Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 27, 1905, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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2,000 miles of long dis
tance telephone wire in
Oregon, Wnnliington, Cali
fornia and Idaho now In
titration by the Taciflo
Htalion Telephone Com
pany, covering 2,250
Quick, accurate, cheap
All the naliuiVtiori of a
ttersonal communication.
lMntance no c fleet to a
cWr understanding. Spo
kane and Han FranciHco
kh easily heard ai Port
land. Oregon City oflice at-'
Harding's Drutr Store.
.4 - Ittlla .1 1 fl.iit .i tmi Uaha. rail
lini wa.iw - ' - -
taetlona. Muyeand sella a dieiiieon ellp'iluta
InuieltullauH'aiaa, Huron and lluug Koua.
Iixuulla recalled Subed iO Obat't. Sent
tlMnlromli.M. U4r. H.
0 fl.LATOUKITTIt. President.
tin. lieatl beetle, Dantlets; room
II, IT. II. Walnherd building.
Ilia i ii a 1 1
m0 and Expfe
Freight and parcels delivered
to all parts of the city.
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
I 00 AM
I 10 P.M.
Kor Maygera Rainier
riatakanla, Wwtport
Clifton. Aalorla.Wer
ranton. Havel, nam
inond. Fori Htevana.
iinarhart Park. Haa
Ida, Aatoria ana
Ejprea Dally.
Aatoria Kipreaa
Dally, Kioepl Batur-
Saturday only.
Portland and The Dalles
I llvljU.Ul.UI
Btr. "Hally Oatsert" leave Portland
7 A. M. Monday, Wednesday and Frl
day; leave Th Dalle I A. U. Tues
days, Thuarsday and Saturday.
Sir. "Regulator" leav Portland T A.
M. Tueadays, Thursday and Saturday!)
leaves Tlia Dalle 7 A. M. Mondaya,
Wednesday and Friday.
B tea mora leaving Portland maka dally
connection at Lyl with C. n. A N. train
for Ooldondat and Klickitat Valley
C. K. A N. train Icava Ooldendal M
Monday. Wednesday and Frty at
1:10 A. M.. making connection with
teamer "Ilagulator" (or Port land and
way polnta.
C. It 4k N. train leave Ooldendal o
Tueadaya, Thuradaya and Saturday at
110 A. M connecting at Tyl wits
taamer "Badl 11." (or Tha Delia, ooo-
nectlng lhara with O. It N. train!
Eaat and Weat
Btr, "Badl B." leava Caecad Look
dally (atcopt Sunday) at T A. M. for The
Delloe and way polnta; arrtva at 11 A.
M.I Ueve Tha pall I P. , arrive
Caaoada Lock P. M.
Meal rved on all steamore.
Kin a accommodation (or taama and
Landing at Portland at Aldar Btraat
Gen. Office, Portland, Oregon,
lirighfs Disease and
Diabetes News.
The New Fulton Compounds Mavs a
Record of 87 per cent of Recoveries
Among Chronic Caae of Bright'
Disease and Diabetes, Heretofore
Considered Incurable,
.Near Huntley's Drujr, Store,
Ureat Britain and America.
DruifKltita know that Ilrlifht's IMaaaaa and
DlabeH'iihuv lxen regarded by physician a
tnnuralils and that up to lbs advent of the
Fulton Compound thai nothing on their "helve
would touch ll. It In a proven taut that nearly
hIimi-iwiiim of all cams am uun curable, aud
druKglNla thriunelvi ir taking tba ltw Com
pound. On of tha rixiorle waa It. SSnll
LIoimiK, iImi plomwr OruKglHt ol Mi I'aulBO
uw t, Kun Krooulxo, aud ha gar It to over a
dofii oilicm who rotovenid. Here la another
Intereirtliig reoovery (Wa copy from tha Bacra
lucnto New of Novouilwr IA, 1002):
"Altor a wrtoua llliifK of over a year Judg
J. II. Allrn of thla city baa reoorered and ra
garda bluiMilf uumt fortunata la auccKfully
batUng with what ll gnnrally regarded a
fatal malady, ISrlgbt'i Placaaa of tha Kidney.
