Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 27, 1905, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PAGE 1
In ths County Court of Clacksmss County
State of Oregon.
In the matter of the Kstat of John
lender, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that pursuant
to an order of the above entitled court
oly made and entered on the l!th day
ct December. 1S04, the. undersigned ad
ministrator of the Mid eatte will on
tl:e 28th day ot January, 1J0S, at the
liour of 10 o'clock a. m., sell at public
auction at the court house door of the
Aurthoue. of Clackamas county. Oregon,
t Oregon City, to the highest bidder for
Cash the following described real estate,
to-wlt: The southwest quarter of the
Northwest quarter of Section 18. Tp. S,
South of Range 3, East ot the W. M.,
Clackamas County, Oregon.
Administrator of the estate of John Len
der, deceased.
Dated. December 12. 19M,
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, for Clackamas County.
Mary A. Knox, Plaintiff,
Lelghton B. Knox, Defendant.
To Lelghton B. Knox, dcefndant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
In the above entitled suit, on or before
the 4th day of March, 1905. that being
the last day prescribed In the order of
publication of this summons, and If you
fail to so appear and answer said com
plaint the plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief therein prayed, to
wit: a divorce from the marriage exist
ing between you and plaintiff. (.
This summons Is published in the Ore
gon City Enterprise by order of Hon.
Thos. A, McBride. Judge of the Circuit
Court, made on the 17th day of Janu
ary, 1906, for six consecutive weeks; the
first publication being on the 20th day of
January, 1905.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the County of Clackamas.
Martlno Pexsolo, Plaintiff,
Palmira Pexsolo, Defendant
To Palmira Petiolo, the above named
In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
In the above entitled suit, in the above
named court on or before Saturday,
March 11. 1S'. the same being six weeks
from the first publication of this sum
mons, and you will take notice that if
you fall to so appear and answer said
complaint, the Plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief demanded In said
complaint, to-wlt That the bonds of mat
rimony existing between yoy and Plain
tiff be dissolved.
This summons is published by the
order of the Hon. Thos F. Ryan,
Judge of the County Court of the County
of Clackamas, State of Oregon, In the
Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly news
paper of general circulation in Clacka
mas County, for six weeks, commencing
Friday. January 27 1905, and continuing
to and including March 10, 1905.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Jennie Duffy, PlalntifT,
James Duffy and E. G. Caufield, Defend
ants. To James Duffy, the above named De
fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled court and suit
within six weeks from the date of the ! minlstratrix of the estate of B. F. Bar
first publication of this summons, and : Btow, deceased, and any and all persons
if you fail to so appear and answer said j
complaint the above named plaintiff will
apply to the Court for the relief demand- I
ed therein, to-wit: For a decree dissolv
ing the bonds of matrimony now existing
between said plaintiff and you, a rea
sonable sum for alimony and for the
nurture and education of the four minor
children of plaintiff and you, for the pay- I
inent of 750 to plaintiff of the money
now in possession of defendant, E. G.
Caufield, as administrator of the estate
of Patrick Duffy, deceased, owned by
you as your distributive share of said
estate, to apply on the decree awarded
for alimony aforesaid, that plaintiff be
given the care and custody of said four
minor children, and for such other re-
Do not take chances on it wearing away or experiment with some unknown preparation
which wi l only half cure it at best, and leave the bronchial tubes and lungs weakened and
susceptible to attack from the germs of Consumption.
not only stops the cough but heals and strengthens the lungs and pre
vents serious results from a cold.
It Saved His Life After the Doctor Said He Had Consumption.
W. R. Davis, Vissalia, California, writes: "There is no doubt but what FOLEY'S HONEY
AND TAR saved my life. I had an awful cough on my lunjs and the doctor told me I had
consumption. I commenced taking FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR and found relief from
the first and three bottles cured me completely.
THREE SIZES. 25c, 50c and $1.00
lief as equity may require. This sum
mons la published In pursuance of an
order of Hon. Thomas R Ryan, Judge
of the County Court of the State of Ore
Bon for Clackamas County, made on the
CTlh day of December, 190t. The time
prescribed In said order for the publica
tion of this summons Is once a week for
six consecutive weeks; the date of the
first publication thereof Is the 39th day
of December. l0t.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, for Clackamas County.
John Clarence Statler, Plaintiff,
Tamsle Statler, Defendant.
