PAGE 1 OREQON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY. JANUARY t, IK Oregon City Enterprise ! PINAL FIGURES ON ELECTION. CITY AND COUNTY OFFICIAL j The New York Times hns made h Published Every Friday. Subscription Rates: One year BIx months ...v,.... Trial subscription, two months . Advertising rates on application. canvass of the vote in the late Prowl- -jdentlal election, complete except for $150,' counI' ,n Tennessee and four In 75 'Michigan, for which estimates are gtv. . 25 en. According to the Times, Prcwt- mviii nwiwivii lu'u-nim jirap I'arKtT by 2,54u,69 votes. He received the Subscriber! will Vd7h7date of fcl f' ptration stamped on their papers foMof thi l niud tates-T.MO.St.O. Tho lowing their name. If this Is not j 1"11 vote cast was 13.533.619. jfarker changed within two weeks after a (received votes; Debs (So payment, kindly notify us, and the jc.aH,.n !. eS7. awiw i iV,.h.ii,iH,.n matter will receive our attention. . . wMUon. ., ,Xr j 248.4 II ; Watson, fl'opullst) 124.8SI: Entered at Uie postofflce at, Oregon ana Corregan (Socialist-Labor) 33, City, Oregon, as second-class matter, j 519. The total vote cast for Presi- i ,4.,,, - . ...... a.n (mm the vote of 1900. Roosevelt had 401.450 more votes than McKlnley had FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1905. in 1900. while Parker falls 1.293 059 behind Bryan. The figures from the : ircr:3 Middle West unmistakably show that OREGON'S MOST PROSPEROUS j hundreds of thousands of Bryan Dem- YEAR. jocrats did not go to the tta at all. As Walter Wellman points out. in In no corresponding period In the j Missouri. Roosevelt received only history of the city has Portland enjoy- j " niore votes than McKlnley had ed such remarkable prosperity as dur- j in lHl. and yet carried the state by Jng the year ending Saturday. As the 25oo Because 50.000 refused to vote growth and development of the city fwr Parker. Iu Iowa. Mr. Roosevelt are In keeping with and dependent on received almost exactly the number the state and neighboring territory, I of votes, that McKlnley received, but all of that rast region for which Port-! Parker's total fell 60,000 behind land Is the natural trade center has J Bryan's. The interesting deduction been stirred hv this tide nf nnswrlfv I Is made bv Wellman fn.m tho n.n, -which is still flooding strong. Agricul-1 hat for every Democrat who voted ture, the pre-eminent factor In the creation of new wealth in this coun try, never before yielded such large profits per capita as were returned In 1904, and at the same time the out put of our manufacturing enterprises were greater than ever before. This pleasing record which is told in de tail in special articles and elaborate statistics printed elsewhere, was made In spite of the existence of adverse conditions in our shipping trade. The war In the Far East placed a heavy embargo on our rapidly Increasing Oriental business, and for the past six months it has been at very low ebb and will continue so until peace is restored. The failure of the wheat crop in the Middle West and the attendant enor mous demands of the Eastern millers for Oregon and Washington wheat caused a diversion of more than 300, 000 tons of wheat from Portland ter ritory to new markets east of the Rocky Mountains. This abnormal con dition, of course, fought with it much higher prices than were ever before realized for such an immense crop of wheat as was havested in the terri tory tributary to Portland, but it cut lown the export trade of Portland several million dollars. The lumber trade with the Far East practically vanished with the opening of hostili ties between the Japanese and the Russians, and yet, there was such an enormous expansion in the traffic with California ports that the ship ments by water from Portland were many millions of feet in excess of all former records. Bank clearings, deposits, and jobbing trade statistics all offer unanswerable testimony to the wonderful commercial growth of the city and state. The