OHKGON CITY KNTKIH'JirSE, FRIDAY, FERRUATIY 3, 1905. i ( U AT V'.'. I I I 1 S I ,J V I i r , ' en- m h - v. I I It 1 11 4 ..' if ei to Hie ! I Mole 1 1 Bilii iilil C. GADKE THE PLUMBER JOHN YOUNGER, f fear Htintley'H Drug Htore, klY YEARS EXl'IiKIEXCE IN i I reat Hritain nnd America. r IRINK HABIT ktlMANENTLY CURED BY ORRIiME r4rik trnun' trankann. a 4im i,.ft.Mr.l. II ,.r"rn h-tl lh ' nmlrttl Dlilfh ! Imh liurBnl 4 OtHIM" RHOLUTION Of CONDOLENCE. At tt Stated communication of WlHiii'lio Trlbi', I. O. It. M., No. U, of Oregon (Ml, the following resolution wan uiiiinl inouitly pssscd, ordered enrolled iiiim tlm r ri'oi iJm of tli Tiibn iuhI it copy sent III tint WldilW of I'llllllll Itll'lM, Resolution. 'I'll" llll WlSII lllllcr of till) Dlllvel'Se, III till lufliillit w Imluin, 1 1 1 1 v 1 1 1 k ti 111 to remove from our mlifcil, our Brother I'llllllll HooN, we llllllllily bow lo llll dispensation of our Creator, acknowl edging ) t 1m wisdom In nil things, deeply iiiouniliiK'iliii loss of it frii'iii unit brother from liur councils, A worthy c(lUen fiuiri lli community In which w live, VV'ii rulrinl to the, bereaved widow unit orphan of our brother, the) few word of sympathy, and condolence, trusting ever In lln precepts of our fraternity, Unit tlm final Hphit who rules int gov erns nil things, will mini hi., mi'l eomfoit II i In llii'lr iilltiiilon. JOHN WEIHMANIiKL, J IC. llOWAWl, W. K, CAltLL, f'niiiirikli'ii. I hi-ihI(4 - bulie of tiiiinaii existence. Burdock Hlooil J 111 l it p cure It iroinilly, IH'i iimni-iilly. KKiilnt mi'l loni'ii tin) hIiiimiuIi. Niiiul (iitarrh quickly yield to treat, tnmit by Kly's Cream itahn, which ia agree ably aruumtio. It ia received tbrouuh th nostril, cleanaea and haul th whola aur fai OTer which it diffuaoa Itimlf JJruiUl oil tli 50o. kIzo ; Trial ! by mwl, 10 cwuU. 'lout it aul yon arn lure to ouutiiiu the troatiiiiitiL AiinouiKTiiiont. To aoix)iniii(nUto thoao who ar iiartial to Ua um of uUiuiizfir in a(lyiiis IniuiiU into the uiuutl j.anr for tttUirrlial trwu Urt, the oMprinUira riar ('rraia lialm in liuid form, hl h will be known m Kly'i I4iiiiil Cmnm llalra. Trice including the praying tnle it 7&ronU. I)rti)giaU or by mail. Tlm li pi id form Driibodina Uin nioJ. ieinal jiropertma of the toliil jTi'raUon. CENTENNIAL NOTES. An I'liilini iIUluy of toya will l n f. uluic nf H IUi iIiiiu)' ino.O'Ml rxlillilt nl (In- l.il ''link tVnti-ntilal. Oregon City Market Report (Corrected Weekly.) Whnat No. 1, 76o to 0o pir buahnl. Hour Vnlloy, MM pr hbl. Hard wheal, 4.I5. I'oillitnd, 11.15 per aock, llownrd'a Jli-al, 1.26 pt-r 'k. Outa In am;ke, $1.87 1-2 pi-r cental. C'hi-at Hf(l-1.76 to 12.26 p-r pound, liny Timothy, balnd, per ton; rloviT, til to 112; oat, 113 to fit; mixed hay, $12 to 113; cheat, til to IM, MlllKtiifra-Ilian, 120 per ton; ahorta $22. to per ton; ahop $20 per ton; borltiy, rolled $2) per ton. J'otaloi a HO lo 0 centa per aaok. Kaa ri'kim 21 to 30 Uox. Ilultei Kiiticli, .'10 lo 40c; aepiirutor and eieiitneiy, 00 lo 65. ClililiiKU- tOc per do, )nlona-2V4c per pound. llulilmid B(unh 46 to 80o per dox. Honey 11 to 12 1-20 per pound. (loud Applea-GO 0 to $1 a box. I'rtmea (Urld) I'etlle, 2j per lb; Ital ian, lame, Co per II); medium, I 1-2 e; Bllver, 4 l-2o. J;reaei ChlrkenaU'ie iT Wi. Llveatock and Dreeaed Meate Itf, live $2.60 to $3.26 per hundred. Hokb, live, 5 to 6 l-2c; lioa dreaaed centa; aheep, $2.00 lo $2 60 per hd; dreaaed 6c; vul ilreKaed, ( and huriha live, $2,00 to $2.60 per head. INTERESTING IRRIGATION EXHIBIT, ' riHniljf riti(iM Ih t rig arei im bMiia. fim" br wiing ilncriln on ti tnfi4mmrrm. itfm in m .lllll,ina, lairuilo t iimih ui4 i 0 SANITARIUM TREATMENT ', OR PUBLICITY! fa Mr vllbaal fwiual'a knnirlwlf. fen? Orrta l; J..r mlaiui; umIumuI, tui Orris ftm.. elll ilallr hreltk IneieM ttm el eni ta om fiU. M mum laal Urrlaa la a naMfe ' Ad cTefioa4MKe CMfldeatlaL I Pit ice, m rr.R box. ; Cart ctfeclcl tr Bene y niutitL tank en " Drank!" (m!i) rra n( rt ta nMt4 liilj va lel), of IXUbf bt Orrine Co., Inc., Waahinjton, D. C rreaiiial tr Howell A Jone, near Suapanalon Bridge ''jot City, Oregon. 