ORtUON CITY ENTERPRISE. ' ruiOAV, JANUARY , ' PAGE e. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICI OF SALE. In th County Court of Clackamas County Stat of Orgon." In the matter of the KM. At of Jnhn Lender, dwoasWI. Not to I lnMvhy given that pursuant to an order of the above entitled court duly niaite and entered on the 12th day of IVeemhor, l!rt4. th ttnderalimod ad ministrator of the said entle will on the SSth 4 January. 190S. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m aril at public auction at the court nous door of the cotirthoiisr of Clackamas county. Ore urn, at Orcuon City, to the hlKheat bidder for cash the following dcaorlbed rrnl estate, to-wlt: The southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section IS. Tp. 5. South of Kn(Tt I, East of the V. M.. Clackamas County, Oreiron. 0. W. ASItrORP. Administrator of the estate of John len der, deceaaetl. Dated. December 12. 1904. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Of fice at Oregon City. Oregon, December S. 1504. Notice Is hereby given that the follow tng named settlor ha. filed notice of hi. ; intention to make final proof In .up- - wt of his claim, and that aald proof will be made before the Keglater and Receiver at Oregon City, Oigon, Janu ary 1, 1J05, vlt: ELI F. PeUORD. 11. K. No. 14491. for the Lot 7. SEU SW! and 84 SEVi of Sec. S. T. 6 S. It, 4 j E. He name the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ef said land, vis: R. C. Hunter, of Montavilla. Oregon. Anaon Countrman. of Colton, Oregon. Glen Hunter, of Montavllla. Oregon. William Bonney, of Colton, Oregon. CEO. V. RIEEE Receiver. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Clackamas. J. W. Worell Plaintiff. V8. Adallne Wilkinson. Alfi-ed Keeveg. and TVI Ham 1 Neeves and all other heir, known j and unknown nr llnrv vntinn. v , deceased. Defendants. . . V - "' 4-c.r, , To Adallne Wilkinson. Alfred Neevea. i William Neevea. and all other heir ' taiown and unknown of Henry William , eeves, deceased: Ifecves, deceased: ln h. . .... o : . , " ,ou ! 111 and ZTtl Trll"VrVJ anst rot m ,h! -L n 1 nM ! against you In the above entitled Court- COtapltts CATALfir.UF ,f 1 1 , r SHERIFF'S SALE. . , . . In the Circuit Court of the State of , Oregon, for the County of Clackama. f . r.. ... vg wT; tTUZT S liS Ku WiTPngleT D'Unt tounty of Clackamas. "- ice, riaintm. B virtue of a judgment order, decree nnd an execution, duly Issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court, in the above entitled cause. to me duly directed and dated the 2Sth lenaerea ana entered In said court on 1 10 me .'nn aay or ovember. lw In favor 1 of Mm. C. A. Locey. Plaintiff, aalnst ! K Jennie Meldrum. his 1 at T7 Q t!Ki II T T?fr- ax li M tl if A3 f til; Land Wd n" , 1 V V T ' hiKhent b'"'",r' ,0r U' ,M n U-nannt 1 forever dissolved. ?un oflwis woh a! ,1 'r ,hC CiUh ham1' a" thS r'ght l,,ta and Th" ' Ted upon you by Z Trate o 10 'Z ? , " "'i' the WUh'n name1 dc,end- iorJ'-r lh Honorable