OMKCON CITY tNTIRIt. MIOAV, JANUARY 20, 110. PAGE 0 f he Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. nine ia trvuil!njj In this ....VitiiXililtHiniroimlrt-iHMMmMlrcrit- Ci"""''. , , .... . .... . ., i, i LUU ilrulli imp t'utiM'il " J. I.y tt Itt-Mit tll trfl ', liriili'Mln, limit futlwif or BlM.j.imy hi mien Uip rt-atllt ul kil nrv iHM-ai, If ki.ltiry trmilitt! to lliiwr'llkMlltrj tiir k utile) iiiM- rl IiI'hm) Mill bI Uik'tii1 v,u' '"K"11. "' ''irli t.f Hit? iU'l'l-r, r the Mlney llirinarlvrs pimk il.ii and ell I'X fell. !liil'lT lltitlMro altliml mI4 Irmill liiiin '! t.ntii-il f III" M.liif il .rum i lUllir. tiiliikrat l n ))ict licalmrill ( Ulr kl'ilirYs, II )oil ate frr. (UK L.i.llv Jfi'll full make l tiiUliike ly tuktnK I ,r- Kilmrt B .Swamp-Wont, the eirjt kidney, livrr and il..rr iriueily, t c..trr la Inability t hold llHtif Btnl (nalilmsl I'oi'i i"i iik It, h. i.xrr- ,-,Hiir. tlinl liilirMMl lift ei y t.f lietttfc riili"ill In guuUell I Uxxirll (lie ilrtV, .11.1 li ;rl lllimy llillia ilitltntf llir tiinht, The wild and the rti"i.liinuv rl(ril( flMt Knot ia BtntM i all.r.l. l it.iinL the lll;hral lr lU .inli-tliil liiira of the Ht ltllrni$ !! Salti li't l lmaiit t take and ( bv all tlriiKKl"' ' f-'t ' r"' tmr tli-ilnl aie Uilllr. Yi.ti way li ,,,,. lr lllf of I Ilia woli.U ilul lirw ili emery ait-l it laaik that rll alt nUmt il, hIi will lire by timil, Addtra., 1I Kll Itiri "k C , llHJllilllloll, N" V. W hell tltll'lt lliellllllll trailing tilt ,rlHIU .Irr lit llil i-r I "on I iinAe miv ni!!kf, it iriminlcf (In- iiiiirmj (m.t, tf. Kllllirl lll KmiI.bU'I I'" a.Mirwi, !IIJ,;hallHll, N, V., "I TrTy l.Ulc, DRINK HABIT PERMANENTLY CURED BY ORRIIME tr ftft 4ini4iM 4 ! W ) " fk,f b.i tiM 1 tM.i'ti nbMfi m4 n I l,i ,..'...( NO SANITARIUM TREATMENT ON PUtUCITVI Ta VtlbMtl Hkll" Ul i IUI hrla IfMtBMl Irw ( nl to mt rrlM. Imiiimi IM (MTlw ! mMIh mIII M kntimw AM tm rpoJtt cBllL fR ICR. IM I'CK BOX. Cr (IIkIH f rttai44. B k ' I wnti " (im4) ft ntt r)C ihuih bii4 ii4i mi fmtr ol liaiby MIAU tTATK THANiriKi. rurhlnhtd tvry WH by Hit ClMtkamai Abtriil 4 Trutt Company. A, Hulll i-i ti. II. H'iIII, , . 7, .': ilm irt, 1- t V., t " 1 II, Hiiib l'i H. nurniBll't, 36 44 A, In 3 S, H; 132110, l, W, I"? Tiwiilt Vi. I Hi IkmiI 111! ! N.. ion,, J. It A'M I" l!;r.fl'l; II wi J ..l.rll, to H'Ik.i.1 tM.t, Nil, yl, I.Ik'B ll A14 li i;U'i'l; t 00 J T. A.' f'm I" A, A 111' linf.lBoii. tXl' frrt III lot 12, Wk S. KlWl"'l; a, i:, Ni' ii'.io'.ii i ul i' w. r. N't. i.i.i- i.ll, () Bl tB III I'l, )J, BH1 4 A. Ill ''I. ii, a I. K; " W. I', Nl li'.Uoii li T, A. Illnlr, 11 il A Hi I'Ulm 7. I. K. It M VV, I. Nli IiiiI'.ii in A. K Nli.liil'.ii, .i u,r4 In f, ii. 4 - I, K; II . V. I'. Nllml'iii l J. K. Nli lii.Uoii, ;l . ie In O, 17. 