population of Oregon and of Portland made heavier gains than in any previous twelve months In our history, and with this increase came an influx of capital which has found employment in new lines of industry, and in the more elaborate develop ment of enterprises already establish ed. This comoetition tia nr)iani " - i' been felt to a disadvantage in indi vidual cases, but. taking the city and state as a whole, its advent has been highly beneficial. As previously stated, the growth of the city always reflects for Roosevelt. Ave or ten Democrats stayed away from the polls altogether. The New York World, which support ed Parker, concludes, after Its study of the result, that "the honor of being the worst-defeated candidate ever nominated by the Democrats for a President belongs so clearly to Judge Parker that Greeley is hardly a close second." The World figures that in the two decades since 1S84 the in crease in population has brought 5, 500.000 new voters. Of these It says. Judge Parker succeeded in winning to his side only 183.000. The remain der either voted for Roosevelt, or the candidates for the minor parties. or stayed at home. The fact that the stay-at home vote was so great Is a thing that ought to give the Republi cans pause. It shows what a great number of voters found In neither candidate their ideal. And the fact that Democratic Governors were elect ed In so many states that went Re publican Nationally is a warning that a great many voters are thinking hard and discriminating nicely. HE DID NOT ADVERTISE. Eight months ago there came to Oregon City a merchant who purchas ed a stock of goods. An advertise ment was solicited of the new nitr chant who informed the uewspaper man that he did not believe In adver tising since he seriously questioned the efficacy of reaching the public In that way. last week this same busi ness man packed up his goods and de parted for other pasture. The nuu chant who severs partnership with printer's Ink will sooner or later fin himself divorced from the trading public. -' 1 - c Vnder the apportionment that was this week made ty the State Tax' Board, Clackamas county I must this ! ... i year pay a total state tag of 134,337.50 j a. ncalnwt til Uut ........ r ... ! 1 penses of the state for the -year 1905' are estimated at $1,231,234 "2. Ap- plicrftde to meeting these expenses It j Is estimated there will bo about $331,. 000, leaving to be raised $1,000,000, Of this total Clackamas county by the i apportionment, mum raise .0335 of M the total or $34,337.50. ADAMS BROS. 1 GOOD BYE TO INDIGESTION. Is Driving ! Surprise naturally attended the an nouncement of the indictment by the federal grand jury of United States Senator Mitchell and Congressman Hermann, who are charged with con spiracy to defraud the government in connection with the land frauds that are being exposed in this state. There is a very general opinion prevalent ; among the people of Oregon that the apparent prosecution of these two leg islators is in reality a persecution that is actuated by jealous political opponents who are striving to remove these representatives from their high place in the public service. It Is also believed that the indictment of Mitch ell is being pushed by Hitchcock and his man Heney, In order that Hitch cock's hostility to Oregon may be made to appear warranted. The ex pressions of pleasure and great ela tion that have been made by Hitch cock since the indictment of Oregon' icpit-Heiuaiives indicate more of a personal feeling than a sincere re gard for the proper anministration of affairs in the Interest of the common i OruQlgitt Claim Pepslkola Dyspepsia Out. The above la a prvtty alimn statement but experience right here In Oregon City proves it to be really true. The evidence l positive. hm la m guess work about II. Huntley Krutj V lime been selling Pepslkola for some 'time now ana many ftf their euntomcrs have been In to tell nf the benefits received. One woman say a It haa Increased her weight nearly ten