T'.oma. A. Mc' li e K,h ,t!J r Centlper annum om j ants or either of them had on the date J liride. Judge of the above entitled court ,h . ."t? 194, ,ha f ,he mrUaife hereln or "lnce had ln " "h IS'4, nd 7he date I t0 'he hbVt dfrlbd reaI PPty.;of he publication of .l,U .ummon. at l cent from the 25 day of Nove.n- or any part thereof, to satisfy said execu- Dec. rnier 13 15ol ano the dn. J , her 1J,4 and the further aua. of 150. a, ! tion, Judgment order, decree. Interest. C L 1 . .h"fi!.! V.' 112.50. co. " :t.. : costs of and ubo thi7 -tV 1 me to m-k .Vi- V. .1 ' - luiiuwiin uea- , crlbed real property, situate In the county I of Clackamas, State of Oregon, to-wlt: 1 and causa on or before Monday, tht tilth day of January, XW, and if you f 'l to appear and gnawer the plalntllT will, for want thereof, apply to the Court fur th relief, prayed for In this complaint filed hoivm. to-wlt: for it deore quieting title of the plaintiff lit the Boulhoast quarter of the Southeast quarter of 8d. :T. T. 1. S. K. 3 R; of the Willamette Meridian, containing t a err a nior or less, and sltiiat In Clucknmaa county Oregon, and by the aame decito twilling the defendant and each of them r torn ".cad lundiy. It I e.pHpped with th any clolm or Interest which they mr:4i,.,i Improved machinery and la dally have In tho ame. and for auch other nnd further relief an to the Court may n elll meet and ecjulublo. This summons I published for a!x auc ceaalve weeka In the Oivgttn City flnter urine by older of Honorable Thomas K. Kyan. Judge or the County Court "f The high standard of the work being Clackama County. .Oregon, made on thejd.mo coniinend It to the general public, i'Stli day of November, l;i4. First pub- ( uumr left at the O. K. Inrlwr hop will llc:illin being In the lu of IHoember , promptly called for and delivered to :J. h'OI, and the Inst publication helnrf i any ran of the city. Telephone 120 In the Issue of January 13th. 19i. j r. I.. Johnaon. proprietor, 11. E. CKOfS. Attorney for PUIntt.T. ! Nolle of final 8ltlmnt. Notice to Creditor. Notice la hereby given that the under- aignei nna ueen ty me bounty Court of i i t K Ol.i . . . . ... . . , f l"' H,"'s , ' 'lk""- PMta administrator of IhA r.tilld .if I., I... It..l..t .4...... .... i I , ... .vim iii-iw,, u-iiwevi. u n.-rons imving claims against uld . ealate are hereby nnpilml to present the; same, properly verified., to the under- signed at the oltW of Rmoe C. Curry, j In Oregon City, Oregon within sit months from the dte of the first publication of this notice. JACOB WIND. ! Administrator of the estate of John lleibst. d.-ceased. ; ...mv v. vu,,,, i,un.ey lor Aununi- tialor. mlH-r 23, 1901. Klist publication. IV Notice of Final Settlement. Notice Is hereby given that David Will the administrator with will annexed, of! the estate of Charles Duncan, deceased. ! has filed his final account of the admin- I Istratlon of said estate. In tho County ! ii. g,.n for Clackamas County. Court of the State of Oregon for Clack-I Jennie Duffy, I'lnlntlfT. amas County, and the Jtidgo of said court J s has appointed Monday, the :3d d.iy of James Duffy and E U. CauM. i.l. Defend January, 105. at the hour of 10 o'clock! ants. a.m. of ftjittl itjtv nl I). I. ' T, I. - r, ,. . . . . a. Mj County and Stale, as the time and ... (.mre ior neanrig objection to said ai- count and the settling up of suld estate. ! Thla n.oi.