OREGON" CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1905. New To-Day. MONEY TO LO AN AT 6 AND "7 per cent. Farm security. U'Ren & SchubeL MORTGAGE LOANS NEGOTIATED. at lowest rates, Latourette's office. Commercial Bank Building, Oregon City. in the Transportation Building- at the Lewis & Clark Exposition. The locomo tive is the property of David Hewes of San Francisco, who has had it for thirty years. "My Wooden Leg," the story In the Ar gonaut for February 15. is by Alexander Alexander, and is thoroughly amusing. The hero has a - mechanical artificial limb, . and it gets him into unexpected FOR SALE For J800, a good house, part- ' trouble, and leads to startling revela- ly furnished, and six lots. Address "s P. O. Box 331, Oregon City, Oregon. Loal Ever) b. ! W. A.1Iuntley attended the first annual meeting of the Paint, Oil & Varnish 3 Club at Portland Tuesday night. , Follow- tag a review of the year's work and the 3 . club partook of - a dinner at the Corn-1 mercial Club. R. A. Stratton, of Estacada, filed a notorial certificate with the County Clerk this week. A marriage license was granted to tora Myrtle Ward and Bedford Simmons last Saturday. ' MORTGAGE LOANS NEGOTAITED at lowest rates, Latourette's office. Com mercial Bank Building, Oregon City. Delegates to the district convention of the Woodmen of the World, which will be held at McMinnville, March 8, have been elected by Willamette Falls Camp, of this city, as follows: E. J. Lankln, S. S. Walker, S. F. Scripture, J. K. Morris, I. D. Taylor, W. J. Wilson, R. L. Holman and Grant Olds. After a shut down of three months, the local plant of the Portland Flouring Mills Company has started again on small order. Mr. Warner is making an excavation at his property, corner of Eighth and Mon roe streets, preparatory to building a modem cottage. t is expected that the local Aerie "of Eagles will be instituted at Knapp's Hall Monday evening. The charter list Includes ninety names. Farmers residing in the foothills re port that the snow storm of last week which" has been heavy in thhe outlaying districts, is proving severe on stock. Charman's Velvet Cream will cure chap ped hands and is a soothing face cream. Gloves can be worn immediately after ap plying. Large bottle 25 cents. " Mrs. M. Abel, aged 75 years, died Fri day morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Dambauch, near the Barclay school. The deceased had resided at Oregon Cityonly three years. Funeral services were held at the German Luth eran church at 2 o'clock Sunday after noon. Rev. Crakburger, officiating. - A German Ball will be given at Knapp's Hall tomorrow evening, A. Knapp, R. Seller and Jehn Vigelius constitute the committee on invitations. The function will be distinctly a German gathering and those not proficient in the tongue will be denied admission.. A similar party was given in this city with success sev eral weeks ago. . A. Knapp has disposed of his saloon fcusines to A. J. Surber, of Kalama, Wn., who has taken charge of the Usiness. Mr. Knapp will continue to live at Oregon City.. Jos. Goodfellow has caused -a slight ad dition to be made to his bowling alleys lor the better accommodation of tenpin howlers and the convenience of spectators. Oregon City Artisans and their friends enjoyed themselves at an entertainment and social dance at the W. O. W. hall last Thursday night. After a program of music and recitations, dancing was in dulged in until after midnight. By means of a membership contest this lodge- is adding a great many new members to its organization in this city. Judge Ryan took the matter under ad visement, and on Tuesday allowen Mrs. King's claim in the sum of $24.00. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Mautz' gave a card party at their home at Maple Lane last Saturday evening. Hearts were played. Miss S. Davies receiving first prize and Albert Mautz the consolation prize. A lunch was also served, those present being: Misses Mary Davies, An nie Mautz, Sarah Davies, Blanche Mautz, Messrs. Clarence William; Harry Shelly, Laurence Mautz, . Louis Davies, George Mautz, George Bars and Albert Mautz. i Personal Mention Drs. Beatie & Beatie. Dentists, Rooms IS, 17 18. Weinhard Building. Members of the Shakespeare Club, met at the home of Miss Margaret Goodfel low Monday night and concluded the reading of Macbeth. The Club will next read King John. Saturday evening the members 'of the club will go to Portland in a company