0 REQON rsn ITHT? D DTD fOfi. .!, NO. 13. OIM500N CITY, OHKGON, FRIDAY, FKIJUC7AIIY 3, 1905. ESTABLISHED 1861 Carry CROSS and SHA LEADING REAL ESTATE DEALERS Main Street, Oregon City, Or. 233 Washington Street, Portland, Or. A suburban home. H acre, In city limit of Halnmi All Inviil nnd alt In cultivation; abundance of fruit; dwelling rot tf'OO 00; barn and out ulldtni; V4 mils to railroad station. 1360000. Would ani'fiil trad for grocery store or saloon In Oregon City or Portland for i:00.00. Three hundred and twenty acre, near ly all level, on Molnlla, two mile from Canity, ItarloW and Aurora. IS acre In cultlvatluni whole place fenced and iron. fenced; f anrea or chard; T room house; ordinary burn, l.igly timbered and valuable, l'rlce 130,00 per acre. ICIahty acre In Auction 17, Townahlp I. aoulh of IUiik. I raat. Fairly lnvrl and inoatly good anil; II triti In cultivation; 40 acre heavy tlnitmr. Ono mlla from aawmill. Living water. Oood llttla place for I SOU. 00. Term. ' Three hundred and tlitrtrn acrea. Good land, all practically level. 200 acre fenced; 20 acrea In cultlvatlun; living wator on every forty acrra; I acrra fine orchard; lata boa liouae, big barn and other outbuilding. Twenty milre from Oregon City. Ureal a lock farm and very cheap at 11000.00 One hundred and forty-five acrea; SB In cultivation; 100 acre frd; good oil; living aprlnga; 40 acrea aaw timber; one acre nl' fruit; good S room house; post barn and numerou other building, flatten mile to Oregon City. Thirteen head cattla, 1 horse, all farming Implement. Trice 13000 00. Good to..k farm and bargain. Two hundred and fifty-two acrea near Molalla river; 200 acrea level; toll good; 10 acrea In cultivation; DO acrea fenced; 200 acrea heavy valu able aaw timber and worth the price of ilc, Or and cedar. Large barn j &0,5; no houee. l'rlce 13200.00. ' Terma, Block farm Investment. 144 acrea two mllea from the termlnua of O, W. 1. Iiy Co. Una at tipringwater, 160 acrea In cultivation, whole place fenced, (0 acrea In clover, 14 acrea orchard, two million feet good mer chantable timber, three fine living eprlng of pure water, email dwell ing, large new bain f0i4, outrange of elkweed and pea vine for thou Band head of stuck, about 40 head of cattle, apan horse, wagon, new blndvr, and all farming tool wllh preaont crop for 130 per acre; very eaay terra, flood achool and grow ing neighborhood. Two hundred and twenty-five acrea at Ijogan, mile due oaat of Ore on City, 18 mile from I'ortland, 100 aorta In cultivation, to acrea mora nearly ready to break, I acrea prune orchard, whole place fenced, moun tain trout atream running through the ranch, eeveraJ large aprlnga, frame dwelling, t rooma, coat 1600, pot barn, 2 mllea to cheese factory, aame distune to creamery that aella f 1000 worth of butter month, achool one-quarter mile; aplendld neigh borhood. 130 per acre. Terma to aulL Three hundred and forty-nine acrea of level, rich aoll, In Marlon county, I mile from Wood burn, 220 acrea In good cultivation, free from atumpa and rocka, balance In paature, whole place fenced and croaa fenced, one fair old dwelling, I room, two Urge , bama, other outbuilding conven ient to place, als acrea orchard, 7 acrea hope, on quarter mil to achool, title perfect, l'rlce 127 per acre; terma made to ault the pur chaser. Thla la a rare bargain. WILL LAST 40 DAYS MILLS' RESOLUTION FOR 30 SESSION IS DEFEATED. DAYS Kay'a Bill, Placing All State Officer on Flat Salarlea Pane Houee. Hpi-nkcr Ml!!' resolution providing for ri thirty day' session of the state legis lature wa voted clown by the House hint Thursday by , vote of 30 noes to 27 ayes, three absent. Ilranihnll voted for the ab breviated aeaalon, Huntley lined up with the negative and Jagger wa absent when the vote was taken. ' Flat Salary Bill. Representative Kay'a bill pluclng all Mate ofllcer on a flat salary passed the houso by the remarkable vote of t8 ayes, to 2 noc. Those voting against the measure were; Hum, of Coo and Smith, of Josephine. The hill provldea the fol lowing annual salaries; for the different male officer: fiovernor 15000 Her