PAGE 2. OREOON CITY SNTlRPRiStt. FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1909. 1' Oar Co-respondents' Corner Ji Bricl Bit ot UosRip from Correspondents r requested to r-1 new their work. We will furnish all necessary stationery. The news frora your neighborhood should appear In these columns every week. STAFFORD. After the coUl spell of the mist two Weeks, the rain begins to fall and Ore tonlans will begin to Ret their webs oskcd up, and get better of hard colds Which have bn so prevalent. Mr. Durr and family started back to Kansas Tuesday, v Mrs. Gebhart Is said to b gettlnu along nicely at the hospital In Portland. Said John to Juke: "If those nails are not enough to finish the tank, 111 eat my hat," and Jake tried to drive them In thick enough to see the fun. hut John still had a terrible goneness when supper time came. Mr. Nimle has been having some blast ing' done to remove old stumps. Mrs. Nina Gage returned to her home In St. Helena last Saturday. A man went home with three wheels of his buggy. It wn supposed that a tipsy telephone pole ran Into the other. Mrs. Barbara Moser has returned from her holiday visit with relatives In Tort land. VIOLA. Mrs. T. D. Brown spent n w.-ek with her mother, Mrs. Will Mattoon, of late. Jaes Sevier Is working at Independence j helping set a saw mill. j An elgltt-pound girt brightened the j home of Mrs. J. Hughs on the morning; of the 16th. ! Mr. Andrew Graham has been putting ; In a lot of logs for the mill company, , It seems that with new proprietors in j our saw mill and grist mills, days of pros perity are about to repeat themselves at Viola. Mr. Oberstaller had quite a stir in his pig sty on Monday night He has moved his fine stock closer his residence. George Hlclnbothom. now "Grandpa", wears a big smile since las Monday. Mr. Simons tof Oregon City visited friends in Viola the first of the week. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Absolutely Harmless. The fault of giving children medicine containing injurious substances. Is some times more disastrous than the disease from which they are suffering. Every mother should know that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is perfectly safe for her children to take. It contains nothing harmful and for coughs and colds and croup is unsurpassed. For sale by Geo. A. Harding. SHUBEL. An entertainment and neck-tie social will be given at the Beaver Creek Hall on Friday night. February H. Neck-ties will be sold at 50 cents each, after which lunch will be served. Admission 10c. Mr. Eetke was seen on our streets one day this week. Albert Hornshuh and Percy Ptreyfeler have returned to Salem. Revival meetings are still In progress at the Evangelical church. Hev. Wet laufer In charge. BEAVER CREEK. 1 John Shannon of Oregon City was out after sawdust this week. L. Duffy and O, Ptatx-n called on A. Thomas last Sunday. Wm. Grisenthwaite is up and around strain. John Shannon. Jr., called nn the Wm. Hughes afmily this week, also the Martin family and V. F. Hartnell made a pleas ant call. Miss Klenora Ointher, our school mam. made a pleasant call on the Panlals fam- iiy. W. E. Jones and Thomas IIi os, called j on the Shannon Bros, one night this j week. Miss Ida Carter, of Owensvllle, was a guest of H. H. Hughes hist Week. Shannon Bros.. H. Hughes and the Wm. Hughes family called on Wm. JJrisen thwaite one night last week. T. B. Thomas of Beaver Creek, has I the first of the week on ar omit of the se sold out to T. I). Jones of Carrol. Neb.. ! v-re illness of her grandchild, who will soon take charge of the place, j Lat Saturday about Jl o'clock a. m.. The great reliigoua revivals In Valu is while Mildred Kdith. the little three yeur the topic of all the Welsh people of this daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I-ove. was vicinity at present. The W ;U present. The Welsh papers gives us a great account of it. They are the most effectual revival." Wales ' has ever seen, I'n.ler the leadership f a young man yeais old, nano-d Kvan ItoljeilN. Hundreds of people have al ready been converted to the kingdom of Jesus Christ. The churches