Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 03, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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H. Rotm
i.,, II Hi"". MM' it f.: V"i'l, ill"i1 Hi
. In thl city lift HiHui'lny
Lti'ljb: 'I'1"' '1"i i'"' ' 11 '' vk
f li.iiiMii'lii, (li'iitimiv. where In- was
J.,, i fix i i". i'r'-'' ''"inii'K tVtui'i-
jli n I"' Wit" I' V"iiin iif UK''. h
ill N"'W V ill l il'v Hii'l i iiKHM' 'l
j,i",iii'''. innvlnu to 'niton "ml net
V. ( 1 11. 1;. 111 niy In .;. Tli"
i' .t1 M'HH M Mill" HI llll'l I" Kill V I V "I
P T . . . 1 .....1. MM 1,11.1.
If,, llll'l BH ' " " ' "
: . . . . I I ..... . . I . . 1 I.. .......
llllllV I. I .IBM", flllluil.
. null Waller. Ullilfil B.IVInN
v liil'l' l- 'l "I Hi" I'1'1 M' "-
Lilt iiii'l Muln H" 1 ". "I - "' '"' h
n,ii) uM.iUoiiii II, v. I". K Hum
f .ilfli IiiI'hI lit III'" m T h c whl, h
'f ifft.li I III" iiHH'ii n nf Mn lli'il M' it
J wi'i I.HK'ly Mll'ti'l"! H-li'i-llntm
Ll llHlK llV M llln CllllHlMIIIK
of Ml
l.uliollK. Ml"" lI'l'lll'K llll'l II. I..
Jy,!"Mlrn ho Mnlliw.il Im'IHK III"
l,t.,,h,t Minn IIuhIIHK ulmi wi'i It
, ',f..c With M" '
Ihe t u v 1 I.im.'U fiu'ii '.
'I'll" milium
In 4 v'cliK'k Uur-
iirniniiiiii hi Hi
t4iitlnnl CoriiinlttM Mimtt
fl,.. f . .In. ill I111111I "jnitiltti ,i..ini. 11
11, t fX".oih;" I'limiy i'.hiiiiiIii.-" nt
,V t 'In H l ull 111. 1 hint I'tliliiy
(.moon lit 'I'" """ " "f "" upci'in-
jlt!lt nf iliiil III!" 1 1111 llllt I''" 'IIII-
t ill Mhh i liil. ii'l-'it nt ' IiiiiiIl J .
ri"f 1 J 'i iiy. "i iiiniii' ii",
Ml A'I'll" i: t'link i.f lli" iimk'ik
gi I, '! Ill lllllllltcn lnm up-
tlu I'lllnnt inn
till, hem III III"
nlili tin. i.ili'innl
I'm k. la.", II T,
M.i'h. i'iiiiIi) ;
in! 4
.1 1 i.i.
1 .'9
J A. It..
z . . 1
' 111 K", I ' '
llulil.i.M. MII'li .l It'" KU
Mini II' I' ll Mm my. HI1.1
J 1 M. in. 11. iii- K'hi itv.
itii H'K"ii fiiy: w. M Kim. nif
j; fll'l'.it tilnlli. r. A hi t 11, Liiiiirt t.
k, Hniiiit" . Mi" I.Hmil.. tli mi. H.
j (t.-kiiUHix. Ml"" M .v I- I r. y. 1 1,11k!"
i, Jdii. I :iU(il.i 111 llmliiii H I'm II11111I.
f , -i I 111 fi'"". I tn. ii'I'i . Ml H. i lli.i
0 kfl.j. M H'l'i'iiii . M' '.in'" I. I Irli. 1
i.'). Ml- l.llllnii I' J"H. . i..I'.ii,
J l.ik M..l,.ll.i Tl." mm iii'-tiiili
;t!i" f mini : l" IU I " li M l.nn'ii 1 '
fcerrnrthy Ornny Thrived
illn'rti. Iliv lilnni-M' No ,11'i lli'- t ll
tttrd... nl I'nik I'ln." f'.r th" fnt
In Ifl th. Ii in w ..ii't 1 ..uiiiti.'ll.iiiM
II fi Ih" pin )..." ..( hiiM'iU 11 K" ' l
llllj illi" K'l"l'ill "I"' f"l' l'i" I"'
UljiSttni "f He 11 n. wis .l"l"l "tn-
p, uli ii i'..!,'!"!. .1 or ir nun, j
U'. 1 Mi iiMiy Imtiiitit. ovii."r, j
, A M Hi in t..n. " r. l,iiy, H 4 j
M. , '. .id. V.' W Krtiitli. !. J
,t,iii ,.ii,l Mr H Kind. iii.lii! kl
mufti. Wlliluin Iti'iivl'iii. 1 'luipliilti . J
Aiitu-i !.m. ii.-fit.turr. lOlfle Muirt.