pounds. Another had chronic dyspepsia for year ami can now eat anything ah wants without any ilia- I tress afterwards. One man la eiatiful I because Pepslkola haa cured him of nerv- j ousness. Another says It haa relieved 1 the pain around his heart. Just think at I It. here la a remedy that muat cure you of aour stomach, wind twdching. diuty ; (elta, nausea, biliousness, sick headache, i and every other form of 'lndlTtln or It j will not coat you one penny. i Kvery bo of Peptlkoia contain ten 1 day treatment. It will niake you feel belter right away. It will clear up your' complexion, It will put new color In I your cheeks. It will moat certainly In- ' crease your weight. It will give you new nerve force, new energy, new strength. I and If you feel run down or low aplrited : you will see an Improveir.rnl ulmnat be- 1 yond belief. Jllftt call ftn l(i.rttl..v Itr,,., n .. .1 ..L J i V. Mill . for their honest opinion of tba now fam ous dyspepsia mre. Try It on their rec ommend. If Pepslkola cure vou vmi certainly will be glad to pay. If It doe j not. all you need to do Is to tell Huntley ! Itro Co. and they will go right to the j money drawer and pay your quarter back. ! I Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Absolutely Harm leu. The fault of giving children medicine ; containing injurious aubatance, la aome- j time more dlxaKtrott than the ikaeaae j from which they are suffering. Every ; mother ahould know that Chamberlain's ; Cough Remedy la perfectly safe for her children to take. It contain nothing harmful and for coughs and cold and croup la unsurpassed. For sale by Geo. j A. Harding. people, Before forming any judgment -Aft tn tha fui1t .,r tU.. ....i.ti. . the tfowtfa of the Country, for it Is Irt'vants, the general public will properly " - i orcnaras, forests, Obtain the true facts in the cas fields and mines of Portland's rich which to date, have been considered Jprntory that tie wealth of tie city Ln!y hy the jury thal r(,turnJ the Is generated. Into these regions of j indictment, Friends of Mitchell and undeveloped wealth poured a steady j Hermann, in every section of Oregon stream of settlers throughout the year J cannot believe that either of them just ended. They put under plow for! has been guilty of the offense with the first time thousands of acres of j which they are charged. It will re farm land opened up mines, built ir-j ,.. pwitive and conc,,lsive evWenre rigatlng ditches, sawmills and flour-1 to shake the faith of the people of ing mills, laid out new towns and ad- Oregon in the accused, tied dwellings, stores and blocks to towns and cities already built. This stream of immigration is swell ing like a mountain rivulet when A Spring chinook strikes its snowbound sources, and never in the history of the state has the outlook for marvel ous development in all lines of trade and industry -presented more alluring features. METHODISTS AT THE 1905 FAIR. May Arrange To Exhibit Their Pioneer Church Home. A conference was held In thla city hint ' Friday night between prominent Meth- ! odiHt church building of tha Pacific '' board of the Flrat Mcthodlat Church of this city, the purpose being the ronsider- , ing the practicability of exhibiting at , the l,ewi & Chirk Fair the Pioneer Meth- I odiBt church building on the I'aclite ! Const. The structure Is located In thla ( city where it Is used a a store house ! by an Implement firm. A proposition ' will be submitted by the board of trua tees of the Oregon City c hurch and if ! satisfactory, the building will be trans- ' ported to Portland and exhibited at the 1905 Fair, , Hishops David II. Moore and James M I Thobiirn, Dr. Daniel I., Ruder and Dr. i A. N. Fisher, of Portland, were In at- j tendanc at the conference which waa I representative of a growing- sentiment among the Methodist of the state and ; public generally In the project of cxhlb- ! Itlng this pioneer structure. In order to ' secure the building for exhibition pur- ; poses some obstacles must be