PAGE 2. OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. . FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1905. 44V4 9 ! Oar Correspondents Cbne ' MUT.INO. Brief Btts of Cotrip From All Part ottte County. WWW WWWWW BEAVER CREEK. Fne weather is the order of the day nd all are busy sowing grain. A. & J. Steudeman called on A. Thom as last Sunday. Mr. Wm. - Grisenthwaite is improving rapidly. Mr. Wm. Sc anion . is also im proving some. . , . Q. and H. Staben called on L. Duffy last Sunday. John Shannon of Youkon, Is visiting brothers here at present. . H. , Henrici passed through here, with a. load of shingles. ' O. Moehnke is building a summer kitchen for Mrs. E. Edwards. . Will Kaake. who has been visiting- the Danials family, returned home last Sun day. Preparations are being made for a grand entertainment to be given at the Welsh Congregational church on the first of March. .: t ; Miss Daisy Hughes- is visitingf riends at Oregon City at present. .. Mrs. Roberts and baby are doing nicely. . H. May of Carus has rented the Sut ting place. All whoat tended the party at the Dan ials residence, last Monday night re ported a fine time. "Elder's woodshed," and not at the Hall or dance at all, and quite appropriately advances the idea that the Molalla boys try to conduct their dances orderly, and that they as a general rule, keep sober. which reminds us of the story of the two Irishmen. Pat says to his friend: "Are you always this sober Mike?" "Sure thing Pat! excepting the 4th of July, Christmas, and a few of the other legal patriotic holidays." Molalla deserves a great deal of credit in the improved method of conducting its dances. Yet from all accounts,, there is yet more room for improvement. After more light has been shed abroad on the "two or three gallon" subejct, it turns up that the jug was very conveniently placed, while not in the hall, but just on the way to supper, and judging from the amount reported on hand and the amount stolen, somebody must have incidentally "supped a wee drop." And the supposi tion is, if any one was allowed to dance that imbibed," all there were under the influence of the stuff, directly or indi rectly, if not internally, by absorption and inhalation. Any one doubting this theory, indeed a fact, can test it for themselves by tightly binding a plug of tobacco on the bosoms, then jumping around about "until pres peration begins to flow freely, then ob- : K. Welch, of Oresron City, passed through this burg this week bound for ' serve the effect, truly you will find your- ,he Ogle Creek district. Wm. H. Rhees left this week for Em poria, Kansas, where he will visit rela tives. MARQUAM. The weather still continues to be cold and frosty. Mr. H. "L. Skirvin is able to be around low. Protracted meeting has been going on in the M. E. church since a week ago Monday. The weather has been so cold there hasn't been many there. The telephone line is almost completed and a few have phones in their houses. Miss Maude Drake's hand is much bet ter than it has been for the last few days. t ' Miss Bertha Gray and Joseph Jones visited the Misses Nora and Pearl Leabo last Sunday. Mrs. Loney, who has been on the sick list since Xmas, aV the present writing is not much better. She has something like a cancer under her tongue. Her husband and Dr. Brooks took her to Portland for medical treatment January 9th. We hope that it will prove nothing serious. The news was received here today that Miss Lulu Bagby of Orsgo.i City was dead. Mr. and Mrs. Bagby used to live near Marquam, and we extend to them bur sympathy. Mr. J. C. Marquam is going to dress turkeys for market Tuesday. Mr. Frank Ridings Is busy invoicing; his stock of goods. self under the influence of tobacco by absorption and inhalation. You would not be able to reach the "Elder's Wood Shed." Clarence Mallatt is slashing for P. L. Trullinger. , ."' . Mrs. .. Lyons of Ely, Oregon, was . vis iting her niece, Mrs. Manning, last week. Revival- meetings are being held at the church this week conducted by Mrs. Brown, an Evangelist. Fred and Agnes Woodside were visitors here Monday. Wm. Wallace had the misfortune to lose a young horse. . Kit Lyons is a visitor at the Stuker home. k . Paul Lamm, of Scotts Mills is working for Bob Bullard. Prof. Mallatt . is having fine success with his singing school this winter.. Maggie DeLaney is working in Oregon City. - Ray Trullinger, a promising young man of this place, was married a few days ago. May peace and happiness be thy lot. - Bayne Howard has gone to Southern Oregon for an indefinite time. The dance at Chas. Boynton's was a decided success. Johnnie Malvaney who has been over on the coast the past few days has re turned home. , STAFFORD. Coughs and Colds. AH coughs, colds "and pulmonary com plaints that are curable are' quickly cured by One Minute Cough Cure. Clears the phlegm, draws out inflamation and heals and soothes the affected parts, strength ens the lungs, .wards