Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 20, 1905, Image 1

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3 P'P T
TvlJL JLviJ.
VOL. Si. NO. 11,
Main Street, Oregon City, Or.
233 Wwhtngton Street, Portland, Or.
A suburban home. MS acres. In rlly
limit of Mnlmii; all l vnl and all In
cultivation; ahundano of fruit;
dwelling roe Hot) 00; barn and out
buildings; t, nillo Id railroad station.
35M 00 Would .t,l trade fur
grocery mar or saloon In Oregon
CHy or Portland fr i:wo,
Thr hundred nril twenty aw, near
ly all level, on Moinlla, two mile
from. Cnnby, Harlow and Aurora. It
acres In cultivation; wbol pleoa
fenced and cross frin4, I acre or
chard, 7 room house; ordinary barn,
largely limbered anil valuable.
rl $20 00 per acre,
Klghty acre In flection 17, Town. hip
I, auutll of llange (ul, r airly
level and ittMOily good aull; It sures
In cultivation: 49 heavy timber,
(ma mil (rum sawmill. Living
water. Uwl lllila plac for $109.
Three hundred and thlrten acres. Good
land, all practically level, !O0 acre
fenced; 29 scree In cultivation; living
water on every forty act; 1 acres
tin on hard, large bug houee, big
bain and other outbuildings. Twenty
tttllee (rum Oregon City, Ureal ilwll
farm and very cheap al Ijwow
On hundred and forly-ftvs lorn; It
In cultivation; 10) antra fenced; good
ill; living springs; 40 acre
llmtwr; ona a-ra Mc fruit; ijoud 6
room Iihum; poet lam and numerous
i.t h.r building. Hiiinn milra to
Oregon I'lly. Thirteen head cattle,
borate, all farming implements.
Price $So00ft0 Uuud slock farm and
a bargain.
Twu hundred and fifiy-two acre near
MolaMa river; $00 acres level; soil
good; SO awe In cultivation; t9
acre fenced; $00 act heavy valu
able saw Umber and worth th price
of place, fir and cedar, barn
lut-.i, no hou. Pries 11794 00.
Stock Farm Investment, til acre
two mile from tha rtnlnua of O.
W. I. A Rjr Co. Una al i.rlniwatr,
1(9 ara In cultivation, whola placa
f co red. It ara In ctovar, 14 cr
orchard, two million fI good mr
rhantabla limber, Ihrra flna living
aprtnga of ur alr, amall dwell
ing. Urga now bam lotll, oulanga
of alkwMd and (wa vtna for a tluiu
and bead of llwk, about 40 bad
of callla, atan hottwa, wagon, nw
bind or, and ail farming tool with
rrant crop for 119 pr acra; vary
aay ttrmt, Oio4 achool and grow
ing nlghborhood.
Two hundred nd lwnty-flva acra
al Igan. t mlla dua aaal of Or
on City, It mllr-a from Portland, 190
ara In cultivation, to acraa mora
nearly ready lo break, I acra pruoa
orchard, whota fitaca fencad, moun
tain Iroul atream running through
tha ranch, aevaral larga aprkiga,
frame dwelling. roomt. wjt WlrO,
poet bm. I mile lu ch .actory.
aama dlelanra to crtflr . f'fjMt aalla
11009 worth of butter a month, achool
one-quatar mli; aplandil nalgb
Unhood. 119 par acra. Terma lo
Thraa hundred, and forty-nlna axrwa
of lava), rich aoli. In Uarton oounty,
t mllea from Woodbum. 119 acrea
In good culUvattott, frwa froea atumpa
and rmlu, balajica In paalura, whola
placa fenced and croea fncd. on
fair old dwelling. I rooma, two Urga
bama, other outbuilding conven
ient to placa. tlx acrea orchad. 7
acre hopa, on quarter mila to
achool, tula perfect. Irlc 1)7 per
acra; taraa made to aull lUa pur
chaawr. Thla la a rare bargain.
Gioice City Property lor mU In Portbnd, Oregon City and Gladstone
at lowest prices.
We are selling lands right along and are always In the market to buy or
Farms in Clackamas County are a good safe investment and our prices
are right.
V at .
Bill Introduced Making Gambling a Pal-
ony Congreea la Memorialized.
ATaimotreriaTV rvaauain.
! Office aei lo Ureioat'tir taerpria.
