OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1905. Now To -Day. Portland, Adelphl Allen has brought Bult capacity of agent for the plaintiff. For in the Clackamas' county circuit court MONEYTOCOAHAT 6 ANDT'for divorce from J- Guy Allen, whom she per cent. Farm security:" & Schubel. U'Ren MORTGAGE LOANS NEGOTIATED. ; at - lowest ' rates, Latourette's office, - Commercial Bank Building',- Oregon city, .j r .; -.- ;.' , FOR SALE Estey organ, used two ' months, at a bargain. Call on or ad dress A. S. Draper,; care Enterprise of fice, Oregon City, Oregon. . NOTICE Taken up at my place, one red cow with white face, red around the eyes, red tip on ' nose, ' white belly and red and white legs, white brisket, j white switch on tail crop, silt In left ear, wide speading horns sawed off at tips, about 7 or 8 years od. Also one cow straw colored tinged with blue, small horns, dark streak aroun eyes, white line on back, white legs, white tail, about 3 years old.- j GEO. W. JOHNSON, Clackamas P.O. Oreg. 9 Y Local Everjb. married in Wisconsin ;ln 1886. Cruel and inhuman treatment are the allegations. John Burke, is the name of the tran sient who robbed his benefactor, C. W. Higgins, at Cummings' sawmill last week. No trace has been found of the man. Prior to entering the employ of Mr. Higgins, Burk served four days in the city jail for vagrancy. . this reason the defendants ask that the proceeding be dismissed. New Clothing at wholesale one-third saved. - Hamilton Red Front Mch 3. Letters of administration have been issued .to Annie Ahalt, of -Oak Grove, widow of the late John J. Ahalt who left an estate of the value of $3000. There are two heirs to the. property, the widow, and E. T. Ahalt, a son who resides at Prineville. Salt going higher 50 pounds fine salt, 35c; Timothy 5c; best seeds 7 packages 25c; Gold Dust bulk, 5c pound; Rice 4c Flour $1.05, $1.10, up. Hamilton Red Front Store. "'-- March 3, .a. .o. .Q. A Q? Dankart C. Rones, a native of Sweeden, has .taken: out his final citizenship papers. The regular March meeting of ' the Maple Lane Grange will be held tomor row. . The Fraternal Brothherhood is arrang ing to give a dancing party at Willamette Hall next Wednesday evening. Miller & Underwood, the blacksmiths, have begun the building of their new shop on Fourth street, near Main St. O. A. Cheney has moved his land and insurance office back to his old place with Justice Stipp In the Jagger building. The members of St. Paul's Guild will give a social and entertainment at the W. O. W". Hall, Monday evening, March 6th. "Liberty or Death," is the title of an article by Jerome Hart in the Argonaut of February 27. It is the result of a visit that Mr. Hart paid to some of the art galleries of Paris, and contains not only much information about what he saw, but plenty of satirical comment. "The Pikers" captained by Dr. L. A. Morris, in the initial contest in the ten pin tournament, defeated the "Holy Rol lers" under the leadership of Jos. Good fellow, Wednesday evening by a majority of 66 pins. Next Tuesday the winning team will bowl the "Four-Flushers." The Molalla Assembly No. . 82, . United Artisans, will give a basket social and entertainment on Fridays-evening,- March 10th. Everybody invited to attend and have a good time, as - the Artisans al ways guarantee at Molalla.' Be on hand at 8 o'clock. When you go home will be an after consideration.. In, a collision near Boring Wednesday morning between a runaway freight . car and the mail car on the O. W. P. Co.'s line, eight passengers were more or less seriously bruised. Walter F. Case, of Portland, the mail clerk, was the most seriously injured, sustaining a broken collar bone, besides being very thorough ly shaken up. The other passengers, whose injuries consisted in more or less severe bruises were Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jones, of Elko, Or.; W. H. Ullyart, Col umbia City; David H. Hugglns, Eagle Creek; Matt Moman and Henry Borst, of Portland. The will Of the late John C. Schmidt, of George, has been admitted to pro bate, and the widow, Adelheit Schmidt was appointed executrix. By the , terms of the will $350 each is bequeathed to the two daughters, Adelaid Judd and Dora Schmidt, the former having al ready had $250 of her bequest. The in strument provides that after the death of the widow, the entire estate, both real and personal shall go to the son, Henry. The will was executed December 26, 1899, In the presence of Herman Lins, now deceased, and Henry Meinke. Charman's Velvet Cream will cure chap ped hands and is a soothing face cream. Gloves can be worn immediately after