Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 10, 1905, Image 6

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    OHKUON' CITY RN'TW.Wh, J hIIUI, frmfttTAKY , 10W.
M the Circuit Court of the Stste of Ore- !
yon. for rinrkamns County.
Mbtv V Knox, rinlntlff,
LolKhtw B. Knox. Defendant.
To I,elrhton B. Knox, deefndant:
In the name of the State of OrepMl
you ere hereby required to appear and
infW(T he complaint filed against you '
In the above entitled suit, on or before
the Ith day of March, 1905, that being-
the lat day prescribed In the order of j
nubile I Inn of this summons, and If you j
fall to so appear and answer said com-'
plaint the plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief therein prayed, to
wit: a divorce from the marriage exlst
1ns between you and pfclntlff.
This summons Is published In the Ore-
iron City Enterprise by order of Hon.
Thos A McBrlde, Judge of the Circuit P""1 wl1 nd Testament of Fhlllpp Rons.
Court, made on the 17th day of Janu- deceased, by order of the County Court,
rv. 19. for six consecutive weeks; the!"' Clackamas County, State of Oregon,
first publication being on the 20th day of "J hv dul' QHuVJ Any
Jsnuarv. 1905.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the County of Clackamas.
Maitlno Peazolo, Plaintiff,
Palmira Peuolo, Defendant.
To Palmira Pcisolo, the above named
In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
In the above entitled suit, in the above
named court on or before Saturday,
March 11, 1905, the same being six weeks
from the first publication of this sum
mons, and you will take notice that If
you fall to so appear and answer said
complaint, the Plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief demanded In said
complaint, to-wlt That the bonds of mat
rimony existing between you and Plain
tiff be dissolved.
This summons Is published by the
order of the Hon. Thos. A. McBride,
Judge of the Circuit Court of the County
of Clackamas. State of Oregon, in the
Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly news
paper of genera) circulation in Clacka
mas County, for six weeks, commencing
Friday, February 3, 1905, and continuing
to and Including Saturday, March 18,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Jennie Duffy, Plaintiff,
James Duffy and E. O. Caufield, Defend
ants. To James Duffy, the above named De
fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon:
Tou are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
In the above entitled court and suit
within six weeks from the date of the
ret publication of this summons, and
if you fail to so appear and answer said
eomplalnt the above named plaintiff will
apply to the Court for the relief demand
ed therein, to-wit: For a decree dissolv
ing the5 bonds of matrimony now existing
between said plaintiff and you, a rea
sonable sum for alimony and for the
nurture and education of the four minor
children of plaintiff and you, for the pay
ment of $750 to plaintiff of the money
now in possession of defendant, E. G.
Caufield, as administrator of the estate
of Patrick Duffy, deceased, owned by
you as your distributive share c said
state, to apply on the decree awarded
for alimony aforesaid, that plaintiff be
given the care and custody of said four
minor children, and for such other re
lief as equity may require. This sum
mons is published In pursuance of an
order of Hon. Thomas F. Ryan, Judge
of the County Court of the State of Ore
gon for Clackamas County, made on the
87th day of December, 1901. The time
prescribed In said order for the publica
tion of this summons is once a week for
six consecutive weeks; the date of the
ret publication thereof is the 39th day
f December, 1904.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, for Clackamas County.
John Clarence Statler, Plaintiff,
Tamsie Statler, Defendant.
To Tamsie Statler, Defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
yeu are hereby required to appear and
Do not take chances on it wearing away or experiment with some
which will only half cure it at best, and leave the bronchial tubes and
susceptible to attack from the germs of Consumption.
not only stops the cough but heals and strengthens the lungs and pre
vents serious results from a' cold.
It Saved Kis Life After tho Doctor Said He Had Consumption.
W. R. Davis, Vissalia, California, writes: "There is no doubt but what FOLEY'S HONEY
AND TAR saved my life. I had an awful cough on my lungs and the doctor told me I had
consumption. I commenced taking FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR and found relief from
the first and three bottles cured me completely.
