Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 06, 1905, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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4 V
sk r
I :
Miller, R. A., (itailitttmo. lot 11 nnd
12, block 7. U.tW each
S..HVft MaUic, UltidstMie, lot 15,
block 7. ,.,
Si'hvw, Hint tie, l.bulstohe. lul It',
blink J .......
MeCown, M. F.. C.hiilslouc. lot IS,
Mi'l'onn, Cornelia, UUt dstotte, lol 1,1
Hawkins, Clin. R,, ( Hailstone, loin 14
mid 15, block 11, II t9 each
IMeCowu. Cornelia, Uladslnne. nit
Hint trad of limit KB l-otilnl In
Record of Deeds. Hook in, Page
2S0 J. . .
Dimtck. C. R.. Hlndslntie, loin 7, S,
and HI. block 14. 13 cent each
Hamlin, Ira !,. HlailKtone, toils, blk
1 -
WUImm-lle Valley Chutittt.pia As
social ton. UI:ultt..mo, lol 15. bl.uk
t .09 1
1 36
CirOOlU, J. K.
tiladstone, lots 1 and
HtW each
E Gladstone, lot 9.
2. bl.sk 2S.
ITutse, Mary
bl.tck r.s .
V.'li, N. K.
Viludstone. tot 11, blk
Cross, K. M..
Gladstone, lot 3. blk
Anna H. Moore, West Uladstone, lot
11, block i
Bloomer, V. J West Gladstone, lot
17. block 11
Frost J. C, West Gladstone, lot
12, block 12
.Tbb, Jessie A.. lots adjoining
Gladstone Park, "imrt as describ
ed In Record of ive.ls, R.tok 63
Page 415. tract 110.. 25-100 aero
Kckhiml. Alfred M . lots adjoinins
Gladstone Park, tract 122. 1.60 A
OroB, K. M., Gladstone. Kit 6. Hi.
7. 8. . 10. It. and 12. block 3
S3 cent each
Sweet and Beal. CnavlHi.. tot
1. 2, S, 4, 5. 6. 7, and S, block 1.
12 cent each
Sweet and Heal, rnavilla. lots
1, 2. S. 4. 6. 6. 7. and . block 4.
1J cents each
Sweet and lVal. dnavilla, lots
J. 2. S. 4. 6, osid 6. block 6, 13 els
1, 2.
, .. .52
and Beat. I'naviUa.
J. and 4. block S. 13
and Beat. I'navlll.'V, lots
7. and 8. block tf, 11 fiua
eai n..
wit and Ileal, rnavllla. lots
V 1. 2, 3. 4. 5. S. 7. and S, block .
12 n-eiits each
S-et and Ileal. l'navtlln. lot
1. i, 3.. 4. 5. i, 7. and 8, blo k 10,
v 1J cents each
lweet and Heal. Vnavllla. lots
1. 3. 3, 4. S, and 6. block 11, I'-Vts
each i
Hutching, Wm.. I'naviUa. luts 1. 2.
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. and 8, block li 13 cm
HutchiiiK. Wm.. 1'uavilla. lots 1. 2,
3. 4. 6. 6. 7. and I. block 13, 13 t in
Sweet and Heal, rnavilla. lols
1. 2. 3, 4. 6, . 7. and i. block 14.
Sweet and Heal, I'naviUa. lots
12 cents each
Sweet and Real. Vnavtlla. lots
1 and 2. block 15. 12 cents eah . .
Sweet and Beal. t'navilla, lul
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. and 8. blo k 15, 12 cts
Sweet and Beal, I'naviUa. lots
1. 1 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. and S. block Iti.
12 cents each
Sweet and Beal. Vnavilhi. lots
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. S. J, and S. block 17. 13
cents each
Sweet and Beal, I'naviUa, blocks
2. 3. 7 and 8, as vacated by county
Iovejoy. Elizabeth. of NE' and
SKH of NKli Section 27. Town
ship 6 South. Jtange 2 Eaut. 120
Brown. Henrv A.. 8 of SE4 and
NW4 of SEi of Section IS.Twp
3 aouth, rani?e 1 went
Hines. Elihu, 6.80 acres as described
in Record of IJeeds. Book 5a, Paite
128, Section 30. township 3 south
raiiffe 1 we8t
Hodson, Kmerv. 24 acres as describ
ed In Record of leeds. Book 4.
