Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 24, 1905, Image 1

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VOL. 38. NO. 16.
Main Street, Oregon City, Or.
233 Washington Street, Portland, Or.
Oregon City as a Profitable Field
For Investments
FEW PEOPLE are aware of the substantial growth and development of Oregon City. The population It la
true Is not Increasing at so rapid a rate as its business and manufacturing: interests, but more people are
coming into the city right along. Every available dwelling house Is occupied and tenants could easily be
found for one hundred more If they were to be had. It Is reasonable to expect a larger and more rapid growth
from this time on.
No city in the state outside of Portland can begin to compare with Oregon City, In the amount of its manu
facturing, anJ in the extent of its manufacturing plants. Over thirty thousand horse power is in operation
and in process of generation. Great wheels representing eight thousand of eight hundred horse power rae now
being installed at an expenditure of five hundred thousand dollars.
The stupendous character of the new work now being done can only be realized by a personal visit to the
scene of operation. This great work is to be irrfmediately followed by the erection of another large paper mill,
and another power plant to be erected on the east side of the falls by the Portland General Electric company.
Public announcement of the latter project has been made and active construction will begin this season. The
scope of this plant is so great that work on it will be extended over soeral years. '
Oregon City employs a thousand hands in 'its mills and factories and has a pay roll of eighty thousand dollars
a month. ,
Oregon City has the largest paper mills and the largest woolen mill west of the Rocky mountains. It will
make its material growth this present year.
An investment in this prosperous manufacturing town is as sure and far more profitable than a government
bond. Oregon City needs more business men with increased capital and at least half a dozen modern brick stores
on Main street. Such stores would all be rented before they were nearly completed.
It is a fact that no business man with means and intelligence ever made a failure in Oregon City. Success
is the rule and not the exception. We have a manufacturing basis alone for a population of twenty thousand.
Valuations are yet at old figures and handsome profits will accrue to the careful investors. In all honesty,
let us admit that prices are ridiculously low and will not be duplicated again.
Investors and capitalists desiring to place money m business or manufacturing enterprises or who may wish to
buy lots and erect dwellings can find a choice list of such properties with
Choice City Property for sale in Portland, Oregon City and Glade
at lowest prices.
We are selling lands right along and are always in the market to b l r
Farms in Clackamas County are a good safe investment and our prices
are right.
Insists That He Is Not a Candidate for
Governor and Will not Run
for State Senator.
Office next to Oregon City Enterprise.
Furnish Abstracts of Title, Loan Money,
Foreclose Mortgages, and transact
General Law Business.
Collections, Mortgage Foreclosures, Ab
stracts of Title and General Law Business.
Office over
Bank of Oregon City,
Oregon City, Or.
Make Known Yot Wants
I Am Prepared to Supply Tliem
That's my business. I have a complete line of new and
second-hand furniture that can't he-equalled in quality and
price. A specialty made of furnishing house-keeping outfits.
Anything in Furniture, Carpets, Crockery, Hardware Glass
ware or Graniteware new and second hand you are sure. to
buy after inspecting my stock. ,
"I am positively not a candidate for
Governor, or any other office. I am de
cidedly out of politics" declared Senator
Brownell when questioned relative to his
candidacy for Governor. '
"And this is the truth, too," seriously
reiterated the Clackamas county states
man of promises filled and unfilled.
Senator Brownell was found at his
home by the interviewer who was in
vited to the Senator's library. Producing
a liberal stock of choice Havana cigars,,
discussion was resumed.
"No, I will tell you honestly, my po
sition," commenced the Senator. "This
morning I attended church services for
the purpose of cleansing my system of
the odium that has naturally resulted
from a contact with the influences by
which I have been surrounded during
the last forty days in Oregon politics.
This day ' being ; the Sabbath, I do not
feel that it is at all proper to discuss
politics, but I will state honestly and
truly that I am positively not a candi
date for the office of Governor or for
any other office." -.
s "But don't you think you could defeat
Governor Chamberlain for re-election?
was asked.
