Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 03, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the County of Clackamas.
Olive C. Packwood, Plaintiff,
"William H. Packwood, Defendant.
To William H. Packwood. the above
named .defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear -and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled Court and suit on
or before the last day of the period of
six weeks from the date of the first pub
lication or this summons, to-wit: on or
before April 14, 1905, and if you fail to
so appear and ' answer said complaint,
the above named plaintiff will apply to
the Court for the relief demanded there
in, to-wit: For a decree dissolving the
bonds of matrimony now existing be
tween said plaintiff and defendant, and
that plaintiff be given the custody of
Frederick W. Packwood and Mary J.
Packwood, the two minor children of
plaintiff and defendant. This summons
is published in pursuance of an order of
Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, Judge of the County
Court, made on the 23d day of February,
1905.. The time prescribed in said order
for the publication of this summons is
once a week for six consecutive weeks.
The date of the first publication thereof
is the 3d day of March, 1905.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the County of Clackamas.
Adelphi Allen, Plaintiff,
J. Guy Allen, Defendant.
To J. Guy Allen Defendant: '
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled suit, on or before
the 15th day of April, 1905, and if you
fail to answer, for want thereof, the
plaintiff will ask for the relief prayed
for in her complaint, viz: the dissolution
of the marriage bonds now existing be
tween the plaintiff and defendant, on
the grounds of cruel and inhuman treat
ment. This summons is published by order
of the Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, Judge of the
County Court, of Clackamas county,
made and entered on March 2d, directing
the first publication thereof to be made
on March 3d, 1905, and the last publica
tion on April 14th, 19Q5.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Subscribe to The Enterprise.
1 Jme Yotu
W'ell as tEe Oldl
can do "shopping" here safely. It's a common idea that a boy can't "drive
a bargain" as well as a man or woman. That is true at stores where it is
difficult to get the advantage of a bargain. But bargains don't have to be
"driven" here. When we offer bargains they are bona-f ide ; and, if you
send your boy, he will get just as much for your money as you can and
that's a good deal. j
The bargain we are now offering is on brushes: Hair Brushes,
Bath Brushes, Shaving Brushes and Tooth Brushes.
is the kind that gives honest service. It is the kind that lasts a long time.
It is the kind that has stiff, well-fastened bristles that do not become soft
and flabby when the brush is wet.
Brushes are in this store in all varieties and at various prices. No
matter whether you pay only J 5c or $5 for a brush you can depend on get
ting an honest brush and your full money's worth.
Remember we are giving, for the next week only, 25 per cent' or
off on any and all brushes in this store.
Chambers Howell
County Treasurer Enos Cahill ie mov
ing back to his old place here. He thinks
there is no place like the old home.
Mrs. C V. Stoker little boy is very
sick with lung fever.
Mr., Tommy Thomas was home visit
ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C.
Thomas, who have been ill of la grippe.
Mr. Charles Cahill and his best 'girl
had a very narrow escape last Friday
night while attending a dance at New
Era. They came out with but a few
scratches and a smashed buggy.
Miss Bessie Clark came home to visit
her parents over Sunday.
The Angel of Death visited our neigh
borhood and took away our respected
neighbor, Mrs. Nancy Stoker, wife of
the late Charles Stoker. She was taken
ill with -la grippe on Tuesday and passed
away on Saturday, February' 25th after
only four days illness. Mother Stoker
was a pioneer of '52, having crossed the
plains In those early days. She leaves
to mourn her death, three brothers, Frank
Jones, of Portland; Jake and George
Jones, of Abernethy; five sons and three
daughters, Wm. and Henry O'Conner, of
Toledo; Andrew and Flemming, of Beaver
Creek; John and Valentine Stoker, Mrs.
Scanlon, of Beaver Creek ; Mrs. Miller
and Mrs. Boydson, who resided with
her at the old home.. The remains of
Mrs. Stoker were interred beside those'
of her late husband at Highland ceme
tery on the 28th of February. The Rev.
Richard Owens, of Beaver Creek, preach
ed the funeral sermon at the Baptist
Church at Highland. A large attendance
paid their last respects to Mother Stoker.
Those who were acquainted with the
decepsed will miss the many pleasant
Near Huntley's Drug Store,
y-reat Britain and America.
Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to treat
ment by Ely's Cream Balm, which is agree
ably aromatic. It is received through the
nostrils, cleanses and heals the whole sur
face over which it diffuses itself. Druggists
sell the 50c. size ; Trial size by mail, 10
cents. Test it and you are sure to continue
the treatment.
To accommodate those who are partial
to the use of atomizers in applying liquids
into the nasal passages for catarrhal trou
ble, the proprietors prepare Cream Balm in
liquid form, which will be -known as Ely's
Liquid Cream Balm. Price including the
praying tube is 75 cents. Druggists or by
mail. The liquid form embodies the med
icinal properties of the solid preparation.
chats by the open fireplace reciting the
exciting times of Pioneer days in Or
gon and 'the cnildren will miss a veiy
dear mother. .
