Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 24, 1905, Image 1

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VOL.38. NO. 20.
Glittering Specialties for March
For the month of March, the follow
ing glittering , specialties are placed
upon the market, at old time prices
that were in vogue ten years ago.
Nothing but what we can vouch for
and fully recommend, as a genuine
bargain will find a place in this ad
vertisement. Good money is being
made in real estate every day. Make
a close examination of these offerings
and come and we will show you that
they are -even better than represented.
1st. The very best buy between Ore
gon City and Portland, over 30 and
not quite 40 acres, on main county
road and on railroad; 20 acres in cul
tivation, balance nearly all rich brush
land and not 'hard to clear; some old
buildings of not much value. This
gem of a place is especially adapted
to strawberries, small fruits and
market gardening. Unimproved land
not so good, adjoining sold over ten
years ago at $100 per acre. Remember
this place can't be beat for the price,
2d. Here we have a combined, garden
and fruit farm on the .beautiful
Clackamas River, the finest and pur
est mountain stream in Oregon, 2i
miles from Oregon City? graveled
road the entire distance. This place
without any improvements sold over
ten years ago for $3200 and now I am
offering it for the month of March
for $1750. Small house and little
3d. There is presented now for care
ful buyers, who have some money
and wish to go into the dairy business
on a modern and proper basis, a
splendid tract of land lying six miles
from Oregon City as the crow flies,
but somewhat further by the modern
road that runs by the place. This
place is all fenced and has about 100
acres In cultivation and 50 more near
ly ready to break. The cultivated
land is practically level and a natur-
, al clover soil. A fine little trout
stream passes through the farm, af
fording the finest of water for 75
acres of bottom pasture land, now
being slashed and seeded to English
rye grass and timothy. There is $1000
worth of valuable timber on the prop
erty, along this stream,- that is be
ing Jealously guarded as the slashing
progresses. A good frame house,
needing some repairing, but valuable
and entirely suitable. Woodshed and
other small outbuildings. A rather
poor barn, but contracts are now being
let for the erection of a large modern
dairy barn nearly all the material
for this structure comes from the
place. 8 acres orchard with dryer.
Good school half mile Creamery and
cheese factory 2 miles. If this splen
did dairy farm is sold during the
month of March, for $30 per acre,
easy terms will be given, the follow
ing very valuable personal property
will be included in the bargain : 11
head thoroughbred Jersey Cows, ten
of them fresh and the cream going to
the creamery; one Jersey and Guern
sey bull; 4 pure bred Jersey heifer
calves; one splendid span of horses
over 16 hands high, young and without
a blemish and as true as oxen, .worth
$450, one wagon, worth $50; one new
harness, cost $50; new plow, harrow,
and all tools on the farm. 20 acres
of ' land already seeded to vetch, oats
and clover; nearly all the cultivated
land plowed and ready to seed. Re
member, this bargain cannot be du
plicated in Clackamas County, and
the owner will very substantially
raise the price after April 1st. This
place is in a splendid neighborhood
that is rapidly growing.
4th. We touch the button, and pres- '
to! here comes another: Just 12
miles, out and a modern plank road
every inch of the way. $2000 worth
of good buildings, including dwelling,
3 barns, implement house, blacksmith
shop, apple house, chop mill run by
water power, etc. 100 acres in
smooth A No. 1 cultivation, good
fences, and gofod everythingl W!e
are now telling you about as good
an all round farm, and It is a money
maker, as there is in the county, and
this statement will be proved to your
entire satisfaction by a personal ex
amination. Don't procrastinate and
lose a great buy at $42 an acre.
Terms can be made. Good reasons
for selling.