to witness Othello. The next meeting will be held at the home of Miss Eva Meldrum. Those attending the meeting were: Misses Clark, Meyers, Meldrum, Shannon, Shonkwiler, Pratt,' Pope, Caufield, Finley McBride and Mrs. Viola Godfrey. Wednesday night the Altar Society of St. John's Catholic church gave a delight ful entertainment at Knapp's Hall that was largely attended. A brief musical program was followed by games and refreshments and a thoroughly enjoyable social .time. The program included the following numbers: Instrumental solo. L' Amazon Mazurka, Miss E. Quinn; vocal solo, selected, Mrs. E. Sheahan; instru mental solo. Earl Kink, Miss M. Draper; vocal duett, L'Addio, Mrs. E. Sheahan and Mr. N. Michels. S A. F. Shultz has gone to Medford on business. ' I Wm. Loveridge, of Woodburn, was in the city Saturday. i City Attorney Franklin T. Griffith was n Salem Tuesday. ( Miss Anne English was the guest of. Miss Albright Sunday. j Miss Marjorie Caufield visited last Sun day with Salem friends. Dr. C. B. Smith, of Eagle Creek, was in the city Wednesday. Miss Aimee Bollack is home from Salem fdr an over-Sunday visit. Mrs. George Dahl is dangerously ill at her home in this city. W. W. Everhart and F. H. Dungan, of Molalla, were in the city Monday. 1 Miss Kate Ridings', of Marquam, was visiting in Oregon City last week. 1 Attorney W. S. ITRen has returned from several days spent at Salem. Henry Troge, a leading farmer of Da mascus, was in the city last Friday. T. G. Jonsrud, of Kelso, was in the city Wednesday on business in the probate court. Miss Louva Randall left Saturday morning for a visit with her parents at Q Mrs. Susan King, of Eagle Creek, was . Glen. convicted by a jury in the Justice Court Wednesday of the charge of cruel treat P. J. Ridings, a merchant at Marquam, wan Hnlne Tnusriness fit Oreeron Citv S fit ment of a horse. The testimony was to I ur(jay W. M. Shank has Just completed plant ing five acres of potatoes at his farm near Canby as an experiment in the way of arly planting. He expects to plant about fifteen acres more in the spring. The two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Johnston, of Logan, died last Wed nesday night of complications resulting from pneumonia. Funeral services were conducted at the late home Friday morn tag. In the matter of the appeal in the case of State vs. George W. Lauth, convicted murderer of Mrs. Leonora B. Jones, in this city last September, Deputy Prose cuting Attorney Schuebel is having print ed the brief) for the respondents. It is expected that the motion for a new trial will be speedily passed on by the appelate court as soon as the appeal papers can be perfected and admitted. By shooting himself as he was sur rounded by a squad of detectives and about to be arrested, Joe Florebelloe, a Portland Italian, who murdered Amelia Sirianni last Friday night, saved the tax payers of Multnomah county about $1000. And besides, it is probable that tne mur derer would not have hanged at the rate murderers are being treated in this state. W. H. Adair, G. A. Heinz and Mr. Moulton have concluded an exchange of their residence property in West Oregon City to Judge Wm. Galloway for a valu able farm of the latter' s in Yamhill county. Jailor Nehren had his charges, five in number, out for their initial exercises Wednesday breaking rock." The crushed rock will be used in the improvement of Eighth street bordering on the court house grounds. Al Fairclough left last week for the mining lands in the Ogle Creek district in which he is largely interested. As the work of developing these properties pro gresses, the quality of the ore that is being taken out increases in richness. There was this week exhibited at Al bright's meat market on Main street a real live black "bar." The animal was killed near Highland, by Curtis, son of Mat Kandle. Bruin was about two years old and weighed nearly 100 pounds dressed. The exercises incident to the dedica tion of the new hall of Abernethy Grange No. 346, Patrons of Husbandry, at Park place, .Saturday afternoon, were largely attended by prominent Grangers of the county 'and state. Seven candidates were initiated at the closed evening sessions and splendid addresses were delivered by Captain J. T. Apperson, Mrs. Mary S. Howard, state secreetary; and Judge Wm. Galloway. At the Grange Hall at Parkplace Mon day night Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Ingram were joined by their fellow members of