Jo apcuklug of hi ci-5 Jiitigo Alien aald: 1
bnlliT that tha tralmnt glrnn ma by my
phfulrlan waa In aucrdanoa with tha bt
UiniUil uwil In tha n-gular praallci of nmdl
elnn, hut ll arfurdnd Di no n-.n-f. ll'-arl'i? of
tha Kulura('oiii)umliJ wnut to Han KrnnciVo
tolnvrtlKaUi and waa auun cmTlnrnd 1 ahould
timlnrtfo Ilia trxatniniit. It thrna BwmllH
iKiforn I luiUcul a, nlimige fur tlio IvtlUir. 1 uwd
tha mrdlclno frUU.fullr for nearly a year and
can now lind txi erlil.ini4j of Hie OlaeaM, and
am aailnil It I enllroly e,lltuliiu-l. My ap-
Iwttia l e, I hava gained aenenteen t"undi
ll welifhl and will ba plna"'4 to deaiTll my
oilmrlenea to anyone who niay cullor wrlia.'"
Kacraienu N"w, Nor. 14, 'rx
Thi editor of the Newa hlmwlf waa the friend
who told Juilge Alleoof the Fulton Coiiipound.
They are tha only Ihlnya kiKiwn that cure
Jlrlirht'a ll.-ae ai d Il-te. Kulton'a Itenut
I'onipound for Hriifht'a aud Kidney ltean,
l: fur KlkbeLna, II.EO. Jobu J. Kultuq Co.,
WhliiKton atroel, Han Kranularo, aula
eomooundeni. Krea analanea for patlenta.
Heod for I'amphlet. Wa are the eiclualv
agauu fur Ibeea Compouodi la tblt city.
Channan & Co., City Drug Store
Batn tba vj) IhS Imd YM Hat Alwars tz$i
-jt w ai. Aa.
llnKmd ton Kan Alwrtl
Daily River Schedule
Oregon City Boat Dally Schedule
Btcamera Alton and Pomona for Sa
lem and way polnta. leave Portland dally
(ncept Bunday) at 146 a. m.; Ieve) Ore
gon v-uy. a.ia ., ..... it
8alm, fa. rn.; laava Oregon City, 4:M
Oregon City Tranaoortatlon Co.
p. tn.
11 10A.M.
1:40 Pit.
C. A. STEWAItT, ComnVI Agt, a
Aldar atroat. Phone Main to.
J. C. MAIO. O. K. P. A., Aatoria, Or.
LEX US Prices Reasonable
Do Your Work Work "afa"teed
We do a General HiiRgage and Transfer BuHineHH.
Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moved
OHice Opponite MaKonic l'uilding
rtr),t::Tmr Williams Bros. Transfer Co.
Wlneim Yotit
Take Wledtchie
You don't know what you arc taking. You placej implicit 'confidence
in the physician who prescribes it and the druggist who compounds it.
We realize this fully and act accordingly.
We want you to have every confidence in us.$ We wanyour pre
scription trade as well as your other trade. We have made a'specialty
of this line and we will appreciate your trust.
We have just received a fresh line of "Rubber Goods" Syringes, Hot
Water Bottles, Nipples, etc., direct from the Eastern factory that we
are selling at reduced prices. New, fresh and clean and every article
positively guaranteed. By our guarantee we mean that if you are not
satisfied with your purchase you can, at any time, bring it back and
we will .without any "quibbling" refund you your money.
It is absolutely impossible for anybody to carry a higher grade of drugs
and sundries than we carry. There is nothing better than the best ;
and we handle the best things only. Our prices straight through the
store are lower than you will find anywhere else. It isn't a question
of quality at all. If you buy here we will save you money on every
single thing or any dozen things you buy. That's the beginning and
end of the whole matter.
Chambers Howell
Mdvbu to tlie i
Stock and p ultrjr bave few
trotilil which ar not bowel and
liver irreRiilaritif. Blaek
liraught .Sux k and Poultry Medi
cine t a bowel and liver remedy
for usc. It put the organt of
ditfentmn in a perfect condition,
l'romiri'-nt American breeder and
fariiii-r' k'p their herd and flock
health l'V eiviiiff them an oeca
tioiwi .i'oijol Hlack-Draught Stock
and I'ouitry MtHlicine in their
food. A ii v stock raiser may buy a
25-amt hu.t-iK.uud air-tigbt can
of thia unnlicine from h! dealer
and kfv Lii .lock in vigoroui
health fr weeks. Dealer gener
ally kit T.l.ick -Draught Stock and
Poult rv M-'icine. if your drjp
not, a-:v eept. for a sample
can t tv- ni!iniLfactureri, The
Chatt;m-'"n Medicine Co., Cbat-
tanoouu. I ' 'in.
xobtu hovna.
