OREGON CITY ENTEHlMtlSE, FKID.VY, FEBRUARY 3, IMS. i i Hi if 1 4- li; i ' til . j ' 1 ; j ii l " i ! il , 1 r r. ill ? 'a ; A r 9 1 ! Uut iofresponaents' corner j Brief Bits of Gossip From All Prfeof the County. Correspondents ar requested to re new their work. We will furnish all necessary stationery. The news from your neighborhood should appear In these columns every wees. STAFFORD. Balmy breeies nnd beautiful quiet rain. Riving promise of an early spring, In deed early sprint (lowers such as cro cuses and hyacinths have already peep ed from under the brown earth. Vm. Schwarti has his windmill, pipes and water tank nearly ready, bath tub In place and a service of hot and cold water. The burns are also piped to water the stock. His sons. John and Jake, have done the work and are getting It finished up In a workmanlike manner. Mrs. Grace Gebhardt has returned from the hospital and Is maylng with her mother until she gets stronger. Mr. Clouchy. late of Kansas City, Is building a barn on the place he bought of Mr. Gebhardt Mr. Weahlte Is conducting a series of meetings at the church this week. Mr. Welsenborn contracted a hundred sacks of potatoes delivered at Oswego this week for 80 cents per sack and finds himself very busy. Mrs. Fred Ellegson has been very sick. A Swede, whose name is unknown, is cutting stove wood for Mr. Gate at 40 cents a rick and seems to be making good wages at it. There is talk of extending the Farm ers" Telephone line to Wilsonvllle. Sam Moser talks of having the Baker Kruse line put Into his house. It would be very convenient if all of us should feel able to have it put in. but some of us feel too poor as yet. though if they should come around and ask us about It, qutta a number would undoubtedly have one put In. I ELDORADO. Will Jones- family are on the sick list. Jones & Kinney were looking after cattle in the mountains this week. The dance at Union hall was a suc cess. The Heloey family are still on the sick list. Veva and Nadia Kinney put a few iays In Eldorado this week. Curtis Helvey called on the Smith fam ily last Sunday. Dr. Goucher was attending Sutton Paine this week. Calie Manning is on the sick list. Curtis Helvey Is putting in Dr. Gou eher's place. The Anderson girls called on the Man ing girls Sunday. Deacon Jones was hauling hay Sunday from Lile Heights. It seems queer that this school dis trict can't put up a small fence around the school house without bonding the already on the ground. district to do so after the material is covers nearly the whole gamut of kidney als Some people dislike to do anything un- eases. This book sets out that the kidneys bate less the Is there, them well, ijutonefunction.vlz.,theeHniiiiatlonof theures works no name. Fiendish Suffering is often caused by sores, ulcers and can ers, that eat away your skin. Wm. Be dell, of Flat Rock. Mich., says: "I have sed Bucklen' Arnica Salve, for Ulcers, Sores and Cancers. It is the best heal ing dressing I ever found." Soothes and keals cuts, burns and scalds. 25 cents at Howell & Jones' drug store; guaran teed. A company of marines from the United States Navy will give daily drills and maintain a model camp at the Lewis & Clark Exposition. For Thin Babies rat is of jreat account I to a baby ; that is why babies are fat. If your! baby is scrawny, Scott's j I Emillsion is What he ! j IVantS. The healthy baby I stores as fat what it does not need immediately for bone and muscle. Fat DabieS are happy ; they GO . . . nOt Cry ; they are riCll ; , r , -i j r their lat iS laid Up IOr , , time Ot need. 1 lie' are . , . nappy because tney are ( V,1 TU 4 COmtOrtable. lile tat SUr- rounds their little nerves and cushions them. V hen they are scrawny those nerves are hurt at every ungentle touch. They delight in Scott's Emul & sion. It is as sweet as wholesome to them. Send for free sample. Be sure that this picture In the form of a label Is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. Scott Sr Bourne Chemists 409'4tS Peart Street Meat York 50c. and $1.00 All Druggist VIOLA. A surprise birthday party was given to Miss Clara Sevier by her mother on the evening of the SOth. Several hours were spent In pleasant games after which light