ary, I. W 1 0 K 1 inn. : it" , i p. r
t mllll";l nf th" Ihillllf" Mplilll th"
9U1 wHh il'li Hiin.l a f.-w inlniil"
I tilt iiimiII hunt w In 11 mull imull ih m.
ttn hi fallllill nii'l il.illliiHe tlnl
Ute. . K. i-iil. .11 low lli" 111 1 1 will Ii"
HitliMl In. Ii i.nliitt th.tr lll I" 111
. jimi. !-
at Portland Man
Itentjii i.f 11 rt it it fi. uii-i 111 the il
ium H"l nt MIIWIIIll.l" llll'l We.-K.
IT.. .I I.. I " II"- I ."l "f N A Kim r. ..f
4 j.f',i..ii rtr.it. I'uiU.iint, Hn Hull,
laotJ ' i "f Hi" 'I' i'. ;i. il nil". I nt Ih"
Performed Each
I Avoid Them.
iOoltur through the liospltnlH In our
Irttcillcn otic Ih Mtrprlscil to llml Hitch
) k.Src pfiiportinitof the piltlcntH l.vitijr
tl Uiiihi) hiiiiw-m Ii i to liciU wiimcu
lui (firla, who aro ultlicr awuitintf
IT Jt'ciivcrlnu; fniiti Her'uin opcra
liiriMi ' Why should this W tlto cum? Sim
3v liecmiM' they havo neg-lciai'd thorn
, elve ilvnriun uml womb troubles
itn tHTtuinly on the Inmvtisii tunoiiff
bw wiimcu of this country they creep
ipnn llu'in liimwiircM, but fvcry out of
Ii--.) patients ill the hospital beds hud
i lie my of rvitrninjr in tliut beiir'mtf
lw feeling, pain at. left or rlffht of
lie womb, nervous exhaustion, pain in
lie --lii u 1 1 of tli back, Icucorrha'ti, ili.
4t'", lliitulem-v, tlispliieemenlM of the
onil) or inv(fiilaritie!. All of these
ij'iiiptoiiis are indications of tin mi
i leaahy condition of the ovaries or
?oiub, mid if not heeded the. penalty
" ls to be paid hy ailuntferoiis opernt ion.
fV'hea Miese Nvitiploms iiiaitifest t.liem-k-lvea.
do not drug aioiitf ttitlil you nro
lhftil to (jo to tint hospital and mil)
iit to an operation but remember
:linti Lydia K. riiiltliainH Vejftd.ablo
Jiuiipiuiiid has Hiived thousands of
(IVi-uiCu from siirif ieal operntioim
i When women are troubled with ir-
fi'uhir, suppresMMlor painful menstru
al nn, weakness, leueorrluiMi, displace
i Mentor tilcerailon of tint womb, that
&e!H'iTir.(iwn feelitlLf. Inlliimniiition of
-Ihe ovaries, backache, bloat.intf (or tlut
HicniJv). ireneral debility, Indigestion,
d nervous jirost ration, or uro beset
I r !li Riich symptoms us dizziness, lassl-
fhi ., exeiLabilitv, Irritability, nervous
f IMilllltl
- I
i.j.Short Sidehead Stories... ?