6-1, Ki II ' 4 IC Ni l'l.n el al Ii A. K. Nli h'il" m, half .r H M hilm l, I in U - I. IC; U w i, in W. I'. H'htill-, 9 A In Bli'l nrnr -l !. J I I"'" i V Hlrlnll In II J. I'elrtinill, i.l & , J, iii blk , lr.ii My; II . H I, Holly Jr l J, W ( liiiftli, '4 ,Mn in Al-riiBihy i'l 2-!. K; l"' . ;. Vi-Hk A, T. Htki' AiJ'l. U(Hi h w i hihi i w r ni.'j t. n kv- irr liu B.if Iii II, II i'i-m C I. i j k. i;wi W I'. K i I In l II l-".i.-y, 15 A ! in ii ii j kw... ci t i isn 61 ! II A Tl-r in It A HiiaHon. M I. t,IU . K.lo. ). t:! w, ' Ii U Kr ,,,!,!. I.i It V- Wl.. (1 A.'ir in i' H II J'illll'M1 t.i l HMif.nJ, lJ I'l l-'- ' ""' - -' ' 11'XlO ! W ! Moiilic l.i W J. Ii.kImjii. K'p !..f MW, .f Nli'i "'l f N'w'. I I) tt', I', TuwH" Cu. In It A. Brighfs Disease and Diabetes News. j TO MAKI PRfCINCT THI UNIT. Proiiftt.d Local ModlfitBtlon ol Pr.unt Option Lb. A Hiilim iIIh.hIIi TiKU'lBy Burn.' lyfal i.liiloii I'k i Irn In only I llm puiirfwi) llf Oil) I. Ill IlllMHlKWi In Mitt IloiM to il ii v It; J. ii Ti.' nf VVim' fi. Id 1. mi-ml thn Th New Fullori Compound llsv i, di -,!.ii.,t, iw iir il limi Jin ni IVrtord of M7perunl of tVecoverlct j poiin unl. r llm iniiiuiivi m uiim-m. Anumv Chmnld Caaea of Itrlvht'a In H.-ni t. l.lil will li flhr4 I)laa anil lilabetn, Heretofore Conaldertit Incurable. IfttitfirUi ktx.w tlmt llrlvtit' lllwra ati4 llwu. Iibvb rrtt r'Brl4 l.y ilijuii iana aa iK)uril,l and tlmt tip to tin ailfnnl ot the J'lilinii (.uifMiiM!ii dial wthli.a ua tiyir nltf-l i,iili1 tuiiuli It. Illn proven tin l llmt rlf Iim lenil.B l all e bib Win (PiiiBl.Ia, and druKlkU tlirn.wlrc bib tkl tl tww tnv pHiitA. litvn ul I ik rnwf i'l ib lw, Z-I!a fclniMll, tlMt .lMr OniitylH of (31 l'l()e lfpt, Han Kll.'li, uil ti Il Ui ori-r a di.n n ilrtir Mi rwufiMl. Ilrta It aouttwr li.U'fmtltit' rtnitrri (W .py fpmi tlwi Maorav lurnUi r.Vi ul iiuvniljrr I. Vfitit ' "Aftor a MrrluuB IIIim-m of pr a ytr Jurtfa J, H. All'O till tliy h tauTtA ai4 ra tanlt Mu.r!f iwwt lurlunia In ouK'-anfully Pull In lilt l.t I nirlly fttiiUi'i a IbIbI BibIkIx, llrlibt'B !!- ut tlxi Kldivta. In peaking' t4 hi rawi J-vlf Ai!a .aid: '1 lliv tl)t lU uBioift la ma tf mf .blrlau In BiKiriUtirw llli llm ! PM-Ilauila Unril la ihs f"jfii..r r, llr uf ldt' iid pi it bRiwPvI . i fii-f, ili-Bfiie 4 tl.i ni"ti rrti.tmiil I IU ti Han Kianriara Ui li-iiKal abl Baa am.n emlfr I alwuld Ulali't'l l'" I r r-t (i"l. t. 1 1 llirrB nxMilht t-lix I f.Ucu a . half bit II." bmuir. I mI lbs oiritU'ino itbfill bif twarly a 1"r ami rma bu fluil 1x1 .rulriiiq nt Wji 0 ra ail Bin a,unl It la vnnmir (iiiiiiiiai"!. My bp taitlla I Ki"", I bava (fjlhx) arnrKln-O .UIil a .ii a' O lil l (.luaKfJ to Urx-riiiB Bit tttfi- i.- to bi im ti-ay rail w nw. l- ran iiui J.w Not. I 1 1 r.!it.f nl ib Nr hln.wil lb. frtnd Will JJa Aliioolliwi tit : va Ownmimta. 1 ury Bin h.b uiiiy tt.tii.