Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 10, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the County of Clackamas.
Olive C. Packwood, Plaintiff,
William H. Packwood, Defendant.
To William H. Packwood. the above
named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby .required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
lit the above entitled Court and suit on
tir before the last day of the period of
six weeks from the date of the first pub
lication of this summons, to-wit: on or
before April 14, 1905, and if you fail to
so appear and answer said complaint,
the above named plaintiff will apply to
the Court for the relief demanded there
in, to-wit: For a decree dissolving the
bonds of matrimony now existing be
tween said plaintiff and defendant, and
that plaintiff be given the custody of
Frederick W. Packwood and Mary J.
Packwood, the two minor children of
plaintiff and defendant. This summons
is published in pursuance of an order of
Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, Judge of the County
Court, made on the 23d day of February,
1905. The time prescribed in said order
for the publication of this summons is
once a week for six consecutive weeks.
The date of the first publication thereof
is the 3d day of March, 1905.
Attorney for Plaintiff-
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the County of Clackamas.
Adelphi Allen, Plaintiff,
J. Guy Allen, Defendant.
To J. Guy Allen Defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled suit, on or before
the 15th day of April, 1905, and if you
fail to answer, for want thereof, the
plaintiff will ask for the relief prayed
for in her complaint, viz: the dissolution
of the marriage bonds now existing be
tween the plaintiff and defendant, on
the grounds of cruel and inhuman treat
ment. This summons is published by order
of the Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, Judge of the
County Court, of Clackamas county,
made and entered on March 2d, directing
the first publication thereof to be made
on March 3d, 1905, and the last publica
tion on April 14th, 1905.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Subscribe to The Enterprise.
The farmers are all bus- plowing and
seeding. I under 'the doctor's care. ' ' ' i Mr. and Mrs. C. Grassier and son
Mr. David Huggins. one of the passen- t Mrs. Anna Wright and husband of j Leonad and Miss Laura Ginther of O re
fers on the car that collided with a ' Portland were visiting her parents last ' gon City,' spent Sunday at the home of
freight car a few days ago near Boring, j Saturday and Sunday. j E. F. Ginther,
has returned home, he came all the way ! Mr. Laverne Crawford made a busi- Several- of the boys and girls of our
from Oregon City afoot instead of riding
on the car.
The ball at Eagle Creek on the 4th inst
was well attended and all report a fine
Mr. Clark Bowman and family, of Do
ver, were visiting, at J. W. Douglass
J. P. Woodle and family attended
Church at Dover Sunday.
Mr. A. J. Douglas is building-a new
fence around his garden.
Several of the farmers have been haul
ing Potatoes to the station during the
nice weather.
Mr. J. W. Douglas sold a fine horse
last week.
I owe my whole life to Burdock Blood
Bitters. Scrofulous sores covered my
body. I seemed beyond cure. B. B. B.
has made me a perfectly well woman."
Mrs. Chas. Hutton. Berville, Mich.
Engaged people should remember, that
alter marriage, many quarrels can be
avoided, by keeping their degestions in
good condition with Electric Bitters. S.
A. Brown, of Bennettsville, S. C, says:
"For years, my wife suffered intensely
from dyspepsia, complicated with tor
pid liver, until stie" lost her strength and
vigor, and became a mere wreck of her
former self. Then she tried Electric
Bitters, which helped her at once, and
finally made her entirely well. She is
now strong and healthy." Howell &
Jones, druggists, sell and guarantees
them, at 50c a bottle.
JTEES KTiar JE2 JLm Z2 S3.
Near Huntley's Drug Store,
'jreat Britain and America.
Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to treat-
ment by Ely's Cream Balm, which is agree
ably aromatic. It is received through the
nostrils, cleanses and heals the whole sur
face over which it diffuses itself. Druggists
sell the 50c. size ; Trial size by mail, 10
cents. Test it and you are sure to contiiiue-
the treatment.
