PAGE 8. OREGON CITY NTIftPftlK. FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 190V ADMINISTRATOR'S NpTICt OF SALE. In the County Court of Clackamaa County State of Oregon. In tlio matter of th Estate of John lender, d'oceaned. Notice In hereby given that pursuant to an order of the above infilled court duly made and entered on the -12th day of December, t!M, the undcretgned ad ministrator of the aid eslt will on the ISth clay of January, 19015, at th hour of 10 o'clock a. m.. at public auction at the court house door of the trcsorllied in said order for the public eourthon of Claokiiina county, Orcgun. I "'" of ,ht mmona l once week for. t Oregon City, to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, to-wlt: The southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section IS. Tp. 5. South of UanRB S, Et of the V. M,, Clackamas County, Oregon. O. W. ASHFOKD, Administrator of the estate of John Len der, deceased. Dated. December 12. 19W. Notice to Creditor. Notice Is hereby given that tho under algned has been by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas, appointed administrator of the estate of John Herhst, deceased. All persons having- claims against Raid state are hereby required to present the fame, property verified, to the under signed at the office of Bruce C. Curry. In Oregon City, Oregon within ix months from the date of the first publication of this notice. JACOB WIND. Administrator of the estate of John Herbst, deceased. Bruce C. Curry, attorney for Adminis trator. First publication, December 2S, 1J04. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of On?- son, for Clackamas County. Slary A. Knox, rialntlfl, vs. Leighton. B. Knox, Defendant. To Leighton 13. Knox, detfndant: In the name of the State of Orefron. you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit, on or before the 4th day of March. 1905. that being the last day prescribed in the order of publication of this summons, and If you fjid to bo appear and answer said com plaint the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief therein prayed, to- wlt: a divorce from the marriage exist- I lng between you and plaintiff. j Thi summons Is published in the Ore- Ron City Enterprise by order of Hon. The. A. McBrlde. Judge of the Circuit Court, made on the 17th day of Janu ary, 1905, for six consecutive weeks; the first publication being on the 10th day of Januaiv. ISOo. S. R. HARRIN'.JTOX. ' Attorney for Plaintiff. - j Notice of Final Settlement. In the 'County Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. In the matter of the estate of Gottfried Eoese, deceased, and of Elizabeth Eoese, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the Anal account of the administrator of the above named estates respectively, has been filed In the above entitled court and that Monday, the J3d day of January, 1905, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the Court House in Oregon City, Oregon, ha been set by order of said court a the time and place of hearing objection if any there be. to said reports respectively. First publication December 23. 1904. Last publication, January 20. 1905. GOTTFRIED BOESE, Administrator of the estate of Gottfried Boese, deceased, and of the estate of Elizabeth Boese, deceased. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Jennie Duffy, Plaintiff, vs. James Duffy and E. G. Caufield, Defend ants. io James uufTy, the above named De-! fendanf I In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you ia the above entitled court and suit within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fail to so appear and answer said complaint the above named plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demand ed therein, to-wit: For a decree dissolv ing the bonds of matrimony now existing between said plaintiff and you, a rea sonable sum for alimony and for the nurture and education of the four minor children of plaintiff and you, for the pay ment of t"0 to plaintiff of the money now in possession of defendant, E. G. Jl "pa x Do not take chances on it wearing away or experiment with some unknown preparation which will only half cure it at best, and leave the bronchial tubes and lungs weakened and susceptible to attack from the germs of Consumption. not only stops the cough but heals and strengthens the lungs and pre vents serious results from a cold. It Saved His Life After tho Doctor Said He Had Consumption. W. R. Davis, Vissalia, California, writes: "There is no doubt but what FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR saved my life. I had an awful cough on my lungs and the doctor told me I hid consumption. I commenced taking FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR and found relief from the first and three bottles cured me completely. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES THREE SIZES, 25c, 50c anil $1.00 Cnufield, as administrator of the estate I of PatrieR Puffy, deceased, owned by you a your distributive- hr of kl eatate, to apply on the decree awarded for alimony nforcaald, that plaintiff t given the civ and custody of an Id four minor ehlldtvn, and for such other re lict as equity may rwiulw, Thl um-1 mona Is published tn pursuance of an order of Hon. Thomas K, Kyan. Judmi of the County Court of the State of Ore gon for Clackamas County, made on the iTth day of IVceniber. ISiM. The time ! six consecutive weeks; the date of the first publication thereof la the StMli day of December, l?i4. HENRY ST. R.WNKll. Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for Cltickanuia County. John Clarence Statler, Plaintiff, vs. Tamsle Sutler, Defendant. To Tamsle Statler. Defendant: In tho name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you In the above entitled suit by the -4th day of February, 1S0G. and If you fail to answer or appear herein, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief de manded tn his wild complaint, to-wlt: that the bonds of matrimony existing between the pUtintlfC and defendant be dissolved, and for general relief. This summons Is published by order of the County Judge of the County of Clack amas, Oregon, made the 11th day of January, 1','Oi. H. K. SARGENT. Attorney for Plaintiff, j Date of last publication February U. 06 1 SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court for Clackamas Coun ty, Oregon. Mrs. Dorlta TVoodworth. Plaintiff, vs. Claremount Woodworth. defendant. To Claremount Woodworth. the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled court and suit on or befor the last day of the time pre- scribed In the order for publication made herein to-wlt: 4th day of February. 1905. and if you fall so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In her complaint on file. vi: that the marriage contract existing between plaintiff and defendant be forever dissolved. This summons Is served upon you by order of the Honorable Thnmi. A M- Bride, Judge of the above entitled court. maJe December 15th. 1904. and the date of the publication of thl summon I Dcct mber 13. 1904. and the date of the last publication thereof t February 3d. 1905. and the time within which the de fendant Is required to answer the com plaint Is February 4th, 1905. EDWARD MENDENHALL, and A. R. MENDENHALL, Attorney for Plaintiff. - T,k , . ... , ., ., Timber Land. Act Jun. 3, 1878-NotIc For Publication. United States Land Office. Oregon City, Oregon. January 12, 1905. Notice is hereby given that In Cornpll- ance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3. 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the ' States of California. Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Tcerltnv- o. ,..,,.,i ,a ' ana Washington Territory, as extended i 10 an me t-uouc 1-nna btates by act of ; August 4, 1S92, j Cinon e M.rlrl. , m i, . JI, . of Clarkes. county of Clackamas. State of Oregon, has this day filed In this of fice his sworn statement No. 6518, for the purchase of the Whi. 8WU. NEVi SW'i of Section No. 30. In Townshln Vo 4 South Ranire No 2 Fast snrf u-ill . j Raiff four (4) East, Sections three (3) to soutn. itange r,o. s tast, and will of- thirty-three (33), both Inclusive, and Sec fer proof to show that the land sought j tions thlrty-tlve (35) ami thirty-six (3i); Is more valuable for its timber nr tnn I all in the Oregon Cltv Ijimi tiimri,-t- than for agricultural purposes, and to Jupi5 pf T y p y absolutely clean inruiff, Vour Draififlit or Dulsswin .... Ply it to you fRfcE. II ,o Uil 4. ,d it, . Vmul Ur. H WD. lAMt Sf)K MIUOIXPMui .wlrtig "Jtre yii mim EM A Jl SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY HUNTLEY BROTHERS COMPANY, OREGON CITY establish his claim to said land hefofe tttgltcr and Heeolver at Onmm City, Oregon, on Wrdmwday, the SiHH day of March. 106. lie name a wlluesse; Kobeit II Sno.tgitiss. of Meadow brook, AU' l.. I.jtikliis, of ,MeiidowbiiMk. tlcclge llnfstetter, of Clarke. t'attlen Smith, of Mulluti. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the nlHive-itcsct'llieil Utttilw nie l'etttcNt ed to Hie their claims In this office on or Itefoie said i'.Mh ly of Mulch, !&, ,l.;K!iNON 8 I'llKHrtlCK, Register. Notice to Creditor. Notice is hereby given that the under signed hit been by the County Court of the Stale of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas, appointed Administrator of tho estate of Hell IVtter, deceased. All person having claims against said estate are hereby required to pi.-M-nt the same, properly verified, to the ttndei signed at the office of Hruce C. Curry In Oregon City, within t month from the date of the first publication of till n-it'et. HUNK P.CftCH. Administrator of the esate of Hell Potter, deceased, Bruce C. Curry. Attorney for Adminis trator, Klrot publication, January JO. 193. Notlc of Final Settlement. Notice Is hereby given that the under signed uilmlnlMtirttrlx of the estate uf Michael M. Shlvely, deceased, has tiled In the County Court of the Slide of Ore gon, fur Clackamas county, her final j account as mich administratrix of s.iid estate and tlwit Monday,, the lUh day of March. IJrtS. at the hour of 10 30 . m.. mlsI ,,, Xll bv mUI , (U.t ,,. titm, fr n.ri.. of objections a to j said report. , the settlement of said (estate. SAKAft K. SIIIVKLY. i Admlnistrati U K. I. Mm com. Woodburn. Oregon, Attorney for Admiuiult Ix NOTICK OK ItKSTOllATlON of Pub lic Lands t .Settlement and Ftttrv. I partni.nt of the Interior, Ueneral I .and Otttce. Washington, l. C January i. 1 '-"&. Notice Is hereby given that on iH-cemlsr IS. l'JOI. the Secretary of the Interior releusxt from withdrawal and restored to settlement the public lands In the following descrtlM-tl urea which were temporarily withdrawn on August 3. 190.1. for proposed additions in The Cascade llange Forest Heserve; and that the said public lands so rvlettseil from withdrawal and restored to settlement on Iteceuiber 15, 1901, will become suDlerl to entry, tiling and selection at the Cnlterf State Ijinj Offices for the re spective districts In which the rc.Hnied land lie, viz: at Oregon City and K burg, Oregon, on Muv 1. 14: Township e (5), six ), and seven l7 Houth. Itange four 14 Fast. W M.: In Town ship elk'ht tH Houth, Itange four it) Hast, the West half of Section tw (31. S.