are ove, - flowing day and night, praising rjod tj I ,.iivjn(, a heartbroken mother, father and His grer.t love for the world. And it is i,,e sister to rnourn for her. The re not confined entirely to Wales, but it is ln;,ir,H were taken to Brooks Monday af sprcadiug through the great cities of ,,.,.,, or, the 4:ir. I ruin where the fun. r.ngiano. inc Hev. junney. the great American Evangelist is doing a tremen dous work among the people of Liverpool anl Manchester. We do hope and pi : that we shall receive some of this spirit. AVe do need it. Are the churches of this vicinity ready for It? in the near t jtiie we expect to give the EnterprM-i icaoers more details about this great revival on the other side of the Atlantic. GUARANTEED REMEDY FOR CONSTI PATION. Huntley Bros. Co. Tell Why Laxakola Cures. "Most laxative remedies relieve for a time," said one of the above druggists, "but after a while you either have to increase 'he dose or try something else." "But It is different with Laxakola." "It seems to relieve, the conditions that cause constipation and you can gradu ally decrease the quantity. This is no doubt due to its remarkable tonic effects and as the sale is rapidly in rapidly in creasing it indicates that Laxakola gives good satisfaction. We always sell the first bottle with the guarantee it will cure or refund -the money and it Is a rare thing indeed that we hear anything but praise for it. A large bottle costs only 26 cents, and when a mild, eafe, ure liquid laxative for either children or adults Is needed I always recommend Laxakola as we consider Jt superior to j any other remedy in our store." Subscribe for the Enterprise. All rrtao! the County. f Garfield. From otitside reports Garfield did not experience the brunt of the late storm. Horn on January Id, to the wlf of ' Adolph Miller, of George, a daughter. The following ottieers were elected by Garfield Sunday School for the ensuing year: Supt., CrMia I.emon; Ass't. Supt., W. II. Holder i- Treasurer. Mm. Old. Krigbrtum; Chorister. C. A. Iooncy. The blustery weather nearly reached the dignity of a snow storm on Thurs day, when a half-Inch of the beautiful graced the frosen ground, and the ther mometer fell to IS degrees above aero. The Garlleld Literary and Debating Society held an Interesting session on Friday evening. The debate was particu larly Interesting. In as much as four of the debaters were young ladles, and were making their Initial appearance. They acquitted themselves In a creditable manner. This Is a step In the right di rection. I.ei the good work continue. A nvx k trial Is to be held this coming Fri day night. The charge being preferred against John Jones for kidnaping a two old boy. Guilty or not guilty. J. E. STUH1IS. How'i This? "We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be 'cured by Halls Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHEXET & CO., Toledo, O. We. the undersigned, have known F. J. i Cheney for the last 15 yean, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry 0ut any obligations made by his firm, WAUMNG. K1NXAX & MARVIN, W holesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall s Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally acting directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. , ITice Ti cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hail's Family Hills for constipa tion. PARKPLACE. Mr. Clyde who has been very 111 Is slowly recovering. Mr. Hayhord returned from St. Vlu eeiits hospital after a critical operation and Is doing well. Abcrnathy Orange Hall Is approaching completion. Plastering and painting will be finished this week, which when fin ished will be one of the finest Grange halls In the State. Installation will be held Saturday, the 28th; all members are requested to be present. Officers elected for the ensuing year are as follows: Mas ter. E. P. Carter; Overseer, Mary A. Ingram: lecturer, Mrs. M. Hraylon; Chaplain, Mr. W. Bray ton; Secretary. Eflie Morris; Steward. 