To accommodate those who are partial
to the use of atomizers in applying liquids
into the nasal passages for catarrhal trou
bles, the proprietors prepare Cream Balm in
litjuid form, which will be known as Ely's
Liquid Cream Balm. Price including the
praying tube is 75 cents. Druggists or by
mail. The liquid form embodies the med
icinal properties of the solid preparation.
W8f weatlenlr,fW) further.
Jjnd appear beffer ttai is poastfe fcri
rrami xe2 tg mm mm wrfe LeatfJ
1 Jbdo.We Mow I because ifs been J
. tried time artdftme wja'm. A cerlif i-j
erne w pure wm every Gallon
Mrs. Mary Norton is very ill anl still
ness trip to Portland last Monday.
Mrs. Eastman has returned from East-
em Oregon, bringing her grand -son who
has been very ill with pneumonia.
The W. C, T. U. will give a socia at
their new hall for the old people and
children only, next Saturday evening.
Mrs. Sarah Webb, of Portland is very
ill, owing to the shock of the news of
hearing of her son's death.
Mr. Gilbert Randall has just finished
putting out a 7-acre hop-yard.
Mr. Geo. G. Randall and Frank Engle
were seen on the streets of Oregon
City last Sunday.
Miss Walker, who has just completed
three very successful terms of school
here, commenced last week on her fourth
term. Her many friends wish her suc
cess. Geo. Randall and son have a crew
busily working in their extensive hop
Mrs. Em Jones spent Wednesday with
Miss Winnie Howard of Carus.
Jack Jones of Oregon City, was out
here Sunday.
Peter James Emmette spent Sunday
with the Evans boys of Hazeldale.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hornshuh, Mr.
and Mrs. Monroe Irish and families
spent Sunday with Robt. Bullard and
Carus baseball 9 are ready for busi
ness now.
Veva Kinney and daughter Nadia spent
Saturday evening with Mrs. Ern. Jones.
Dr. Goucher has a new line fence of
Ethel Spangler spent a few days with
her sister in Ely.
. Ern Jones lost a valuable shepherd
pup Sunday.
A Chicago Alderman Owes His Election
to Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
"I can heartily and conscientiously
recommend Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy for affections of the throat . and
lungs," says Hon. John Shenick, 220
So. Peoria, St., Chicago. "Two years
J ago during a political campaign, I caught
cold after being overheated, which ir
ritated my throat and I was finally com
pelled to stop, as I could not speak alclid.
In my extremity a friend advised me to
use Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I
took two doses that afternoon and could
not believe my senses when I found the
next morning the infiamation had large
ly subsided. I took several doses that
day, and kept right on talking through
the campaign, and I thank this medi
cine that I won my seat in the Coun
cil." This remedy is for sale by Geo. A.
i J? armers are busy planting potatoes.
j burg naa a neat little game in front of
E. F. Ginther's house Sunday morning,
j David, - where did you get your novel
style? -
I C. Homschuch who has been very ill
is now slowly improving.
Mr. Kaiser of Timber Grove was seen
in our burg one day last week.
Mr. Robert Ginther of Maxburg was
seen in our town Saturday and Sun
day. Mr. Ginther intends to move back
to our neighborhood in the Summer.
Can't leave the good-looking people very
long, can" you Rob?
Chris Moehnke has purchased a new
Mrs. Hettman is on the sick list.
G. A. Sehubel made a flying trip to
Oregon City Sunday.
Homer Rowans called on Chris Moeh
nke Sunday.
Albert Hornschuch, who has been in
school at Salem is home for a short time.
It's nice to get home once in a while,
isn't it Albert?
Henry and Will Hettman and Homer
Rowans called on the Ginther family
Sunday evening. Say. Henry, how your
hair does grow.
; Got Off Cheap.
He may think he has got off cheap,
who, after having contracted constipa
tion or indigestion, is still able to per
fectly restore his health. Nothing will
do this but Dr. King's New Life Pills,
a; quick, pleasant and certain cure for
headache, constipation, etc. 25 cents
at Howell& Jones' drug store; guaran
teed. VIOLA.