the local G. A. R. post and the W. R. C. and very enjoyably celebrated their silver wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. In gram were united in marriage at Os borne, Kansas, February 12, 1880, but the celebration of the event since it fell on Sunday, was deferred until Monday night. They have been residents, of this locality for a great many years. the effect that the woman struck the animal with a pitchfork, causing the prongs to penetrate the flesh. But five minutes elapsed from the time the case I Shaw. went to the Jury until a verdict had been returned. Justice Stipp fined Mrs. King $50 and warned her never to be brought before him again on the same charge as suring her that in such an event he would give her a jail sentence. Wick Huff, of Eugene, was in the city the first of the week, the guest of H. M. J. C. Haines and W. S. Hallinan, of Milwaukle, were in Oregon Cit last Friday. B. B. Colbath, former sheriff of Marion County, was in the city from Salem, Thursday. D. A. James, a merchant at Colton. Captain D.-C Hatch, of Oak Grove, was an Oregon City visitor a few days I has been visiting with relatives at Ca ago. Mr. James and his brother, G. H. I nemah. James are two of Clackamas county's M g deputy collector of In- prosperous warmers, ana are ie owners . . Tt-vsnue. returned Friday night of a yoke of oxen that tip the scales at ffrom saiero ' 3600 pounds. The animals will be ex hibited ae the Lewis & Clark Fair. The Carlton & Rosenkrans Company, leading merchants of Canby, have filed articles of incorporation in the office of County Clerk Sleight. E. H. Carlton F. A. Rosenkrans, E. E. .Bradtl and Geo. Fletcher are the incorporators of the company which has a capital stock of $20,000. .' Miss Lulu Spangler has returned - to Corvallis after a visit with her sister, Mrs. L. L. Porter. Miss Alice Gale, who has been visiting in Oregon City, left last Monday night for Spokane. Prof. J. B. Garland, president of the Silverton Business College, was in Ore gon City Tuesday. Miss K. Gertrude Bashor, stenographer at tne woolen mills,, visited with Salem 'm. "Douses The quality must be supreme. It is the one consideration, whether the quantity and price be little or great. In buying Homatro pine, which costs about $2 for 5 grains, we are very particular to be sure the quality 'is right; and in buying Borax, which costs $2 for 20 pounds, we are just as particular about the quality. "We do not advertise cheap drugs, nor offer cheap medicines for the sick, but we will promise to show that if you buy drugs at prices lower than ours, you have bought lower quality. It is our business to buy and sell quality in our drug department, and we maintain a constant watch over incoming and ourgoing drugs to see that they are up to the highest standard. It pays in the long run. People KNOW that the prescription from Huntley's is all that it ought to be. And remember that the same care and service is given to every prescription, no matter what doctor writes it. Huntley Brothers Qtiality Druggists Co. By the payment of $25 and making sev eral valuable concessions, the Oregon Iron & Steel Company secured from Prof. relatives over Sunday. T. .T. Oarv nprmfsalnn tn remove their 1 meteorite across a corner of Gary's land I Mr. and Mrs. Orville O. Wingfleld, of This insures smooth sailing for the me- The Dalles, were visiting with Oregon teorite unless 'some unforseen and im- I City friends last Saturday. proDaDie conjngency arises. - wnen tne Wm Knjgnt, a former sheriff of this meteorite has been moved over the 100 county now residing at Canby. was will be on land belonging to the Oregon I Iron & Steel Company over which it can Miss Burckhardt and the Misses Muis- be readilv conveyed to the countv road I doerfer, of Portland, were the guests and thence to this city where it will be I Sunday of Mrs. H. S. Mody. loaueu onto a oarge anu taiten ia rort- . lv,rf ,rIr,n r.wntii. land. I ... . . , ,,,, m r-iar.it- llve ill tile auiic ic6"M.ius ..wm. arnas county, was in Oregon City the Some time Tuesday forenoon a sneak atter part of last week from his home at tniei entered tne room occupied Dy Marry I Clackamas. v. Alien over me nea rrom store- ana ap proprlated Mr. Allen's overcoat. The first railroad locomotive ever run in Oregon will form an interesting exhibit Argument pro and con in the matter of the claim of Mrs. Annie King for $32 against the estate of Juliett Trullinger, deceased, was had in