Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 27, 1905, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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Now To-Day.
Pnr cont Farm ioourlty. U'Reo
A Bohuboi.
JAiIir N lJ 1SN TI JM KN tn thin
.ri1 adjoining terrllnile, to represent and
mlvtMllK" thn Whnlcaala and KdocMtiolial
llcparlmeiil ( mi old established house
of solid financial inmtliiir. Halary 13.60
.rr day 'I' 'lnmm advanced each
Monday liy check direct from lit-lniitn(-
..i llumn unil buggy furnished when
necessary; position permanent. Address,
Manager, eir uf thl officii,
tt .....
ncverm I iti n ovr it)n I a wera
thl week made lit tin Western l'nlori
Tbg in iti office, Heald" h. new floor,
additional 1.1( mom (ma been provided
mt Him agent. W, It Iwihum, wear even
a brighter miine limn (muul,
Eby & Eby, gnrnt
practice, Oregon City.
and office
Feb. I
9r v v t$ ny "ft'-ir-t
Local Eyci;Isj.
WANTtO At one at Intarprli of
fie boy about IS yr of ag who I
willing to work. Boy who ha had iomi
itrlnt In printing offic prUrrtd,
K, II Welsh wum thrown from Ida
Inn an lut Multiiduy afternoon and anf
f..u'i I In' fracture of lila left wtlsl.
( 'linn' my place at Urccn I'iiIiiI,
irKtil t'MV. iini' rutin yi'HlllliN hclfcr,
..ilnt uf until "r off, Jui'iiti HrlinU.
A. It. Illlilinn) ami Clara H. Htm kwcll
,.ii' nun i In! at Hi" residence nf V. II
II. Hiiinaiin In tlila rlly Hnlunluy after
ihhiIi, Jitniiury "I, lu&.
Miinlua" licenses Were Issued tlila
wri'k aa follow: Marvnrctha Wl- lir
Mini J. I'. Ili luu ill, ICllii'i Anna lluke"
inlrr ami Arthur ItIiI,
Eighth a i mli- riamliittlluiia were held
throughout the county thin tmk. Thirty
y.iuii 'oili tiMik till' t-K a in I lint Idii, Him
r.mill of w tilt h will l' amiuuricrd In a
f.w ilva
The Oregon City V. M C. A. Imloor
lmeball tpnni In a rr tin n aninn with the
I'oiilnnil tram at the I'lirtlanil V. M. ('.
A. lant Friday night aa defeated by a
-lira uf 11 to t.
Mia It. K llolman wont to Hmitla
Monday to ii 1 1 "lul the funeral of liT ln
trr, Mm. J. I'. Hln. who died recently
at Nrw York City, thn body lelng
brought to Brattle for Interment.
L'nlrlmmed shape below coat at Ml
Coniily I'liik Hlclght, arirr a two
j.-.k' InillaiHwIiloii followlna a d.-ninl
tlHratlon. waa at I tit. officii otin day thla
w.-rk lln rxHi'la to b abln tu r-i i ni
work at hla d-k regularly next week.
Wlillf nm .'inline thn hack alalia at
tila himiB lunt Hnnilay rvanliiK. M. C,
itamaby, deputy coll.M ior of Internal rv
nu for thla dlatrlct. all(it and f.-ll
with thn rratilt that one of hla rlba waa
friK turrd.
Tin !' cut' old mom of Ui'omi' Culirf
loat a nna.-r thn flrut of thn week. Th"
III I In fi'llnw waa pin y ln with a roiiinn
Inti wliu, wlill" IninillliiH an ax aonu'whut
cari'lcaiily, cauaml It to acclilciitly full on
t'alirf'N lliiKi-r wth th riault alvcn,
Hlnilff Hbuvi'i' Hi In wi',k i'iintiicAl I lie
dillinio'iit aiilu of iimpi'i'ty for iuimll
luxca for th )'iir Tuxna wi'in very
Imai'ly "i I'l up bint year Mini the fuel
Hint lh anlit wiia rnllii'i' alow la duo tu
lh fiul tluit thcif wi-rn only a fi-w
ilralnil'lc lccca of ir.iicily to be aolil,
II. 5 Ji-ima pun I a, amall aUca. 7Co;
wool and iiait wool ahlrta cut off 4i
warm wool tux cut to Z!c; clothing and
awnatma at 16 to !0 pT cent cut,
Miiiilno IVniulo, n w.'iiltliy Iliilliui, luia
liroiiKbl anil for illvonn from I'lilmlni
IVxaulo, whom b iniirrlcd In llully In
IH'ik lit. conipliiltiD I but In1 ciiliin I'l
Am. 1 1' In !!". iiiiucciimpuiili'd by hla
wlfi., wlmm h tcpi'iiil.'illy urgfd to Join
him In Oicihi but In every Inatunce hla
liivllttlli.ua wen. rejected lie now iiaka
Incite l.aiiMy a.'pui ate.l.
