8 OEEGON CITY ENTEEPEISE, FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1905. WRITE TO YOUR FRIENDS. Clackamas' Educational Committee Makes Good Suggestions. In a circular letter issued this week to the teachers of the county, the executive committee having- in charge the educa tional exhibit from Clackamas county at the Lewis & Clark Fair, makes some very good suggestions touching on the work In hand. The executive committee is composed of Miss Addle E. Clark, city superintendent of the Oregon City schools; Prof. T. J. Gary, of Willamette and Superintendent J. C. Zinser. The letter, which has been mailed to all the teachers in the county, is as follows: "Fellow Teachers: "We are now engaged in preparing an educational exhibit for the Lewis and Clark Exposition, soon to open in Port (and. It behooves us as teachers to make this exhibit the best possible rep resentation of the work done in the schools of Clackamas County. So far as possible, every branch of school work, in very grade, should be represented, with in the rules laid down in the general cir cular recently issued by the Superintend ent of the 'Educational Exhibit. If you have not received this circular, or have not yet applied for the Exposition paper, you should send tor them without de lay. "The completed work should be in the hands of the Executive committee not later than April 1st. Clackamas county j bas manifold and abundant resources and we should make good use of this fact in preparing our language and other descriptive work. Emphasize also local bistory and our industrial advantages. "In connection with our exhibit work it would be well to encourage pupils to write letters to their Eastern friends, calling attention to our Exposition and describing the advantages of our county and state, and inviting them not only to visit Portland this Summer, but to make Clackamas County their home. We have the natural resources and need desirable people and capital to develop them. Well written letters from some of our 6000 school children may be the means of in ducing many, not only to visit the Fair. but to settle among us. v "The Northern Pacific R. R. Company will issue an interesting Lewis and Clark folder, which may be obtained in Port land about March 1st. If you will send six cents in stamps to Mr. A. L. Craig, Worcester Building, Portland, Oregon, to pay the postage, he will send you free a handsomely illustrated 88 -page book with map) telling all about Oregon, Washington and Idaho." In my extremity a friend advised me to use Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. took two doses that afternoon and could not believe my senses when I found the next morning the inflamation had large ly subsided. I took several doses that day, and kept right on talking through the campaign, and I thank this medi cine that I won my seat in the Coun oil." This remedy is for sale by Geo. -A. Harding. lot IS, Champion Liniment for Rheumatism. Chas. Drake, a mail carrier at Chap inville. Conn., says: "Chamberlain's Pain Balm is the champion of all liniments, The past year I was troubled a great deal with rheumatism in my shoulder. After trying several cures the storekeep er here recommended this remedy and it completely cured me." There is no use of any one suffering from that painful ailment when this liniment can be ob tained for a small sum. One application gives prompt relief and its continued use for a short time will produce a per manent cure. For sale by Geo. A. Hard-Jng. IFOR THE CHAUTAUQUA. Lecturers of Prominence Have Been Se cured. A number of the prominent lecturers and entertainers for the 1905 Asembly of the Willamette Valley Chautauqua As sociation have been engaged and con tracts entered into. Among such are Dr. Frank W. Gunsaulns, of Chicago. Dr. Gunsaulus is president of the Armour Institute of Technology and one of the leading lecturers in the world. He will be in attendance during the closing days of the session, preaching the sermon on , Sunday, ' July 23. His two lectures will in all probability be delivered on the two days preceding, Friday evening and Sat urday afternoon, the subjects not having been decided upon. Carter, the master magician and reputed to be the peer of Hermann, is another attraction. He will be. accompanied by his wife, Corinne, and will give two entertainments. Among others who have entered into contract are