f t Tt'ttKI'I.VTOI.I) TAI.IiH Ol' 1HH WW OOINOK. p
111111 Mil" iiii'l il"Mii'(J Hi" Im.ly (in Unit j
nf lilu III ill lit r Willi wiim iiIiiiiiI ii yi'itiH
i.f M." iiii'l iilnriiirrli.il. It wnt Hint j
llimlclit Hi.. Imity wii Unit i.f VV, A, j
Kli-r, 11 yiiiiii Minimi "iiiimiv fnHii't,
Aim i.BiilrH n..ir Ciiiiiii'H'K. I Hi' nmi
l Hi" .niiiiiK 1111111 win. unlrLli il iilmiit
flit Wi-.liH HMU llV .H.lliK flulll III" MUM
u 11.1I11M l.il.ld" lulu tin- Wllliiiinll.. jlvi-rl
I" lil "llV. Wild lit.. 1 i . ,ll,,n (1f 11 i
lin.Uiir, III! l. "I lllll-.l h,i, 11,, i,.,UIw k
nil (li I'.iiilnl ,,i ,,,.,, In it,,. J
fiillii.ll" ". iii". -ry In jIiIm fliy ;
New Pantor for f'rby(jrln
l!"V, I.iiii.IhIi.iiiuiikIi, who iiicii,Ii
.iikiii nl.. n ,1 Koiillii'in iii,oii l.iwn,
I111 lin n ciill.-.l I., imHiini.. II,,. ,iil,l nf
tli.' flrnl l'i. nlivli i In
,in l. ,.. .,.! t,
n '
Ifl.tlllin IIVI, I.M.l ('IfMll.'.l II III vol II llll
ImiHi-rmliili, 'i'lic ni'w' llilnlitli i' l iilinnl
;!fi ynu of im" uml Iiiih a funilly. Hi. In
"kjn i'ti il In 111, h " lu i" iihinit th" llml
of l- i'lii lim y - Ti'li'Ki'nin,
Natlct lo Cradllort.
Noll. i? In hi'i' hy (ih ioi Uml Ilii- iiinh r
lKii' i um Im ii iii,iiliil.. liv th" t'oiiiily
t'oinl of llm t'oiiniy of ('Im kiiiuiiH, Hint"
of tinunti, Ailiiiluliiiriiti'lx of tin- KM11I"
of l. .I.'il. k Id l., ..".-iiFi.,, mi. I ,i
,r,,ll lilnlliK "liilnm i,(;,ilnl Mil III "II
tut" Ml" h,.hy i".iirc, tn ,i,i,,iu l(.
urn" iio..ilv v1IM.1l to th" iiii,l,. lniinl
ut th" 1, 111, .- i,f I " lti-11 H' lim li. l, 111
tn.-Kuii Cny, lln j(i,ii, wllhlii hIx IH'iiiIIih
fioiii th" .lui, i.r tin hint , nl, II, nil, 111 nf
till" noil." MAUV IIKI.I),
A'liiillllKtlutilK "Btnti. of I'h iI. iI. k ll. l.l,
lift . IIH.'.I
I' It KN A HCIIl'KHKI, Atloin. yN for
A'tillllllfcll iiti I.
Inttr of II, l .iilili nll.m, ri lil lliiiy 3.
Corvlll Took Th. Came
'Mi.' I'liivnllH liol il. f. nt,
I'll, nt lumki-l l.nll nt the V
I.Hiiim In !,(, hiy ti t k t I l.y
I 1 n 1 tt"ii
m f, a :
1 n.-i.ii. ,,( I
to II Int. 1. t wim K'h..I In th" llml
i.lll III.' ni l nil, I plilt llf the i nrileMt
1. in- ..f iniiMtmit wrmiKlliiK nnd
Ihe limit" t. lllli WllM i. f. nti'd It
W I, II.
he mil l Unit the (IhIIIiik I. inn lui.
11 Mil, mill.. ,ik. ,iii n t. iiuiplre w hn
Wit 11 I'i.iVIiIIIm 1111111 wh'.H" iIii'ImIiiIin
w . ie nut!, nl, ly fimiinlil" In th" IhIIoni.
j Th.-le
I I I . Illn
j III ttt. . tl
m ,1 1.. 1 mi h.'.h
neiti'h Kniii"
Hi- p..rt!iiti.
