Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 13, 1905, Page PAGE 10, Image 10

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i i
Elegant Velour Coach
J Handsome Upholstered Morris Chair
J Set Dining Room Chairs, Golden Oak,
Fancy Seat
i Fancy Glass Cupboard
i "Ladies' Desk, highly polished
I Seventh and
Furnished Every Week by the Clackamas
Abstract & Trust Company.
G. Whitney to C. and I Ainsworth 25
i cs C4 r i tit. itn
a ' ico in ecu i, u vv , J.uu.
H. L. Strattonto J. E. Pierce, lot 3,
Block 8, Falls View; $40.
M. Grafenhaan to R. Miller, Roadway
on West side of East half of SW quarter
Section IS, 35, E; $10.00.
E. G. Caufleld to I. M. Sievers, 1.18
acres in blk 109. Gladstone; $216.
H. Jones to J. C. ( and A. C. Zinser,
SW quarter. Section 34,, E; except one
acre; $1050.00.
J. W. Doores to O. E. F. Lee, 117.40
acres in See. 4 and 9, 6 1, E; $2000.
, W. O. English , to C. IL-Clement, West
half of SW quarter ana SE quarter of
SW quarter. Section 14, 6 2, E; $700.
F. Polifka, to Z. and L. Elllgsen, half
acre in Sec. 32, 2 1, E; $10. -
T. M. Cross to J. Lynch, lots 3 and 4
Block 17, Oreogn City; $1050.
I. F. Cole to H. N. Everhart, 60 acres
in Sees 9 and, 10. 5 2. E; $1500.
L. L. Rogers to J. Sims, lot 9, Blk. 24,
Canby; $50.
H. A. Lee to J. Simms, lots 10, 11, 12,
blk. 1; lot 9, Blk. 2. Lee's Addition to
Canby; $115. j
H. A. Lee to J. Simms. lots 7 and 8,
Block 2 Lee's Add to Canby; $50. j
W. H. Corbit to C. White, lot 4, Beutel j
tracts; $800. j
M. G. Wills to F. Phillippin 7.50 acres j
In NE quarter of NW quarter Section
31, 43, E; $1.
J. W. Crow, to T. I. Hickey, lots 3 to
14 inclusive, ' Pleasant Little Homes No.
S; $240.
G. Clark to T. Mostul roadway in 2 3,
J5, adjoining the following tract; $1.00.
G. Clark to T. Mostul, 164.97 acres in
CI. 43, 2 3, E; $8,000.00.
C. E. Knotts to C. E. Nash, part blk.
9, Co. Add. part lots 8, 9, blk 14, Falls
View Add; $600.
C. E. Morey to J. M. Ingram, lot 6,
Hk. 10, Oregon- City; $135.
J. E. Deardorff to J. Stoll, 60 acres in
KB quarter, Section 6, 2 3 E; $1825.00.
J. S. Graham et al to N. R. Graham,
18.60 acres in 6 1, West $1.00
N. R. Graham et al to J. S. Graham,
18.60 acres in 61, W; $1.00.
J. S. Graham et al to M. A. Stanton,
12.60 acres 61, W; $1.00.
J. S. Graham to J. N. Stanton, 18.50
acres in 61, W; $740.
M. Haberlein to B. S. and O. Blew.
North half of NE quarter Sec. 25, 3 4,
E; $1000.
F. C. Burk to C. A. Wllley, 10 acres
In CL 45, 32, E; $600.
C. A. Willey to D. F. Millard, 10 acres
In CI. 46, 3 2, E; $300.
A. Donowski to J. M. McElnaney, zo
acres in NW quarter Sec. 25, 2 2, - E;
J. E. Samson to T. C. Barclay, NE
quarter of NE quarter. Sec 34, N half
of NW quarter of NWquarter, Sec. 36,
E; $1200.
. The Clackamas Abstract A Trust Co.
are owners of the .only complete abstract
plant In Clackamas county. Prompt and
egknning Jajntsay I Oth and ending Fefet
f 5th we will
Sale to possess the following
Main Streets
reliable work on short notice. All work
guaranteed. Abstracts- made, money
loaned, mortgages foreclosed, trusts exe
cuted, estates settled and titles per
fected. J. F. CLARK, Atty-at-Law,
President and Manager.
Office over Bank of Oregon City.
Drugigsts Claim Pepsikola ' is Driving
Dyspepsia Out.
