PAGE 10 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAV, JANUARY :0, ISC J. S oJS o) S cvIS oj S caJS o) S cvIS c-Q j f i I f I With every 25c purchase beginning January JOth and ending February J 5th we will give a ticket in our Distribution Gift Sale to possess the following articles! J Elegant Velour Couch J Handsome Upholstered Morris Chair I Fancy Glass Cupboard I Comfortable Willow Rocker - 2 Chiffioner, five drawers 1 Kitchen Cabinet I Fancy Table I Rocker with Cobbler Seat I Set 6 Dining: Room Chairs, GoldenOak, Fancy Seat 1 Ladies' Desk, Highly Polished OUR GREAT ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE Extraordinary Reductions, Unmatchable Bargains. We Mention Only a Few of the Many Bargains Which arc Offered i MEN'S SUITS Heavy weight, all wool cassimeres or cheviots, special sale price $7.85 For choice of men's fine all wool suits regular price $(2.50; sale price $9.85 MEN'S PANTS Men's all wool pants, heavy weight, Reduced to $1.95 SHOES marked at clearance sale prices. LADIES' COATS and JACKETS and WOMEN'S SKIRTS greatly reduced. Children's Knee Pants Suits, prices to clear them out quickly, marked at $2.10, 2.45, 3.JO, 3.75, 4.35. Men's natural wool sot, seamless toe and heel formerly sold at 5c, sale price 9c UNDERWEAR Men' 50c heavy ribbed underwear in pink, blue or tan, special clearance sale price 35c NOTIONS-San silk 3 spools for 5c; Fleisher's Shetland Floss, 4 skeins for 25c. Finishing Braid 2 for 5c. Embroidery silk in all wanted shades, 2 skeins for 5c. DRESS GOODS AH wool 38 Inch dress goods on sale at 39c. All wool waitings, sale price, per yard 19c Men's all wool underwear, clearing sale price 88c LADIES' UMBRELLAS Regular $1.00, now 75c; regular $1.50, now $1.12; regular $2.00, now $1.63. LJQ MM1 SEVENTH AND MAIN STREETS, OREGON CITY, OREGON COUNTY COURT Continued. West Oreeon Oitv: J. Humnhrpva West Oregon City; E. Bloniberg, West Oregon city; K. J. Goodfellow, West Oregon City: C. A. Miller. West Ore gon City; Jacob Josi, West Oregon city. In the matter of road district boun daries: Ordered that road district hnn lines be "the same as of the January term, iyo4 except as follows: Boun dary lines between Viola and Spring water road districts changed as fol lows: Begin at section corner between sections 29, CO, 31, and 32, T. 3 S.. R. 4 E. running thence north one mile; thence West l'.i miles: thpnro M mile; thence west mile; thence .ortn ivi miles; thence West mile 10 center or section 14. T. 3 S., R. 4 E; thence North one mile to boundary line between Viola and Harding road .districts. That the boundary line between Canyon Creek and Molalla road dis tricts be changed as follows: Begin the Northwest corner of Sec tion 1, T. 5 S., R. 2 E, running thence south 1 miles; thence East mile to the center of Section 12, T. 5 S., R. 2 E.,; thence south 1 mile to cen ter of Section 13; thence East ZVz miles; thence south 1 mile; thence east 3 miles; thence south 2 miles to Southeast corner of section 36, T. 5 South, Range 3 east. That the boundary lines of West Oregon City No. 34, be changed to take in a part of Oswego road district No. 30, as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of section 22, Township 2 South, range 1 East; thence West two miles; thence south 3 miles to to SW cor ner of section 33, in said township; thence East to the Tualitan river; thence down the Tualitan river to the Willamette river; thence down the Willamette river to the northeast cor ner of the G. Walling claim No. 63; thence along the north line of the Walling claim to section line between sections 14 and 15; thence south on section line to place of beginning. That Tualitan road district No. 31 be created as follows: Commencing on Tualitan river" be tween Washington and Clackamas Counties; running thence south and west on division line of said