-e 1. nuhiu.,.,,! i. ',' Thomas v Rv.n t,i.. t .h. i court of tho State of Oregon, for Clack- ... ...,.. . . , amas county, duly made and dated th!tht publickm of this summons, and I .. - ' ' 1Mn aa-v l" lumber, im j , DAVID WILLS. AJ,"!ni"ra,or l,f ,he of Charle.' Duncan, deceased, ft." nr mtritr. ...... ... . . wura aimuoai Commencing at a iinlnt which 1 r,(l i ehAlnit St 1 .I..IFM i: ....I in " " ' " 'f ...til BlIU IV 1. 1 1 .1 1 1 1 a. ,3 de W from the m.rt Nor.he.-i, i nuner 01 me ixmation i-anti claim of 1 ,-.....i0.i,.,..niiwBom i.jnictijini. Iorl!4 Woodworth. plaintiff, jof ,he w- M- n1 running theno. S. v. 4? W 9 Chaln: N remount WV.dworth. defendant. T' " 12 Ch8ln': ,h"nCe N' " d""! T ri" Woodworlh. the above E , chaln, t0 cornpr of RUf.y., ,anil. mim.d Md!lnt. chains to nlace of Wlnnlna-. mm.inim. ..... ---- . .... ... . . . t..i, - a 11 1 .,. . . . ten acres, more or les. Now Therefore, by virtue of said elo cution. . Judgment order and decree, and In. compliance with the command of said writ. I will, on Baturday. the 31st o'clock A. M at the front door of the Countv Court Tf,, in o, r-o - n City, In said County and State, sell Dublie auction, stihleet t rrfnii- "ms ana tt" ,ee.. i J' tA VEil, Jfendant I ret,ulre4 to answer the corn- "" v-iacaamas tounty, Oregon, jiy r,. iiacgett. Deputy. I Dated, Oregon City, Oregon Dee 2d ' I'M. ft aiiM .. oulu AU KtliUEHItNUtU BY HUNTLEY BROTHERS COMPANY, OREGON CITY ' Dsisrvs Your Patronag. Th growth of cwnmurlty end th aiieceaa of Ita local InsllV.tlon depend entlivly on the loyalty of Ita people. It la welt enough to preach "patronla horns Industry" but encept tho rvlo given at a home Inaittutlon eiuula that of out-of-town ellterptlaea, till aiguiuent ear lie no weight and la entirely disregard ed, as It should te. Hut with Oregon City people It la different. A few month ago K. I.. Johnson eatabllahed th Caa- turning out woik that la riual to any and superior to iiiiiHi of tit lnun.1i y work that I being done In Portland tvlng a home Institution and furnishing employ tin tit for many Oregon City people , It I enjoying an Immense patronage i lit the County Court of the. Htat of I Oregon, for Clackamas County. In the matter of Ilia ratnte of Oottfiled U.-a-. deceased, and of ElUabeth '"-"' deeeaaed. NWe I. hereby given that ll.a final .... . a,.'.kiirl ir inn ailniuilalmlitr or lltn Kve lutnu d ratate r, atec lively, has been riled In the aUne entitled court a that M..id(tv. the Jd day of January, ,,,14, B, 0 o'eioch a. m.. at the Court House In Oregon City, fiiegon, ha been ,., ,v order of said court a the time ,, ,,,H of 4),,.,.,lona If any lhvrt tl, , ,i(U, r,.,,lrU r,.,,H.tlvely. KUll ,ni,U.a,oll IvcemU r U 1304. ust publication. January to. I.104. UOTTtKlKO HO ICS E. 