THREE SIZES, 25c, 50o and $1.00
.answer the complaint filed, aealnst you
In the above entitled suit by the SMth
1y of February, 190S. and If you Ml
to answer or appear herein, the plalntlfr
will apply to the court for the relief de
manded In his said complaint, to-wit:
that the bonds of matrimony existing
between the plaintiff and defendant be
dissolved, and for general relief.
This summons Is published by order of
the County Judge of the County of Clack
amas, Orenron, made, the 11th day of
January, 1M5.
Attorney for rialtitlft.
Pate of last publication February 24. 1908
Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby (riven that the un
dersigned have been duly appointed Ex
ecutrix and Executor respectively of the
and all persons having claims against
the said estate are hereby notified to
present the same, duly verified, to the
undersigned, at Qregvn City, Oregon,
within six months from the date of this
Dated and first published February 10,
Executrix and Executor of the Last Will
and Testament of Phillpp Rooa, de
Attorneys for Estate.
Treasurer's Notice.
I now have money to pay county war
rants endorsed prior to March 1, 1902.
Interest will cease on such warrants on
the date of this notice. Dated at Ore
gon City, Oregon, this 10th day of Feb
ruary. 1905- ENOS CAHILL.
Treasurer of Clackamas County, Oregon.
Department of the Interior, Land Office
at Oregon City, Oregon. January 21, 1905.
Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
.settler has filed notice of his
intention to make final proof In support
of his claim, and that said proof will be
made before the Register and Receiver, at
Oregon City, Oregon, on March 7. 1905, vii
Paul Praeger,
H. E. No. 12663. for the Nt of NEi.
SE4 of NEVi A NEVA SEVi. Sec. IS.
T. 4 S., R. 5 E.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, vis:
John Straight, of Garfield. Oregon.
A. Richardson, of Parkplace. Oregon.
II. Sowers, of Garfield. Oregon.
J. L. Small, of Portland. Oregon
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has been duly appointed as Ad
ministratrix of the estate of B. F. Bar
stow, deceased, and any and all persons
having claims against the said estate
must present them to the undersigned,
at the office of my attorneys In Oregon
City, Oregon, within six months from
date of this notice.
Dated this 25th .day of January. 1905.
Administratrix of said estate.
Dlmlck & Dlmick. Attorneys for Admin
istratrix. Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby given that the under
signed has been duly appointed admin
istrator of the estate of Christina Gort
ler, deceased, by order of the County
Court of Clackamas couty, Oregon, and
has duly qualified as such. Any and all
persons having claims against the estate
are hereby notified to present the same
duly verified according to law, at the
office of Dimick & Llmlck, Garde Build
ing, Oregon City, Oregon, within six
months from the date of this notice.
Dated and first published January 27,
1905. W. H. GORTLE4R,
Administrator of said estate.
Dimick & Dimick, Attorneys for Admin
istrator. Notice to Creditors.
Ella Schwlng Estate. Notice is hereby
given that the undersigned has been ap
pointed Administrator of the estate of
Ella Schwlng, deceased, by the County
Court of the state of Oregon, for Clack
amas County and has qualified. All per
sons having claims against said estate
are hereby notified to present the same
to me at the office of the County Clerk,
e mi
Oregon City, Oregon, with proper vouch'
is and duly vor tiled within six months
from the date hereof.
Dated and llrst published February J,
Fit AN K H. nil.EY,
Timber Land, Act Juna S, 1878 Notice
Tor Publication.
Cnlted States Land Office. Oregon City,
Oregon, January 12, 1905.
v.mic- u fcrrebv alven that In compll
itot with the provisions of the act of
OoTeM Of Jub t, 1878, entitled "An
... . .v i lie sate of timber lands In the
States of California, Oregon. Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as extended
to all the Public 1nd States by act of
August 4, 1893,
Carson C. Marlcls,
of Cliukes, county of Clackamas. State
of Oregon, has this day tiled In this of
ftco his sworn statement No. 6516, for
the purchase of the W'H. SWVi. NE14
8V of Section No, SO, In Township No.