counties to the Northwest corner of Bfintlnn 12, T. 3 S., R. 1 W., thence south to the Willamette river; thence down the Willamette river to the mouth of the Taulitan river; thence up the Tau litan river to where the South line of section 34, T. 2 South, R. 1 East, crosses said river; thence west along south line of Sections 34 and 33 to southwest corner of section 33; thence north to Tualitan river; thence up Tualitan river to place of beginning. That the boundary lines of New Era district No. 16 be changed by taking all of said road district No. 10 lying west of the Willamette river and attaching same to road district No. 31. In the matter of clerk hire in the County Clerks office; Ordered that said clerk be permit ted to employ additional clerks to extend and complete the tax rolls. In the matter of the appointment of deputy assessor; Ordered that the appointment of F. J. Nelson as deputy assessor be approved, he to receive $00 per month for such services and to serve until further orders of this court. In the matter of the. application of John McNamara; Ordered that warrant issue to Mrs. Bradtl for $12.00 for care of said McNamara until further orders. In the matter of the nntitinn nf Henry Mcuugin and others for aid to jits, aiattie FicKens and family; Ordered that nptitlnn l prnntnri and that she be allowed $10 per month until further orders. In the matter of the petition for irancnise ny the West Oregon City Telephone Co.; Ordered that said petition be grant ed subject to orders of this court. In the matter of the bond of Asses sor; Ordered that the bond of J. P. Nel- son as Assessor be approved. In the matter of snecial tar levlon in road districts Nos. 21 and 22; Ordered that same be approved. In the matter of tho notltlnn r.t 3 I'VylVIWU V U. A. D. Hungate and others for bridge across slough at Dickey Prairie bridge Ordered that same be taken under advisement until site can be insnert- ed. In the matter of the Arndt road, Ordered that this matter he rpferrprt to District Attorney for opinion. In the matter of' estimates of amounts of money to be raised In Clackamas county upon tax roll of 1904; Pauner exnense. nrnn Pvnnnaoa Circuit Court, $3400; Justice of the Peace Courts. $1500: Exnenson Pnnntv Jail, $500; Repairs to Court House, iou; are or indigent Soldiers, $450; County Physician and Board Health, $100; Sheriff's office, $3500; Clerk's office, $2900; Recorder's Office, $2000; Assessor's office $4000; Treasurer's Office. $1300: School Snnprlntonrinnro office, $1400; County Court and Com- iHihBiouers, $iuu; surveyors office and Road Viewers. $1000! rv.mnor'u office, $050; Collection of taxes, $2500; rrinting ana advertising, $750; Books and stationery, $800; Insane commit ments and exnense. 4350 mnlrlni a total of $33,250.00. To which should be arlrterl- rn. struction and renal $19,000; interest on outstanding war rants. $8100: State Srhonl Tav 17. 820; General State Levy, $34,337.00; Roads and Highways, $27,000; Reduc- nuu ui wuuiy uvm, tzvvv, maKing a total of $189,513.00. In the matter of plank for roads; Ordered that all plank furnished for county roads shall be at least ten inches in width, and supervisors are notified to refuse to receive or allow rtny plank of less width to be laid on county roads when said plank are to be paid for by county. In the matter of the report of Miss Chase on condition of Treasurer's ac count with the school districts on ac count or special school taxes; Ordered that said report be contin ued until February term of this court. In the matter of the tax levy for 1905; Ordered that there be and there Is hereby levied upon each and every dollar of the taxable property, real personal, and mixed, situated In the county of Clackamas on the fist day of March 1904, a tax of Twenty and one half mills: 250-1000 for school; 215- looo tor state tax; 125-1000 for road tax; 115-1000 for bridge; 50-1000 for Interest; 14o-000 for general county; and 100-1000 for cotintv indebtedness and same la hereby ordered extended on tax roll and collected In manner required by law. In the matter of the appointment of road supervisors; District No. 1. W. H. Counsell. 