OKIWON city kntkkimmsk. km PAY. KKM.MWHY :, VMKk Ml Oregon City Enterprise . , ilOUS rtVOlM. OtlU' I1K1V lVIMiUH ilmt insunuuv lnrst'lv covers tins CITY ANt) COUNTY OFFICIAL , ten iiic loss, but the insurance uv Published Every Friday. jttiiuins uls come from tin pooj'lo, . and .for ovorv dolliir paid mil ly tiio Subscription Rates: ; ooinpauios soniethinu' like throe dol- One year fl.BOjlars havo Urn taken in. Tito torn!- Six months 75 I nu.v S(, f,,r HVU to improve tiro- Trial subscription, two months.. 25 j lm,,h(,t,, ,,,ul ..pplian.rs, 1 .and todav wo iiavo tiro depart incuts' Advertising rates on application. ;,im( ',.,, ualoil in ellieieticy and j - iataeriiY. In oonftruotin.il la rue. Subscribers will find tho date of ex ; huiUlin-'s i fixviallv oonunoroial I KrtMrnlo! TthTC '-7' changed within two weoka after a: to use liro-prnorini; nietlio.ls m tin: payment, kindly notify us, and the 1 structural parts and as little coni- mntter will receive our attention. real a lls Mixed! si rr? fi i Entered at the postofflco at Oregon City, Oregon. a9 second-class matter. ImstiMc materials leonipatilile with in others as is M'opor oeoiioinv, hov Iiavo not son so enouuh "to FRIDAY. FKBRUARY 3. 1!0 THE ltUSMA A Where TWO - Knlorprise. do so voluntarily, huildiu laws ucii erally conincl thoin, It is in the eon st mot ion of houses w here people dt more or loss what they please, that wood is still used more than far- II'. U? EWOI! K FI' tstluod judgment would justit v. ; there was a time when suoli con t motion was made inoutahle hy j economy, hut in the last twenty years tiiuhcr has puio up over one; liun.lre.l per cent., wiule the prices If there ho truth iti the St. IVters bur: gossip regard in,T the likelihood of tho appointment of IV Witto. former tinanop niinistor and proseut 0f l,rirk and tile and cement, figurehead under the title of provi dent of the oouneil of ministers, a temporary diotattor. all those who are familiar with the politieo-eoono-mic history of the empire for the last twelve or lift eon years will or ifive the congruity of this in-vc with the fitness ami logic of things. Pe Witte is the ol.ieial sponsor for, if not the creator of. the "great in dustry'' of Russia of such maiui facturing establishments as the Put-, iloff works, where the general strike is now in progress in the litis- sian capital originated. Modern manufacturing industry is a recent development in Russia. When Do Witte was minister of fi nance in the early nineties he was impressed with the poverty of tho country, the danger of exclusive de pendence on agriculture, then, as now, in a terrible backward state, and the necessity of diversification of industry. In a formal address ho outlined large plans for industrial expansion by moans of foreign capi tal. He wished to "shorten the dif ficult jieriod of learning industrial methods," and he was prepared to invite not only foreign investors but foreign engineers, overseers, mechan ics and skilled laborers generally. For the supply of Virdinary or partly skilled labor it was necessary to depend on the jteasant class. Of ficial statistics show that the rural laborer earns on the average during the summer "2S kopeks H cents per day. The "day" in the village means from fifteen to seventeen hours of hard toil. During the win ter months there is no work in the villages for the landless, and they must seek employment in urban fac tories. Kven the peasant proprietor cannot make both ends meet except by engaging in what is called "cot tage industrii s" or by finding em ployment away from home. The industrial centers of the empire are few and far In-iween. and even ii"W. after a decade f strenuous govern mental .'inert and encouragement, the whole of the "great industry" gives employment to less than uou.himi persons, whereas the in jreasant population exceeds loo.onn.. 000. Russian writers of authority state that the average annual expenditure! of a peasant laniilv, amounts to IV.I rubles (about ol) a figure indi cating a standard of life below- that of any other European country, not excepting the Balkans. It is a com- AlAMi JIM OTHERS reason of improved methods of man-' u fact u re. have been cheapened so much that, all things considered ; durability, repair.