Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 27, 1905, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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I Ots Corespondents' Corner ?
S Brief Bits of Gossip From All Parts of the County.
Correspondents are requested to re
new their work. We will furnish all
necessary stationery. The news from
your neighborhood should appear In
these columns every week.
The lumber1 Is nearly all on the ground
for the new sidewalks. The work will
te done by contract.
Georfje Zcok was seen on a wagon con
taining some household Roods, recently.
It Is presumed that he Is moving back
to Canby ajrain.
A. I Hudklns. of Eugene, 1 visiting
relative here, the et&luakera.
Recent rntns hnve raised the river so
as to give some 'trouble to the drivers,
A great many ties went under the boom,
Tuesday, but were caught by another
boom at the mouth of the Molalla.
Mrs. M. J. Walgamot, died her last
Thursday morning. She came here with
her husband In 18$?. She leaves two
eons. Dr. F. H. Walgamot, of Portland,
and Clayton, of this place. The latter Is
a helpless cripple. The funeral was con
ducted Friday morning. Interment In
Zlon cemetery.
Certain youths In the community have
been In the habit of Jumping on and oft
moving trains at great risk, until the
local authorities said it must stop. The
boys thought it was a joke, but after a
night in the city bastile and a fine of
JS.00 by Recorder Knight, it did not
seem so funny to at least one of them.
Mr. S. Terry, who was injured by a
fall in Portland, a month ago, and has
been lying in a serious condition ever
since, is reported somewhat better. He
ft now at the home of his daughter on
East 9th street, Portland, and Mrs.
Terry is with him.
Some contracts are being made with
the Irrigation Ditch people, by the farm
ers on the prairie. The contracts include
an option to buy the land and the prop
erty will be offered for sale by a certain
Portland real estate firm.
Michael Koebel was burrled here last
Saturday, having died In the hospital in
Portland with cancer of the stomach.
He had lived near Macksburg where he
had a good farm. Three children all
tinder age, but about grown, are left
They wll need the immediate attention
of the County Court as they are incap
able of caring for the property or them
selves. PARKPLACE.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Love returned the
first of the week from Brooks, where
they have been staying with friends
since the death of their child.
A short time ago Mr. Cross, of Glad
stone, found a poor old soldier lymg In
the old mill almost dead; he took him
home and cared for him kindly, but all
care was of no avail, for Monday even
ing at 7 o'clock he died. His remains
were taken to Oregon City for burial
The musical, Monday night, was en
ofced by all; also the oyster supper,
which was so nicely conducted. The
Mother's Club netled twenty-five dol
lars to pay on their piano debt.
The Abernathy Grange will have their
annual Installation Saturday, January
28, in their new hall In Parkplace. They
have about one hundred members and a
flourishing lodge.
Mr. G. Brown lost a valuable cow
Tuesday afternoon. It was killed by the
4:15 freight train.
The members of the Congregational
church and Sunday school will give a
farewell social for their minister Rev.
' Peacock. Saturday evening. January 28,
in the Grange Hall. Mr. Peacock Is go
ing to foreign lands to take up mission
ary work. KATIE WILSON'.
More rain, rain, rain.
It looks like the winter rain had set
in for good.
Died of Pneumonia, caused by whoop
ing cough, the infant daughter of A. J.
and Edith Douglass, on the loth Inst,
aged 1 year.
Mrs. Addle Burnett, Ms. IVola A,
Douglass and Mrs. L. A. Woodle, all
returned from Portland last Friday, they
had been down on a shopping expedi
tion. Mrs. Peabody of Dufur, Is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. A. J. Douglass.
Master Pint. Cahill is slowly recover
ing from whooping ,eough and pneu
monia. The new officers of the Eagle Creek
Grange were installed lust Saturday by
Deputy Edward Bates.
Mr. Tillman Young, of Hood River, Is
visiting relatives here now.
The whooping cough patients are slow
ly recovering after a hard siege.
Mr.Willie and Chas. Thomas and wife
of Molalla attended a call meeting of the
Artisan Lodge at this place January 16.
Rev. Clemo has been guttering from a
severe cold.
Mr. J. E. Marquam has returned to
the circuit court of Oregon City as one
of the jurors.
Mrs. Hibbard is one the sick list.
Say, if you get lonesome these rainy
days, just call on Mr. G. W. Bentley,
he has amusements of all kinds that
will make you laugh till you cry.
Our school Is progresing nicely under
the rule of Miss Pearl Leabo.