1 OCilHSa84 I" ' i A i iii.. ieilve rKhlhl! nf Onunn i;mii whlrh won the Ktfmtl prize at HI Ia.iiIh. Ill roiiiiiilltl'iii with the Wnrlit, will lie uli.iwti nt the l wi A ( furk Kitlr. The I jiiiinui l Hweili-niMirit Cluh. "f Chi linn, mi uamM-lntliin InteriHted In the .. r.i lniilloti iiiul ilutn of the llluHtrnua ilillnMiiliir and arleutlat. will erreet a hiiinlniiliie pin III.. ii nt the l,ewl A Otnrk I'i'iil.'iinliil Wolk nil I tie lli'KiU lililI'llnK for the Iji-w ln A I jink IhitiHton haa heen hi-KUil, and the ImiIIiIIiik will he rntnpletrd tiy Miinh 16, The ulrin-tiire will Im of hunilaioine' " uran' e, 46x'jO feet and will ronl 'j:75. IF YOU ARE NOT PARTICULAR Don't travel over tho Illlnoiii Central, an any old roud will do you and w don't want your pntronaRo; but if you are particular and want the beat and iiu-un to have It, ank tho ticket HKiTit to route you via the ILLINOIS CKNTHAL tho road that runs through Molld vohIIIjiiIo train a between Bt. I'atil, Omaha, CIiIchko, St. Loula, MoiuphlH and Now Orleana. No additional charge In made for a iteut In our reclining chair cars which are fitted with lavatories and amok lux rooniH, and have a portor In at tendance. Katea via tho ILLINOIS CENTRAL are the lowewt and wo will bo Klad to quote them In connection with any tranHCoiiUnontul line. II. II. TRUMBULL. Commercial Agent, H2 Third Street, Portland, Oregon. J. C. LINUSEY, T. F. & I. A., 112 Third Street, Port land, Oregon. PAUL Ii. THOMPSON, Frt. and PuHKcnger Agent, Colman ' lildg., Seattle, Washington. Working Model at Lewli t Clark Fair Will Show What Haa Been Done to Redeem Arid Wettern Landi. I'otilntid. Keh. 2. lleeaua of the large firiiount of hind In tho rnelfle. Norlhweat whh h Ima heen OioroiiKhly reclaimed hy IrrlKHilon, and the IniK'-r amount which fla lit preaent worlhleaa on account i,t Ihe link of water aupply. the Irritation exhibit nt the l wla At f'hirk llxpoaltlon will prove uiiummlly itiatnu-tlve, imd will prove a marvel to tnat'Tn people, who know llllle of the wonderful reeulta which an nrtllicliil water aupply Ima uerom pllahed In many weatern dlatrlela. The exhlhlt will conalat luiK'ly i.t working mod-la of Irrigation project, the Urgent being iittiri.-i after the $3,000,000 plant now t;eti built In nouth ei n Arizona. The i,ii,del will ahow the manner of atorlnK the water by reaer volra, the method of carrylriK It Into the lowland, by tneana of eanula arid (lumea, and lla final dlMtrlhiitlon to the lanrla to ! IniKiitei). There will ulao be m'vjela of ilamn and renervolra, and ua exhibit of Inatrurni'iita uaed In 'letermlnlnic the amount of water which may be utilized from any given alrearn. In ndditlon to the. dlHplaya, there will be a practical Jlluatratloti of Irrigation method, on the ground bar k of the CJov eniment liiillilltig, on tho IVnlnaula In lulld'a Lake, where there will he a arnall farm with crop, growing on lurid actual ly Irrigated. Only one remedy In the world that will at once atop Itchlneaa of Ihe akin In any pint of the body; Ian'a Ointment. At any drug afore, h cent a. la It n burn? t'ae lr. Thoniaa' Hire-lib- !l A rut? fee !r. Thonma' Klec trie nil At your drugglHta. Nasal CATARRH la all It atatf. Ely's Cream Balm eleaniea, eoothea and hrtl the dineaned mrmhran. It corra catarrh and dmr wty a cold la the head alckly. Cream Italia ! plaoM Into the notrll.rpiTdj om the ntemtirane and It aheorlaxL Kallef la ha (edlat aod a Cor follow. Ill Dot drying doea tant produce annexing, large 8!, to cent at Ping (kU or by mall l Trial Bin, 10 ornu. KI.Y HllOTllKHS. M