Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 06, 1905, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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How To-Day."
iwr rnt Farm M;urUy. U IUo
Jn it urn -front w,,i,,i
,nitlt f 1eavr Creek, a wliH jresrlin
l,iri with few rd ih neck
,,1 body, halMnth hi punihe.l In
mi,1,ii at right rr riil.r will l
inutility rewarded. Addle 1.. , W(i
llnma, HH KM1 Nil, 1. Oregon Clly,
(l,..m t
jri itM l twiir ul1 Imifer, t4
with iMl m oii er. t on
i.H d'l1 l'i'1-r will l rewarded ty
1 1" ' I' lNvtit'l, HlghUtml.
iiT Willi It, hunllng ea, be
ilia) N.iwlar thurrh 4 Call
(,y ,iul.ally en th iilit.4 ltwai4
all) ,al4 fr III atr trf lli AJI
la it.if l Cttny. '! t lauauti,
Jan 131,
I the
-' '" ' r" W' vg
t I f 1.. I. . J
i: I. j.iiniM'N. f i t K tii..iil
rtUi, h il4 Ulf iilrit In hi
i, . li M M.i'niil !
th lutiur f fnin Cuiiiim, t1
U ,,sii, dlo4 Tlnftr rtwrtilh.
1 .liat ol twt4 III flliWll.
D iml puiil.l No U. Wl fh..n
hw o4 fnr rtfMl In for t
t ai In limit iuimki
M lihity 4m4 4' l
la in ftt rrtlt Hoin ti fnriMr tr
Mania !! r tr4 th Ullnf
t! of lt W-l it Mt "U M
irt.i.ll onl I left lr. Mbli KH
tt4 I latill lHitHi
A .m wo txn to Mr, m4 M' IUftk
M "lr Mr llwli I 4'iirr l
ll.a !! I'llr M"'f' lull'- '"
I ; Wuuictt Itlili.
t'iiltlmm4 t)v UbUjW tl t Ml
linil T"-4um'lrr. of Hiffr4. who
rtH fwn4 m1I1 nf rrwdty ll
In hi yun 4uhlcr, h f!H4
f i4 ru in the Wl Ju.Urw iniitl.
i II l)tan4. Iif Vl. h t In lh
-t y r Hnmtf wf 4r hmkln nfler
h tn(rrTla of hi 4ihlr, Ml
Jlittli.ho flcaiimtin Itt lh dlwfe ttit
t w r.-iit!jr f!lp4 il hf h
hr huvbwil. It. Knsmaim
Wtiit twati. ; rtrw 0 n4 J.
4c. .hip. t.i It Nrr. tio; I il. ll Mo
Iikii rnnsr.
Tl, M 4 rrllnw wri jtn4 th
lUtwkn n4 h 1 4 rt rtl
(n t Thuf-Ur In IM "
,f tuoiirMlir whlt, lh (lint lrt w
railir4 fcjr l. Mr Arthur, d jmmlnent
KI4 t'rll"W from New Kt
I 'la, kina run!r t blfi nlrlr4
tn :i (I1ft'lli hf rural Mrth linn.
Ih riunlf court lhl wk fnllh
nulliir fraiithhw ff th runlriiclii-n
n! .tKmUun f b lin ftwn nhy
i Now Itt n4 th 1111 H4 la ! !
Mm cur. Th frmirMiMi w tni4 to !
Itlmaf Vll !,
Ma4 lit Otaiic", llrun of Hu
Iti4ry will lnml it n-wly Im-b4
mr l th toMilns m tur4y, Jan
uary 1 The tnntallalli anrr will
t en4ui;t4 br 3 Vmrh, II Wentlwr
t,f the (! vla!alil Cmml f th
tia(a (irauco
lull Ktr, th yoin wim of M
lali who rra4 wnmaihUK of mum
turn about J 4r ly mytrtouir
dimiiraiin on th of her mania
to a rouna tarmrr, h hwn hl4 lit
liot 'Uti4, whi-rw h I nnihty4 a
Hh-nrr Phavr tn th New Tor
nhl an far a hi olTIo I rnrm4
PaijuUy fiorTnxm h turwwl nvar 10
Triirr Cahlll ail tulleotMi 10 41
on Ilia loi i roll h4 Im evrrylhln
In maitiiiraa now fur cun4uctln th d
ItiKtuolit t al on th Slt inat.