The above is a pretty strong statement
but experience right here in Oregon City
proves it to be really true. '
The evidence is positive. There is no
guess work about 'it. Huntley Bros Co.
have been selling Pepsikola for some time
now and many of their customers have
been in to tell of the benefits received.
One woman says it has increased her
weight nearly ten pounds. Another had
chronic dyspepsia for years and can now
eat anything she wants without any dis
tress afterwards. One man is grateful
because Pepsikola has cured him of nerv
ousness. Another says it has relieved
the pain around his heart. Just think of
it. here is a remedy that must cure you
of sour stomach, - wind belching, dizzy
spells, nausea, biliousness, sick headache,
and every other form of indigestion or it
will not cost you one penny.
Every box of Pepsikola contains ten
days treatment. It will make you feel
better right away. It will clear up your
complexion. It will put new color in
your cheeks. It will most certainly in
crease your weight. It will give you new
nerve force, new energy, new strength,
and if you feel run down or low spirited
you will see an improvement almost be
yond belief. -
Just call on Huntley Bros Co. and ask
for their honest opinion of this now fam
ous dyspepsia cure. Try it on their rec
ommend. If Pepsikola cures you you
certainly will be glad to pay. If it does
not, all you need to do is to tell Huntley
Bros Co. and they will go right to the
money drawer and pay your quarter
"An American Tramp."
., In an "American Tramp,, E. E. Kid
der, the well known playwright who
wrote "A Poor Relation," and "Peaceful
Valley" for Sol Smith Russell, solves tho
problem that has vexed the rura' com
munities for. years. In it Mr. Kidder at
tempts to show that with kindness and
just appreciation of man, even if in rags,
and the consequent respecting of hs
rights, will impel eyen the most con
firmed tramp to think he is on earth for
a purpose. In this play the author prom
ises a new and rather novel motive, that
of a j-ascally husband insuring the life
of his wife, then stupifying her with
drugs, hiding her in the attic of a de-
serted (and supposed to be haunted) I sence of Rev. Craig. Everybody is cor
i ..i, i.,... i i.' 1 diallv invited.
house, substituting another body for hers
and collecting the insurance thereon.
Through the medium of an ordinary tramp
the wronged wife is liberated and re
stored to rights that had . been . wrest
ed from her and the guilty punished.
There is said to be a happy blending of
pathos and wit in "An American Tramp"
The cast contains - the names of ,'sueh
well and . favorably known players as
give a ticket in ou$ Distribution
William L. Baker who plays "Happy
Jack", and Miss Rhae Lusby, the dainty
little soubrette; Miss Edna Clayton, the
well " known comic opera ' prima doima
late of the Castle Square Company; Miss
Virginia Melville, a clever character
Irish woman, and in fact every part is in
the hands of competent people, and the
play is said to be one of the most suc
cessful comedy melodramas on the road
this season. At Shively's Opera House
Saturday night, January 14.
Expect to Win Many Converts to Their
At a largely attended meeting of the
Socialists of Clackamas County, held at
Oregon City Sunday, a reorganization of
the party in the county was accomplish
ed. .A new constitution was adopted in
harmony with the reorganization plan of
the National organization of the Social
ist party, and by the revised arrange
ment the various locals throughout the
county will be subordinate to the county
organization, through which the work of
the party will be directed. An executive
committee, consisting of five members,
was appointed as follows:
J. A. Maville, Oregon City; Joseph
Meindl, Oregon City; WTilliam Beard,
Oregon City; C. S. Spence, Carus, and
M. V. Thomas, Sandy. By unanimous
choice, Clyde Howard, of Mulino, was
elected secretary of the organization.
At Sunday's meeting, which was at
tended by about 25 of the representative
farmers from every section of the county,
jive women enrolled their names as
memoers 01 me party, ine next meeting
will be held in Oregon City on the first
Sunday in February.
The Socialists cast 500 votes at the
last election in this county, and, with
the thorough organization that has been
effected and the disorganization of the
Democrats of this county, this party ex
pects to win many converts within the
netx two years, sufficient so they claim,
to make of the party the formidable
rival of the ' Republican organization in
this county.
When 'doctors fail try Burdock Blood
Bitters. Cures dyspepsia, constipation ;
invigorates the whole system. -
The. Salvation Army. v
Services every night except on Mon
day and Friday.