I". I fur the flillie
of tlldnui blliel.llll
iiii. I lir.iin i'lly
I V M ' A
hut Hi" I'm II, 111, 1 l,,. m failed
to put In
iitt npp. iil'imc" iin.t Ihe Kmil"
Hill tint
TaMc An Appeal
Wall, r V. Mm,. Hunk", HiIuukIi Id nl-
II'.: in) l"l!.i) ti- K1I111. I..-I. Im III. .1 mi
I npp. nl In the ii.i,-tn" i.iti t In hi, ilnm-
I ...i.. L . t,. r M!,.. '".' "i n "IK'U'I"! Hi" .'i. h'iil n iilinnl.
fm tin lui; ('nmpiiny. While wuiklm; In
Hie d f. ridiiiit cunpiiny' wnnli-n mill In
thl city a year nun, Miiiulh. like u
Inlin'l (he Ii.mi nf u 1111K1 r 11 lid U"d fur
t .''" iliiitiiiit. A July In the circuit
. oiiit nwii'il.-.l hlin a M i.ll, t f.,r limt fmui
which III" npp. ill l l.ikefl
Mayor Rommer Thrown Out
'i!n:l l.w h" wn lint tli ..Mil .ml uf uf.
tlcc. t.iit liilh.t I." wum ipill" unci 1 litinnl-
nil;) nl.llii .l nut nf dl l.ilK'v lilt I 'l I -ilti'
lilht llll'l ful ll'ltiitcly "heaped Mil-
iluim injury, ii. Huiinu r had l.."ti !
Women in Out Hospitals
ippalling Increase in the Number of Operations
Year How Women May
nesi, sleeplessneNS, melancholy, "all
ijono"aiid "want-to-be-left-alone" feel
intra, thev should remember there is ono
tried and true remedy.
The fol.ovvintr letters fiinnot full to
bring1 hope, to ilespalrinfr women.
Mrs. Fred iSevdel, 412 N. fiUh Street,
West Philadelphia, Pa , writes:
Dear Mrs. I'inklinm:
' I wan in a very nerioun condition whim I
wroto to voti for ailvlco. I had a serious womb
and ovarian trouble and could not carry a
child to maturity, and was advised that an
oMration was my only how of recovery. I
could not licar to think of RoitiR to the lioKil
tal, so wrote you for advice. 1 did as Von in
structed tno and took l-ydia K. IMiildinni'i
Vegi'tabla ('oiuihiuuiI; ami 1 am not only a
well woman to-dav, but have a beautiful bahy
girl ais months old. 1 advise all sick and
milTering women to write you for ad vim, ai
you liavfl doim ') much for me."
Miss Ruby Mushrush, of East
Chicago, lnd.', writes:
DenrMi-K. riukliam:
" I have Imhhi a great miiTuror with triwular
meiihtiuiilioii and ovarian trouble, and almut
three inoiitlts ago the doctor, after usiiiK th
X-llav on mo, Raid 1 iiml an abcess on th
n varien and would have to hnvn an nitration.
My mi it her wauled me to try Lyilri K. I'iiiK
Jiiuu'h Vegobiblo Oonuiound as a last resort,
Vud it not only saved mo from an operation
tint made inn entirely well."
Lydla K. P nkham's Vt'trotablo Com
pound at once removes such troubles,
lie fuse to buy any other medieiue, for
you need the best.
Mrs, Pinkham invites all sick women
to write her for advice lleradviee and
medicine, have restored thousands to
health. AddreBs, Lynn, Mass.
a E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound Succeeds Where Others Fail.
"iilli'il In Jiiiivi't' Ci""k mill nrt liln t'
tmii III" hoi mm nhli'il, llirowliiK Hi" Ijiik
5v nvi'i' 11 nix-foot I'uihfiriktiii-nl, In tlm
iliiikniiof, Iir. Hoiiiiiiir wim cmiikIiI (
iit iiili lb., v lili t" nii'l wim inilnf ully
linii'"i), Tin' Iioik", lift' r Ini'iikliiK Hi"
l'iii!;y Into iil""in, wiim chiikIiI hy hl
.liti i r, wim im ciin il niinihi r Iiiihhv f'otn
11 ii"iir-hy faririi'i', mid IimvIiik imul" tli"
ell, ("Miifl'il to IIiIm i'lly wHIioiil fur"
Uur liii .l"iil, Tli" irili.nii iK'i'iirri'il on
Hi" IiikIoi'm lililh'iny iiml will I" hi" ninny
Mi'iiilM wlnh hlin tunny inoti' l..iy f"
Iiimin nt Hie ilny, tiny ii" willing lo
limit Hi" lu l l. i nt lii'i.iii tin ritlotH'il,
Men Renponded to Alarm
1 Th" ImrHtliiK of 11 "n Huh ili" Hint
'fit.lK III" llltlllll'IK lit th" V. I'. I'.