4 South. Range No. 3 East, and will of
fer proof to show that the land sought
Is more valuable for Its timber of stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before
Register and Receiver at Oregon City
Oregon, on Wednesday, the 29th duy of
aiurcn, jeo.
He names as wltnesse:
Robert H. Snodgrass, of Mcadowbrook.
Abo L. I.arklns, of Mcadowbrook.
George Hofstettcr, of Clarkes.
Curden fmlth, of Mullno.
Any and all persona claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are request
ed to tile their claims In this office on or
before said 29th day of March, 1905.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby given that the under
signed has been by the County Court of
the State of Oregon, for the County of
Clackamas, appointed Administrator of
tho estate of Bell Potter, deceased.
All persons having claims against suld
estate are hereby required to present
the same, properly verified, to the under
signed at the office of Bruce C. Curry In
Oregon City, within six months from
the date of the first publication of this
Administrator of the esate of Bell Potter,
Bruce C. Curry, Attorney for Adminis
trator. First publication, January 20, 1905.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice Is hereby given that tho under
signed administratrix of the estate of
Michael M. Shlvely, deceased, has filed
In the County Court of the State of Ore
lion, for Clackamus county, her final
account as such administratrix of suld
estate and that Monday., the 6th day of
I March, 1905. at the hour of 10:30 a. m..
has been flexd by said County Court as
the time for hearing of objections to
said report, and the settlement of said
E. P. Morcom. Woodburn, Oregon,
Attorney for Administratrix.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the County of Clackamas.
John M. Bendroth. Plaintiff,
Alma P. Bendroth. Defendant.
To Alma P. Bendroth, the above named
In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
In the above entitled suit, In the above
named court on or before Saturday,
March 11, 1905, the same being six weeks
from the , first publication of this sum
rnons, and you will lake notice that If
you fall to so appear and answer said
complaint, the Plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief demanded in said
complaint, to-wlt That the bonds of mat
rimony existing between you and Plain
tiff be dissolved.
This summons Is published by the
order of the Hon. Thos. A. McBrlde,
Judge of the Circuit Court of the County
of Clackamas, State of Oregon, In the
Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly news
paper of general circulation In Clacka
mas County, for six weeks, commencing
Friday, February 3, 1905, and continuing
to and including Saturday, March 18,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice to Creditors.
George Schwlng Estate. Notice Is here
by given that the undersigned has been
appointed Administrator of the estate of
George Schwlng, deceased, by the County
Court of the State of Oregon, for Clack
amas County and has qualified. All per
sona hnvliiK claims against said estate
are hereby notified to present the same
to me at office of the County Clerk. Hie-
goit City, Oregon, with proper vuiicl'cis
and duly verliled within six months from
the date hereof.
Dated mid llrst published February 3.
lie Lands to tfeulenn nt ami Entry.
Department of the IiiUuol, Uiucm! Lund
Olllce, Washington, D. I'.. January 6,
lliOft. Not leu I" hereby given llral on
lVivinber 15, 1904, the Hoeietuiy of the
Interior released from withdrawal nnd
restored to settlement t h public land
111 the following described ureas willed
were temporarily withdrawn tm August
.1. 19IKI. for proposed additions to The
Cascade Range rorest Reserve; and that
the said public lands so released from
wtth.liiiwul and restored to settlement on
December 15. 1901, will become sulilect
to entry, tiling and selection at the
I'niled Stales Land Oltlees for the re
spective districts In which the lesloied
lands lie, vis: at Oregon Clly and Kuan
burg. Oregon, on May 1, 19U6: Townships
live tt), six (), uml seven (7) riouili,
Uiingv four (O East. W. M ; In Town
ship eight (til Houth, ItutiKt four ttl
Kust, the West half of Section two ('.').