Dr. F. W. Quayle of Kansas City, who is not surpassed as a pulpit orator; Rev. Anna Shaw, of Philadelphia, president of the National Womans Suf frage Association; Mrs. Charlotte Perkins Oilman, niece of Henry Beeeher and a Tecognized authority on Household Econ omics. Each of these prominent people has -been engaged to give two lectures. The Chautauqua meeting at Gladstone this year will be held July 11-25 inclu sive and Secretary Cross reports that the prospects are indeed bright for the success of the Assembly. The talent that will be represented on the program when it is completed will be second to ncne in the history of the Association. A Chicago Alderman Owes His Election to Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. "I can heartily and conscientiously recommend Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy for affections of the throat and lungs," says Hon. John Shenick, 220 So. Peoria, St., Chicago. "Two years ago during a political campaign, I caught cold after being overheated, which ir ritated my throat ari I was finally com pelled to stop, as I could not speak aloud. TRANSFERS. A. C. Hodkin to M. A. Shaw, Jenning's Lodge; $200. M. A. Shaw to M. A. Morse lot 15, Jennings Lodge; (2100. A. C. Hodgkin to M. A. Morse, lots 16, 17, 18, 22, and 23 Jennings Lodge $900. A. C. Hodgkin to C. P. Morse lot 24, Jennings Lodge; $200. O. & C. R. R. Co., to W. Clark, S half of NW quarter Section 7, 4 3; $521.88. W. H. Gortler to H. T. Kister N half and N half of S half of NW quarter Sec tion 31, 42, $400. O. & C. R. R. Co., to J. Heft. NW quar ter of NW quarter of Section 5, 4 3; $220. J. Heft to A. & L. Klebe, NW quarter of NW quarter Sec 5 4 3; $1030. O. W. P. T. S. Co., to The Estacada Wood Mfg. Co., lots 212, block 5, Es tacada; $2100. S. Elmer to J. K. Elmer, 141 acres in J. T. Wingfield Claim, 52; $3500. I. B. Fisher to J. K. 71mer, E half of SW quarter of NW quarter Section 3, 41; $600. S. M. May to Emma Galloway, blk. "F" Parkplace; $250.. R. A. Gray to J. Watne, 96 one quar ter acres in CI. 37 and 40, 5 1 and 6 1, $3000. W. Gray to J. W. Mobart, 109.54 acres in See. 34, 51, and Sec. 3, 61; $2500. J. S. Rees to J. W. Poole lots 9-24, blk 64, lots 1-5, blk. 65, Minthorn. $100. Blake MeFall Co., to M. M. Lee, lots 15, 16, blk. 9, Apperson's Subd. Bk. 5, 6, 7, Parkplace; $125. F. S. Morris to the Land Co. of Ore gon, SE quarter of Section 12, 4 4; $1. H. L. Angevine to R. A. Miller lot and 2, blk 7, Gladstone; $285. Oregon Land Co., by Sheriff to Chas, Scott 44 lots in Friends Oregon Colony with exceptions $11000. E. M. Blair to O. A. Kann west half of east half of Sec. 1, 6 1, E; $375. L. Githens to P. Davidson W 7-8ths of NE quarter of NE uqarter Sec. 15 43, $450. D. W. Reynolds to H. M. Woodruff 40 acres in E- Fisher claim 2 2; $1.00. H. Johnson to C. A. Johnson NE quar ter of NW quarter Sec. 29, 3 5, $120. O. W. P. T. SC. Co., to J. W. Potter Lot 5, Block 17, Estacada; $75. O. W. P. T. S. Co., to A. Potter lot 6, blk 17, Estacada. $75. G. W. Grace to S. Elmer, 2 A. in Sec, 20, 4 3. $ The Bolton Land Co., to O. Forsberg Lots 3 and 4, Blk. 22, Bolton $150, S. Peters to A. Peters NW quarter of NE quarter Section 11, 3 1, W $3500. O. Deute. et al to G. H. Marlay, N, 50 feet Block 7, Darling's Add. $100. H. Wirth to J. & E. Krotsch, 40 A, C. Richardson CI. 23, $450. M. Lie'berman to R. W. & W. F. Cary, NE quarter of NE ' quarter& SW quar ter of NE quarter. Sec. 21, 3 4, $600. F. J. Harkenrider to R. W. & W. F. Cary, right of way in NW quarter of NE quarter Section 21. 3 4; $1.00. L. Gerlinger to H. O. Brown. SW quar ter of NE quarter Section 16, 2 4, $50. O. & C. R. R. Co., to F. Kiernan SW quarter and NE quarter of S. W. uqar ter of Section 23, NE quarted of NE uqar ter of Sec. 25 1 4; $600. C. F. Ehram, to J. E. Young, lots 1 & Sec. 30, 1 5, NE quarter of NEquar- ter Sec. 25, 1 4: $1000. F. Kierman to J. E. Toung, NE quar ter of NE quarter. Section 25, 1 4! $1.00. J. B. Taylor to J. Rasmussen W half of SW quarter Sec. 22, 5 1; $1500. H. Lueg to W. Hallinan, Lots 6 and Blk. 41, S. Oswego; $300. J.W .Roots to H. Andedson, N half of NW quarter, Sec. 8, 2 4, $1800. H. L. Stratton to C. B. Williams lots 8 and -10, block 20, A. Falls View; $82.50 G. A. Heinz to W. Galloway, 50 ft. by 2.50 ch. Sec. 30, 2 2; $1500. W. H. Adair to W. Galloway two tracts in Sec. 30, 2 2; $2500. B. & O. Duke to O. A.. Kann NW quar ter & Lot 1, Sec. 1. 