Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 03, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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' ..
New To-Day.
per cont. Farm socurlty. U'Kon
ft Bchtibol.
HuTlWWl" ANjrIKNTl.icM IKN In Oil
niul adjoining twrltnrlwi, to repreaciit and
ndvertliin t tic Wholcsaln nml Educational
ieparlnicnt nf an nlil 0Htiibllliud hnimn
of mi I Id financial standing. Halury, .1 DO
per day Willi c piiiHiH advanced ouch
Validity by check direct frmii hi'iidiiurt
cr. Iloiao Mint buggy furnlahed when
fiiirnMHury i position pmmaneiit. AiMrc,
Manager, i'h'o r thl ornru.
nl IiivvikI I ii I i'n, t.nlmirctti' ntllcn,
C'otriimnliil HiitiK IIiiIIiIIiik, Oregon
KOlfNI) -An ordinary door key, Kind
er run have munx by calling At ICn -tcrpiino
office unil paying for thl nntleM.
Local Eyci;1.
Mutl lnn Omiiun will liolil Hi) regu
lar February nwctlng tomorrow, Hut
tinluy. Tin-winy night thn Forepiicr gavn their
annual iIiiiuIiik party ut I ho Armory,
tflmw'n Oi dunlin played.
Mulling" llcciiw- lntvtt liecn ImuciI to
Allen C Condon unit J. I'. Mi:I hmnlil ;
VIoIh Htunii mul '. t Mnrlt ln,
it! Iiiwi-Ht rate, (.atotirelte ulllrr, Com
mercial Hunk Iiulldlng. Oregon I'lly,
Tin' pillion of Hi'IiihiI IMntrlct No. SI,
will litvn a lmki I no. I ii I ut I 111) mhixil
nm near l.liin' Mill toiiioiow, Hatur
ly night.
Kith collected ,y ('Ink HlrlKl.t and
Iti't'iii tli-r Hli'Vi'im for itiorilh of Jan
uary were 3H 0& niul lil'JO U5, rrniwct'
'Phi' Hlmki M-rn niuli nuft Monday
iilRhl at tlm lioiiin of Ml Myrtle Hlmiik-wlli-r,
Tim m-xt MiM'tlliK will Im held
With MlllKUIrt lliMi.lfi.lloW.
K. T. Ilnrlnw lm lirrn rrturni'd to hli
homo In thin illy and I Improving from
the oM-nitton to whlih tin niilinilltril ut
hi. Vliu'i iit lioplin iK-vrral dny ttffo.
Il.iny Marlln, primntl In Iho Kilter
jilUe olTli'r. wlille iiperntlns till) folding
nini'blne Wntmndiiy nfli riUMin. bad the
nilil. II" fltiii'-r on hi right hand painfully
Itcv. W. II. Wrltlnufer will preach
nrxt Huriduy, I'cln uury fi: Highland Hup
tint fliurch. 10 30 n. in ; HIiiiImI Kvan
gi'llrul church, S 00 p. in.; Oregon City.
;00 p. m. All welcome.
We are now open tor
stock of new and up to date
children. Our aim will be to
I Hr I
dress, for full dress, in all leathers, in a range of prices
and styles greater than ever previously shown in Oregon
City, the kinds that keep shape till worn out.
I,nt HiiliiMiny night tlm Uniform Hank
W, O, W giivn , mii'lnl iliiuctt at tlii!
Armory that was largely attended.
HIlllW'H Oll'lll.Hllll flirlllNholt tllll lllllMlo
which wn qnlli) allfetory.
A lilll has piinMi'il Imtli hranchc of Dip
li'Hlnliilnrn liicrciiKliig thn salary of J mine
Mclirldn from .'iiiou to HOW per nniiurn.
'I'lin additional lioon will In- paid eipmlly
liy tli four fountlc coiiMtltotlng the
Fifth Judicial District, namely. Cluck
aruu, Coliiiiililit, ('luUnp, ani Wutihliig
Ion, Iljy mIioin cut to 230 and 3Cc; rlilld'l
kIiop 7o nd up; mnn' iihoni 11.16 and
up; ulioo Uoiii la fmlr ; hoy' full iimk
lioi' cut to 11.40 iid 11.55; niitn' um
cut to ll.Rlii brokin loin dhmn mid rub
bun, old Mtoi'k, Co, 19a mid 47c.