Those on the sick list are slowly im
Mr. Copeland has rented a portion of
Mr. Randolphs' farm.
Mr. Ward is making a new plank fence
around his garden.
Mr. Jubb is improving the appearance
of his farm by " clearing and building
new fences.
Miss, Clara Sevier is working for Mrs.
Most of the farmers in this vicinity are
through seeding.
Mr. Hamilton has been clearing brush
and stumps from an old pasture, such
energy is very common in these parts.
W. T. Kerr, of Portland, will preach
at Viola morning and evening Sunday.
March 12.
Winter Rates to Yaqulna Bay.
In order to accommodate the many
people who wish to make a winter trip
to ,Yaquina Bay, the Southern Pacific
Co. will sell, on Wednesdays and Sat
urdays of each week, until March 31,
1905, round trip tickets at low rates, to
Yaquina and return, limited o sixty
days from date of sale. Those who de
sire to take advantage of this rate should
apply" to nearest Southern Pacific agent
for tickets.
And still Oregon wears its loveliest
smile to greet the thousands of home
seekers who daily look upon her face
and wonder. Only three days from snows
and blizzards to . these balmy breezes.
Oregon of course has its croakers who
declare a late frost will ruin the fruit, or
untimely rain spoil the Fair, but let us
take the . "Goods the Gods send" and
enjoy the weather -while we may.
The" family of Mr. Cloudy, late of Kan
sas City, arrived in Stafford Monday,
having come into Portland on the even
ing train Sunday.
The- daily question is: "How is the
war?" One man reading his daily, re
marked, "well, the Russians are making
the little Japs run for certain this time."
That so? Too bad, too bad, "Yes" he
continued, "they have to keep within
sight" of them." The Russians for sure
are about to have another great victory
a-la Stossel.
The .telephones went out of business a
number of days, couldn't even call up
the bosses to ask what's the matter,
but Tuesday evening the welcome sound
of the bells were heard again. No one
knows how they miss it until they have
had the convenience of it once.
Mr. Gage raised the roof to his barn,
by haying the compost in his stables
hauled out and spread upon the land.
Taxes have gone up into the clouds.
Stafford is fearful there won't be
enough - -of the needful to take it to
the Fair.
Mrs. Fred Elligsen, who has been quite
ill for ja. number of months, is some bet
ter and her husband thinks of taking
her to Woodbum Friday to visit a daugh
ter. She also has a sister near there.
The Mays family have been having the
State of Ohio, City of Toledo,
Lucas County ss.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he
is senior partner or the nrm ot . J.
Cheney & Co.. doing business in the City
of Toledo, County and State aforesaid,
and that said firm will pay the sum of
every case or catarrn tnat cannot De
cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, this 6th day of December,
A. D., 1888.
(Seal.) A. W. G LEA SON,
I Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, and acts directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Send
for testimonials free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sojd by all Druggists, 75 cents.
Take' Hall's Family Pills for Consti
pation: f
Beatt st K'n(l m Have Always Bought
Everybody is making the .most of this
fine weather,- and spring- work is the
order of the day. '
Mr. Street, the florist," is . filling-, large
and frequent orders for violets, roses,
and other flowers. He ships consign
ments to Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, and
San Francisco. He has three large green
houses, and expects to put up another
the coming season.
E. C. Chapman has sold his stock of
groceries, and leased the store building
to W. Fullerton and his mother, Mrs.
M. E. Prettiman.
Mr. Harmberger is building a summer
A- O. Hayward recently completed
new well on his premises.
E. C. Chapman is putting up a kitchen
addition to his dwelling house.
Mr. Hooper, who has occupied the
Chas. Brown house since December 1.
lately moved onto his own place West
of town.
Father Bennett, an old time resident,
died in Portland last week at the hos
pital after undergoing an operation. He
was buried in the Clackamas cemetery
where funeral services were held.
Mrs. E. C. Chapman is said to be re
covering from the effects of a very seri
ous operation. At present writing she
is still in the hospital.