":00 a.m.
9:22 a. m. (Albany Local)
6:10 p. m,
0 :22 a, ui.
4 :60 p. m, (Albany Local;
9:14 p. in.
Bent Her Double.
"1 knew no one for four wee.k, when 1
wa alelt with typhoid and kidney troub
le," write Mr. Annie Hunter, of PltU
burg, Pa., "and when I got better, al
though 1 had one of the beat doctor I
could g' t, 1 wr bent double, and had
to rent my hand on my knee when I
walked. From thla terrible affliction I
wa reeued by Electrio Bitter, which
restored my health and etrength, and
now I can walk as straight a ever.
They are simply wonderful." Guaranteed
to cure stomach, liver and kidney dis
orders; at Howell & Jones drug store;
price 60c.
la Theory h ombr IS I a Bctlww
I nit Thaa I 10.
Herbert fyiencer was ever opposed to
the metric sj hU iq. ne was no such fool
as to call the present British reckon
ing in pound. Kblillngs and pence sat
lKfactory. Ill point waft that the num
ber 12 was a Ix-ttcr unit than 10.
Twelve In twice divMble where 10 la
only once divisible. One-narter of 10
Is '1, not an integral number. There
re dthT reaon. bnsed upon the ob
erred workirgs of the human mind,
all tending to show that to reckon In
dozens is more natural than to reckon
In ten a wx-n nian grows beyond
the finger couritlii stage.
In scientific lu Ki'".-:ui:;!ih:m new char
seterg would l.a .c o be designed for
10 and 11, while ij ;ts:if v.oulu he writ
ten 10. The iiii'inicr now calu-d 141
would be? written 1 '"-. ftnl
would tx! l.fsKt. The pe,.tit ti'iii-'i't
100 wo'ild I " M. In t!:" svr- T a
hundn-'l ycrr- w '0. v.! "n pfople ':d
got Uf"ll to 't. t!iO (IW.'CijBul FJ-H'CID
would I f- Jut,j. c!ivcuut as t'.ia doe
Imal. Twelve Im l-.es would inakL' a foot,
twelve feet a rod. and so on.
In theory duiHlecimalistn is sound.
Dut It 1h not an t-uy thing to change
a people's Htaudard of money, weights
and roea mires. New York World.
Oregon City Market Report.
(Corrected Weekly.)
Wheat No. 1, 76o to 90o per bushel.
FlourValley, $t.60 per bbl. Hard
wheat, 14,16, Portland, 11.15 per sact,
Howard's Best, 11.25 per sack.
Oats In sacks, 11.17 1-3 per cental.
Cheat Seed 11.76 to 12.26 per pound.
Hay Timothy, baled, 1140115 per ton
clover, 111 to 112; oat, 111 to 114; mixed
hay, 112 to 113; cheat, ill to 114.
Mlllstufr Bran, 120 per ton; shorts
122.60 per ton; chop 120 per ton; barley,
rolled 126 per ton.
Potatoes 80 to 90 cent per sack.
Ekk Oregon 2754 to 30c doz.
Butter Ranch, 25 to 40c; separator and
creamery, 60 to 65.
Cabbage; 5o pr dos,
Onions 2 a per pound.
Hubbard Bijuash 46 to 90c per dos.
Honey 11 to 121-2c per pound.
Good Apple CO c to 11 a box.
Prunes (Dried) Petite, to per lb; Ital
lan, large, 6c per lb; medium. S 1-1 el
Silver, 4 l-2c. ,
Iwewted Chickens 1214c per lb.
Livestock and Dressed Meat Beef.
live 12.60 to 13.25 per hundred. Hogs,
live, 6 to 6 l-2c; hogs dressed 6 cent
sheep, 12.00 to 42.60 per hd; dressed 5cJ
veal dreaaed, t and Cft; Iambs live, 12.09
to 12.60 per head.
No More Stomach Trouble.
All stomach trouble Is removed by tha
use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It give
the stomach perfect rest by digesting
what you eat without the stomach's aid.
The food build up the body, the rest re
store the stomach to health. Tou don't
have to diet yourself when taking Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure. J. D. Ersklne, of Allen -vllle,
Mich., says, "1 suffered Heartburn
and Stomach trouble for some time. My,
sister-in-law baa bad the same trouble
and wa not able to eat for six week.
