8 OEESON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MARCH. 10, 1905. FISH AND GAME LAWS. Several Important Changes Made By Re cent Legislature. Salem, March 9. More than two dozen srame bills were introduced at the recent session of the legislature, but only nine of them became laws. None of them carry emergency clauses, and will go in to effect May 18. Comparatively few changes were made In the regulations regarding: closed sea sons, but the most important acts were the prphlbition of the sale of game, the establishment of the hunter's license and the prevention of the hunting of deer at night or with dogs. The number of deer that may be killed in a season is limited to five. The purpose of the act prohibiting the sale of game is to limit, in some degree, the number of birds killed. The hunters' license law is intended to restrict hunt ing to some extent, but more especially I to compel the sportsmen to contribute toward the payment of the expense of enforcing the game protection laws. If the license bill had passed in the sweep ing form in which it was introduced, it would have produced considerable reve nue as it required every hunter to pay a Xee of $1 per year. Representatives from the farming counties would not support the bill in SIX Enter cmfwypp that form, however, and it was amended so as to except a man and members of his family hunting on their own land. This means that practically all the li cense money will come from city sports men. The law says nothing as to the rights of men living on farms which they occupy as lessees, and a strict interpret ation of the law will evidently be that . when a city man owns a farm and rents it, as many do, the city man may hunt thereof without a license, while the farmer must pay the license fee before tie or members of his family can hun .The hunters' license law, known Senate bill 269, makes it unlawful for any person to hunt for, take or kill any erame animals protected by the laws of this state, during the open season, with out such person "having in his personal possession at the time of said hunting, license issued to him by a county clerk. A. license must be issued to any per son who applies therefor and who pay: a fee of $1 if he be a resident of the state and $10 if he be a non-resident All licenses expire on December 31, re gardless of the date of issue. Not more than one license can be issued to the same person in any one year, and the license shall not be transferable. The license must give the name and residence of the person to' whom issued, and brief description of him, for the purpose of identification. A license issued in any county is good anywhere in the state, but is subject to inspection at all times by any peace offi cer or person charged with the enforce ment of the game laws, or by the owner of property upon which the person may be hunting. Fees collected under this act must be transmitted to the State Treasurer, and by him placed to the credit of the game protection fund. Hunting without hav ing in possession a valid license is pun ishable by a fine of $25 to $100, or impris onment 5 to thirty days, or by both fine and imprisonment. The act prohibiting the sale of game was Senate bill 77, and applies to deer as well as to birds. It reads as follows It shall be unlawful for anyone to sell or offer for sale, barter or exchange, or have in possession for the purpose of sale, barter or exchange; or to ship or cause to be carried or transported be yond the boundaries of the state of Ore gon for sale, barter or exchange, except for scientific or feeding purposes, any deer, moose, elk, mountain sheep, silver gray squirrel, wild swan, mallard duck. wood duck, pidgeon. teal, spoonbill,, gray black, sprigtail, or canvasback or any duck, water-rail, upland plover, prairie chicken, grouse, pheasant, ruffled grouse, ring-neck or China Pheasant, quail, bob--white, quail or partridge, copercailizie, wild turkey, woodcock, silver pheasant, igreen pheasant or Reeves pheasant. Violation of the law is made punish able by a fine of $100 to $5000. or impris onment two months to two years, or by both fine and imprisonment. The closed season for ducks and geese will hereafter begin February 1. instead of March 1, and the law has been chang ed in several respects by the passage of Senate bill 55, amending section 2014 of the code. By this act the killing or possession of any wild goose, wild swan, mallard duck, wood duck widgeon, teal, spoonbill, gray, black, sprigtail or can vasback or any duck, is forbidden be tween February 1 and September 1 and during the open season not more than 50 ducks can be killed by one person in a week. It is made unlawful to kill any wild goose on any island or sandbar in or along the Columbia river east of the Cascade mountains, on which wild geese habitually rest or roost. An exception is made in this section as to Coos and Iake counties. In Coos the closed season for the fowls mention ed is to extend from February 1 to Au gust 1, and in Lake from April 1 to Au gust 15. Otherwise this