A reception, for the towns people gen
erally, was held at the M. E. parsonage
Wednesday afternoon of last week. A
very enjoyable time was reported.
Clackamas grange, No. 269, is "making
extensive preparations for a bazaar to
be held on the afternoon and evening
of Saturday, April 1. Fuller notice will
be given later.
Miss Ethel Mather and Miss Edith
Hargreaves attended the Christian En
deavor Convention in Oregon City, as
Huntley Bros. Co. Claim Pepsikola Cures
39 cases Out of 40.
Why any one in Oregon City should
continue to suffer with indigestion when
a 25 cent box of Pepsikola will cure is
certainly a mystery. -
Huntley Bros. Co., have been selling
Pepsikola quite some time now, and they
know from actual experience right in
their own store just what this famous
little chocolate c6ated dyspepsia tablet
will do, and if you make inquiry these
druggists will tell you they never knew
a remedy to prove so decidedly bene
ficial in the treatment of indigestion,
dyspepsia, palpatation, sleeplessness and
other forms of stomach trouble. It cer
tainly ought to give you confidence when
you know that every box of Pepsikola
contains 10 days' , treatment, and at the
end of that time if you are not decidedly
benefitted all you need do is to go back
to the druggist and get your money.
Pepsikola is sold right on its merits. It
cures indigestion simply by toning up the
stomach and digestive organs so that
food will assimilate and give strength
to the system just as nature intended.
And Pepsikola is such a grand nerve
tonic, too. Just try a 25 cent box and
see if it don't give you new energy, new
ambition and new courage to carry out
your plans and daily work. If "it doesn't
your money back.
Mr nad Mrs. Osborne, of Oregon City.
visited the family of J. A. Burdett over
Mrs. Rogers is preparing to raise
squabs. She recently received a ship
ment of seven pairs of homer pidgeons
from Brooklyn. New York.
The epidemic of grippe, which has
been so prevalent this winter, is now let
ting up somewhat, much to the relief
of every body. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Man
deville, however, -are yet held in its toils
and are quite ill.
A large audience filled the M. E. church
last Sunday evening for the regular ser
vices. The sermon was by the pastor.
Rev. Mr. Housel.
The Epworth League met at the Meth
odist parsonage last Tuesday evening
for its monthly business meeting and a
social. There was a good attendance,
and a good time is reported.
Mr. Southerland, who was recently in
business here has moved to Walla Walla.
The Brown house which he vacated, is
now occupied by Geo. Zeek and family.
This pencil was mistaken last week,
in announcing that the teachers had been
employed for the Spring term. The va
cation continues this week and we un
derstand that the teachers are not yet
employed, although Prof. Mathews and
Mrs. E. E. Bradtle are probably decided
on. Clerk William Knight has about
completed the census of the schpol dis
trict and reports about "140 children of
school age.
On Monday, March tith, was" solem
niezd the marriage of Miss Mabel Knight
to Mr. L. A. Bair at the .home of the
bride's mother. Mrs. S. T. Fisher. The
ceremony, which took place at 5 o'clock,
was performed by the Rev. C. A. Housel,
in the presence of only a few -immediate
relatives and friends. Those present
were Mr.and Mrs. S. T. Fisher, Messrs.
Willard and Roy Knight, Miss Lieta
Knight, Mr. Cornelips Bair, Mr. and Mrs.
D. G. Clark and Mr. and Mrs. E. E.
Bradtl. After the ceremony all sat down
to a splendid "wedding dinner.
The happy couple were the recipients
of ' a number of nice presents, among
theiri being 350 in gold, the grift of Mr.
Cornelius Bair, the father of the groom.
Mr. and Mrs.. Bair left on the evening
train for Portland, being greeted at the
depot by numerous friends who after
extending hearty congratulations, saw to
it that they departed in a copious shower
of rice.