She lived entirely on warm water. After
taking two bottles of Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure she was entirely cured. 8h now,
eat heartily and ia In trood health. I
am glad to say Kodol gave ma Instant
relief." Sold by Ceo. A. Harding.
Wnr-.RM.lt. OA.. Jan. St, H01.
Blaci-J -Uhlit Stock and Poultry
Uediciue i" th beat 1 aver triad. Our
etock MPf ' 'd when yoa sent
ma the im-dioDe and bow they are
getting " ti ie. They are looking JO
peroaat. bft'.r.
rtrt" il
Linn E. Jones l
W i
Things I7e
Li Eia Best
Often Disagree With Us
Because wa overeat of them. Indi
gestion follows. But there's a way to
escape suon consequences, a uosa vi m
good dlgestant like Kodol will relive yoa
at once. I our giomaoa i simpiy too
ak tArlla-Pst what vou eat. That's all
Indigestion la. Kodol digests the food
witnout tno ttomaon t aia. xuus tn
stomach rests while the body is strength
ened by wholesome food. Dieting it un
necessary. Kodol digests any kind of
good food, strengthens ana invigorates.
Kodol Hakes
Rich lied Blood
Prepared only by E. 0. B W irr Co., Chicago,
2M U Dottl contains! tune tn wo. eisaw
j mi'
PL 1
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable.
Almost everybody who reads the news
papers Is sure to know of the wonderful
cures maae cy ur.
i Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
J the great kidney, liver
i and bladder remedy.
"Z It is the Preat medi-
r cal triumph of the nine
teenth century; dis
covered af:cr years of
scientific research by
Dr. Kilmer, the emi
nent kidney and blad-
-..ir -"-' der specialist, and is
wonderfully successful In promptly curing
lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou
bles and Brlght's Dlreaoc, v. hioh is the worst
form of kidney trouble.
Dr. KIlmerVfvAimp-Root Ss not rk
ommemled for everything but if you have kid
ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found
Just the remedy you need. It has been tested
in so many ways, In hospital work, in private
practice, among the helpless too poor to pur
chase relief and has proved so successful In
every case that a special arrangement has
been made by which all readers of this paper
who have not already tried it, may have a
sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book
telling more about S"tmn-Root and how to
find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble.
When writing mention reading this generous
offer in this paper and tfTL
enri vftnr flrtdr.;. tA
Dr. Kilmer &Co.,Bing-Ov,j!rH
hamton, N. Y. ihe "-ii
regular fifty cent and noma of awnmiy-Root.
dollar sizes are sold by all good drt'ggists.
Tbe Way the? Father of Ilia Country
Conducted Kerptloha.
Presidential receptions at the White
House uovvaduys are vastly different
from those given by the Father of Ilia
Country when he was at the bead of
the government. Philadelphia was then
the scene. The president rented a house
at Sixth and Market streets for $3,000
a year and dressed himself much more
elaborately than he had for similar or
caslons In New York.
On tbe occasion of a presidential re
ceptiun a chosen few were admitted
aud formed a circle around the recep
tion room. Then the president made
the round, favoring each with a formal
bow and a few words. Then he return
ed to Lis position before tbe fireplace,
and they In turn were conducted to
him, lowod and retired.
There was no handshaking, his hands
"being so bestowed as to Indicate that
the salutation was not to be accompa
nied with shaking bauds." At those
levees our first president shone, too, in
the matter of drewt. Washington Is de
scribed as resplendent in black, velvet,
silver knee ana shoe buckles, long black
silk stockings, his powdered hair tied
In a silk bag- vr cue behind, lie wore
yellow gloves and held a cocked hat in
bis hand. Kx-Jianjre.
tier Don M Tora.
"Is there any foundation for the pop
ular belief that the constituents of
man's Ixxly are renewed once every
seven years?" inquired the female med
ical student.
"I do not know how It Is with a man,"
roplied the grumpy old professor, who
does not approve of having women at
tend his lectures, "but I have road of a
certain female whoe body underwent
two complete physical changes In the
course of a very few minutes."
"How and when did such a wonder
ful thing happen'"
"It was Lot's wife. You remember,
she turned to rubber and then almost
at once turned to salt."