Sections three S to ten (10), boll) In
clusive, the south half and north-west
quarter of Section eleven (III, the north
west quarter of Section fourteen (14).
the north half ami south-west quarter
of Section fifteen (15). Sections sixteen
(li!) to twenty CO), both Inclusive, the
noilh-west quarter of Sect Inn twenty
one CD, tho south half and north-west
quarter of Section twenty-nine (-!').
Sections thirty ClU) nnd thirty-one (.11).
and the west half of Section thirty-two
t.i.'l, In Township nine (9) Houth, Range
four (4 East. Sections live (6), six (ti),
seven (7), thirteen (18) and fourteen (14),
the south half of Section fifteen (15).
Sections sixteen (16) to thirty-six U.
both Inclusive; In Township ten (10)
South, Range four (II East, Sections
olio (1) to twenty C.'Ui, holli Inclusive,
the south-West quurter of Section twenty
one 1211, the north-east quarter of Sec
tion twenty-two CCD. Sections twenty
three (23), twenty-four (24), and
twenty-live (25), the north half and
southeast quarter of Section twenty-six
tJtil, Sections twenty-nine C"J) to thirty
two (32), btith Inclusive, the south half
and north-West quarter of Section thirty
three (33), the south-west quurter of
Section thirty-four (34), the south-east
quurter of Section thirty-live (35), Sec
tion thirty-six (3t); In Township eleven
(ID South. Range four (4) East. Sec
tions four (4) to nine (9), both Inclusive.
Sections sixteen (lti) to twenty (20),
both Inclusive, the north half nnd south
west quarter of Section twenty-one (21),
the west half of Section twenty-eight.
Sections twenty-nine (2'.i) ami thirty
(301; In Township twelve (12) South,
Range four (4 East. Sections three (3) to
thirty-three (33), both Inclusive, and Sec
tions thirty-five (35) anu thirty-six (3ti;
all In the Oregon City Ijmd District;
Townships fourteen (1)1. fifteen (H),
sixteen 1 16) and seventeen (17) South,
twenty-two 22) South, Range one (1)
West; In Township twenty-three (23)
South, Range one (1) West, Sections one
(I) to eleven 111), both Inclusive, Sec
tions fifteen (15) to lwenty-nn (2D, both
Inclusive, snd Sections twentv-elght (2t)
to thlrty-lliree (.13), bolh Inclusive; In
Township twenty-four (24) South, Rangu
one il) West. Sections five (51 to nine
(9), both Inclusive, the west half of Sec
tion fourteen (It), Sections fifteen (15)
to twenty-three (23). both Inclusive, and
Sections twenty-five (2i) to thirty-six
(y'i). bolh Inclusive; In Township twenty
live (25) South, Range one (1) West.
Sections one ( 1 1 to twenty-three (23).
bolh Inclusive, the north huif of Sections
twenty-four (21) and twenty-six (26),
Sections twenty-seven (27) to thirty-ono
ill), both Inclusive; In Township thirty
CM) South, Range one il) West, Sections
one tl), two (2) anil three (3), Sections
live (5) to twenty-three CCD. bolh In
clusive, and Sections twenty-seven (27)
to thirty-six (36), bolh Inclusive; In
Township thirty-one (31) South, Range
one ID West. Sections five (5). six (6),
seven (7) and eight (S), the south-west
quarter of Section nine (9). Sections fif
teen (15) to twenty-one (21), both In
clusive, and Sections twenty-seven (27)
to thirty-six (36). both Inclusive, all In
the itoscburg Ijind District.
J. H. KIM PI, K. Acting Commissioner.
Approved: TlioS. RYAN, Acting Secre
tary of the Interior.
Pnhllclr Indorsed Tit the Superintendent of
the grejl I'KOl'LES MISSION, who says it
People's Mission.
-v , Washington. D.fl , ruhrutry 89, 1904.