ap plying. Large bottle 25 cents. Marriage license were issued last Fri day as follows: Rosetta Wilhelm and Leopold Dupont; Jaunit Stephenson and George Woodward. Wanted two neat appearing lady so licitors. Will pay salary and commis sion. Address "Agent" care Enterprise, Oregon City, Oregon. Allen Cooke, who for some time has been in the- employ of the Oregon Water Power & Railway Company in this city in its freight office," has been transferred to Boring and appointed agent at that place to succeed Mr. Toepleman who has been appointed agent for the same com pany at Gresbam. County Judge Ryan and Commission ers Brobst and Killin spent Saturday in specting roads and bridges in the New Era, Canby and Needy localities. Wanted, a girl for general house work. Apply R. L. Holman, Sixth street, be tween Center and Washington streets. The ladies of the First Methodist Church served another one of their warm dinners at the church Wednesday and those who partook declare that it was all right. Some miscreant during the noon hour last Thursday threw a rock or missile and demolished one of the large plate glass windows at Block's furniture store. M. Replogle, an employe at the W. P. & P. mills had his index finger on the right hand severely mashed Saturday while operating some machinery in the pulp mill. Monday evening about twenty members of the local lodge of Knights and .Ladies of Security went to Portland to attend the formal installation of the officers of the Portland lodge. - Application to register title for the pur pose of determining his title to 96 acres of land in t 6 s r 1 e was filed in the circuit court Wednesday by Attor neys Eby & Eby for Jacob Watne, ' of Marquam. In his application Mr. Watne sets forth that the . premises involved are now occupied by Jacob Watne et ux. An energetic lady, can secure the agen cy for this city and surrounding "country for a high grade line of Flavoring Ex tracts, Perfumes, Toilet Articles, Toilet Soaps, etc., by addressing the Pearsall Manufacturing Company, Des Moines, Iowa, They allow a big commission, also give premiums. Write them for sample outfit. At the grand ball at the Armory last Wednesday night. some sneak-thief profited during the evening by ransack ing the ladies' cloak room. One young woman reports the loss of a purse and about $4 while Mrs. W. H. Howell had stolen a hat pin that she prized highly. Other articles of clothing were also pur loined. D oii't Get TWENTY- FIVE Enter Several Rebekahs of this city will go to Estacada .tomc-row evening where they will assist in instituting a new Re bekah Lodge. G. J. Trullinger Jr., has been appoint ed guardian of the person and estate of G. J. Trullinger. of Scotts Mills, who has property of the value of $600. Mr. Trul linger Sr. is an octogenarian. Marriage licenses - were granted by Deputy Clerk Greenman Monday as fol lows: Elsie E. Houck and Wm. Bell; Gladays Ring and Olof Olsen; Elizabeth Tracy and Albert T. Zanders. There was a heavy passenger traffic over the O. W. P. Co.'s line between Oregon City and Portland Sunday and In order to better accommodate the com pany's passengers the cars were oper ated on regular schedule but with two elbsed passenger cars, one following im mediately behind the other. The weather was considered a little too cool for the use of the "trailers." Wear Better Shoes Boys' best heavy shoes 12 to 2 $1.40 and $1.47; sizes 3 to $1.58 and $1.72; Child's 75c. $1. and $1.25 Shoes for 57c, 75c and $1.00. E. C. Hamilton Red Front. March 3. MORTGAGE LOANS NEGOTAITED at lowest rates, Latourette's office. Com mercial Bank Building, Oregon City. At its first meeting last Friday night the local Aerie of Eagles initiated nine new members, increasing the charter list to more than 120 names. - In the future the local Aerie will meet at Knapp's hall every Monday evening. G. A. Heinz, the commission merchant, is making preparations for putting up a combination commission house, feed stable and dockage privileges on Water street at the foot of Fifth street. County Treasurer Cahill has received from State Treasurer Moore the sum of $344, being the balance due this county from the state of two-thirds of the total that was paid out by Clackamas county on account of the scalp bounty act of 1901. The amount received is. Clacka mas' share of the deficiency in this fund for which the recent legislative session made appropriation. home from a visit with relatives at Mt. Angel.""'-"". - ' ' . . " " " W. H. Boring and J. - W. Roots, lead ing residents of Boring, were here last Friday. George, H. Gregory, Jr.. and W. J. Vick, of Molalla, were In Oregon 'Jit. Tuesday. J. F. Deyoe, postmaster and merchant at Canby, was an Oregon City visitor Saturday. " : H.