the protfate court Monday. Claimant, who was represented Maurice E. Bain, at one time editor of the Oregon City Press, but now engaged in the mining business at Sumpter, was visiting with old Oregon City friends Wednesday- Daniel Geiser, . a former resident of The valentine season was recognized and properly observed in Oregon City last evening. Pioneer ChaDter. Order of Dy juage xu. tiayes. claims mat amount. Eaatern sta ave a delierhtful St. Val- due for services as housekeeper and nurse entine.s party at the Masonic hall and for Mrs. Trullinger prior to her death. there was given a public dance at the C. Schuebel appeared for the estate and by Turney's orchestra. 8 Shoes arc attiving daily at The Douglas Shoe Store. The largest and most up-to-date stock can be found there. Everything in the shoe line, from a dainty baby shoe to a heavy logging shoe. All honest made to give hon est wear. Absolute sat isfaction is our motto. A trial is all we ask. ouglas Shoe Store Sole Agents for the "W. L. Douglas Shoe MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY, ORE. Ralph H. Slaughter is suing C. A. Ryan ! et al in the state circuit court to recover $140 alleged to be due on a promisory note. The foreclosure of a mortgage on 40 acres of land in t 6 s r 1 e is also asked I Oregon City but now engaged., in the by the plaintiff who apears by George C I growing of hops in the Silverton district. Brownell and Chris Schuebel. waa doing business at Oregon City one day recently. H. W. Hancke, designer for the Oregon City Manufacturing Company, left this week for New York City where he will remain for several weeks on business in the interest of the company. Mrs. F. A. Miles, who has returned from Davton. reDorts that tne conamon oi Mrs. Jane Bingman. of Canemah. was her daughter, Mrs. Roy Martin, who has reminded of her 59th birthday Monday been seriously ill with typhoid fever, is night when about fifty of her neighbors improving. The condition of Mr. Martin paid her an unannounced visit that was I continues alarming. silllrf pninuorl Vi7 thp fiiirnriopH aa TX7 ol 1 nortipfentiro- TtTr-n Bin, io I Senator Brownell, Representative Hunt fv, moth nr Pn.mtv Tfor-rto I lev and J. IT. Campbell spent last Sun- Sam. L. Stevens and Mrs. C. E. Midlam. day at their Oregon City homes from a I week at the state legislature, ttepres Deputy County Clerk Fred Greenman entative Jagger joined an excursion of issued, a marriage license Tuesday to C. R. Noblett and Jennie E. McManis, who went to Portland where thhe marriage ceremony was performed. Mr. Nwblett is the former night police officer of Oregon City and with Mrs. Noblett will reside on a farm near Needy that he recently rent ed. HAM, LARD AND BACON FOR CASH elvcrj d to all parts of City. Phoae calls Promptly Attended Phone J 847 CAIN & RAMSBY, ELY, OR 3 SOCIAL EVENTS i all of the members ' of the comapny. The occasion was a happy one and when the party disbanded at midnight; . they all proposed toasts and drank to the , health of their esteemed neighbor. Those Utah will-have a comprehensive ex- forming the company were: Mr. and Mrs. hibit at the Lewis & Clark Exposition. , Fred Rakel, Mrs. Edward Elliott, and It is expected that a s(ate pavilion will Captain D. C. Hatch, of Portland; Mrs. be erected. - I Clara Fields. Mrs. David Turnev. Mr. J Jennie Bingham, Mrs. M. Bolton, Mrs. Cupid was temporarily defeated in his ; Cathero, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. pranks here Wednesday when a blushing E. J. Marshall, Mrs. Bowers, Mrs. Willis, voune man from the Molalla section an- ' Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. peared before Deputy County Clerk Green- Will D. Mar fin, Mrs. Julia Frost, Misses man and presented an unsigned permit Grace Marshall, Mame Long, Bertha from the parents of his intended sane- Bertha - Long, Ada Frost, May Bolton, tioning the marriage of their daughter to Elma and Sarah Taylor; Messrs. Her- himself. The embarassed young, man mann and Willie Rakel, Archie and El- was Sam Coleman who was accompanied 0011 Long, Gilbert Long, Alfred Bolton, by the necessary witness, Wm. Lusk. also .lneist batch, Ralph Scheurer, Roy and legislators to Newport and Taquina Bay, The Woodmen of the World Chorus, of Denver, will compete for the choral prize at the ! Lewis & Clark Exposition. Pro fessor Gyylim Thomas, who has been drilling - the chorus for several months. sained distinction by training the Denver Choral