refreshments were served to the largo gathering of young people. From all reports a very enjoyaole time was had. Mrs, Miller of Portland, nlso Mr. 1H May and wife of Garfield, have been visiting the home of Mr. Tenny. Mr. liayden has been placing new walks about his residence. Harve Mattoon Is logging for the saw mill. The people of this purt feel the great need of a telephone system, good omens seem to be pointing our way. The saw mill is shut down for a few days while repairs are being made. Evangelistic Capt. C. O. limnson and Rev. Patton expects to begin revival service at the M. E. church Sunday the 5th at 11 a. m. Capt. Branson comes highly recommended; the people of Viola are to be congratulated at having the services of such a man. Grandpa Miller Is clerking for mer chant W. D. Brown. Peculiar Disappearance. J. D. Runyan, of Butlervllle. O., laid the peculiar disappearance of his painful symptoms of Indigestion and biliousness to Dr. King' New Life Bills. He says: "They are a perfect remedy, for dull ness, sour stomach, headache, constipa tion, etc." Guaranteed at Howell & Jones' drug store. Price 25 cents. MT, PLEASANT. Mr. William Lewis went to Oregon City Sunday ufternoon to meet his mother, who hud been visiting in Portland. Mr. N. M. Killican had the bad luck of losing two valuable horses lust week. A number ot young people from Red land attended the debating society last Friday, all report an enjoyable time. Brights Disease Not Rare, but Common Kidney Disease Developes Into Bright' Disease the 8th to IOth Month; Then Incurable by All Known Means Except the new Fulton Compounds, which Record 87?,' of Recoveries. We have before us a little work on kidney diseases by Joseph F. Edwards, M. D., of Phila delphia, that contains some things that every one ought to know. Many people Imagine Bright s Disease is rare, wneo, in xaci n and waste products, and that all interferences with that function are called Bright' Disease. Dr. Edwards adds: "For the benefit of physi cians who may read this book I will give s list of the cases which I attribute to Bright' Disease, viz.: Albumennria. Congestion of the Kidney. Degeneration of the Kidney. Fatly Defeneration of the Kidney. Inflammation of the Kidney. Uraemia. Diwase of the Kidney." Thus nearly ail kidney disease being Bright' Disease, the serious question is. is it in the primary or secondary stai?e After the eighth to tenth month It becomes chronic and is then Incurable by ail known m-ans except the Fulton Compounds. There Is often no fotiee of the trouble till it has fastened. If vou have kidney disease iu the first stage the Renal Compound will cure It quickly. If it is of more than lo 10 months standing It is the only thing known that will cure it. In proof that nothing else will we cite all medical works in evidence. The stork noldersof the John J. Fulton Co., business and professional men of San Francisco, are the tlrst in the world to announce the cure, presenting a definite percentage of recoveries Wl pr cent). ana giving out tne lists or tne cureo. uu among purely chronic, well-defined cases. If you have n kind of kiiinev trouble, there is only one thing totake. The Renal Compound for Bright' Disease Isll; for Diabetes, John J. Fulton I Co., 41 Washington street, San Francisco, sole compounders. 1'amphlet free. We are the sole gent8' Charman & Co., City Drug Store. PARKPLACE. Mrs.Holt of Hrooks, Oregon, Is visitlnt? her daughter. Mrs. Frank Love of Pork- place. Utile Helen Lucas has been qulf sm'k wun an .mar oi pneumonia. The Rev. Peacock preached his fare- well sermon to an appreciative audi- j ence Sunday ruxht. It is with deep re j gret the people part with their minister, ibiit lie is going to take up missionary I work. Rev. H. A. Start of Portland will take his place at Clackamas and Park- j place. j Walt-r Morris l.-ft Monday morning I '"r tn'" "I'per Willamette where he Is j engaged in planting cotton wood tries I for the paper mills, j The Mi.ss.