Tim liulli'N of tlm Klmt HnplUt iliunli
of I III city it in iirriitiKinK for ft Colo(ilnl
llnmiui't to bo lii'ld ut tlm church Wcd
lii'mliiy cvi'iiliiif. fobruury 22, Wiuhlnn
ton'M lllithdny, Jiimlci) K. A. MiKirn, of
tlm dtntn mi picnic court, will bo th prln
tl tul kpeaker und tln ic will b ikMu'Ihhh
by prominent rlttxim of Orcxon City.
The me Miller of Abcrnuthy (inuiK"',
1'ittroiia of llimliniidry, will lnivn m fnrmiil
dcdlriitlon of their bull nt l-iiiHpliice on
Hittuidny, I'diriniry 11, Anionic tlin
prominent utiiln olttccra of thn OrnriK
win) will lie In ntleriditnce urn Htntn Mu
tcr II. II. lyi-ity, Htitlo Ix'i't iikt. Mm.
K.intim Waldo and Htatn H"' i clary, Mr.
Mury H, I Inward.
II 16 Jean pant, mnall alxe, 7Cc;
wimiI and part wool ahlrta cut off ;
warm wool mix cut to 22c; clothing and
wcatra at It to 20 per cent cut,
The Junior of the Congregational
Church urn preparing for a very Inter
em lug anciul to b given on Krldity even
ing Oil week. They will preoent "The
Coiilllng of Mother Oonw," In Oil llllle
pluy Motlicr Oimmm and all her children
aiipeur. Other Intercllng exerclin by
the llttln folk will iniike a, di'llKhtful
evening for all that will avail themiH'lvc
of b lug with them.
Meglnnlng Oil week It will bo the pur
poBo of tho Knterprlne to go to pren
every Thumdiiy evening that the pupcr
may reach all ubcrlber on tho follow
ing day. Correnpomleiil will plt'ima
mauagn to ftend In their Item mi that
they will reach tho ofTtee Wcdncadity
evening at the Intent, ollnrwlno It may
bo Imixmalble to uo them tho week for
which they wero written.
There tin been emahllBhed an Oregon
City department In tho Oregonlnn, alm
llnr to that Conducted In the other Port
land paper. Thl will afford a more
uitlxfiictory chronicling of tho new of
Oil vicinity by tho Oregonlan corre
pondent who will be thiinkful for any
Item which may bo left either at Hunt
Icy liro. Co, drug utore or at tho Kntcr
prlae orilco. Tho correapondent can U
reached by Telephone 21.
business with a complete
shoes for men, women and
cater to the actual needs of
our customers and never
betray their confidence.
The stock is complete in
every detail; every pair of
shoes sparkles with new
ness and snap, and has
that stylish and tasty ap
pearance that will please
the hard to please. We
extend to the good people
of Oregon City and vic
inity a hearty invitation
for a visit to our store to
acquaint you with cur
immense stock of foot
wear. Every pair of
shoes bought here abso
lutely guaranteed all
rips and tears sewed up
free of charge. Shoes
for business, for semi-
Among thn riotiiMn fcuture of tiio Ar
gonaut for January 80 tho wo, "Teu
tonic I'liciilliirlllii," una of tho rmmt
nniiiHlliK lirllclv Ji ionic Kurt tin writ
ten j "Under flying Hoof," an exciting
riittlo-couiitry nlory by Ilertrand W.
Hlricliilr; "When I'ort Arthur ' Kll," n
letter from Union Hyde; expreanlon of
opinion from prominent peoplu regarding
I heir fiivorllo book; and crltlclamg of
"litielii" at thn Tlvoll Opera Hoiihh, and
"Tlm (Jlrl and the Juilgn" ut tho Alcnzur,
by JoHephlnu Hurt 1'help.
Wblto bean, 4c; rlco 4o and Cc; oda,
4o; aoap, I to 10 bar, 25c; t gal. oil ttc.