Hklll and itleic urn i-anrtitlnl to the
mir. .( ill iholnKiiiiier of children. We
feel Jimtined III auylng Hint thla Hue of
work la baiulb d no w Iicid Willi better re
aulta than at Mlaa VS'lmter'a Htudlo, Main
atreet tieiil Heveiitli. tlullnn Kelil'lliiry
aim will give aprclul rlcea on chlldien a
photogiupba. ' Kcb. 10.
Mlaa lne Kather Hmllh dl' d Tu.-adny
iilaht ut the Ihiiik' f Jobn Carothera at
Cttiieiiuih. aged IS yeura. The luuae of
death wna tuliereiilar ierltoiiltla, and ahe
hnd iM-en III alnce Ih-ceinber 16 lual. Hhe
waa born In Mld.lleton, Ore., and her
mother la dead. Her ftither realdea In
California. Th tly a taken to CIMile.
(lie., fur inlelinelil.
Cpon plendlng guilty to Iho lurceny
of chlckena lloiiglii to Kred Metxner,
llnrty Clark, a well-known Iwal Indlun
character who l a aourcu of much trouh-
t.t local ortlcera. wua aenteiicril to ten
dnya In the county Jail Monday. At the
expiration of thla aunttmce, he will be
tried on another churge of the game kind
for It appeata Clark luia been engnged In
the tMiultry bualneaa that la otner peo
plea chbk-ua anyway ti
l.iiala of lute,
a wholeaale
WANTED At onca at kntarprtia of-
flea boy about la ytara of aga who It
wilting to work. Boy who fiat naa aome
xperlanc In printing offlca prafarrtd.
There waa a tropical time with the
local tribe of Ued Mn Tueaday night.
Fourteen raudldatea were Initiate and
there wna entertainment without limit,
l, M. Ilenileraon, of Aalurlli, (lleiit
Haclieiu of the He'l Men of the atoii
wna In allctiiliiiice ii m were n I mo n nlitnbei
ut other vlaltora from Aatorla and I'ort
bind. The lied Men of thla city now Imve
it large iiiemberahlii him) the order la
numbered among the clly'a aubatiintliil
lodwe oiannlziilloiiM.
Ilecauae hla wife culled him a Mar and
threw cliunka of cin ut him with accur
ate aim while they were reNldlng at Itoa-
toil, John M. Ili'iiiliolh In u Mil It iiaka to
be divorced from Alum l Hendroth,
Ihey were miiiili.il at lloalon In July
IHK'j and plaintiff tiliig'-a Unit the tin
Haunt conduct of hla wife towarda lilm
aelf continued without liilerrupllon un
til IBtiS, when he came to Oregon, He
aeka for the cuatody of two minor child-.,n.
i. it. iiMieniiiirg. (if I'urkpluce, waa
doing hiialneaa Iti Oregon City Tueaday.
Mr, Olilcnhuig la tli man who waa vie
loiialy aaiiulted uml beaten into an nn-
recogiilxuble condition by Ionla and Hen
-y lllmler aeveral daya ago. The hhhuiiU
wua (dwardly and unprovoked and the
unaitlliiiita deaervei) all they received at
the hunda of Juki Ire Hllpp Tuenday. In
the Intel-cat of the peace of the l'urk
pluee cominuully It h to he hoped that
In event mi appeal h taken, the Judg
ment of the lower court may he aua
tallied If not augmented.