5th. Here is the last farm invest
ment that will be put on the bargain
counter for the month of March. This
is properly denominated a stock farm
for it has access to a hundred thou
sand acres of the finest mountain
range where cattle feed up to their
bellies in pea vine and elk weed and
get rolling fat without any expense
to speak of to the owner, except a
little salt and some time. Now re
member this ranch is not a long way
off from this range, but right up
against it, and still strange to re
late, it is not over 30 minutes walk :
from a first class broad guage motor
line where -a wide awake management
with bushels of money are making
a single construction improvement to
cost a round million. It is confident
ly asserted that these great improve
ments will make the place double its
present value in two years. There
are 160 acres of A No. 1 plow land in
th& stock farm with a good soil,
suitable for stock grasses; 50 acres
now in clover, large orchards, three
great living springs, large new barn
60x84, small dwelling. Now here is
a crackeT-jack of a proposition: If
this place is sold in March, all grow
ing crops, 45 head cattle, among them
a young registered Durham bull,
span horses, wagon, new binder, new
mower, new horse rake, and all farm
ing tools will be thrown in, and the
whole shooting match at $30 per acre.
Easy terms. School near by and
neighborhood on the boom.
We are wanting good fair sized places
ranging in value from $1250 to $3,000,
and at right prices.
We have many other properties on
hand for sale, at all sorts of prices.
We can suit any reasonable buyer.
Don't forget that a good home In
Oregon City or Gladstone, is a mighty
good thing to have stowed away
among your valuable assets. We can
sell lots as $100 per lot on the motor
line and from that up, with all kinds .
of improvements. Acre tracts from
$100 to $300 on the motor line. But
keep your eye on our March bargains.
Publish Descriptive Pamphlet of
Clackamas County and Arrange for
'- Entertainment of Visitors. '
Let's all get in and boost.
The business men of Oregon City have
awakened to the situation and the great
need of doing something for Clackamas
county. At a meeting of the business
men of this city at the county court
house Friday night the preliminary
steps were taken towards . giving this
seqtion the most effective advertising it
has received in years. After a discus
sion of the subject in which a dozen of
the representative men of the city par-
ticipated, the meeting nominated O. W.
Eastham, F. G. Eby, and W. A. Hunt
ley as a committe to visit the business
men of the city and enlist their support
in the undertaking, a report as to the
best method of proceedure to be re, irt
ed by the committee at an adjournbO"
meeting of the people of Oregon City
at the Court house tonight.
There is need for advertising Clacka
mas county and its resources and the
time for doing so was never better.
Eastern people are arriving at Oregon
City almost daily. A great majority of
them are people of means who are able
to invest in property and become perma
nent citizens of the county. The num
ber of these arrivals can be largely in
creased by some systematic advertis
ing of this section. Hundreds of intend
ing settlers will visit this coast through
out the next six months and if Oregon
City and Clackamas county are to get
their , quota of these new people, there
must be put forth ah intelligent effort
to interest them in this part of the
The movement that has originated
with the business men of this city is
good one. It is entitled to the active and
hearty support of the people of Oregon
City and Clackamas county. There is
abundant room and unlimited opportun
ities here for the newcomer. Now let's
get him interested in Clackamas county,
Office nex to Oregon City Enterprise.
Furnish Abstracts of Title, Loan Money,
Foreclose Mortgages, and transact
General Law Business.
Collections, Mortgage Foreclosures,- Ab
stracts of Title and General Law Business.
'Fom A to Z
We study the comfort and conven
venience of our patrons from A to Z
and leave nothin undone which would
add to their pleasure. We always
have a tempting menu, so varied as
, to make it easy picking for you to get
something that will suit your appe
tite and your pocket book. We can
quickly prepare a light lunch or a
substantial meal.
Oregon City, Oregon.
Office over
Bank of Oregon City,
Oregon City, Or.
W. 8. U'Ben 0. Schnebel
Attorneys at Law. Q
Will practice in all courts, make collections :
ana settlements or instates.
Furnish abstracts of title, lend you money
and lend your m ney on first morgage.
Office in Enterprise Building,
Oregon City, Oregon.
Attorney at Law.
Justice nf the Peace.
gger Bldg., Oiegon Ciy
bison City, - -
Will practice in allthe courts of the state. Of
fice, in CauflelJ building.