act applies to Coos and Lake counties. By House bill 139, amending section 2010 of the code, deer are given protec tion from hunters as follows: Killing of buck deer, except in Baker, Grant, Harney, and Malheur, forbidden except from Aug. 16, to Nov. 1. Killing of female deer except in Baker, Grant, Harney and Malheur, forbidden except from September 1 to November 1. In all counties hunting deer is forbidden between one hour after sunset and one half hour before sunrise, and at any time with dogs. The number of deer that may be killed by any person is limited to five and the sale or exchange of deer is forbidden. In order to give the Game and For estry Warden more power in the ap pointment of special deputies, the law upon that subject was amended by the last legislature. The act permits the Game and For estry Warden to appoint any number of deputies at $2 per day and expenses, tout the total expenditures must not ex ceed the total amount of the appropria tion added to the amount derived from faunters' licenses. The law also leaves out that portion of section 2052 which authorizes the Warden to appoint three deputies in each county witheut com pensation. In the past the deputies thus appointed depended for compensation upon the allowance of one-half . the amount of fines collected. The biennial appropriation for the Game ' and Forestry Warden and depu ties is $8400, of which $2400 pays the Warden's salary, leaving $6000 for the Warden's expenses and the salaries and expenses of deputies. To this appropria tion will hereafter be added, the license fees, the amount of which cannot be approximately estimated. Champion Liniment for Rheumatism Chas. Drake, a mail carrier at Chap inville. Conn., says: "Chamberlain's Pain Balm is the champion of all liniments. The past year I was troubled a great deal with rheumatism in my shoulder. After trying several cures the storekeep er here recommended this remedy and it completely cured me." There is no use of any one suffering from that painful ailment when this liniment can be ob tained for a small sum. One application gives prompt relief and its continued use for a short time will produce a per manent cure. For sale by Geo. A. Hard ing. OBITUARY. The little twins, son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lai-kins, ceased earthly existence at Meadowbrook, on February 6, 1905; the other February 22, 1905. Though these pure sweet blossoms have been plucked so early and it seems hard to lay the dear little forms away, yet we know that these lovely flowers have been transplanted to the field of light above where they are safe, even ever more from the tempest of this life. Though sorrowing hearts will ever yearn for the sweet presence of the ones that have gone, but now they are rest ing safe in the arms of Jesus; safe on his gentle breast.. Lay aside their little garments. Wet with mother's pearly tears How we'll miss those little darlings All the many coming years. Fold their dainty little dresses That they never more will wear. For the little feet are waiting Up above the golden stairs.. Oh. we pray to meet our darlings, For a long, long sweet embrace. Where the little feet are waiting, And we meet them face to face. portion of the cost for laying sewers in Sewer District No. 4. Oregon City, Ore gon, and shall not exceed the sum of One Hundred Fifty-five and 22-100 Dol lars in the aggregate. The right to reject any and all bids is hereby reserved to the undersigned committee and council of Oregon City. All bids should be addressed to the Finance Committee of the Council, care of W. A. Dimick, Recorder, Oregon City, Oregon. . By order of the City Council. R. KOERNER. WILLIAM SHEAHAN, A. KNAPP, Finance Committee. Oregon City, Oregon, March 8, 1905. Notice of Street Improvement. Notice is hereby given that Sixth Street of Oregon City, Oregon from the West line of Railroad Avenue to - the East line of Water Street will be im proved with crushed rock and by laying sidewalks, curbs, corner blocks and drains and by grading said street to the estab lished grade thereof. This notice is published pursuant to an order made by the Council of Oregon City, Oregon, at a meeting held March 1st, 1905. W. A. DIMICK, Recorder. Oregon City, Oregon, March 8, 905. ORDINANCE NO. Proposals for Improvement Bonds, Ore gon City, Oregon. Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned at the office of the Re corder of Oregon City, Oregoin. until Saturday, April 1, 1905. at 4 o'clock p.m for the sale at not less than par value and accrued interest, of improvement bonds of Oregon City, Oregon, as the same shall be authorized to be issued for the sum of One Hundred and Fifty-five and 22-100 Dollars. Said bonds shall be issued in the fol lowing denominations: one bond for $155.22 to be dated December 7, 1904 payable 10 years from date, bearing in terest at the rate of six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, said in terest to be evidenced by coupons at tached to said bonds, interest and prin cipal payable in United States Gold Coin at the office of the Treasurer of Oragon City, Oregon, provided, however, that Oregon Citv reserves the right to lake up and cancel said bond upon the pay ment of the face value thereof, with accrued interest to the date of payment, at any semi-annual coupon period :it or after one year from the date of such bond. Said bond is issued under authority of an act of the Legislature of the State of Oregon, passed February 16. ISS!. e:i titled "An act to provide for the issu ance of bonds for the improvement of streets and the laying of sewers in in corporated cities, and for the payment of cost of such improvements and laying of sewers by installments," as amended by an an Act of the Legislature of the tate of Oregon, approved February 28, 1901, entitled, "An act to amend Sec tions 1. 2, 3, 4. 5. 6, and 7, of an act entitled: "An act to provide for the is suance of bonds for the improvement of treets and laying of sewers in incor porated cities, and the payment of the cost of such -improvements and laying of sewers in incorporated cities by in stallments." filed In the office of the Sec- etary of State, February 22d. 1893. Said bond is issued for the payment of a ften The Kidneys Are Weakened by Over-Work. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. It used to be considered that only urinary ana Dlaaaer troubles were to be traced to the kidneys. but now modern science proves that nearly all diseases have their beginning in the disorder of these most important organs. The kidneys filter and purify the blood that is their work. Therefore, when your kidneys are weak or out of order, you can understand how quickly your entire body is affected and how every organ seems to fail to do its duty. If you are sick or ' feel badly," begin taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because as soon as your kidneys are well they will help all the other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. If you are sick you can make no mis take by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases, and is sold on its merits by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle Rome of Swamo-Root. by mail free, also a pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing hamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. An Ordinance granting to W. H. Bon- ney, his heirs and assigns, the right to erect and maintain poles and stretch wires thereon for telephone purposes upon, over and along the streets df Oregon City, Oregon City does ordain as follows: Section 1. It is hereby granted to W. H. Bonney, his heirs and assigns, the right to erect and maintain poles and stretch wires thereon for telephone pur poses upon, over and along such streets of Oregon City, Oregon, as may be des ignated by the Oregon City Council com mittee on Streets and public property. Section 2. Said W. H. Bonney, his heirs and assigns, shall have the right to, and shall erect the poles and stretch the wires of his said telephone line so as not to interfere with the free and unob structed use of the streets for travel, and shall erect the poles of his telephone line at such points in the streets, and place wires of his said telephone line at such, height as may be designated" by the Committee on Streets and Public Prop erty. Section 3. The poles to be erected shall be of cedar, as straight as pos sible, dressed smooth and painted and the erection of poles and stretching of wires, except as herein otherwise pro vided, shall be in all respects subject to the regulations prescribed by Ord nance No. 205 of Oregon City, approved by the Mayor November 19, 1897. Section 4. Whenever it shall become necessary in the erection or repair of such telephone line for the said W. H, Bonney, his heirs or assigns, to dig into or in any manner interfere with any public street, or any part thereof, said W. H. Bonney, his heirs or assigns, shall without delay, put the street in a good condition as it was before it was so broken up, dug up, disturbed, and shall remove all surplus sand, earth, rubbish or other material from the street. Section 5. The rights and privileges hereby granted are subject to modifi cation, limitation and change by Oregon City having due regard for the right of the said W. H. Bonney, his heirs or as signs. Section 6. Oregon City reserves the right to grant other franchises for the establishment of telegraph or telephone lines upon the poles erected by said W, H. Bonney. his heirs and assigns under the provisions of this ordinance upon payment to the said W. H. Bonney, his heirs and assigns, of the just proportion of the cost of erecting, replacing and maintaining such poles erected under the provisions of this ordinance as may be used by the grantee of such future fran chise. Should said W. H. Bonney, his heirs or assigns, and the grantee or grantees of such future franchise or franchises be unable to agree as to the amount to be paid unto the said W. H. Bonney, his heirs or assigns, as provided in this section, then and in such event the amount so paid shall be determined by the