Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 03, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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    oiikgox city KNTKunusK, fimuy, Fi'.maiAUY fl, 100S.
b the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, for Clackamas County.
Alary A. Knox, rialntlff,
LelKhton B. Knox, Defendant.
To Ilghton B. Knox. iWefndnnt:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
ou are hereby required to appear and
an.wcr the complaint filed asalnat you
In tlie above entitled ult, on or before
the 4th day of March, 1905. that being
the last day prescribed In the order of
publication of this summons, and If you
fall to ao appear and answer said com
plaint the plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief therein prayed, to
itit: a divorce from the marriage exist
ing between you and plaintiff.
This summon Is published In the Ore
iron City Knterprlse by order of Hon.
Thos, A. McBrlde, Judge of the Circuit
Court, made on the 17th day of Janu
ary, 1905, for six consecutive weeks; the
first publication being on the 20th day of
January, 1905.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the County of Clackamas.
Martlno Pezxolo, Plaintiff,
Palmira Feaxolo, Defendant.
To Palmira Fenolo, the above named
In the name of the St.ite of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint fl'ed against you
la the above entitled suit, !n the above
aamed court on or before Saturday,
March 11, 1905. the same being sU weeks
from the first publication of this sum
mons, and you will take notice that If
you fail to so appear and answer said
complaint, the Plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief demanded In said
complaint, to-wit That the bonds of mat
rimony existing between you and Plain
tiff be dissolved.
This summons Is published by the
order of the Hon. Thos. A. Mi-Bride.
Judge of the Circuit Court of the County
f Clackamas, State of Oregon. In the
Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly news
paper of general circulation In Clacka
mas County, for six weeks, commencing
Friday. February J, 1905. and continuing
to and Including Saturday, March IS,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Jennie Duffy, Plaintiff,
Janus Duffy and E. G. Caufield, Defend
ants. To James Duffy, the above named De
fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon:
Tou are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
In the above entitled court and suit
within six weeks from the date of the
first publication of this summons, and
If you fail to so appear and answer said
omplaint the above named plaintiff will
apply to the Court for the relief demand
ed therein, to-wit: For a decree dissolv
ing the bonds of matritaony now existing
fcetwetn said plaintiff and you, a rea
sonable sum for alimony and for the
urture and education of the four minor
children of plaintiff and you. for the pay
ment of JT50 to plaintiff of the money
bow In possession of defendant. E. O.
Caufield. as administrator of the estate
of Patrick Duffy, deceased, owned by
you as your distributive share of said
estate, to apply on the decree awarded
for alimony aforesaid, that plaintiff be
given the care and custody of said four
minor children, and for such other re
lief as equity may require. This sum
mons is published In pursuance of an
rd.-r of Hon. Thomas F. Ryan. Judge
of the County Court of the State of Ore
gon for Clackamas County, made on the
2.th day of December, 1904. The time I
prescribed In said order for the publica
tion of this summons Is once a week for
six const-cutive weeks; the date of the
first publication thereof is the 30th day
af December. 1904.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
la the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, for Clackamas County.
John Clarence Statler, Plaintiff,
Tamsie Statler. Defendant. 1
To Tamsie Statler, Defendant: !
In the name of the State of Oregon.
Ju are hereby required to appear and
Do not take chances on it wearing away or experiment with some
which will only half cure it at best, and leave the bronchial tubes and
susceptible to attack from the germs of Consumption.
not only stops the cough but heals and strengthens the lungs and pre
vents serious results from a cold.
It Saved His Ufo After the Doctor Said He Had Consumption.
W.R. Davis, Vissalia, California, writes: "There is no doubt but what FOLEY'S HONEY
AND TAR saved my life. I had an awful cough on my lungs and the doctor told me I had
consumption. I commenced taking FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR and found relief from
the first and three bottles cured me completely.
THREE SIZES, 25c, 50o and $1.00
answer the complaint filed aalnst you
In the abovo entitled suit by the 24th
day of February, 1905, and If you fell
to answer or appear herein, the- plaintiff
will apply to the court for the relief de
manded In his said complaint, to-wlt:
that the bond of matrimony existing
between the plaintiff and defendant be
dissolved, and for general relief.
This summons la published by order of
the County Judge of the County of Clack
amas. Oregon, made the 11th day of
January, 1905.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Date of last publication February SI, 1906
In the Circuit Court for Clackamas Coun.
ty, Oregon.
Mr. Dorlta Woodworth, Plaintiff. ,
Claremount Voodworthv defendant.