A very pleasant party was given at
the home of Mrs. Hattie Myers, in honor
of her niece and sister, the Misses Ack
ersons. The evening was spent In play
ing games and ended up with a taffy
pull which all enjoyed very much, and
I must say that Mrs. Myers Is an expert
at making taffy.
Five tramps were prowling about this
place today.
Mr. Bert Hilbrand, one of our most
popular men of Maruqam, and Miss Clara
Stockwell of Tillamook were married at
Oregon City Friday. We all wish them
a long and happy life.
Mr, L. Vancleve of Salem spent Bun
day with Miss Pearl Leabo, Some think
he found attraction there.
There is quite a good deal of sickness
in this vicinity. Mr. Monroe Groshong
and Ralph Slaughter are under the doc
tor's (Dr.) care, and Mr. Bagley had the
misfortune to break one of his legs.
Mr. John Earth and Mrs. R. A. Gray
have sold her farm.
The people of this burg and vicinity
ought to bo good in the future m re
vival service ore being hold in all the
Itollman brothers are busy droving
A. Rluhm'a horse is improving slowly.
Mr, and Mr. C. Muralt and daughter,
Myrtle, passed through this burg headed
for Shu bel last Sunday.
Rev. Dr. Milllgnn reached here last
Sunday and will hold revival all week
and next Sunday all are Invited to at
tend. J. Tremalne intends to return to Idaho
in a few days.
L. Evans and partner of Viola attended
the revival meeting here last Sunday
J. Steedeman called on A. Thoma last
Saturday evening.
The Chinaman on the Stabcn hop yard
lost a horse last week.
Mr. A Steedeman was a guest of Miss
Bertha Hughes one night last week.
Prospect of another wedding.
The Shannon Bros, are running their
saniwtll at full blast this week.
Henrecl Bros fell timber across the
telephone line Inst week and caused
great saving of talk.
Great preparations are being made for
the necktie social to be given at the
Beaver Creek hall In February, and a
grand programme will be rendered.
L. Duffy and A. Steudeman visited
friends at Clarkes last Sunday.
The basket social was a success. Pro
ceeds $27.
There will be a dance at Union Hall
next Saturday night, all are welcome.
Miss Llia Bums of Union Hall spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. AI. Jones.
Echo Spence Is very low with pneu
monia. Mrs. Toung spent a few days with
relatives here last week.
Frank Jagger was home Sunday from
R. B. Hayhurst of Spokane is visiting
friends and relatives here at present
Several of B. J. Helvey's folks are ill
at present
Sile and Orcn Adklns have shut down
their logging camp for a- while.
"The Deacon" Jones has moved up
to I. E. Jones' from Mulino. where he
Intends to batch. Girls, oh girls! why
don't you help the poor Deacon out?
R. M. Cooper Is suffering from a severe
Mr. and Mrs. R. Goucher's daughter
Jennie, spent Saturday and Sunday with
Blacksmith Jones has gone to can
vasing for a new book just out.
Hiram King, of Portland, Xent
few days with his sister, 'Mrs. I.
Mrs. George Lockahy was stricken
with apoplexy a few days ago, and Is in
a serious condition.
Mrs. J. P. Irvln has been feeling quite
poorly during the past week.
Mr. E.'C. Huffman, formerly of Gar
field, now a student at Holmes' Business
College, spent Sunday with his folks.
A disease, commonly known as "blind
staggers" is quite frequent among the
horses of the neighborhood.
A social hop was given at the hall Sat
urday night, January 21st. A good time
was reported.
The mock trial came off as per sched
ule last Friday night. Both side show
ed considerable preparation, and while
the prisoner did not hang, the jury did;
and the Judge discharged the prisoner.
An athletic club Is In the process of
organization. The objects of the club
are to promote clean athletic sports; and
furnish harmless amuseemnt for Its
membws. It intends supporting basket
ball, indoor baseball, and hand ball. Let
success attend their efforts.
Mr. YV. R. Oatfield has been quite 111
the past week with quinsy.
The lady evangelist, Mrs Brown who
has been holding meetings in the church
here, departed a few days ago.
Revivals are being carried on by Rev.
Blair and Rev. Wiles.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace spent the day
at Meadowbrook lawt Friday.
Edwin Hall, nephew of R. Goucher, is
staying with H. Seltzer at present.
Mrs. Viola F!nh is on the sick list.
Mr. Evans spent a few days in Oregon
City last week.
Some logging is being done on Edwin
Trullinger's place by the Adkins Bros.
joe 1'arisn or Highland was in our
midxt last week looking for a work horse
for trade.
George Mallatt and family will de
part for Eastern Oregon in a short time
where he will oversee a large farm.