It. T. Heed, of Heuttlo, uperlntcndent
for tho Weatern Union Telegraph Com
pany, paid Manager Iigu, of the Ore
gon City odlce, an olllcliil vlMlt Oil week.
A number of Improvement, eaenthil to
tho handling of tho company' larg
biiMlne at thl point, am being rnado
In tho local oMIio. Two uddltloiiul line,
making five In all, urn being limtullcd
for tho aicommoiliitlon of tho company'
hijHlno while a new awltch Ixninl und
iUitdrnilex tiililn rcpluco thn old ciiilp
metit of tho office.
Hk.ll and piitleiici) ar enm ntlal to tho
MticceiiMful photographer of children.) We
feel Juatlflcd III iiylng that thl llr of
work la bundled no whero with better r
mill thun at Ml Wlaner Htudlo, Main
at reft near Hevcnth. During February
alio will glvu apeclul price on children'
photograph. Feb. 10.
A local Aerie of thn Kraternal Order
of Kuglc will be orgaiilxed In Oil city
nlxiul I ehruary 10. In the capacity of
orgunlxer. Kd. Kortuno and Mr, Wood
hiivo aecured a lint of more than eventy l
charter member und tho Institution of
tho lodge In a limit ten duy promlac to
bo an event long to bo remembered In
Oregon City fraternal clrclea. Applica
tion ha been made for thn charter which
la expected In ttbout a week,
Charman'i Velvet Cream will cure trap
ped hand and la a aoothlng face cream.
Olovea can be worn Immediately atori
plying. Largo bottle 2G cent.
Mr. I.lxtle Hoppe'l, who returned re
cently from a acverul week' vlalt In
tho Kant, report a not enjoyublu time.
After a vllt at her old homo at Pctirla,
llllnol. where ho wu Joined by j her
four children who had been upending' the
winter With relative tbero, Mr, llop
pell continued her trip eulward, vlHlt
Irig tho National capital, Hultlmore, Iitt
lui k. and Allcghuny, I'l-nnHyh aula, and
niimerou other polnte of Intereat. Mm.
Koppcll wik tho recipient of many valu
itblo pnii. nl a well a numeroua pou-v-ntr
of tho various place vlnlted, all
tho gift of frk-nda. Mra. Hopill will
probably upend the winter at Oregon
City with her children.
Untrlmmed ihapca below coat at Mlaa
Hurveyoi for the Southern Pacific Co.
wero In tho city a few day ago and
mado tho aurvey for the Improvement
that are to bo made by tho railroad Cor
poratlon In exchungo for the perpetual
j frunc hlo that ha been granted by the
city. Among tho Improvement to be
provided are underground aubway ifor
team and piilintrlaiin at 3d ittrt-ct, an
underground ubway for pedeatriuna1 at
4th atrect and an overhead crowilng be
tween Tth ond Sth treets with con
nectlng (tulr that will aupply both of
tlioao a tree t. Tho enlarging of the
di pol building and a general Improve
ment of thha preacnt accommodation
Ik contemplated by the railroad people
Eby A Eby, general law and office
practice, Oregon City. Feb. 3
Muhura'a Mlnntrvla will be at Shlvo
ly'a Thurmlay, Kebruory 9th. After mnny
year nl experience In tho mlntrcl Held
tho well known munugcra of the Maha
ra'a Mlnatrel have hit upon a new Idea
nnd will Introduce a big lady choru
with their dhow thin Reason. And In
view of tho old time performance they
preacnt of a newer and more attrnctlvc
kind, Mirth, Melody, and Mualc, In fact
It la aufc to any the elaborate program
"A la mualcale" I one of the boat thing
ever Introduced In any bill of mlnatri'Isy.