Claudlu Watlth. auivrlnlan4int of the
C'lai kaniaa rlvir halchrry thl Week r
wlve4 frn Wloiiin hlpimnt of
199.044) Ink trout r to h llant4 In
the aireani In thl hx allir. Thl I
Odds and
Ends Sale
Now On
Price no
Annual whlpmorit nf trnul i Umt
ti(l Ik the Unit ary i(r I hi i-lty.
CiMinialiln II, W, Tffiiliih rturn4
Wctiinii'tHV ritghl frwri I'm Ik ml with
line fly (nth whvti! he ?it1 at port
IaikI mi u i lit hi tiiMlti'l'iMi 4atruilim
of .fi.mi I, Tl trio '. ihar1 wild
turning 'In ii omiI burning f ilmt
cm kwrit ih ifiwny of U K, Wt,
i i"l two tulle north f Kiln eiiy,
Nit.f iy per lit of pliii'ii'-h' yl'
tm In In I ho ("Wilis' Minn WlpMnr Hi If
specially of It aint Ilia ritMlt M pleas,
lit mi 4 Biifi ii-ir. Ho ij tilnl
hart Vnt will fm4 r nw tt1i i.u
Main street imar till, Jrt, II,
ll I rpHe4 llml I ho O C T '..inpnity
will kinut rviii'ii Ii tilth ant! ilu It
friilfl ll present tixullim t the foot (if
Kighth mrit h a litl an IHw Kt
Imuh ut (ha WlllameKa river Mr lh
X, M f. A, ljullillol Imiimimd
viU rw fr II drnk km (Ivcii m Hi
rM fuf U ornimtUi4 mm.
Tim K"Ktir Tur.jr hini tnallr4
Urn fulliiwlh nlflinr t t 4irln lit
-iil rear1 I K Jlt. I', f- It I
miiIMI, (', It J M ttlt( N, , M i
J A. M'. tl(iri r. W, llumiilirr,
r, I K. Kiieuli, It, H J W, lllllllUJ
it4 A Nhitu4-r. lnuiir, lr, Wg'f w
rtrlr4 ro.(( Irian
Ital, ). nil lit 3141 (itl : : rlilil
1.. mil l ft.' unit ISo knit uii . I Jt4l-'
P)xm l? f4 ' Imk II II 4
i lo In loir; h.) fH
i ill lii It 111 n I II tS, mm 4hb
(it tu II trttn l"U (nw rl ruu-
U t , M4 ! k. . In 4 t?.
liCli it'is r
At Hi 'ii K.i4.i(l rj,MM-h, rMr,
lh lt I, K. Umniti4 iit rn
munlun l I M4)f tw4 11 l Mum-
In -r)r n4 wtiwn fl "1ll4r'll
gi.ctii.it.. ' ut II r.rtii h' '4
iin.Hi t I n'rim i, HI.J I " ur
.. i,t Krt' ' Mi tUt will
In ii t thi wrii,
InU'iiiM wtriif who ' mrt
Uiriy rll( lir piptr "l
fr Uvar (1 lh m bp rprtln th
t, In l lliilii8 WMKit' w
n rurl Hry rtwlii. 'u
Ion h ruM4. In n, f
which, m h k lrttorttl)T
n. u) la ir prfr pol emt f
At th wUt!g of lh lt4 Met Tu
4y riiM th fuUowin omrerw, tmrtO'
f.rta iWi4 wrta foimlly ttlM
Ha. )', rt Mt rrlnd. nlr
,ta. mm Wamplrd. Junior aamir.
Henry luiiltiMi; t'r"ht, il hw
Wtf, rhlif of ra.xw4a, K T. Jfalr.
kolr of wanium, t'hrl ll.'(Tmn. r4
irudra, John Kelly.