Trimmed hata belovTciaTat Mlaa Gold
Preliminary arriirigenienta for the en
t. iiiilnm.nl of the Inpurlniint of Ore
gon, Orund Army of the Itepuhll. and
the Womun'a Iteli.f Corpa during the
annual encampment, which will be held
In thla clly June 2u, 21 and 22. were made
Huturduy nlgbl. when Meade 1'oat, No. 2,
(I. A. It, apixilnted Jumea K. Nelaon,
J. A. Tufla. C. A. Wllllama. J. I. Rhaw,
(leoige A. Ilurilliig, Ouvld McArthur and
I.. W, Ingram a committee to recommend
waya and meana for the entertulnment
of the grand encampment and to make
arrungenieiita for the affair.
Wc beg to announce that on or about
January 25tH
Exclusive Shoe Store
in the Schram Building,
formerly occupied by M. Michael.
Our aim will be to conduct a strictly up-to-date
shoe business. Our stock will consist of the lead
ing makes of
Men's, Women's&Children's Shoes
We have secured the exclusive sale of the follow
ing makes of shoes for Oregon City and vicinity:
The JOE TILT, men's unexcelled $4.00 and
$5.00 shoe; The W. L. DOUGLAS, men s re
putable $3.50 shoe; The JULIA MARLOWE,
women's famous $3.00 shoe, and the AMERICAN
GIRL, women's $2.50 shoe; the shoe that is as
good as its name.
Soliciting your valued patronage,
We are Yours to please,
The Douglas Shoe Store
Schram Building
In a ault filed iigulnat the Oregon Kir
Lumber Company In the circuit court
Mra, Clara Cunningham, deceaaed, aeeka
to recover I5UH0 dumugca for the death
of her huahiind resulting from the care
leamieaa of the defendant company.
which, ahe chargea. kept a quantity of
gun-powder and other exploalvea at Ita
mill In a building adjoining that In which
the workmen bunked. Aa the reault of
ait exploalim on November 7. 1903, In
which the bulldlnga Were dernollahcd, the
plaintiff allegeg that her huaband aua
tulned Injurlea from which he died.
John !(. Tuylor, an M aoldler aged
about "0 yeara, died at the home of H.
K. Croaa at (jludatone Monday night.
The iI.-ccuk.m1 waa found aeeklng ahelter
In Mr. Croaa' old mill during a aevere
tiiim atMiut two weeka ago. lie waa
dangeroualy III and waa cared for at
Mr. Croaa' realdence until hla death.
There were mpera on thn man allowing
that ha waa an old aoldler who aerved In
the late war aa corporal. A alater In
I'ennaylvanla wua notified but no word
hua teen received. The body waa alven
burial at Oregon City under the aua
plcea of the local (J rand Army 1'oat.
White beana, 4c; rlca 4o and 5c; aoda,
tc; aoap, I to 10 bara, 25c; t gal. oil 85c.
If the plana of the member of the Cat
aract lloHe Company No. 2, do not mis
carry, that organization will be made one
of the principal rompunlca of the Oregon
Clly Volunteer Klre liepurtment. For a
number of meeting aeveral new mem-lM-r
have heen Initiated, five taking the
obligation Inat Tueadny night, when the
compuny voted 125 toward the fund for
the I'omolned Firemen' Tournament and
Fourth of July cclchrntlon that will be
held here July 3-4-5 and for which the
mentlera of the clty'a volunteer fire de
partment ure working, faithfully that the
demonatratlon may lie a grent aucceas.
Mra. Dotiglaa Telford, aged 89 year,
died at her home ut Canomah Sunday
innnilng. The deceased wua a native
of Ivnholm. Scotland, where ahe waa
born In -1K15 and ' had resided In Oregon
City for ubout thirty yeara. Mra. Tel
ford waa from early life a member of
the Huptlat church and waa a tlrelea
worker In religion work. In the ab
sence from the city of the pnator of the
Flint Ilupllat church. Rev. J. II. Heaven,
the funeral acrvlcc Were conducted
Tuesday atfernoon at the homo of the
surviving aon, Maxwell Telford ut Cune
miih. under the direction of the member
of the local Iiuptlst church. Interment
wua had at Mountain iVew cemetery.