6 1 $550. H. Jackson to C. V. Jackson 11 A. in Sec. 24. 5 1, $110. H. A. Lee to J. F. and M. Mitts, 5320 sq. ft. near Lees Add to Canby; $70. E. Yergen to J. V. and M. E. Swan; $5060.00. C. T. Howard to S. C. Howard 12.53 A., Sec. 16, 4 2; $300. A. Dengler to J, Smith, 97.42 acres Sees. 4 and 5, 3 3; $800. E. L. Welch to L. Gibson, 3 A., Sec. 2, 22; $150. L. Gibcon to A. Bibson, 3 A., Sec. 2, 22; $150. ' A TWENTIETH CENTURY CHURCH. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United tSates. Remember the name. Doan's, and take no other. WOULD SIMPLIFY TAX PAYING. Rev., E. A. Childs ' of Eugene, Would Found Denomination on New Testament. . Rev. E. A. Childs, of Eugene, was in the city this week looking for a suitable location. . He plans to move his family Assessor Nelson Has an Idea That Would here in the near future and open a Save M"h Clerical Work. series of gospel meetings preparatory to I "There should be a law enacted," stated the establishment of a congregation Assessor Nelson in discussing the work after the New Testament type, calling of h!s office, "requiring the payment of the same after new testament names and taxea y tne man ln whose name the teaching only New Testament doctrines. Property is assessed, except in case, of Mr. and Mrs. Childs are both well ed- course, property has been erroneously as- ucated, having been graduated from sssed- thls way, the need for sher Eastern institutions, and have had long ia'a assessments would be largely dis experience in gospel and educational Pensei with. As it now is, immediately work with various denominations. Mrs. toiiowing me listing oi property on tne Childs is at present engaged in . teaching assessment roll, the property owner can several bible classes of women composed 8el1 a Portion of the tract before the of all denominations in Eugene, and Mr. tax la levled and collected and then Childs is engaged as State Secretary for cumbersome amount of bookkeeping the Anti-Saloon League, but on coming work is foisted on the sheriff's office or here they will devote their whole atten- "le assessor Deiore tne tax on tnat en tlon to the establishment of a congrega- t,re tract ls collected. Such a law would tion known and called after New TMta- relieve the two offices of a great amount ment names and characteristics. OI e"- wortc ana wouio. leave tne aa Their meetings will be held along the Justment f the tax question between the line of conferences ln which the first part Property owner and the purchaser." will be devoted to evangelistic effort and Assessor Nelson was in Portland Sat later questions and information will be urday and attended a conference between asked from and by all concerned. They Secretary of. State Dunbar, L. R. Web are desirous of incorporating all and ster and D- B- ste,er. county judge and only such things as are taught in the assessor respectively for Multnomah New Testament, taking as a rule "When county. The meeting was held for the it speaks, speak; and where it is silent, purpose of arrnSing a form for the be silent." In other words: Let the bIank that w,u be used thls Ye&r m tak Word answer all questions regarding the lnsr tne state census. It was decided to church that should be. use a combination blank by which, the A location has not yet been secured. census statistics and the military en Mr. Childs Invites co-operation and en- rollment of the county can be placed on quiry. He owns property at Eugene, tne same sneet, tnereoy simplifying the Medford and Kansas City, all or part of work of the assessors of the state. The which he would be glad to exchange for Dlanks u not be ready for distrlbu property here, where he plans to spend tion among the assessors before the lat the rest of his life, if conditions are favor- ter part of March and the work of as able. These people have a good record sessing property will have to be deferred and are recommend hv the vo ni. until tnat time. in the state as deserving of a hearing and a place. Give them both in Oregon City- , CLEARS UP THE COMPLEXION. The Clackamas Abstract & Trust Co. are owners of the only complete abstract plant ln Clackamas county. Prompt and reliable work on short notice. All work guaranteed. Abstracts made, money loaned, mortgages foreclosed, trusts exe cuted, estates settled and titles per fected. J. F. CLARK, Atty-at-Law, President and Manager. Office