Page 25. Sections 19. 30. Township
3 south. Range 1 West
Graham. J. V.. 12.37 acres as des
cribed In Record of Deeds, llook
M 27, Page 25s. Sections 20.21.2S
2S; Township 3 South; Range 1
Unknown, all that part of WH "f
NE4 lying East of Pudding River
Section 13, Township 4 South;
Range 1 West
Eugan, Marion, 15 acres as describ
ed in O. C. Journal No. 9. Page
52. Sections 23, 24. 25, 26; Town
ship 5 South, Range, 1 West
Wetiier. Fred. Improvements on B.
Hoesley'g land as described in
Record of Deeds, Book W.. Page
lus; Sections 1. 2,35. 3; lownships
2 South and 1 South, Range 1
Lavagette, C. & V., S acres as des
cribed In Record of Deeds. Hook
74, Page 407; 25, 2, 3; Township 1
South Ranges 1 East and 2 Eat
Wills, W. E. A L. A., 4 acres as de.
cribed in Rucord of Deeds, Book
R. Page 469; Sections 25, 2a 3o;
Township 1 South; Rungea 1 and
2 East
Minthorn. II. J., 2.25 acres as des
ecribed In Record of Deeds, Hook
4, Page 91; Sections 2, 30, 31. 32
25, 3.; Township 1 South; Range
2 East
Kashland, Fred'k. 30 acres as des
cribed in Record of Deeds. Book
47, Page 54, Section 6, Township
2 South. Range 1 East
Magone, Amasa, Lot 1. Section 14
Township 2 South, Range 1 East
Stuart, Dell, Lot 2, Section 36,
Township 2 South, Range 1 East
second half payment
Walden, N. 0., Trustee, 2.70 acres
as described In Record of Ieeds
Book 61, Page 347. Section 36,
Township 2 South. Range l.East
Smith, Annie, 60x272.60 feet. Julia
Ann Lewis D. L. C, as described
in Record of Deeds, Book 86, Pg.
202; Sections 25, 26, 35 36, Town
ship 2 South, Range 1 East
Shipley, M. K., 13.30 acres, Amhey
James D. L. C. No. 59, as des
cribed in Book X, Page 145; Twp.
2 South, Itange 1 East
Riley, H. W. and part of Walling
Geo. D. L C. Undivided Half in
terest In 47.C0 acres as uescrib
ed In H?cord of Deeds. Book 33,
Page 274; Township 2 South,
Range 1 East
Cake. H, M., part of Valling, Geo.
D. L C, undivided Interest In
47.60 acres as described In Record
of Deeds, Book go. Page 277,
Township 2 South, Range 1 East
Thayer, Aggie, part of Shannan,
Samuel D. L. C undivided 3d
interest 7.25 acres as described in
Record of Deeds, Hook 73, Page
346; Township 2 South, Range. 1
Biehl, E nma, part of Shannon.
Samuel D. L. C. undivided 1-3
interest In 7.25 acres as described.
In Record of Deeds. Book 73. Page
346; Township 2 South, Range 1
Miller, Sarah, part of Shannon,
Samuel D. L. C, undivided 1-3
Interest In 7.25 acres as described
In Record of Deeds, Book 73, page
346; Township 2 South, Range l
Miller, Celinda, A.. C5 acres as des
cribed In Record of Wills No. 2,
Page 30. Section 21, Township 2,
South. Range 1 East
Sharp, Wm. Heirs, 10 acres us des
cribed in Record of Deeds Book K
Page 29, Section 7, Township 3 8.
Range 1 East
Baker, Clias., 66.09 acres as describ
ed in Record of Deeds Book 73,
Page 145; Section 16, Township
3 South Range 1 East, second
half payment
Evans, Amanda, 120 acres oa des
cribed in Record of Deeds Book
33, Page 400; Section 20, Town
Bhip 3 South, Range 1 East....