relary of State 4500 Mate Treasurer 4500 Huprerne Judg'-s 4600 Attorney General 2500 The hill provide thnt all fee and per (iililte outside, the flat salaries preacrlbed shall accrue to the Btate Treasury Instead of to the pocket of the state officers. i Conveying Insane Patient. I That Insane person may be escorted to the Mate asylum by attendant of that Institution, Instead of by sheriff and their deputle, the House passed the bill of Representative Newell, of Washington j Cowty last Friday morning by 48 ayes against 2 nays the negative vole being those of Hums, of Coos, and Hlakely, of Umatilla, both Democrats. Burns was ! the only member who spoke against the measure. Other Bill. I The male consort bill ha passed the ! House without a dissenting vot. Men who live from the earnings of fallen PREPARING FOR ENCAMPMENT. Local Crand Army People Appoint Vari ous Committees. Tho member of the local O. A. R. and W. It. ('. have begun preparing for the en tertainment of tha delegate to the de partment encampment of the O. A. K., W. R. C, and Ladles' O. A. R., which will be held In Oregon City, Tuesday, Wedneaday and Thursday, June 20, 21 and 22. These dates correspond with the time of the Washington and Alaska De partment encampment, which will be held In Vancouver, on the day following, Fri day, June 23, the Lewis & Clark Fair will have Hnldler'a Day, giving the delegates and alternates from Oregon, Washington and Alaska an opportunity to attend. The officer of tho general committee are: J. P. Shaw, president; J. F. Nelson, secretary; Geo. A. Harding, treasurer; (i. 11. Dlmlck, first vice-president; Mrs. Joslah Martin, second vice-president. Tho following committees were appointed at a meeting held last Saturday night. Finance and soliciting O. B. Dlmlck, chairman; II. E. Cross, J. P. Keating, L.. Adums, T. F. Ryan, A. Knapp and David Williams. Press and publicity Edward E. Brodle, John W. Cochran, and 8. 8. Johnson. Printing J. F. Nelson. Committee on decoration and badges and on halls will be appointed later. Three halls will be required for the meeting of the Grand Army of the Republic, Women'a Relief Corps and Ladies of the G. A. It. The next meeting of the general commit tee will be held In the county court room this evening. A TAX COMMISSION BILL CREATING SUCH A BOARD PAS SES HOUSE. Measure Creating Cascade County, Wa Hood River a County Seat May Pas. MORE CIRCUIT JUDGES. BUI I Offered Creating another Judicial Office In Thl District The legislature Is asked to create three more places on the Circuit Bench of the atate. one In Baker County, one In the Fifth District, composed of Clackamas, Columbia, Washington and Clatsop, and one In the Second, composed of Douglas, Lane. Benton, Lincoln, Coos and Curry, reports Wednesday's Oregonlan. Bills women arc to face far heavier punish- i for the additional Judge In Baker, which i m nts than by tho vagrancy law. whose I Is to be called the Eighth District, and limit of Imprisonment Is ninety days. It I In the Fifth District, have already passed Choice City Property lor sale in Portland, Oregon City and Gladstone at lowest prices. We are selling lands right alcng and are always in the market to buy or sell. Farms in Clackamas County are a good safe investment and our prices are right. L. I'OKTEH, ATTORNKY AT LAW ATartor rsorinTY rcssnHso. 0H'bcx loUref on t'itr Kiii ri ri . n U.a B.C. LATOUHKTTIt 4.TTORNKYH AND COUNSELORS AT I-A 7 MAIN THHT OKKOOK riTY, OHKOOH rumlsh Abstract of Title. Loan Money, Foreclose Mortgage, and transact General I .aw Ilusln.aa. () W. KAHTHAM ATTORNKY AT LAW Collectlona, Mortgage Forocloura, Ab stract of Till and General Law Dua-Ineaa. OITtee over Dank of Oregon City, Oregon City, Or. Make Known Your Wants I Am Prepared to Supply Them That'i mi business. I have complete line of new and ccwixl-hand furniture that can't be equalled in quality and price. A specially made of furnishing house-keeping outfits. IF YOU NEED Anything in 1'urniture, Carpets, Crockery, Hardware Glass- ware or Graniteware new and second hand you are sure to buy after inspecting my stock. ' , I. TOLPOL'AR