6 OKEGON CITY Ein3SEiftl8l!i, FEJDAY, MARCH 10, 1905. CITATION. In the County Court , of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. In the matter of the Estate of Ole Han- - son, deceased. " - To Mrs. Ole Hanson, widow of the said Ole . Hanson, deceased, and an. others Interested In the above entitled estate: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby cited and required to be and appear in the above entitled Court, in the county court room, in the county court house in Oregon City, Clackamas county, Oregon, on Monday, the 3d day of April. A. D., 1905, at Ten o'clock in the fore noon of said day, then and there to show cause if any you have why the above entitled court should. -not grant to the Administrator of the said estate, an order to sell the real property belonging to the said es tate, as prayed for in the petition of the said Administrator on file herein, and which real property is described as follows, to-wit: The North West Quarter of ' Section 32, T. 6. S. R. 2. E. of the Willamette Meridian, also lots numbered 10 and 11, in block numbered 13, in Scotts Mill, Oregon. Dated Oregon City, Oregon, February 23d. A. D. 1905. Seal.) . THOS. F. RYAN, Attest: County Judge. F. A. Sleight, County Clerk. By F. W. Greenman, Deputy. This summons is published by Order of the Honorable Thos. F. Ryan. County Judge for the County of Clackamas, State of Oregon,- made March 3, 1905. GEO. C. BROWNELL, C. SCHUEBEL and HOWARD M. BROWNELL, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned have been duly appointed Ex ecutrix and Executor respectively of the last Will and Testament of Philipp Roos, deceased, by order of the County Court, of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, and have duly qualified as such. Any and all persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to the undersigned, at . Oregon City, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated and first published February 10, 1905. ELIZABETH METZGER ROOS, . HENRY P. ROOS, Executrix and Executor of the Last Will and , Testament of Philipp Roos, de ceased. DIMICK & DIMICK, Attorneys for Estate. SUMMONS. of America, and bear interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, interest pay able semi-annually, said interest to be evidenced by , coupons attached to said bonds, provided, however, - the right to take up and cancel said bonds upon the payment of the face value thereof, with accrued interest to the date of payment at any semi-annual coupon period, at or after one year from date of said bond, is hereby reserved to Oregon City., , Section 2. The Treasurer of Oregon City is hereby directed to credit upon receiving the purchase price . of said bond, the face value thereof to the Im provement Fund (Sewer District No. 4). and accrued interest and premium to the general fund. Read first time and ordered published at a regular meeting of the Council of Oregon City Oregon, held .Wednesday, March 1st, 1905.. and to come up for sec ond reading and final action at a special meeting of the Council of Oregon City to be held Tuesday, Mach 21, 1905, at 8 o'clock p. m. By order of the Council of Oregon City. ...... W. A. DIMICK, Recorder. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Clackamas. Myrtle B. Taylor, Plaintiff, - vs. . Harvey Taylor, Defendant. To Harvey Taylor, thhe above named defendant: In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore- gon, for the County of Clackamas. . Martino Pezzolo, Plaintiff, vs. Palmira Pezzolo, Defendant. To Palmira Pezzolo, the above named Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit, in the above before Saturday, In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and named court on or answer the complaint filed against you March 11, 1905, the same being six weeks to the above entitled suit, in the above from the first publication of this sum entitled Court, on or before Friday, March mons, and you will take notice that If 31, 1905, the same being six weeks from you fail to so appear and answer said the date of the first publication of complaint, the Plaintiff will apply to the this summons, and you will take notice; Court f or " the relief demanded In said that if you fail to so appear "and answer complaint, to-wit That the bonds of mat said complaint, the plaintiff herein will j rimony existing between you and Plain- apply to the Court for the relief demand ed in said complaint, to-wit: that the bonds of matrimony now existing be tween you and the plaintiff be dissolved, tiff be dissolved. This summons is published by the order of the Hon. Thos. A. McBride, Judge of the Circuit Court of the County and .that plaintiff be awarded the care j of Clackamas, State of Oregon, in the and custody of the minor child mention ed in plaintiff's complaint herein. This summons is published in pursu ance of an order of Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878 Notice For Publication. A United States Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon, January 12, 1905. ' Notice is hereby given that in compli uioe with the provisions of the act of ngrsa of June S. 