To Claremount Woodworth, the above
named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed atcalnat you
In the above entitled court and suit
on or befor the last day of the time pre
scribed In the order for publication made
herein to-wlt: 4th day of February, 1906.
and If you fall to to answer, for want
thereof the plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief demanded In her
complaint on file, vti: that the marriage
contract existing between plaintiff and
defendant be forever dissolved.
This summons Is served upon you by
order of the Honorable Thomaa A. Mc
Brlde, Judge of the above entitled court,
made December 15th. 1904, and the date
of the publication of this summons Is
December 13, 1904. and the date of the
last publication thereof Is February 3d.
1905. and the time within which the de
fendant Is required to answer the com
plaint Is February 4th. 1905.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Department of the Interior, Land Office
at Oregon City, Oregon. January !t. 1905.
Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his
Intention to make final proof In support
! of his claim, and that said proof will be
I made before the Register and Receiver, at
Oregon City, Oregon, on March 7. 1905, vli
Paul Praeger,
H. E. No. 12663. for the N'S of NE4.
SE of NE4 4 NEV SE. Sec. 18.
T. 4 S.. R. 5 E.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, via:
John Straight, of Garfield. Oregon.
A. Richardson, of Parkplace. Oregon.
H. Sowers, of Garfield. Oregon.
J. U Small, of Portland, Oregon
Notice to Creditor.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has been duly appointed as Ad
ministratrix of the estate of K. F. Bar
slow, deceased, and any and all persons
having claims against the said estate
must present them to the undersigned,
at the oflice of my attorneys In Oregon
City, Oregon, within six months from
date of this notice.
Dated this :5th day of January. IMS.
Administratrix of said estate.
Dimick A Dimlck. Attorney for Admin
istratrix. Notice to Creditor.
Notice Is hereby given that the under
signed has been duly appointed admin
istrator of the estate of Christina Gort
ler, deceased, by order of the County
Court of Clackamas county, Oregon, and
has duly qualified as such. Any and all
persons having claims against the estate
are hereby notified to present the same
duly verified according to law. at the
office of Dimick 4 Llmlck. Garde Build
ing. Oregon City, Oregon, within six
months from the date of this notice.
Dated and first published January 27,
1905. W. H. GORTLER.
Administrator of said estate.
Dimick Dimick. Attorneys for Admin
istrator. Notice to Creditor.
Ella Schwlng Estate. Notice Is hereby
given that the undersigned has been ap
pointed Administrator of the estate of
Ella Schwlng. deceased, by the County
Court of the state of Oregon, for Clack
amas County and has qualified. All per
sons having claims againist said estate
are hereby notified to present the same
to me at the office of the County Clerk,
Oregon City, Oregon, with proper vouch
ers and duly veillled within six month
from the date hereof.
Dated and (list published February S,
Timber Land. Act Jun 3, 1878 Notice
For Publication,
Vnlli'd States Laud Cilice, Oregon City,
Oregon. January 12, 1905.
Notice Is hereby given that n compli
ance with the provision of the act of
Congress of June S. 1S7S, entitled "An
act for tho sale of timber lands In the
Stales of Ciillfoinla. Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory." ss extended
to all the Public land Slate by act of
August 4, 192,
Carson C. Marlcle,
of Clarke, county of Clackamas, Slate
of Oregon, ha this day filed In this of
fice his sworn statement No. tiMfl, for
the purchase of the WH, 8Wi. NKV
8V of Section No. 30. In Township No.
4 South, ltauge No. 3 East, and will of
fer proof to show that the land sought
la more valuable for It timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to
estubllsh his claim to said land beforu
Register and Receiver at Oregon City.
Oregon, on Wednesday, the I9th day uf
March. 1906.
He names as wltnesse:
Robert II. Siioilgrnss. of Mcadowbrook.
Alw L. l.arklii, of Mcadowbrook.
Ueorge llofstetter. of Clarke.
t'arden Smith, of Mulino.
Any and all persona claiming adverse
ly the above-draerlbed lands are request
ed to file their claims In this office on or
before said !th day of March. 1906.
Notice to Creditor.
Nolle la hereby given that the under
signed has Wen by the County Court of
the Slate of Oregon, for the County of
Clackama. appointed Administrator of
the estate of Hell Potter, deceased.