"Well, I am not saying what I think I
could do," evasively replied Mr. Brownell
"That would be extremely silly, but I
do say again and honestly, I mean just
what I say, I am entirely out of politics.
I have quit the game. I am not dissatis
fled at all, it is not for any such reason
that I am getting out of politics. There
is simply nothing in it and I have re
solved to' devote my time to my pro
fession and provide for my family. All
I have ever got out of politics has been
the glad hand. I have always served
my friends in politics to the best of my
ability and have always done for thenr
the best I could. Actually," and the
Senator became real serious, "I have
made a great many Clackamas county
men what they are today, elevated them
to political prominence and they are the
last ones who would say a word in my
favor or do me a kindness. As I say,
having never gotten anything out of
politics, I have simply concluded that it
is not a possible game for a poor man to
play and I have firmly decided not to be
a candidate for any office."
"Who do you think will be the candi
date for the Republicans for Governor
in 1906?"
"I am sure I could not tell you, but I
expect the machine wants to see Judge
Webster get the nomination. 'At any
rate, whoever the candidate may be, he
will be compelled to make ' a personal
nvass of the state and without spend-
ing anything corruptly, such a campaign
will cost between $2000 and $3000 and I
just simply haven't got the money.
confess I like politics, but a poor man
has no business in the game and I have
"Will you not be a candidate to suc
ceed yourself as State Senator from
Clackamas County in 1906?" was asked.
"No, sir, I assuredly will not. I have
repeatedly stated I am entirely out of
politics to remain out. In the future I
will have absolutely nothing to do in
politics and will devote my whole time to
my law business as a more satisfactory
means of providing for the comfort and
happiness of my family. Monday's Ore-
W. 8. TP-Ben 0. 8ohnbel
Attorneys at Law. !
Will practice in all conns, make collections
and settlements of Estates.
Furnish abstracts of title, lend you money
and lend your money on first niorgage.
Office in Enterprise Building,
Oregon City, Oregon.
Attorney at Law.
Justice of the Peace.
gger Bldg., Oregon City
Eteoii City,
Will practice in allthe courts of the state. Of
fice, in Caufield building.
Your Clackamas County abstracts of
Title should be prepared by the
Clackamas Title Company, incor
porated, Chamber of Commerce
building, Portland. This company
Is the builder and owner of the best
and most complete plant of Clack
. amas county titles. As tracts from
its offices are compiled by experts of
long experience, competent attor
neys and draughtsmen, and are of
guaranteed accuracy.
Clackamas County Lands, Mortgage
Loans, Estates managed, Taxes ex
amined and paid.
E. F. Riley, pres... F. B. Riley, sec.
Appreciate a Well
Served Meal
The pleasure of eating at the Bruns
wick House is more than merely. It
is a pleasure you don't find in care
lessly managed places. ' You dine
here amid pleasant surroundings,
snowy linens and polite service, the
best viands the market affords, pre
pared in a manner to snit the most
exacting epicure, and with all ex
clusiveness. 1
Oregon City, Oregon.
Oregon City Machine Shop
Twelfth and Main Streets
' Oregon pity, Oregon
The same paper Tuesday morning con
tained the following comment as to the
probable successor of Senator Brownell:
"While the announcement by Senator
. Brownell of his positive retirement from
! politics, both state and local, is received
J with suspicion here at the Senator's
home, where he is perhaps best
' known, still the possibility of such a
! contingency in this county naturally sug
gests the query: 'In that event, on whose
shoulders will the Clackamas County
Senatorial mantle fall?'
"Two months ago Senator Brownell
was considered an avowed candidate for
the nomination for Governor, with a suf
ficient backing to insure for him the
coveted honor, if everything went 'ac
cording to programme.' In fact, the
Clackamas County Senator was consid
ered a likely candidate for the place un
til the announcement of his indictment
by the Federal grand jury a few weeks
ago, and then his plans collapsed, and
with his announced divorcement from
politics comes the statement that he
will now devote himself exclusively to
his legal practice.
"There are a number of workers in the
Clackamas County Republican vine
yard who consider themselves entitled to
succeed Senator Brownell in his role of
dictator of the party in this county.