MAIN STREliT s OREGON CITY, OREGON W. 8- U'Hoa ' - Sohn.bol, U'REN Si SCHUKUKL Attorney!! at Inv. pcutjtlicr SVbuoltrtt. i Will practice in all rouris, make collections and selllenieiits of Ksistes. Funi'sh abstract of title, lend you money and Imi'i y i'ir m mny mi tint. tu irKitn. Offlco In Enterprise Building, Oregon City, Oregon. provides that any man who connlvea at , the prostitution of his wife or lives off I unfortunate women may be sentenced to one to three year In the penitentiary. I Any man who entices a girl under 18 yeara i Into a house of Ill-fame or any resort of I like character may be sentenced to Im prisonment up to Ave years. lloth House have passed Senator Prownell's memorial to Congress asking that the surviving Indian War. Veterans be granted an Increase In their pensions to the amount of 112 per month and also be given 160 acres of land each. Malarkey'a bill Increasing the penalty for train robbery to Imprisonment for 10 to 40 years has passed the Senate. The Senate has also passed a bill creat ing a Juvenile court and providing for the rar of ncglt-cted children. Other bills parsing the Senate are: Authorizing county courts to construct experimental roads; prohibiting shooting of live piReons as targets: permitting county school superintendent to sus pend Teachera' Institutes In 1906; pro viding for an annual state convention of county school superintendents. The bill appropriating $15,000 to com plete the payment of claims of Indian War Veterans has passed both houses of the legislature. The act carries an emer gency clause. Representative Richie's bill providing for the licensing of dogs, the proceeds to become a fund for the re-lmbursement of cattle owners for the killing of their herds by unknown dogs was Indefinitely postponed In the House. Malarkey'a bill, limiting the hours of labor of railroad employes, was defeated In the Senate, where It originated, by a vote of 22 to 6. The County Assessors of the state have asked the legislature that the poll tax be abolished or that Its amount be added to the road tax, making the road tax $4 Instead of 3, as at present; that It be possible to assess franchises and other Intangible property, and that it be made the duty of the Labor Commissioner and not of the Assessor to take the census or that the census law be repealed. Senator Brownell'a eight-hour law met disastrous defeat In tho Senate last Thursday, tho vote being 4 ayes, 25 noes and 1 absent. the House, and tomorrow a bill will ap pear In the lower chamber from Burni of Clatsop for the additional Judge in the Fifth. The Governor is to appoint In each case and will naturally choose Democrats. The appointees are , to hold office until their successors shall have been elected and qualified next year. Burns' bill will encounter strong op position from other legislators from the Fifth Distrtct, and It Is not likely to pass. The brobable appointee to the of fice, should the bill pass, Is John H. Smith or George Noland, of Astoria. Democratic warhorses from other coun ties, either of whom might get the place are: W. D. Hare, or J. M. Hall, of Wash Ington; W. D. Dlllard, of Columbia; and R. A. Miller, who has not moved so far from Clackamas that he might not re turn. Tuesday at Legislature. The fight for County Proseculng At torneys collapsed in the House and May ger s bill abolishing the offices of Dis trict Attorneys was adversely reported to the House ror the third time and was burled In the cemetery of things Inde finite ly postponed. This Insures the perpetuity of the present system, where by ten District Attorneys are the state prosecutors In the nine Judicial districts. Last week the Hoose was unmsitak ably In favor of passage, but political and other influences succeeded In changr- HVY STILT Attorney at. Law. JUHtioH "ll tllH l't'BI'O. Kiinr BUlg., Om'hoii Ci'y J U. CAM I'll Kl.L, ATTORNEY AT LAW, moon City, - OKtJOON Will prac-tlceln alHhe courts ol the ntste. 