To Tamsie Statler, Defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled suit by the 24th
day of February. 1905. and If you fall
to answer or appear herein, the plaintiff
will apply to the court for the relief de
manded in his said complaint, to-wlt:
that the bonds of matrimony existing
between the plaintiff and defendant be
dissolved, and for general relief.
This summons Is published by order of
the County Judge of the County of Clack-
amas, Oregon, made the 11th day
January, 1903.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Date of last publication February" 2. 1905
In the Circuit Court for Clackamas Coun
ty, Oregon.
Mrs. Dorita Woodworth, Plaintiff,
Claremount Woodworth, defendant.
To Claremount Woodworth. the above
named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled court and ault
on or befor the last day of the time pre
scribed in the order for publication made
herein to-wlt: 4th day of February, 1905,
and If you fall so to answer, for want
thereof the plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief demanded In her
complaint on file, vli: that the marriage
contract existing between plaintiff and
defendant be forever dissolved.
This summons is served upon you by
order of the Honorable Thomas A. Mc
Bride, Judge of the above entitled court,
made December 15th, 1904, and the date
of the publication of this summons is
December 2J, 1904. and the date of the
last publication thereof Is February 3d,
rjOo. and the time within which the de
fendant Is required to answer the com-
plaint Is February 4th, 1906
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Department of the Interior. Land Office
at Oregon City, Oregon. January 21, 1905.
Notice Is hereby given that the follow
ing-named settler has filed notice of his
l" """" ,lnal P01 n "PPort
of his claim, and that said proof will be
made before the Register and Receiver, at
"ts'i -o, wrrgun, on aiarcn i, laua, viz
Paul Praeger,
H. E. No. 12663, for the Ni of NE!4,
SEH of NEU & KEK SE, Sec. 18,
T. 4 8.. R. 5 E.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz:
John Straight, of Garfield, Oregon.
A. Richardson, of Parkplace, Oregon.
H. Sowers, of Garfield, Oregon.
J. L. Small, of Portland. Oregon
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has been duly appointed as Ad-
lZ?&:XrA1'0tG 0'FAW. with direction, how to treaTrhem given In
H7I t y P T Zl absolutely clean language. Your Druggist or Dealer will auo!
Ply it to you FREE. II y Uil u ,et It. a Pi.i Cr4 icq. u, w. 0. javne 4 SON, PIIIUUtLl'lilA. will kriag li .FREE.
mi ftp
having claims ngnlnst the snld ' estate
must present them to the umtciMlKned,
st the oltw of my utlorucys In Otvgon
City. Oregon, within al months from
dale of this notice.
Dated this :Tith day of January. t!ia5.
s Admlnistrati'l of said oatalti.
Dlmlck .V; Dlmlck. Altoinevs for Admin-
1st; ati Ix.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice In h.'ivl.y (then that the under,
signed has Ih-ci duly appointed Hdnilli
Ixtitilor of Uu estate of Christina tinn
ier, deceased, by order of the County
Court of Clackamas county, Oregon, and
has duly qualified Ha such. Any and nil
persons having claims against the estate
are hereby notified to present the same
duly verified according to law, at the
office of Dlmlck A l.lmlck. Garde Ilulld
htg. Oregon City, Oregon, within six
mouths from the dale of this notice.
Dated and first published January
W. 11. (iOKTl.KR.
Administrator of said estate.
Dlmlck Plmlck, Attorneys for Admin
istrator. Timber Land. Act June 3, 187S Notice
For Publication.
United States Land Office. Oregon City,
uregon, January i:, 1305.
Notice is hereby given that In compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June J, 187S. entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon. Nevada,
and Washington Territory." as extended
to all the Public Land 8tates by act of
August 4, 1S92,
Carson C. Marlcle,
of Clarkes, county of Clackamas. State
of Oregon, has this day filed In this of
fice his sworn statement No. 6646. for
the purchase of the W4. 8V4, NE(4
SVi of Section No. 30. in Township No.
4 South. Range No. 3 East, and will of
fer proof to show that the land sought
Is more valuable for Its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land beforu
Register and Receiver at Oregon City,
Oregon, on Wednesday, the 29th day of
March. 1906.
He names as witness?:
Robert H. Snodgrass. of Meadowbrook.
Abe L. Larklns, of Meadowbrook.
George Hofstetter, of Clarkes.