The friends of Itoscoe Frost, the genial
aulcsuuin at lluach's, relate a good story
on him. A few days ago Frost went up
the Willamette river to a point near Cnn
liy for ii duck hunt. Ho wandered about
for some time without even sighting a
bird when finally through Hie brush that
bordered the river bank ho was certain
he espied a duck. ,Tnklng steady aim, he
fired but tho bird did not appear to have
been hit. The distance was so brief be
tween the sportsman and the bird that
Frost was positive he must have hit the
target but ho discharged the contents of
the other barrel with equally accurate
aim and when tho supposed bird did not
fall, ho hastened to investigate and was
astonished to discover that he hud been
shootinn at a decoy-duck thnt had been
left there by V. E. Blssell who had pre
ceedod him on a hunt a few daya before.
The ault for fllvorce of C'haa, , Horn
against Miiry Horn came to an Jibnipt
ending In tin, circuit court We'lii'-ailay
afternoon when Judge Mcllilile auslaln
ed the motion ut coiitiael for the defend
ant and rtlKMilHse, the ault at thn clone
of plulntlffa caae. In thua dlapoalug of
the ault Jmlg,, Mcltrlile atated that from
the testimony of the plaintiff' own wit
nesses, ir,) wult t,e guilty pttrty Mn,i
that If any one wua granted a legal ep.
aratloii It should he. the wife who certain
ly had ample cause, on the ground of
cruel and Inhuman treatment and the ex
cesalve beating of plaintiff' children. The
panic were married n Pennsylvania In
IK"'). A few week ago Mra. Horn cauaed
the armst of her luialiund on the charge
of Insanity but the examing hoard dis
missed the (.'orni.luliit. In dismissing the
ault Wednesday, however. Judge MclSrlde
stated tlmf if Horn Is not Insane, hla
mind must be strangely affected. Hed
ge & Griffith were the attorney for
Mr. Horn,
Uuby shoes cut to 22c and 35c; child
hoe 97c and up; men ahoe 11.15 and
up; shoe laoe lc pair; boy' full tock
shoe cut to 11.40 and men'a aarno
cut to II. M; broken lot shoe and rub
ber, old slock, tc, 12c and 47c.
Huperlnteiiilent of school Zllou-r wa
In I'm timid last Huturduy In attendance
at a meeting of a great many of the
prominent euueatora of the Northwest
culled to arrange for the holding of an
IvIiiciiUoiiiiI Congress at I'ortlund during
the lwls & (.'lurk Fair next Bummer.
The probable time for holding the Con
gress which ha been decided upon, will
be the Inst Week in August or the first
week in September. Superintendent
.Ina. r wua one of a committee of seven
teen to which waa delegated the prelimi
nary work. Thla committee organixed
by electing an executive committee con
sisting of seven members, of which Mr.
Zlnser I the secretary'. The committee,
which Include four state superintend
ent of achoola, la composed of Superin
tendent Ackerman. of Oregon; Bryan, of
Washington; Scott of Idaho; and Welch,
of MonJtana; t. Grout, Portland,
'resident Ferrin, of Pacific Unlveralty;
and 8uerlntendent Zlnser. A member
of the committee will probably be ent
East to Interview and secure the services
of a number of the prominent educator
of the country for the Congress.
1 T)
Personal Mention
Charman' Velvet Cream will cure chap
ped hnnda and is a soothing face cream.
Gloves enn be worn Immediately after ap
plying. Large bottlo 25 cents.
' rif..
Residents of Mllwaukle Wednesday af
ternoon discovered floating in an eddy of
I the Willamette river at that place tho
body of the man who committed suicide
by leaping into the river from the sus
pension bridge in thla city about six
weeks ugo. Coroner llolman was noti
fied and visited the seeno when he direct
ed that the body be forwarded to Oregon
It was decided unnecessary to hold
un Inquest for the body Is known to be
tho renuiins of tho suicide of six weeks
ngo. From a shipping; receipt thnt was
found in his clothes, the dead ninn has
boon identified as W, A. KnlHor of near
ChumpocK. Marlon county. The body
was brouKht to this city nnd unli'ss it is
claimed by the relatives of the deceased
who are believed to live in Marlon county,
the remains will bo interred here at the
expense of tho county.