-, warmth in win-j tor and coolness in summer, instir-1 aiuv , freedom from vermin a tire-! proof house means a better invest-1 ment ultimately than a wooden one. . Then are cases where oven the first) cost of a lire-proof house is less than it would havo been had it Uvu built ' of wood. As a general proposition, the country over the additional cost! of first-class brick and tile construe-' tion is anywhere from live to. ten per cent more than for wood. In the ordinary dwelling there are lloor joists, cross-bridging, a rough lloor,1 paper, or other deadening material-' and a finished lloop nil combust ible, the wh'de costing something like twehty-lie cents a square foot, including the plaster on the ceiling below. In fireproof construction. to 1 I i l using noiiow mo in monolithic wide, spans, covered with an aU-stolitIiic j of other incombustible plastic floor-1 mg, and the under side plastered there is an cxpciiijniro of frin twenty-six to twenty-eight cents. Is not the use of wood in private dwell ings a habit which ought rapidly to disappear? o Orci City's JBI Cash Store Our fifth anniversary sale during the month of January far exceeded our expectations, but wc still have con siderable stock which must be moved out by March 1st, when our Immense spring stock will commence to arrive and we must have room to display it. During the month of February we intend to close out all our hall and Winter goods at prices heretofore unknown in Oregon City. The space allotted to our Cloak and SuitDepartment is small and all goods in that line must be sold regardless of cost, as wc must have room for our new suits. We were sorry to dissapoint so many of our customers who felt sure they would be fortunate enough to secure one of the four Singer Sewing Machines we gave away during the month of January. Personally we would like to present each of our friends with one of these household necessities, but as that is impossible, we have purchased four more Singer Sewing Machines and will give them away during February. February being usually a dull month we intend making it one of the busiest of the year, by cleaning up getting rid of every odd lot and short lengths of goods, so every day this month will be a Bargain Day. TICKET NO. 2047 t First nuchlne prrsrnUd to Mr, (i. Tyackt, Orrgoa City. TICKET NO. 2734 Srcond nuchinf prtarnlfd to Mr v. Tho. Armstrong, Writ Orgon City TICKET NO. 1 5,5 i 9 Third nucliluc prnrolrd to Mm Riw Chlpiun, Cotvilll. Ofrgoo TICKET NO. 12,167 Fourth ituuhln Utiolltd lor The Latest Novelty in Valentines were laid lat ,-muiner and axe kept) -oiinii ail winter ov the iiiWene- ot i liioileril selellee. I lie Usual egg cl'op roncor Tit Kill DEC ESC Y. light-spoct- inonplaeo of economic discussion in Rusia that the to keep enou; use and that stantlv underfed. Mam- peasant is too poor h bread lor his own the masses are con- wouM ly give up their hinds if they could thereby esea)c their redemption tax es and current exactions. It is from the peasants and tin neglected class of cottage workmen that the city proletariat has U-cn recruited. Most of the factory em ployes are illiterate even Hn St. Petersburg Ci per cent of the popu lation cannot read and while they earn more than they could in the villages, the living expends am much higher in the centers. The St. Petersburg strikers, readers will have noted, demand a minimum wage of .ID cents a day for unskilled male labor and :'" cents a day for unskilled female labor. f De Witte has studied the eees- iions