-elious thle" (3) to ten (10). both In clusive, the smith half and north-. -st quarter of Section eleven till, the north west quarter of Hectlon fourteen (14), the north half and south-west quarter of Section fifteen tlSl. Section sixteen (11 to twenty , both Inclusive, the niwth-west quarter of Hcettoii twenty one (I'D. the uth half and north-west quarter of Section twentv-nlne C3). Section thirty 3)) and thirty -one (31), and the west half of Hectlon thirty-two (3): In Township nine (9) South. Hange four (4 Fast. Section five (6). six . seven (7). thirteen (13) and fourteen (14). the south half of Section tlfieen (ID, necuon sixteen (Id) to thlrty-lx 31). ""'h Inclusive; In Township ten tl) South, Hang four 141 East. Sections .one (1) to twenty CD), both Inclusive. the south-west quarter of Section twenty- one (21). the north-east ouarter of na tion twenty-two 422)., Sections twenty three C'J). twenty-four (24). and twenty-five (25. the north half and southeast quarter of Section twentv-slx (2t. Sections twentv-nlne i in ti.trtu. two (32), both Inclusive, the south half a.n1 north-wet quarter of Section thirty 1 l33)' ,n south-west quarter of Section thirty-four (31). the south-east quarter of Section thlrtv-flve (35) Sec-i tlon thirty-six (.); In Township eleven :"' Douui, iianKe lour n r.ast, nec- !,ion" ,our n1"" '"h Inclusive, Sections sixteen (IS) to twenty (20), both Inclusive, the north half and south west quarter of Section twenty-on (21). the west half of Hectlon twenty-eight. Sections twentv-nlne 1291 an,t thlrtv (30); In Township twelve il't South. .,.:" T-, "!" ,H)' nrt"'n n51 'sixteen (lu) atul seventeen (17) South. 1MB n II H twenty two CSS!) Hmlth. Hange one til West: In Township twenty-three (S:i Hotith, Hrtiigo one t) West. Beet Ion one tl) to eleven til), both Inclusive, Hen lions fifteen tttO to twetttv-otte CO, both Inclusive, and Hrclloim iwentv-eishl t" to llility-thren l.llll, both Inclusive; In Township twenty .four L,'II Monlh, ItAnge one U West, Hectlous Ihe tbl to nine t S . Itoth Inclusive, tho Wel hnlf of Hi-c lion fourteen (4, 8ecllon fifteen Ot to teuly-lhre (23), both Incliistve, and Hectlous twenty-live c'M to thlrtv-lx (.iiii, both Inclusive; In Township twenty ttve t.'6l Houth. Itauge one (II West, Hectlous oho (t) to tweiitv-tluee iii), both inclusive, the not tit half of Hevilon twenty-four ('.'It ami twenty-six tStt), Heetuma twenty. seven ti,'l to ihlttv-one (.Hi, both Inclusive; lit Township thirty Utll Houth, ItnitKC tine til West, Hectloli one til, two u'l mid Once Ctl, Hectlon live &) to t Weill v-llllee tS3l, Initlt In clusive, and Hectlim twentv-seveii (3fl to thirty-six 3rt, both Inclusive; In Township thlrtv-one (311 Houth. Itange tine (11 West. Sections five t(i. sl (til. seven (?) ant eight (to, the south-west quarter tif Heel Ion nine (9. Hectlon fit teen tlB) to twenty-one (SO, both In clusive, and Hectlon tweittv-seveti (8!l to thirty -six (Ml, tmth Inclusive, all In the ltosebtug Land District, J. 11. KIMPI.K, Acting Commissioner, Approved; TIIOH. ItVAK, Acting Hecre- tioy tif the Interior. Notice of Street Improvement. Notice l hereby given that Fourth ftrevt of Oicgim City, Oii-gon, from the West line of High street to the I'aist line of Monroe street will be Improved with crushed link, and by laying sidewalks, curb, coiner block and drains mid by ! udtng said street by the established grade thereof. Tbl notice Is published putsiiitnt to nit mder made by the Council of oirgoii City. Oregon, at a meeting held Janu ary 4 th, l.'oi, W, A, Dlmlck, ticeortW, t'regou City, Orriiun, Jauuaiy 9. 19'., Jan. i,b. Try forllealth South IWia St., Chu m, li t, , tvt. 7,190-2 Eik'l.t tnohtln .n I wa t) ill that 1 m foms'ilel ta lis or it down nearly H i hi time. My stoniiu h w.ii no weak ami upset that I rouM keep nothing on it anil ( vomtleil frcjuenlly. I could not urinate without grt iain an. 1 1 roti"Vi much that my titrvi.