All persons having claim against said
estate are hereby required to pr-ient
the same, properly verified, to the unil.i
signed at the ofiVe of llruce C. Curry In
' Oregon City, within six months from
the date of the first publication of this
Administrator of the esate of Hell Potter,
Bruce C. Curry, Attorney for Admlnla-
First publication, January 20. 1905.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice Is hereby given that the under
signed administratrix of the entate of
Michael M. Shlvcty. deceased, has filed
In the County Court of the State of Ore
gon, for Clackama county, her final
account as such pdmlnlstratrlx of said
estute and that Monday,, the 6th day of
I March, lsos. at the hour of 10 30 a. m..
' ha been flexd by said County Court as
the time for hraring of objection to
j said report, and the settlement of said
estate. SARAH E. S1UVELT.
E. P. Morrom. Woodburn. Oregon,
j Attorney for Administratrix.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the Counly of Clackamas.
John M. r.endmth. Plaintiff,
Alma P. Hendroth. Ivfcndant.
To Alma P. Mendroth, the above named !
Defendant: j
In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled suit. In the above
named court on or before Saturday,
March 11. 1905, the same Wing six weeks
from the first publication of thl mm
mons, and you will take notice that If
you fall to so appear and answer said
complaint, the Plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief demanded In said
complaint, to-wlt That the bonds of mat
rimony existing between you and Plain
tiff be dissolved.
This summons Is published by the
order of the Hon. Tho. A. M( Bride,
Judge of the Circuit Court of the County
of Clackamas. State of Oregon, In the
Ortgon City Enterprise, a weekly news
paper of general circulation in Clacka
mas County, for six weeks, commencing
Friday. February 3. 1905. ami continuing
to and Including Saturday, March 18,
Attorney for plaintiff.
Notice to Creditor.
George SVhwIng Estate. Notice Is here
by given that the undersigned has been
appointed Administrator of the estate of
Ceorge Schwlng, deceased, by the County
Court of the 8!al of Oregon, for Clack
amas County and ha qualified. All per
sons having claims against imld estate
are hereby nolllled to present the same
to me l office of the County Clerk, Ore
gon City, Oregon, with proper voucher
and duly verified within six mouth from
the date hereof.
Dated and IliM published .Vltitiiiiy 3,
It,. 1 Mini,, lii Hi.lll, luellt lllld F.llllV,
ivpartment of the Interior, tletietnl Land
Oillee, WnshliiKloii. 1. '. January 6.
IM. Notice is lieteuy given irai 00
lvcember 16. 1904. the Secretary of the
Interior released from withdrawal and
restored to settlement th public luiuls
In the following ileserllwd ttitn which
were tempoiarllv withdrawn on August
S, 1903, for proposed addition to The
Cascade Range Forent Resolve: and that
the said public land so released from
wtlthlirtwal ttrht restored to settlement oil
December 16, 1904. will become sulilecl
to entry, tiling and selection nt the
Culled State lainil Oltltr for the re
spective districts In which the routined
binds ho. vl: at Oregon Cltv and Ko,.
long. Oregon, on May I. IV06: Township
the (61, IX (), and seven I!) Houlh.
Range four (4 F.l. W. M ; In Town
ship eight (Kl South. Itango four HI
KM, the West half of Seel Ion two (2,
Sections three (31 to ten lioi, both In
clusive, the south half wild north-west
quarter of Section eleven till, the north
west quarter of Section fourteen (14).
the north half and south-west quailer
of Section fifteen (161. Section sixteen
(lil) to twenty (.'01, both Inclusive, the
multi-west tiuaiter of Section twenty
one (21), tho until half mid noilh-west
quarter of Section tweiilv -Minn (2'J),
Section thirty 30) and llility-otie (31),
nod the wist half of Section thlltv-lwo
U-; In Township nine CO South, Range
four (4) East, Bvctk'ua live (6. six (01,
seven (7). thirteen (ID and fourteen (11).
the south half of Section tjfteril (16),
Section sixteen (16) to thlity-sl (.1'.),
both Inclusive; In Township ten HO)
South. Range four (O Knsl. Section
one ill to twenty (20). both Inclusive,
the South-Wi'St quarter of Section twenty
one i2l). the north-east quarter of Sec
tion twenty. two (22i. Sections twenty
three 123), twenty-four (21). nd
tweiity-fiv4 (25), the not In half and
soutlienst quarter of Section lwenty-lx
(261. Section twenty-nine 2) to thirty
two (32). both Ini'luslvp. the south half
and not tli-west quarter of Section thirty
three t33). the outh-wcst quarter of
Section thirty-four CO), the couth-real
qimiter of Section tbllly-llve IJM. Sec
tion thlrtv-six tjtil; In "Township eleven
(II) South. Range four (4) East. See
lions four (4) to nine (9), Ix.lli Inclusive,
Sections sixteen (16) to twenty (201,
ImiIIi inclusive, the iioith half ami South
west quarter of Section twenty-one CI I,
the west half of Section twenty-eight..