An energetic lady can secure the agen
cy for this city and surrounding country
for", a high grade line of Flavoring Ex
tracts, Perfumes," Toilet Articles, Toilet
Soaps, ; etc., by addressing the Pearsall
Manufacturing Company. Des Moines,
Iowa. They allow a. big commission, also
give premiums. Write theiri for. .sample
outfit. " " '
Notice to Stockholders.
The annual meeting of the Stock Hold-'
ers in Clear Creek Creamery Co., wilt
be held Monday. March 20, 1905, near
Creamery Buildings
Meeting to be called to order at 19
o'clock a. m. The purpose of the meet
ing is the election of a Board of nje
Directors, Secretary and Treasurer, to
gether with other regular and important
business. All stock holders are re
quested to be present.
Druggists Say Laxakola Works Wonders
for the Skin.
Huntley Bros. Co. not only recommend
Laxacola as the ideal liquid laaxtive for
women and children, but some of their
lady customers say it is also a remark
able skin beautifier. The reason is easy
to find.
Laxakola moves the bowels regularly
and without discomfort, and at the same
time stimulates the liver and acts upon
the bile - pigments thus removing the
cause of sallow, muddy skins that do so
much to inipair the beauty of one's
complexion. - .
If you prize a fresh, clear, velvety skin,
and regular habits, or if baby needs a
mild, safe, gentle laxative when colicky,
or constipated, just try a 25 cent bottlev
of Laxakola with Huntley Broa. Co.
guarantee it will do all claimed for It. or
you can get your money back.
Editor Enterpriser
In the last issue of the Enterprise, I
note an item in the .Beaver. Creek news
that reveals an uncourteous feeling on.
the part of the correspondent. He or
she must not imagine they are the en-:,,
tire district, for nearly all the patrons
know we keep our flag in the school
house because a ten-foot flag on a ten
foot pole can't sway much in the breeze
without soon destroying both, and surely
no one of good judgment would question
the propriety of placing it where the
pupils are attracted to it. If the cor
respondent will come and set up about a.
40 or 50 foot pole, we will gladly unfurl
It to the breeze. Until then we prefer to-
keep it where it is safe as .well as at
tractive. TEACHER.
Ole Olson.
Ben Hendricks, the favorite Swedish
dialect comedian and northland singer,
comes to Shively's Opera House. Wed
nesday, March 15.
He will present his everlasting play
Ole Olson."
The story of "Ole" unfolds a plot of
intrigue and love in the days when old!
New York was young.
The play is of a clean, refined and
gentle type and in the role of "Ole",
Mr. Hendricks finds a character entirely
suited to his peculiar style and one
which affords him ample opportunity to
display his superior ability as a vocalist
and a comedian.
This season Mr. Hendricks will sine
six new songs which have become very
Treasurer's Notice.
I now have money to pay County War
rants endorsed prior to September 1st.
1902, also all outstanding Road Warrants
Interest will cease on such Warrants on
the date of this notice.
Oregon City, Oregon, March 10th, 1905.
Treasurer of Clackamas County, Oregon.
Regarded With Suspicion.
"I understand. Senator, that you re
gard your colleague' as an unsafe man."
"I do. It would be just like him to get
scared and turn state's evidence at the
first indication of danger."
Bean tie The Kind Vob Haw Always Bonght
"I was troubled with
aoh trouble. Thedford'a Blaofe
Draught did me more good
in one week than all the doc
tor's medicine. I took in m
year." MBS. SAB AH H.
SHIRFIELD, Kllettsrille, lad.
quickly invigorates the ac
tion of the stomach and
cures even chronic cases of
indigestion. If you "will
take a small dose of Thed
ford'a Black Draught occa
sionally you will keep your
stomach and liver in
feet condition.
More sickness is caused by
constipation than by any
other disease. Thedford's
Black-Draught not only re
lieves constipation bnt cures
diarrlicea and dysentery and
keeps the bowels regular.
All druggista sell
S-cont packages--
"Thedfori's Black-
DraujLt rj ILa test medir
cine to rognlr.te the bowels
1 have rvjr used." MBS.
A..M.: GRANT. Sneads
Ferry, N. C.