Mt MrtH Enr. 4Mr nf Mr.
an4 M William Kllr an4 Mr, Frank
Iti4rlh wra mrl4 at lh 1t l'P
llat rliur h by IUr. J, II U.vrw Run
day exnlna 'iwln tha rrmniy
rMr(.tlrt waa iin4r4 tha ttly mar
rl.4 r-i. at tha hum iif W, A, 'r.i at
iia4iiiru. Mr, and Mi. Ir4rlh will
feal.te lit Oi.rm t'ny.
II ;i Jean pan I a. mall . "J;
w4 an4 tart w4 MM rui off V;
wim wo.4 t cut tn lie-, rhMhln nd
ewnalol l It l J par ht rut.
ItKU r It" INT.
IVlef the ra.cn! n4ar of tha tvpart
m cr of lha ImrrUiT thar will "Mi he
ltitua.it ilW fr arllU-mrnt aU.ut III 00
a.rT of In4 In I I.U Iihd tlil t. Thl
lar Waa Wllh4lwn n4 ilar4 In th
rurrat trero In Auut. J01 n4 ll
rauraiin t pllts aniry f,,tkiwr4 the
dlw rry that Ih land 1 nut aufTIi li-mly
tlmla-T4 In wanant Ita iraiUt to th
luri-al Heart a.
Counly Ju1 Jtan .Mraac4 food
rl ntinrenihin at Format lrv Tura-
day nlh(. drUllinc th mnhod that r
em4'ird ,n th hull4in of na In thl
ixmniy. Ju4e ltyn nmid-i the Inyl-
ttln to 4tttaa thl mIUi iMinpii"
mht to I'Uikama eounly rlh'r then
hlmaalf ltii thl county haa nlnf
Rillae ift well Improved Twtt. Mdlf-
nnmah roomy Um vpir4. lhn ny
Olhir tuniy In th lale.
(imar Of Ih Plnr B-wIn Machine
'utnMiny Irnv rrlv4 fivm IVrlland nd
aaeumod rhmfe of th hxkl "' wnu n
ha barn In thi of Frank M. llatrl.
An lnerilallon I twin tnd of the
) ,-,(' aiH-ount Which pper to he lr
rrular Itarrl hfl the city Saturday,
oirMiiily la tinit Euil. but ha nut
Yn ratuinrd to thl my. Ilartl h-vr
l,rhle of urtly fw week .who 4'lrr
that aha know nothln of her tuln4
whnrraUml. It I eellmalrd thl llntrl
t hutt hiut f:w. hut th Comrnny I
rutmtad t.lnt h hy In4 In th
mini uf ir.u. J. M. I'rlo i4 A. Knapp,
two rriMillll hualnra llirll. Ulll th
Buhecrlh fr th Ur.lerprla.
"Two Lit II Waif," one of Mr. Lin
ci.ln J. CnHnr twt production, will
t,a at Hhlvrly'l Oprr llouan on Wedne-
auv. January 11, Th Play Involve n
iilinmly liuwtln Uiry. Th plot I
built Upon th old thime, hut In new
ttrnl lnlnitliif irb, of mistaken hleii
tlly which I treat". In n orlslnftl nJ
iplii nittnimr. t'wmlntmt In the plot
ai twin littcr, unkpown to Ach other,
if whom I puitiuoa by th vllllun to
dctrny th dmnllo Impplnea which
aummiul her itr. Working cleverly
upon th htiilmnd' JVaIou feclln. h
iiurueod In thl and the Mnfortuimto
ro.ithur I thrown upon tho world with
her two mwiU ehlldron. Tho wrong I
,.itl riinfueaeil Alld th VlllllUt
hioiiBlit to Jimtloe. The eotnpny U on
of th boat ever gotten together And
hiirmimlio splendidly In their portrayal
of the different ohnraeter. Th comedy
Pleimmt come In for A lar of th
i.mina and there I A clever dialogue be
tween Klchrd 1U And rinkl which l
brought out In An amusing and Quaint
aiyin. Tho aceulo ltocU of tha play ar
poolnlly of not showing th Hudson
Hlver homo, th Chang from twilight
to darkness, with the setting sun, the
rise of th moon, th river and the twink
ling lights of th -ersty shore, and finally
"Tho UUlo Churojt around th Corner."