ThsOrrln Co., luc, wutiington, U.c.
ilhilniiin It i Turjr grtir;iux in.tefl for m
to rnourt to jrnu that Orrtna haa provan to my aatira
ati(rtii.n Dial it la a (.: ill r for druiikelinioa. A
natiant wlici hail baea lriuing about a piut of
Whi7 a ilay (or a great iimnr yi.ra waa com.
rlatfly rnra'l within ten (Jayn Iroin tlm tuna lia took
thaflratilnaa of Orrina, ami he ia now rntora. to
parfnrtaoliriatr. I nhavll ha !! to ha'a you rafar
any iron to nia for a rarlflratHin of thiaxtatrmant.
I am rnnTinraalOrrina nacura for that tarnhlailia
aaa,druukeiinaa. Wiahing you raal auccana, 1 am.
loura Try truly.
Hapaiuitauuout i'aopla Miaaion,
S I . Dr I To cur 1,h""t patient's know!.
R edge, buyOrrineNo. 1; forTolnn
oox. t tarT treatment, biiy Orrlne No. 2.
Book on " rirunkannmn (aaalail) f rna on rauuaat.
Orrina mailed (aoalaO) on r-eaipt of l.0U by
The Orrine Co., Inc., WashingtOB, D. C.
Soil snd racommandad by
unknown preparation
lungs weakened and
In the County Court of the Stale of Ore
gon, for the ( 'utility of Clacliaiiuis.
hi the tiinller of Hie K.'tHte of ('liiinicc
M Wilson, a minor
To Jnhesh Wilson, , tin lluarillall of (he
Kslate of I he above named CliiU'iice M
Wilson, a minor, ('. W, Nohlell, on. I V.
II. Sampson:
Whereas, an application hiivliut been
tnildc on Hie 7th day or February, limn,
by t'liinnce M, Wilson, above niiiiied.,
for an older directing Unit a Citation
b'siic, directed to .tubeuli Wilson, as
(luardlan of said Clureucii M Wilson, and
C, W, Nohltilt nnd W. W, II Sampson
his boudsineti, directing you nnd each of
you, to matte and llle In this Court, u
Until account and report of Ihu mnliage
inenl of the Kslale of Clureticit M Wil
son, a minor, by Jabesh Wilson, us
(luardlan of the Kstate of said Clarence
M Wilson, a minor, showing a detailed
statement of nil money received, and of
all money paid out by the suld Jabesh
Wilson, as such (luardlan of the KsUlo
of suld Clureiu e ,M Wilson, from the
time of his appointment as such guniM
Ian, to tho time of the llllnK of this pe
tition herein; and
Whereas, this court has fixed and set
Saturday, the lllh day of March. A. I,
l'.xifi, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M of
suld day. nt the Court House, In the
County of f Iuchiiiiium, State of Oregon,
as the time und place for you to appear
and present to this court for Its settle
ment the report and tin a I count of the
said Jabesh Wilson, us gunidluit of lln
estate of suld Clarence M Wilson,
Now therefore, In the mime of the
Slate of Oiigoii. you. nnd each of you,
(lie hereby cited, dllucted Ulld required
at such time und place, to appear nnd
tile n report and final account of lh man
agement of the estate of suld (,'laiettee M
Wilson, by Jabesh Wilson, as guardian of
his estate, so that the same may Itv set
tled by this Court; or show cause why
such report Slid uccouut be (lot filed by
you, an prayed for In the petition imw on
tile In this Court.
Witness, the I lou.
Judge of suld Court, with the Seal of suld
t'ouit uttixed this 7th day of I'Vliruury,
K. A. Sl.i:it;ilT, Clerk.
Hy K. W. (SRKKNM AN. In-piny.
Pule of llrst publication Kebrtiury 10,
I'Jiiu, date of lust publication. March
10. I'M,.
Notlcs to C red I tor.