1 f 'oniiiiiiy' . tnlll wllh oil, wim III" o' lii
j nlon Hiitni.hiy nfli tiiooii for ronHl'l.'riilil"
"Hi'll' iii. iit followliiK Ih" iioiiiilliiK "f tli"
iiilniiii. Within viry fiw (oiiili tin
11I111111. Wllhlii ii V"iy f"W i""onilii mi Ii
i .'Ii "iili 10111 1 Wi'iliiimliiy, I' fl Iiml w""k
I In ( iiMi, of Hi.., lli" iii,iii ill iih for flKlitlriic
I""' w
Hi., wim In o,..,,illiii throiiKlioiit tli" mill
i,ui nu ll
m-l vlim W"i" tiol r"iiilri il. Th"
iiiljimlmi nt of H fiiui'i't iihov" III" brciik
III Ih" iii"' mIiiiI off Ho. Hiipply uml nil
iliiiiKi-r wim n-movi'il. Tli" Imlili-nt, how-
; 1 V"i", m-ivml to ilitnoniiriil" Ih" fiiclll-
tli fm IIkIiiIiik hi" lit th" iiiIIIm, Ih hIi"M
. nhnwiiiK th" ri'iriui knlil" r rn l ii.-hh with
I which th" rni'ii t"nioinl to Hi" iiliurri.
Horn Trnfr Property
t'lnid !. I lot n, who wim .lenleil a ll
voi i" from IiIh wlf", Mary Mm 11. In th"
ilienll eiiint Wiilni-mlny, .fl IiikI nlKhl
for t'nllfotrilii where h" will mmIiI". Ite
fore KolllK. IlolTI undl mill tlllllBferieiJ
lo K. W. I liirriHlmli nil of Ii Ih ihI "Mini"
hold In I 'I.H kiililim Iiii'l Ii.iukIii" eoimlleH
fur 11 eonnlil.-riilloii of Umin. The new
owni r i.f lli" jiioi.-ny. wim Ink" pon-
HHdlllll milljeel to H ll.iWer llltel'l-Mt of
Ml. Horn', hn witi'l notlee on Mm.
Hum nii'l ehllilien lo vneitt" (he pn-tn-I"
lh"y now iiniipy In thl elly, th"
Jpinpi'i ty l"lni liielmli il In the trntiKfi 1
j imii!" to dim liy Horn. Tli" Hon, w"i "
I11ler1r1u11l.il In 1K70 hihI Unit' "piiru-
lion I the "Diminution of yem of In-
eenfiiiit unpl. imiiiilin iiH 8'iniliiy' Ore
' Kot, Inn.
Win on Appeal
VoiiiiK, i.HM,ii.I. i,t. riKnliiHt H.
i. Kilekmy, npiH'lliint. Appenl frurn
'Im kninn countv. T. A. Mi llrlde. Iintm-
1 . M il mid 1. iniiiiiJ. il. opinion hy
JiimIIi" M.Kii.., Thl Im uri ii.-Hnn to re- '
cover for mil I'
ill!" fur llll.K.d
i-nih-rid; iiImo dnm- 1
hi.in h of contract. The
Jury of the lower c.fiirt rernhrril a ver
dict In fuvor of th" philntlrf. Ieell.in
hy Hhite Hupi'iiie I'uiiit Mmidiiy.
For More Carrlera
Irul.r liiHiriii'tluii fr.irn WnMliliiKton.