over Bank of Oregon City. Like Finding Money. ! Finding health Is like finding money so think those who are sick. When you have a cough, cold, sore throat, or chest irritation, better act promptly like W. C. Barber, of Sandy level. Va. He says: "I had a terrible chest trouble, caused by smoke and coal dust on my lungs; but. after finding no relief in other remedies, I was cured by Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds." Greatest sale of any cough or lung medi cine in the world. At Howell & Jones drug Store; 50 cents and $1.00; guaran teed. Trial bottle free. LEWIS AND CLARK GUARDS. Military Druggists Say' Laxakola Works Wonders for the Skin. Huntley Bros. Co. not only recommend Laxacola as the ideal liquid laaxtive for women and children, but some of their lady customers say It is also a .remark able skin beautifler. The reason is easy to find. Laxakola moves the bowels regularly and without discomfort, and at the same time stimulates the liver and acts upon the bile pigments thus removing the cause of sallow, muddy skins that do so much to impair the beauty of one's complexion. If you prize a fresh, clear, velvety skin, and regular habits, or if baby needs a mild, safe, gentle laxative when colicky, or constipated, just try a 25 cent bottle of Laxakola with Huntley Bros. Co. guarantee it will do all claimed for it. or Will Be Selected From Oregon Guard. Portland, March 2. In a communlca- you can set your money back. tion addressed to Major Chas. E. Mc Donald, of the Oregon National Guard, Director-General H. W. Goode, of the A RafC ChailCC fOT a SHce f FallS Lewis & Clark World's Fair, has official- Vjpw Addition tfl fWdlill fitv ly' announced the plans for the guard and I 9 J patrol of the exposition. I Now is your time to buy ground The guard will be recruited among the fP1? m Oregon City for a residence men of Oregon's National Guard, and La qaicki y and win KO from io to win consist oi two provisional compan- each, will sell the higher priced lots ies as follows: on tne installment plan One maior. tvn rflntninn twi lion- I Inquire. OI tenants, one first sergent, one quarter master sergeant, three corpbrals, two Land and Insurance Agent, Oregon City, musicians, 140 privates and two cooks. A blouse of dark blue with light fac ings and aguilette of the same color, iignt blue trousers, ball shaped caps with full dress band, web belt, bayonet and scabbard, white collar, white gloves and black shoes, have been selected as the uniform and equipment. COMPARE QUALITY Every time you compare price, and you will send your next order for Job work to the Oregon City Enterprise. By giving quality In both material and . workmanship wa endeavor to deserve your business. WE ARE AHEAD In all kinds of Job and Commercial Printing as well as book work. One trial will convince you. ARE YOU IN A RUSH? Do you want that brief, catalog, etc, printed at once 1 Well, send It to the Enterprise office. We have Just Installed a modern Mergan thaler Linotype machine and are prepared to do all such work on short . notice and at right prices. OUR EQUIPMENT For turning out all kinds of first class work In the way of good print ing Is second to no other house outside of Portland. If you are In need of printing of any kind, correspond with us and let us figure with you. We can save you money. All orders and correspondence will receive prompt attention. Telephone Main 21. THE ENTERPRISE OREGON CITY, OREGON O. A. CHENEY, Ore. Office with Justice Stipp. The Principal Trouble. The principal trouble with the aver age young man is that he has a $5000 a year girl and a $15 a week salary. rVeby HOLMES COMFORTING WORDS. $ I 3.50 per Ton Many Oregon City Households .Will Find Them So. To have the pains and- aches of a bad back removed; to be entirely free from urinary disorders is enough to make any kidney-sufferer grateful. To tell how this great change can be brought about will prove comforting words to hundreds of Oregon City readers. Mrs. Painter, wife of J. W. Painter, expressman, living at 310 East Seventh street, Portland, says: "I hare had more or less kidney trouble all my life. When ffquite a young girl I had a severe spell of sickness and all who knew me thought was going to die. I finally recovered. but. ever after my kidneys bothered me. There were headaches, dizziness, and could no more lie on my left side than could fly and could not stoop to pick anything off the floor without working myself up gradually by placing my hands on my hips. In addition to this there were headaches, dizziness and trouble with the kidney, secretions for all of which I doctored and used more than one remedy said to be a sure cure for such annoyances. Nothing brought me relief compared with that received from Doan's Kidney Pills.