Warren Htwt, 'ew York Ucl I! VAL ENTIPJE i DAY Will be here in about two weeks. The old custom will be more popular this year than ever before. You should remember your wife or sweet heart on that day if no other. We have just opened up and have on dis play one of the largest and most varied assortments of valentines that has ever arrived in Oregon City. We bought a large quantity and in this way obtained the very lowest price which we intend giving you the advantage of. Come in and look them over, we're just as glad to show them whether you buy or not. LIQUID , VENEER Makes Old Things New For furniture, pianos, fine wood work, hard wood floors, carriages, bi cycles, etc. It deans, disinfects and veneers. Wood work that has had the polish spoil ed, by a dry cloth and soap and water can be made to take on a new lustre and given a clean brilliant appearance of newness by simply moisten ing a piece of cheese cloth with Liquid Veneer and passing over the surface. No rubbing, saves labor. Advertised everywhere at 50 Cents pet Can, Trial Size 5 Cents HOW ELL & JONES RELIABLE DRUGGISTS Chambers Howell Linn E. Jones J I Dragging Pains 2325 Keele; St., CmcAoo, III., Oct,, 2, 1902. I aufTrrd with falling- and con goation of the womb, with tevere pain through the gToin. I uf lered terribly at the time of men struation, had blinding headache and rushing of blood to the brain. M What to try I knew not, tor it Mined that I ha1 tried all and failed, but I bad never tried Wine of Cardui. that blesaed remedy for tick women. I found it pleaaant to take and soon knew that I had the ri(7ht medicine. New blood seemed to course through my veins and after using eleven bottle I was a well woman. Mrs. Bush it now in perfect health Waiise the took Win of Cardui for menstrual disorders, bearing down paint and blinding headaches wbea all other remedies failed t bring her relief. Any eaflerer may secure health by tak ing Vine of Cardui in her home. The first bottl convinces the pa tient she is on the road to health. M dvice in easet requiring iri-ctions. address, giving For arterial svmpUn- "The LadW Advisory T'epartn. The Chattanooga lledicinc Co.. Chattanooga, Tena. Pliant' V'' ' x Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable bj Kidney and Bladder Trouble. Kidnev trouble prevs npon the mind, discourugoandlesseiisambition; beauty, vigor ana cheerful ness soon disappear when the kidneys are out of order or dis eased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncom- '.inon for n child to be horn afflicted with weak kidnevs. If the clii il urinates tixxil'tcn. if the urine scalds the iU-sh, or if, w hen the child reaches an uge w hen it should he alle to control the passage, it is vet afflicted with bed-wet - . '. . ..... .i. . f.i... .l:n: tin;?, ilepejul Upon u. me .imsc ia uicunii cultv is Kidney trouble, and the tirst step .should be towards the treatment ot these important or;;aus. This unpleasant trouble is due t: a diseased condition of the kidnevs and Madder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men ;;re made miser able with kiduev and bladder trouble, and lth need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate eft'eet of Swamp-Root issxn realized. It is sold by druggists, in htty- cent ami one-nouar jjt -j size bottles. ou may have a sample bottle bv mail free, also a Honw of Swamp-Boot pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root; including manv of the thousands of testi monial letters' received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., r.iughamtoii, N.Y., be sure and mention this pajH-r. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, niiigluiinton, N. Y., on every Sot tie. COUNCIL. HELPS TOURNAMENT. Many Matters of Importance Considered at Regular Meeting, Two hundred dollara were appropriated by the City Council Wednesday night to aid In defraying the expenaea of the combined Firemen's Tournament and Fourth of July celebration that U la pro poaed to hold In thla city July 3-5, In cluHlve. ('ounellrnen Knapp, Chapman and Hbeahan were appointed a committee to confer with the Portland General Elec tric Company with a view to re-arrang-Ing the preaent Htreet lighting syatem of the city to the end that tho partial In- canilcawnt aervlce be aubatltuted with additional arc light without materially adding to the coat of tho light service. A remoriHtnince having been filed against the proposed Improvement n Fourth etreet between High street and Monroe street, the subject was referred lo the committee on streets and public property. In response to the petition for the Im provement of Moss and Eleventh atreete between lilorka and 10, the City En gineer was ordered to establish the grade of the street for tho Improvementa which are considered Impracticable. In order to pave the way for securing the free delivery of mall service that I'oatrnaater Kandall will ask the post olllce department at Washington to In stall at Oregon City In July, the Council Committee on Health and Police was In structed to prepare an ordinance provid ing for the proper naming of all streets of the city and the correct numbering of all residences In accordance with a num bering system heretofore adopted. City Attorney Orlfllth was requested to draft an ordinance conferring on the Council the right to condemn all wooden sidewalks on Main street, between Eleventh and the Uasln, and rdef their replacement with walks of concrete construction. Mayor Hummer announced the standing committees of the Council for the ensu ing year as follows: Finance Koemer, Knapp. Sheahan; Streets and Public Property Hheahan, Straight and Will iams; Health and Police Knapp. Will- lams and Brandt; Fire and Water- straight. Mason, Koerner; Cemetery Mason, Chapman, Justin. A four-foot sidewalk was ordered con structed n Madison street, between Twelfth and Fourteenth streets. An or dinance granting to W. H. Bonney a :5-yeara' franchise for the construction and operation of a telephone line on the streets of Oregon City, was referred to the committee on Streets and Public I'roperty for amendment. A proposltllon from the Courier Publishing Company to perform the city printing was referred to the committee on finance. The es tablishing of a signal at the local tele phone office to aid the night police offi cers In locating police calls from the residence districts after night, was or dered made by the Council. Confirma tion waa had of the appolntmenta by Mayor Sommer of Frank M. Brown aa night police officer and E. T. Fields aa special police officer, the latter to serve without pay. Ten days were granted delinquent property owners to make re quired sewer connections, otherwise the tenants of the property involved will be ejected. The committee on Streets and Public Property were directed to take Immediate steps for the repair of the Main street bridge at Eleventh street. The structure is reported to be in an un safe condition. The adoption of a reso lution placing with the Portland General Electric Company all liability for dam ages that may result from the collaps ing of the Basin brought forth a state ment from the electric company's rep resentative. T. W. Sullivan, to the ef fect that the corporation waa preparing plans for the construction of a concrete bulk-head or flood-gate to guard against the danger that was feared, the proposed Improvement to coat between $22,003 and $25,000 and a portion of the expense It Is expected by the company the mu nicipality will assume. A proposal from an Eaatern newspaper for the Indorse ment of the Council in his efforts to give the city a complimentary write-up in several Eastern publications, was re ferred to Mayor Sommer