Bssntb. HmiidYoaH,n AtwHff
Flinch 36c Pit 36c
Tfatl 36c
Bicycle C&tdu Mc
Here's chance to lay in a upply of drug ttore merchandise at your own price original cost d much
of our stock will cut no figure. We want to unload all our surplus stock before invoicing and we have
set aside the month of January for a cleaning up sale. There are some articles such as School Books,
Kodaks, Patent Medicines, etc. contract goods, the prices of which are controlled by the manufacturer;
but the discount on everything e from 20 Jo 50 cents on each
dollar spent in our store this month. Don't get an idea this is fust talk, but look in our windows and
around the store and see the saving marked in plain figures
Never since we have been in business in Oregon City
been sold as cheap as we are quoting here. A great
for school libraries or the private bookshelf.
All our na fiction '
Our- llbr f t' thr 1 00
QUI lop momon "
A chP cloth bound lot e hooii .
In whlrb W ha t l'4 l-mt
14 i N.lia- t .-lahl-
WMih fm Hi to to"
100 cloth tround 8o4 .
Cloth bound MKIOrt of pot ... .
m-A Una aditton ttt bo , .... t,00
.,! at of M'y J- Holm,
I -vol. t Of OHvar Oplta
MiOpath tilory of th U-
S 71
f - I
!. Personal Mention
3, A. lH'ky. of Mulalla. waa In th city
W. ItuM- lL. Wllhoit, wa Ut
Clly Tu"4y.
Mayor Utant R, Mmhk wa A lHor
to Aurora Tuesday.
F. I. Hrtow. who h bn rriouly
111. I refKirlad twtter.
Jua. (JUL, of tican. had buelnre to
Iranaarl her Turaday.
Mi Kthrl Oravi-e tlalird thla wek
with rvlallva t McMtnvtlla.
J. C. Trary and famuy hate moved
to tirrfun fliy from IHtarv.
lirpuly lTif utin Atlurnay C. Pchu
bl leiu4 Aeluit Wediireday, 4
K. Atieiin, wh reeiturii a sawmill At
IJbaral, wa In tha clly Tueay.
t W. Nohlett. A farmer of th Needy
cnuniry, was In th city Tuesday.
Hud Thompson, a prominent farmer of
Neatly, wa In th city Tuea4ay.
Albert Iteely. of Hak-m. wa th guewt
f Howard W. lirtwnell Tuesday.
Ml lleriha inildamlftt ha relumed
from A Vlalt with Eugen relatlveA
Mr, llorlng. of I luring, waa tranaact-
Iti hualnee In thl elty Wedneaday,
J, W. Root, of liming, wa among
tho vtaltisa to Oregon Clly Tureday.
A. F, Chapman, a prominent farmer
of Hubbard, wa In th city Ust Friday,
Mrs. F. a. Kby has returned from m
vlslt with relatives at Kelso, Washington,
Judg llyan Instituted an Ftalern Htar
chapter at Portland We4nes.lay evening.
Km II Blaub, A prominent Clackamas
rouniy farmer, was In the city yestr-
Casper Jllnkle. a prominent farmer of
Hubbard, was In Oregon City Wednes
day. lTof. and Mrs, Howsrd M. Eocles, of
Canby, wer visitors In Oregon City Sat -
8. R. Oreen haa gone to th IUo River
Mining District wher h has business
Mr. B. Q. Kellogg and children hav
returned from an extended visit In East
ern Oregon.
A. O. Cheney has returned from A visit
with his daughter at La Fsyett and
MiMlnnvllle, " ,
K. W, Homshuh, a farmer In th Bhu
bel dlHirlct, wa doing business In this
city Saturday.
Joa. Uoodfellow and Forbe Pratt at
tended a dancing party at Albany Inst
Thursday nlht.
Dr. K. T. IMrker attended A dancing
party at hi horn town, Albany, laat
Thursday night.
MiT O. I. Rby hn returned from A
holiday visit with hvr sister, Mr. l V.
Fox. at The Dalles.