The beautiful weather of the past
week has caused the good house wife
to plant early garden.
Mr. Clarence Frost's little boy is some
what better, but has been very sick.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Grub
last week, also a son to Mr. and Mrs.
The new fence around our little church
is almost completed, also a new side
walk is being put in.
Mr. Pettitt's cottage seems to have as.
sumed more gigantic proportions and
now looks as if it will be almost the
largest house in this part of town.
Little James McGeehan fell off a wagon
one day last week and was quite seri
ously hurt. Children should not be al
lowed to climb on wagons, as there is
danger of the smaller ones being hurt.
Mr. and Mrs. Kays have been on the
sick list the last few days.
A sister of Mrs. Sam Frances with her
family, visited here over Saturday and
Aloses Skinner has rented his farm and
inoved to the Howard property on Mo
lalla Avenue.
Several of the citizens are building
new fences also new side walks.
This part of Oregon City is situated
so that it could be made the most beau
tiful part of the city and let us all work
together ' with this end in view. The
cemetery is visited every Sunday by
many people, and to pass the pretty
homes on the way would be pleasing to
visitors as well as property owners.
Clean up the yards, plant flowers and
paint the buildings, it costs but little
besides labor and will be a source of
comfort and add more value to your
The farmers of this vicinity are tak
ing advantage of the good weather by
getting their Spring sowing done.
Mr. E. Brown, who is working in the
logging camps at Stella, Washington,
spent Saturday and Sunday with his
Mrs. Joseph DeShazer, who has been
taking care of her mother, who has been
seriously ill, has returned home. She
reports her mother somewhat improved
in health.
Wm. New, a former resident of this
place, but now of Eastern Oregon, was
Linn E. Jones
visiting., last week with his father and
Mr: Rudolph has rented Mir. Clark
Bowman's place.' Mr. Bowman expects
to leave for Idaho very soon.
. Mr. TTpdergrave lost one of his best
horses a few days ago.
F. F. Sellman spent Sunday with his
family. n "
Mr. J.- Woodle and family , visited at
their son's home, last week.
Mr. G. Wolf made a business trip to
Oregon City last Thursday. Mr. Nelson
also made a trip to the city. - '
Rev. Patton will preach here next Sun
day at three o'clock.
Got Off Cheap.
He may think he has got off cheap,
who, after having contracted constipa
tion or indigestion, ' is still able to per
fectly restore his health. Nothing will
do this but Dr. King's New Life Pills,
a quick, pheasant and certain cure for
headache, constipation, etc. 25 cents
at HowelI& Jones' drug store; guaran
Walk & Bond are through grubbing
hops, they finished up with a keg of
Robt. Schuebel and Frank Irish called
on Will Jones & Co. Sunday.
John Martin and family are back from
Gray's River, Wash.
Norman Howard has been working for
Chas. Spangler.
Chas .Spangler and wife went to Ely
Sunday and took dinner with J. B. Jack
son and family. Ethel says the dinner
was O. K., only she hates to run herself
to death after.
Al Jones and family spent Sunday with
Sile Wright of Liberal.
Ernest Sturges was around Monday
talking telephone.
Dr. Moorey was out this way Sunday.
The Carus B. B. 9 have organized for
this summer.
The Chinaman, Jim, has great trouble
with his stove lately, too many rags in
the pipe I guess. '
Ern Jones and wife spent an enjoyable
evening last week with Oren Adkins
and wife.
Dr. Goucher's nephew, of Colorado, is
visiting him at present, he expects to
go to Lon .Angeles from here.
Emerson Spatz was workingat his
trade this week.
Engaged people should remember, that
after marriage, many quarrels can be
avoided, by keeping their degestions in
good condition! with Electric. Bitters. S.
A. Brown, of Bennettsville, S. C., says
'For years, my wife suffered intensely
from dyspepsia, complicated with tor
pid liver, until she lost her strength and
vigor, and became a mere wreck of her
former self. Then she tried Electric
Bitters, which helped her at once, and
finally made her entirely well. She is
now strong and healthy." Howell &
Jones, druggists, sell and guarantees
them, at 50c a bottle.
This is fine weather for the farmers to
do their seeding. ,
John Martin has returned to Carus
from Grays Harbor.
Miss Belle Rose, of Portland, who has
been visiting relatives in Carus, returned
home Tuesday, she was accompanied
home by her cousin, MiSs Bertha Spang
ler, who will visit friends and relatives
while there.
App Jones has been visiting with rel
atives in this place.
Born to the wife of Herman Fisher,
Saturday, February 24, a son. Mother
and child doing well.