of factory labor, inspection, strikes, accidents and regulation. At present, however, he is 'nothing it, the administration," in his own words as (juoted in a dispatch. o ADVANTAGES OF FIllE-fHOOF CONSTfllJCriOX. Xo woman, possessing the est fragment of decency or r anility, will frequent a court room and unbhi.shingly remain through- out tne inai oi a sensational involve) or other suit when common sense; alone should suirest th:if tho titi.i ' mime -if tl,.. !,.,.. ', ..f l. ill HIW1,, 111! IH.IIIII HI llll llC-l' be of a H-rsnnal and defamatory character. But such was the ease at tiio Sea mann divorce suit trial last week. To other than their credit it is4to lx' remarked that fully one-third of the spectators at the trial were either young girls or women. When it i known that the accommodations of the court room were taxed, it re mains that there were in attendanei fullv fortv women. .if excuse for ',' attending the trial and listening t; uie iiisgusiing recital was cpiallv laeking with the more than f-evontv men and young boys who sat through the entire proceeding. They are none the less censurable than tin- women. The eH'eet following the introduc tion of the first installment of dirt v testimony that characterized the en tire proceeding instead of suggesting the retreat of these women from the court room, appeared onlv to whet their appetites for the more start ling accusations that followed. Not only was the presence of these women at the trial irnwcusabl" and in bad form, but as a oon.epicneo. th'-v found an almot inexhaustible fund for gossip t hut will keep them bu-v for month- to come. If women are not posse.-nd of sufl'ie'icnt sen-e and common deeenev to absent themselves from Mich places, trials of the character of the Seamann scandal should bo conduct ed behind closed doors. ;.eeori;ng to the o ri tarv ol Agn-j culture, is l.i',i;i;,(iin.(o(i, of which! a large part go s to storage stock.' 'I hat .Neems to be a good many for! each of us. There is now an egg j cure, or rather yolk cure, for the) tn at ment of nunemia. indigestion,' ami oilier ins. it exists in the strict : form, where the egg's xolk is the jonlv fatty substance which can pas jthe censor, and in sarious modiliea- i thns. A lien ha ln-on reported from in. i ' i i enn.-y i a n 1a as laving an average of twi a day. If the rumor can Ui confirmed we shall n-e our influence lin nashingtoii to haw her smf.ddv ! rewarded. Colliers Weekly. dlidge Mrl'.ri.lc who unblushinglv is lijit. A man proclaims it hi Q I lilisMlo-.. Mid'taN suburbs ' purpose I tllOlll pa time to shadow indi- n their walks about the armed with a kodak, for the e of taking "snap shot.," at in compromising or oiberw i.-e 'mbaras-iiig positions is a "moral pcrw-rt" whose testimony should hot l.o allowed to add weight to anv ease Ik fore a court. I n the opinion ex pressed by Judge MeP.ride. ihe state ineht of Mich a man under oath i v, worthy of belief, and with thi iew and the further intimation that a eo, it of tar and feathers or a hoiv- whip well laid oil Would be ben.'ji- eial tnatment for anv man who en- GOOD MORNING Have you (otisuhr.l A. Mililslm hImhiI that Jiluiiil.iiij; xou tirtil ifunr' Main Street, urur l.iltlh Oregon City - - - Orrnoii Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. THE COMMERCIAL BANK OF OREGON CITY Oregon City, Oregon AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $100,000 D. F. C. LATOURE fTC J. MEYER Transacts a general banking business, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. President Cashier Ojx-n (rora UNION IiF.IDT rrlvrt I tlly. M A.M. Ih'iir M.ivK.T r'.alnlrr.! rn.ov ii'i-.i.i. n t,-..- Iciiflon. AdKirl Vr-l V-nOin, Havi-1 IUrn-!ll loA M. niniiil. Kurt HtnoiK. j lOailnirt I'nik. Hra 'fiiile. Amoiia anil; Hiiiilmr'' KxpoK t'ally i Aulm U Kirpn-BH ! ' 00 M. IDnlly. Kx.-.