- E. Hayes, of Mt. Tabor, has been visiting his son. Judge G. E. Hayes in this city.. G. J. Trullinger, Jr., of Sheridan, Tam hill county, was in the city the first of the week. George H. Gregory, the extensive teas el .producer of Molalla, was in the city last Friday. W. H. Latourette, of MeMinnvllle, vis Ited with Oregon City relatives several days last week. C. Earl Shaver and Bert Arms, ' of Portland, were visiting Oregon City friends Sunday. Representative Frank Jagger, of Carus, was an Oregon City visitor the latter part of last week. Mr.- and Mrs. Tom. F. ' Cowing, of As toria, were the guests of Oregon City relatives over Sunday. Mrs. Myrtle 'E. Dodge, of Eugene, is visiting in the city this week, the guest of Mrs. Harry M. Shaw.' r" George Warren has gone to California (to take a position in the employ of ' the Crown Paper Company. E. C. Herren, a prominent hop grower and dealer from Salem, was In the city last Friday on business. Generations of playgoers - have enjoyed M1?s Jessie Humphrys is home from Uncle Tom's Cabin," the story that lne tooa amaritan iospnai on account moved the world and added chapters to of the illness of her mother, history. . But it remained for Manager M1ss May McBride, after a visit with Washburn of the great Stetson Company Oregon City friends, returned to her home to place the old-time drama in a modern at Deer Island Wednesday. stage setting. While the text of the -nioe jasnor, oi baiem, nas re Harriet Beecher Stowe's masterpiece is turned home after 'visiting vher sister, preserved in its entirety in the Stetson Miss K. Gertrude Bashor. production, there are other features in- Julous Lippitt, of Colfax, Washington, troduced that makes the piece a novelty w-as in the city recently, the guest of his even to those who have laughed with daughter. Miss Sybil Lippitt. Topsey and wept with Eva years ago. Fred A. Kollermeier, accompanied by In the Stetson Company there are two his son, Karl, prominent farmers from Topseys, two Marks who have a great Stafford, were in the city last Friday. field for the intermission of fun. ' This Attorney Grant B. Dimick left Thurs- great entertainment will appear at the day for Klamath Falls where he goes tp Shively Opera House tonight, March 3. trV two cases in the state circuit court. Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Dillard, of New- A prominent Oregon City capitalist, I berg have been visiting In Oregon City who at times partakes of that which in- I at the home of Mrs. Dillard's brother, I toxicates, made a personal request of I Attorney O. D. Eby. Mayor Sommer in a jocular way the other George J. Case, Dock Wilhelm, H. I. day to forbid the sale by Oregon City I Vaughan, George W. Myres and W. H. liquor dealers of their goods to him. I Engle, of Molalla, were among the callers Meeting the Mayor a few days later, the I at the court house Monday. capitalist chided the city's chief execu- I TJ. Aemisegger, of Boring, who was In tive for not having complied with his the city Wednesday, reports that the I entertained a company of her lady friends request and insisting that an edict should public school In his district has just re- at 50- Prizes being awarded Mrs. E. W. go forth from the Mayor's office denomj sumed after a lapse of several weeks on Scott and Mrs. P. Phillips. Music, vocal inating as common drunks himself and account of an epidemic of diphtheria. I and instrumental, assisted to pass the two other residents of the town who are Mat Baker. J. N. Woods. John Buttson. afternoon pleasantly. more firmly addicted to the Inordinate W. M. Boberg and J. D. Ri.ter were i indulgence in liquor. Tired of the joking, I among the Wilsonvilleites visiting Oregon Mayor Sommer yesterday took a prac- City Tuesday. , tical view of the situation and notified I L. C. Dunton,, S. A. D. Hungate, M. the saloon dealers as he had been re- V. MacKinster and. H. L. Vaughan, were urday evening at the home of S. O. Cur quested by the capitalist who now finds among the Molallaites visiting Oregon t'Sf' Rev. J. H. Wood, pastor of the First it impossible to buy a drink for love or Ciity Saturday. Methodist church officiating. Miss Feme money at any of the resorts in this city. I Miss Constance Holland and Miss Neva I Keyler attended the bride as bridesmaid As a solution to the situation with which j Griswold, of Salem, were in the city I and Mr. Leo Cannon was groomsman. he is confronted, the capitalist declares last Saturday to attend the party given The ceremony was witnessed by about that he