O. and C. R. R. Co., beginning on
the right bank of the Willamette
River where sl'y line of Section
15, Township 3 South, Range
East, intersects same; thence
East tracing Southerly lino of
Sections 14 and 15 to County road
thence Southwesterly along said
County Road to I). McAithur's
land; thence- West tracing said
McArthur'S North line , to bank
of Willamette river; thence north
westerly along bank of said river
to place of beginning; Sections
J4, 15, 22. 23, Townsjitp 3 South
1 find 8. Mock 7. 11.09 each
3 03
It.i Kite 1 Enst.,
IVnti l, It. X, pint of IVmcriiy Sam-
!!, 0. I.. t'.'rt-10i acres us oes-
eillv.t In Record m Deeds, Book
4!, pane 2.'3; Township 3 Smith,
mite I Kast 4
t'.ri.tiel, (itistnf, part of H.'.lucs, A.
I'.. 1'. I.. . as descrliu'd In
IJeeurd of Deeds. Hook III. I'sirc
;; s. ctioiis 2 and 3 foiitn, fiitiw
2 K.ist 3 -IN
tud.Ui. K !,. pill! of Ibiliivs, ,
I t. I.. ', n dcsctilic.t in lie.wil
of Deeds lk !i. I urc 4!i , town
hls 3 South. lUitige 2 Kitxt.,,, 2 " 1
O uud C K. U. Co.. part of H. ibi. x,
5,47 A. I',, l. I.. C , I nciv u descrlti
.l In liciHinl of IVeds llook ti.
3,32 piiKe l;'i,!; Tiwtishli 3 Hoiltli, It.
2 Kiist 473
J.W Rolll, I'liini Is, part of Jiwlyu Wes
lev l. I.. ',, 4 io-1 iH acres sis
described In Rectml of I Veils llook
1M ,v.. Page :: Township 3 South,
Kiiliue 1 Kasl 5 TN
S.18 Ciikiiowii, lull t f .lwl II Wesley D. ,
l C . 4 ' I 3..":-ll acres
1.0:1 Will Maulthi. part of .l.wlv n Wes
ley l. 1.. C, undivided 1-5 of
1,M 3 '75-lihl A. us dcm iibul III Hec
..id ot Iheds Book U I'ilUe, 4i
,SJ Towiishtp ,1 South. ItaiiKV I Knst '.' V
Pulu.im. t'liando, part of Brock
.S2 Mahlon. 1. I., '.. 5 nere.s,
,)esrtilH-,l ill He-old of lee.ls Hfc
.US T.'i, 2i4. Towiisliiti 3 South, li.inttc
i p.m i
.S3 Hl.ik.vt.-v. J M. - K. ot ..f l.ee
I 'l.l .ie.i. I 1 1. I. '.. iHlxltMi t. I
IIS dl .O l itw d III Record of leels
HiHik IT. P;ive 12S: Township -I
.55 South. l;HKe I K.ist 72
Porter. At'lK r. pal t of l-e Philander
1.37 t, B. '.. llUX'.'cHl feet as (lefellli
d In Keloid of Iswls B.k 43.
P:ui Sit.'. Townstlilp 4 Saiilh. 11. I
Koehler. It., (isirt of S.vley. U A .
1. L C.. 75 neres. as described In
Keeotd of Ih eds Book 1.. . Page
"Mi; Township Soiilh, HaiiNe 1
1 44
Will. Matilda, part f Seelv, L A.
1. I.. C. iindliidid l i of k lien
I as descitlMd ill Hook l PnK- 40.
Township 3 South;
I I'nkiiown. pan of Seiley, 1 A.,
I l. I. t'.. niiilividecl 4-0 of S acres
i sis il.-Mcritied III Record of Deeds
HHik I.. Page 40; Township 4
South. l;.ine 1 East 2 IS
1 Pol tone. M:nnie, l2.SJ.t tu ii s
as dencritoM in lUn.k it.. Page 33.