said City Council. Section 7. All rights and privileges granted under this ordinance shall be deemed forfeited in the event that the said W. H. Bonney. his heirs or assigns shall fail to file with the recorder his written acceptance of this ordinance within twenty days from the date of its approval or, upon failure to commence work of setting poles and stretching wires under the provisions hereof prior to January 1, 1906, or at any time here after upon the failure to comply with all the provisions of this ordinance or the regulations established by said or dinance No. 205. Section 8. Any officer of Oregon City shall at all times be entitled to the free use of any telephone line erected here under, for official business. Section 9. All right, powers and priv ileges granted under this ordinance shall fully terminate and expire 25 years from the date of the approval hereof. Read first time and ordered published at a regular meeting of the Council of Oregon City, held Wednesday. March 1, 1905, and to come up for second reading and final action at a special meeting of the Council of Oregon City, to be held Tuesday, March 21. 1905, at 8 o'clock p. m. By order of the Council of Oregon City. W. A. DIMICK. Recorder. gage in the business described In Sec tion 1 of this ordinance, without first securing the license mentioned therein, shall upon conviction thereof before the Mayor or Recorder of Oregon City be punished by a fine of not less than Twenty-five dollars nor more than fifty dollars or by imprisonment in the City jail not less than ten days nor more than twenty-five days, or both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the Court. Section 3. Section Sixteen of Ordi nance No. 207 of Oregon City entitled "An ordinance providing for the licens ing and regulating the carrying on of certain professions, trades, callings and occupations carried on within the cor porate limits of Oregon City, Oregon, passed November 17, 1897, and approv ed November 19. 1897, be and the same is hereby repealed. Read first time and ordered published at a regular meeting of the Council of Oregon 'City, Oregon, held Wednesday, March 1st, 1905, and to come up for sec ond reading and final action at a special meeting of the Council of Oregon City to be held Tuesday, Mach 21, 1905, at o'clock p. m. By order of the Council of Oregon City. W. A. DIMICK, Recorder. Notice of Street Improvement. Notice is hereby given that Fifth street, of Oregon City, Oregon, from the West line of Main Street to the East line of Water Street will be improv with crushed rock and by laying side walks, curbs, comer blocks and drains and by grading said street to the estab lished grade thereof. This notice is published pursuant to an order made by the Council of Oregon City, Oregon, at a meeting held March 1st. 1905. W. A. DIMICK. Recorder. Oregon City, Oregon. March 8, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. An Ordinance granting to Frank Busch, his heirs and assigns, the right to take water from Singer Hill Creek and to conduct the same along and under cer tain streets of Oregon City, Oregon, to the Southeast corner of Block No. 10, of Oregon City, Oregon, for manufacturing and other purposes. Oregon City Does Ordain as Follows Section 1. That there be and hereby is granted to Frank Busch, his heirs and assigns, the right and authority to take water from the Creek commonly known as the "Singer Hill Creek" at a point on Seventh Street of Oregon City, Oregon, betwieen Center Street and the top. of the Bluff and to conduct the same by pipe or flume along and under Seventh Street and down the Bluff along the Singer Hill Road to Ninth Street, thence Westerly along and under Ninth Street to Main Street; thence Northerly along and under Main Street to the Southeast corner of Block 10,. of Oregon City, Ore gon, for the purpose of using the said water for the propulsion of machinery for the manufacturing of furniture and other purposes, provided, however, that said right Is granted upon the following terms and conditions: 1st. That the said Frank Busch. his heirs and assigns, shall be held respon sible for all damage that may occur to Oregon City or to any individual owner of property within Oregon City by rea son of any leakage, overflow or break- A Rare Chance for a Slice of. Falls View Addition to Oregon City. Now is your time to buy ground cheaply in Oregon City for a residence to save rent. One hundred lots must be sold quickly, and will go from $io to $50 each. Will sell the higher priced lots on the installment plan. Inquire 01 O. A. CHENEY, Land and Insurance Agent, Oregon City, Ore. Othce with Justice btipp. Ing away of the water so conducted along and under said streets and down said Bluff. 