2. J. C. Paddock. 3. K. M. Osburn. 4. H. S. Gibson. 5. W. II. Boring 0. John R. Duncan. 7. Jas. Fegles. 8. David Douglas. 9. William Held. 10. W. R. Oatfleld. 11. J. E. Witzig. 12. J. S. Gill. 13. J. T. Fullam. 14. Arthur Bailey. 15. R. H. Tabor. 10. August Staehly. 17. Adam Knight. . 18. Ed. Hornshuh. 19. John II. Darnell. 10. n. Sullivan. 21. W. E. Bonney. 22. II. J. Rastall. 23. R. W. Zimmerman. 24. R. I. Garrett. 9S T V. flfti 20. William Vick 27. Fred Meyer. 28. Albert Crossan. 29. Julius Snyder. 30. Jack Monk. 31. Z. Elligson. 32. E. L. Baker, 33. Ed. Closner. 34. Lewis Ford. 35. Fred Wagner. 30. Nicholas Blair. In the matter of Supervisor's re ports : District No. 1 I. R. Scott, i8.75 C. Kerr, 10.75 Max Webster, 12.00 W. II. Counsell, 12.50 District No. 2. - H. C. Ulrich, 2.25 C. C. Jones, 4 go W. Wilson, 1;G0 I. W. Johnson, 610 L. D. Jones, 2L25 District No. 4. G. B. Linn, $9.89 District No. 5. E. Hickey, $ 3.00 W. H. Boring, c.25 O. W. Boring, 4 59 District No. 10. T. Yocum, $11,50 Cary Hardware Co.. 400 R. A. Wilcox, 7 00 Earl Wagner, 435 G. Krigbaum, 15 C. Krigbaum, 5,25 R. Lemon, j 75 II. Tracy, 3;00 A. Stubbe, o 20 W. H. Oatfleld, 18;50 A. J. Krigbaum, 1400 Cliff Sarver, 6q District No. 11. rA- "!m08' $1.00 1. jk. Oman, 750 R. Aegcter, 202 A. Richardson. 7o Tom Watts, c;00 0. L. Clyde, 75 District No. 14. Everhart & Co., $14.25 Chas. Moran, Frank HuhcIi, . W. F. Harris, O. F. Gibhs. J. Shelley, O. Shortlodge, C. Williams, H. Shelly, Geo. Taylor, Jas. Shelley, Jr., G. Guilliam, T. W. Gibbs, C. 0. Allen, J. M. Elliott, Fred Stevens, Pleasant Allen, J. L. Fleming, J. B. Jackson, M. Hammond, A. J. Fleming, H. Baker, Cyrus Powell, District No. 18. E. W. Horschuh. E. Ginther, District No. 19. C. T. Woward, J. Denlson. R. Snodgrass, J. T. Evans. J. J. Mallatt, W. H. Sultzer, District No. 20. Frank Busch. J. P. Olson, J. T. Lund, O. Hoel. Fred Kayscr, C. Kayser, John Putz. Clarkes Mill, W. H. Wilson, B. Sullivan, Wm. Trailer, G. Haag, Peter Schlewe, Gus Schiewe. George Schlewe, J. T. Grace, Ed. Grace. W. Bottemillor, Fred Beurer, F. Schoruble, . M. F. Freeman, j C. Freeman, A. J. Stomgreen, OH Hanson, t J. Mangan, James Labelle, i District No. 21. John Wright, Otis Dix, I U. S. Dix, Robt. Hargreaves, W. E. Bonney, District No. 22. Nicholai & Roberts J. W. Staudinger, II. J. Rastall, B. F. Noyer, J. W. Staudinger, II. J. Rastall, Frank Grimm, W. M. Shepperd & Co., josepn King, W. B. Tull, District No. 24. II. H. Dnetz, C. C. Molson, ' J. S. Yoder, ' M. II. Henry, x Taylor, Hert Garrett, E. E. Hart, 0. II. Kyllo, 1. A. Beede, 1.15 G.50 193.39 60.73 33.00 4. CO 18.75 8.25 11.25 1C.50 0.75 12.00 10.50 3.00 9.00 COO 7.50 0.75 6.00 6.00 2.25 40.00 0.00 .75 $ 2.75 2.25 4.60 1.50 22.50 .50 $ .75 1.50 .75 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.50 14.00 10.25 17.25 1.50 3.00 14.00 6.01) 3.00 3.00 1.50 15.00 3.00 0.02 6.25 4.87 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.50 I 1.00 1 1.00, 0.00 G. A. Klnzer, District No. 25. Colo Bros & Co., District No. 27. V MortenHcn. A. B. Hlbbard, J. H. Dodson. Bant Thomas, Goorgn NuwHomn, Wm. HathlKine, Jake Ernsten, Ilurton Jack, Om Ilnnion. Wallace Harmon. J. K. Marquam, District No. 32. Joseph Taylor. E. L. linker, Peters Bros. District No. 34. Goodgo Snurn. 7.. KillgHon. F. Rekel. J. Snger, J. Rokel. P. Larson, J. RtiHhbaum. A. Delker, C Larson. W. Borland. W. Schatz. H. Schatz. 22.75 $ 4.05 $ 1.1)0 1.50 1.50 1.60 4 CO 1.50 .50 .60 .60 6.00 $ 4.50 0.00 .25 S 4 GO 1C.15 8.75 7.00 3.50 2.62 3.05 2.02 .40 .40 6.25 525 Jury, P. Jury, P. Jury, 1'. J pry, Jury. P. Jury P. Jury Court. J. P. Court, 35. 