-.t riiilur-l I'M I Ihv. SO T.M Saturday only. I A HTBWAllT. I'nnim'l Iit tiln-.i I'hortn Mitlri iur, LET US Do Your Work Wo do a 'Jciirr.lt Prices Ijcasonable Work (iunrantccit Safes, Pianos ami Furniture Moved USIICe ()pM)r-lte M.i..nie Jliiilili Ti'lt iiioiii..-( I l'i lif-iilmu ! H.U Williams Bro Transfer Co. Aiil, I ('. MAVO. (J K. ! A.. A.torU. fir stages in such pie Joilerallv ian. hlls ill fierce, de i JL VIM 1 I ellt Or, '.'"ii- ii - a u An absi nl -iiiindcd I'orllainl 10 m. alter bein' coiiiinii ted to the poor farm, suddenly remembered ihut he had .p.'(Mi on depo.it in a local .-a-in,!.'s bank. It's a safe waiter the man is a batclielor. God Art Gallery of the Rockies. I'M v III YoiiiiT alhi i heiul nij-h, In ;i 'IU iii.inli or ''i'lit! 1'Jxh,hiIIiu": "My Mist tiii lifts leei-nlly been mmle Hi- the wni hi ii iiiiwrieil Dinvi-r & Kin li;onle Itiillriiitil. Any i;trcrni! nt n ill lileluic would Ije BaerlliKi'. To iii- t'O'iilO' It U Oi HI-.. H Mll'l III' 1,1-1,1 ,',,,"'l wlill.- vim w.iz.- mi tin- kiiohI, !,-. Ih'im. heioillfnl inn! hhIiIImiiv -lind'H Art i.niniv HI tl 1I' Klin Is iiiimhi pirf I iohI litis .ne- s.nil wild muii. lin,. f,,r j tlie Civiilm, himI uie iilxn l,n,n hhi-, I'O'jUl It,,- Wiiii, I. i ful (ii-lili-v,.,,,, nl ,,f man wlei inn.).. II i..Hil,li. fur tin- lrriu-1-i-r to i-iiiiv t In- pl.-tui .h.ih-h i,f Anii-i I, -n. I If yu,i i -nnii in. lull- it 0l, l-l is-l. willi-i 'A'. . M, III Idi'. UM Thiol mr.-.-l. , t . j Intnl. !.., ff .. ilil. t M plrtlOlm: Cnli,- I l ie lii'x f.iriiiMiM min-iv, ftnil leii.-viT ! Inr.it nia I Inn vim inav ilisin.. tf I COLUMBIA RIVER SCENEHY Portland and The Dalles ROUTE Regulator Line Steamers i i ! f I nt 0 i0 V Oregon DAILEY GATZERT' "DALLCS CITV 'REGULATOR" "METLAKO' "6AOIE 0." and Union Pacific . THRLE TRAIN JO THE EASIf DAILY i A savinir for the peojile of many millions will be made when they come to realize the advantages of fire-proof construction. Not lnanv people realize that the ash-heap of 3904 means an actual dead loss of $230,000,000, which is nearly $00, 000,000 more than the highest pre- Ed'IS. We can't remember u bet her hen has been an editorial on egs before or not. It is n subject that is eon stantlv in mind, as we aluavs ea', two for breakfast and somci inics three, and this without fear of Hor ace and I'ope, who call boiled ey vulgar. The news point, however, which gives occasion to this lucu bration, is that eggs cnli rely abov.i reproach now sdl in some localities as high as lifty-five cents a doyen, Such prices are received onlv for eggs-which are guaranteed to he ''fresh gathered while selecled." Several cents less is paid for "fresli it. i , gaiiiereo evira iinel, which i technical name among dealer what ordinarily goes under the name of plain 'fresh." Many of us in cities buy for little over a third of the top price by eating eggs which I lie for For coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma, weak throats, weak lungs, consumption, take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Cherry Pectoral Always keep a bottle of it in the house. We have been saying this for 60 years, and so have the doctors. "Ihnv ntui Aer' Cherry Otttnml In my Taniily fr 40 imn, It It lit lit nin.lli-liie In the wuriil, I kuuw, for nil tlnot mi, I lunif troublci." Mits. J. K. OH080B8, Wttltlttm, Mam. SVn.,J1.0ll. , .1. CJ. A YKIt ft),. m t-,,Mi. r ,nwnl . Mm ! Mahara'l MlntitreU. 1 S.iiin- nf tin- ,t lin li.al f.-itt iic-M with I M.tttia H ittlnHlii ls litis fi-amm lin- l)n- limn, tin- mnsli-al wutiili-t -wl.ai d .if tn, . ImiW, I.oiiIk.1 liKlnn, til'- lliKliti-,W,. , lu lllin .l.iiiiia soiitiotii, t'.i-MHie l.elli lli-. n j t'l'Viiliitinii, pln-iimiii nal i-iiitliallii, (lutilnti jC CtillitiH. i-ce.