Tho comcdlona are ninny and form a
Hchool of humor where only the beat
emanate from, while tho dancing, oc
tette nnd numerous other clever people
who have a hand In tho fun making,
are decidedly worthy up-to-date attrac
tion. Trimmed hata below coal at Mlaa Oold
amith'a. Tho will of tho Into Thllllp Roos was
admitted to probate Tuesday and In ac
cordance with the document the widow
nnd tho cldent Bon, Henry P., were ap
pointed executrix and executor, respec
tively. Peceaned left an cxtate of the
cat limited value of $12,000. In a will that
was executed November ISth, last, In
the presence of V. A. Dlmick and Rlch
nrd IVtzold, decedent directed that after
the payment of nil funeral expenses the
sum of $1.00 bo given each of tho six
children, tho balance of thhe estate, both
real and personal, to become the abso
lute property of tho widow, Elizabeth
Mctzgcr lloos.
Personal Mention
Mlws Cierti'iido Iiawhor spent Sunday
with relatives at Salem.
Judtte Sltpp Is recovering from a seri
ous attack of In grippe.
Mayor Wm, Schlndler, of Mflwaukte,
wad In tho city Saturday.
Miss hcsslo Diiulton has returned from
a visit with friends nt Eugene..
Hurry McLean Dewart, . a Portland
newspaper man, was in tho city Satur
day. Miss Hortlia Goldsmith wont to Eu
gene last night for a visit with rela
tives. Sol Garde, salesman for I. Soiling, la
spending n few weeks' vacation in Cal
ifornia. Henry Clinton nnd Chas. Barz, of Mtl
waukto, had bus'.ress at tho court house
Klarn, Metzner nnd Alfred P. Schnei
der wero granted, n marriage license last
HeglHtcr A. S. Dresser and Attorney
Plenty of poor wort h
less drugs on the
market. Huntley's
label isn't on them
L! jjL4yiihis s a "money back if you want it" store. If your
purchase is not entirely satisfactory, bring it back; if it does -not prove what was
Pri!d you brin g it back : i jLyou f md you could have the same article cheaper
glggjgiJ cheerfully refund your money. We "make
ilYHyJl0! at this store-
Rout Colds
Disease harvests its
largest crop about this
time of the year,
largely the result of
neglected colds. There
Is only one right time
to cure a cold-that is
as soon as it comes.
There is only one rem
edy that we know of
that you can depend
on to cure a cold right
lythat is
Huntley's Laxative
Cold Cure
It has never fail
ed we believe It
cannot fail to cure tnj
cold. If it tver
should fail we want to
refund the money.
Price 25 Cents.
Franklin T. Griffith were visitor at
Ralem Tuesday.
Mis Edna Gregory haa gono to Seattle
for a visit.
Frank June, of Aatorla, la visiting
friend at Oregon City.
Mlsa Mary Conyer. of Portland, vis
ited Oregon City friend Wednesday.
Mrs. O. H. Iiylund and daughter. Mlsa j
ISIanche, have gone to Sulem where they I
will reside.
Hon. C. V. Gulloway. of McMlnnvllle,
was a visitor to Oregon City the latter
part of last week.
P. U Evans, manager of the Northwest
advertising for the St. Paul Globe, waa
In Oregon City last Saturday.
Dr. and Mra. A. L. Itcatle were called
to Seattle this week as witnesses In a
case before the superior court.
Miss Ethel Cheney and Mlsa Bessie
Crum, of McMlnnvllle, visited over Sun
day with relatives In this city.
George T. Myer Jr., and Mr. F. B.
Thorn, of Portland, were vlslttora at
tho home of Chas. Albright Sunday.
D. C. Boyles, of Molalla, haa accepted
a deputyshlp In the sheriffs office and
will assist in the collection of taxes.
George J. Currln. a former resident of
Oregon City and now located at Heppner,
was visiting old friends here last week.
Alfred Horn has returned to Tacoma,
having been called to Oregon City as a
witness In the Horn vs. Horn divorce
Dr. C. II. Melssner, of Portland, has
associated himself with Dr. M. C. Strick
land to assist the latter In his medical
Miss Jessie Humphry, a nurse at the
("mod Samaritan Hospital at Portland,
visited with relatives at Oregon City
Miss Edna. Daulton, a student at the
state university, la home from Eugene
for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
E. J. Daulton.
Mrs. R. L. Holman has returned from
Seattle where she was called to attend
the funeral of her Bister, Mrs. Hlnes,
who died recently at New York City.