I'liMtmiiMl'-r Itiiiidnll In hi iinutlier t xaml
n. ill. .11 uf applli nniM fur a pnlntmcnt iih
1 111 ill mail carrier, tu Mnpply runic np
eniUriK "ut uf Or. K'iri City. The 'exarnl
liutton Wn In Id H.il ili.l.iy. It I he
li. v.-d In It.ive Im en uid.-red for the pur
p..t" uf pr inl.lliiK a cuirler fur Hie Sprlng
w.ttir rout". Two prevluu exarnlnit
tluii calliil fur th" Marrie minie failed
tu .ciiiy an applicant who would ac
cept the npiHilntinctit a currier of till
There Waa Confllctlnrj Teatlmony
' Jiintlc" Hllpp (11miiiImm.iI the rhnrgt
iiKnlnut I "avid Knulaitil. nf tdl rlty. who
j w.im ci,ii... d w ild tde iiliilnctiun uf Itcllo
' N'uyer. u yuuni! woman of tde Molnlla
j lu lithl'iii ltnu.1 The preliminary ejcaml-
ciliun nf the c;oc! occupied fujir day.
Tint" wa much conflict lug tcHtimony
i nl the trial willed watt favorable to td
j id fi iid.'iiil. The Nny. r Klii I the young
Uuiniin who I. ft' tier home at Molalla on
j the eve nf her inaniiiu" lo a nelphlmr'a
j un Jimt In fore i'ln iMtma. Coming to
tdl city Mhe Jnln.il Knolaiul whom !
1 accniupalili d In I'nrllaiid where look
! place the event on which she hiiMed her
I criminal charge ngnliiKt her companion.
Both House Oppose Amending Consti
tution as Proposed. ,
A special dispatch lo the ircgunian
from H.ilem, under date of January 31,
"That the I-gisint lire will not pnss
the hill tor the ciiimt it ut ional convention
I wu evident in the Capitol today. A
1 ell uf both nomas nhows a majority
I iistaliiNt tli" hi!! In each. Thla morning
J the limine iif I'.epiesi nt.'itlv. a rejected a
concurrent rcsoluilon of the Senate for
j a Joint luoM inhly imiioi i nw for ilinciiHsiun
j of ll.c cimveniiuii proposal, thus denum-
istrnthig plainly the opposition of the j
j lower body to the hill.
I In the Senate l'i of ita total St! votea
1 III!
m ci'.i il to puss any bill, in the House
i :il of the ihl. 'I'liis virtually means that
j l'i noes in the Semite can defeat any
! hill ami ii" iiocb in the House. Fifteen
ineinlieis of the upper chamber oppose
'tile convention hill, It support It, 3 live
In iliiubt. ii n.l t is aim. 'ill. In the House
:,ii oppose the measure, ii support It.
uml 1J arc in Ouolil.
I 'Most nf the l.mlslatois believe that
i the constitution needs changing In nu
I lui'ioiis pin Ucului'H, hut the ruling opin
I Ion among them Is that If the people de
I she a convention or wish to make alter-
To cultivate, is, to open
a Bank Account.
It gives you a feeling
of security regarding
finances that you cannot
have in any other way.
Our facilities are
y class for serving
along lines of
BanR of Oregon City
Oregon City, Oregon
iillmi lliemK'lve they run ,l r, under
Hie Inltliillv". In order to eleet (lce?ii n
next June, Ih" hill would need 1,11 emi-rK-eiiey
iilniiHi. In order In rrinki. II operic
llvit In time f.,r rirnliiiiinmi, hut the
opinion of th" Ii'kIhIiiIoin Ih llml ll,er.. Im
no il'iniiiid for IhikIc in ," c;iIIIhk of n
eoiiv rillori, Tint IKlnlatur" limy mh
mll. Hi" ifli"Ktl;ii of enlllriK a "oiivi-nUon
lo tli" eleetiiiM hi the K"iieriiliid""Uotr of
.lime, lliMi, nml the. 1,111 fi llml "rid m.iy
curry Hie r,i,0(if iippiopriiiilon, hnl i,e
rrieillliet Wind I he Jieopl.' Mlilile I he
reMpoliHlhlllly of eniicllriK Ihe hill.