'Administrator of tho estate of Oottfiled I It H' Me deceased, and of the estate of Elisabeth Hoeae, deceased. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Cnutt of the Stute of femUnt: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to B jwnr and I .. ... e complaint Pled amiiiil you ! within si, w.-. k. from the date of th. '. . ntltled court and suit if .u fall to so appear and answer said nn,,,,.,,, the ,Je plaintiff wU. ,,.! ,0 the C..u.t for the relief demand- tht.rr,n. lo-wit, For . dissiMv iTDiriri fui of rKJLVl!-! r.nllr Hand. . Books. 453d roar of Publication. Prlntod n NINE DirrCRENT LAN. CUAGH. Contains Correct Calendars for all latitudaa, F.cllp, Tlda and Wttthsr Tabl, Astronomical data, Hal of roast, m and otKar Ilolldsjrs, grtphlc Moonlight Dtatfraina and choke tllu. irions, is which la added a new ta trttt thsrn, alvon In SUMMONS. ,h. c . j ... .... , ........ ,uuu U 1 IU' HMH1II IMtlll- ty. Or. eon. , ih 1.. - . ' ". , . ...... .oitaiii-v VM In the above entitled court and suit on or befr the last day of the time pre scribed In th order for publication made herein to-w.t" Z want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for tho relief demanded In her complaint on file, vli: that the marriage i-... . i... ! . ' . a.. , .. im rviiiKftrjr do. th .m .. plaint is Febnw.y tth. , 1305. ED' A HD M EN DKN'I I A LL, and A. MICNDKNIIALU Attorney, for I'lalnllff. When your lungs are sore and Inflamed from couffhlnjr, is the time when the germs cf PNEUMONIA, PLEURISY and CONSUMPTION find lodgment and multiply. jEre T HiMWlilBl MafAaiS fca fc, -Jf mm mm tag. stops the cough, heals and strengthens the lungs. It con tains no harsh expectorants that strain and irritate the lungs, or opiates that cause constipation, a condition that retards recovery from a cold. FOLEY'S HONEY AND lung troubles nCVCr Uiini rcmed7 for a11 th-t and Thi Doctors Said Hi Had Consumption -A Marviloui Curt. L. M. Rueglei, Reoncr, lwt, wrlteg: Th8 docforg nld I had con. Moil ind fmt no better until I used FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR It helped me rigBt from the atart ind stopped the iplttlns ol blood and tha palo fa mjr lunga and today I am aound and well. M ' THREE SIZES 2Go, 60o, and $1.00 REFUSE 8UBSUITUTES - ........ lug the bond of nialilmoiiy imw elsllng between said plalnlllT and you. a leg aonable turn for alimony and f"i lh nuiluit and edncailon of the four minor children of plaintiff and you. for lh pay ment of irto) to plaintiff of the money now In possession of defendant, IS U. Cauthld. as adinlnlali alor of the estate of rntrl.k Puffy, deceased, owned by you s your distributive share of said estate, to apply oil the 1"dee awalded for alimony afmeMld. that plaintiff be given the erne and custody of sold four minor rhlldieii, and for am h other te ller aa e.pilty