Siitioii 31. Tonmshtp 4 Soiilh, U
1 list : 2. OS
Fortune, Minnie, 25 74 ! acies as
leseritH-d ill Record of me.l. Bk
7i. Base 137; Section 34, Town
ship 4 South. Range l Easl 3 S3
Thompson. Wm.. '0 itens as des-
crilM'd in K"com Of m-etw booK
1. Page 331, Section 5. Township
S South. Range t East " 31 6.1
Hagbv, K. S U. 8VVi Section S, Tp
5 Soiuli. Range 1 Fail p
Nciieiiseh wander. C W '.. of SW'i
1 Section IS. Township 5 South.
Range 1 East, second half p.u -
men I I !"'-
Wiiensehwsiiulcr. '., 2 acres as ihs-
.96 I crUied in Kei-ord of tK'eds IUhiU
7i. P;ige Hh. Section 14. Tuwn-
14 I ship 5 South. Range 1 East; sec
ond half pawncnt .12
Porter, Lillian 11,, S Iini acres of
SW1, Section 14. Township 5 S .
Itange 1 East 25 61
Hroekart. .. B.. S of NW,
.9t I S-ition be Township 5 Sou ill. It.
t East 5,!C.
Sliheiv, M. St.. II. i's. 4-5 of SO
.7S I acie as ileSeviU d in Record of
Iwh BMk 3. Page !"., Sei lion
21. Township 5 South, Itange 1
East 7,79
Dimiek. It. M . l a of SO acres as
lescn'ied ill Record of lNeds Bk
i!. Pae 115; Section 21, Town 5
I South. Range 1 East .- 13 V.i
Taylor. J. P.. & I. M. ft'tj of SW
Sii-iioii 21. Township 5 Soiitlt.
1 Range 1 East 16 17
Jones. Elmer, 62 5m-1'M acres as
described in l!- oid of !'e.,s Book
76. Page 2; Sec! ion '.'6. Township
5 South. Range 1 East 9.2a
Mai lev. J. II.. E'i of NWVi of NE
li of SW1, Section 33. Township 5
South, Range 1 East 20.46
Mailey. P. 11., SW', of NWH and
North 4 acres of NW, of SW '4
Section 35. Township 5 South R, 1
East 7 30
irrett. Eliza Ellen. 9 acres as iles-
I cribed in Reord of iM-eds Book
X Page 310. Section 35. Township
5 South. Range 1 East; second
half payment .61
Sleiiuller. D. N , NE'i of SK'i Sec
12, Township 6 South, Range 1
Kay l ' 4 13
Unknown, part of Mar.iiam Alford
i D. 1.. '.. Ix ginning 5o rods East
of Northwest corner of claim No.
46; theiicf East 15 rods; theiiei
South 20 rods; theme Wen! 15
rods; thence 20 roils to beginning .49
fit an. J. B , 25 acres as described
54 I in Record of Deeds, Book 74. Pa-o
lj:e; Section 2S, Township 1 South
Range 2 East 25..t5
Reynold. C, 5 aires as described
51 I in Kei-ord of i Jceds Book S6, Pag.-
16k; Section 2S, lownship I Soiilh
Range 2 East 6.71
Oatrnan. H. B. and Delushmut. Van
B., 1.5o acres as desi-riW-d In Rec-
ord of Deeds. Book B, F'age 229
except as described In Record of
Ix-eds. Rook S3. Page 17S. Sec
tion 29, Township 1 South, Range
2 East 145
7.18 Williams. E. B Lots 1 and 2 Section
29, Township 1 South. Itange 2
East 60.19
Hartung, J. M, 20 acres as described
In Record of leeds Book H, Page
341; Sc tion :',5, Township 1 South
1.50 Range 2 East 9.75
Mather. A., 60 10-1 00 acres as des
cribe?! in Record of Deeds Book
31, Page 2S, Section 34. Town
ship 1 South, Range 2 East except
as described in Record of Deeds
Book 76. Page 366, Section 25,
1.01 I Township 1 South. Range 2 East 4.65
lavlK. Noiris. 5 acres as described
in Record of Deeds Book 69, Page
173, Section 2, Township 2 South,
Range 2 East 2.91
.52 Hunter, I. M., 2 acres as described
in Record of De-ds Book 56. Page
122, Section 2. Township 2 South,
Range 2 East. 2nd half uavm'nt 2.18
6.11 I Draper, Awrie M.. Lot 1, Section 4
Township 2 South Range 2 East
Ambler. Mary K,, 2 feft-lno acres as
described in . C, Journal Vol.
8, Page 223; Section 5, Township
2 South. Ranite 2 East 2.80
R.-ynoIds. C. B. and A.. 2 acres ns
described In Record of Deeds Bk
52. Page 315; Section 8. Township
2 South, Range 2 East 1.73
Ambler. Mary E., 100 us described
I in C. .'. Journal Vol. k, Page 223
Section 8. Township 2 South. R.