-s Carter of Gladstone were j guests of Miss Wilson and Miss llal- nel last Friday evening. ir. Wm. Holmes entertained Mr. anil Mrs. Pcococh. of Portland from Sat urday until Monday. The' Allernathy Grange added I new members Saturday to its twenty il ready I large membership. CAN BY. Rev. H. K. Dunlap of Dayton, but form erly of Canby, visited friends here lasl - !Tnil,s',aJ' i,ml Fl Herman S. Nev iday. Ille, a civil engineer of Portland was here last week at work on the plans for the Irrigation ditch. Several agents I epresenling as many life insurance companies, have been do ing Canby of lute, all seem to be doing some business. A Miss Chase Is announced tn speak In the city hall next Friday on the sub ject of woman's Huff rage. Mrs. Teny and so Charles came home last Monday, leaving Mr. Teny so far on the road to recovery from his accident that they think he will be able to oome home in about two weeks. Dr. Dednan Informs up that the pop ulation in and about Canby Is raplillv ! increasing on (he Roosevelt plan. He thinks the president's trip to Oregon, which took him through Uichi; parts last spring has much to do with It. DOVER, i The weather is fine, clear and blight with no Indication of rain or snow. Pon't forget the basket social Satur day evening. The program will begin promptly at 7;;H and If you want a goo4 time you should come to Dover. Mr. Kidman has gone to the logging camp io work . Mr. Bowman nnd family were visiting Mr. Nelson and family last week. Mr. Cnssldy and family have been vis it ing Mr. Kdrmsn. The people of (his community seem to forget that there Is preaching service on the first, second nnd third Sunday of every month with Sunday school every Sunday. SNAPS FOR JANUARY We make lower prices and give coupons for Dishes Ink. 3c; Vaseline 4c 5c Tablets. 4c; Envelopes 2c pencils, rubber tips 5c 10c Composition Hook Sc Child's Handkerchiefs 1c Ladles' Handkerchiefs. S for 10c Oranges, lc. Lemons..... lc Men's Handkerchiefs. 3 for 10c Shoe Laees, lc pair; Pins, Pkg 1c Lnrge 5c Toilet Soap 4c Candy, pound 8c; Nuts, mixed 5c Mixed Nuts, better lb 10c Peanuts raw, ijc. roasted ,10c Men's nnd Boy's Cups now He and 1Rr. ! Boys' Hats cut to 9c, 2 Men's Hats cut to 9c, 39c Many Hats worth more than dou Kid's heavy overalls, no bib Hoys' Overalls, good, cut to Men's Overalls long waist Hoys' 1:5c Vnderwear Boys' 35c Underwear Men's Wool Underwear 73c an Men's 50c and 60c Underwear for. Underwear, odds and ends 22c Men's Overshlrts to price. are samples, about 200, part fine, coarse, wholesale price. Heavy Coats to close J3.50 Macklnawg to close Hoy's Mackintosh Coats to close. Girl's Circular with cape i anj Boys' Collars, to close -Vic. 4c, and Neckwear, 4e, 9c Men's Clay Worsted Suits were $11. wholesale now Men's Wool Suits cut to Pants to close at 75c, 05c Hoys' Pants cut to Hoys' 3-plece Suits, long pants cul to II". 11.87 Hoys' 2-pleee Suits, were J3.20 .. Indies Hose cut to 9c, He, .. ,19ff Hroken lot Child's Hose 5c Imperfect stockings 2zC Misses Wool Hose, close 12','jC Wool Waists, cut to 75c Wool Skirts cut to $1.27 $1.38 up Belts to close 8c, 14c, 24c 38c Corsets 19c up any of them fi whole sale or less. Cotton Blankets 59c up Wool Blankets at a big cut. $1.15 Comforts cut to 90c $1.50 Comforts less than cost $1.00 Our Comforts are large and have white cotton filling. 1000 Cosmopolitan Patterns cut to.. 5c Yarns at Vi off the price. Millinery at less than cost. Ready to wear Hats cut to 89o 10c Satin Ribbons for 6c Umbrellas 33c up Shoes, Etc. Rubber Hoots rut to $2.45 Rubber Boots, snag- proof, cut to $3.20 Men's Shoes 78c up Better Shoes, $1.29 $1.47 Best High cut Bogegr's Shoes usual ly $i;.00 cut to : $4.90 High cut calf cut to $3.19 Boys' Full Stock cut to $1.40 Boys' Calf Shoes small, cut to $1.19 large to 5, cut to $1.48 Misses' Shoes odds and ends.... 48c up Baby Shoes 19c up Budies' fine Lace Shoes 94c up Badics' Shoes, better, $1.19. $1.72 Ladles' Heavy unlitn-d Shoes, $1,16, $1.27 Groceries, Etc. Beans 4C Soda 4c Starch, corn or gloss 6c Rice, 4c and 5c Raisins worth IOi: at 7c Nectarines' like apricots, cut price .. 