Tlm ninlrlBlKlli'd has been B(Milnteil
uilinlulntrutor of the eslale of Alva I,
lliiiilnuin. ileeeaseil by the County Court
of the Htute of Ori'itoii for Cl.u kuious
County. All imoii indebiei) to r buv
1 r i k i l.i I m atiitlnst salt! estate tare re
UUInil to present same to the umler
hIkikiI at Montavllln. OrcKon, "r at lb"
olllce of John V. IMler. Attorney at
l-.iw, Stevens llliltt . Oregon Clly. tile-
Koti, wlililn six months from Ibis ilate.
I Hid'. I I 'ebruury loth. 195.
l.iM rublbndon March 10, 19uf..
A. II HOOll,
Ailinlnlslrulor of mild estate.
Notlcs of Annual Fir Election.
Nollre Is hereby Klven Hint the nnuuiil
Klre Election of Ori-Kon Cy, (Iretfon
will be held on Monday, the lllh day of
March, rJUfi, In the Fountain Hose Coin
iany's bulldliiK ) the West side of Main
Htreet between Till and Klh Streets. Ire
K"n city, uri-iton, at which time it 1 1
place there will be elcclcd one Chief En-
Klneer, one Assistant KtiKjneer, and lliree
ineiiibets of the Hoard of Kirn Commis
sioners. The hiI1s shall be kept open
between the hours of i o'clock n 111. Ulld
4 o'clock p m. of said day.
President Hoard of Klre Commissioners.
W. A. Dlmlck. Hecretary.
Chamberlain's Cough Rsmedy the Moth
er's Favorite.
The soolhliiK and lieollnu properties (if
this remedy, lis pleasant taste, and
prompt permanent cures have made II
u favorite with people everywhere. It Is
especially prized by mothers of small
children, for colds, croup nnd wltooplhK
coiiKh, as It always affords quick relief,
and as II contains no opium or other
harmful drujr. It may be Klven as confi
dently to a baby as to an adult. For
sale by Ceo. A. Hardin.
l)rs. ricatle, & Reatln, Dentists, Ilooms
16, 17 18, Wclnhard Building.
Most delightful weather for mid-winter.
PlowllIK has bcKiin HKillll.
Much sickness Is abroad In the land.
Cleoi'Kii OkUi Is Mt 111 slowly linpruvInK,
but not yet out of dancer.
K. H. Duncan is up from his severe
spoil of sickness.
J. W. Thomas has been Wrestling with
pneumonia, for n week or more.
C. H. Hermen Is setting; out an orchard
these fine days.
K. K. Dart and I,. It. TeullltiKor have
been KriibblriK out a f w ncrea of land
this winter.
The Oregon Clly road Just north of
town Is Homi'ililnir terrlfflc.
The Molnlla Mutlnl Teli'phoni. Amicla
llon Ih ki'owIhk; l.iHt week itnnlhcr divis
ion was folded. The Mullno people nro
the folliH iIiIh time Unit yon will soon
hear from. .1. K. Cole, vice president or
the iiHHoclnllon attended a ineelliiK ut
Mullno, securltiK a dozen mcinliers lo
our iiiiiUh from Hint locality, who have
coimlriictcd their dlvlHlon line Into the
Molnlln HWlti'h-lioiird. Miti(iiam 1ms
built lo Molnlla, lum IriHlallcd smmi
phones, but no HWltch-bnfiid yet, im It
Ih very unpleasant talking lo nil of (hem
nt once. New Km bus oruHiil.i'd 11 mill
mil to connect with iih throiiMli Cmil.y
mid Rone rlKlit Into IhihIiu'HR.
Molnlln Assembly No. S2, I'nllefl Aills
uriH cloHoif lis contest lust Saturday nlnht
with a memliciHhl) roll of osmo Hcvenly.
live. It rnimt lmve been truly "Add
KellowH" nlrhl. for the "adds" Won out In
tho eonlcHt by over two humlicil polnls
nnd now nil tluit the "cvciih" hnvo to do
Ih to banquet the winning "oddH,' MIhh
'llbHon was captain of thn "JnppN" tluit
Hhowcd Ilio "UiiHlanH" bow to move.