-nii e r iirru-dliiri nn.l i-linm-l,lnll snfl tn,. flan, i i'. Jiitin A. KiikIIhIi. the riiiii-veioiiH liiii.p enrilniller. yi, I iiiii-i., sliiKltm "nriu-iUan I low. I In- f,.i,r I in, ii..,. i. i '.. .. . ! ' in.t-i n, .n-i-rin or NnliK and ilatti--, II,.. I!r,. ;:uu, . j r.iiicK Ml. nils, . i ,,,-t,.,- at ilm, Al'llnii- .'i.ixw. ii. iiiik hievillHl, Hlmw K Clifton, fncli-ly Nki-ti-li I. -am, l. faMlilnii pbiii-n. CmHliy hist.-i-M. i-xlri'itli'ly cl.-v.-i hIukImr and daiiiliu! (Jin, li,,, ,) ; , Uu .IhIiiim.iiik .---;, v. ai tiiliat. inai-vi lintK ,t nniMi.ily. 1-Mwln ft. winri, descilntlv,. vni allHl and r.i ,,n artist. Tlilii ,-,,m. panv will In- lotmn.-nied with pretty ens- " Ititniilu.-lrn,- iiiat'ttlt uin, oi-ii.,.h. rinil'i-ln-H, lie, Ii-V'k iiiiiu hiaiHi-, Tliursday !l. ! Slr ' H'lll'-y liiiU-rf liavn I'mtlanrl j 7 A. M M.iridnvit, V-c) riiln a nn,l I- rl U-nvt-n Tim hull, 7 a. M Tuh- j d:iv. TlntxriHlii)' nrid Hmiinlnv, ; Htr. "Ki-Kiilutor" Unveil I'tirtlnnil 7 A M Tiii-i-iIomi, rioirndiiyn and Hntutdayt ! I. nv.i Tit- tnl.- 7 A M, Monday Wi-iln.-t.d.i.va tind l-'i-ldayn. j Hti iiinem I. hvImk I'm Hariri make dally " ''" wiiii t . u, a n, train oir iiDiiji-tidiiii, and Klii-kllat li.ilnla. O. II. & N. 1 ruin h-iivr GaMfnrlala on M'Mi.laya. WviliicMilay Hl1d Krlilaya at ;JU A. M muMiiic euiitu-itloii wltb Blniiin r "Iteirulatdr" f,,r f, ,i...... . Mm can , wv tinitui. funny fi-1- ; .... .. , . , o. wiiiii l. nve. Ct,,i1.dul Ttiimdaya. Ttiiumluya and Bitlnrdaja at H 3'l A. M eoiiii..,il,,g at Yyt with Kt.-am-r "HimIIh U." fr The UalU-a. con neitiim ti.,s Wtri o. u. & n. nam Kuril and Wi-Hl. Hir. "Sadlu U." l.-avei Caw-atla Iw-k. ' lully (i-sccpt 8u,Ily) 7 A M f(Jr TM j uum t ana way jmlnta; airlvt-a at .!., it-intia iiim umii-H z 1', M Caai-ndu Lntka 8 I', m Mi'tila aen-eti on all air-umeia ritic m ''niiriiridiuK.ini ir i,.ama and WHKuna. t 1; Vallnjr TlmiiiKii l'liiimitn i,itidan1 and Tuuf-r lt ulr-i 1 ,lo u nu n dully . Otnulia, t'ltlial ; Hiikiti.; l.iiii lat sl-r,inK ar dnlly Kiintma l ltv; ttiiiingu i'tillinun tnurW nl'-r-elntl nita t iin xunally rindtn-ti j wi-.-ldv tn I'hlraun. Kit nun City, red' i Inw i.-lialia inrnia fti-n to the rt dallf-l J - ( IIOUUS ir 1'itrtlainl to Chkaiio 70 1 -. Kf-X- Al Khlv-l-'i'liniio-v The IIiIh r ! tor m.,... The Lung: Daily action of the bowel la nar-a. ary. Aid natura with Ayer's Pills. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Moth- era havorlte. fiullllliK ami heallim ,i up, - ,.H ,,f inirly, lH nleaHioil li.ut, i jl'ionild iM-iiiiiiii. nt e,n-,. hnvi- made It ,H I'.'iviiill,. wltli ,e.,,l,. evi.t-ywhi-i-e. m JcHIM-htlly .-...l ,y ,( H.,-H f j I'hlldii n, rr euidH, erniii, and whnr,.lriK c. iin.h. iih II alwavH .hIT.ihIh iinlek i-,.,.f, I mill iih It roniuhm ,, ,. t i,,.,". Il.nniir.il di-i.K, it may he MV(.n ,M ,.. d. -nlly to ,i imi.y 1(M , mile hy Ceo. A. llanllnK, II A anlvi 70 Depart. .'Ill, UK, l I'.i. tl.tiid Hp. eltil II .16 u. in Allntitle Kxnrena Hill. p. in. via. Iliirtt-Ingttin. Ht. I'atil ! I'"nt Mall ! I.:l0 p in j via Kjo ; linnu. No CliniiKt? ol' Cut. Tim Bchndulai. ' Anlii Hall l-nlte, 1'nvt',: I't. Vim ill, Omaha, RuiiHiiN City, Hi Uniia, e'lilitio and Hull 1-aki'. I.rnvr. H. Woilh, Omaha.. Kanitna t lty. Ml. ' Uinla, Chh-atfO and, Uual. I 8 25 p fcl C r 8:00 a n P Walla Walla. Lew IhIoii, Hpiikioiu, Mill-' n.-.tpolia, Hi. 1'miiI, I; Ihilulh, MllwHnki'ii, : ChleiiMO tint) Knt. i i 1 :15 i" le f 'la fV l.itiuiiiiif Doi-k. U I'ortland at Altlni Btrt H. C. On. Oflir, ioi-tland. Ore CAMl-niCl.l., ManaitMr Schedule Daily River -of Oteuon City Boata Dally Schedulat . nttoriH anil 'in,,,,,. r,.H u.. Ocertn and River Schedulu ir ; I' or Hn KrunelHoo-Kvfliy llv day! ! ' ! m. lin- Aatoila, way palm n", j (leneiai I'tiMMKiigi'i' AKr-n -Ii wi vleo (wiiter jail minium on WIIUW i ! o"!T ,ul.,''1 f (tMp-tiuBtf ! 1(1 ! I'm tiund Orrtton. '.' I'ot iltttiiiie.l InfofiiiHllon of r' fc ; Hit! Oit-Koii ititllroad Si Navlnallon y j .10 'HI.(W 1.UV.U ir I -1 Jh OASTOHTrA. An. JWr tu I Iw Kind Vmi Have Always B r' I i- Oragon City Trarnoortatlon Co.