"IJihIiIim the .-,i,l(iiO iipprnpiliillon, one
of Hie chief Hiouridn of ohji illmt to tli"
llll In Ihe pmlMori whirh lvi. the up
liolnlrn nl of :i'i i,f ,e roriveiiilnri d le
Kiite In il,,. Xiipi.iri" C'Hiit, TIiIh I, III
liln iiKlhi le d Ih" hill in rorne rmnrtcrH,
hut wiiikiinil Ii lii runny moie, Th"
ni'liilnli of Ihe . kImIhIoim Im Hint !i'i del".
Kiilen would he loo m.-iiiy. mid Unit,
wlinlevir the miirilMr, they Hlneild hi
"leel. ll hy til" peii,le,"
'If th" Clin knrriii county il-h-r ( ion,
Hennlor lliowiiell. niithor of Ihe hill,
nii'l !ti ii"K"iitiilv" llrarrihnll w i" lined
up for the holdinx of the convention,
while llepn mi ritniivi m Huntley and Jnn-
K"r oppnMi d tin; ineilKIJI",
Senate Putt Bill to Sleep.
In Id" Hi-mite Weilii'Mdriy iifl"iiiiion,
Hi" hill for tin- prop'iM'd t'oiiMiiliitlonitl
( 'oiivi nllon wim ih fi nti-d hy '11 vole of
'i liy", M ii'ii, :i nhmnt.
j Oregon City People Oppose Contitutlona!
I Convention.
j Attorney W. H. I"1!"I and I', i. Khy
( completed th" "Ireiilntloti of a peiltlon
iiniotiK the IiumIiicmh and prnfi MMlunal men
!nf thlM eiy dcclarlritc analiiMt the pro-
i.iiMed ('oriMtllntlnnnl f.'on vent Ion provided
fur 111 Hi rnitor lliowin ll hill,
j Mori Hum one hundred nlKtiMtiiiea were
' iilitiilni-d to tde petition willed Im ail
I ilrcMMcd to Hie niemhem of tde Cliieka-
I' innH ciiiinty il"iM(itloii arid the meinlxT
of the Mule leKlMlature. The petition
, wim foi warded to Salem Tiieilny nixht.
j The pelillorier iipimw ttte convenlnu
I nf a I'oiiMiliutlunnl Ciiriventlun for th"
j .illeK' J reiiHon that the relief nought to
j I," xnlneil can he Mecuieil under Ide pro-
vlnloiiN of tde Initiative and l'., fi r. ndutn
I nt iuriMld. ra,e I. mm experiMe to tde people.
Huntley Brot. Co. Say the Ideal Laxative
For Children and Women It
Laxakola ban he.ri Mold only a Hdurt
time In Oregon City hot thoMtr who have
tiled It ny It acta more promptly and
tnore efr.ctive than anything they
urn d In fore.
Huntley Dm Co. will tell you that I
Laxakola Im a grand rcari-dy for chililrcn j
when cotiHtipatl d. colicky, fretty. or out ;
nf Molt heiauno It Im mo pure, no mild,
and mo itiire and 1 ffi i live It l hound to
do Idem kimhI.
Tli" effect, of Laxakola on the com
plexion la remarkahlc. One lady in Ore
gon City Buffering with a aiugKlHh liver,
thin, impure Mood, and a muddy, cloudy
complexion, Maya Laxakola I worth 110
a hiittle. I'.y It benctlelal actinn on the
liver and the bile pigment Laxakola ha
worked wondein In her cafe and her skin
In now mo clear and velvety her friend
are complimenting he
on her Improved
JiiHt try a 25 cent bottle on
ust What Yot
pLAYS the beautiful perfected Operatic Records, Band Records,
Orchestra Records, Male Quartette Records, Song Records, Ban
jo Records, Violin Records. AH these records are given with a pure
singing tone.
Pay us for records and a very small payment
take the outfit home. Pay the balance in easy
Suspension Bridge Corner
l:ron, Co. Kiinrarite end Ihl hrand tonic
l.'iXdllve will i)n mm- to Improve your
hlood, cli nr up your complexion, ami rmiko
you rcKnliir, hajipy and healthy. In a
if. riei.il way than liny other rerne.ly In
(he world..'