Sections tweiitv-nlnn (291 ml thirty
1.101; In Township twelve (121 South.
Range four (O Kant. Sections three i3) to
tlility-tbree (33), ltlh Inclusive, and Sep.
lions thirty -rhe (Jul twin Ihlrtv-six (361;
nil In the Oregon Cllv 1-und District;
Townships fuui I, en (Hi. fifteen (16),
sixteen 16) Slid Seventeen 117) South,
twenty-two 1221 South. lUni" one (1)
West, In Township twenty-three (;ji
South, Range one (I) West. Hm-Uolt una
ID to eleven (lit. both Inclusive, S
lions fifteen 1 16) to twenty-,, no CI I, txith
Inclusive, and Sections twenty -right CM
to thirty-three (3J. both Inclusive; In
Township twrnlv-four CU South. Range
one (I) West. Section tlvn til to nine
til), both Inclusive, the west half of See.
lion fourteen HO. Section fifteen 111)
to twenty-three CJ, both, Inclusive, ami
Sections IWi nly-five I .'a I to thlrly-sl
J), both Inclusive; In Township twenty
five Cil Houlh. Range one 11) West.
Section one (11 to twetitv-thrrs 1 23),
Uith inclusive the north half of Section
twenty-four C(i and twenty-six C6.
Section twenty seven (17) to thli tv -oo
(311. lHth Inclusive; In Township thirty
(3' South, lunge one il) West. Section
one Ol. two Ci and three 13), Section
five (j) to twenty -three .23). loth In
clusive, an I Sections twenty -seven (27)
to thlrty-lx (36). txlh Inclusive; In
Township thlrtv-one i3ll South. Range
one tl) West. Sections live 111, six 161,
Seven (7) and eight (D. the sotilh-West
quarter of Section nine (J) Section fif
teen 15( to (Wriity-one 121). both In
clusive, and S.'tion twenty-srven 27
to thlrtv-six C6. both Inclusive, all In
the Itonebuig land I'lstiut.
J. H KIM 11. K. Acting Commissioner.
Approved: HP'S. RYAN', Acting Secre
tary of the Interior.
PsbllilT indorsed hf the Sawrlntendrnt of
the great Pk-OI'LE S MISSION, artw ; it
WhiBto. ft C . Pshrvari a, t.
Thsorrlns . lu , a ukinfina, l i
i.i.iUu,.s -It t,t ,,i,r,s far ms
Ut rstx.ri to jrnn thti Urns, w ,roM lu my slits
sl.fsrtla U,l il la s ,pmr flr tor drsuksoSMS A
j.iitn ut l.l boa rm nt t a tint tf
Whiy (ls f. r irrt ie ysrs wu cm.
f!t j Pors. ft.io Ua tri m ll.s tirss b lm
n8rtl,) ilDftms. sn lt . . w r..lut.l to
rsrfwt ..t.ri.ljr I thill I. rl,. ti. ? T'.s rfr
jnt tr.n to ti,rr t r sr.srsliea i.f m.sMslstssnu
I sm rooTio--.! Or rft iitnrf fr tt,st irrll dt.
Uaa,llruulsnss W .!,,, ,oll grwl ,tMW.
luurt fery Ifile
'i-i.ul.u4i.i I ...(os i g.M,aa,
$ I. peri
Box. (
To cr wtttanat pttlent'i Itaowl.
edffe. buT Orrlas
No. I : for Vnlna.
Ury trratmeut, buy Orrin No. 2.
Bm on tnin.titi.M " f.-, rimaaaft.