- kiia tiial cm ilrifbt'a Inm bmi ai.t l,i-'.a Kwliftf. lt"iil ..u.ijn l b't llilfiii'. Bi.d Kuiwr Iib, i; br lli-i-, 4 Ml. J"bn J. I u iiO to. . W aab In (two atrm-i. baa ranilM.. X.IB riinUMitiiXi fir BOaliBTB f"f pallnbia. H-tl ir ramj-liiri. V. an tl.ii ftciunltt ajctilalur lbaCu(npit4ala ttlailij. by lli.iln.n. lit Miiltriornnli. It Dm bill ulinll bn .inn ("1 ati'l abfill lifii In Hit roiirta, plolilblllnii elito HuriB Irt i .iiiiilli a u a b'l nrnl a;runpa of Ini In will b Bl.'llalii cJ, The ti'iin- i irt-r lit i lr Iur bi-"'l t' algn a I fir uri ! t llnii will li liiirr-wl from j l'i l' 40 i r i i nt of llm rliciil-r'J voiirra J nf a .r. lii' t, Kl-;tl'iiia will hi hi M In illba only In rraloVn'' ptvlntla, an4 iifinr n l-llrn b lHn hi M lb" iu-b- llnii of prohibition tBiinot rlw4 aualri In ibat ptKlrut uiiill I wo yar thr afl-r. Kvry prf lii'l vodna muat lie nfillrrly wllblri or wHbout an In'wpnr al,l town. A rrliiiii- pr-'ln':t la J-(1hkJ a on In wbli h ut bunt oiifhulf tb fronlnad (in tbi- Blrci-ia norilina iriTim rx iHii(ili"l byirlvalB rf"l'I'-"fr Titf bill i..n,pta briW'-rltB ami wh..lnli Ihi'jor ili'iib i null MinliB an rttu-f a,-m'V rlana". Price Reasonable LET US DO Yoiir Work Work Guaranteed Wo i a G'm;ral fiftgfcagi'i ati'l Trannfer Buninfi3. Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moved Office Opposite Maonic T'uiMing T"M.m7w2 1 Williams Bros. Transfer Co. !,";;,:;:;a,'on"";:k !,:..,. Aa & Co.. at, st. 'u, j v i;i.,.r i'i ;. 4. j:. 3m ! i W M.IU. j , i mi una ' VV II II , r In 10 B n lit A II A.M. II W ra in J K tra in H M Him. !'( blk B'l'B Tlnw-a lialf luir :i. i :. ic yr ! J K. ! t.i tt'. II H , l U A ' In tt Atmptlr.t ft H-. . I- Ml I'll ; I l air M al I i J M Katlan. I l t ! btk t. nirB. .i H'lr; C"" ! A J ) ta In J N I '! ' j in II i aii..U II t'l I I. K. I J N I'avla I.i J I. "Ifirtlllt 1 II rit.pbll i l 1 -X y-. ! J V ltila lo V II iwuii.s airif Iii rWlb.n . I . K. I1"0 II lli-.lB'B I'i M, tt'. tt at !'a 11, U. ink 1. Uari..w. It& Wiiiuinriio 1-ar.iJ t'o, tu V :ilita Tia'l litf J, A Old.. I' U I iiaH iliino. 1114. j loan'.), niortgag" fir-l. truala I CUU'l. ralBlra B'tllr.l Bfl4 tlllra pef I fr uj J. r, CI.AHK. Alty-at-Itw. rrata-nt an4 Manafr. ocr Hank, of Oraot Cily. -j f"t I. 11). t'tarkamaa Abaltact Truat Co. at ownata of tha only eomplfta abatract ! plant In ClarkamBa county. IToropl and Hawaii Juitaa. u.pan.lon Brldga ' tcliablw w.-ik urt .hurl nollra. Alt work O'.uon City, Or.B. guaiaiilrrd. Abtlia-la mad, money Tka Orrina Co., Inc., Waallojjluo, I). C. BI4 aaJ ti,mmn-i f j No Mora itomach Trouble. ' ! All itiitiia. h troiibl. ta trmod f th i iiki of Kodol tiyt-pla Cure. It tlv.a i the .totuB'h p"fM,t rcl by dl-atjnf jwliat you t without tha atornach a aid. Th f"4 tullda up the b4y, tha tft ra- , at. urt tha atoniB'h to health. You dm' :- bav. lo dut outwlf when taklnc Kodol ! lprHiia Cine. J. D. ICraklne. of Altm- Utile. Muh.. bb y a, "J aufferad Heartburn i'l;i. V in.aa I'm''. in,,'l . Bud Blon.a. h trouble for toffli tlma. Vt let -In-law haa had tha eume troubla and waa not ablo to eat for all weLa. Hba lived entirely on warm water. After taking two boltlee of Ko4ol Iappala Cute aha waa entirely cured. Uhe now eala heartily and la In food health. I am to aay Kodot Hive ma Instant relief." H..IJ by Ueo. A. 1 larding. Bud M tl. I on TMt vence. iVaey an Or.0Ort City Cltlran Brrjght etk from the Brink. There aie irlll'iil tlmea In oir Uvea when II ma iiB If wa Ulimt let o. lint we l!ug I'l life wllh a wonderful .iimli', iliiny dlwaiwa are -ry fle j.reealna In tb.