may reunite I'M sum mon Is published In puisunioe of an order of II. 111. Thomas l', Itwiti. Judge of the County Com! of the Stale of Hie gou for Clackamas Count, mail" 011 the .'th day of pot-ember. ',nt. The time .i.K, i ll.e.l 111 said older fur the publlea tint of this summon I once a week f u .1. ., t.' U (t... .11 ..f tl.M Hist publication ie..f la the 3tlt Ur I I'M",', .I I , V..'1'MI., II, ... t of December, ut. IIKNHV ST. KAY NEC. AU. hoi) for I'laiiiilff. Notice for Publlcatloti, iNpaitiiunt of the Iilleltor, IjUld OtTlce at tregn City, Oregon, November 84. N'.illee Is hereby given that lb follow ing named settler h filed notice of his lliteiitlim to make final ptmtf In upoi( of his claim, and that a. Id pif will to mailrt bef.iie the Register and lteeler at Kuifil City, Oregon, on January It, 195 Mi: Carton C. Marlcl. II E 1IHU for the of SV'4 A NK HWi, Sec Sd. T. 4 H . It S K IU name the following llnr.. to prune hi eoittliiuoits leubbnce upon and eulllvatltiti if said land, vis lUOieit II. SiuxlgiBss. of Mradowbruuk, Ofegiiu, tle.irge H.ifatrdlor. of Clatkes, tiregon. John Ivnlsun. of Clatke. ie gun. and William Hlsiidingtr. of M. a.b.w. blimk. Oiegmi. ALOICHNOS S DIIEMSEIt. I'.rglalrr. Oreyon City Market rt sport. (Corrtd Weekly.) Wheat Nil. 1. Uo to por bushel Itour -Valley, IIU'I M,r bl.l Marl wh.a'. l IS I'ortland. It U -r sa. k llitwaid I'.tit. It ?J er saik tat- ln sacks, St 3? J-l wt cental. Cheat Hoe, l 71 to : zi pT lmn.I. j Hay Timothy, baled. IllOtl Pr ton: cK.ier. HI to 112. ot. U a !4, 11,1 od hs"' ' ",; c,"!- miiiihit,ii.iiii i-a .. .v"!l""fr-"n- V C" tn: short KJSa per tun; chop :o per tun: barley rolled ." p-r tm. i'olator SO to 90 eenta jwr sack. Hkk - regtn. ! ct-nt K-r il.nrn. Ilutlrr Ranch, IS to oe; separator, J5 to 0e. rreamrry, CI to Toe. Cabbage J v to l do-n Onions '! .. n JUe per Mun l. Hut.batd Squash 4( to ve per dug. ILmry It In 13 Die pr pound leu) Apple Itf e to l a b..-t I'rune tinted I I'etlt. to pr lb; Ital ian, large, la per lb; mecllum, I . 0, Sliver. I !o, Drrsaed Chicken-lie per lb. Turke) live. l&e; drexd. 17f,lt. Uvestoclt and Drssevd Ural tUmf, live :t0 to II per hundred Hog, live, I to 1 I-Io. hog dtes-d cent: slo-ep. :oo to :&o l-r hd. drred le; veal drvaaed. and 4; la mix live. I: 90 to $. 5 per head Winter Rate, to V.nuin Bs-. In order to accommodate tho nun; potiplo who wlh to makn a wltttor trip to Y.-,Hlna Hay. th Houthern Pacific Co. will g..I, n Wodnes.lay ana waiurnayg of each hIc. until i March 31 Ho', round trln iirkei. .,!"'""' -'" si-h-i, h.,.ii,, 1, narcn 41. i.m roll tin trip ticket at ( rii.rM,,.; ,.,i haiati,-..uiiui., 1 i low rateg, to Vgrjtllna and rturtl. I li""i". sml a lr nevvsfed mua la a limited to sixty day from datn of a.. Thoso who uosira J vantoKo of this rat should apply i ni-nroai wotitncrn Tacinc aont for ticket. Ifrusinal logMIM U lllAilt IUVlll)l. trUl SEEDS -IMsiamUril fi-f m y.n' li. iB'r slssjrs pol.. ll Ur..