Your Clackamas County abstracts of
Title should be prepared by the
Clackamas Title Company, incor
porated. Chamber of Commerce
building, Portland. This company
Is the builder and owner of the best
and most complete plant of Clack
amas county titles. Astracts from
its offices are compiled by experts of
long experience, competent attor-1
neys and draughtsmen, and are of j
guaranteed accuracy. I
Clackamas County Lands, Mortgage i
Loans, Estates managed, Taxes ex-'
amined and paid. . "
C F. Riley, pres.. . F. B. Riley, sec.
Has made this store the reputation it bears
Shoes that fit the feet are the best foot doc
tors that can be had here, Shoes that look
a different from the usual run of shoes, the
a kind that have style and snap and art in
2 them and fit your feet comfortably and are
a extremely fashionable at the same time. We
q are the sole agents in this vicinity for the
American Girl
2.50 SHOES
for women the world's, famous Julia MSr
lowe $3.00 shoes for women, the E. P. Reed
$3.50 shoes for women, the acme of mod
ern shoe making, the W. L. DOUGLAS
$3.00 and $3.50 shoes for men, the shoes
that have a national reputation and the re
putable Joe Tilt $4.00 and $5.00 shoes for
men. The above mentioned lines can be
had in all the latest styles both in shoes and
oxfords. To share our success ; would be a
saving for you
..The Douglas
The place for QUALITY
Shoe Store,
Oregon City, Oregon
Men Will Share Honors In Giving
Recognition to Sacajawea.
Portland, March 23. July 6, has been
selected as Sacajawea order of Red Men
Day at the Lewis & Clark exposition.
On this date the bronze statue of Sac
ajawea will be unveiled with formal cere
monies. The Sacajawea Statue Associa
tion will share the honors of the day with
the' order of Red Men in giving: due rec
ognition to the neglected heroine. The
exercises- will be attended by many not
ed women who will, come to attend the
Kitlonal "Woman" " Suffrage 1 convention
and the National Association of Chari
ties and Corrections, which will be held
at that time. In order to participate in
the ceremonies, the order of Red Men,
changed their day at the Fair from July
27. ' .
A feature of the exercises will be the
presence of several thousand school
children each wearing a button upon
which is the likeness of Sacajawea.
.tor the purpose of honoring a ne
glected heroine the Sacajawea Statue
Association, composed of prominent Ore
gon women, was formed some time ago
with Mrs. Eva Emery Dye as President.
The association has raised the money
for the erection of the statue and chosen
the design. The statue was executed
by Miss Alice Cooper, of Denver, Colo
rado, and presents a young Indian woman
with a papoose strapped to her back.
The girl pointing totward the distant
sea, her face radiant and head thrown
back and eyes full of daring. A. short
hunting skirt, made of deer skins, and
. leggins, show a figure full of the buoy
, ancy and animation of youth. The Stat
I ue is composed of Oregon copper and
; cost $7,000.
' The entire sum necessary for the in
' stallation bf this memorial has not been
raised, but contributions are being so
licited from women all over the country,
and it is expected that the total amount
will be subscribed to pay off all indebted
ness by the time thestatue is unveiled.
Western women have been enthusiastic
in lending their support to this commend
able movement. ' .
The statue, which is the first ever
erected in honor of an Indian woman, will
occupy a conspicuous position in the
center of Columbia Court, the central
plaza of the Exposition, facing Lake
view Terrace, where are the statues of
Lewis and Clark.
Sacajawea was an Indian girl, a mem
ber of the Shoshone tribe, who joined
the Lewis & Clark Expedition, which
crossed the mountains to the Pacific a
century ago, while the party was in. mid
winter quarters among the Mandan In
dians, in what is now North Dakota.