Sunday Services 2 p. m.. Junior Meet
ing; 3 p. m.. Family Gathering; 8 p. m.,
Great Salvation Rally finished with a
Battle for Souls. The Salvation Army
will have charge and conduct the Sun
day morning .11 o'clock meeting at the
Elyville church on account of the ab-
The officer in charge of the S. A. oper
ations in Oregon City, ;
Takes the burn out; heals the wound;
cures the pain. Dr. Thomas' Electric
Oil, the household remedy. ' '
Subscribe for the Enterprise.
t Comfortable Willow Rocker
I Chiffionier, Five Drawers
Kitchen Cabinet
J Fancy Table
Rocker, with Cobbler Seat
Combined Independence Day and Fire
men's Tournament Proposed.
Arrangements preliminary to the hold
ing of a combined Fourth of July cele
bration and firemen's tournament, July
3, 4 and 5, at Oregon City, were formu
lated at a meeting of prominent citizens
last Sunday afternoon, J. R. Caufleld
serving as secretary of the meeting.
Frank McGinnis, W. H. .Howell, Sr.,
C. W. Pope and J. W. Cole, were ap
pointed as a committee to solicit sub
scriptions and secure the assistance of
the city council, the several fire com
panies of the city and the business men.
:, A three days' celebration is being plan
ned, the festivities to begin Monday, July
3, and conclude on Wednesday, July 6
Assurance has been received that in
event the firemen's tournament is ar
ranged, competing hose teams may be
expected from Portland, Astoria, Eugene,
Corvallis, Vancouver and The Dalles.
Several hundred dollars in purses will
be provided.
In former years firemen's tournaments
were successfully , held here and there
is certainly no reason why the successes
of preceding years cannot be repeated at
this time. The proposed celebration will
be a success if the people of Oregon City
will stand in and lend the assistance in
the way of subscriptions for purses that
will be required for the prizes.
Is Better Than Two Afterwards. Ore
gon City People Have a Chance to
Profit by Another's Experience.
It is a strange thing how people will
put away an opportunity until too late;
its only little things that go to make up
every day eixstence; the trouble is we
don't pay sufficient atention to them.
Backache is a little thing. Sometimes it
comes after - a hard day's work, or a
slight cold. It will pass off you say; Its
only the result of overtaxing my back.
It isn't the fault of your back, but your
kidneys. The eexrtion or straining has
interfered with their delicate mechan
ism. You call it backache, but it really
is kidney ache. If the kidneys are not
relieved, chronic disorders set in and
this is where the "little things" should
not be passed over.
Lee M. Mohr, of Clackamas county,
Oregon, writes: "I have used four boxes
of Doan's Kidney Pills for kidney and
bladder trouble from which I had suf
fered for fifty years. It was the first
medicine I have used during that time
that gave me any relief. It has rid me
of a severe pain in the bladder which
caused me a great deal of suffering and
also has regulated the action of my kid
neys." Plenty more proof like this from Ore
gon City people. Call at C. G. Huntley's
drug store and ask what his customers
For sale " by all dealers. Price 60 cts.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo. Remember
the name Doan's and take no other.
Big sale begins . Saturday, December
17, at Miss Golldsmith's. '
Oregon City, Oregon
Big lot slightly damaged doors at a
bargain at Frank Busch's furniture store.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Best
"In my opinion Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy is the best made for colds," says
Mrs. Cora Walker of Porterville, Califor
nia. There is no doubt about its being
the best No other "will cure a cold , so
quickly. No other is so sure a prevent!
tive of pneumonia. No other Is so pleas
ant and safe to take. These are good
reasons why it should be preferred to
any other. The fact is that few people
are satisfied with any other after having
once used this remedy. For sale by
Geo. A. Harding.
Will Compensate Producer for all Deslr
able Articles.