John Noble, yard mnster for the O. W.
P. Company at Portland, Is recovering
from a seriousness illness at the home
of his brother, E J. Noble. In this city.
Mrs. F. A. Miles has been called to
Dnyton to attend her daughter, Mrs. Roy
Martin, who with her husband. Is se
riously HI with an attack of typhoid fe
ver. H. H. Moody, of Pulaski. New York,
who accompanied his son H. S. Moody
from his recent eastern trip, is seri
ously 111 with nn attack of lagrlppe which
Is quite general In this vicinity.
Dr. 1.,. J. Wolf, former house physician
at the St. Vincent's Hospital, who for
several weeks nttended the practice of
Dr. Strickland In this city while that
gentleman was In Europe, lenves tomor
row for New York City, where he will
take a post graduate course.
Misses Edna Cauflcld and Edna Daul
ton are home from the state university
at Eugene for a visit with their parents,
fleer on the Oregon City police force, Is
fleer on the Oregon ICty police force, os
arranging to move to a farm near Needy
where he will get busy tiling tho soil.
Drs. Beatle & Beatle, Dentists, Rooms
10, 17 18, Weinhard Building.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Druby and their pupils
will give an Informal dancing party at
Wilianette Hall next Tuesday evening.
An orchestra of three pieces will fur
nish music. Dancing from, 8:30 till 12.
Friends of pupils are Invited.
Louise, tho thirteen year old daugh
ter of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. H. Walker, was
given a party at tho homo of her par
ents Wednesday evening in honor of her
birthday anniversary. Tho little peo
ple passed a real enjoyable evening.
W. L. Ball of Portland and Mra. Ida
Mny Snndstrom of Highland, this county,
were married at 2 o'clock Tuesday aft
ernoon at St. Paul's Episcopal church,
Fresh, new stocks just opened. Not
a last year's one in the lot all dainty
and pretty. Over 200 styles to select
from at all prices from
5c to $2.50
Everybody Says
Ward's Little Liver Pills make friends
with your liver without making an
enemy of your stomach.
20c Box
the rector, Rev. P. K. Hammond, of
ficiating. The ceremony waa witnessed
by Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Scrlbntr of
& $ 4
line hundred members of the Oregon
City Assembly of United Artisan to
to Portland by special car Friday nlgM
where they will be entertained ny the
Iram Assembly. The local Assembly
of Artisans are preparing for an enter
tainment and dance to be given In the
W. O. W. hall, Thursday evening, Feb
ruery 9-
Q f,
The members of Lone Star lodge No.
115, I. O. O. F. of Clackamas, will give
a grand ball at their hall at Clackamaa,
Saturday evening, February 4, the pro
ceeds of the party to go to I H Phil
lips, a member of the lodge. Waile en
gaged In a coon hunt two week ago,
Ihllilps suffered a fall from a tree, as
a corrBqucnce of which he remains pai
tially paralyzed.
S $
A score of the young men of this city
have organized the Plantation Minstrels
and are arranging a regular old fash
ioned minstrel performance to be pre
sented at Shively's opera house about
March 1. Since the opera house Is be
ing remodeled, the date for the enter
tainment cannot be definitely named but
it Is intended to give the show as th?
Initial attraction following the reopen
ing of the local play house. There will
be the usual first part, consisting of
Jokes and songs, with a stage setting
representative of an old plantation. The
second part will consist of specialties,
including a stump speech and two or
three bright sketches having a local ap
plication. Instead of being costumed in
the customary dress suit or colonial hab
it, the members of the company during
the musical part of the entertainment
will appear In suits of striped calico.
8 $ $
Preliminary arrangements have been
completed by the members of Cataract
Hose company No. 2 for an Inaugura
tion ball to be given at the Armory
Friday evening, March 3. Fox's orches
tra, of Portland, has been engaged and
the several sub-committees are working
out the details of the party which prom
ises to be one of the leading social
events of the Winter. The general com
mittees is composed of ex-Mayor G. B.
Dlmick. H. W. Stratton, Ed. Reckner
and Fred Nelson.