I'. A. Griffin, of Canby, waa In the
city thl week.
E. Lacey, a farmer from Sprlngwater,
wu In the city Tuesday.
Attorney Franklin T. Griffith waa a
visitor to Salem Monday.
R. F. McLaughlin, of Mllwaukle. was
Wm. Rrown, of New Era, waa a visitor
to Oregon City Tuesday.
In the city last Saturday.
Mis Elhctwyn Albright ha returned
from a visit with friend at Salem.
Mia. O. W. Church la visiting with
relutivea at Walla Walla, Washington.
Postmaster J. F. Deyoe, of Canby, waa
transacting business In this city Tue
Mr. and Mr. Ralph Glover visited with
Oregon City friend last Sunday after'
J. F. Rlsley, the successful farmer and
hop grower, waa doing business here
Mis Adulaide Miller hnd M). Ray
Philip spent Sunday with relative of
Miss Miller' at Eugene.
11. E. Hayes, of Ml. Tabor, Is visiting
at the home of his son, Judge Gordon E.
Hayes at Gladstone.
Miss, Chloo Hashor, of Salem, visited
over Sunday with her Bister, Mlaa Ger
trude Iiashor In this city.
11 'Welse. of Pamascus, and Wm.
Rabcnow of Portland, were In the city
Monday on business In the probate court.
J. E. Hedges has received notification
of his appointment by the State Bar As
sociation to a pluee on the committee
on legal education and admission to the
J. W. McAnulty, who was successful
in securing the appointment a auperln
tendent of clerks In the House at the
State legislature, spent Sunday In the
Miss Ivah Gordon arrived lost night
from Oregon City and will reside in this
city with her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
W. J. Gordon, who recently moved here,
Grants Pass Herald.
Miss G. Aimee ColiacK. who has a
place as clerk on the State Land Board
investigating committee at Salem, re
turned to the Capital City Monday morn
ing after spending Sunday in this city.
A. R. Jacobs, munugcr of the Oregon
City Manufacturing Company, returned
this week and resumed the management
of the local woolen mills, after an eight
months' absence that was spent princi
pally in Europe.
Mnlcom McCown, a former Oregon City
boy, was visiting with old acquaintances
here this week. Mr. McCown Is now lo
cated nt Medford where he is engaged
in the restaurant business, having a res
taurant at Gold 11111 as well as at Medford.
E. F. Story, a former member of the
city council, returned the first of the
week from a month's visit with rela
tives jnt Pasadena, Los Angeles and
other Southern California points. Mrs.
Story and tho children will remain for a
longer visit in the Golden State.
Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Moody and son,
Kent, returned Monday evening from an
extended Eastern visit, the greater part
of tho four months being passed with
relutivea In New Tork State. They were
accompanied home by Mr. Moody's fath
er, H. II. Moody, of rulaskl, New York,
who may decide to locate at Oregon
City If he likes the country.
Walter Dlmick, who resided here dur
ing his college course Sit the P. V., was
chosen city recorder at Oregon City last
week where he Is now priytlcing law
with his cousin, Grant B. Dlmick.
II. A. Ball, former comity school super
intendent and later principal of Lafay
etee schools, Yamhill Co., has been forced
to resign on account of ill health. He
now resides at Oswego, Clackamas Co.
Washington County News.
Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Cowing Jr., and
children, formerly of Oregon City, were
visiting with Oregon City friends this
week. Mr. Cowing, who" was formerly
local agent for the W. U. Telegraph Co.,
was on his way to Astoria, haying been
transcfiTod from Tacoma to the city by
Last Week of the
anu&vy Sale
Jlg.!1jYgg!Lygt taken advantage of our
January Sale there are many good bargains left. There
has been such a raid on our book stock that selections
are somewhat limited now. Otherwise our big stock is
yet complete in all lines.
Good box of writing paper and enve
lopes at
All our 35c writing paper and envelopes
All our 40, 50 and 75c stationery at a flPer
discount of .T.cent
All our umbrellas over $1.00 at a dis
count of.