I li. A PC. LAT0Cn
aim arkiir obiuom riTt.oaaooi
rMralah Abetracla of Tltta. Lwt htooey,
rorwolnaa Mortgage and traMaot
OaataraJ ltw Boali
Collectlona, Mortgaga Korecloeurea, Ah-
atracta of Tttla and 0 en era Law Dua-Ineea.
Offlca ovar
liank of Orgt Ctr.
Oregon Cty, Or.
Make Known Yout Wants
I Am Prepared to Supply Them
V Tbat't my buaincaa. I ha a complete Hoe of new and
ar-rond hand furnilore that can't be palled in quality and
price. A ccialty made of furnUhing houae keeping outfiu.
Anything ia Furniture, Carpets, Crockery, Hardware data
ware ur Granittware new and aecond band you are aure to
buy after impeding my stock.
W, 8. IJ'tea 0. IckieUl
Attornpyi at Law. ,
Will j.rartl.-a m all coana, make oollectlona J
and dlleiurnU of Katatatt.
KurnUli aiietracia of title, lend you money
and land your money on II ret murgaga.
Office In Entorprlso Building,
JreK(in ( lly, Oregon.
flVY 8TIPr
Attohnky at Law.
JuhUoi o( the lVace.
Kklr lUilg., Oregon Ci'y
$eox V.ixt, 0aon.
IwillpiantlPeln allthaeourta el thaitata. 01
l''a, lu CNtianld liuiltlliitf.
.Your Clnekamnn County abBtracts of
I Title Bhould bo prepnrod by tno
f ClacknmnB Tltlo Company, ln
noratot. Chnmbor of commorce
bulkllnit. Portland. Thin company
I the builder and ownor of the bant
and numt comploto plant of ClacR
ftinna county tltlon. Antracts from
Its oflleoH nro compllod by exports of
lontr Mtmrlnnrin. comootont attor-
nova, and drauuhtBiuen, and aro of
Btiarantood accuracy.
Clackamas County Lands, MortgaQe
I Loi ns, Estates managed, Taxes ex
amlned and paid.
.E. F. Riley, pres... F. B. Riley, sea
Brunswick House & Rcstfrnrant
Newly Furnished Rooms.
Meals at AH Hours. Prices Reasonable.
Opposite Suspension Bridge.
Only First Clasu Rentaurant
In Town
Oregon City tVlachine Shop
Twelfth and Main Streets '
Oregon City, Oregon
The fifwlnn, lnfll"nl to rjtanlx;-
llim, tmvlrig ln ovrrromn, tin- atatc'a
Irgtelatora ru'ttlwl down lo 1inlnn.e im
re-rorivcrilrig at BnU-m M'n4y.
In the niiiiowrK rrn-nt of tlm ainn'llng
lomrtilllff 4,1 tha two luiuaoa, the rn-tn-
Wa lit I Me '! knrnee ,urity rlclrga
Dim farod well. tfnaliir llrownll waa
given t Imlrnmrtahlp of the rommlttr on
aliK-tiuna art) rlvlli.gea and rrwelved tc
end U im eath rf hra othT f-m-
mlttK-e aa Mlowe: rlahlng Indietr1a.
Judlilury. and lullroala.
In the imm. lyd O. llunlly waa
given unueimlly prominent rummlttew
amtgnmxiit. II la (halrrnan ut tht
anrrinilttf mi aarH-aemerit and tulatl'm,
en A lh mual Im xirtant In th tn.
Itiillon of t) I. glelHtwre. He was alao
given a )li n tha wrnmltt- cm
w) and nvaria. another Important
eomrtil !!. Itprru-nUtlva Jagcr ha
ctialrmanelilfi of Cltlra and Towna and
la on li'.edn nij'l HlghwHya and Klh'-rl-a
while Itiirfitiiive Itrarnhall rure4
ha)rmMriehli of ltol Ilull'llng and
Orounde. anl alau haa plarea on Knrolltrd
Rlile. Klatietlia arid Immigration.
Memorial on Celllo Canal.
That the Cililo canal ahould t h'lllt
by the National limrminriit, that lh
t'onrfreaaloiial att'rotirlatlon tlnr for
ahould not be withheld for the aak of
an adefiuule aMr(irtatl(r r tha C'ol
u mi Ida fiir and that f ro I should
atand Vy Iterlf and 'lve nen-saary
funtla from 'onrreaa am tha blnlona of
the Orrgtrfi Iglelature aa exprrwwd In
Joint memorial which waa adopted
Monday by Nith ItoutM-a und-r auapt-nahm
of the rult-a.