At its regular meeting, Tuesday, Jan
uary 3, the executive committee having
in charge the exhibit from this county
that is to be shown at the Lewis & Clark
Fair at Portland, in 1905, adopted a
schedule by which will be distributed to
the producers of Clackamas county the
sum of $150 for the best samples of agri
.cultural and other products of which the
exhibit will be composed. Three prizes
are offered for each sample, ranging
from $5.00 for first prize to one dollar
for the third. It is conditioned in the
contest that each article entered for a
premium is to become the property of
the committee whether or not it is
awarded any of the prizes. In this way
the committee expects to create a great
interest in the exhibit that is being col
lected inthis county. The contest will
conclude Thursday, April 13, when the
award of prizes will be made by the
In this connection the committee issues
the following statement to the people
of Clackamas county:
The. executive committee hereby of
fers prizes to the amount of One Hundred
and Fifty Dollars, to be divided and paid
on the following list of agricultural pro
ducts. Each article entered for a pre
mium to become the property of the
Committee whether the same Is awarded
a prize or not. The committee is to use
said articles in making the Clackamas
County Exhibit at the Lewis & Clark
This offer is designed to apply only to
products of Clackamas County.
Premium List.
Division A Winter Wheat, Best half
bushel, 1st prize, $4; 2d prize $2; 3d prize,
$1. -
Division B Spring Wheat. Best half
bushel, first prize, $4; 2d, $2; 3d. $1.
Buckwheat Best half bushel, 1st prize
$4,; 2d. 2; 3d, $1.
Division C Winter Oats, Best half
bushel. Is prize, $4; 2d, 2; 3d, $L
Division D Spring Oats, Best half
bushel, 1st prize, $4; 2d, $2; 3d, $1.
Division E Barley, best half bushel.
1st prize. $4; 2d, $2; 3d, $1.
Division F Rye, best half bushel, 1st
prize, 4; 2d, $2; 3d, $1. -
Division Q Shelled Field Corn, best
half bushel, 1st prize, $4; 2d, $2; 3d, $1. -Division
H Field Ffeas, best half
bushel, 1st prize, $4; 2d, $2; 3d, $1.
Division I Field Beans, best half
bushel, 1st prize, $4; 2d, $2; 3d, $1.
Division J-Mriover Seed. Best 10 lbs.
1st prize, $5; 2d, $3; 3d,' $2.
Division K Grass Seed, best 20 pounds,
1st prize, $5; 2d, $3; 3d, $2.
Division L Vetch Seed, best half Bo.,
1st prize, $4; 2d, $2; 3d, $1. .
Division M Potatoes, best bushel, 1st
prize, $5; 2d. $3; 3d, $2.
Division N Onions, best bushel, 1st
prize, $5; 2d, $3; 3d, $2.
Division O Hops, best S pounds, 1st
prize, $5; 2d, $3; 3d, $2.
Division P Winter Apples, best box,
1st prize, $5; 2d, $3; 3d, $2.
Division Q Dried Apples, best 25 lbs
in box. 1st prize, $4; 2d, $2; 3d, $1.
Division R Dried Pears, best 25 lbs
in box, 1st prize, $4; 2d, $2; 3d, $1.
Division S Stone Fruits, Best 251bs in
box, 1st prize, $4; 2d, $2; 3d, $1.
Rules to Govern In Making Entries.
All grains and grass seeds to be in
sacks, in quantities not less than amount
specified. Each correctly named.
This rule also applies to Potatoes and
Onions. '
Apples to be in boxes of regulation
size, not pressed. All of one kind In each
box, and correctly "named by entryman.
Dried fruits to be neatly packed in
boxes of sizes specified. . , -
Hops to be put in one pound packages.
neat and artistically arranged, and at
least 5 pounds by each exhibitor.
The entrymen will give their names
and post office addresses when making
, The Secretary will record each entry
in each division, giving each consecutive
numbers, with entrymen and owner's
name and their Postofflce address, in a
proper book on separate pages.
The award of premiums will be made
at four o'clock p.m., Thursday, April
13th, 1905. Entries can be made and arti
cles received at the Court house in Ore
gon City by the Secretary of the execu
tive committee, from April 3d to 10 am.,'
April 13.
The executive committee shall appoint
an awarding committee or committees
of not to exceed three persons to make
awards. The secretary will prepare a
list of each entry made in each divi
sion, giving the card number of each
entry as made, omitting the owner's
name and post office address and present
the same to the Awarding Committee
appointed by this committee to make
the award in each division on or before
4 o'clock p.m., of April 13th, 1905. The
Awarding Committee will then make the
awards. Their decision shall be final as
to quality, and when reported to the
Eexcutive Committee If found to be in
accordance with these rules and pre
mium list, then said awards will be au
dited and allowed, and the premiums
ordered paid.
Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, Janu-.
ary 3d, 1905.
By order of the Executive Committee. ' .
. . .. . Press Committee.