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, Carson C. Maricle, of Clarkes, county of Clackamas, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this of fice his sworn statement No. 6546, for the purchase of the W, SW, NE SW of Section No. 30, in Township No. 4 South, Range No. 3 East, and will of fer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before Register and Receiver at Oregon City, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 29th day '' cf March, 1905. He names as witnesse: Robert H. Snodgrass, of Meadowbrook. " Abe L. Larkins, of Meadowbrook. George Hofstetter. of Clarkes. . Carden Smith, of Mulino. Any and all persons claiming adverse - NOTICE OF RESTORATION-1 of Pub lic Lands to Settlement and Entry. Department of the Interior, General Land Office, Washington, D. C, January 5, 1905. Notice is hereby given that on December 15, 1904, the Secretary of the Interior released from withdrawal and restored to settlement the public lands in the following described areas which were temporarily withdrawn on August 3. 1903, for proposed additions to The Cascade Range Forest Reserve; and that the said public lands so released from withdrawal and restored to settlement on December 15, 1904, will become subject to entry, filing and selection at the United States Land Offices for the re spective districts in which the restored lands lie, viz: at Oregon City and Rose burg, Oregon, on May 1, 1905: Townships five (5). six 6), and seven (7) South. Range four (4) East, W. M. ; In Town ship eight (8) South, Range four (4) East, the west half of Section two (2), Sections three (3) to ten (10), both in clusive, the south.' half and north-west quarter of Section eleven (11), the north west quarter of Section fourteen (14), the north half and south-west quarter of Section fifteen (15), Sections sixteen (16) to twenty (20), both inclusive, the norm-west quarter of Section twenty one (21), the south half and north-west quarter or section twenty-nine (29) Sections thirty (30) and thirtv-one (Sit and the west half of Section thirty-two (32); In Township nine (9) South, Range i our yj .case, ejections nve it), six (6) seven uj. inineen (13) ana fourteen (14 me houiu nan oi section niteen een (14) en (15) six (36) Judge of the County Court, for the County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, made on the 11th day of February, 1905, to be published and printed in the Oregon City Enterprise," a paper published and print ed and in general circulation in said county. The first date of publication shall be February 17, 1905, and the last publication thereof shall be on Friday, the 31st day of March. 1905. DIMICK & DIMICK, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly news paper of general circulation in Clacka mas County, for six weeks, commencing Friday, February 3, 1905, and continuing : ly the above-described lands are request- to and including Friday, March 17, 1905. before said 29th day of March, 1905. GEO. C. BROWNELL, Attorney for Plaintiff. ORDINANCE NO. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. SUMMONS. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County" of Clackamas. Ralph H. Slaughter, Plaintiff, vs. tT. A.. Rvfln Mrs. f! A- Hvan and P TT Marlay, Defendants. To C. A. Ryan, Mrs." C. A. Ryan, and P. H. Marlay, defendants above named: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit by the first day of the next term of the above entitl ed Court following the expiration of the time prescribed in the Order for publi cation of the summons, which first day will be the 15th day of April, 1905, and if you fail to appear and answer,' for want thereof plaintiff will apply to said Court for the relief demanded in his com plaint. The relief demanded in the foreclosure ut a certain Mortgage executed by de fendant C. A. Ryan on or about the 7th day of July, 1900, to secure the payment of a certain promissory note for $200.00, with interest at 8 per cent, per annum, -and which said mortgage conveyed unto plaintiff for that purpose the following described real property, situated in Clackamas County, State of Oregon: Be ing a part of the William Groshong D. L. C. T. 6, S. R. 1 E, W. M. bounded as follows: Beginning 80 rods N. of the S. E. cor- An Ordinance authorizing the issuance of improvement bonds in pursuance to the Act of the Legislature of the State of Oregon, known as the "Bonding Act," as the same has been amended. ' Oregon City Does Ordain as Follows: Section 1. That in pursuance of ap plications of owners of property to pay certain assessments for the laying of sewers, by installments, as provided by an act of the Legislature of the State of Oregon, passed February 16th, 1893, en titled, "An Act to provide for the issu ance of bonds for the improvement of streets and the laying of sewers in in corporated cities, and for the payment of the cost of