N Garden Smith, of Muilno.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are request
ed to file tnelr claims In this office on or
before said 29th day of March. 1906.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby given that the under
sisnit d has been by the County Court of
the State of Oregon, for the County of
Clackamas, appointed Administrator of
the estate of. Bell Potter, deceased.
All persons having claims against said
estate are hereby required to present
the same, properly verified, to the under
signed at the office of Bruce C. Curry In
Oregon City, within six months from
the date of the first publication of this
Administrator of the esate of Bell Potter,
Bruce C. Curry, Attorney for Admlnis-
First publication, January 20. 1905.
Notlce of Final Settlement.
Notice Is hereby given that the under
signed administratrix of the estate of
Michael M. Shively, deceased, has filed In the above entitled suit. In the above
in the County Court of the State of Ore- named court on or before ; Saturday,
gon, for Clackamas county, her final March 11. l06, the same being six weeks
account as such administratrix of said from the first publication of this sum
estate and that Monday,, the 6th day of j mons, and you will take notice that If
March, 1905, at the hour of 10:30 a. m you fall to so appear and answer said
has been fiexd by said County Court as compluHit, the PlalntifT will apply to the
the time for hearing of objections to Court for the relief demanded In said
said report, and the settlement of said complaint, to-wlt That the bonds of mat
estate. SARAH E. SHIVELY. rlmony existing between you and Pliiln-
E. P. Morcom, Woodburn, Oregon,
Attorney for Administratrix.
cd m
lie l.amis to Settlement anil Kntiv,
Dcpni'tntent of the. Interior, Oiicral Irfiltd
Oltice, Washington. P. C January t.
Wt. Notice is In rehy given Unit on
lVcemlicr 15, l!0t. the Hecreluiv of the
Interior released from withdrawal nntl
restored to settlement tin public liiniU
III tlie following dtwillicil areas which
were temporarily withdrawn Aua'od
3. W., for proposed ioIiIIHoiin to The
Cascade Range Forest Reserve; and that
the snld public lamlH so irleum'd from
withdrawal and restored tn sett lenient on
iH'cemlier 15. 1904. will licctmin sullied
to entry, tiling nml aclccilim at the
l ulled Htwtes trfinil OIIIkn for the re
spective districts In which I lie re.uored
lands He, vis: at Oregon I'liy Hint Rose
lung. Oregon, on .May l. l!H,: Township
live t&. six (S. aiid seven tJl Mouth,
Haiige four (t) Kast, W. M.i In Town
ship elKht (Nt Mouth, llango four II)
Kast. the West Imlf of Hectlon two ('.'),
Sections three (.'II to ten (o, both In
clusive, the south half ami north-west
.quarter of Section eleven til), the north
west quarter of Hectlon ftnnt.Mii (It),
the north half and south-west quarter
of Section fifteen 4 15 . Heellons sixteen
tltl) to twenty CMH, both Inclusive, the
north-west quarter of Section twenty
one t'.'t), the south half and north. west
iiuurter of Section twenty-nine
Seillons thirty CUM and thirty-one (Si),
ami the west half of Hecllon thlrtv-two
U.'l; In Township nine (9) Houtli, Range
four (4) Kast, Sections the (M, six (ii),
seven (7), thirteen (13) and fourteen (14),
the south half of Hectlon llfteen (16),
Sections sixteen tl) to thirty-six (36),
both inclusive; In Township ten (10)
South, Range four (4) Kast, Sect bum
one (1) to twenty ('JO". Isith Inclusive,
the South-west quarter of Hectlon twenty
one U'H, the north-east quarter of Hec
tlon twenty. two C".'), Sections twenty
three C3), twenty-four (IM. and
twenty-five (25), the north half and
southeast quarter of Hecllon twentv-atx
tl'til, Sections twenty-nine U') to thirty
two (3J). both inclusive, the south half
and north-west quarter of Hectlon thlrty-thp-e
(33). the south-west quarter of
Section thirty-four (34), the south-east
quarter of Section thirty-five (35), Hec
llon tnirty-aix (3i); in Township eleven
(II) Houtli, Range four (4) Kast. Sec
tions four 14) to nine (9). both Inclusive,
Sections sixteen (16) to twenty (30),
both inclusive, the north half and south
west quarter of Section twenty-one (21).
the west half of Hectlon twenty-eight.