-1 tum cr... aiiitn.1 ai For choice lard, spare-rlb, and tender loins, go to Cain A tt.m.i.v . Choice stock always on hand. fftmi ti.m. Our I sag jtst -'.'..X ! r- k f J Im ua r,u.. f , ,-x.-f t?MT; 1.IOM. V'ltlB t !!. Thoiv wax rt wotlhjf lilh ui' iiil't nf luiillniiiiiil n n,"',,," iM A ivntirxt for lliuiliclnl g.slalnlicf n tiover trrn-M'l. Hut liH " I"1' llltlo tlnntlHii k - lli-y i'f" ''' I1"" ortnl. The aluirleoinliiii imliirnlly In (lino lciiu, kliottli, lint II iltil ttfl ' feet t.la populorlly. A visitor In H0 iliHli h t, Iu iii Inn of tho liii'iiil'i ' t til Itiilty, HWcil n IcmlliuJ jmimclatt II n Unit pnlillc fniili I11 t In iiM'tnlwr n llol slllikelt. "Why, fine, It Is l.o nilise- lie shows hi llllUKiles ll a sll hid for lark of ftlinls," " " If YOU AWE NOT PARTICULAR I hm t travel uvnr Ih lUlttol (Vnlral, I .,, ..- . . , g any oht rtrnd will tKHyiiu "' dont waul your painmaB". y.m r partlcuUr nn.t want th tJ a, mean (, h-ve II M 1 lh " Li route vmt VU Ih II.MM'I" K'ENTHAt. Iho roat Il't run Ihr.tttglt I ... ... .. ...l UlWMHH Ml si.ll.l Velllt'UlO !!'" o-- I'niil, Oliittha. ChUaKti. 81. .4tl. Memphis ami New Urlean. No addltkmal rhwriso 1 tm'l" f'" sat In our roollnliig rlmlr car which aro fltle.I with lavatorle fctnl tnok lug r-H.ins. n1 liavm a porter In tolnlalico Hates via U10 lt.!.IN.W CKSTIIAI. nro tho lot ami wo will I to Hiioli them In tvttioM tlnn with any tittiscotitlueiital line n. 11 tiu:mihi.u t'oiiiitii'tilat Agonl, IU Thlr4 Htteet. t'ottlaiid. ttregmi J C. I.INDHEY. T V IV . Hi Thir4 Hirer!, Tori land. Oregon I'Afl. M TIIOMI'rfDN. I'll atnl TasseliKer Agent, t'ulmail UliU . Seattle, Washington. Uriglit's Disease and Diabetes News. The, John J, l ullon Co. of .Kan I ran data, first In th). World la An nouru th Cur and present a Pcllnlti i'vrcentaca of Wrvoverle (87 per int 1 and (llvg Out UtU of tho Cured. Iter a t4 the ri'i" r"eo. fie. All ef liwiu ,Wlu4 tif pfcnila V be l.'iui.;r ill niiti llMghl Ik m lNalr W uUitg. l"fBlitral nj.:,Jirg i4 to ; Ailolltt Wms. .Ml(.tn t l !tke Cat t ail tl p:,.tif duf t, t Migelk. eetllof M !1ra!eo J M. W V jiI. r.1lt. Spoil lb-flee. tA wd I, i4 rC!! f. A, Kevins, Jtrdtbao,, , fu, (Hrfitt.a',; J).a 1e:, l,u !trt"!tei Hrw M rty. Ill Slelao t I Un, SI . j t'ila. im llnJ, Mm. I. OtihMi. n ''! St ii i-1 m 1 laws ; It C. ISlI, li.-f 'arin(t lilmiK u j r J IV. :ar. I'srin I'M Aft, rw.it, Tb.n la (Vi ( r It Culler, Atlnevy, Kl) Itiw HI , Was. lisle, K'l I. Isle, til Nww Hi t Mn, V. O Itlbcsw rfiprlelus Jt -lsl filling XUf. - trei.iue.aii t0. Wa. i "!,' ' Jf tenoif t-pMOe 14 tt. r Wtrhcf. Wtrcbaul, U tk St i tin. ! Tb' l'UW- Vik Ur.t.K bi ,, v,rk , "ZZ i , ' r "' t i'.nii .ti 1-. trr.4 i,m j Z!??Tv?JX,&" 1 isiuniBK wf yrm V. r r...,ii,, im r,t u,'"""'-ewe. rurtl, u. rtol,t bcMnr Iit H'w i. u.i..m t i.ll.l.