Mr. W. A. AVoodside is doing some
Clarance Mallatt and irlr. John Evans
are grubbing for Claud Howard.
Rev. Wiles has erected a nice new
chicken house.
Chas. Selby is building a new fence.
Wm. Wallace Is making shakes for
Rev. Wiles.
Wm. Hieinbothom Is setting ratchet
In the sawmill.
James Seiver spent Monday at home
In Viola. He returned to Independence
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph are the happy
parents of a baby girl.
W. D. Brown made a business trip to
j the metropolis last week.
Jttev. i-aton anq wife spent a few days
In Portland with his sister Mrs. Hans
Caif Ward Is painting hjs hither's
Mr. Tenny has returned home from
Oreogn City, where he has been sitting
on the Jury.
A noted evangelist, Capt. C. O. Bran
son, Is expected to begin a series of
meetings at Viola, February 5th.
There will be preaching at Redland,
11 a. m., January 29th and at Viola at
7:30 p. m.
Mrs. Siever has been quite ill with
Ingillipe but U able to be out again.
Messrs. Armstrong and Brock, of Red
land, were In Viola on business Mon
Mr. V. IX Brown hus shipped several
wagon loads of poultry of late.
Mrs. Melvln Sninlly, who has been so
rlously ill the past ten day Is a little
better with a chance for ultimate re
cowry. lr. N'orrla has been faithful to
his ease in altcmliiig her.
Wo hope to sec everybody vicing with
one another in progresslveness and mak
lug their homes a place of beauty and
We make lower prices and
give coupons for Dishes
Ink. 3c; Vaseline 4c
5c Tablet, 4e; Envelopes 2e
8 pencils, rubber tips So
10c Composition Book ...5c
Child Handkerchiefs 1c
Ladies' Hundkerchlefs, 3 for 10c
Oranges, lc, Lemons lc
Men's Handkerchiefs. 3 for 10c
Shoe Laces, lc pair; Pins, I'kg 1c
Large 6c Toilet Soap 4c
Candy, pound Sc; Nuts, mixed 5c
Mixed Nuts, bettor tb 10c
Peanuts law, T'sc, roasted 10c
Men's and Boy's Cups now He and.. 18c
Boys' Hats cut to 9c, 29c 47c
Men's Hats cut to 9c, 39c, 97c
Many Hats worth more than double.
Kid's heavy overalls, no bib 17c
Boys' Overalls, good, cut to 37c
Men's Overalls long waist 45c
Hoys' 2So Underwear 20c
Boys' 35c Underwear k.-CTiC
Men Wool Underwear 73c and 79c
Men's 50c and 60c Underwear for.... 44c
I'tulerwear. odds and ends 22c 27c
Men' Overshlrts Vi to i price. These
are samples, about 200, part fine, part
coarse, wholesale price.
Heavy Coats to cl"e $1.25
$:t 50 Mackinaw to close $2.39
Hoy's Mackintosh Coats to close.,,. 90c
Girl's Circular with cape 88c
Men's and Boys" Collars, to close
"Si; 4c, and 9c
Neckwear, 4c, 9c 19c
Men's Clay Worsted Suits Were $11.40 i
wholesale now $9.00
Men's Wool Suits cut to $5.90
Pants to close at 75c, c $1.45
Boys' Punts cut to 79c
Buys' 3-plece Suits, long pants cut
to $-'.77, $4.87 $5.54
Buys' 2-plece Suits. w-re $3 20 $2.44
Ladies Hose cut to 9e, He 19c
Broken lot Child's Hose 5c
Imperfect stockings 2'ZjC
Misses Wool Hose, clone 12ViC
Wool Waists cut to 75c
Wool Skirts cut to 11.27 J1.38 up
Hell to close 8c, 14c, 24c 38c
Corsets 19c up any of them at whole-
sale or lexs.
Cotton Blankets 59c up
Wool Blankets at a big cut.
$1 .15 Comforts cut to 90c
$1.50 Comforts les than cost $1.00
Our Comforts are large and have white
cotton tilling.
1000 Cosmopolitan Pattern cut to.. 5c
Yarns at U off the price.
Millinery at less than cost.
Ready to wear Hats cut to 89o
10c Satin Ribbons for 6c
I'mbrellns 33c up
Shoes, Etc.
Rubber Hoots cut to ....
Rubber Hoots, snag proof, cu
t to..
Men's Shoes
Retter Stioes, $1.2!)
Best High cut Logegi's Shot
78c up
ly $ii.OO cut to
High cut calf cut to
Boys' Full Stock cut to ....