01- tico, in i;.iunt'li uunuiiiu. CLACKAMAS TITLW CO. Your Clackamas County abstracts of Tltla should be proparod by the Ulackamaa Title Company, lnoor noratod. Chamber of Commerce building. Portland. This company Is the bulkier and owner of the best and most complete plant of Clack' amaa county tltlos. Astracts from Its ofllccm are compiled by exports of Ions: experience, compotent attor neys and draughtsmen, and are of guarnntoed accuracy. Clackamas County Lands, Mortgage Loans, Estates managed, Taxes ex amined and paid, E. F. Riley, pres... F. B. Riley, see. Appreciate a Well Served Meal The pleiisure of eating at the Bruns wick House is more than merely It is a pleasure you don't find in care lessly managed places You dine heie amid pleasxnt surroundings, snowy linens and j olite service, the best viands the market affords, pre pared in a manner to suit the most exacting epicure, and with all ex clusiveness. . Opposite Suspension Brldfle, Oregon City, Oregon. WOULD REDUCE TAX REBATE. The House did ita share toward creat ing a State Tax Commission Monday af ternoon and passed Capron'a bill by m vote of 36 to 19, Kay' protest against It being In vain. An appropriation of I70H Is to cover the expense of the Commis sioners who may appoint a clerk. The Government has the appointment of the three Commissioners, who shall meet for the first time on the second Monday In June, 1905. The purpose of the Commission is to gather all informa tion on rates of taxation and assessment of both tangible and Intangible property. New taxation laws shall be compiled and presented to the next session of the leg islature. The Commissioner are to hare the power to demand Information front various sources, and any one giving false Information may be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Each of the Commission ers I to receive 11000 for his service. For A New County. Cascade County, with Ita court house at Hood River, ha fair prospects of Join ing the Eastern Oregon sisterhood o counties. The House Monday unani mously passed a bill to create the county. Strong opposition will develop, however. In the Senate, where the Wasco people have centered their forces. They aai that the political organization of Mult nomah and the state is working against them In order to diminish the political 'nfluence of Wasco county, out of which Cascade is to be formed and that the same elements are now working for the creation of Cascade which defeated Stock man or Jefferson County. The Wasce people gave up the fight for Stockmaa largely to head off Cascade. Other Legislation. Senator Sichel has Introduced a bffl for a law regulating automobile. It re- qulrea every owner of an automobile te pay a S3 license fee and display a num ber on his machine. Modern appliance for safety must be used and care must be taken in meeting or passing teams. A speed limit of one mile m five mlnutee In thickly settled district and one mil In two and one-half minutes in thinly settled districts is provided. The Senate defeated Miller's Senate bill 3, which proposed to change the school fund apportionment law so as te require that each district should be given 100 Instead of 350 before the per capita apportionment Is made. Senator Miller explained that the bill was intended te favor the small county districts, but the Senate would not agree with his view and sustained the adverse report of the committee on education. Senator Nottingham' bill providing for changing the name of the State Reform School to that of State School for Boy, was Indefinitely postponed In the Senate Monday. This unfavorable action resulted largely from the attitude of Senator Not tingham towards his own measure. He fathered the motion for its postponement. DEATH FROM AN EXPLOSION. Lawrence Hardman Sustalna Fatal In juries While Blasting Stumps. Lawrence Hardman, a young farmer at Meldrum's Station, met his death Tues day, afternoon while blasting: stumps on ing the sentimnet of the members. Not a gmnn tract 0f land that he had recently a voice was raised against Indefinite . nnrchased postponement. Fees for recording chattel mortgages and similar documents are reduced by Crolsan's Senate bill. All such docu ments hereafter will be charged fo at the rate of 31 for eight folios, and 