Saturday, I'Vlinmry 4, Wl u fnilornal
duy lor Molnlla (IrniiKi, was In hchhIoii
Uirough flic day and nt nlKbt the Ar
tlHniiH and I. O. 0. K. lnflKes held foil!,
In Ihelr respirllvo hnlln. Mr. C. I. Olp
son iniido and pri'Hcntod the new I. O, O,
K. Indue with a new locker. Mr. W. o!
VaiiKlm furnished tho lumber for the
sanio sawod from timber grown on IiIh
Dr. J. J. Leavltt Ih laid up with pnau-
Prof. J. J, Clark went
to Oregon ('Hi,
tills week to take telichet
Mild serve ull a eoiiiailllen of (I,,, ,BWI(
,vi Chilli county exhibit,
KmIiiIh u( Anna lleltor, ib-ri'tian,
Nollen Is lieii-by pflvfil Unit Ibn lititter
sltilieit bum IHeit 111 (lie County Curt
the Hlul" nt Oii-miui, fur the County f
Clm liMiniiH. Ibbe Until in rouiil , r bin n,j.
iiiliilsliullon nt Hie mill estate ami Hint
unlit eoiiit lias Itxeil Moiulnv i,, cm,
ilay of MiiitIi, t !&. at Ibn hour of lu (Hi
o'clock In I he forenoon of ii, ,jy ,
the i-ouil room of sahl court, MS (he tlitm
uml iliii't of In-lit Init objections lo tlm
itlil llual iii'i'oiint.
Kxi-ciitor of I ho KM n I o of Anns l(i
1 1 K I i A IIUII'I I TII.
Alloineys for Mneciitoi',
l-'hst 1'nl.lii ti t leu Kehruary :o, luufi, (5)
Nutlcs to Crsdltori,
Notice Is hereby Klvntt lliat Ibn linder
slKiicd has been appointed by tlm County
Court of the County of Clui-kamus, Htntn
of (iri-tion, Administratrix of tlm tOatntn
of I'lvdellck Held, il-peased, and nil
persons huviiitf claims naltial said rs
lale are hereby required lu present Ilia
nine properly verified lo Ibn uuderslHiied
ill I he Dltlcn of I "Knit Hchllebel, at
On-ifon City, Oregon, within six iitonlha
from (be dale of Ibn llrst publication of
Ihls Untie- M Ally 111:1,11,
Administratrix rnluln of Frederick Held.
I" Il KN A NCIM'DlilCU Attorneys for
A I in 1 11 In 1 r tt t r I x
late of list publication, Kebrtiury 3
1 a
Notlcs of Sals.
I'nder authority of an nnler of ssl
Kin 11 1. -d by the County Omit nlld bjr
authority of the lnt will and testament
of Juliet I'. Trulllltllei, ll'-ccamd, I will
It l private sain thn fullowlnit des
cribed mil eslaln. to-wlt; Tho Houth
half of Hie followliiK described prMrly:
llcitliihliiit at Ho. H K Corner of Orln
MalliH.n I. I. C. In Heitlon No. 10, T
J H . It J Kast of thn W. M . and running
Ihctici. V. on Ibn M linn of said l I..C.
:l ti cbnlna. Ihencn N. ;j 06 chains,
thcitci, K, ;7 li) chains. Ihencn H. on the
Iv boundary of suld claim 1') Ot, chains
In the pluce of In llililoit. i nn t a Itillltf
elKhly acres morn or less
The sale will bn iiwi.b. on or after the
lllh day of March, I !(&, and bids will
be received nt I he oftlcr of I'lten A
Hchuebel. Ou-Kiiti Clly, On gon.
Terms of Hale. Cash.
I'ltei utor of Ibn I'Hliitn of Juliet '. Trull-
llllter. IVcensed,
listed IVIiriiury loth. 1906.
Mia Millir la slowly 1 1 env rrlntf fn-lii
lo r sli kin aa.