: Mrs. Eph Jones spent Sunday with
her sister, Mrs. Dan Spatz.
There will be preaching at the church,
Sunday, March 5th.
Any body who wants a ring or trunk
made, call on Mr. Norman Howard, who
is an expert at the business.
Mr. and Mrs. Newt. Maule were sur
prised Saturday evening when about 30
of their friends gathered at their home
to spend the evening; games were en
joyed until a late hour when all depart
ed for home.
Miss Flora Jagger gave a card party
to her friends last Saturday evening;
but the house being small, the young
folks went to the hall where dancing
continued until a late hour. A dainty
lunch was served.
Several from here are going to the
dance at Beaver Creek Friday night,
March 3d.
Edwin Howard has a fine hound. He
and son Ralph have succeeded in killing
27 coons this winter which they received
$15 for the pelts. ' -
Huntley Bros. Co. Claim Pepslkola Cures
39 cases Out of 40.
Why any one in Oregon City should
continue to suffer with indigestion when
a 25 cent box of Pepslkola , will cure is
certainly a mystery.
Huntley Bros. Co., have been selling
Pepsikola quite some time now, and they
know from actual experience right in
their own store just what this famous
little ' chocolate coated dyspepsia tablet
will do and if you make inquiry these
druggists will tell you they never knew
a remedy to prove so decidedly bene
ficial In the treatment of indigestion,
dyspepsia, palpatatf on, sleeplessness and
other forms of stomach trouble. It cer
tainly ought to give you confidence when
you know that every box of Pepslkola
contains 10 days' treatment, and at the
end of that time If you are not decidedly
benefitted all you need do is to go back
to the druggist' and get your money.
Pepslkola is sold right on its merits. It
cures indigestion simply by toning up the
stomach and digestive organs so that
food will assimilate and give strength
to the system' just as nature intended.
And Pepslkola is such a grand nerve
tonic, too. Just try a 25 cent box and
see if it don't give you new energy, new
ambition and new courage to carry out
your plans and dally work. If .it doesn't
your money back.
Miss Bessie Ingram entertained about
forty of her young friends Monday even
ing, it being her seventeenth birthday.
A variety of games were played, and re
freshments were served at eleven-thirty.
All enjoyed the ' evening to the fullest
Mr. and Mrs. IT Ren of Gladstone, and
Captain and Mrs. Smith of Parkplace,
were let into the mysteries of the Grange
lodge Saturday. They seemed pleased
with their trip over the newly plowed
ground, and. spoke many words of praise
over the success of the lodge and their
very neat little hall.
The Ladies Aid will give a Pie Social
in the Church Friday evening, March 3.
Pies will be sold at auction. A good at
tendance is desired. I
We are glad to announce that L. Ware
is rapidly improving and will soon be
able to return to school.
Mr. and Mrs. Coffee are the happy par
ents of ' a sweet little girl baby, who
came to their home one day last week.
Mrs. Swales is lying very low at her
home at Parkplace. Little hopes are en
tertained for her recovery.
Lester Brunner has been wrestling
with the Grippe for several, days, but
is some better at this writing. There
is scarcely a house in Parkplace but
what some of its inmates are under the
doctor's care.
Mr. Smith - of Gladstone passed away
Sunday at eleven o'clock, a.m., after a
short illness of a few days. He leaves
three sons and two daughters to mourn
his loss. The funeral was held Tues
day at 2 p m. from' the family residence.
Mr. Smith was 64 years old at the time
of his death. He was an honorable, up
right man and one who was much es
teemed by all who knew him. The be
reaved family has the sympathy of many
Mr. Elliott, father of Mrs. Apperson,
died Monday afternoon at the home of
Captain Apperson, in Parkplace. Fun
eral services were held Wednesday at
1 p. m. from the Baptist church, in Ore
gon City, Rev. Peacock preached the
funeral sermon.
Mrs. Wm. Holmes was pleasantly re
minded that Friday was her birthday.
by a party of her friends coming in, un
announced, and staying till 12 o'clock.
Progressive Flinch was the order of the
evening until eleven-thirty when dainty
refreshments were served. All went
home declaring they had spent a delight
ful evening and wishing Mrs. Holmes
many happy returns of her birthday.
W. H. Jones, of Greenwood visited
friends here this week and seems to be
recovering slowly from his sickness. He
is also looking for, a farm team to take
the places of the three that he lost.
Mr. Scanlon is improving very slowly
and is talking about going to the hos
F. Henrici reports having lost nine
head of sheep on the account of coyotes.
J. C. Jones also lost . some this week.
The school entertainment which was
held at the Beaver Creek hall last Fri
day night was a grand success, $25.00
being - made". It seems that a necktie
dealer would do a 'good business in this
T. D. Jones, who recently bought out
B. Thomas, has also bought out E. &
D.- W. Thomas.