The m-morlal waa rerwnt'd In tha
Hmale by Whcaldon and In tha Houat
by llurg.-ee. both men bring from Vac
county, and waa aJopt-d tri a h houa
unlnanlmoualy and without d-late.
Tha memorial el tea to Congreaa that
the "faith of the Government of the
United (Malt, upon whirh the flute, of
Orrgon haa ao relied, la pledged to tha
Immediate Inauguration of aald Improve
mrnt and ralla on Concn-aa to make
aurh appropriation aa will put Into Im
mrllat opr-ratUm the rcnrrtrurtlon of
aald canal and to aulhortw Its comple-
lion under the continuing contract 5'a
tein." Bills Introduced.
Among the blila lntroduce4 thla we k
were tha following: Cma resulting teach
er to give thirty days" notice of thetr
Intention to resign : protecting paaaengera
by providing punishment for train rob
bers; providing that taa stall be eon
( luelvely preeumed to have oeen paid al
ter ten yean from tha time tha levy waa
nude; taxing telephone, telegraph and
rirvee rompanlra; etxmdlng otn ae.1
m araaon r.r me luiuronu rrora Aug
uat It to Auguat IS; requiring Inspeetlon
of llveeturk at placva of ahtpment. Rep
rcprearntatlve Gray, of IVtuglaa. la the
c:;or of a bill that makra gambling: a
felony In thla state, and providing pun
Uhmrnt of from one to litre year. The
bill. If It become a law. Includes every
thing In the gambling catagory from
dire-shaking lo twenty-one. not except
ing pokT. '
A stale ta ion dogs and elimination of
unllrenaed rantne la the purpoae of a
bill Introduced by Richie of Marlon. The
bill provides for a tax of 11.04 a head on
doga of all dracrlptlona. Tha tax Is to
he asacaaed and collected aa other taexa.
The money therefrom will be turned fiito
a fund which wilt be drawn upon to re
Iniliurwo sheepownera whose property la
killed and maimed by unknown doga.
All owner of doga who do not wlah to
pay the annual tax, the dogs mint be
I destroyed.
I llouaehold art Idea up to !5'X In value
1 are exempted from taxation In a bill In
! traduced In the Houhi by Smith, of Joae-
phlne. The former limit, 1300. waa re
pealed at the Inst seaalon.
Tha aalary of tho Circuit Judge, of Co
lumbln. tlntsop. YAshlngton and Clack
amus ctvuntlea, the ponltlon now held by
Ju.lne MeUrUle, la Increased from $3000
to ttrtoO In a bill Introduced by Mayger
of Columhta. The four countiea will di
vide thp aililltlonal expense among them
selves. lVath by htKliiK Is to be the penalty
for 'train robbing, holding up stages, etc..
if the 14'KtsUture ahould puss Senate bill
94, by Croiaan. Senator Orolmvn thinks
he can make Oregon an unpopular place
for highwaymen.
Arehlo I Tense la to be paid $7000 by
the Plate of Oregon tf Senator llolman'a
Senate bill SI becomes a law. This amount
Is alleiicd to be the measure of loss to
IYnao by reason of the state construct
ing a flMhway at Oregon City and inter
fering with fishing privileges which lVaae
has enjoyed for 30 years. When the state
began the construction of the flshway,
IVann began an Injunction suit to re
strain Interference with his vested rights.
The suit resulted In a decision that he
had no rights which the state was Im
pairing. The destmcUon of these rights,
which the court held do not exist, con
stitutes the basis of Tense' claim.
Reiolutlon Defeated.
The Senate Wednesday defeated the
House Joint resolution asking Congress
to rail a Constitutional convention for
the iurHse of adopting an amendment
providing for election of Vnlted States
Senators by direct vote of the people.
When the vote was taken Senator llalnca
explained his negative vote by saylngr
that while he favored election of Vnlted
States Senators by direct vote, resolu
tions such as this hnve been adopted by
legislatures for many years, without any
good belngr aeeompUshed thereby. Other
than tills there waa.no discussion of the
Uepresenta'tlve Jaggcr's bill attthorls
Ing county courts to condemn and ap
propriate private lands for road purposes,
passed the House Wednesday.
For Early Adjournment.
For adjournment of the Legislature on
Friday, February 10. tit 3 p. m.. Speaker
Mills introduced a Joint resolution today.