-lr worat at-iK'i r4 we get to the v. ij. brink aomfilmea. and yet Ibe h..- nf aoivlval la girul. Ixian'a Kidney I'llla Imve brousbt many bri'k fiom Ibe er and alven them a Inew ee of life. Tl following i aee utioold Inl'-reat r.-f) IWly In Oregon fit y. Many a reader will find new i-oinb.rt and en rmitagenii lit In tbl eperiin-; Mt a. ! tt, Moneeh. wife of W. Moiie. b, . al.inet muk. r. reaiding at cor- inr of lib and Muln alrt-ela, Albimy, : "After at over regrtlon or when I riit.trn. I. d a r old. puln Belli, d llwlf In (he aiiiall of my bark, runaing It to a'he aeenly and there waa a dlflUoUy with I lie kl.lm-y aeer. ilona On au h trr- lone aiie.i.iiig. Iifung. twletliig. or turn ing. i. n:mn h f-..... 1 by ah.irp ahofit lug llnK. II. rough Ibe ki'lii- When I badly In need of aontething to buna retuf. 1 r-d alot iB.mra Kidney I'llla find went for a bo and took thein alii, tly B.-or.lHig lo dliei l.,na. They re timed n.e of Ibe attack and up to the prew ril lime I hae not ba'l a iru or axiibloiii of Irritation or Iniutlve kldneya. I will 1-e pb-aaed lo allow you to ub my name If It will ! thw meana of doing g..l la otliei a ," n.niy more proof like Oil. from Ore gon -lty people. Call al V. 0. Hunt We drug alote and ak what hla cuaton.etl repent. Knr .Ale by all d.lera Trice f.0 ct. t"ii-r Mi:iHirn Co.. HufTalo. Hem m her ibe name Ioan a and taka no other. 8ubBc-ttt for the Ct.larprtae. Med5 aafl r Ml School Report. Til.- following la a report of the Rural tn :l h. boot inatilrt No . for the month ending January 13. ISOi. l'na atKiidance, Ml: daa ahaem-e..; lime, . Th.e n-llher abwnt t4f)- .luring the wete: Rlwln i Ki man, Nlia Wanioek. I'eter Kyllo, lU.ik..n Ki!l. N.-la Kyllo. Kmma tKitt Wnl.l Mnurb-e- ClottwaUl. J.MWph Oott Wfflld. Kogvnle Cutlelt. l.jdla Raller. M i Hut Biilb r. Kred Hailer. May S. hulls, Kiiirnl M.ill Iaiii. Alfred Olaon, i l lit Ogl.-. nn.l K.I I 111 King. Inning the monih the a.-hool llhnT j wa enluig.-d and now numtiera ov.T SO i Volume l-ntroim of the a. and oth i !,wlml! Invlle.l to call and Inepcft our woik. Sl.U'1) K. CCK HRAN." . Card of Thanka. We d.nlre to thank the fraternal order and ull othera who an kindly and willingly nualaled ua til our late bereavement. HKI.KN EU.IOTT, and Kamll.v. You don't know what you arc taking. You place implicit confidence in the physician who prescribes it and the druggist who compounds it. We realize this fully and act accordingly. We want you to have every confidence in us.1 .We want your