such . improvements and laying of sewers by installments," as amended by an act of the Legislature of the State of Oregon, approved Febru ary 28, 1901, entitled, "An Act to amend Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7." of an act entitled. An Act to provide for the issuance of bonds for the improvement of streets and laying of sewers in Incor porated cities, and for the payment of the cost of such improvement and lay ing of sewers, by installments," filed in the office of the Secretary of State, Feb ruary 22d, 1893; the Mayor and Recorder of Oregon City, are hereby authorized anl directed to execute improvement bonds of Oregon City, Oregon, and to deliver the same to the Treasurer of Oregon City, who shall retain said bonds until ordered by the Finance Committee of the Council to deliver said bonds to the - successful purchaser of the same, who shall pay to the said Treasurer of Oregon City the amount bid for said bonds. Said bonds are issued for the payment of a portion of the cost of laying sewers ner of the said D. L. C. on the Eastern ; in Sewer District No. 4, of Oregon City, line thereof; thence W. 160 rods; thence j Oregon, and shall not exceed the sum of N. 40 rods; thence E. 160 rods to the " One Hundred Fifty Five and 22-100 Dol- said claim line; thence S. 40 rods to the place of beginning containing 40 acres. And a further decree barring and fore closing you said C. A. Ryan and P. H. Marlay of and from any and all right, title or interest in or to said real prop erty and every part thereof. lars in the aggregate. The denomination of said bond shall be as follows: 1 bond for $155.22. Said bond to be dated the 7th day of December, 1904, and shall mature -in ten years from the date hereof, and be payable in Gold Coin of the United States In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Clackamas. John M. Bendroth, Plaintiff, vs. Alma P. Bendroth, Defendant. To Alma P. Bendroth, the above named Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit, in the above named court on or before Saturday, March 11, 1905, the same being six weeks from the first publication of this sum mons, and you will take notice that if you fail to so appear and answer said complaint, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint, to-wit That the bonds of mat rimony existing between you and Plain tiff be dissolved. This summons is published by the order of the Hon. Thos. A. McBride, Judge of the Circuit Court of the County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, in the Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly news paper of general circulation in Clacka mas County, for six weeks, commencing Friday, February 3, 1905, and continuing to and including Friday, March 17, 1905. GEO. C. BROWNELL, Attorney for Plaintiff. Sections sixteen (16) to thirtv-six ooin inclusive: in 'jownsnip ten (ll South. Ranee four 4 East Soctinn one U to twenty (20), both inclusive, the BOUth-west quarter of Section twentv- one (21), the north-east quarter of Sec tion twenty-two izz), sections twenty- three (23), twenty-four (24), and twenty-five (25), the north half ' and southeast quarter of Section twenty-six (26). Sections twentv-nine (29) to thirtv- two (32), both inclusive, the south half ana nortn-west quarter of section thirty- three (33), the south-west quarter of section tnirty-rour (34, the south-east quarter or section thirty-five (35), Sec tion thirty-six (36); In Township eleven (11) South, Range four (4) East, Sec tions rour (4) to nine (9), both inclusive, Sections sixteen (16) to twenty (20). both inclusive, the north half and south west quarter of Section twenty-one (21) the west half of Section twenty-eight. sections twenty-nine ana tnirty (30); In Township twelve (12) South. Range four (4) East, Sections three (3) to tnirty-tnree (33, Dotn inclusive, and Sec tions tnirty-nve (35) ana thirty-six (36); all in the Oregon City Land . District; Townships fourteen (14), fifteen (15), sixteen (16) and seventeen (17) South. twenty-two (2z) South, Range one (1) West; In Township twenty-three (23) South, Range one (1) West, Sections one (1) to eleven (11), both inclusive. Sec tions fifteen (15) to twenty-one (21), both inclusive, and Sections twenty-eight (28) to thirty-three (33). both inclusive: In Township twenty-four (24) South, Range one (1) West, Sections five (5) to nine (9). both inclusive, the west half of Sec tion fourteen (14), Sections fifteen (15) to twenty-three (23), both inclusive, and Sections twenty-five (25) to thirty-six (3b, Dotn inclusive; In Township twenty- five (25) South. Range one (1) West. Sections one (1) to twenty-three (23). both inclusive, the north half of Sections twenty-four (24) and twenty-six (26). Sections twenty-seven (27) to thirty-one (31), both inclusive; In Township thirty (30) South, Range one (1) West, Sections one (1), two (2) and three (3), Sections nve ii to twenty-tnree i.Z3), Dotn in clusive, and Sections twenty-seven (27) to thirty-six (36). both inclusive: In Township thirty-one (31) South, Range one (1) West, Sections five (5), six (6), seven (7) and eight (8), the south-west quarter of Section nine (9), Sections fif teen (15) to twenty-one (21), both in clusive, and Sections twenty-seven (27) to thirty-six (36), both inclusive, all in tne JrtoseDurg Lana uismct. J. H. FIMPLE, Acting Commissioner. Approved: THOS. RYAN, Acting Secre tary of the Interior. CITATION. Notice to Creditors. . The undersigned has been appointed administrator of the estate of Alva L. Hardman, deceased by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. All persons .indebted to or hav ing claims against said estate are re quired to present same to the under signed at Montavilla, Oregon, or at the office of John W. Loder, Attorney at Law, Stevens Bldg., Oregon City, Ore gon, within six months from this date. Dated February 10th, 1905. Last Publication March 10, 1906. A. B. HOOD. AAmlnlatratn- rtt M utut ! Attest: In the County Court of Clackamas County State of Oregon. " In ' the ' .matter ' of " the estate of John Lender, deceased. "To the heirs of John Lender, deceased, and to all persons interested, - Greeting: In the Name of the tSate of Oregon, You are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, at the Court Room thereof, at Oregon City, Oregon, in the said County of Clackamas, on Monday, the 10th day of April, A. D., 1905, at 10 o'clock a.m., of that day. then and there to show cause, if any exist, why the petition of the adminis trator of the above entitled estate should not be granted and an order should not be. made pursuant to said petition di recting the sale of the following describ ed property, to-wit: The Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Sec tion 18, township 5, South of Range 3, East of the Willamette Meridian, Clack amas County, Oregon. Witness, the Hon THOS. F. RYAN, (SEAL) Judge of the County Court of the- State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas, this 25th day of February, A. Subscribe, to The Enterprise. D., 1905. F. A. SLEIGHT, Clerk. By F. W. Greenman, Deputy.' - ' ' ' CITATION. ' - " - In the County Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Clackamas. In the matter of the Estate of Clarence M. x Wilson, a minor. " To Jabesh Wilson, as Guardian of the Estate of the above named Clarence M. Wilson, a minor, C. W. Noblett, and W. W. H. Sampson: x. Whereas, an application having been made on the 7th day of February, 1905, by Clarence) M. Wilson, above named,, for an order directing that a Citation issue, directed to Jabesh Wilson, as Guardian of said Clarence M. Wilson, and C. W. Noblett and W. W. . H. Sampson his bondsmen,' directing you and each of you, to make and file in this Court, a final account and report of the manage ment of the Estate of Clarence M. Wil son, a minor, by Jabesh Wilson, a: Guardian of the Estate of said Clarence M. Wilson, a minor, showing a detailed statement of all money received, and of all money paid out by the said Jabesh Wilson, as such Guardian of the Estate of said Clarence M. Wilson, from the time of his appointment as such guard ian, to the time of the filing of this pe tition herein; and . Whereas, this court has fixed, and set Saturday, the 11th day of March. A. D., 1905, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, at the Court House, in the County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, as the time and place for you to appear and present to this court for its settle ment the report and final account of the said Jabesh Wilson, as guardian of the estate of said Clarence M. Wilson. Now therefore, in the name of the State of Oregon, you, and each of you are hereby cited, directed and required at such time and place, to appear and file a report and final account of the man agement of the estate of said Clarence M. Wilson, by Jabesh Wilson, as guardian of his estate, so that tlje same may be set tled by this Court; or show cause why such report and account be not filed by you, as prayed for in the petition now on file in this Court. Witness, the Hon. (SEAL.) THOS. F. RYAN, Judge of said Court, with the Seal of said Court affixed this 7th day of February, 1905. F. A. SLEIGHT, Clerk. By F, W. GREENMAN, Deputy. Date of first publication February 10, 1905; date . of last publication, March 10. 1905. thence W. on the- S. line of said D.L.C. 27.50 chains; thence N. 29.05 chains; thence E. 27.50 chains; thence S. on the E. boundary of said claim 29.05 chains to -the place of beginning, containing eighty acres more or less. The sale will be made on or after the 11th day of .March, 1905, and bids will be received at the office - of U'Ren & SchuebeL Oregon City, Oregon. Terms of Sale, . Cash. EDWIN A. HOWARD. Executor of the estate of Juliet F. Trull- inger. Deceased. Dated February 10th, 1905. SUMMONS. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Clackamas. Jennie Bingman, Plaintiff, ' vs. , Hiram E. Straight, administrator of the estate of Hiram Straight, deceased, Hiram E. Straight and Mollie Straight, his wife; William E. Straight, Marga ret Straight Gratz, and Jno. A. Gratz, her husband; Jacob Straight, James Straight, John Straight, E. F. Riley, M. E. Carver, Alice L. Russell, Elmer Russell and Alta Russell, W. A. Holmes administrator of estate of R. L. Rus sell. Defendants. STATE OF OREGON, County of Clackamas. ss. By virtue of a judgment order, decree and an execution, duly issued out of and under the seal of the, above entitled court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 15th day of Feb ruary, 1905, upon a Judgment rendered day of January, 1905, in favor of Jennie In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Clackamas. R. Stish. Plaintiff, vs. - ' J. Stish, Defendant, To J. Stish, defendant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and an swer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled cause on or before 8th day of April, 1905, said day being more than six weeks from 24th day of February, 1905, the date of the first pub lication of this summons and if you fail to so answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for, to-wit: For a decree of said court forever dis solving thi bonds of matrimony now ex isting between plaintiff and defendant and for such other and 'further relief as to the Court seems just and equitable. The order for publication of Summons in this court was made bv the Hon. Thomas McBride, Judge of the above entitled Court on the 20th day of Feb- ' ruary, 1905. The date of the first publication of this summons is February 24, 1905. ED. MENDENHALL and v A. R. . MENDENHALL, Attorneys for Plaintiff. " SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Ore gon, for the County of Clackamas. William H. Van Wey, Plaintiff, vs. Alice G. Van Wey, Defendant. To Alice G. Van Wey, the above named Defendant. In the name of th? Stato nf rmtimn vnn are hereby required to appear and an- swer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit In the above I named court on or before Friday, April 8. 1905, the same being six weeks from the first,, publication of this summons. and you will take notice that if you fail to so appear and answer said complaint, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. to-wit: That the bonds of matrimony existing between you and Plaintiff be dissolved. This summons is published by the order of the Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, Judge of the County Court of the County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, in the Ore gon City Enterprise, a weekly newspaper of general circulation in Clackamas County, for six successive weeks com mencing Friday, February 24, 1905, and continuing to and including April 7, 1905. GEO. C. BROWNELL, Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Estate of Anna Reiter, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the under- T,, , . . , . . j uigneu una niea in tne county ;ourx or Bingman, plaintiff, and against the above . , . "" - - - - . . ., the State of Oregon, for the County of Y 17 A I) M 3D CAUSE ONE-THIRD OF THE TOTAL DEATHS. When the Kidneys fail to perform their functions properly by not straining out the poison ous waste matter from the blood as it passes through them, the poisons are carried by the circulation to every part of the body, deranging the different organs. This causes heart trouble, stomach trouble, sluggish liver and a host of other ills, all due to deranged Kidneys. corrects irregularities and cures Kidney and Bladder diseases in every form; tones up the CURED OF BRiGHTS DISEASE. it I. , i A n..-t. v i ... - enwMn. r w -v t , tnnity of telling what magnificent results I hare had from using FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURB after having tried other advertised medicines and several physicians. Before I began bv a I ders, and before I had taken the third bottle the superfluous flesh had gona, as well as all it I had to set us from la to so times each night to relieve my bladder. I was all bloated no with dropsy and my eyesight was so impaired that I could scarcely see one of my family across the room. In fact, 1 was so badly used up that I had given up hope of living when I was urged Dy a xriena to try r ulai-3 iwurxjc x iukis.. vine 50-cent Dottia wortea won- other symptoms of Kidney trouble. My friesds were surprised that I was cured, as they It thought I was going to die. Every few days some one comes from miles away to learn the name of the wonderful medicine that cured me of Blight's Disease, and not one that Baa tnaa n naa tauea to om oenenttea. whole system, and the diseases that have resulted from disordered Kidneys disappear, because the cause has been removed. Com mence taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE at the first sign of danger. Do not risk having Bright' s Disease or Diabetes. ; Two Sizes. 