3. A. Jones; Asst. Steward. W. W. Smith; Treasurer. J. P. Apperson; Gate Keeper, L. W. Ingram; Ceres. Bertha Rivers; Pomona. Pessie Ingram; Flora. Bemlre Hayford; Lady Asst. Steward, Mrs. I. Kent. j A fatal accident occurred at the home i of Mr. Love. Parkplace, Saturday after noon, his three year old child having fallen into a vessel of scalding water and j was scalded so badly that she died Sun I day about three o'clock. PARKPLACE. Mr. Hayford. who went to the hospital in Portland about two weeks ago, re turned Monday much Improved In health. He hail an operation performed on his head and is getting along nicely. He will soon be aiile to bf around again. Mr. and Mrs. Halph Holmes are happy parents, for a young son came last Sun day. January' 15, to take up his residence with them. The Mother's Club will (jive a musical entertainment and oyster supper 'next Monday night January In the Assem bly hall. !rice L'5 eenH, proceeds to go to the piano fund. Miss Wilson received a handsome bi Jt ti day present lt being u gold nugget hat pin sent from Crlppl ''reek. Colorado. i The nugegt Is as large as a nutmeg and ! mounted In Its rugged Htate. j Mr. OldenstjiirK who was ho seriously I maltreated by two young men hint week I ts slowly recovering. i Mrs. M. Klveis was ealied to r'ortland p;iVng about the Moor, she ac-cidentlv fell into a pail of hot water which the mother was going to use for cleaning Tin; child was bally scalded, but not thought to be serious until Sunday afternoon when she went into a spasrn from which she hevcr tallied. Her sweet little life went out at four o'clock Sunday afternoon, eral was held Tuesday. The parents have the sympathy of many friends. Coughs and Colds. All coughs, colds and pulmonary com plaints that are curable are quickly cured by One Minute Cough Cure. Cleats the phlegm, draws out inflamatlon and heals and soothes the affected parts, strength ens the lungs, wards off pneumonia. Harmless and pleasant to take. Sold by Geo. A. Harding. CANBY. There Is some activity tnaniefst in teal estate. Mr. Lee recently sold three lots and one acre to strangers who pro pose building. The consideration was $175. Every new house has a tenant as soon as it is ready for occupancy. One Just completed by Mr. Slmiris is now occu pied by the. family of Ctms. Burroughs;. The local warehouses have been doing a rushing business In potatoes lately, both buying and selling. W. S. Hurst & Co., took In eight loads last Tuesday and are preparing to ship a carload to San Francisco. Korman Cronan's bridge gang have completed their work on the Aurora tressle and left Inst Tuesday for about ten days work at Kugcrie. ! Jhe railroad plledriver came here last Sunday and began work Monday on the Molalla tressed, but were ordered ,dBe- where on Tuesday. Cal. Kocher came borne last Sunday from Condon. The Hussell Pros, wllh a drive of lti, u, have Just reached the boom at this place. These ths were cut up the MolalU river and floated down to fill contracts with the 8, P. Co. Several Odd Fellows from the local lodge joined In the festivities nt Molallti ( last Saturday nlglit, John Stalmikcr has been making scitil tnysteilous trips to the state capital et Indefinite periods for ninny months If not years. Hut we venture that these trlpa will bo less frequent now. for last Wed nesday he left on the evening train and returned bringing- Mis. Slitlniiker wllh him. The bildc Is Miss F.lhel Salmon and Is not a stranger nt Canby, for It was here that Mr. Suluakcr met her. The ceremony took place at the home of the bride's parents on Asylum Avenue, Si lem, at high noon, and was perform, d by Itev. C. A. llousel, of this place who Is an old time friend of the Salmon fam ily. Only Immediate friends anil relatives of the contracting parties were present. Mr. and Mrs. Stalnaker will muke their home In Canby where Mr. Hlalnaker has charge of the Hunt warehouse, Speedy Relief. A salve that heals without a scar Is DeWltt's Witch I Intel Salve. No remedy effects such speedy relief. It drawl out Inflamatlon, soothes, cool and heals nil cuts, burns and bruises. A sure cure for piles and skin diseases. IVWItt s Witch Htitel Salve Is the only genuine. Heware of counterfeits, they are dangerous. Hold by Geo. A