with power to act. Just where it can be to the ad vantage of the city to patronise such -a scheme is not plain. If any money is to be expended along this line, it should be 'devoted to the support and mainten ance of a vigorous Board of Trade or some other Commercial body, neither of which experience has proven, has suc ceeded in existing for some time. BEAVER CREEK. Cold and windy weather Is the order ot the day. Shannon Bros, attended lodge at Ore gon City last Saturday night. Dr. Mlttsan returned to Portland last Monday after holding aeveral meeting at Ihe Presbyterian church last week. Mr. F. Ifenrerle and E. Grace called 0i Mrs. I). W. Thos last 8unday. L. Buchanan called on the Thoma brothers last week. Bert Wheeler Is working for Dell Har ris at present. E. Jones Is grubbing for J. E. Jones. E. Londlgan and Celena Jones were promlnading the streets last Sunday. E. Jones Is preparing to build a new bam. J. E. Jones and J. Btrauman were busy killing hogs last week. T. I). Jones and O. Roberts also played butchers. H. H. Owens and J. M. Jones are busy clearing stumps on the county road. C. Muralt must be a hard sleeper a he had to be rung up nine time before he would come to the phono to answer a call of his brother John of Dakota. Communion services will be held next Sunday morning at the Welsh Congre gational church. All members are re quested to be present. $100 Reward, $100. The reader of this paper will be pleas ed to learn that theie la at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all Its stages, and that la Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitution al disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken In-. ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, and thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the conatltution and as Hinting nature In doing Ha work. The proprietors have so much faith In Its curative powers that they offer One Hun dred dollars for any case that it falls to cure. Send for Hat of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY. & CO. ToIedo.O Sold by all druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa tion. School Report. Following Is the school report of the Beaver Creek District No. 15, for the month ending January 27, 1905: No. of Pupils tremaining enrolled.... 21 Average dally attendance IT Absent Marks 29 Tardy Marks T Those who were neither absent nor tardy during the month are Walter Kuntz. Max Hollman. Benny Fisher, and Alva Hughes. Visitors were Mr. F. Kamrath, direc tor, Mr. Hollman, Clerk; Missea Lydia Hornschuh, Hazel Ginther. Carrie Schue bel. Laura Schuebel, and Babe Schue bel. Visitors always welcome. ELNORE GINTHER. Teacher. Card of Thanks. We desire to express to the many sym pathizing friends and particularly the members of Waeheno Tribe, Improved Order of Ttedmen, our sincere thanks for their kind services during the sick ness and death of our husband and father. MRS. PHILLIP ROOS and Famliy. YSi5n3 Wo L5 Eie iesf Often Disagree With Us Because wt overeat of thorn. Indi gestion follows. But there's a way to escape suon consequences, a aose oi a good digestant like Kodol will relive you at once. Your stomach is simply too weak to digest what you eat. That's all Indigestion Is. Kodol digests the food without the stomach's aid. Thua the stomaoh rests while the body is strength ened by wholesome food. Dieting is un necessary. Kodol digests any kind of good food. Strengthens and invigorates, ICodol Makes Rich Red Blood. Prepared only by E. a DbW itt i Co., Chicago, Xb tl bottle conUlnatttt timet the 60o. ais. A Card of Thanks. To the officers and brothers of the Ancient Order of United Workmen: I take this means of expressing to you my sincere thanks for your many acts of kindness during the last sickness of my son. for your cordial brotherly sym pa thy and