Sections twenty-nine 139) snd thirty
(30) ; In Township twelve (13) South,
Range four (4) Kast. Hectlon three (3) to
thirty-three (33), both Inclusive, and Hec
Hons thirty-live (30) snq tliirty-stx (36);
all In the Oregon City Ijinil District;
Townships fourteen (14), fifteen (16),
sixteen .16) and seventeen (17) South,
twenty-two (23) South. Rang" one (1)
West; In Township twenty-three (23)
South, Range one (1) West. Hectlon one
tl) to eleven (11). both Inclusive. Sec
tions fifteen (15) to twenty-one (21). both
Inclusive, and Sections twenty-eight (2)
to thirty-three (33). both Inclusive; In
Township twenty-four (24) South. Range
one tl) West. Sections five (5) to nine
(9), both Inclusive, the wrst half of S
Hon fourteen (14). Sections fifteen (15)
to twenty-three (23), both Inclusive, and
Sections twenty-five ('-&) to thirty-six
(36), both Inclusive; In Township twenty
live (25) South. Range one (1) Went,
Heetlons one (1) to twentv-three (23),
both Inclusive, the north naif of Heetlons
twenty-four (24) and twenty-six (26).
Sections twenty-seven (27) to thlrtv-onn
(31) , both Inclusive; In Township thirty
(30) South. Range one (1) West, Hectlon
one (1), two 12) and three (3), Hectlon
five (5) to twenty-three i23), both In
clusive, and Sections twenty-seven (27)
to thirty-six (36). both Inclusive; In
Township thirty-one (31) South. Range
one (1) West. Sections five (5), six (6).
seven (7) and eight (8), the south-west
quarter of Section nine (9). Section fif
teen (16) to twenty-one (21), both In
clusive, and Section twenty-seven (27)
to thirty-six (.16), both Inclusive, all In
the Roseburg I.nnd District,
J. II. FIMPLK, Acting Commissioner.
Approved: THOH. RYAN, Acting Secre
tary of the Interior.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore-
gon, for the County of Clackamas.
Alma I'. Itendroth, Defendant,
Alma P. Bendroth, Deefndant.
To Alma P. Itendroth, the shove named
In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed aifalnst vnu
tiff be dissolved.
This summons Is published by the
order of the Hon. Thos. A. McRride,
uful ol
lr Hand.
Books. 62d r
of Publication. Printed In
CVAGES. Contain Correct
Calendars tor all latitudes,
Eclipse, Tide and Weather
Tables, Astronomical data,
list or Feast, Fast and other
Holidays, graphic Moonlight
Diagrams and choice illus.
..." . ' llllllllllllllllll , Jll,,, ,
JihImi" f llu Oivnll Cmn t of I ho County
of t'liu'luiimiH, Hluli t r Oit'KKti, lit the
Ori'Kuii City ICnti't'tM'liMt, n wiM'kly new
pit M r iif mi'ihmiiI t-ti)'Ml(it loll In Cliu'liii
Minx CoiiiiIV. fin Mix w.'i'k". riitttlili'itclhK
I'rliliiy. .Iitmiiiry "', l :". mitt t'niilinnliitf
tn nml Ini liiilliiH Mini h 10. ItHI'i,
' ilKu, C. IlltOW NKf.f.,
AUuim.y for riiilnlllT,
General Ronii and Camntory Fumli,
1'i.th on liiniil In lii iiiiiil I'uiiil
Jiiiiun. 11. l:nl r.'Slfi ii
Ui-ni'inl Tiur 4iJl i
Hitlmiii I.li'i'iim ,,,, 4(06 00
l.li'inmN finm otlii-r soiiii'i 4110 05
t. W, P. ft Ity Co., II. ,.,.,, u; sis
Hoiul l'oll Tax H7 00
Klnr In t'lly Cmnt 3M 0
HIil. WHlk l.li'ii l:i( 4t
I'li'iuliim on HiiihI Halt U',1 M
H.iIk of I .tit 100 00
Iti'tit fur (. C, 'I'l'iiiiNiHii'tiitliiit Co i0 00
Kiniirlilm KxtiMialon from t', J),
Liitotiii'tto 60 00