-tt ami Uiut wer taw and sore. Th d's'ton pro nounced it Urijfiif dnene and othen said it wa consumption. It matter-.! little to me what they called it and I bad no de iire t lite. A listr-r visited tn from St. Itui nd aikett me if i had ever tried Wtue of Cardui. I told lo r I bad not and (he hoiiK'lit a Ixittle. I believe that it savtl my life. 1 believe many women could ve much tuffer ing if Uiey but knew of iti value. 'Joa'i you want freedom from pain? Take Wine of Cardui and make one supreme effort to be well. Yutt do not need to be a weak, k! pie tiifTerar. Tou can b a woman' health and do a woman ' work in life. Why not "eure a bottle of Wine of Card ut from your druggist if day? l-J::iE caHDUl ill3" f"'- --M-'-errSMffl;iiiiiiiMii:i OASTOniA. Bn tii l!n sf'il Haw klnn Bsol ITD 17171 Moal uisful of l'lUa. r tolly Hand. Books. 62d ymr of Publication. Printed In NINE DirrtRtNT LAN. OUAGES. Contain Correct Calendars tor all latitude, Cclip, Tide and Wathr Tables, Astronomical data, liat of raat. rast and other Holiday, (frsphic Moonlight Oiatframa and choice illua. aA.. A wa mm SOCIAL EVENTS Ml Miunniot Ml,iml ift Tuiilrt ltllil fur t-l-ii 1 1 lt, to'lit't mi tlu ;tih Mint Mini Mill I'H lliiillli'tl ttl it ',ill!il! tit tlltl until of flint t il,v. ' t- "I'lii' imntlMi iif tlin t'i'itlil.k ,Iuil iitl timl l.liittitt t'luli mill I In If Itn lnl hi, u, N i'ii ill 'lltilitfully iiw,i I ilin , ml tlin linim- uf Ale ttttil r, A. H. Iifar ltlt I'VlilrtV Itltiltl Ml, titt'l Mii U II. iMudy will ('intuitu thi'lr iliii'li 'I""" nt WllluiiK'tti Hull Mmultiy vi itlni. Jmititiry Sil, U lnttt i'Iiik will t lui-i fium T until s :ia hu k Mini mluU fnmt SO until 11 o't'lurk. Wmliii'KiUy t'VPiiiti ill kitiulin and 1-tiillr ur Kki iiiH)' v a (lnrlM I'arty nl Wlllamlt 1111 lltat Wa la"l' tfiuli-il. Tii ili' nlt ra mm by lli'iiidn WovxlWiinl Btitt Ml HIi'Vi imiin, Tho tiicmlipi t'f Ih IF. T. V. A , llKtt ly Farmer IYiMii, atlit nit ur i'ltir tt Unite lw fntin I'ttmiihln. villi', nave irsnlur ul, f.ili,uu'il ruun try tUitf" nt Wllidiiott Hall Turnttny IiIkIiI Tin to wt atmj nlti.inlam n nt tli" putty wlili ll w tli,ii,iniilily ,rij'iyrit Urn prtK'it,t n( the intui Itiliuii.iiil KotriM In I In' tvliit ! Hlklttw 1 1 iitioiui-ii In H i- Kiit JiiiIkh niul ,Mi 'I'. K, Itytin rnltr tain,n tlm iiti'intiKi uf tln iMckoit t'lulj tiitit tit' ylti'il frl-li,l mliiy fvetilnit M't I'U'il MilU-r a nt I'r. K. A, Mtitur Hit ,'li riint I'HC " III tlt aiu (it f' I wlul.i Ui,' w inii'i "f a gurilii i,mi, i w:t!t .l. lninliK.t )y iltitwln Inta nml In Itm inn fu lull lii'llit tltumln. Itm tittiuti uf tlio i ,'ii I tthtiixr n imt liHintcit, tn. f: sl.ln, i t ,'it i. i , .1 t Thu nun t an ' uf Ml HjiiuihIIi i lluih I'i'it. ln i 1 1 1 r of Mr iit Mi (t'Hitt.n llMillii'it. to Mr t'kniii-j HlmiuufK, mm t'f Mr Btnl Mm, Al- t Hlininii. t -r. fiiimiil ml tlin Itiiinn f tlio liflitv ..r. cut In tlil rlty nl I p m HnriiUy. J in tuit V i&. n- . j:, k itMiiingri, iitrii-.ntiii llntll t,( tlir, )in( pnipln nt'. will kituwii In Orrgim t'liy almts ttn-y lm a Itiint uf (iti'tttU who ili thrm mm U Imp Ilium Mr. ntiil Mi Hiiniii.iin wilt r" hln nt lilo.lnt.'ltr 4 4- Twu liiin lt r,l iwrn prti lpi, In tltn ntiitttlily tipprr tltm uy tlu M-n t'luti, of Ihf Flrt t'utir Ctttluitnl I hurt h t tltn t. M t. A. t'X'itt Wptn""ly -v rnlrtK, Franklin T, (iitfflth piri,," n l.mni nmiit. r, atnutt thM rr n'mllii4 lln A. H, lui-Mirr. Mt Kv Hmny t 'ye. II. W, Hiiinn, ntrtry of ih I'urtUmt Y. M C, A ; ami U: K rt lUillitiKnr. Mr ttfMir t'.mir,t "Th Ijailli''1 nl Mi ty ttic'tntl th, tn-r-l anil valitA tw irn fliy of In v In a pub ll llhrnry. Tho pilrtrlpal al-lrru tf h rvnnlna waa glvrn by Mr. Ilfttry J. M'-'iv nwrftiiry uf the V, M, C A. f Han Fran tliii. t'lltliT ihm auplr of til W. O, V. anil thn (llrm-ltim of Cli lmloa Tt"nnp in, th llukln' lift", a rural frr mtiil-r-l-jim'ily wn prirnir,j m Mltlvi-ly' nimra hoiie Ttiaility nlshl wfir an autllini-n that flU.