2d. That the pipe or flume by which said water may be conveyed shall be safely covered over with due diligence while in course of construction, and when completed shall be made secure for the crossing of persons, horses, cattle and wagons over and upon said streets and at any point along said pipe or flume where Oregon City may hereafter con struct a street or roadway: That the streets and sidewalks shall after the construction of said pipe or flume be left in as good condition as they now are or may be when the work of construct ing or laying said pipe or flume Is be gun. And if the parties in interest un der this grant of a right of way fail to make any repairs to said pipe or flume, or any part thereof, which may become necessary to secure the public in the use of any thoroughfare along which water may be taken they shall forfeit all rights and privileges under this ordi nance, and shall be liable for all dam ages which may result because of such neglect 3d. Oregon City shall have the right of using water for fire purposes along any part of the aforesaid pipe or flume and the parties in interest under this grant of a right of way, shall provide some convenient means by which water may be accessible for fire purposes at each cross street over which said pipe or flume shall pass. 4th. If any person or company shall hereafter desire to bring down a larger supply of water in a pipe or flume of increased capacity, they may enter upon and use the ground or space occupied by the parties in interest hereunder, guaran teeing to the said parties in interest hereunder, an equal flow of water ac cording to the maximum quantity owned March 1st, 1905, and to come up for sec ond reading and final action at a special meeting of the Council of Oregon City to be held Tuesday, Mach 21, 1905, at 8 o'clock p. m. By order of the Council of Oregon City. W. A. DIMICK. Recorder. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for County of Clackamas. t Sidney Smyth and T. P. Randall, Plaintiffs. vs. James Shaw and James W. Shaw, Defendants. STATE OF OREGON. County of Clackamas. ss. , By virtue of a judgment order, decree and an execution, duly issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 2nd day of March, 1905. upon a judgment render ed and entered in said court on the 3d day of May, 1898, in favor of Sidney f Smyth and T. P. Randall, plaintiffs, and against James Shaw and James W. Shaw, defendants, for the sum of $689.00. and the further sum of $50 as attorney's fee, and the further sum of $38.60 costs and disbursements, and the costs of and upon this writ commanding me to make sale of the following described real prop erty, situate in the County of Clacka mas, State of Oregon, to-wlt: All of the following described prop erty in Shaw's Annex to Oregon City. Lots 8-9-10 in Block 1. Lots 1-2-6-7-8-9-10-13-14 in Block 2. T .fit arte 13 t 18 innliictit-a in by them, and being responsible in actual 1 Block 3 3 tQ 9 and 13 tQ lg b(Jth aamages surcerea by delay or stoppage ; ,ncIusive m BIock 4 Lots 5-6-7-8- and 11 to 20 inclusive, in of water already in use by the said part ies in interest hereunder. 5th. If any person or company shall hereafter make application to enter and occupy the ground already in use by the parties in interest hereunder, the last person or company shall be held responsible for all damages that may oc cur by reason of any leakage, overflow or breaking away of their pipe or flume. Section 2. The said Frank Busch, his heirs or assigns, shall pay annually in advance to Oregon City as a license for the privileges herein granted the sum of $10.00 per annum in advance, and a fail ure to so pay said license shall work a forfeiture of all rights, granted hereunder. Section 3. All rights and privileges hereby granted shall expire at the end of thirty years from the date of the ap proval of this ordinance. Section 4. This ordinance shall not take effect unless a written acceptance of the terms and conditions thereof shall be filed in the office of the Recorder of Oregon City within thirty days after the approval of this ordinance. Section 5. That said Frank Busch, his heirs or assigns, shall be deemed to have abandoned all rights and privileges conferred by this ordinance, unless he" or they shall within two years from the appxot-aJ of this ordinance, construct said pipe or flume' herein provided for. Read first time and ordered published at a regular meeting of the Council of Oregon City, Oregon, held Wednesday, Block 5. Lots 3 to 17 inclusive in Block 6. Lots 1 to 16 inclusive in Block 7. Lots 1-2-3-9-10-11-12-18-19-20. in Blk 8. Lots 1 to 20 inclusive in Block 9. Lots 1 to 20 inclusive in Block 10. Lots 1 to 20 inclusive in Block 11. Lots 1-2-3-6-7 and 9 to 20 inclusive in Block 12. Lots 3-5-14 in Block 13. Lots 1 to 20 inclusive ; in Block 14. Lots 1 to 20 inclusive in .tsioeK io. LMts i to inclusive in ; Block 16. Lots 1-3-4- and 5 to 20 in clusive in Block 17. Lots 1 to 10 in 1 elusive in Block 18. Now, Therefore, by virtue of said ex ecution, judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will on Saturday, the 8th day of. April, 1905. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at the front door of the County Court House in the City of Ore gon City, in said county' and state, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U.