WhIit CuiiiiiilHKliin for work on
IVntiT alifot r, DO
MlHCflliinomi . , Jl no
IliMul T.' dill nr i-fiit from Co) ;,',6tl si
Hiiliarrliitloiia for Houtli Kmt Honil HI t5
("null on IiiiiiiI In (Ymi'ti'ty Kunil
Jiitiiiiuy lat. liiol 3so 7S
Hulo of CrniWrry loia nn.l i. itiilla luC 00
Totnl JU323 00
I'll Id ('null Int. on oiitKliunlliiii
Honila a
I'iiIiI IntiTi'nt on iviWiihmI" wur-
nulla I&72 t)9
I'ulil liiti'icul on ivtlri'itti'il war-
wimta, i-omiI fund 1 1 32
Wiiriiintit it in w ii mi ii,,. (iriicntl
fuller 1 W'iiit t IIK'II t JIW
i.ittiit no; :o
HtriM-t "work Ktnl cli'iinlng 6S 0J
IVtmci'iitoi and Attornry f.-i-.. K37 M
HwonliT and Tiviumiht 530 ;0
Kirn r'iartiiii'iit f,( 00
I'llntln SIS 44
l'lirclm of I'ropiTty 160 00
KiikIiii-.tIiik iJopurt innt 141 00
Inauranro 137 60
K'li-i'tlon "t 99
Tuxi Itrcordliii IhmI .. 31 15
Warrant drawn on ltuml Knnd:
I.umbir 737 ja
CriiNhird Hock ;i7 70
Kent for Hoik Crustier. Knislne,
und repairing 317 4J
Hardware and Supplle :io oj
Itepnlr of Center Ktrert tlM.,,. 91 M
Work on Itoad Mutter, Survey.
and tirade , ;o 50
ltemir of Tool J 5J
ItiM-k for rrualier , 3t mj
lliiulltiK 3H 75
Oil for Sprinkling on Htrrrt 15
I.iiitiIkt and iiiplie of varlotu
kind to jo
l.iilmr on atreeta ft cruahlng ro?k 3W- 25
Koiith Knd Ituad -Htipplle lull Ct
H.iuth Knd ltmi.1 -I jiIm.t :o77 49
Wurrunt drawn on cemetery fond
Kor work on Ilecords. Ilxir and
Tool Hit 80
Total :i9.H ii
City's lndebtdni.
5 per cent Original Honda, duo
May lat, 1913 $:'0OO0 00
B per cent Refunding Honda, due
May lat. 19".'l 3ui)0Q 00
Outatandlng Wiirranta. (iomral
r'ut'd 22C35 84
Outatandlng Wnrriinta. Itoad
Fund , 7338 38
Total $79974 22
Outatandlng Improvement Itond. which
will be redeemed with money, derived
from the payment of uaacaament on
Sewer and Street Improvement:
6 per cent Sewer Improvement
ISond (DlMtrlct No. 2) due Jan
uary, 1911 H1H9S 73
6 per cent Street Improvement
Honda (Lower 7tn Street) due
January, 1911 353 28
6 per cent Sewer Improvement
Honda (District No. 2) due
February. 1912 367 00
6 per cent Sewer Improvement
Honda (Dial riot No. 3) due
September lat, 1913 6616 22
6 per cent Street Improvement
Honda (Jai'kaon Street) lue
October lat. 1913 2500 00
6 per cent Street Improvement
Honda (Center Street) due Aug
ust 1st, 1914 3(93 f)3
6 per cent Street Improvement
Konds (Center Street) duo No
vember 1st, 1911 7!io 73
Total iots eg
Warrant nro outstanding on yio follow
ing funds, and their amount must be
added to the, Indebtedness of the city;
Jaikaon St. Improvement Fund.. 12158 16
Permanent Street Imp Fund.... 1013 65
Totu'- J41C9 70
Superintendent f Schools Zlnser lias
compiled a list of the school district 0f
Clackamas county, showliiK the. respec
tive tax levy of null ofr tho year 1904.
Thii llMt In as follows:
No. of Dlstrlrt-1 NOi of Mmgs
3 8
6 4
20 24
21 6
24 2
28 2
33 1V4
34 4
47 6
67 6
61 2
02 2
GO 3
87 8
71 2
" S
80 i
84 2
80 B
87 W
2 2
90 j
101 3
102 17
103 ,0
105 5
100 12
Joint Dlsts.
IB , 9
30 4n
02 2V4
70 io
I or I
IBS 0f.
JlIM above piotunt tif llie
tllilll Mini lihli h the tliuli'.
mark ofScott'H IliuiilHion,
ami in tlie hviioiiviii for
hli'imptli ami purity. It. in soli
in almoNt all tliy civilized coiin
tricH of the jj;IoIm.