-il th kirurtur to tho limit uf It nUiulHi rmuti. Mtr than fifty amati'tir. all IihI talent par. tU'l jjiif1 In th prmluction which wa qulto -rlHlil. cormliii-rlitf the hrt lint In whlrn the pBrfuinmr had to ac quaint thrnimlyea with thitlr part and th proper Btnicliif of th trrfortnanif, llxrauao of the Inign rtumlHT laklnf part linllyltltial rnriiilim will Itnre to l mull trj but tlitimi partlilpatlttu In the farcn were Wm. WrlKht, Mr. Franc Free, man, Ona Itrnner, Main, I Tower. A Urn Atltini. Jame VtMiithsn, Mi. Italph Mil-l-r, ImIIIq 1'ratt. Julia May, Ijn, Can flt'ltl, tii-nra llankln. Charle 1'utman, Marlon lulph Miller anil F.4 Taylor, The apei-UItli' wer tureeillnijly kikxI nl were creditably (Ivrn by tho atnateur. Thl part of thn entertainment wa In troduced by a roritatlun by I.lttlo Mi Kva CalllT, nig ly K. E. Taylor, Wm. Wright and Ml Ituth CalllT. Th "lley Hull Tnnt;t" by Allen Adam. Hoy tiraoe, Karl ltotirettu and Hhea Cole, properly riwttuined. elicited a hearty encore to whlfh the 'HtilM'' retoniled In morn lilirtvlatei ruatume. lx-n Confer waa Blven III UNtinl enrdlal rei-eptlon and ami a well it ever, nut being rxtme, by hi lc!iKit"it nu'lltoi until he hud con trlliiit'd n net'iind nuinber. Wnvn Iltr rltntttm. Amy Thonwi, lleaul 81 lht mid Jti'imle Mi Mllliui rnnMtltu'trd a p.i tty iniiiiti-ttK uf Dtili-h maiden In wniU a Iiiie and rliiveily i-tti t uteri it dunce, The Mucnifoee nutti ti lto itiMiln a great bit Iti their Initial iitinilur "I town on th Farm," whli.'h tiny a.ttm peibitp better thtin It Wit ever uiitf befnrn In thl rlty. A uHttttl, tltiy win) obllifi-d to ridpotul tn nn encore. Ildieil Frr, (ilibert Mortla, Iti Hi- t'iKtni-11, ntnl Verniiii Wvlnh mints "Hit Your Mother rtny More. l,lki YoiiT" 'H'd na nn encore offered, "Hweet Mollle Hlmnniin." After th ttong "I'lnky-I'nnky l"oo," by My. FranelM Ilelnd, In etmlume, tbu drill ti-ittn of th. liiciil Wiimeii of Woodcraft lodge illij Hotnit pretty march. Ink which priiciidi'il tltti mmdftulked ulmiit pliHitutlon walk Biound for which the uiidlidii! hiul been eugerly wttlllttg, In the rolo of lender, Ithea Cole, 'brack o tiny nlKKr," and attired Itt a don uli with a whlto cryantilhcmum lurtrn tin an OreK'in t'mnpkln for a btiltunhtrn, wn a bin aneeeii, in ufct lm ranked In thn profi-HHlonitl cim, Tliren t!otiili-s Iirtlcuiti'il in tin. wulk itiotidd n fol Iowh: Mr. Frank Newton, urtd Ml Chtme; Mr. Jo, fioodfcllow find MIm Winner; Mr. Karl rilourtiltu und Mln Jackwon. Tint wlnnltiK 0.0111,1(1 wit dittermlnnd by Iho npplmim! of the nudlencn and thn awnrd wiih Jimperly nindu to Mr, l.ntou retlfl (tnd M1h Juckmin, who went en thulntlr;ully alipluildciF by their miiny friend ond jmrllcularly by a hoM uf their mcIkmiI mrile. on,, (,f tho beat evenlliK' apnMiillle wa thu drill by thn Twentieth Century IIi Uch and their clitip. IiIch, thoHij taking part being: Jjcitha Koeiner, Kdnu Park, (Jcrlrtido Mamllton, Vera I'ltllllit, ti Iho Delle; Anna Aid ri'(lo, Bedonltt Hlmw, Ethel Tark and OlKii McCluro. HoiiHit Olrl wa fnllh fully liniH!iMoniitetl by MImh Ona Hnnnnr, who nmd n. hll In her nobby coHtiitne and with plculng volcn In a nttlocllon, thn compnny uniting In tlio chnrua. 