Phillip Rods, who was taken to Tort
land last week and operated upon, la re
ported as Improving,
Felix I.A llranch arftl family, of Ba
lorn, visited with Oregon City friends
the latter part of last week.
T. F, Cowing, the land otTlc Attorney,
haa returned from A visit to Tacoma and
other polnta on the Sound.
J. V. Harloss, of Molalla. who I in
terested In the Ogle Creek Mines, was
In the city on day thla week.
"Dutch" Tocplemnn, Agent for th
Oregon Water Power Company, at Por
ing, wa In the city Monday,
Miss Cochran, teacher of the Rural
Dell school. In th Samson district, wa
A visitor to Oregon City Friday.
H. Lelghton Kelly, who haa place
at the Rogue River Hatchery, has been
visiting with hi relatives In this city.
8. 1. and T, C. Ilarclay And Lewi
M, Jones, of Maro,uam, wer In the city
' 9
Pub. priea fiti prlc
rt' C"flit of Pru. I ol t?-60 1.2
" , " Maalco, 2 vol MO 1
CMhar of tbov In 1 vol 1.24 .M
Wbtar' wncbrldgad dictionary 4.00 1-M
('linn rdttlirti !W. ihitp town 4.
Clon' Mora Book , 1.7S -t7
Mnnlng'i Hort Book 2.00 .
Whi Houa Cook Book 1.2S M
Hodgton' t(mt qur ., .... 1.00 .M
rlh' Poultry Cultwr I SO .48
Pch' rmou runny Book 7S .it
An4 hunJred of utht-t Kju!!y fx. A barf aln.
Th' pfii' r f'ir pruwrit aiick only.
t 1 00
bunm tha latt-r part of lat wk. "
vi... -..i ui.. r-.rkor anil Mr 1
I'rldiau. f rortiand, wrre the u-ta
a,.n.t.v nf tha Muua-a DhaveT In ihla '
John Knapp. son of Councilman Knapp.
after a holiday vull hrr. hs returned
to the slate agrV nittrrwi college at Cor-
Mlaam f' tna Csuftrld and Edna Paulton J
have returned to Kugrne after ependlng j
tS holiday varatioQ with relative In
this rlly.
MKa Aura Thompaon, A teacher tn
the Rubur wlwxila, ha. returned to
hr work after visit with relative tit
thl city, i
Mr J. It. lUibtnsun and children snd
Nw-wtwd ("harrann. of ftacrsmento, hav
returned home After a vlelt with Oregon
Oty relative,
Mt Neva Grlewold. of Salem, wa
among th out-of-town visitor who at
tended th dancing party at the Armory
11 Friday night
Ml 2lft Shaver haa resumed hi r
school at Portland after spending th
holiday vaiallun with her parents. Sher
iff and Mrs, J. R. Shaver.
Miss Cam Riding, a teacher In the
West Ore tin City schools, has returned
from a holiday vacation that wa spent
with relative at Marquaro.
Hoy Al.lsht. son of County Clerk
Sleight, hss gone to Corvallle to continue
hi studies st th Agricultural college,
after pending the holidays here.
Wm. Calllt has gone to Forest Orov
wher he ha enrolled a a student at
the I'arlfic University with the Inten-
Hon of takln A two years" course.
James Molntyre. after A vlalt with
Oregon City relatives, ha returned to
Northport. Washington, where ha Is en
gaged In the general mercantile busi
ness. Ml Margaret Poyd. after an extended
vlelt with her sisters Mrs. Frank Neh
ren and Mrs. T. F. Randall, returned to
her horns at Morrow, Eastern Oregon.
1 edn.-sday.
Virgil riari, a atuueiii at me istaiu
t'ttiverslty, and one of the best members
of the University football eleven, was
the guest of Jack Latourette for A few
days during the holidays.
R. R, McAlptn, of this city, has Accept
ed A position as traveling salesman with
the wholesale shoe firm of Krausse Bros.,
of Portland. Oregon City Is Included tn
Mr. McAlpln'a territory.
Francis Galloway, Jack Latourette.
Oeoige Sullivan. Roy Kelly and Virgil
Earl have returned to Eugene to resume
their studies at th State University,
after spending the holidays In this city.