Harding. ELDORADO. Bert Lyons has returned to Oregon City after a week's isit w ith Kin Jones and wife. Remember the social and entertainment nets Saturday night nt F.ldorudo. Mr. Johnson had a crew of men mak ing him a road nut to the Molalla road. The ball given by the Ileivey boys Sat urday evening was u decided success. Mr. F. C. Kinney and Mrs. Chnrlea Boyn ton took the cake In the cake-walk, ('has. Daniels and Lillian Cans look second prtle pie. Fred Moluxrt stuMvt a few days with his sister Mrs. Oren Adklns this week. We have such a good mall service now that we get our mall "sometimes" and "sometimes" we don't. Your scribe haa not received his Enterprise for tw;j weeks. Suppose some one else Is reading it or the m.illcarrier forgot he had It. Mr. McCarty was buying oats of Mr. C. Smith Saturday, and Sunday Messrs. Paine Irish were buying oats of him. Feed Is getting short it seems. Frank Scvhoenhoiu mid Joe Daniels are running oposliton at present. At what Go, .s. Henry Helticr of Mullno spent Sunday with Al Jones and aftnll). MOLALLA. This community was gieatly shoi ked last Wednesday on hearing of the sad accident that fell to the lot of ileorge Ogle, who was working with a telephone crew three inileH southwest of tills i,lace A pole was belne raised. Somehow solo one's hold slipped, turning the pole, and throwing It to the ground, lleoig,) having the lowest hold was mashed to the frozen ground by the weight all coining against his head. The wounded man wus carried to the residence of T. M. Cross. Lr. Par ent was called, who sent for Dr. I'oweil for consultation. It was decided a very critical case; the hemorhage from the cars was checked. Dr. Parent has been with George every night, and at tho present writing (Tuesday) the sufferer shows some indication of recovery. J. W. Thomas lost a valuable mare two miles out from Iyigan last Thursday while coming home from Pomona Orange by a kick from J. N. Sawtell's animal. The Injured horse was taken some eight miles when the left hind leg broke short off. The suffering animal was shot. Judge Dunagn has been greatly under the weather for several weeks. We hope to soon sec our "Alphabetical" brother correspondent up and around again. Last Saturday night there was installed an I. ). O. F. lodge of thirty-live mem bers, which will be known as Molalla, No. Id!. The Oregon City Team was out and did some good work. Telephone connec tion will be establish ed between Molalla and Manpiam this week. Maripiam has got the telephone fever now In earnest, and now the mutual system will move. Mr. p. M. lioyles. who has been down to Portland with his wife, who has under gone an operation, reports that the pa tient Is getting along splendid and we hope to soon see Mrs Holies out here again-with sound health. "Cure the cough and save the life." 'lll'tt'fll' fin,. Idl'tlir. lr. Wood's Norway cougn and colds of consumption. down to the very verge SPRI NG WATER. We are having a sci I, n of evangelis tic meetings by Dr. Mulligan, 'ju.te an Interest Is being taken. The regular Installation of Hie ofllceis of the Grange took place Saturday, Jan uary 1). Mrs. Nora Miller, of Highland, assisted by Mr. Miller, was the Installing oilicer. The writer . -it tended the Pomona Grange at Logan and had an enjoyable time. There were more than IHO Patrons In attendance. The officers of Pomona Grange having been elected, their In stallation was conducted f,y Htate Mas ter it. (). Lccdy. It was announced that the committee of the Clackamas county granges will meet at Oregon City, on the first Halm-day in February at 2 p. m. The Logan Grange entertained the itors on this occasion most loyally. The young people of Snringwater in vls- ange will have their drama on the evening of the 2Mb. All ladles arc requested to bring baskets with tlu-m, those falling to do so will be charged io eenls ad mission. Miss Llbblo Hard lias gone to Wilam ctie. to work for Mis. Ida Miller. id tie Johnnie Mager tias a sore throat. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hard went to Port land on business this week. In Memory of the Late John It. lams: Wjll- He was a friend and brother Moldler of ihe writer. He has answered the last roll call. Peaceful be. thy slumber, Peaceful In thy grave so lone; Thou no more will Join our number Thou no more our sorrows share; When the roll Is called up yonder We. hope to meet him there. CLACKAMAS. The "cold spree' so long pi elided has come to pass, and now Is the time for him who prays "llod pity the poor," to answer his own prayer. Mr. Hooper, who recently bought 50 acre near Clackamas is building a barn and will Inter put up a house on the place. Thornton Htrltn Is building a rattle shed on his place bought of the Oglcshy brothers. Mr. Htrltn has bargnlned for several cows and a milk route; but says he Is In m hurry to begin peddling milk while this weather lasts. The crew at the atone quarry find It necessary to suspend labor till chaugt of weather. Itev. H. A filait, has received a call to the Clackamas Congregational church for the ensuing yeur and will accept. Hev. F. Peacock ha served the church very acceptably, but could not pionilse to re main a full year. IF YOU ARE NOT PARTICULAR Don't travel over the Illlnola Central, as any old road will do yon and we don't want your patronage; init If you aro particular and want "file, best and moan to have It, ask the ticket agent to route you via the ILLINOIS CKNTKAL tho road that runs through got Ul vestibule trains between St. Paul, Omaha. Clileano, 8t. I-ouls, Memphis and Now Orleans, No additional charge la inn do for a sent In our reclining; chair cara which aro fitted with lavatories and amok ItiK room, and have a porter In at tendance. Kates via the ILLINOIS CENTRAL aro tho lowest and we will be glad to quote them In connection with any transcontinental lino. . It. TKUMFirm Commercial Agent, H2 Third Street, Portland. Oregon. J. C. LINDSKY. T. K. & V. A.. 112 Third .Street, Port land, Oregon. PAUL H. THOMPSON. Frt. and Passenger Agent, t'oltnan llldg. Seattle, Washington. Fort Rerv Scrip. Forest Iteserve Bcrlp Is the quickest. safest and most economical metho,! of j aciiilrlnK government Inml; which Is b- comlnit more scarce and valuable every dny. No residence or tlnal prif Is r United If you want either tlinher or aicrlcultural land It will pay jrou to In vestlKate this. Kor information address. V. It. Hyde. Oregon City. Oregon, Jan. Tht Solvation Army. Services . very night escrpt on Mon- day and Kridav. Sunday Services-; p. nt., Junior Meet ing; 3 p m . Family Gathering; I p. nr. Great Salvation lully finished with a I.atile for Souls All are invited to attend The officer In charge of the 8. A, oper ation In )regn t'lty. I.OCI3 ISKl'GMAN. Cupt. Subscribe for the Enterprise. The Moxisefurnisker AFjTER THE FIRE Wc have to perform the unpleasant doty of selling our damaged stock of goods damaged by water andfrough handling during the excitement. rv mm: vV e ,'V , t i 700 Cedar Doors, edges slightly sprinkled with water 85 and 95 Cents a Piece ISO Woven Wire Springs, best quality, $J.95. 50 Iron Beds, $f.95. Writing Desks, regular $9.00 values, for HALF PRICE. Fine Decorated Dishes, as 6 Caps, 6 Saucers, 6 Dinner Plates, all for $J.50. Come early if you wish to avail your self of some of these bargains. t32 C-'-r7.-71- jgASTORliJi AYcfiddMi' Prvpnrdtionror As slinilatiiHl Hie food amt Itctiulu -lint; ttic StouwicJc il Ikwh la Tremolos IVilion.t'Uvrful ru'ssnrkllu'si I'otit.tliu lu-iilrr Onium.MorvUiiH' nor Miiti'Ml. Not 'Narcotic'. flmtfvil U XiNt UfrTXM M tXmunt AYfrl llt'ini'ily forConsliw Hon, Sour Stoinar h.niairUvo Ui)rnts,roiivil)iw,VvTrish nrssniklLoMHOI'SLKKl'. locSimito Siy'iulur of NKW YOHK. ''IT ) (ut,rm Urn I IIIm - 1 r mi fUtw. I I " 'f II aim vmVP.t' 11111 I f aifiJgT(DI6 MA T? t XT QlV VEGETABLE SICILIAN ALES. Hair Renewer Perhaps you like your pray hair; then keep It. Perhaps ooc then remember Hall's Hair licnewcr always restores color to gray hair. Stops falline hair, Enterprise for It i i ' - -I i'-t C 'I h j .sli!. . yW . I , ' j W For Infanta nnd Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years t Mrw .. mm nmm also. ,"-.'rr..rr AW A .ft Job Printing 1 i :n!).', 1 .... - - ", I ' i ' -t i