assistance in bearing him to his final resting place and now, to our beloved order for the prompt payment of his beneficiary certificate. The grand old A. O. V. W. Is still the leader in the prompt payment of its death losses, It still furnishes the safest and best protection at cost and Is good enough for me. My advice to all brothers who have thought of deserting the ship i; ."Better stay aboard." Yours in C. II. and P. JOHN KELLY. Public is Aroused. . The public ia aroused to a knowledge of the curative merits of that great med icinal tonic. Electric Bitters, for sick stomach, liver and kidneys. Mary H. Walters, of 646 St. Clair Ave., Columbus, O., writes: "For several months I wa given up to die. I had fever and ague, my nerves were wrecked; I could not sleep and my stomach was so weak from useless doctor's drugs, that I could not eat. Soon after beginning to take i-lec-tric Bitters. I obtained relief, and in a sho.t time 1 waa entirely cured." Guar anteed at Howell & Jones' drug store. Price 60 cents. An exhibit showing the method and ex tent of tlax growing n Marion County, Oregon, will form part of that county's exhibit at the Lewis & Clark Centennial. ' nre Known hy what Ihey bftv grnwu. tor iiair a century tliey Imvp been the stttniltii-il haven't fn.leil once to iinulm hlirger, bet ter cihikj than snv others. Sold hy oil ilralem. 1 90S Meed An. Dual free to all applicants. FERRY A CO., Detroit, Mloh. D. M. i. i Worm In Horses. Treatment for the destruction of in testinal parasites in horses depends up on me Kina oi worms present. ourao intestinal worms are easily gotten rid of while others are very difficult to de stroy. In general It may be said that worm remedies are more efficient if giv en after food has been withheld for soma time, and then the medicine should ba supplemented by a physic to carry out the parasites. Among worm medicine may be mentioned turpentine, santoln, creolin. tartar emetic, infusion of to bacco, and all the bitter tonics. Pre parations of orln are also frequently given. For the common round worms a good plan of treatment is to give twice daily for three or four days a drench com posed of one ounce of turpentine or creolin mixed with three or four ounces of linseed oil. This should be lollowea with a one-ounce dose of Barbados aloes. Instead of the turpentine or cre olin, one dose, consisting of santonin two to three drams mixed with one to two drams of calomel may be given. This should be followed in about six hours with a dose of a quart of linseed oil. For the removal of pin worms, injec tions Into the rectum of an Infusion ot tobacco or quassia chips, one-half pound to a gallon of water, once or tw Ice daily for a few davs, followed hy a physio of aloos. is usually a satisfactory treatment. It should be borne in mind that In testinal worms are more prevalent and do more, harm in animals that are lit poor condition, and that consequently tonics to Improve the appetite and con dition are also needed. ' The digestive functions can be stimulated and the general condition of the horse improved by giving the vegetable tonics, like gen tian, ginger, Peruvian bark, etc. One half ounce doses of one of these prep arations given twice daily, for several days will improve digestion, increase the appetite, and tend to the destruction ot Intestinal worms. In many instances one dram doses of sulphate of Iron can be udded to the vegetable tonic with advantage. In ease the treatment recommended a'.iovs does not prove satisfactory the affected animal or animals should b examined and prescribed for by a com petent veterinarian. V. B. Nlles, ia Wallace's Farmer. SCHEDULES OF TIME SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY . i . , . NORTH BOUND. 6:40 a.m. 9:22 a.m. (Albany Local) 6:20 p.m. SOUTH BOUND. 9 :22 a. in. 4:46 p. m. (Albany Local; 9:14 p. in.