Miss Kate A. Wilson, of the Parkputee
schools, accompanied by her niece. Miss
Agatha Cutter, returned Monday from
Monrlx, Benton count)', wher the passed
the holiday with relatives.
Wm. Koerner, son of Councilman Koer
nor, and Carleton Harding start Sunday
for Stanford University and the Univer
sity of California respectively, After a
pleasant holiday visit with Oregon ttty
Alfred V. Crldge. of the United States
Foetal Service and stationed at Han-
ford, California, visited Oregon City the
latter part of last week. Mr. CrlJg has
relative residing at Portland and may
decide to locate In Oregon City.
H. Q, Starkweather ,of Mttwaukle, and
Dr. J. W. Thomas, of Molalla, -were in
the elty Tuesday In attendance At a
meeting of the executive committee of
the Lewis & Clark Fair from thla county.
Both of these gentlemen are members
of thla committee which la collecting
on exhibit to be shown at the 1905 Fair.
Gottfried Moehnke, a farmer residing
In the Bhubel neighborhood, waa in the
city last Friday sn.t renewed' hi sub
scription to vh EntiYirlsc. Mr. Moehnke
complained that th Enterprise for a
have books
f.on4 J-qurt
Ciiod 2-quart
Bj-rtrnt and
Hot Vt-f
numr of wrk ha contained alto-
leelhrr to tnanv ada and not enouch
new. , This waa . mado neeerutary t- f
cause of th arat holiday rub, but Mr. i
Murhnke may tped more new In the
Mr. and Mrs. Lewi H. Druby. and th
Comu Club will give their Initial danc
ing parly at the Armory. Thursday even
ing. January 12. Everest orchestra, of
Portland has been engaegd.
The W. XL C. and th O. A. K, Poet
on Monday evening at Willamette Hall
conducted A Joint installation of officer
thst was largely attended. Following
the Installation, refreshments wer err
ed. P
A very enjoyable watch party wa
participated In by the members of th
t O. O. F. and Rebekah lodge Saturday
evening. The evening was passed play
ing progresitlv whlnt. the serving of a
delicious supper filWwlng the award
of prises,
A social e!on commonly known ss
High Jinks was held Tuesday evening
by the local Royal Arcanum lodge at
their lodge rooms In the Garde building.
The evening was pleasantly passed In
disposing of plentiful supply of punch,
story telling and tinging.
In honor of their twenty-fifth wedding
anniversary, which was celebrated Sun
day, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Goodfellow were
presented with sliver tea set by tlie
members of th A. O. V. W. and Defree
of Honor Lodges last Saturday night.
The presentation speech was made by
Chris Schuebel and Rev. P. K. Hammond
performed the ceremony that served to
remind the principals of the event of a
visiter of a ontury ago. Congratula
tions and the serving of refrtehmeiit
- 4
There was an unusually large Attend
ance at the mask ball given at the
Armory New Tear's Eve. by the Star
Social Club. Four cash prises were
awarded as follows: Best dressed lady.
Miss Addle Hodges as the flower girl;
best dressed gentleman. O. Boylan, In
dian; beat sustained lady character. Miss
Flora Walker, as the old lady. The Star
Social Club Is an organisation that form
erly conducted dancing parties In this
city and the party Saturday night was
managed by Frank McGinn! and Joe
icaullau. the two surviving merabeia,
who deinonat rated that they still know
how to successfully entertain their many
frit mis. .