The resolution was rvefrrod to the com
mittee on resolutions. Chairman Kay, of
tlinl f ornrnil (, siil'l tonight the rewilii
tlort will not tm reported ba k for aver
l dnya. The 40 lay !rm will end lb
rusry J7, hut If Hie U gleliilnre shall ad
Jo'irn the 10th. the !. n will have tout-
d 2.1 days, fegixlntote Itrifinlrnoiiely ex-
lree the opinion that adjournment by
Ktrury 10 la dcelrshle If th work can
be arrompllehed by that time, but nearly
every on of them say that th atseion
will probiilly Inst th full 40 (ly.
Detail of th Plan for Gathering and
Arranging It.
Th- durational iM-partment of the
l-wia c lrk Centennial Ksixraltbm haa
adortd the following Inn of esMblt,
vis: To make a can-fully and thorough
graded exhibit from kindergarten to the
unive-rally. Ho far as practicable the; ex
hibit will be arranged by countiea. For
purpaea of organlxatlon the county will
be th unit. Cities may organise aa a
unit wtthln th county unit. Th Educa
tional lepartment reimm7ide, however,
a er.tiv preru-nlatlon of live worii fr-.m
d'tTerrnt eountlea. exe;,t In eliire h-n lo-
l-lal aupervltnon. Th collective ex
hibit plan will require that material fur
nished by th different ahools b as
sembled at smc eounty renter, arranged,
lul-l. d. and whipped by cfomly organlxa
ttona. I'apers that beat lllumrate county
plan of exhibit will b placed In exhibit
cublneta. rxther will be bound at the ex
pena of the Rtat Comrnleelon.
Th arranegmrnt will b by aunjecu
and arradea, Ireglnnfng with the lowVet
grade. A typewritten atatement or out
line of th work to b exhibited In cab
inet la eaaentlal to a correct und-r-atandlng
and prraentatton of the exhib
it. F.xhlhlt cabinet are to b purchased
by th exhibitors. Thla Ipartroent rec
irmmenda that these cabinet be kept at
some convenient county location cftcr
th KxpoeltlMn rlnaea and become the
center of th reception of meritorious
work whkh may be supplied from time
to time to the end that th exhibit Idea
may b mad a uaeful adjunct for en
couraging excellence of pupil' work.
It la th deelre of th Department that
the Oregon educational exhibit ahall hon
estly represent tha real work of th
achool In the beat way polbl. I-oa'
Induatrlea should form the foumlatlon for
kaamann Divorct ult Set for Trial'
Suit on ingglng Contract
Othar Order.
Judire Mcllrld Monday afternoon re
convened the lrmber term of th
Clackamas county circuit court. Th
divorce suit of Ir. Clayton 8. Heamann
against lilanch Heamann waa t for
trial next Monday. January 13, and tb
court ma'1 an order renulrlng th pay
ment Into court by plaintiff of $120 a
temporary alimony.
Th suit of n. ('.. I'almer agnlnat llar
greave at Jonea, of Cotton, went to trial
before a Jury during the afternoon. Thfc
waa a suit lo recover shout $213 alleged
to b due In the performanca of a con
tract I'almer had with llargreavea St
Jones, sawmill men, for th delivery of
quantity of tl. Th Jury found for
th plaintlfT In the lum of $33.
An orrivr of default waa made In th
following divorce suits: Walter Itobtn
aon va. Itttoda RoMiurcm; Cleveland Cox
va. Kale Cox; and Mayml Silver v.
Wm. Bllver.
Orders of default and reference to tha
court reporter to take testimony werw
mad In th following ruses: I,ylla Holm
vs. James 8. Holm; E. M. Bullua, va.
W. J. IJullii; Itoal Nye v. Wm. jjl.
Nye; and A!!c I. Mann va. Carlo A.
Mann." Th demurrer to th complaint
waa overruled In th divorce suit of Daisy
M Fletcher v James B, Fletcher and
th defendant waa given until February 1.
to file answer. The earn disposition M
made of demurrer) In the uit of Ore
gon Water I'ower Townslt Company St
(i. VT. Morrow vs. I-andwehr A Hauslelt-
er, who were given a week In which to
answer. In then aame ult an order
waa made aubstitutlng Hedge ic Grlfnth
a attorneys for thhe defendant. An
order of partition was mad In the ult of
Jennie T. Chapman va E. C. Chapman
et al. '
Tienday's Proceeding.
Circuit Judge McBrtd Tueaday grant
ed two divorce a follow: Etta Eape
vs. Peter Eape; and Si ay me Silver va.
William Sliver. Order of default and
reference were mad In two other dl-
follow: Linda P.
Sandberg vs. Frank Victor Randberg-;
and P. D. Iwell v. Leon ore J. Lowell.