Sacajawea was at that time the mother
of a young babe. She was the only
woman on theh expedition, and shared
with the men the hardships of the toil
some journey across the continent. She
was the friend of Captain Clark and
Lewis and generally rode with them in
advance of the party, where her pres
ence served to allay the suspicions of
the tribes through whose country they j
passed. On two occasions she saved .
the lives of the party, pointing the road
when everyone else was lost and starv
ation was staring the little band in the
Sacajawea accompanied the party
through Its entire Journeyings. Her hus
band, Charbonneau, was taken along to
act as guide and interpreter. When the
expedition, on the return trip, reached
the country of the Mandans, Charbonn
eau decided to stay there, and his ever
faithful wife remained with him. It is
presumed that she ; died shortly after
wards. It may be safely said that, if it had
not been for this Indian girl, Lewis and
Clark wiuld probably never have reached
the Pacific. The women of the country
deserve great credit for making it pos
sible for this heroine to share the hon
ors of the explorers at the Exposition
commemorating the expedition of a cen
tury ago. '
Initiative Petitions Preparing and
soon be In Circulation.
SALEM, Or., March 20. Petitions are
prepared and will soon be in circulation
. for - the initiative upon a bill authoriz
ing and requiring the levying of an as
sessment upon all property in the state
not heretofore assessed since the year
1860. If enacted into a law by the peo
ple in June, 1906, the bill will have the
effect of enriching the treasury of sever
al counties of the state to the extent of
hundreds of thousands - of dollars, the
principal part of which will come from
the railroads and wagon road companies
holding extensive land interests in the
state and that have escaped taxation up
to the present. '
It is estimated that at least ten town
ships of land in this (Marion) County
alone are held by the railroads upon
which no taexs have been paid since
1860, which would mean about $200,000
due, if assessed under the proposed act.
Many sparsely settled counties in the
state would exceed this acreage in such
Important West Side Improvement Re
ported Will Be Made. . t
The construction of an electric raft
way line on the West Side bv.JLbe Pork
land General Electric Company andJSn
the interest largely of the -. vVillamette
Pulp and Paper Mills is an improvement
that it is reported vill be thade in the
near future. While the., rumor has not
been officially confirmed,", its origin is of
such a source as to give genuineness to
the report. -
The building of such ait electric sys
tem on the West Side of e Willamette
River at this point is an Improvement
that has been in fl.a temptation for some
time. Its constr.Hin.1n' the' immediate
future is suggresteand ' is" made prob
able in the annoury eeynt of ;the Port
land General Eleotrfcs ,yompany of a pro
posed extending.'itsseirviaBto the Up
per Willamette. Vj'Oey; The substitution
by the large tfliujif acturlng plants"' of
this city of oil ' lov . wood" as fuel has
suggested the nee for some means of
reaching another market for the product
of the cord wood camps above Willam
ette. These wants, its is aparent, can
be best supplied by such a line as is pro
posed since it will furnish a direct means
of communication with Portland.
While the plan at present is to ex
tend the line from its present northern
terminus at the west end of the sus
pension bridge, it is practically a certain
ty that the systetn will be made with
the roathat is now operated between
that point and. Portland. The purpose
of reaching the' Willamette below the
Clackamas rapids Sis ,to afford the paper
mills. more convenient ' and inexpensive
mean of transporting their, logs to this
Tcitjf 1 During tire low-waereason, the
mills now find it almost impossible, be
cause of the extreme swiftness of the
rapids and the shallow stage of the
water, to conduct their rafts over this
place in the river.
The proposed building or extending of
this railway system also causes specula
tion as to the relation the improvement
bears to the building of an electric rail
way line up the Valley to Salem. It
has been reported that in case a street
railway system is extended up the Valley
it will follow the West Side from Port
land to a point opposite Canemah where
a crossing of the Willamette river can
be easily effected. While this feature of
the situation is of course pertinent to
the improvement that it is reported will
be made, it is of secondary importance
since the demands for the extending
northerly of the present line on the West
Side is required to meet the needs
of the paper mills in this city for a more
satisfactory delivery of logs for manu
facturing purposes. Oregon City Item in
Work Includes Taking of- Census and
Gathering Industrial Statistics
Will Require Three Months.
Blanks for the listing of property for
the 1905 assessment having been received
by Assessor Nelson, tbe various deputy
assessors began the assessing of prop
erty Monday.