Society chorus, which won first Trve nt St.' LouiS. preliminary arrangements are being nf tot.m oles have arrived maae tor me aistnct i. tr. a. kj. m. um- i , fht, ywi X, Clark ExDOSition grounds. vention that will be held at Oregon City, ,u form an interesting part of the ITnfnVi 9 A n-n4 C T J J ...... " "f"11 " c IT.,! tA statoa Rnvernment's'Alastail ais win uts ii t'ir i y one nuoarea delegates in attendance at the convention which will conclude with a grand praise service at the Congregational church Sunday even ing, March 5. play at the fair. Last Sunday aroup of pleasure seek ers visited the small lake in the Chau tauqua grounds fdr a skate ond without being aware of the treacherousness of the thin ice, two young men broke through. E. Himler, being in the most dangerous position, narrowly escaped drowning. He was rescued by means of poles. It was excitable work as the young man in peril was constantly call ing for help, exclaiming that he was drowning. Preaching next Sunday morning at Ely Congregational ChapeL' In the evening th ennereeation will join in a union service at the U. B. Church. At the distribution gift saIeof I. Sell ing following are the lucky numbers. Holders will please present tickets There is now scheduled for the local bowling alley a contest between' the "tall and leans" and the "shorts and fats." . The former team wil consist of McCord, Stewart, and Pete'Frye, Fair clough and Osmund with a sixth man yet to be named. Among those who will play with thhe team of greater avoirdu pois are: Goodfellow, Nelson, and Rucon ich. The date for the game has not been fixed. 17334 20918 8565 18098 19945 15553 21209 17882 9180 31116 Prize 1 2 . ' 3 " 4 " 5 " 6 " 7 " . 8 " 9 " 10 Liquor License. Notice is hereby given, that I will .ap ply at the next meeting of hte City Coun cil for a renewal of my saloon license at my present place of business. Main and Seventh Streets. J. W. COLB. of Molalla. Bravely the young man handed to the Deputy Clerk the precious document which upon investigation failed to disclose the signature of the p)arents. Because of the ommission. Deputy 'Green- man was compelled to deny the issu ance of the license until the permit had been properly indorsed. The disappointed young man went home with a resolve to retirn fully prepared next time. tO. D. Eby and C. E. Ramsby, of this city who were raised at Molalla, declare that everything that happens between the Willamette river and the Cascade mountains is placed to the credit of some Molallaite and they declare that in this instance that there must be some ques tion as to whether or not the prospective groom is actually a resident of Molalla. They insist that if the party mentioned is a native of their locality he would have seen that the permit was properly signed before he started from home. George Martin. The Massachusetts State Building at the Lewis & Clark Exposition - will be larger that the pavilion the state erected at St. Louis. In honor of her seventy-sixth birth day anniversary, Mrs. Captain Sebastain Miller, of Canemah, was surprised at her home at Canemah Saturday evening by a company of about fifty of her friends and neighbors. Mrs. Miller is a pioneer of 1S52, havifig crossed the plains in that year with her husband, the late Captain Sebastain ' Miller, who made his first trip as an engineer on the Willamette river being in charge of the steamer Canemah. Mrs. Miller is a native of Virginia, re moving to Ohio when a child. In 1852 she came to Oregon, locating at Cane mah where she has resided continuously. At the party Saturday evening the mem- oers of the company came loaded down with good i things to eat and enjoyed an impromptu musical program and a genu ine good time that went to make the evening a memorable one for the esti mable .woman and those participating in the surprise. The musical program in cluded the following numbers: Duett by Long and Bolton; quartet. Long, Bolton, Hatch and Long; solo. Miss Grace Marsh- j all; solo, Mame Long... Some old fashion- ! ed quadrilles were indulged in by the old- j er members of the company, this part of j 4 Seasonable Delicacies Fine Mackerel, Cod t- ish, Salt Salmon and Anehoyis Also a new crop of nutsjjust arrived. Don't forget M G.B. Coffee in 1, 2 and 3 pound cans, the fin est in the land. , Electric Grocery D. M. Klemsen, Prop. i Main Street, near Electric Hotel the evening's program concluding with a I cake-walk that was participated in by. ft i