- S. gold coin cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the within named defend ants or either of them, had on the date of the mortgage herein or since had in or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said, exe cution, judgment order, decree, interest, costs and all accruing costs. J. R. SHAVER, Sheriff of Clackamas County. By E. C. Hackett, Deputy. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, March 10th, 1905. rorjalejby HOLMES P- Deserves Your Patronage. The growth of a community and the success of its local institutions depends entirely on the loyalty of its people. It is well enough to preach "patronize home industry" but except the service given at a home institution equals that of out-of-town enterprises, this argument car ries no weight and is entirely disregard ed, as it should be. But with Oregon City people it is different. A few months ago E. L. Johnson established the Cas cade Laundry. It is equipped with the latest improved machinery and Is daily turning out work that is equal to any , and superior to much of the laundry j work that is being done In Portland. Being a home institution and furnishing employment for many Oregon City people it is enjoying an immense patronage. The high standard of the work being done commends It to the general public Laundry left at the O. K. barber shop will be promptly called for and delivered to any part of the city. Telephone 1204. E. L. Johnson, proprietor. WET WEATHER. WISDOM? Jv THe ORIGINAL I32 i 1 1 I SHOWING SLICKER BLACK OR YELLOW WILL KEEP YOU DRY NOTHING ELSE WILL TAKE NO SUBSTITUTES CATALOGUES FREE FULL LINE OF GARMENTS AND HATS. A. J. TOWER CO., BOSTON, MASS., U.S.A. TOWER CANADIAN CO.. LTD., TORONTO, CANADA. $13.50 pet Ton ORDINANCE NO. An Ordinance providing for the licens ing of steam, electric, gasoline or other woodsaws on the streets of Oregon City. Oregon City does ordain as follows: Section 1. Every person, firm or cor poration owning or operating any wood saw by steam, electric, gasoline, or other power capable of operating the imple ment or machine commonly termed "steam woodsaw," on any street or alley within Oregon City shall first pay into the city treasury as a license fee the sum of Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars each year in advance, which shall entitle him to receive from the Recorder upon pre senting the city treasurer's receipt of such payment, a license authorizing the same, said license to be issued for not less than one year. Section 2. Any person who shall en C. I. Green, PIONEER Transfer1 and Epfegg, Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE 2,000 miles of long dis tance telephone wire in Oregon, Washington , Cali fornia and Idaho now in operation by the Pacific Station Telephone Com pany, covering 2,250 towns Quick, accurate, cheap All the satisfaction of a personal communication. Distance no effect to a clear understanding. Spo kane and San Francisco as easily heard as Portland. Oregon City office at J Harding's Drmr Store tut 7 ACROSS COUNTRY. The signs of the times point to an enor mous increase of intelligent public interest in health : to a new generation with purer, stronger btood and therefore more active, Draver Drains ana body. No phys ically r o b n s t , healthy person ever succumbed to grip, consump tion, malaria or any other germ disease. But with a weakened sys tem we all have fight the germs of disease. Our blood is often in a fer tile condition for the growth of bacteiia the germs of disease becaU3e our stom ach is disordered or our liver is tor pid in either case our blood does not get the proper nourishment. A torpid liver means a stagnation of the blood and an accumulation of poisons which furnishes a weak Spot for bacteria to enter. To enrich the blood and increase the red blood corpuscles. Dr. Pierce years aeo found a vegetable compound, which he called Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery, that wouid quickly cure the h .d symp toms by increasing the red blond corpus cles and thereby feeding the ner-;s on rich blood. This "RIedical Discovery " also acts upon the digestion and assimilation of food, so that the blood gets its proper elem-nt; from the products of ciiarestion. Feed th lungs, stomach and heart on ricJV red 1. and you have surely a healthy hody whc' will throw off the germs of disease whici lurk everywhere. Gt't as near nature' way as you can. A medicine made entirt-lv from botanical extracts and vhion does iv'. contain alcohol is the safes!. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery couLiin neiUict Icohol nor narcotics. If you want to get the a?!?!? biggest returns for your labor and fc!rn" your ground, f9!4 yoQ can t afford l to plant anything but I the standard after 49 years' test. They always produce the largest and surest crops. All dealers sell tnem. uur twa seed Annual free on request. D. M. Ferry & Co DETROIT, MICH. mi n Pronounced by World's best ex perts the world's best whiskey. Grand prize highest award St Louis World's Fair. For Sale by - E. MATTHIAS -Sole Agenoy for Oregon City.