9c Matches 4c box 10 doz blocks. Cheese, pound 14C Teas, 15c, "in, "'best 45c Coffee, 10c, 15c, best 20c Flour $1,05 Up Strong Shovel 50c 8-quart galvanized pail 150 Clothes lln go Clothes Pins, dozen 1c Trade for Country Produce In large or small iuunlltlcH. A Small Present to Each Cus tomer Friday and Saturday. - - . . Red Front Store E. C. HAMILTON, Proprietor OREGON CITY, OREGON UNION HALL. Mr. William Draper and family were visiting Mr. J. II. Burns and wife last Saturday night and Sunday. Mrs. J. L. Thomas was the guest of Mrs. Ota Wilkinson hist Saturday. Miss Kllsa Bums was Ihe guest of Mrs. A. I.. Jones last Saturday night nnd Sunday. Pon t forget the dunce at Union Hall next Saturday night, January US, U'OS. Kverybody come and enjoy themselves, Mis. Gem Hums has been quite sick lull Is getting much better at the pres ent time of willing. Mr. J. 1. Wilkinson made It business trip to Oregon City last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Strejc have Imon visiting relatives In Portland this week. Several of the members of Mr. Mike Mm la's family are on the sick list. ' Coon hunting Is getting to be quite u fad mound t'nlon Hall. Miss Mary Molnan returned home last Sunday. She has been working In Portland. Mr. Coiliitt called on Mr. John Burns lust Monday. Mr. Jas. Adklus has a number ot men loading lumber on cars at Canby this week. Mr. Alfred Smith was the guest of Ml. Josepr Perrlimer last Sunday. Miss Tina 1'lpka of 1'orllund Is visit ing her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ctms. Plpkn. this week. SHUBEL. Mr. C. Ilornihnk ts on Ihe sick list, Mrs. Bryan! of Seattle spent a few days with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. K. V. Glut her. Misses Carrie and liuni Hehiibel In tend L aving for I'm Band again. Missis l.xdla HoruHhuh. Haxel and Kl n.ue Glnter, Mi'SN.'is Ibnry tllnter and Will llettiuau spi n! a few pleasant ein lugs with G A. Sluiliel and family Hon d.iy. Miss KMu liornshuh Is on the sick list. Ib iiry H. Herman went lo Cunhy Sou day. Thit's right Henry. "If nt firs! yon don't succeed, try, try again " K. V. Glnter ami C. Ilcttcrtmm end', lost a valuable cow. The revival meetings In progress fir some lime have elosed. Mr. and Mrs. 1 lettei niati uncut Sunday with friends nt ("larks. A. Sehuliel called on the Stern li'. family Saturday nlcht mi Glmhcr and lllla Mm Imlie wvi e from school a few days la llluhm who for the past two has been a student of the I'uri- high school. k home for a snort ' s Moehuke made n trip to fregn-i I one day last week i din 1 1 ft is making linpi .. , meii is Is new place. i v id Mis-nuke, our rural carrier, spent j ay with relatives at ClnrUs. ! Infernal machine. Intended fur Hie minder of the Spanish warship Vis- i which visited New Yolk Just after lestnietlon of tlu Maine, will be dls- d In the lead-letter otll ililblt le Im'WIs & Clark Exposition. i fWr h -in. Ik j & JLkll The Hoisefurn!sKer AFTER THE W c have to perform the unpleasant duty of selling our damaged stock of goods damaged by water andjrough handling during the excitement. by J1,., 700 Cedar Doors, edges slightly sprinkled with water t 85 150 Woven Wire Springs, best quality, $1.95. 50 Iron Beds, $J.95. . . Writing Desks, regular $9.00 values, for HALF PRICE. Fine Decorated Dishes, as 6 Cups, 6 Saucers, 6 Dinner Plates, all for $1.50. Come early if you wish to avail your self of some of these bargains. (OS A AM'CctaMo IVopnrrtlion Tor As slmilalinU ihe KihkI amlltedula -tini the Slummhs ami Howls of TromolM Oi;c9lioH.CIivrful ncssamlHt'siVonlfiius iu'IIIht Oniiim.Morpliiiie nor Mineral. Not Nahcotic. mv fvu arsm nmcwi Whus.WW AfHTfrcl licmedy forfonsliiwi lion. Sour Slonuw iU)inrrtk'fl Yiriiw,('mwilsioiw, Feverish lU'SSfllHlLOSHOF SLEKP. Facsimile SiVjnnlure or NKW YOHK. i A LXACT COPY Of WRAPPCR. rrrr TT Tf PCCt Mi&Ibihu Perhaps you like your cray then remember I tali's T lair gray nair. stops tailing nair, St Enterprise for IrCl M IMS' i ITi i l i - 'a " n S ' - - p '- - ' -,-f - - -m f . - i .1 m ; t ri ,'. .- m wmmmmmfwm 'i it iti. f.-e,. sj'.'i.j .M?i4.ri 'l'..',J ) uuMnr w'jli 'fv'. 'ni iiiiti'iiift' :: ':'',"-,t,-.'- --V .'"'.; V' S'-V-i' " and 95 Cents a Mr For Infants nnd Children. The Kind Ycu Have Always Bought Boars tho Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years Mt oenr. veoetahlr Sicilian Hair Renewer hair; then keep It. Perhaps not i Renewer alwava restores color to m. ...... . . . . tiso, R r II II ! I Job Printing t 1 (( IH FIRE Piece filflOTnlSDIil "iff v I t It"'