Foremost among these aspirants may be
mentioned Representative Clyde G.Hunt
ley, of this city, who hs served this
county for two successive terms in the
House of Representatives. James U.
Campbell, ex-caun,ty chairman of the
county organization, would not refuse
the nomination when it is to be made,
while Harvey E. Cross or Charles F.
Clark, of Clackamas, would not refuse
to succeed their former political oppo
nent. Senator Brownell.. There are also
"It is generally understood that County
Judge Ryan will ask for the nomination
as State Treasurer on the Republican
state ticket, while ex-Mayor Grant B.
Dimick has the county well organized to
the extent at least that it is probable he
will realize his ambition to succeed Judge
Ryan in 1906. For the reasons just re
cited, neither Ryan nor Dimick may be
considered in the race for Senator other
than in so far as the selection might af
fect their individual interests, except
their aspirations are defeated in the
county and state conventions about . a
year hence." 1
Linn County Man's Gullibility Costs Him
There was published in the Oregonian
Tuesday a gold brick story in which is
related the details of ' how a Linn
county man was separated from $10,000
by a brace of bold swindlers who suc
cessfully employed the antiquated "gold
brick" scheme. The story follows:
"Lying at the point of death in his
home 25 miles south of Portland Is a
man 75 years old, who is the victim of
two confidence men. Four days ago
they were successful " In swindling him
out of $10,000 by means of the anti
quated "gold brick" trick. A cleaner
job has never been reported. Since he
became aware that he had lost the small
fortune, he was attacked by a serious
spell of heart failure. Publcity of his
name and residence, bis reatives em
phatically declare, would kill him.
"Not for years has such a sensational
bunco trick been turned near Portland,
and a smoother job has never come to
light. It seems almost incredible, but
close relatives of the old man declare
he begs them to withhold his name from
every person who cannot be trusted to
keep it from the police and newspapers.
He fears publicity, saying the humilia-
"Several weeks were required by the
bunco men to work up to the termination
of the daring trick, secure the old man's
fortune and escape. After leaving, they
dropped him a letter, as is usual with
such men in such a case, saying they
presumed he was aware that he had been
swindled. It would do no good they
said, to. make a fuss about it, as he
would be hooted by all his friends for
being a sucker,' and the best thing he
could do was to keep quiet and make the
best of it. - ' .
"There are no new features to the
game, as the swindlers worked it, and Its
details have been published from ocean
to ocean since Mount Hood was only a
hill. One of the criminals took lodgings
in the village where the victim lives,
remaining there until he was able to
gather all important details as to his
antecedents, - the old man's journeyings
and such data as is always necessary in
carrying to the final (termination the
moss-grown trick.
"Having obtained sufficient details.
the swindler had his partner equip a fake
assay office in a nearby town, to where
the old man was taken later, that the
gold brick used could be assayed and
the value of the mine to be sold verified.
The gold mine from which the brick
was taken, was located in Arizona, they
told he old man, and was the property
of an Indian. The man who worked the
deal with the old man possessed a pho
tograph of the old Indian, who he said,
owned the mine. The red man wanted
to sell the property and great was the
old man's chance, he was told, to buy
cheaply a very valuable mine.
"Tie bunco man talked very familiar
ly of towns where the old man had
lived; of journeys be had taken from
place to place, voweajbe.'had Jtnown him
in the bygone days and was exceedingly
glad, he told his intended victim, that
he could afford him an unheard-of prop
osition at so small a sum.
"Last Friday the bunco man and his
intended victim boarded a train at the
village station and went to another town,
where the fake assay office was ready to
receive them. The second bunco man
was there, his role being that of a Gov
ernment official in charge. He assayed
the gold brick. It was very valuable
ore. he said very valuable. He gave the
matter exceptionally careful attention,
he told the old man and the first bunco
artist, as he had never before seen such
a cracker-jack sample of gold ore.
"The old man thought the word of the
fake Government official must be good,
so he paid over" the first sum $10,000.