36. $ $ 3.00 1.75 2.00 3.00 3.00 10.00 3.00 0.25 1.00 3.75 $ 2.25 0.45 41.20 8.25 3.75 2.25 2.25 2.20 3.00 3.00 I District No Proctor & Beers, Frod Wngner. E.- E. Van Fleet Carl Shetterly, E. Swank. J. Spiers, C. Shetterly, District No, A. J. Lias, Wm. Mortenson, Levi Yoder, Ivan Broadwell, E. L. Kenagy, N. Blair, John OwlngH, Blrt Kent, Ben Stanton, Bud. Thompson, In tho Glass & James Corrlgan, Sheriff, Wilson & Zumwalt, Livery, Fashion Stablo, livery, H. W. Trombath, Sheriff, C. Buchegger, Recorder, J. F. Nelson, T. F. Ryan, nauner. J. V. Mcldrum, Surveyor, C. Boylan, insane, G. Batdorf, insane, Mr. & Mrs. Clark, Insane, E. A. Hommer, Insane, W. E. Carll, Insane, J. W. Norrih, Insane, J. I MiHtockp, insane Courier Pub. Co. printing, Enterprise, printing, T. F. Ryan, courthouse, F. Busch, court house, V. Harris, conrthnu HO Ednetta Chase, courthouse, Jiancrort-Whltney Co., com Telephone Co., telephones, Ella Shaver, Taxes, Iva Harrington, Taxos, G. A. Bollack, Taxes, E. S. Kruse. elnptlnn J. W. Roots, election, V. Harris, election, A. I j. Larklns, election, J. T. Evans, election, C. L. Roadarmel, election, J. R. Kelso, election, C. Thompson, Juror, T. Armstrong, juror, $02.00 21.00 1.95 4.45 8.30 4.80 .96 $19.40 4.03 0.00 1.50 1.60 2.25 .75 2.25 1.60 42.75 matter of claims allowed; rrudhommo, Stat'y, $ 21.00 3.00 9.00 COO 10.50 00.00 104.00 11.75 10.00 2.00 2.00 0.40 10.00 0.00 5 00 .00 15.70 48.00 20.90 .91 1.00 40.00 court houso,3.75 4.25 4.00 22.00 2.00 4.00 2.00 .80 2.00 2.00 4.50 4.G0 2.20 2.20 G. F. Aden. Juror, J. I Wood, wltnoHH, Alice Wood, wIlni'HS, E. ... Shaw, wltnoKH, C. H. Noblitt, wltnewH, M. F, Smith, J. P. Jury. J. li. NOP. J. J' Wm. Struvo, J J. M. Haydon. J. f'hns. Miller. J. T, C. Jiibb. J. p, D. 8, Turner, J. K. L. Sharp, J 1 linH. Thompson, J. P. Jury F. T. Shute, J. p. Jury, L. lUth. J. p. Jury M. K. Handle, J. p. Jury. Win. Knight. J. P. Court, .FnniPH Evan. J. p. Court, Mvy Stlpp, J. p. Court, ' 11. W. Trombath. J P. Court i.lvy Stlpp, j. p II. V. Trembath Llvy Stlpp, H. W. Trombath. Wm. Brobst. Cornm'r. T. B. Klllon. Cornm'r. Wm. Probst, Road account, T. II, Klllon, road account, ' Wilson & Cooko, road account, WIlHon & Cooko, road account, T. F. Ryan, road account. F. Shannon, road account, E. O. Seeley, road account, J. W. Currln. road account, Marlon County, rond account, In tho matter of county charr Jutin Aivin, Ellon Bridges, G. E. Burns, Win. Deen, Arabella Imel, W. T. Gardner, Horton & Jack J. A. Jonos, M. Krugor, Goorgo Moonoy, I. Mathorson, W. H. Matoon, J. S. McComb. Mrs. Volckors, Mrs. Woods, R. J. Ogden, Mrs. Valentino, W. L. Molloy, W. J. Lewollon, Isaac Prlndlo, Mrs, Ryckman, Henry Wattors, 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 200 3.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 2.2f 1 1 -m 2.30 3.20 2.40 3.20 2.40 14.00 10.20 3.00 3.80 5,70 4.50 5.00 7.80 7.60 7.50 22.98 rKn; f 8.00 8.00 5.00 6.00 15.00 10.00 8.00 6.50 7.00 8.00 7.00 8.00 30.00 8.00 5.00 5.00 7.00 8.00 6.00 8.00 6.00 10.00 "It was almost a miracle, Burdock Blood lilttors cured me of a torrlblo breaking out all ovor tho body. I am very grutoful." Mis Julia Fllbriage, West Comwi'll, Conn, THERE IS NO SLICKER L!at'' fVtyyeora 6.5,0 and after many years of use on the eastern coast. Tower's Waterproof Oiled Coats were Introduced in the West and were called ilickew by the pioneers arvJ cowboys. This flraphfc n&me Km rom? into urK AotumJ n.v tkt it Is frequently though wrongful! applied w man suooiuuiea. ion warn ine genuine. ffp i-ooMor me Jignor ine nirvana w the twie Tower ort the buttons.. , MAI)l IN HACK ANS YIU.OW AUD SOLD bY REPRESENTATIVE TRADE -i i - THC WORLD OVER. .1, A.J.T0WM C0..60STOH.MA5j;i.S.A. TOWtH (AHaDIAN CO.limitnl TOIONTO CAM. 3fl 'AW M