2 East 17.49
Hemrose, Emily. aO-loo acres as
described in Record of Deeds
Book 45. Page 3)1; Heel Ion 9.
1.86 J Township 2 South, Range 2 East 1.44
liibbard. '). F., 8 square rods as
described In Record of Deeds Bk
52, Page 16. Section 9. Township
2 South. Rang'? 2 East 29
Liveyay, Nancy J,, 50-100 acres as
1.S45 1 described in Record of Deeds Bk
35, Page 216. Section 9, Township
2 Sou til, Range 2 East 1,44
ladstone R. E. Ass'n, 4 acres as
described in Record of Deeds, Bk
34. Pane 397. Section 21. Townshln
1.85 2 South. Range 2 East 5.47
Mayer, Samuel, 33-100 acres as des
cribed In Record of Deeds Book
:'.6. Patte 463. Section 21. Townshiu
2 South, Range 2 East 54
luimiiings, t. J., 65 acres as des
cribed in Record of Deeds Book
75. Paee 244 and Book 82. Paire
43; Section 21, Township 2 East
Range 2 South 22.80
Wine, Sarah. HE 14 of NW14 Section
25, Township 2 East, Range 2 S 15.87
Moebuke, Chas., 50-100 acres as des-
7.41 cribed In Record of Deeds Book
29, page 360, Section 26, Township
2 East, Range 2 Soutli 29
Wells, James a., 26-100 acres as des-
ci ibeij in Record of Deeds Book
82, Page 21, Sections '&, 4, 5, 8,
9, 10, Township 2 East, Range 2
South 1.40
Caulleld, Mary E., Jennings, B.
D. L. C, undivided 1-i of 15 acres
as described in Record of Wills
No, 2, Vol. 6, Page 173, Townships
. 1 and 2 South. Range 1 East
, Abernatliy, Mae J part of Jen
nings li., D. I,. C. undivided
2-3 of 15 acres as described in
Record of Wills No. 2, Vol. - 6,
Page 173, Township 2 South, It.
2 East . . 1(1.78
j Jennings, J. F., W.B. and W.8, part
, Amt, Due.
of JcimhiRs TV. r. L- C 70 acres
its described In Miscellaneous
Keeotd No. 2. Page l'.H; Twp S S,
KaitMe 2 East, second halt pay-
lllepl , ,
fei acres ns described In Miscel
laneous Record No 2. Base li'O;
Township South Range 2 East,
second half payment
Sinters of CimmI Shepheid tMaisda
Utm Home! Straight, lllniui. l.
I.. 4.. 3t iK'ii-s as described In
lb colli of iH'eils, Hihik 77. Page
312 and lUwik 53. Page 338, Town
ship 2 South, Range 2 East
Kb hard. Uok.i C, ij S.'-lOO nercs
as descitbed in Uecol d of I Veils
Souk 52, I'lijso 4I9! Sections 20, 21
;s and 29. Township 2 Soinb li
2 East
Minkler, Mary. ; lei' a. e as d. s
cribed ill Keeoids of ttccds Book
Page 40.!, Section tt. Town
ship 2 South, linage ! East....
i 'lull man. T., 6I-IO0 sti l e as ties
ei (lied in Record of IVeds. Book
44, I'tige 4"u, Sections i$. 2f
:'.,', and 3,1. Township 2 Sotnl IS,
2 East
t'ollU, Iv l , II aeies as dcitcrllx'il
In Ib.-oid of Deeds It.H.k ill, PaKO
ST. Seel runs v.n. 2:i. 32, S3. Tow it-s-liiit
2 Soiuh, Range 2 East,...
44. 46
46 TS
It.WciH. 1. , 50 Itl.l nct.-s as tie
eill.e.l ill Hook .".. Page 3U S. -Hons
:!i and SI. Township 2 South
Unnge J East , 5.35
Capps, E, P.. pail or Cupp. Isaac
l, L '. uitdn ided . of el Jr..-lini
ileleft us described In I'eeold of
Wills No. 2, Page 161; Tnwnsiiip
2 South. Range 2 East IN 40
Cook. James t M J . part of Crmi
licl.l. Uom. 1. 1, C. ao-1o acres
as tl.neiUied In Record of lieetts
Hook Mi. Page Hi; Township 25.