20 cents Der folio over that amount. This About 3:30 o'clock, Mrs. Hardman, who was observing her hus band at his work only a short distance away, heard an explosion and became frightened when Hardman did not re appear at his work. Too frightened to visit the field in which her husband was) working, she hastened to a neighboring rate applies only to counties of less than ' neli ana summoned her brother-in-law 60.000 population. with whom she returned only to find the The Jayne bill for the amendment of mangied remains of Hardman ubout 121 the local option law may be submitted feet distant from the place $t the ex by the Legislature to the electors of the plosion. Life was extinct, state next June, as an exchange for the coroner Holman was called and too elimination of the emergency clauce. The i charge of the remains over which an In House committee on revision of laws, j Quest wa8 neia Wednesday morning, the which has that bill under consideration, verdict being in accordance with the has not yet decided on the character of facts as related. Hardman was working Its report, but is favorable to submitting wltn dynamite sticks charged with CO the amended bill to the referendum. ! per cent nitro-glycerlne and it is sup- Among the probable amendments will pose(j 8nce no one actually witnessed Oregon City Machine Shop i PHILIPP BUCKLEIN, PROPRIETOR Twelfth and Main Streets Oregon City, Oregon Judge Ryan Has a Number of Ideas on Legislation, "The per centage of rebate that Is al lowed by law for the prompt payment of taxes should be reduced, and I am going to offer a bill covering the subject," de clares County Judgo Ryan. The Clacka mas County Judge Is drafting a number of bills that he will have presented to the State Legislature through the delega tion from this county. The principal measure for which Judge Ryan will contend,, will be that reduc ing from 3 to 2 per cent the rebate al lowed In tax payments. This feature of the present tax laws cost Clackamas county 35400 In the aggregate In the col lection of Inst year's taxes. Judge Ryan thinks that the payment of taxes will be expedited with 2 per cent rebato as well as under present conditions, while the reduction in the rate will Increase the amount of money actually received by the county. ' Regulating the use of the public high ways and prohibit ing the travel of auto mobiles on mountain ronds are the pur poses of another bill that Judge Ryan Is prepnrtng. It is proposed to prohibit the uso of tho roads for wood-hauling during certain times of the year and also rog u.nte the load that is to be carried ac cording to the width of the tires of wag ons employed. Another measure proposes creating a statute of limitations at from one to two years within which proceedings estab lishing roads may be reviewed. As the laws now stand on this subject, the reg ularity of the proceedings attending the building of a road twenty years ago can be questioned and the controversy brought Into court for adjustment. be one to reduce the percentage of voters necessary for calling a prohibition elec tion from 40 to 30 per cent or less, and one to apply the act to all precincts of towns. The finest collection of tiger skins ever exhibited will form Slam's display at the Lewis & Clark Fair. the accident, that In adjusting the cap In one of the heavily charged sticks, an explosion resulted. The deceased was a young man aged 25 years and Is survived by a young wife, formerly Miss Julia Hood, whom he mar ried last Fall Just before removing te this city from Lebanon where his parents reside. JLPC 0 New Hampshire's building at the Lewis & Clark Centennial will be a reproduc tion of the birthplace of Daniel Webster. king Powder MeJkes Cleev.n. Breacd With Royal Baking Powder there is no mixing with the hands, no sweat of the brow. Perfect cleanliness, greatest facility, sweet, clean, healthful food. Full instructions in the " Royal Baker and Pastry Cook" book for making all kinds of bread, biscuit and cake with Royal Baking Powder. Gratis to any address. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM 8T., NEW YORK.