'J'hl feature conoludvd tho nvonlng' ontor luliitnent. Bubsorlbo for the Enterprlao. fe: -That's what a jn'uuur.cnt dr U44 1st sail nt i"Cilt';t Gmulsioti a s I nrt ihm tijo. As a rule wr don't use nr refer t tev-tiiutini.Ms in (ulilrt'ssinn the public, hut the above reinaik and similar cxpressionn are made so often in connec tion with Seott'.s iCuiulsion that they are worthy of occasional n o t e . From infancy to old ae Scott's Emulsion oilers a reliable means of remedying im proper and weak develop ment, restoring lost tlcsh and vitality, and repairing waste. The a c t i o n of Scott's Kmulrion i.s no more of a secret than the composition of the Kmul sion itself. What it does it does through nottrUh meut -the kind id nourish meat that cannot be ob tained iu ordinary food. No system is too weak or delicate to retain Scott's Emulsion and gather good from it. V will ttri.i yxi a MtttpU In. fW UI 1...Ml.!ll,t (. Wn Ull t. mtfft 4 .tT WllU ml ffmiitilwii t4 scon k BOWNE Cbnvbt$ 409 Pari St.. N. T. m. ai H; all 4futU. A turprlt Prty. A plroaant ttrprt patty may b glva lu your atoitiaili and liver, by taking medii-in which will r-Hy their pain and ili.-..tiif,ut. vi: If, King Nw IJf 1111. They ar a m.Mit aronderful rem edy, affording tir rrllef nd cur. Urt headai lie, ditalttu and contltatiun. :ic at Unwell A Junea drug tur. Ir)lnu nrritarut Ion linily t1- op dry ealanb i tly tl rj up Ui crtttit, whbh ailhir to Ui tneotbrano and ilaoota. ), causing a far mar iter loon trouble tit Ut onliiwr (ortn of ratarrh. Ai. all dry. lng ItinAlaiita, funtea, nrnoke and anuria aud ti thai wlili-h rlranaea, aotitli a4 be!, I'Jjr Crtu Italra I ucth a rerody and will cura catarrh or I4 In U hed eaaily anil rlaaaanlly. A trial alia will hm tuMM tar 10 cnt. AH drtt(?glt th Uk. i. llruUiar. M Warrn HU, N.Y. Tli llftlm cure without puin, tloe r.t Irritata or raaa n4ng. It tir4 lu!f ovr an IrritataJ an4 angry turfaea, ralie . ittg lttiindillf th a iln(ul InGamniallon Wuh FJy'a (rrm Halm yoa ar arm agaloat ft aaal Vatarrb and 1 lay t e or. Th Olamond Cur. Th latrat nw from l'rt I, that they hnv illmovcired a diamond cura f cfonaiiinptlim. If jrot fear conautnpltaf or pneuuionla, II will, howaver, b b for you tn lk that great ttn4y man tinned by W. T, Mrtlee, of VanWwr, Tenn. ' I had a rough for fourteen year, Nothing hrlp-rd m, until I took Ir. King New 1 iln'ovnry for C'nttaumptlun, Cotigti and Colli, which gaa lnlant relief, nd effected a permanent cur t'netia!led quick eUr. for Throat and l.iiiiKH. At Unwell & Jone drug loie; pi lee tOi! and ll M. guaf antod. Trial but tin fre. It li mtttrh iilf r for a woman to cenfid In the verKe man than In th average woman, sin- known that the man will re aped her roiihdrne and keep them lo himtrlf He 1 Hitong, him more eiprrijnf of the wot Id and t an help the woman who netl advic. There 1 every reaaon why women hliuuld not trust their drlicau cmiatittiliona in the hand of umikill'-d pemotm. It reitiitea a thiirntigh medintl education to npiireriate and tindettttaitd the womanly tiiKatiiam. When a woman ha I1U anil paintt that ahe cannot brr when life areiut thirk for every woman, hc ahnulil confidr her Irmible to physician of titmliug in the community or one who h uutinunl reptitntlnn. Cer tainly it would not he the part ol window to coiiliile in an Ignorant person without medical education aituply bcrauae he wu a woman. There la every reason why hc Should write to mime great prclulit, on who ltaa made the diaeasea of women irnialtv for a third of a century, like Dr. H. V, l'ien-e, fotintlrr ofth Invalid' Hold and Surgical lttnlHiitc, of lludalo, N. Y. All lilfoiresionit iu e is hcltl aacrrdly con fidential, and 11 give hi advice free and without I'lmifc, So uniformly aiicceshfut has Dr. Picrce'i Favorite prescription proven in all form of I'eiiialf Weaknea, I'rolapsiia, nrl'nllinif of Womb, mid l.tuicorrhen, tltat, after curing the wotst ciisea of the distressing and dehiliiating ailments, Dr. Pierce now feci" fully wananled in offering to pay $50 cash for any cane of these disease whicb lie cannot cure, Ur. Pierce' Pleasant Pellet aliould 1 tiaed with "I'avnrite lreacriptloa when tr a UuitUve U required, "HQ W m