The several sub-committees are: Ar
rangements G. B. Dlmick, H. W. Strat
ton, Ed. Reckner, and Fred Nelson;
Decorations C. Ramsby, W. A. Dlmick,
Howard Latourette, Fred Nelson; Inside
committee Wm. Sheahan, XV. Bailey,
Pat Flnucane, Ed. McFaiiand, Milt Price;
outside committee H. E. Straight, J.
M. Price, Joe Knowland; Printing J. W.
Cochran, F. B. Pratt, H. W. Stratton,
G. B. Dlmick; Floor Managers W .R.
Logus, Joe Goodfellow, H. E. Draper,
A. L. Price, Htiward Latourette and
C. E. Ramsby. Arrangements have been
made for a late car to Portland after
the dance.
Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Hayhurst cele
brated the first anniversary of their mar
riage at tholr home In Canemah last
Friday night and about 30 of their friends
partook of their hospitality. The even
ing was passed with guessing games,
Miss Bertha Long winning the firpt
prize and the consolation prize going to
Roscoe Frost. Music was also a part
of the evening's entertainment. Miss
Grace Marshall rendered a vocal solo. De
licious refreshments were served.
C. W. Frledrlch to Begin Business on
Hill February 1st.
C. W. Frledrlch has disposed of his
blacksmith business at Ely nnd about
February 1, will open up a general hard
ware store In the Walter Little Build
ing on Seventh street, next to Brown &
Welch's meat market. Mr. Frledrlch.
who has been In business at Oregon City
since 1S91, wishes to thank the people
of Clackamas county for their liberal
patronage In the past and asks for a
continuance of the same in his new
business venture. Feb. 10
All our goods are
bought carefully
kept careful and
sold carefully
White Pine
is the cough remedy
that is used exclusive
ly by hundreds of fam
ilies in Oregon City.
It has been tried and
tested and has never
been found wanting
when taken for old
coughs, new coughs,
night coughs and other
forms of throat and
other forms of bron
chial affections. Pleas
ant, sure, safe. Large
bottles 25c. Guar an
ted of course.
It's Influence Has Been Felt by Many
Oregon City Readers.
The soothing influence of relief.
After suffering from Itching pile.
From eczema or any itchiness of the
Makes one feel grateful to the remedy
Doan's Ointment ihas soothed hundreds
Here's what one man says:
L. S. Hayues, of 328 Burnside street,
Portland, who is now retired, says:
"I can speak of Doan's Ointment In the
highest words of praise. I used it several
years ago when living In Michigan. Itch
ing hemorrhoids had annoyed me for
years and during that time I had consid
erable experience with remedies recom
mended for that painful and aggravating;
complaint. They did me little or no
good. I Anally heard of Doan's Ointment
and began Its use. The first few appli
cations gave me relief and it only took
a short continuation of the applications
to make a permanent cure for it Is now
over six years since I used it and up to
the present time there has not been the
slightest symptoms of recurrence. I have
also used two boxes of Doan's Kidney
Pills and was so greatly benefitted that I
bought a box and sent them to my eon
who lives up on Hood River. He wrote
back to me and praised the remedy high
ly. I never expected to allow my name to
be used as a public indorser of any
medicinal preparation, but when two ar
ticles are up to the representations made
for them like Doan's Kidney Pills and
Doan's Ointment, I think the public
should know about them."
Plenty more proof like this from Ore
gon City people. Call on C. G. Huntley's
drug store and ask them what their cus
tomers report.
For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, Ney York,
sole agents for the United States.
Remember the name, Doans, and take
no other.
The Salvation Army.
Meeting every evening at 8 p. m.,
Sunday meetings: 2. p. m. Junior meet
ing, 3. p. m. family gathering, 8. p. m.
grand rally and battle for souls. All
are welcome. Officer In charge
Subscribe for the Enterprise.
Fine Mackerel, Cod
hish, Salt Salmon
and Anehoyis
Also a new crop of
nutsjjust arrived.
Don't forget M G.B.
Coffee in 1, 2 and 3
pound cans, the fin
est in the land.
Electric Grocery
D. M. Klemsen, Prop.
Main Street, near Electric Hotel