Boys' Calf Shoes small, cut
large to 5, cut to
Misses' Shoes odds and ends
Baby Shoes
Ladles' fine Lace Shoes
Ladles' Shoes, beter, $1.19
Ladles' Heavy unlined Shoes,
. . 48c 'up
... .19c l(P
....94c Up
$1.16, $1.27
Groceries, Etc.
Beans 4c
Starch, coin or gloss
Rice, 4c and
ItaisiriM worth 10c at
Nectarines like apricots, cut price
Matches 4c box 10c doz blocks.
Cheese, pound ,.14c
Teas, 15c, 25c, best 45c
Coffee, 10c, 15c, best 20c
Flour $1,05 up
Strong Shovel 50c
8-quart galvanized pall 15c
Clothes line 5c
Clothes Pins, dozen 1c
Trade for Country Produce in large or
small quantities.
A Small Present to Each Cus
tomer Friday and Saturday.
Red Front Store
E. C. HAMILTON, Proprietor
A Joy forever. Nothing enhances tha
vnlua or standing of a community a
much as well kept home, and a pretty
home with a kind friendly greeting
umong Its Inmate Is n barrier to evil
associations and keep the children hap
py ami contented.
Mr. Hondo returned Monday t his
home at Salem, ntfer spending several
days at the bedside of hi daughter, Mrs.
Hundley. Mr, Smalley' mother ha been
here also for several day.
Mr. reltltt, tht new lumber man, Is
having a fence tuilll and otherwise mak
ing ready to build a cottano on hi lots.
J, 1. Loiko I putting UP new fences,
digging a wet and making milmtnutlul
Improvement on hi property.
Humor lias it we will have a wedding
or two In our midst e'er tho lobbn nest
J. 1. Uicke' children hvt been quar
antined n few day on account of measles
all are better.
Hlllle Heater Is fencing in M gmi'ttd
uud cleaning It up, hope he'll build a
cottage and bring a housekeeper, this
part of town is getting loiiesmne,
Workmen are putting In new sidewalk
no Molalla avenue.
Tho hop Held Is being staked prepara
tory for the vine and post, end already
we hear the cry "wire down" from the
merry hop pickers.
Mr. Miirrow, our hustling dairyman
I combining poultry show and selling
chickens with the sale of milk, and we
think put In it few stroke of the paint
and paste brush along wnh It.
How' ThUT
We offer One Hundred Dollar Reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot he
cured by Hull' Cutarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
We, tho undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the Inst 15 year, and believe
him perfectly honorable In . all business
transaction and financially able to carry
out any obligation made by hi firm.
Wholesale Druggist. Toledo. O.
Hall' Catarrh Cure i taken Internally
acting directly on the blood and mucou
surface of the system. Testimonial
sent free, lllce 76 cent per bottle. Bold
by all druggist.
Take Hall' Family Pill for constipa
Superior Work
Lowest Prices
That is nhftt you get whim A.
MihMin does your plumbing
work. lie Jot general tinning,
plumbing and jobbing luni
nesn. Kutimates cheerfully
furnished. Hot air heating
lixtuie.s manufactured and
The MoisefurnisKer
Wc have to perform the unpleasant duty of selling
our damaged stock of goods damaged by water
andjrough handling during the excitement.
700 Cedar Doors, edges slightly sprinkled with water
85 and 95 Cents a Piece
J 50 Woven Wire Springs, best quality, $t.95.
50 Iron Beds, $1.95.
Writing Desks, regular $9.00 values, for HALF PRICE.
Fine Decorated Dishes, as 6 Cups, 6 Saucers, 6 Dinner Plates, all for $.50.
Come early if you wish to avail your
self of some of these bargains.
ANogcUdePrennrnlion for As
similating UiehxkJnnilllcyula -ting
the Stouimhs and Bowls of
FromoloH Ditli'slion.ClHvrrnl
ni'ss nivl llt'.si lont.iiiw nelilrr
Oimiin.Morplmu nor Miiu'iul,
4y tfvuitsmnnrowi
AmmStmt f
AjHifi'd Rnnt'ily for ronslivi
lion. Sour Slouutrh.Dinrrtak'n
iu'ss mid Loss or Sixer.
Facsimile Sitinnturt of
HA T7 1 T7 0iT
Perhaps you like your gray
then rememberHairs Hair
gray hair. Stops falling hair,
Enterprise for
i -1 f
it,- - it
i , ' i
! 1
'' -'4 "
mm j
, JJyfiS 1 Oil ill
For Infanta mid Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Boars tho
For Over
Thirty Years
hair; then keep it. Perhaps not
Hencwer always restores color to
Job Printing
' '