Saturday night. Rev. R. H. Owens made a business trip to Portland this week. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought v7- sonal supervision since its infancy. f-ccc(? Allnwnn nnAtndMwivn vnn In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-gwxl" are but Experiments that trine with and endanger the health of Infants, and Children Experience against Experiment. What is C ASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant, lb contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves- Teething' Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. " GENUINE CASTORIA ."ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Bears the Signature of Sgg Enterprise for Job Printing The Hotse Furnisher ...... You paid to much for your goods! Did yotf wife eve acctiseyofi of Sttch a crime? " If so, prevent it for-the f attire by studying oar prices. Tnese prices are 'only for the 'careful buyer, reckless buyers are doomed. The reckless buyer will spend his money on slick talk, the careful buyer for value received uvAm gp Going to Build? We have an immense stock of Cedar doors and 'cooks windows on hand also building hardware. Let 3 us figure for you we can save you money.. 1 here are some damaged doors left from our disastrous fire which will go cheap. jSiratti:tl Steel Range tO years guarantee Jo inch- oven 6 holes Most elaborate nickel BUREAU high grade finish, fine mirror, full size $6,50 ...$30.00... This Rocker '- - Artistic ns Of Wall et . per double . roll and up " 10c Lace ; Curtains 50c per pair and up CARPETS, LINOLEUM, OIL CLOTH, CHINA MATTING at LOWEST PRICES