-l.l ,Th Itro.l l'.4I..wt,. f, t;Ht n4 Ki.lo-y tn I. i. (. I,i-,i , 4 "wl ila f..f lf at,.,. UiO4Uit,o. C'Adrman &, Co., City Drug Store OAOTOTtlA. COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY Portland and The Dalles 5IRofiiiln4 iiuuuiaiui JLine Steamers "OAILEV OATZIRT" "DALLEt CITY "REGULATOR" "METLAKO" "SADIE 0." mr, "fialley Oatisrt" Imiv. PortUna i a. m. Monflay. Wednwidaya and Fri day; liave Th Dalle 1 A. M. Tu. flay. Thinrsday -nd Baturday. Htr. "Itifulator" Iravs rortland T A. M. Tursday. Thurdya and Saturday; Iravr Th Dallna 7 A. M. Mondya, Wfdiicsday and Friday. Bt.msr l..vlnf Portland mak dally conn-ttlon at Lyl with C. R, A N. train for Goldnndal and Klickitat Vall ixilnt. C. It. A N. train Inavna Ooldandal on Monday, Wednrsdsy and Irldaya al 6:30 A, M., making eonnsntlon with atsanmr "ntrulalor" for Tortland nd way point. C, It A N. train loavaa Goldsndal on Tue.day. Thur.daya and Baturday at M0 A. M connecting at Tyla with .turner "Badlo D. for Tha Dallaa. con nectlnf tlinr with O. n. ft n. Ualni Ea.t and W.t ' Btr. "Badle Tl." Iava Ca.oada Looka fllly (oaospt Sunday) at 7 A. If. for Tb Pallea and way point; arrlv at U A. M. lavM Th Dallea I p. M., arrtraa Casoad. Lock I p. M. Meal arved on all atamra. Fin accommodatlona for team wagon. ndlng at Portland at Ald.r Btr, C CAMPBBLU 0n. Offlo, Portland. Omgon. , Wbll lM , a.H.o.-r ha.l rtniti.l.,, 'nt. n (linn lit., wilnl drufinj ,)t ;w ,iin U, a slatuj.illl, i itif "kmi)J,V' I, . '.liilu mikI aiwrwinn,, ,,htT " ..'. !.. n.iiUI tin fr i,,, jM , v..r' ilmniHti m .Irirt u,t r ,..nr Hlilmitt mini) .n.rvH ,7 w.i'il.l l,UlUi suflly lt ii.l rtii,.,t(i 1 tti.'iM Imtiuit liH tun.. i m, J Hi,. ,uiu HMtttlljf nt,,i t,.(l, 7 rii. wind thai w.-iiLl ihi , b ' .ll IIVt 4lfl.t l,,.r,., im liavn Utii thi! nrU-lj, f w,Ut'"! fr Hi.' nlml. Thai ll, nm,,,,, u tiit.l.iiit'ittl f t t Is- tiiiiiiy ia w u" lli f.f lualiy ran- nf Pafnff j1 lh :fc-lUi taiain 1. 1 n, 1,',,,' Sliilajf Ikitiliilill. I Wft i. it io ,K,mi,t tr. tjr n.tnihly bi-Iumi ,i ,f a rn.)( , (Im Irish rlmiiiii'l f.r rtial) ,iall!ft III a Bal nf wlhl. Ilo Ui.iii.H jilm o i.f fcrt l arpliwsnn J)t whi.h itilyhl lu .r'..l w, yiimi.-. lr lu tVU-l, 1Hi j t Waru.xl l i I. t art-ful inl to Uttgt, dm k a in mil ri-wiI til '. p n lntrn.jf Itiill.ruu rnir..i9 fltir,l jwiwliiit ami wliUti,.,! arifnii for H win.l la itiinn, fur t, j,!,.' atiinu'a U'lli f In th e!tl--r; f iuoIm t.f raisititt id witul iru, uin nii4 will rt lr lrttij (( tihjrni lf tl.-tli!i.tt, Hisitl Mffrr tu:4tsti a fairltlrt lrrs sprang ttt. i j,. sllllttMi WW Wrrt 'ltlU Ilin il( liin.ls of tiaht aii'l 'I liMtrla atli J, lll kn lu ", Naturaiui q ll4 I 4 . Ttti rw wa tutu It ri'fti a J jn Ctiatij.' ImlhlH'r. ImiI If lie fc strrU ia,'k III hi iiWtl r!t I. futlui Itilii grititiM;- iiuro 41 Junior ttttn. -r tt a Hflt sU t..tttate' Wat !! iiirri. w ih t.rr t.ii ..0 ii!trt IU Ilia amJSriirw (tail f.Mind vim t rvh tl in, o La t.M.k Stir tf ilm.r Crrntiialtjr 1 1 i, fiilUiwiii ai tof"! l tti wllu-r tu4 lit I.all nn i4in If!jf -t, and fit 'f-y ol art., sn.nitiiij. ! I.iiu j( f lim.'Ull Alihlll arvrfit, fo Hi B" iliilnf .iiii.t'nrf nf rrrrjr on (irrsrut, r Ifart i. all t'fiti.it.lM of fliitjr b lrttr., (iw. t.tutig ItntlisLiHan :u4 liark Lis ikswrr In 11.0 n, teal rtmgti til.