pre scription trade as well as your other trade. We have made aspccialty of this line and we will appreciate your trust. We have just received a fresh line of "Rubber Goods" Syringes, Hot Water Bottles, Nipples, etc., direct from the Eastern factory that we are selling at reduced prices. New, fresh and clean and every article positively guaranteed. By our guarantee we mean that if you are not satisfied with your purchase you can, at any time, bring it back and we will without any "quibbling" refund you your money. It is absolutely impossible for anybody to carry a higher grade of drugs and sundries than we carry. There is nothing better than the best and we handle the best things only. Our prices straight through the store are lower than you will find anywhere else. . It isn't a question of quality at all. If you buy here we will save you money on every single thing or any dozen things you buy. That's the beginning and end of the whole matter. HOWELL & JON COMPARE QUALITY Every time you compare price, and you will tend your next order for Jtb work to the Oregon City Enterprlae. By fllvlng quality in both material and worfcmanthlp we endeavor to drve your bualneea. WE ARE AHEAD In all klnda of Job and Commercial Printing as well aa book: work. Ona trial will convince you. ARE YOU IN A RUSH? Do you want that brief, catalog, etc, printed it once T Well, send It. to the Enterprlae office We have Jtiat Inetalled a modern Mergaif thaler Linotype machine and are prepared to do all luwh work on abort notice and at right price. OUR EQUIPMENT For turning out all kind, of firat ctaaa work In the way of good print Ing la second to no other house outside of Portland, if you are In , need of printing of any kind, correspond with ua and let ua figure with you. We can save you money. All order and correspondence will receive prompt attention. Telephone Main 21. THE ENTERPRISE OREGON CITY, OREGON COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY Portland and The Dalles EOUTE Rpnnlatnr a a w vj a w Line Steamers RELIABLE DRUGGISTS Chambers Howell v Linn E. Junes "BAILEY GATZERT" "DALLES CITY" "REGULATOR" "METLAK0" "SADIE B." Str. "Pallcy Oatiert" lcavee Portland T A. M. Mondays. Wednesday and Fri day a; lettvea The Patlea 7 A. M. Tuee tava Thuaindava and Saturday a. sie "noirulator" leavea Portland 7 a. M. Tupadaya, Thursdays and Saturdaya; lnavce The Dallea 7 A. M. Monaaya, Wednesdays and Frldaya. Rtoamera leaving Portland make aaiiy connection at Lyle with C. R. & N. train p Cloldendale and Klickitat aney points. l R. A N. train leavea ooiaenaaie on Mondays. .Wednesdays and Fridays at 4:30 A. M.t maWng connection wun steamer "Itegulator" for Portland sod way points. C. R. & N. train leaves uoidenaaie oa Tueadays, Thuradays and Saturdays at 8:3d A. M., connecting St iyio wun steamer "Badle B." for The Dalle, eon. necttng there with O. R. A N. train East and West. Str. "Sadta