overcome. ' I he structure. Is being rented under a five years' lease and It Is eatimated that It will require about $1500 to make Ho; exhibit. Following (he conference, a banuqet was tendered the visitors. The building that Is proposed to ex hibit nt the l!iD Fail- was the Mist Prot estant church erected Wist of the liockv moiiiilfiins. It was built In IHl.i on th- ran ma Iff bHSI Store Oar Great Fifth 'Anniversary Every Article in the Store Reduced We have been fortunate enough to secure a large quantity of the Famous Baker Muslin Underwear at prices mucf) under the market, and place them on sale as stated. Only at our store do you have an opportunity of getting garments of this kind at these prices. You pay only for the material at this sale, we throw In the labor of making the garments. These prices are such as only stores handling large quantities can make. Don't wait too long; a few days at the most will clean them out. Lot 4 fWw pa w K 1 m w Hi tnn mm in w, rw Si w w ism i lit, m Lotl l ft 5K'7 LorS I Lot 2 H i its ! iM M h i'w iX 11,11 VILLI'- V-' -Svir XyFiieg? i'L.,,JiJf I uwwilai s.MsBtpnHliw, w Wi w laJasa. TO. , tn m. aw UX3 A fM ifh M Th m mtm Uw a tta mmmm m m m, mm m tmm. Mi mi N3 (MAter. VATICAN TREASURES FOR THE FAIR than 11 year, win, the cuecpilon of the site now occupied bv the r,. W. p. ,W, , , , " , 0 c dlnn. r freight depot 'ami thirteen veais h " Valuable Acquisition of Papal R.Mc. 8.-: H.e -bure., every '.,,. , ,, was removed to Its present location on 1 .' . Cure1 WC.nt."ni... " w " I 1 li. i .1 lorl f, ., I llli flliO Ilt'ltt I'V I 1. IHUK. IfllUl' I'llfllfiil III .I .1.1. ' fUMIIlllU, tfll ... .... ..... ........ n ..... ....... ..,,,,,., t II j U A CATARRH , . ... , 1 Movent tl Mtrcet. The lirst legislative in i.aum a lii lei iuvHi 10 h i mrir fv . . . slot maeblnre. t,,.,, u t I . ' 'I " '" receive nn almost 1.1 lce.-ss nddltloii In Mills week. .,.. ,,, nansuin aim sessions m l i s church. The lumber, of . ., , . .. ., . .1 ., . . I ' " ih ,1,1,1. nf u i'ii lleei inn of Hi Cull treiiH- done. oiimr resorts in tfil city, Mayor Som-, ''" nuiidinit waa constructed. -x-1 , .... H , 1.,.,,...,, ,,,, , , , , ,,, , , , ,, , urea from Home, I he 1 anllnal Hecr- i.'-iiiciiJ,. r thi r dlu.ieis nl mer haa nnefr.etrxut a , Kept the Ih iivv tlmbeis which wi re hewn ... . ... 1 a vjiiiuiiruiiaiiii; 1 .. .. . . tiirv of Htute has it Von pel llllHlvnu 111 1 m-soiiys. . out or n:iiive worst. liroiiKl.t from Ni w . . , , . . . .1 niiauioiis It nt the lwn flitrk fenti cnlnl will ! in w sewinit 1.1,1. dine ins been and the woik will Will ii' "hi Borvice. These devices, .b ,, , lleV. J . I. aUTSOIiy. sp"C:l coniini-loniT which are prohibited by State law and ! d ,.. ,1. t, r-nmins i ",i I I1""1''; nai.sfer the sacmi'Iieas. WIIH II WI ' "allioll Hi PL J a " II 11 city ordinance, are a source of great 1 state of pro-, n ation. It not the pin nose of tin profit only to the man who owns them f,.i Tv,l., i ... .....v v..ij ljji; 111011 mill onus lliem , .... ,,,,,- mis expansion of business ! .-. ...., 1 "lists to exhibit the bniidine solelv. if on shore is not all that is. as-1 Z " " ""V j it ' removed t theFoniand Fair Buretl for Portland, for with the cloa-l ,.t , I n.oney, , wf,l w, aa u piuce for lne 0f the war In th Var r. -ii I 8iVing h,m a tMn ln return ! alorlna; mlsalotuu-y n ib s, and a (,,, , l . i!r. . n East will and only ht entertainment during!"-' " Mciusiw visitors .0 come a demand for Oreeon ram nets 1 ... . . ... . . : the Kv,.ui,, am ... ,k.. 1 ine nenormancK. n- nmu.nnr. m k 1 mun-ii in- lor use in the reconstruction period 1 , . . . ture will r.r u .,.... XL.. ,M,u. oujiuiier Kimes mac ne' to,, h i,....... ... Ui poou at our oversea w, (1,1(,KO , ,.. '. ' f ' MH,""rj ?,iinTf5 niiiuii j mii-j im ufmx inium wjui ttu growtn or th ...111 i. a ... . . d .-i 1 . . ... . . traffic Is certain to show a greater in crease than ever before. Portland and ture will be kept ill the building and .