"Being a printer, Mr. Dash," wild
the hotel proprietor, "maybe you can
advise me. I waut to get a sigu paiut
td. 'Writing Koom Free to Our Ta
jous,' or something like that."
"1 don't like 'patrons.'" said Mr.
"No? Maybe that doesn't sound just
right. What would you suggest?"
" 'Victims.' " Philadelphia I-edger.
The Diamond Cure.
The latest new from Pari Is, thai
they have discovered a diamond cure for
consumption. If you fear consumption
or pneumonia. It will, however, be best
for you to take that great remedy men
tioned by W. T. McGee, of Vanleer,
Tenn. "I had a cough for fourteen year.
Nothing helped me, until I took Dr.
King New Discovery for Consumption.
Cough and Colds, which crave -Instant
relief, and effected a permanent cure.'
Unequalled quick cure, for Throat and
Lungs. At Howell 4c Jonea drug store;
price 60c and 11.00, guaranteed. Trial
bottle free.
Don't travel over the Illinois Central,
as 'any old road will do yoa and wa
don't want your patronage; bnt if
you are particular and want the best
and mean to have It, ask the ticket
agent to route you via the ILLINOIS
! CENTRAL, the road that runs through
solid vestibule trains between St.
Paul, Omaha, Chicago, St Louis,
Memphis and New Orleans.
No additional charge is made for a
seat in our reclining chair cars which
are fitted with lavatories and smok
ing rooms, and have a porter in at
tendance. Rates via the ILLINOIS CENTRAL!
are the lowest and we will be glad to
quote them in connection with any;
transcontinental line.
Commercial Agent, 142 Third Street
Portland, Oregon.
T. F. & P. A., 142 Third Street, Port
land, Oregon.
Frt. and Passenger Agent, Colmant
Bldg., Seattle, Washington.
Bean tha f II 8 Have Always BOEjH
jf lilt MliU IUI
if & i
a union Pacific
Through Pullman standard and Tour
1st sleeping cars dally to Omaha, Chicago,
Spokane; tourist Bleeping car daily tm
Kansas City; through Pullman tourist
sleeping cars (personally conductea
weekly to Chicago, Kansas City, reclin
ing chairs (seats tree to the eaat dally.)
PhvaielaiM prnnennr drtinkanneaa a dlwi of
tlia liervoin nymeni. Mo " will power " oan heal tha
tooiach ninnibrnue. which tiara bean burned and
genctl by alcohol.
" O R R I N B " permanently remove! tha eraving
for liquor by actinn directly on tha affected nerves,
restoring- the stomach and dlirexttve oriana to
normal conditions, improving the appetite and
restoring tha health.
To ears -without patient's knowleug3,tray Orrln
No. 1; lor voluntary treatment, buy Ornno No.it
We will gladly lurnlik t trtitawnt free el coal (a aay
ekyslcUa, to denoattrat that Orrlse It a aaalth
pectllc for Irankeaaest.
All correspondence confidential.
Core effected er money refundce.
Book on " TlmnVennon" (nealed) free on reqatst,
Orrine wailed (sealed) on reoeipt of 1.0U by
The Orrine Co., Inc., Washington, D. C
Sold and recommended by
Howell & Jones, near Suspension Bridge
Oregon City, Oregon.
n( Portland to Chicago
No Change of Cars.
Depart. Time Schedules. Atsivi
Chicago- Salt Lake, Denver,
Portland Ft. Worth, Omaha, 5:25 n m.
Special Kansas City. St. v
9:16 a. m Louis, Chicago and
East. .
Atlantlo ,. ,
Express Salt Lake, Denver,
8:16 P. m. Ft Worth, Omaha. 8 00
via. Hunt- Kansas City, St.
ington. Louis, Chicago and
St. Paul
Fast Mail Walla Walla, Lew- -6:16
p m iston, Spokane, Mln- V
via Spo- neapolia, St. Paul. ''" " "
via opo Duluth Milwaukee,
kano. Chicago and Eaat
Ocean and River Schedule
For San Francisco Every five days at
8 p. m. For Astoria, way point and
North Beach Dally (except Sunday) at
8 p. m.; Saturday at 10 p. m. Dally
service (water permitting) on Willam
ette and Tamhlu river.
For detailed Information of rate,
berth reservation, etc., call or writ te
your nearest ticket agent, or
General Passenger Agent
The Oregon Railroad at Navigation Co
Portland, Oregon.
W ii Vii '- r ti Jiaa