Crundtin Itnrlh dlrd Very suddenly at
the bomn of bis son Hunday. He will bn
burled In the Miller cemetery Wednes
day, r'rhruury Kth.
Mis. Cianilull expects la return bonm
lit Turner Ibis Week, Hhe was railed to
Manpiuin lo alien. I her sick mother. Mrs
J I'. Miller.
Mr, J. Hartli's sale was held yesterday
Slid cvrrythlnif hroiiicht koimI prices. Hn
I i m t . I ,
j dox h
Bold Jill) liens Which brolllthl til 90 tier
Mr. Wlllurd Newton's baby has been
III hot at present Is Improving ,
The Kpworlh IrfiiKiie of this pbu-n me
at Mr. Allen Jin k s lust nlk'h!,
Mr. Wlllurd Htev.ns and family vis
lied al Hie home of Mr. and Mrs. J. K.
Maripiain lust Humlsy.
Miss Pearl Inbo. the teachrr, was
sick with hi ttrlppe two days last week.
Mr, pert lllbbanl was quite sick last
Week With la Ifrlppn.
Mrs I,. (!. Itliu and Mrs, ('. J'arker
called on Mrs. Corbet one day this week.
School closed here last Friday, Febru
ary 3rd.
Miss Dora IIi-Ikk who has been work
IiihT In Portland, visited her parents. Mr.
und Mrs. Joseph IlrluKS.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Jones and Miss
I. llllan (ians were thn ituests ut Mr. J.
II. Hums and family last Hunday.
There will be 11 dance In Metropolitan
Hall. February 1905. flood mush; will
be 11 special feature of Ibn evenlriK. Sup
per will bo served at the hall. A luricn
dlnlnit hall will be built and will b rendy
hy the :2nd.' Kvcrybody cordially Invited
to attend nnd nil urn assured a Rood time.
Metropolitan hall Is situated four miles
east of Cunby ami near James Adkln's
Mrs. Jack Webb of Portland Intends to
spend the summer with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. H. H. C. Phelps,
Miss Mary Molzim visited her sister,
Mrs. Orrln Adklns of Mullno last Hatur
day. Umle Toedmeyer of Hlnfford Is VlsltlnK
his aunt, Mis. James Wllkerson of Ihls
A chlnook wind with an Oregon mlsl.
would he pnreiablo lo this wintry
A. I Voriler was nt thn county seat
Inst Friday ordeiinK sou,,, addlllonal ma
chinery, for Die saw mill here.
MIhh Nun Hehwari went to Portland
lust Friday lo spend a weclt or so In the
mei l opolls.
MIhh Kdiin Connid tnndo a trip to Boll
wood on Frlihiy of hiHt week lo visit her
1'ih'iiilH, the liliiHsciH, of that place.
O. p. Voder, who bus a posit Inn as let
ter currier lu (hi, metropolis wum up lo
sei, Hn, linnii, folks u week iiko yesterday.
We notice lu (ho 1111 til delivery items
In Inst week's Courier, that their sawmill
man Ih tnnilnir away unlllled orders, If lw
will klmily turn them our way their wants
will bo attended to, The mill here Iiiih
oiileiH ahem, but not to tlm turning
awuy point,
H. 10. Yodi r has none, to Portland and
Is IIiIiiMiik; Home of taklnK a poHltlon In
a biubci' Hliop. Italph Is ns ptollclcnt
Willi Hie ruKor und Hlicars iih niany u one
horse barber who Iiiih IiIh ceilillcali, In n
Kill fiTimo In full view of nil bis cuntom
ers. "VVn know whereof wn Rpiialt.
.Tim Hchwailz has the luiiibcr on the
(round for a new wooilHlii'iltlio wood
without tho fihed seems more. eHsentlnl
In this wintry wenthcr.
A. J. Yodor, who has been alllnr H
winter, Is not Improving as fiiHt as his
many friends would wlHh.