The coyotes are getting quite thick,
and undoubtedly a bounty will have to
be awarded before they wiil be exter
minated. Mr. Roberts and partner are
going to grub for James Shannon.
H. U. Pautz Is hauling lumber for
Shannon Bros.
A. Thomas and J. Fisher called on
Steuleman Bros, last Sunday.
Papa John Shannon of Oregon City,
was out visiting his sons this week.
Rev. R. H. Owen, pastor of the Welsh
Congregational Church of this place, has
received special invitation from the sec
retary of the Congregational Association
of Portland to attend the revival meet
ings at Portland this month which will
be conducted by the well-known Evange
list Dr. Wilbur Chapman. Also to attend
the American Board of Foreign Mission
ary which will be conducted by Dr. Pat
ton, newly appointed Secretary of such
board March 21st.
"I owe my whole life to Burdock Blood
Bitters. Scrofulous sores covered my
body. I seemed beyond cure. B. B. B.
has made me a perfectly well woman."
Mrs. Chas. Hutton, Berville, Mich.
Notice to Stockholders.
. The annual meeting of the Stock Hold
ers in Clear Creek Creamery Co.,' will
be held Monday, March - 20, 1905, near
Creamery; Buildings.
Meeting to be called to order at 10
o'clock a. m. The purpose of the meet
ing is the election of a Board of five
Directors, Secretary and Treasurer, together-
with other regular and important
hnei'naoo A 11
uuaiucon -X '1 DMHA JJU1UC19 tLt t5 TfS
quested to be present. -
State of Ohio. Citv of Toledn.
Lucas County ss.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he-
is seniors partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business in the City
of Toledo, County and State aforesaid.'
and that said firm will pay the sum of
every case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, tnis Btn aay 01 December, ,
A. D., 1S86.
(Seal. ) . A. W. GLEASON,
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, and acts directly on the blood and
mucous sunaces 01 tne system. Sena
for testimonials free. :
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists, 75 cents.
Take TTnll'n Pamilv TXlln f. Pnotl.
Uncle Tom's Cabin.
Stetson's mammoth double production
of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" will appear at
Shively's Opera House, Friday, March 3.
The rendition v of Uncle Tom by this
well-known and well-liked company will
never grow old This management evi
dently believes in the maxim: "What's
worth doing, is worth doing well." There
runs through this grand story a pathos
peculiarly touching and sweet. It speaks
the universal language of the heart. It
reflects like a mirror the innermost phas
es of the human emotions. It is more
than a play it is a moral classic. It
argues for two of the greatest themes
that can engage the mind human liberty
and the immortality of the soul. Not
withstading the frequent production of
this play, it is never produced in the
sumptuous manner by other companies
as it is in Stetson's. It is like meeting
an old friend after a year's absence. In
his theatric offering, Manager Washburn
has brought together all the requisites
that go. to make up a really great pro-
duction and one it will be a real loss to
miss. .
A household necessity Dr. Thomas'
Electric Oil. Heals burns, cuts, wounds
of any sort; cures sore throat, croup, ca
tarrh, asthma, never fails.
Wonderful Improvement.
'Young Wipperleigh seems to have
been benefitted considerably by his
course in college."
Yes, he appears to be almost as in
telligent now as a trained seal."
"A dose in time saves lives." Dr.
Wood's Norway Pine Syrup; nature's
remedy for coughs, colds, pulmonary dis
eases of every sort.
Hives are a terrible torment to the
little folks and to some older ones. Easily
cured. Doan's Ointment never fails. In
stant relief, permanent cure. At any
drug store, 50 cents.
Subscribe to The Enterprise.
2825 Keeley St.,
Chicago, lu... Oct,, 2, 1902.
I suffered with falling and con
gestion of the womb, with severe
pains tli rough the groins. I suf
fered tftrrihfv at the time of maen-
struatio i. had blinding headaches
I and rushing of blood to tne Drain.
What to try 1 fcnew noi, tor is
seemed that I had tried all and
failed, l.nt I had never tried Wine
of Cardui, that blessed remedy for
sick women. I found it pleasant
to take and soon knew that I had
the ri-rht medicine. New blood
AAmnl tst fnnrw thrnncrh mT Tains
I and after using eleven bottles I
was a wen woman.
Mr. Bush is now in perfect
health because she took Win of
Cardui Cor menstrual disorders,
bearing --own pains and blinding
headaches when all other remedies tof
. , . i 1 t St
ianeu ij uriug ucc iuoi.
sufferer may secure health by tak
ing Wine or Cardui in her home.
The first ixA'Je convinces the pa
tient ah-.- ib oa tin; road to health.
For .Hvir in cases requiring
special iiret.ionb, address, jjiying
iWnri ,(. t." The Chattanooga
iledici. r Co.. Chattanooga, ienn. y