Fedcra.1 Grand Jury IndleU Mitchell and
The I'Vilcinl xrand Jury h;m njioken
for Hut rtecond tirri" In a many (Inyo and
llil tlni" two new and dlMinetly Import
:tnt IndlclmintM have heen rctunicij, one
ii';ilnft Keruitor Mitchell charging him
Willi vlolaliiiic Mil lion 17M2 of th lU;Vinnii
Kl.iliit. M of the I'nltnl HI n ten, which pro
v I'I' M Uml no one hoMIni? the ofllce of
H.fmtor h:ill receive any compensation
whuiMoever fut nny woik done to fur
ther, mitttcm r'latihn to the work of the
floveriniicnl In any department; tho other
ni'.ilrixl Hinte K'-rmtor 'ieorife ('. Itrownell
nlliKlriK Hint h" Im xullty' nf Mubornatlon
of perjury in having Indueed Fr"d S!(v
era and John A. Ilowlnnd, two axemen
foirrierly In Hide employ' of Burvyor
Oi ru ral Henry Meldrum. to nwear fjley
hefore the ifiarid Jury In n-ieard to tha
work dorie'oy lirowriell a a notary while
niaklnit aftldnvltti In connection with the
work of Ihe fiuneyor-rieneral'M oflioe,
nil of which la In violation of ncfilotl
S:!!in of the KevlMed rttatiiteM Tliiira-I.-i.v'm
A Touching Story.
Ih Hie mhvIiik from d'-ntti, of the bahy
Kill of tieo. A. Ryler. I'limta-rlanrl, Md.
He write; "At the (?" of 11 months, our
Utile (drl wa In declining health, wltd
erlou throat tronhl". and two ihvMlc
lana nave der up. We were aim out In
ileKpalr, wden we n-Kulved to try Dr.
KIuk'm New DlHcovery for ronMurnptlon,
CouKlm and Colda. The firt tKittln gave
relief: after taklnK four Imttlea Bhe wa
1 cured, and I now In perfect health."
i Never full to relieve and cure a couRh
!or cold. At Howell & Jonea drug tore;
and f I 00 guaranteed. Trial bottlea
To Carpenter and Contractor..
Bids will bo received for the erection
of one dwelling house on 8th street,
Oregon City. I1an and specification
can be aecn at office of A. Mlhlstln,
plumber. Kids will be open until the
'.nil of February, 1305. I rewerve tho right 1
to reject any and all bldB. ' ,
AddreMa all bids end communication
Oregon City, Ore.
Forest Reserve Scrip.
Forent Jtiaerve Scrip l the quickest,
aafeMt and mrat economical method of
,.V(,r j acquiring government land; which la be
j coming more scarce and valuable every
day. No residence or final proor la re
quired. If you want either timber or
agricultural land it will pay you to in-
veMtlgate thl. For Information address,
V. R. Hyde, Oregon City, Oregon. Jan. 6.
Winter Rates to Yaquina Bay.
In order to accommodate the many
people who wish to make a winter trip
to Yacpiina Bay, tne Boumern i-acinc i
Co. will sell, on Wednesdays and Sat
urdaya of each week, until March 31, j
19n5, round trip tickets at low rates, to
Yaquina and return, limited to sixty '
days from date of sale. Those who de-,'
sire to take advantage 01 wis rate snouiu .
I apply to nearest Southern raclfic agent j
j for
concerts daily in our store, You are invited.
A 'Tri 11, aiy'ivL iT,-'wli' ' ' a rfiSlirtSi'Bi iS!t
1 ViSl h-y - ,r,'v' '
Lii: '
Physicians pres-'
cribe it for their
delicate patients.
For 8 a I. by
Agency for Oregon City.
2,(XX) milea of long dis
tance telephone wire in
Oregon, Washington, Cali
fornia and Idaho now ia
operation by the Pacifio
Station Telephone Com
pany, covering 2,250
Quick, accurate, cheap
All the satisfaction of a
personal communication.
Distance no effect to a
clear understanding. Spo
kane and San Francisco
as easily heard a3 Port
land. Oregon City office at
Harding's Druer Store.
c. I. Gran,
franef and E$fe$,
Freight and parcels delivered
to all parts of the city.
Bn th
on the machine and