Assessors this year have a three-fold
service to perform. In addition to mak
ing the regular assessment of property,
the deputies are required to take a cen
sus and enroll in connection therewith
the names of all persons eligible to mili
tary duty. Industrial statistics are also
to be compiled on another blank with
which the assessors are furnished. This
includes the number of bushels of grain
raised, head of cattle, pounds of butter
in fact a statement as to the actual
products of each farm in the county.
It will require about three months' in
which to complete the assessment of
Clackamas county property, r The depu
ties and their respective field" of opera
tion are as follows: Deputy Assessor F.
J. Nelson, cities and towns; J. C. Brad
ley, Eagle Creek, Highland, and Can
yon Creek; J. K. Morris, all of the west
side and south of the Willamette River
to the Marlon County line; C. H. Dauchy,
a strip of land two- miles wide extend
ing along the east side of the Willam
ette River from the north end of the
county to Ely;- J. W. .McAnulty and E. E.
Taylor, a strip three miles wide and ex
tending from Ely to the south end of
the county with the Oregon City-Molalla
road as the probable division line.
Inaugurate A Contest In
of the Organization.
Warner Grange No. 117, Patrons of
Husbandry, will hold its regular March
meeting at New Era tomorrow, Satur
day, March 25.
' If is requested that all members be
present as a contest will be inaugurated
among the members to enliven the in
terest in the Grange, secure new mem
bers and increase the attendance The
Grange will be divided into sides and
credits will be allowed for attendance
and getting new members, the losing
side will furnish the program and per
form all work incident to a farmers'
banquet that will be held in connection
with the April meeting. -
An interesting feature of tomorrow's
meeting will be a spelling match that
will follow a literary program.
1 5The Salvation Army.
Meetings on Friday, March 24th. 1905,
S p.-m.- -
SpeciaJ service on Saturday, March
25th, at 8 p.m.
Rev. Wetloufer of the Evangelical
church will speak Sunday, March 26th.
2 p.m. Junior Meeting.
3 p.m. Family Gathering.
8 p.m. Great tattle for Souls.
All welcome.
'Like Finding Money.
Finding health is like finding money
so think those who are sick. When you
have a cough, cold, sore throat, or .chest
irritation, "better act promptly like W.
C. Barber, ol Sandy level. Va. He says:
"I had a terrible chest trouble, caused by
smoke and coal" dust on my lungs; but,
after finding no relief in other remedies.
I was cured by Dr. King's New Discov
ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds."
Greatest sale of any cough or lung medi
cine in the world. l At Howell & Jones
drug Store; 50 cents and $1.00; guaran
teed. Trial bottle free.
Annual Meeting.
The annual meeting of the Stockhold
ers of the Gladstone Real Estate Asso
ciation, will take place at the' office of
H. E. Cross in Oregon City, Oregon, on
Monday, April 3d, 1905, at the hour of
1 o'clock, p.m., at which time a board of
directors will be elected for the ensuing
year and such I dther business trans
acted as may properly come before the
meeting. H. E. CROSS,
March 20, 1905. 2w
- Notice.
There will be a meeting at Harding
Grange Hall, on Monday, March 27th,
1905, at 1:30 p.m. to consider the matter
of exhibits and-prizes at the Lewis and
Clark Fair. O. D. ROBBINS,
Committe Member, for Harding Precinct.
Pleasant and Harmless.
Don't drug the stomach to cure a
cough. One Minute Cough Cure cuts the
mucous, draws the inflamation out of
the throat, lungs and bronchial tubes,
heals, soothes and cures. A quick cure
for Croup and Whooping Cough. One
Minute Cough Cure relieves a cough in
one minute because it acts first on the
mucous membrane right where the cough
troubles in the throat or deep-seated on
the lungs. Sold by Geo. A. Harding.
IBjklnsC Powder
With Royal Baking Powder there is
no mixing with the hands, no sweat of
the brow. Perfect cleanliness, greatest
facility, sweet, clean, healthful food.
Full instructions in the ' Royal Baker and Pastry Cook
book for making all kinds of bread, biscuit and cake
with Royal Baking Powder. Gratis to any address.