The young women of Oregon City em
braced the Una! opportunity of exercis
ing the privilege conferred by Leap
Tear by attending th dancing party
that was given at the Armory last Friday
evening by "Die Lustldgen Maodchen,"
a social organisation consisting of six
young women who are prominent in so
ciety circles. Unique and seasonable and
quite appropriate to the name of the
club were the extensive decorations at
the Armory, which were perhaps never
before equalled. Delicious Ices were
served from a ! beautifully decorated
booth. Everest's orchestra furnished
exquisite music which,, with the efforts
of the young women to please, made of
the occasion a most enojyable one so
cially. The members of the club giving
the party, were: Miss Martha Frances
Draper, Mis Cis Barclay Pratt, Miss
Crepe Paper 6c a Roll
Decorated Tissae 1 7c
Ltmch Sets J 9c
Bath Room Supplies
Rgiilr 75 Turfclh Towel Mc
Regular 50c Turklh Tow) He
Regular 0e Turklth Towel 250
Pguiar 1.00 Towel Rack , Me
Regular 75e Towt Rack 49
PeguUr 35c Towl Rack 24
Regular 2Se Towel Rack.. .......17
All other Bath Room Suppit at 2 per cent
All r-ulr HuMrer GmAa ti 25 per ent off.
Rome Eitr ftargalna R. Pf-oc'l
Fountain Byrtn 11.2
Combination Fountain
Hot Water Bottla 15
rfoltli, cod quality 1 00 t4
Iur Pop. Mies Ethel CauOld, Ml
Also Lewthwaiia 'and Mis Marjortw
laufU-10. Ur. t,. a. sommw, nr. L. L.
Pickens, C. O. Hnntley. Franklin T.
Griffith. Joseph E-. Hedge and C. 0.
Latourett were the patrons.
s a
J. R. Williams, a native of Sooth Wafoa
and for t year A resident of Oregon
City, died at his home here yesterday
morning The deceased wa aged &4
years and 11 month, came to Oregon
City from TTlsconsln In 1177 And for
many year has been engaged la th
transfer business. He was Past Com
mander of the local G. A. R. poet and la
urvhed by wife, fmtr daughter and
five son, as follow; Margaret WiUlama.
Mrs. Elisabeth Motheson. Elinor Wil
liams and Angelina Williams; Evan R..
David C. J. Edgar. Arthur U. all of
Oregon City. and John C. Williams, of
Portland. Funeral aervtce will be con
ducted at th First Presbyterian church
At 19 o'clock, Saturday morning. Janu
ary T. Rev. Frank H. Mlxsetl will of
ficiate. .
Realised by Oregon
A little headache at first.
Dally Increasing till the back la lam
and weak.
Urinary disorder quickly follow.
Piabete and finally Bright disease.
This Is the downward course of kidney
Don't take this course. Follow thl
Mrs. D. E. Sewin. of S5 East Tenth
street. Portland, says: "Doan's Kidney
Pills brought to my notice from reading
about them in the paper from my horn
Lomtnlater, Mass. Every now and then
I read of some one whom I know per
sonally being cured of kidney trouble by
the use of Doan's Kidney Pills I would
not have paid as much attention to It
had I not known them to be good reli
able people who would not make such a
statement unless It were absolutely true.
Last fall when I found my kidney wer
not performing their functions property,
I procured a box. They benefitted roe
very much. To say I have a high opinion
of Doan's Kidney Pills expresses my
feeling toward them very mildly.
Plenty more proof like this from Ore
gon City people. Call at C. G. Hunt
ley's drug store and ask what hi cus
tomers report.
For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents.
Foeter-Mllbum Co., Buffalo, New York,
sole agents for the United State.
Remember the name, Doan's, and tak
no other.
Th Salvation Army Service.
Meetings every night, except Monday
and Friday. Sunday services 2 t- ni..
Junior Meeting; S p. m Family Gather
ing; 8 p. m Great Salvation rally ana
battle for soulai
The officer In charge.
L L. BRUGMAN. Cptaln.
No Mor Stomach Troubl.
All stomach trouble 1 removed by th
use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It give
the stomach perfect rest by digesting
what you eat without the stomach' aid.
The food builds up th body, th rest re
stores the stomach to health. You don't
have to diet yourself when taking Kodol
Dyspepsia Cur. J. D. Ersklne, of Allen
ville, Mich., says, "I suffered Heartburn
and Stomach trouble for some time. My
sister-in-law has had the same trouble,
and was not Able to eat for six weeks.
She lived entirely on warm water. After
taking two bottles of Kodol Dyspepsia
Cur she wa entirely cured. Bh now
eats heartily and is In good health. I
am glad to say Kodol gave m instant
relief." Sold by Geo. A. Harding.