will now deal direct with the dis- by Miss Caufield. I fifty of the immediate relatives and Miss Minnie Kayler, teacher of the I friends of the contracting parties. Dur- Molalla school, was in the city Wednes- j Ing the evening, Mr. and Mrs. Woodward, day on her way to Portland, where she I who will reside at Oregon City, were vis- will submit to a surgical operation. ited by six separate charivari crowds. Chas. Humphrys, manager of the Post- I j $ al lelegraph company s omce at As- At a meeting Tuesday night the mem lona. accompaniei oy jnra. numpnrys, Ders of Cataract Hose Company No. 2, were the guests of Oregon City relatives concluded arrangements tor their grand Sunday. Inauguration Ball to be iriven at the Elmer Veteto. of New Era, was in the I Armory tonight. Fuch's orchestra, of city a few days ago looking after busi- Portland, has been engaged and the sale ness pertaining to the farmers' mutual 0f tickets Indicates that a large number Switched 0f When yog start to have that prescription filled --don't stop short of Htmtley's Dreg Store. Htmtley's high class prescription work; Htmtfey's fresh, pare chemicals;1 Htmtley's prompt service with focr regis tered pharmacists, all combine to make it well worth a few extra steps, a" little additional time, to come to Htmtley's for prescription work and for all drug store goods. r Htmtley pays no commission to doctors. At Hontley's yog pay for ycrar medicine jgst that and nothing more. Huntley Brothers Co. PROGRESSIVE DRUGGISTS Oregon City Oregon HAM, LARD AND BACON FOR CASH delivered to all parts of City. Phone calls Promptly Attended fnone J547 CAIN & RAMSBY, ELY, ORE SOCIAL EVENTS i Mrs. Bruce Cj Curry entertained the members of the Dickens Club Monday afternoon. $$ Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Frank Betzel S George Woodward and Miss Jaunlta Stephenson, both of Oregon City, were united in marriage at 8 o'clock last Sat- Hearts were played the first prize being captured by Miss Sybil Lippitt whiW the consolation gift went to' Miss Josephine Chase. After the serving of an elegant lunch a guessing game was participat ed in, the prize being awarded Miss Shan non. There were present a number of out-of-town friends, several coming from Portland and Salem to attend the party. The guests were: Misses Clark, Good fellow, Creelman, Foster, Shannon, Hard ing, Warner, Cochran, Lou Cochran, Shonkwller, Case, Daulton, Meldrum, Mo Carver, Martha Frances Draper, Finley, Myers, Vera Caufield, Pratt, Pope, Lewth waite, Alice Lewthwaite, Josephine Chase, Albright, WIsner, Clara Caufield, I Nell Caufield, Grant Lippett, Reddick, of Oregon City; Miss Halleck, of Port land; Misses Griswold and Holland, of Salem; Misses Conyers, McCarthy and Monroe, of Portland, and Miss McBride, of Deer Island. tilleries as the probability that Mayor Sommer will revoke the order seems re mote. Oregon City item in Oregonlan, Attorney F. G. Eby is home from Eu gene. J. J. Judd, of Eagle Creek, was in Ore eon City Saturday. J. R. Caufield visited with Eugene J telePhone line that is bln constructed wlu be m attendance at the party. There friends Sunday. Henry St. Rayner and John M. Gear in, Portland attorneys, were transact ing business at the court house a few days ago. , . . between canby ana tnis city, wju De ria.ced at the disnosal of the John Noblett, of Needy, was in thejgegtg cloak r00ms for both the ladies Mrs. Mary S. Heller has returned from c!ty Wednesday to attend the 'unerr.1 and the gentlemen with attendants in or the late wm. Elliott, wnne m tne each- The hall wlll be appropriately city Mr. Noblett was the guest of his decorated for the event. The members daughter, Mrs. M. J. Moreland. of tne floor committee are: W. R. Loens. airs. c. ti. Launeia ana mra. m. c. joe Goodfellow, Howard Latourette, i Cfcv.na enan diinav at 17iioann TVia i . F.d. Jackson, of Marmiam. called atr""" iiarry uraper, A. L. race ana C. JS, former was a guest or ner aaugnter, Miss Romany Dr. D. A. Mclntyre. of Milwaukie, was a visit at Sellwood. in the city Saturday. E. C. Chapman, a merchant at Clack amas, was here Saturday. Card of Thanks. Parkplace, Oregon, March 1, 1905. We feel grateful and desire to express our sincere thanks and appreciation of the services rendered by the members of the First Baptist Church of Oregon City, the choir, and other friends for thelr ' w..u mjj .l.Jl..J lutuucoiu 1U WUA affliction. J. T. APPERSON. . MARY A. APPERSON. Arthur and Richard Ball and Gus Kei ser of Oswego, pleaded guilt in the jus tice court Wednesday to a charge of as sault and battery, the complaining wit nesses being the Gross brothers