off pneumonia. Harmless and pleasant to take. Sold by Geo. A. Harding. . How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F.' J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his Arm. WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN; Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. CAN BY, EAGLE CREEK. j Cool, clear weather seems to be the order of the day. t Died at Eagle Cniek, Friday evening, January 6, of heart trouble, Miss Mattie Burnett, aged 14 years and six months. The funeral was held Sunday, the 8th, with a large attendance of relative"! and friends to see her laid away. Rev. Nut ley of Portland, conducted the services. Mr. Chester Douglas, of Wasco Co was visiting relatives here last week. Mrs. A. W. Cooke, of Damascus, was staying with her parents a few days last week. Mrs. W. J. Howlett is some better, but she still ' has to have some one to do her housework. Miss Sabina Cooke, of Damascus is staying with her now. Miss Lilly Hoffmeister was home Sun day visiting her parents, she is working in Portland. We saw Isaac Gordon of Barton in Eagle Creek yesterday. He and his wife have returned from California recently VIOLA. Clara Severe has returned home from Molalla, where she has been caring for a sick friend. Rev. Patton was at Garfield and Zion several days of late. Carlson and Benson, who have rented the large farm of McMasters & Burrell, are making good improvements about the place. Mr. Page and Jub have been blowing out a lot of stumps and clearing land on their farms. Wm. HickeiTilmthem is arranging to have a fine lawn in front of his new house. Harve Matoon succeeded in capturing a large raccoon last week; quite a relief to Viola hen roosts. Ed Schull is the new marshal. The officers of the local Odd Fellows' lodge were installed last Friday night by H. W. Trembath. of Oregon City. Mrs. D. J. Shank, now of Oregon City, and Miss Bertha Stratford, now of Cres well, but both formerly of this place, visited old friends recently. ' Mrs. Shank returned home on Monday, while Miss Stratford is still with us. Otto Evans has just Opened, up a con fectionery store. Thanks to the new council, Canby sa loons were closed last Sunday. Everybody and every good citizen will give his hearty support to the city officers in thus enforcing the city laws. . Let the good work go on. ,. A number of business changes are to be made in Canby soon. ' George Knight will move his feed store into the quar ters now occupied by Southerland & Randall, who are closing out. Mrs. Bat ten will occupy- the place now occupied by Mr. Knight, while Gilmore & Wait will open up a real estate business where Mrs. Batten's bakery now is. A meeting of no little importance was held in the City Hall last Saturday after noon, when the promoters of the irriga tion project met with the farmers whose land the .ditch will cover, and the initial steps were taken for a business agree ment beetween the two parties. The farmrs appointed a committee of them selves who are canvassing the matter and will report to another meeting next Saturday. Xmas, according to the traditions and customs of the Greek church, was duly observed in Canby on the 7th inst, by the thirty-five Greek laborers now work ing in the gravel pit. The festivities began early and continued late. Evi dently a great many elements entered into the jollifications, but the uninitiated observed that considerable of music (?), vocal and Instrumental, dancing, by men only, and American liquors were in dulged in. ELDORADO. Miss Kate Lyons and brother Bert are visitors in this town at present. Dell Trullinger was in Oregon City Monday after supplies for his saw mill The dance at Robt. Bullard's Saturday night was enjoyed, twenty-five couple being present. Al. Blackburn was in our burg Sun day. Jones & Paine we're in Oregon City Monday on business. There will be a big ball at Paine's hop house Saturday, January 14, .1905. Good music and a comfortable place for all. Be sure to come. Tickets including sup per, 50 cents. Chas. Barger is back again from his parents on the Columbia. Billy Wiseman, the Portland "Business Man", is visiting us for a few days. Geo. Helvey is laid up with a sprained knee. " , Speedy Belief. A salve that heals without a scar is DeWitt's. Witch Hazel Salve. No remedy effects such speedy relief. It draws out inflamation, soothes, cools and heals all cuts, burns and bruises. A sure cure for piles and skin diseases. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is the only genuine. . Beware of counterfeits, they are dangerous. Sold by Geo. A Harding. Pleasant weather and frosty nights has been the order of the day. . The green seems fading out of the growing- grain, and colds are prevalent. The average Oregonian misses the rain and manages to get sick If there comes a few days of pleasant weather. A party of their neighbors gave Mr. and Mrs. Gage a pleasant surprise party Wednesday evening. A knock was heard at the door, and in they came laden with baskets and games. A nephew of Mr. Gage, a Mr. White, from Michigan, is visiting them. He is looking over Oregon and Washington with a view to settling in the .West, if he finds a location to suit. He is a black smith by trade. , -John Schatz has returned to the old home from Eastern Washington. . A woman, who was ostensibly selling silver polish, has been through the neigh borhood. She talked and acted like an histerical crazy woman. She drives a white horse, and pays nothing for her keep. Mr. Beihle grows gradually worse. He cannot work .his feet now, but will npt auow nimseu to De handled about in a chair, but insists upon being held up right by his wife and ' young girl who lives with - hem, and slowly dragged about. He is getting to be a great care. as the poor man is totally blind and about helpless in his arms caused by a kick of a horse a number of years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Weahlte returned Wed nesday from Albina where they went to assist in dedicating the new German Baptist church at that place. - ' PARK PLACE. fop? CARUS. Mr. Vaun of Portland has moved on the Lewis place at Carus. Several of the Carus folks attended church at Mulino Sunday, evening. Several of the Maple Lane boys at tended the dance at Carus Saturday evening last. Chas .Stewart met with a very sad accident by blowing one of his eyes out while blasting. Fred Lindsley has at last finished seeding. ' Dancing school will open up at the Carus hall Saturday evening, January 14, 1905, by Prof. Halprooner, of Mar quam. Good music will be had. Every body invited. ' . REDLAND. A' very enjoyable party was given on Saturday evening, December 31, at the home of Mr. N. McKillican at Redland. The evening was spent in songs, recita tions and general . conversation, after which light refreshments were served. A party of gentlemen from Maple Lano among whom , were Mr. Ketchum and Mr. Mautz, were over to Mr. McKllican's on Thursday to see the new stump puller work, which Mr. McKillican had recently bought in Portland. MOLALLA. The Molalla . correspondent to the Courier says we are mistaken in regard to the stolen jug's position at the Xmas dance at Molalla. He says it was in the PERIL IN THE HAND-SHAKE. Not lone ago Dr. I. N. Hirsch. of Chicago. said: "The most dt-licate perfume upon the hands is not a siarn of freedom from germs, and the most refined are not free from dis ease of lungs or throat, and the germs are rapidly spread by touching the hand that has handled the handkerchief of one afflict ed with a cold, catarrh or consumntion The breath one inhales from the lungs of another may contain germsof disease." You will not only be able to resist the germs of consumption, out many tnousands ot cases nave Deen Known where persons who were suffering from incipient phthisis, or the -nearly stages of consumption were absolutely cureu uy ui. nerce-s lioiaen Medical Dis covery, i It maintains a person's nutrition by enabling him to eat, retain, digest and assimilate food. It overcomes the gastric irritability and symptoms of indigestion, and thus the person is saved from those symptoms ot tever, night-sweats, headache, etc., which are so common. An alterative extract like Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, made of roots and herbs, without the use of alcohol, will assist the stomach in assimilating or taking up from the food such elements as are required for the blood, will assist the liver in throwing off the poisons in the system. Do not permit some designing druggist to insult your intelligence by offering- you a remedy which he claims is "just as good r because he made it up himself, or ten chances to one you. will get a medicine made up largely of alcohol, which will only weaken the system. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is heartly recommended by every person who has ever used it and it has stood the test of thirty-eight years of approval from people all over the United States, Free. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send si one-cent stamps for the book in paper covers, or 31 stamps for the cloth bound volume. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce Buffalo, N. Y. . Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure biliousness DOVER. ' The thermometer is down to 30. Coldest weather of the season and there are in dications of snow Henry DeShazer and family of East ern Oregon, are here on a visit. Mr. Ony, Edith and Francis Selmah spent Saturday and Sunday visiting at Oregon City- -( Guy Woodle is working for Rev. Mr, Exon, clearing land and building a barn Dover is still improving. Three new houses have been built this winter and there are more in prospect There will be an entertainment and a basket social, January 21. The proceeds will be used to get a bell for the school- house. Mr. Frank Lucas returned Saturday evening from his week's visit in Lebanon. Mr. Parrish of Gladstone is quite sick. and it is reported he has appendicitis. Mr. Haysworth was taken to the Hos pital in Portland where on operation was performed on his head last Saturday. He is lying in a critical condition and little hopes are entertained for his re covery. The Grange Hall is ' rapidly nearing completion, and will be a credit to Park place when finished. Mr. Cross, of Gladstone, entertained his Sunday school class of young men Monday evening. The young men invited the young ladles to share the pleasures of the party with them, so all who were there de clare Mr. Cross to be one ' of the best superintendents and teachers in Oregon. Otto Kent was quite ill the first of the week, unable to attend school. A pleasant afternoon party was given Saturday, at the home of Mrs. Frank Lucas in honor of her son Willie, it be ing his tenth birthday. ' AVfceetahle Preparationfor As similating the Food andBeguIa ting the Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes Digestion.Cheerfur ness and Rest.Contains neither Opium .Morphine nor Mineral. JJotNarcotic. ' - jtbcSmum SmJulUSJm- Hbm,Se4- A perfect Remedy for Cons lipa Tion, Sour Stonwh, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feveri sh ness and Loss OF Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW "YORK. For ! fants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Be EXACX COPV OF WRAPPER irs tlie A : jrW Use For Over vji f mriy lears TMS nMM MMMNV. NEW TOM CTTV. Ninety per cent of a photograph's val ue is in the posing. Miss Wisner makes a specialty of it and the result is pleas ing and satisfactory. Have you tried her? Tou will find her new studio on Main street near 7th. Jan. 13. AyersPills Keep them in the house. Take one when you feel bit ious or dizzy. They act di rectly on the liver. J!SiIS!SSSS. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE .NHHttnilliMUUI Enterprise for Job Printing GUARANTEED REMEDY FOR CONSTI- . RATION. Huntley ' Bros. Co. Tell Why Laxakola ; Cures. Most laxative remedies relieve for a time," said one of the above druggists. "but after a while you either have to increase the dose or try something else. "But it is different with Laxakola." "It seems to relieve the conditions that cause constipation and you can gradu ally decrease the quantity. This is no doubt due to its remarkable tonic effects and as the sale is rapidly in rapidly in creasing it indicates that Laxakola gives good satisfaction. We always sell the first bottle with the guarantee it will cure or refund the money and it is rare thing indeed that we hear anything but praise for it. A large bottle costs only 25 cents, and when a mild, safe, sure liquid laxative for either children or adults is needed I always recommend Laxakola as we consider it superior to any other remedy in our store." Joseph Mllen Pinkley. Joseph Milen Pinkley, who died at Noi-walk, Calif., January 2, 1905, was born at Currensville, Oregon June 17th, 1884. Milen went to California Septem ber 25th, 1904. in hopes that- his health might improve. He leaves a father. Joseph Pinkley, and mother, Mrs. L. E. Pinkley; two brothers and five sisters. The remains were intered in the Mt. Zion cemetery January 9, 1905, beside his brother who passed on two years and seven months .before. Milen leaves a large olrcla of friends' and relatives among his broad acquaint ance. Rev. J. J. Patron preached the funeral ferraon to one of the- largest crowds that has assembled at the Zion church for many years. 'Oh! thou who mournest on thy way. With longing for the close of day. He walks with thee, that Angel kind. And gently whispers, 'Be resigned!' Bear up, bear on, the end shall tell The dear Lord ordereth all things well." Hasal Catarrh auicklv yields to treat ment by Ely's Cream Balm, which is agree- I ably aromatic It is received through the nostrils, cleanses and heals the whole Bur face over which it diffuses itself. Druesista sell the 50c size ; Trial size by mail, 10 cents. Test it, and you are sure to continue the treatment. Announcement. To accommodate those who are partial to the use of atomizers in applying liquids into the nasal passages for catarrhal trou ble, the proprietors prepare Cream Balm in liquid form, which will be known as Ely's liquid Cream Balm. Price including the spraying tube is 75 cents. Druggists or by mail. ' The liquid form embodies the med icinal properties of the solid preparation. - AFiTER THE FIRE We have to perform tlie unpleasant duty of selling our damaged stock of goods damaged by water andf rough handling: daring the excitement. 700 Cedar Doors, edges slightly sprinkled with water 85 and 95 Cents a Piece ... X50 Woven Wire Springs, best quality, $X.95. 50 Iron Beds, $1.95. Writing Desks, regular $9.00 values, for HALF PRICE. Fine Decorated Dishes, as 6 Cups, 6 Saucers, 6 Dinner Plates, all for $f .50. Come early if yoti wish to avail your self of some of these bargains. ' : I ''il ; r r'v" 7 " ---II I 1 ,. ' , - . - - I