B." leavea Cascade Locks daily (except Sunday) at 7 A. M. for The Pallea and way polnta; arrives at U A. M.; leaves The Dalles I P. M., sxrivee Caacade Iooka t P. M. Meals served on all steamers. Fine accommodations for teama and wagons. Landing at Portland at Alder Street Dock. H. C. CAMPBELL, Manager. Gen. Office, Portland. Oregon. Oregon City Market Report. (Corrected Weekly.) Wheat No, 1, "So to 10c per buaheL Klour Valley. II 6 Pr bbl. Hard wheat. II 15. Portland 1115 per sack. Howard s Best. $1 .15 per sack. Oata In sacks. 11.37 1-3 per cental Cheat 8eed-$l."S to Ji.!5 per pound. Hay Timothy, baled, 114 6115 per ton; clover. Ill to HI: oat. II J to 114; mixed hay. 112 to 1S; cheat. IIS to 114. MlllHtuffs Bran. ISO per ton: ehorts $i2.50 per ton; chop 1:0 per ton; barley, roiled 126 per ton. Potatoes SO to 90 cent per sack. K if rh Oregon. 32 cents per dosen. Butter Ranch. 45 to 50c; separator, 65 to 60c. creamery. & to 70e, Cabbage 60c to II per doien. Onlona Oregon. ZVL-c per pound. Hubbard Squash 15 to SOc per doa. Honey U to 131-2e rr pound. flood Apples-50 c to IV a box. Prunea (Dried) Petite. 3o per lb; Ital ian, large. 5c per lb; medium. S 1-1 c; Sliver, 4 l-2o. Dressed Chickens He per lb. Turkeys live. 13glte; dressed. 17fll8c. Uvestoik and Dressed Meats Beef, iivb 12 SO to J3.25 per hundred. Hogs. live. 5 to 5 1-Jc; hogs dressed 6 cents; Bheen. ti.OO to 12 50 per hd; dressed 5c; veal divssed. 8 and ih: lambs live. $2.00 to $2.50 per hed. JOHN YOUNGER, Near Huntley's Drug Store', FORTY TEARS EXPERIENCE LV Ureat Britain and America. Ml J:i -r ) ' ' i V ' ' ' Bears tb Signature nf , lite Ha i3s Baujtil If i ti tic I OASTOllIA. SMirstiiB Iha Kind Kou Haw Always Bouglit Things Ue Li!to Best Often Disagree With U Because we overo&t of them. Indl etlnn follows. But there's wy to i csoarje suoh consequences. A dose of i lit will rallva vnn s,touce. Your stomaoh is simply too weak W digest what you eat. i nai s an Indigestion is. KoUol digests the food without the stomach's aid. Thus the stomach rests while the body is strength ened by wholesome food. Dieting is un necessary. Kodol digests any kind of good food. Strengthens and invigorates. Kodol Makes ' Rich Red Clood. Vn...! enl h TS C. DW ITT & CO.. OhlCagOk I'lilllAi Bill r. C. GADKE THE PLUMBER Bent Her Double. "I knew no one for four weeks, when I waa sick with typhoid and kidney troub le," writes Mrs. Annie Hunter, of Pitts- ' burg. Pa., "and when I got better, ai- though I had one of the beat doctors i could get. I was bent double, and had to rest my hands on my knees when I walked. From this terrible affliction X was rescued by Electric Bitters, which restored my health and strength, and now I can walk as straight as ever. They are simply wonderful." Guaranteed to cure stomach, liver and kidney dls 1 orders ; at Howell & Jones drug store; ; i H t . ' i i . I XbalbotUecoDtalDaatUueitbs&Og.alia. prioe tOc.