- The results stamp that remedy as one fully up to represen tations made for it." Plenty more proof like this from Ore gon City people. Call at C. G. Huntley's drug store and ask what his customers report. For sale by all dealers. Price 59 cents. C. N. Mwii PIONEER rpangfep and Exjf egg, Freight and parcels delivered . to all parts of the 'city. RATES - REASONABLE MELLON j 2,000 miles of long dis tance telephone wire in Oregon, Washington, Cali fornia and Idaho now in operation by the Pacific Station Telephone Com pany, coveripg 2,250 towns Quick, accurate, cheap All the satisfaction of a personal communication. Distance no. effect to a clear understanding, Spo kane and San Francisco as easily heard ad Port land. Oregon City office at Harding's Drusr Store Deserves Your Patronage. The growth of a community and the success of its local institutions depends entirely on the loyalty of its people. It is well enough to preach "patronize home industry" but except the service given at a home institution equals that of out- of-town enterprises, this argument car ries no weight and is entirely disregard ed, as It should be. But with Oregon City people It is different. A few months ago E. L. Johnson established the Cas cade Laundry. It is equipped with the latest improved machinery and is daily turning out work that is equal to any and superior to much of the laundry work that is being done In Portland. Being a home institution and furnishing employment for many Oregon City people it is enjoying an immense patronage. The high standard of the work being done commends it to the general public. ' Laundry left at the O. K. barber shop will be promptly called for and delivered to any part of the city. Telephone 1204. E. L. Johnson, proprietor. WET WEATHER. WISDOM N. Xr THE ORIGINAL SLICKER 6LACK OR YELLOW WILL KEEP YOU DRY NOTHING ELSE WILL TAKE NO SUBSTITUTES CATALOGUES FREE SHOWINOTULL LINE OF GARMENTS AND HATS. A. J. TtJWER CO., BOSTON, MASS., U.S.A. TOWER CANADIAN CO.. LTD., TORONTO, CANADA. Y 3feCx If y want o get e 4fS biggest returns for your Ubor and JSMtiBBi to plant anything bat EERY5 the standard after 49 years' test. Tney always produce the largest and surest crops. All dealers sell tnem. uur lses pnu iijinj Heed Annual v free on request, f J D. M . Ferry & Co. J DETROIT, MIOH. . f The crown of womanhood is motherhood. But uneasy lies the head that wears the crown or anticipates this coronation, when mere is a lacx oi womanly strength to bear the burdens of maternal dignity and duty. The reason why so many women sink under the strain oi" motherhood is because they are unprepared. "I unhesitatingly advise expectant moth ers to use Dr. Pierce's Favorite Presorir.. tion, "writes Mrs. J.W. G. Steohens, of Mila, I iumiuui uti laiiu vo., va. me reason for this advice is that Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription is the best preparative for the maternal function. No matter how healthy and strong a woman may be, she cannot use "Favorite Prescription" as a prepara tive for maternity without pain of health and comfort. But it is the me- who are not -strong who best appreciate the grrat benefits received from the u- e of "Favorite Prescription." For one tiling- its u.'.e makes the baby's advent practical;y painless. It has in many cases reduced days of suffer ing to a few brief hours. It has rtiano-ed the period of anxiety and struggle into a I ume oi ease ana comtort. .The proprietors and makers of Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription now feel fully warranted in offering to pay $5co for any case of Leucorruea. Female Weakness, Prolapsus, or Falliiijr of Womb, which thev cannot cure. All the World's Dispensary Medical Association, Proprietors, of Buf falo, N. Y., ask is a f.tir and reasonable trial of their means of cure. WffiEOf 131 n Pronounced by World's best ex pertsthe world's best whiskey. Grand prize highest award St Louis World's Fair. For Sale by . - E. MATTHIAS -Sola Agsnoy for Oregon City.