If the coil fish iH-caiiic extinct
it would be ii world-wide calufi
ity, Ix-cniiHt' the oil that coini'it
t'rotii itri liver KiirjuiHwK all other
f.itu in ii MicinJ linr and life-iviui;
rojM'iii'H. Thirty yearn api
tin proprietors of Scott's Kunil
nioii found a way of preparing
eod liver oil so that everyone can
take it and p-t the full value of
the oil without theobjiTtionable
tiste. Scott's J'niulstan is the
lcNt thin in the world for weak,
backward children, thin, delicate
p'ople, and all conditions of
wasting and lost strength.
Smtl far lt itmpl
rs4SL srsarr, ssw rosa
tr. tn.l $1 1 Ail ilntntltit.
A Surprlis Psrty.
A pleasant surprtM party may b given
to your atommh snd liver, by taking
meillilne which will rnllevs their pain and
dlwomfort, vli: Dr. King's New IJf
l'tlls. They rs a most wondorful rsm
edy, affording sure relief and curs, for
headsrhe, diitlno and constipation.
:&o at Howell ft June drug stars.
cx Oz i nri
Ely's Cream Balm
This Remedy Is a Spoclflo,
Sure to Give Satisfaction.
It ctnansoN, soothe, heals, ami tirotoctl ths
iliseased nieiulirann. It cure Cutarrh ami
drives swhv a Cndl in thn Head quickly.
lUmtoro the fteiiaea of Tustn anil Hmull.
Ewy to unc, CoiiUilnn no injuriuus dru.
Applied into tlie) iumtrils and absorbed.
Laro Kir.e, M cent at DriiKKixti or bj
mail Trial Hie, 10 cent hy mail.
CLY BROTHERS, 58 Wirrin St., N.w York.
ryv'4t ; 'fy There I no di
KV'VV;:J' , I'lil'i'K the fact that
" nmn'a heart i often
r ai licit tlirnugb the
Rtotnartt. Happy the lum-ewife who can
please her huslianil' nppctite with well
cooked food for Hie table. Many a man i
Rionchy, tigly. nerviiu, MifTi ring from din
Uvh after eutiiiij, heart palpitation, and all
through the ovi rw.itfceil itniijacli.
I)r, Fleree's Oolden Medical Discovery,
which helps Hie digestion of food in the
stomach, nssi-ds the lilood in taking up the
proper cleinenl finm the food, help the
liver Into activity, thereby throwing out
the poisons in the blood Bm vitalizing the
whole system, Thi t tissiniihition help In
the oxiilalion of the red blood corpuacleii,
the poisons in tlie system re eliminated,
the heart get the right kind of blood ami
the person feels InviKornted and Htronger
in conserpience, As a tissue builder it i
far preferable to cod liver oil or any alco
holic compound or tonic, because it give
the blood and the tissue the food clement
th' v require and maintain a person'
niitution by enabling him to cat, retnin,
digest and assimilate nutritious food.
It overcome the gnslric Irritability ami
s.vmj)t.itis of indigestion, Ilecause of the
Rood edi cts from using Dr. I'ierce'a Golden
Rlcilii'iil Discovery upon nutrition and the
building up of the tissue, catarrh, con
sumption, weakness or debility and symp
tom of fever, night-sweat, headache,
etc., disappear.
. "I believe that It Is generally conceded that
Ir. Pierce' CoMen MriliciU fjlseovery I the
"'it meibcliie lnr a mini to take sull'cring from
Inillg'.-atioii, kiiluey troulile, or any of the nlfllc
Hons resiilllng irom overwork or nrglecting
C..I.I, write J. Russell Hill, of 33a Ilnrrle Street,
KiiiKStoii, Ontario, Keoiirillng Kecretnry Impe
rnil KiiikIiIs' Heileriillnn J.eiigue of Kingston.
"I Imve used It aevernl times during the pat
few venrs and have always fouml that it gve
tlie hiiitieitlnle relief. It exprl excessive uric
iil In the system, due to improper digestion,
relieve the kidney from emigration, drive
BeiKluclie and backache nwnv, imliicra appetite
antl lone up the general system, ,1 consider it
s line rcmcily lor young or old men, sure to
build up a run-duwu couditioa of the syitem."
T n