50 Cents and 1.00. ZZ SOLD AKD RECOSIUEMDED BY Z named defendants, for the sum of $150.00, with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 11th day of May, 1900, and the further sum of $50, as attorney's fee, and the further sum of $39.50 costs and disbursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of the following des cribed real property, situate in the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wit: Undivided 1-6 interest in Lots 1, 2, 7, 8, and 9, Block 1; lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15, block 2; lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, block 3, all of said lots and blocks being situate in Straight's Addition to Park Place, Clackamas County, Oregon according to the plat of s'&id Straight's Addition to Park Place now on file in the office of the County Clerk of Clackamas County, Oregon. Now,' Therefore, by virtue of said exe cution, Judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the 18th day of March,. 1905, at the hour of 10 o'clock m., at the front door of the County Court House in the City of Oregon City, in . said County and State, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for 17. S. Gold coin cash in hand, all the right, title and Interest which the within named defendants or either of them, had on the date of the mortgage herein or since. had in or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judg ment order, decree, interest, costs and all accruing costs. ; , J. R. SHAVER, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. By E. C. Hackett, Deputy. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, Febru ary 17, 1905. A household necessity Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil. Heals burns, cuts, wounds of any sort; cures sore throat, croup, ca tarrh, asthma, never fails. Notice of -Final Settlement. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. In the matter of the' partnership estate of Logus & Albright: Notice is hereby given that the under signed has filed in the above entitled court his final account of his administra tion of said estate and that said court has fixed Monday, April 17, 1905, at 10 o'clock a. m., of said day at the court room of said court as the time and place of hearing objections to said final ac count, and the settlement of said es tate. CHAS. ALBRIGHT. JR., Clackamas, thhe final account of his ad ministration of the said estate and that said court has fixed Monday the 13th day of March, 1905, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the court room of said court, as the time and place of hearing objections to the said final account. F. S. BECK. Executor of the Estate of Anna Reiter, deceased. HEDGES & GRIFFITH, Attorneys for Executor. First Publication February "0, 1905. (5) REGISTRATION OF LAND TITLE. In the matter of the application of Jacob Watne to register title to the follow ing lands: Commencing at' the N. -W. corner of Claim No. 40, Ezekiel Burbage, D. L. C. in Sections 34 and 35, T. 5, S. R. 1 E; thence East 43 chains, on the North boundary of said claim to the center of the County Road; thence South 43 de grees 45 minutes West along the line of said road, 52 chains; thence South 40 degrees West, 11 chains and 40 links, along the line of said road to the West boundary of Claim No. 37, Sees. 2 arid 3, T. 6, S.. R. 1, E. ; thence North 45 chains and Ninety links along said last bound ary, to the place of beginning, contain ing 96.25 acres, more or less, situate in Clackamas County, State of Oregon. ALL TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN. TAKE NOTICE: That on the first day of March, 1905. an application was filed by said Jacob Watne in the Circuit Court of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, for initial regis tration of the title of the land above de Now, unless you appear on or before the 1st day ofs April, 1905, and show cause why such application shall not be granted the same shall be taken as con fessed, and a decree will be entered ac cording to the -prayr of the application, and you will be forever barred from dis puting the same. , : . Dated this 1st day of March, 1905. F. A. SLEIGHT,; Clerk of the above entitled" Court- By. F. W. Greenman. Deputy. Administrator of the Partnership estate; Eby & Eb Att0rneys for Applicant. of Logus & Albright. - j i lase publication jviarcn ai, iut. Notice of Sale. .' Under authority of an order of sale granted by the County Court and by authority of the last will and testament of Juliet F. Trullinger, deceased, I will sell at private sale the following des cribed real estate, to-wit: The South half of the following described property: A Safe Cough Medicine for Children. In buying a cough medicine for child ren never be afraid to buy Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. There is no dan ger from it and relief, is always sure to follow... It-, is especially valuable lor Beginning at the SS E. Corner at Orln ,' colds croup and whooping cough. For Mattoon D. L. C. in Section No. 10. T, 3 S., R. 3 East of the W. M., and running sale by Geo. A. Harding; HUNTLEY BROTHERS COMPAN Y.OREGON CITY