- as far a Uv lf.(,J?! II In Hhl. h Itact skrn ta lam. fc ! rrj on0 In l!. n!t wa lrl. k.0 mvit l.rrr, l.tm 14 tartm at4 )-, b j r ljra.ual!jr lh it'titrrsatU.n i iutit-j a mmrtiU til Uxtif, tn4 ifiti Ml U. with a lioimirmi smile, tot -ftml tli t't tuati t- roum tip l.'fV au4 if U..wn l"-:il iilm, l,rf t. tn rtrrllfnl frlrol lii...n ka atil Wuttm. , j X. fr frwa I-ing an rtiilrin- qf hsllcmsl rliy atnl Imk rf slatia la lhi lancuag f itif.rit, j; I tl. rrull of an li.itlti. tits rfl.r (M a far aw a iiiU frtiw tr' thing Ilk irrtfniiouuM t, auri-Ki. r uti i i it. Ug .f IU Wluil MHl.., tXWUlf I nprlt of the national irnn liuinof ihal I trpr no kr-n a wv II t.titrii.j.iat.a wiiJi a J likrw Ultllllrtahl lt sjirt larlu VfrsrKtrJ !;' a fske i.. it u tlunl. II ta cm It U turulal u)cfiii-i, l.ut Is alwi-lin-n-. It ilir-ts ajfaliist lhrllal . of JI th miijtiijr rtie!rirjr of kv I"r. It Uomi fr mir iiafnt alu wli.l th inorJanl sallr of Martial i Jutrrtial falli-4 in da for Itottir,- I'mfrwiMir lli-rtuan Kinf k U,ktrra' Maga(lt.o, III Hm4r ! lit 11 sari j In lil itirtimlr Adolf Kusauiaul r Intra rurlon tor of a UrMvlhft haitr. Tbla lak-r ws knowa ftf hi liaught. fortuldlng luatuirrs; pa aiu-itijr Ur, Ntilm. the .nfrr tr aiiatmuy. wn itm t un.n4il on wln-n the taiiler ram and aat ;a btin In a railway rar att.l. fti-r a plwn ant rliat. ak.-r hint all aorta of q tlona. iMM la!jf about tli analomy ; tti lii-art. The tisit day U acti ctf ty n-rtlsi(,ti to uir m-jiml drp;! ii-fit bikI wnltbrd the r.rofriir aivtlng tiim nf Hi.) organ. Thra kK drara hmim mm rw ,.... li. m ......II. IHll bram fcnowtj ,t Im.J cummin auiciii by aklllfulty jilunglng a i!fir Into hla lii-art. A r'nllr riwr. I Col. tl.o Knifliati ualntrr. wiw mlaalolml .y a woalfhv ltrlst.il Bar' clinut to paint th latnr oiul til wtf nut I want to Imv my drwaan! wl" litlrwltiml aa wnll." h all Tha r; dfr wm mi,.jt Hlt ttftPr U)9 iron, half In iniairnliic. half In wi-ddi;.' aiilrtltliir. hnrrl . , , -a hum tta-' pimit"! a-t uiiu iiin iiiiHinrintiM ft iiivfr & aiToott wlfrt," diH larw! tm.. "1 wUb 4 1 ! ItiHuilifl In Ilia imrlralt th US ' who now inkca Ilia lnnit of my tabli" Th tlira wlra are In tha pMure. WtiT. ar " 1fJ I IV IJUHW - Enlfltlkhln fllft I LA la -,. l..l,tw..liUl 1 J machlnary that I'm afmUl ha may ! nu Itivntitiir," f " . an mi lull' iniu I "Afrnldr I "Yfl llll'alla.1 roll Innor it Im shot' iiimit fihylhlng of .ah ttw cha iiuiiuitHi io on mat aomfisj Ian will mnlM all tha mom'y out If-Juwlg. I W( th Limit. I JornaIf Mr. (uilm i-inkn snT W aarrtlfMi I will (.iiMunca lilm aa a K: Inaia('nt-Mr. Jouo. I call rou order. Our hvlawa do not allow f to no' that far. , JotaTlifn I full Mr. ni.lhn ill' a fnr t It la tMrmHtl iv tha brla. of thi aawrUtloti, i A lllalorlo Bpot. t Iltiaband-A ro vnn nwim mr dw iuai on till gTftaHy atot bf jrnn a S that lasted ton yt'ttra? I Wlfih-Wliy, John. It wai bora 1( foa propossd to mo. i Huaband-Exactly; luat tea f Ml I ' i '