of Staf ford. The Ball boys paid fines of $25 each while Keiser got off with $15. - Last Saturday night the trio from Oswego at tended a dance at Stafford and during the evening gave the Gross boys a thor ough beating. The new altar and three new statues at St. John's Catholic church were dedi cated and consecrated Sunday, Rev. Hil debrand being assisted by Arch-bishop rictu ami 1 1, -, . -,.atno- lonrompn frrm i ESession of the Portland in conducting the services. In the suit of Sarah E. Marks against Willard Moore and E. C. Herreri to re cover the possession of about 40 acres of land in the John Marks D. L. C. to gether with $500 damages, the defend ants have filed answer in which they represent that they are rightfully in po- property in that they the court house Saturday. A. T. Saunders, of Milwaukie, was an Oregon City visitor Monday. W. A. Shaw, a farmer . from Orient, was In Oregon City Friday. Fay Moody, of Marquam, was among those paying his taxes Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Babcock, of Port land, were in the city Sunday. Frank Busch left Tuesday on a busi ness trip to Springwater and Dodge. R. Scott, a prominent resident of Mil waukie, was in the city Wednesday. - Miss . G. . Aimee Bollack has returned from a visit with friends at Eugene. C. T. Tooze, a prominent reEident of Wilsonville, was in the city Friday. H. M. Robbins, of Marquam, was in the city the guest of friends Sunday. Rev .J. H. Wood, pastor of the First Methodist church, is quite 111 of la grippe. C. F. -Clark, of Clackamas, was trans acting business In this city last Friday. Miss Katherine Davey, of Portland, was the guest of Miss Harrington Sunday. Louis Funk, a farmer from Redland, i Edna, who is a student at the State University, and the latter visited- with friends. Roy Martin, who has been dangerously ill with typhoid fever at Dayton, is re ported to have suffered a relapse and his condition is again alarming. Mrs. $ S $ Councilman C. M. Mason was given a birthday surprise Tuesday evening, Feb ruary 28, the occasion being his thirty- ninth birthday anniversary. About thirty were in attendance and enjoyed various 4), games and an informal program of music. I Martin, who was also ill from the same FiIncn was the principal game played. Refreshments were served at a season able hour and the company dissolved at a late hour, wishing for Mr. Mason many happy returns of the day. Those form ing the party were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seasonable Delicacies cause, is Improving rapidly. Circuit Judge Wm. Galloway, of Me Minnville, was in the city Wednesday to attend the funeral of the late Wm. El liott. Judge Galloway states that Mrs. Galloway, Miss Zilpha and Francis, will Welsh Mr. and Mrs. Wlckham and child- occupy tneir property at ram,,. ren; Mr. and Mrs. Albright and children; Summer pending the completion of a Mr and Mrs Mat justin. Mr Mrs new home at McMinnville that will not I Hankins. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Mason Lbe ready for occupancy before next Sep- and cnildren; Chas. Hickmanj Mrs. Ott, Mrs. .Jones, Mrs. M. Batdorf, Mrs. O. ' Jefferson, Mrs. Bradley Huelet, Mrs. tember. George Ogle, ex-representative in the state Legislature from Clackamas county, 1 Chag Mjss Jessie Bernice Buck- who sustained a fractured skull at his jeg home near Molalla a few weeks ago, is gradually recovering and will not retain ; any serious injuries. His mental facul- i ties have not been disturbed by the in- 3 S . . Last Saturday afternoon, Miss Caufield entertained In honor of her sister. There were in attendance about 36 of the young the city the latter part of last3ury- the only noticabIe effects of wnlch lady friends of the guest of honor and the was in week. i I.. A. Beedc and I. G. Bigelow, of Mo- formed and entered into a contract with ! lalla, were in city the middle of the John Marks,, the plaintiffs husband, in week. now are a partial paralysis of the face party proved a very delightful which it is expected Mr. Ogle will out grow. Drs. Beatie & Beatie, Dentists, Rooms By her attorney, JohnT. Whalley, of J October. 1904, the husband acting in the j Mr. and Mrs. W. H. H. Samson are 16 17 18 Welnhard Bulldhig. one, the Caufield home being prettily decorated in Oregon Grape and ivy. In receiving, Miss Caufield was assisted by Mrs. Carl F. Caufield, of Portland. Progressive 4 Fine Mackerel, Cod Fish, Salt Salmon and Anchoyis Also a new crop of nutsjjust arrived. Don't forget M.G.B. Coffee in 1, 2 and 3 pound cans, the fin est in the land. Electric Grocery D. M. Klemsen Prop. ' Main Street, njar Blastric Hals -