Other sums were to follow, until the
mine would all be his. He went home,
happy in the thought that he had closed
magnificent deal. When he received
the letter from the swindlers Saturday
afternoon he fainted and a physician
has been in constant attendance since. '
During his delirious moments he begged
piteously to have the matter Kept a pro
found secret.
'Efforts are being made by the officials
to capture the two men who turned the
trick, but there is said to be small hope.
Both were wearing chin whiskers, good
but not exceptionally fine clothes, and
were past masters in the art of conver
i develops that the victim of the
swindlers' operations was Wm. Vance,
a wealthy Linn county farmer.
Brief Review of the Principal Meas
. urea That Were Passed by Both
Houses. CV
SALEM, Or., Feb. 17. At 8 o'clock
tonight the 23d biennial session of the
Oregon Legislature ended and the law
makers adjourned without day. The ses
sion began January 9 and lasted 40 days.
The body cannot meet again unless
called together by the Governor. The next
Legislature will not meet in regular ses
sion until January, 1907.
The House had little to do today, but
the Senate was crowded with work and
a number of bills on third reading' in
The climax of the session was reached
today in the Senate, when the Jayne
local option bill was disposed of a meas
ure which drew more interest than any
other at any time In the session.
Governor Chamberlain will be kept
busy the next five days scanning . the
many bills which were passed at - the
close of -the session. The Important
measures are as follows:
Whipping-Post Established.
The punishment o)f wife -beaters by
whipping has been authorised by aa
amendment of the criminal laws on as-
sault and battery, and on conviction the .
husband may be sentenced to receive
20 lashes administered by the Sheriff,
Constable or City Marshal. The inflic
tion of this penalty rests In the discre
tion of the court.
The Eddy corporation Tax Law was
amended in the interests of mining com
panies. The bill provides that mining
concerns not having an output of $1000
a year shall be exempt from the payment
of taxes under the Eddy law, but shall
pay a flat tax of ten dollars on organiza
tion and ten dollars per year.
Several bills to create a board of con
trol for all the normal schools of the
state to cut out one normal school, to
abolish all normal schools and establish
one in their place. All efforts to change
the present normal-school system in Ore-
One Railroad Law.
An act was passed to compel railroads
to make connections with each other and .
transfer cars at reasonable rates, the
purpose of the act being to make it pos
sible to build short railroad lines into
undeveloped territory and compel main
line roads to handle its cars.
Fish and Game Laws.
Several fishing laws were enacted for
the purpose of guarding against the tak
ing of fish on spawning grounds, and to.
encouraeg the eexcution of the laws. An
appropriation of $8000 was made for pur
chase and maintenance of a piiro? boat
for" the Master Fish Warden, so that he
will, be able to pursue and capture per
sons who violate or are suspected of vio
lating the law.
Numerous game bills were passed by
the Leigslature, the most important be
ing those prohibiting the sale of game
and providing a gun license tax of $1.00
for residents of Oregon and $10 for non
residents, with the exceptions that per
sons may hunt on their own land with
out paying a license.-
Some Measures Defeated.
The legislature defeated, efforts to
make gambling a felony, to amend the
local option law, to abolish riparian
rights, to create Cascade County from
part of Wasco, to amend the census law
so as to make it more applicable to pres
ent needs, and to create a mining bureau.
In Aid of Irrigation.
An irrigation law was passed, granting
to the Government power to condemn
water right where necessary in the con
struction of extensive reclamation work.
This measure also creates the office of
State Engineer and carries an appropria
tion of $5000 for hydrographic survey
work. The government agrees to spend
dollar for dollar with the state in work
of this kind and the plan is to make
accurate surveys so that definite inform
ation can be had regarding available
water supply in streams now used torr
irrigation. ,
The purpose of the surveys will be to
(Continued on Page 5.)
EDo Ifovi Wish
tKe Finest Bread
The manufacture of gold pens will
form one of the many interesting work
ing displays at the Lewis and Clark Exposition.
It is conceded that , Royai
Baking Powder is purest and
strongest of all baking pow
ders, absolutely free from alum,
ammonia and every adulter
ant. "Royal" makes the best
and most wholesome food.