Orrta. mail tsssini) ua rxmpt ur a t7
The Orrin Co., Inc., WMJiiogtoo, D. C
tW14 i4 r aiiaaa.4 by
unknown preparation
lungs weakened and
,11. ITMM ! '
Tht ttltlont tni tmw I'sliint 1 probs
hy tin tmolml. (.VtluHtonln tlliittntii) of
Afilrii, nllii tlu wnir Kuirl t wsm
of Inrlnr ,rw (Aitiiiiwuilii kivk'H'") '
Au(inJi'. Ttil riMiinrkiilili' tr In
rttllni' mmrt inn! trntn-litnic lnin mil
inort' i tin tt nlvty or mv'iit; tWI lilgh,
wlilln If Kttt It nt tin- BTtiiiml l from
rlh'lit.v tivt' to nlui'iy II vo fYot. 'f
ttii'in lin immt'K ftit It wtileb
ilutt I'uck to tin' Minn-lull (rnliinr.
pint tlio iiutiinillNt AiliiMiuii, who rHV
th Kftiu li ttota nl iniini', fitl''ulntitl
fnnii ffrtnlii (tutu tlmt li ii' m"t
hi upwitrtl of WHMi )i'nr. Tin ImlluW
InnM of tin' tniK. wlili li nn fnpif
clou I'luniuli to Imlil foiiifoi'iiililr thirty
or forty lullr, mi' iihim! iu tuiuh hy
!)i niillvo Arrli'iitiK. hen Die minpcnit
tsJ roi'iim- i"i liifiuiio thoroughly
lll lllllllllifll llMtl IVHl' Vfl,
Dlvln brvk In Rnglih.
Will tm IikUI t' ln tmttitltio4 I"
I tin I.iithi'noi iliunli im J. g Aitniii
ativKl. itnn t'ltxh from Hxvrnth lrt-t,
iit.xl 8umty ut 7 3D p. m J K, Ik.-
. IllT,
On gtrat uretrt of jrmiltl liJ truy lot
the ruling witn.iti nt thtv nu. titer l th
projirr uiit!rft;iiitltiit tf Itrr Wttmanljr T
friu iitt rti Itrinit l.vt iy wunian, young
or ulit, .lumiit tnt' AoiWaml hr ftira
leal mnke uti A tt )f to arrivf at
till. kiiti rtgr Im In grt a ! thxiol
book, mo li, ftit initanrr, a llir I'roptr'
Ctminu'tt St-nw Mrtlual Atlvtwr," by K. V.
I'lrtcr, M Il.wlilfh ran tratlilr wr J"
rotrtl iir ariitlmj IwrntT onr crnt in !'
ernl tini. frit pjrr ImhiihI volutin?, ot ,
llnttT our rrtiti ftt rlntb Ixuintl rujiT, at)
ltrMiii( Jlr K V, 1'irtrr, at lluaaio, N Y. i
Tin ili4ti(r fnnii niiitlrnliiKKt to woman- !
hmul ! nor tlut ninlvr Ihr wlmlr tiodr j
Tlir utt.tui at tin t s ntc iiMn ihr MikkI
i t m in if tlniilitrr m.iy tr tii irrat. Iia. ,
uttlrr of Ihr fiittttitiin -i'iili.ilr Irmininr
tr nrariy aiwr ilrtrn4rttt uxn t
fvttvr itutrttitm. In all aiuh r I't
Ptrtrr' 'aotilr tTrfiili,tn I Jtiat 111 j
rrtalilr tuitu- fur llir frinalr arnlrm j
I r.iiinil riin m th.nk. lot ihr Wtwfit I
h irtrtvrtl fttim fir I'lftr.'. flr,lklwr
wrttr. Mt, Jitltu. Wrhitt t.l f amlnl. laar.
cltr.irr l o, M.I 'I I..4 ' favtrltf lrratrlt.
Itfta and trwt Ih.l a piirtt rutr h. Itrra
rflt"l I lirl Ilk' thanking nl lu lit. kiwi
au.l Ulltrrlr Iriln. whu H jnn arniir " j
I)f rn-tff' Favotlte ttrctiptotl Wa
thr ftrt ni!uiivrl woman'a Umic on the
niatkrl. It Ii4. .i.lil ntttf laifrly In thr
taJ tlurtt of a cmtury than any othrt ,
nirtlit iiir f..r wotnrn Ik not Irt Ihr Jmi '
gut t-tuir tun to tty aurar ftiutuntl
th.l Im. nt( bittl Ibr lri ot no many ytai' t
aurcraa. '
Ir. rirtrr'a I'trant VM akould b
UarJ with "Fatiiiitr l'lrv tl.tloo' wbca
tvif a UaaUtre t trqniicd. i
aa- I
Evry tlm you compart prlc. and you will nd your nt ordtr for
Job work to tho Orogon City KnlarprU. By giving quality In poth
matarlal and workmamhlp w andaavor to dtrv your butln,
In all kind of Job and Commtrclal Printing a wll aa book work.