The Jury In the ca of B. C. Palmer va.
llargreavea St Jonea. being a suit to re
cover $2(1 on a logging contract, returned
a verdict for the plaintiff In the sum of
$35. Order of confirmation were mad
Lavtourette, v. C. Ii.
a large share of language and geography
work. Grain farming, stock raising, fruit vorc proceedings aa fo
arid vegetable culture, become at o- ganoberg vs. Frank V
the ctwjcrt of topics for written work.
Visiting observer are alway pieaaed
and bt-nefltted by the storlea children
write of their own envlronmenta.
Our edurallonal exhibit . will come di
rect? iiito comparison with that from
such state an Massachusetts, New York.
Mlaaourl. Wisconsin, and California.- aa
well as our Northwestern state. We
want th comparison to b such aa will
fully expreaa the good work being done
all through the stats. Each achool dla
trtct ta the stat Is cordially Invited to
send something for Ahe exhibit. Loral
Interest and local pride will certainly
stimulate each to do Its best.
Sup't Educational Exhibit.
as followa- A. E.
Pickens et al; Mrs. C A. Loeey vs. Hen
ry Meldrum et al and Henry Cans va
Henry Meldrum et al. The suit to qult
title of J. W. Worrell v. Adaline Wilk
inson et al was dismissed and the plain
tiff was decreed the owner in fee sitnpt
of 40 acres in t 1 s. r 1 east.
Marrlag at Clackamas.
On Wednesday. January 11. at high
noon, took place a very pleasant home
wedding at the residence of Mr. and Mr.
A. O. Hayward. their younger dfjgr.ter,
UllUn France a. being united In marriage
to Royal B. Holcomb. Rev. E. 8. Bollin
ger, of Oregon City, officiating.
The parlors and dining-room were
tastcf ttly decorated with fern and Ore
gon grape. Th air was sweet with
fragrance df pink and white carnations,
and real orange blossoms presented by
Portland friend.
The bride looked very lovely m a dresa
of white crepe, trimmed with bands of
ilk lace Insertion, and with spraya of
orange bloesoma let her hair and on the
corsafe. She carried a boquet of bride
roses, little Alice Bollinger standing as
flower girl. Many costly and beautiful
present were received.
After the ceremony, the guests. Includ
ing only the Intimate frienda and rela
tivea of the bride and groom, repaired to
the long table In the dining-room, where
a wedding breakfast was served.
Mr. and Mr. Holcomb went to their
home In thla place. In season to give an
evening reception to their young frienda
and associates. A number being In at
tendance at Pomona, only fourteen boy
and girl coul-1 be present, but they had
a pleasant time with merry games, re
freshments and an exchange of good
Coo tart for Mrteoc.
For the second time sine the discov
ery of the curiosity eighteen months ago,
the question of the ownership of the Im
mense meteorite that was found near
thl eltx In the winter of 1903 was this
week threshed out in the circuit court.
The contest was heard by a Jury in the,
circuit court, the casw being called Tues
day morning. The title of the suit la
a. Koerner and Fred J. Meyers, plaintiffs,
against the Oregon Iron and Steel Com
pany. It was brought to recover the po
seKslon of the large aerial visitor that
was found near Oregon Cfty several
month ago. Ownership of the meteor,
which weighs about IS tons, was first
claimed by Ellis Hushes by right of dis
covery but In the subsequent trial of
the case, Hughes' claim waa discredited
and the meteor was awarded to the
Oregon Iron & Steel Company. Shortly,
thereafter Koerner and Meyer Instituted
a suit agalnat the corporation, charging
that the meteor waa originally deposited
on land belonging to them and atferwarda
waa moved onto the property of the Iron
and Steel company. It Is contended by
one of the disputing; parties that tha
meteor fell 100 feet distant from a certain
claim line and on their property whir
the opposing parties Insist that
the huge monster was actually deposited
on land belonging to them and 17S feet
distant from the Identical claim Una
specified by the contestants.
The case went to the Jury at 8 o'clock
Wednesday evening-, a verdict being re
turned for the defendant Iron & Steel
ioHie Maae
Have your cake, muffins, and tea bis
cuit home-made. They will be fresher,
cleaner, more tasty and wholesome.
Royal Baking Powder helps the house
wife to produce at home, quickly and eco
nomically, fine and tasty cake, the raised
hot-biscuit, puddings, the frosted layer
cake, crisp cookies, crullers, crusts and
muffins,5 with which the ready-made food
found at the bake-shop or grocery does
not Compare.
Royal is the greatest of bake-day helps.