- ,,H nintiij in mi,' i:nu Cll i ,., , ,,,,,, , .. ... sit on, " hesn are conies of (1111 hue s and supplcini'Mt the cullectloii by nihil- . tlons liiiporttd from Koine. The exhibit j embraces itianimcrlpls, piilulltiKs, inos lacs, Byzantine work from the Apse of the basilica of 'Hi. John l.nli rini, ami some objects of art never before shown. At least four very valuable pleei a nf muslae may come, which will lie hlslily prized by nit lovers vIsltliiK the Kxpo I will not for a minute be tolerated Ini""1-- wl " "-'ivered by prominent j fT ""'"J "''"f f i.M. ,... ....... sieaU.,,.. I. i. .o, ii,.,.,....i ItheMadotimt of ilarbino, both urlKlnnla Oregon never enjoyed a more pros- Z , 1 7 7 ,"" l 1, Ka r, f Z at ViHl ''""" nl "f nan v.. ...... ,e,pms. tothesaleof liquor to minors and the: ,.,.... t., ,.,..,.. ... ' ..... ... ! " Anh of; and u tavoia ,11 . vni't, m i ruiftn iiiih riiuwiiiM int.! mi'iii- HrVt'U (lil-f'I'N perous year than that lust ended, hut i . . . i ni.HiUltUnm H1, ml the wonderful record for iqh4 win K 8 a,)0,,t mU'm lB the " Sil1' u TV , , V u . it, , o f. positive. The ordinances in this re- ! the Willamette University campus where '"' W'"U "K U,n m"mm- 8,'v"" I" doubtless be eclipsed bv that for tho !..., , u u , ' 'of By win tine work from celebrated arch --- -- 1 garu will be riKKJIV enforced An i".i"iiy reserveu lis fl rein, - new year which is ushered In with! ... x , 7 . urceo: . .The fact that the old chmch i,..ii,n,,ff , u,''",rB "r,! "H" '"i'wt"'l. as a such remarkably favnrahl. m,min ' ,1"1""vcu "ning service is whl,h ,low WCIIul(!, valulll very fine death mask and hand of Pope mch remarkably favorable conditions rmlMH .v, ' , ""w 0(,,:,ij1 valuable busineNs on every hand.-Oregonian. Tltl Z 1?'' "Tl n,.i iHiwfni n.iuciure mat will oe All lines of millinery at Miss Gold smith's below cost. a number of ideas with resnect tn the I a may influence the local church In making . vuj;.,vi iaj iijr; 1 " u'.i'J. - uiui Will Iji- public administration of affairs that i of gmiU'r Income -to the local church, ,. . .... tnav liiHlienee Ihi, 1.....I ,.l u I.. i.,. I he expects to introduce during ' term as Mayor. his Ken XUI. To Build a Parionaoe, ' The building of a parsonaKe In the rear or the Baptist church, Is the nlm of the GUARANTEED REMEDY FOR CONStl PATION. , Huntley Bros. Co. Tell Why Uxakola Cuits, "Most laxative remedies relieve for ,1 llllie," raid one of the I,),,,,,. drilKKIHs, our liner 11 while you either have Increase the dose or try Momethlim els. "Hut It Is different with Lakola," ' seems to relieve the comlllions (hut cause coiistlpatl,,,, ami ym, can Kiadu ally decreiise the (ui,ntlty. This Is m, doubt, due t lis remarkable tonic cflVciN and aa the sal.. Is rapidly In ip,lv . creasing it Indicates that Lsxols alv s Kood satlsfacllon. We nlwiiys sell the first but He with the Kuan,,,,,.,, , wm cure or riiii,i 1,,.. , .. . .money mm u H to It mti lAfti. Elys Cream Balm This Romnrlv la n Ansinlftn Sure to Cive Satisfaction. OlVtt RtLltP AT ONCI. It clatinsns, aonlhca, heals, itmi tirobwts tlift illscas.1,1 timmbmiui. It ritroa Catarrh am! drives away n (Jol.l in tlm Hmul quickly. Iteatoras tha Banana of Tiwta and Hiiioii, liisy U) timt, Cotitnina tin in litrloim (trtiua, l...,1l,t 1..... it.. ' . . . . rare Ihliifc- indeed that we hear anything j Appliwl into tha jioatrils ami nbsnrbad but llllllse tnr II k , ....... I IjlirL.l Hixe Rtl .,.it. u II 1.1. ... 1.. .u.. , - . " " jaoposcu uiapoaition of this nron- 1 I.,.,ii,.' am h,...i.. , ...... ......... . ...... e).(y . - I - """" O . .oui coiiieil, Wliri that purpose In view, they have for mote "", 1 " "' liUKC boltle costs only 'if, eents, ml w,n H W(f)i sura ll-pild laxative for ell her children or adults Is needed I always recommend laxakola as we consider It superior to any other remedy In our store." Iavao Hi, 50 witit at Iru(f(!lst of by mail 1 Trial Blase, 10 cents by mail, UY BROTHERS, 66 Warns. 8t., Niw York, lot slightly damaged doors at a hniguln at Piiinlt Hugh's furiillura store.