All our leather goods at a discount
All our brushes; hair, cloth, nail at a
discount or
All our cutlery at a reduction
of -
All our cut glass at a reduction
All our combs at a reduction
Good, strong envelopes
package 4c
Good writing tablets.. 6c
Good pens, dozen.... XOc
Best 10c ink r...6c
Sheet music 5c
Time books 6c
10c matches 7c
$1.25 razor 75c
75c Beef, Iron and Wine
for 39c
50c perfume.- 33c
25c toilet cream tic
25c dyspepsia tabl'ts J 9c
Big bottle cod liver oil
for - 39c
25c powder puff and 25c
bottle of talcum.... 25c
Our 10c Bargain Table has values up to 25c
Our 25c Bargain Table has values up to 75c
Popular Pricei Druggists
5 wuVlWuVVrUiVi
the ea to assume an Important place
in the company' service at Astoria.
After visiting Oregon City and Silver
ton relatives, Mrs. Cowing will Join Mr.
Cowing and reside at Astoria.
Mis Mary Conyers of Portland, assist
ed by Dom J. Zan, and Mrs. Katharine
Ward Pope, lately from New York City,
will give a concert in the near future
under the auspices of the base ball boys
of Pacific University in this city. Wash
ington County News. (Forest Grove.)
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Field were very
pleasantly surprised Wednesday evening
in celebration of their wedding anniver
sary by a company of friends.
The occasion was the twelfth anni
versary of Mr. and Mrs. Fields and about
forty participated In the surprise. In a
brief presentation speech, Ut. C. B.
Frissell presented Mr. and Mrs. Fields
with an appropriate gift coming from
those forming the party. In the game
of progressive whist, Mrs. G. Fields, of
Canemah, and W. II. Howell received
the first and the booby prizes respec
tively. A delicious luncheon was served.
$ 3 s
The Junior League of the Methodist
Episcopal Church was entertained Fri
day evening at the home of the pastor.
Rev. J. II. Wood. Delicious refresh
ments were served. Those present were:
Arden Hickman, Arthur Edmunds, Ern
est Edmunds, Harry Brown. Raymond
Olson, Leonard Runyan, Willie Bibee,
Harold Swafford, Max Rand, Roger Wood
Ernest Mass, Gilbert Thomas, Harry
McClure. Arlene Olson, Mable Edmunds,
Moreita Hickman, Mary Wood. Myrtle
Cross. Maud. Woodward, Ada Mass, May
Rambo, Hasel Davidson, Myrtle Dona-
van, Elva Rlanchard.
adopted by Harding Grange:
$ S
Lost Friday evening one-half of the
membership of the ninth grade class of
the Oregon City high school enjoyed an
oyster supper at the expense of their
classmates. In the solution of a difficult
problem recently, the class was about
equally divided as to the proper result.
When the members of the class, who had
reported the incorrect result, were sat
isfied of their error, it was decided to
settle the controversy by treating their
more accurate class mates to an oyster
supper. Last Friday night was tne time
deeded upon. The feast was prepared
and served by 'Mrs. C. H. Caufleld and
Mrs. H. K. Luse, assisted by Misses
Nelta Harding and Clara Caufleld. The
students partook of the feed In the lec
ture rooms of the First Congregational
"Neglected colds make fat grave
yards." Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup
helps men and women to a happy, vig
orous old age.
C. W.
Friedrlch to Begin Buslnes on
Hill February 1st.
C. W. Friedrich has disposed of his
blacksmith business at Ely and about
February 1, will open up a general hard
ware store In the Walter Little Build
ing on Seventh street, next to Brown &
Welch's meat market Mr. Friedrlch.
who has been In business at Oregon City
since 1891, wishes to thank the people
of Clackamas county for their liberal
patronage In the past and asks for a
continuance of the same In hi new
business venture. Feb. 19
It's folly to Buffer from that horrible
plague of the night, itching piles. Doan's
Ointment cures quickly and permanent?.
At any drug store, 50 cents.
Fine Mackerel, Cod
1 ish, Salt Salmon
and Anehoyis
Also a new crop of
nutsjjjust arrived.
Don't forget M.G.B.
Coffee in 1, 2 and 3
pound cans, the fin
est in the land.
Electric Grocery
D. M. Klemsen, Prop.
Main Street, near Electric Hotel
to .