On trial will convlnca you.
Do you want that brief, catalog,
to th Entarprla offlca. W hava Jut lntalld a modern Mroi.'
thaler Linotype machine and are prepared to do all aut,h work on
hort notice and at right price.
For turning out all kind of flrat claa work In the way of good print
ing It .econd to no other houi. ouUlde of Portland. If you are In
need of printing of any kind, eorre.pond with ut and let ua figure with
you. We can ave you money. All order and correapondenc will
receive prompt attention. Telephone Main 21,
llUirar4 hf ihm Wr , t"
AbM III l"MraDh,, (
Tim ninn wn nlMiut Bfly nv,
wan rnthcr Imlil. HI wrlnkii'
liinny. iim mim!cit W'bii grtiy, f
rttiii' im looki'ii viuiiniim mij i.
Uncut, lie wii hniiilmimcr, tnk i
.a a (
filtoctinr, ninn in nun iM'cn (tj ju
Itut h liiinii!lit "tit n Jilinliitfrni
hlmwir ut forty, wlilck hiirtiiy ,J
IiIihI him, (to iiitifh Imtl Im
ml "If you w nut tu iirlnt my rj
nan nun, nt. fittti hf tu,. it'iHiriitr,
don't lo It, fur It the tmiy i
pt of tuyi'lf ill tlmt nuo, himI Jfl
to kcn It. rr, you know, 1 iji,' I
miy yotmiifr." -i a rutin? im
ih lure w )oti nr tinlny," nitiil u
iMirti-r. "for jun r luimUom,..
tlmti you wire nt forty" "oh, b,
m too oiil n ml wrliiklctl nn,
oow," hl tlic ninn. "V the f,
yctirohl tliturK." Th ri'M,rtttf
cliilinl, with a i'iir.lttl liii)K,i
umny men nr llk ymi. Iluiugi)
arc ulil, th7 liilt on hu vitijj y,,'
llcturc iirliitint. They fall Id fa
llow iiitifh tur lnli'rt'tliiK ml
lli the Ir fui c In tu ohl If tln.y t?
Ilvctl a fairly wl anil Imliiairloml
I'vp hint nu ll f iMV(.ily nrlunll;
hnvc lilvcn 111" fur rciroiluii!tin j, "
rnih if thiuiarlvc nt thirty ,
Woini'ii tlou't ih thl. I hi'llft J
hall ol'l more thnn wotiifii dgi.
hitlc It," th other grimly,.!
fllU'llJO j
fcr Tbr t'tom Ukli.
Hall lla In ( olmt. in'
Th T-ry coiiiiltutloii of mr Irs '
III Jircai iiri' of olu" that ar(ari
rrj iii of tlu'iii I more or li i rjuj
bl h U is
; if si. ,
uliii ijii ni'ry iiinttcr wuh
Ion at ouc tifnjnrturi';
rutiu" of iiilon. frtiin Im-fiiulr
whltP ur ItlllNll whltn tu illlil ti-i
Cfihiitf ilarkutu, I lie ullliiittlc gtJ
'J'hc mllt-O teiiioriry Ur?
whlrti no fewer thnn twenty -e'H
tut ii tiiiiltttl lu Ltat'irk' time, uj
wane wlih ma v 1 m u m anl iiiio::"
brllllflnry, w Uw within Un tftr.
tcrn) ttf uiti-a itioivih. a Tj
tar In J"'. ami then txH-ome tlark'
Ira only to ho lit ill afreah l y ibrdnm
fait of a rat liia of nirlmrlc e. n.'
from aomn nelttiU-rltiic aw arm. f'
Many hrtcht iotw aro known t.0
pertoillc doubllns f rrrttilti pr .
Ilnea or ty rurlou i rtiirtBiioM
attemliil hy ittirk .wtimtilm. M
itnnruiiltiii of Hlrlu wn foutitl
after t cxUtctitf w jxilnttil o Suiu
lrol; wn thn tiny a'recn ffik,
thn OtTy nl Atllari-a. while tlx
rompatiloit of 1'r.x-you fat ill rlmk!
Ta absorption ff Hfht
In p.irrN
O.rotich apaii, eilni:y In d.'!,)
ao Il'flulf , ra'jarn the itliuiU-r ttf aj4
alar to tvi tty ini!i:on the tt
Otlnt. Mill) tlli t tliMttll lo t-(
ittnr ,.r l... ,.,.t
4 t' , -A ,'4
otc, printed at onca T Walt, ttni h