B.ta-.e 2 Kumi .... 84
Kia-'lt, 'Iheo. M. part of Abei
natli.t. tint D. L C, 10 acres
as tlcsi'i'ittetl In Itectirci of iH-eds
Book M. Page 4.VN and 159. Town-
.-tiin 2 South Range 2 EaM I 3S
Kraefl. Mitiic C 16 SJ-ltkl ucies
as dcHcntK-d hi Rectiitt tf Deeds
Book '".'. Page 9i, and Rook
Pai,c l.; Township 2 South, R, 3
i:..m 9s7
lntlin, K M . part of Smith, A P.
1 1 I,. C., 32 acres its desei lbe.l in
Retold of IVc.ls H.M.k Mi. Page
15'!, Township 2 Sottlh. liange 2
East 33 17
Wilioii. J P.. A CE. part of Camp
H.II, Samuel, D. I,. C 10 25-100
acres as described in Reeotd of
IVeils. hsk 73. Page 2M. Town
ship 2 Soul II, Range 2 East 10 19
Ciiknown. 2i-l0aii in NW corner
of IV L 1'. No 64. Township 2
South. Range 2 East 2S
Kennedy. S. E. port f Winston
Janu s, D. L C,. 50 acre as des
cribed In Retold of Iteeds Hook
vy page 91; Township 2 South,
' Range 2 East , 29 S2
M.igoiie. Edwaitl, part of Tomp
kins. DD , lll,.i'.. 15 9 li0 acieH
as i. Herlbe.l iu Hetnd of I ' e.l-'.
Book 37. Page 2,'fci Township 2
S.e.in, Range 2 East 70 its
lluKhes. Iv.le. part of Tompkins
Dir. D La'., j I no ai ns te
i iiUtl in Record of m.ds Rook
ill. Page '.i.j. Township 2 South,
U u.ge 2 East I ;
I l it,! . s. Claud, pait of Tompkin s
! IV. D L.C. S !ct-10ii BCIeS as tier
cribed III Record of IVrtl Book
Page 325; Township 2 Smith,
Range J East 4 28
M.lilte, M A , pillt of Tollipkill
Dir. III..!',. 96-ltMi ii-
.1. 4, I iU d in Record of IX-crl lUmk
:ii. Pa 22j; Township 2 Sooili.
lUuge 2 East, i xeept tb-serlUed In
R.eoid of -ed ltotk 67, Page 32S
Township 2 South. Range 2 East 1171
i '.lad.sloiie Real Eslute Atso. : tin.n
part of t'dson, K. C., Iv U "., 135
a. !- as desetib-d In Recintl of
I feeds Bixfk SI. Puge 3li; Tow n
ship 2 South. Rang.- 2 East 76 OS
Patli.-uii, Young, E',9 of SEV, Sec-
timi I, Township ;", South, llaiiKe I
2 East. Meoond ha'f pay ineilt . , , . I0.9t
Mann. II . 2 foi-HMf acres as ib alli
ed ill P.ecol.1 .if iK-ed His.k Pg
4n3; Section 2. Township 3 Soutli,
Rang- 2 East ,..,.,. .73
Howell. ' Siinford, 10 acres a des
t Tlbed ill Record f Ite.-ds Bsik
! D. Pim- 7lo: Hwilmi 10, Town
ship 3 Soutli. Range 2 East 't'sf
l.i i". M iry. 7 58 -lvO acres as !
enlH-d ill Ret old of I teed Bo.ik .
Page 4 47 ; Section 22. Township
.! Soiilh. Range 2 East I 8.1
t Waiier. Anne M. Lit 4 and 5, Sec
tion 32. Township 3 Soutli, Range
2 Easl 2 43
Di'kcy, Ch.tf, pari of Homes. Wil
liam. D. L. C, - acre us ib-s-tiilf.il
in Retold of Dfed BHik
60. P.rge 131: Township 3 Sooth
Range i East v. 4 57
Ai'kerinan, Isaac, part of llouies,
William, If L. C 50-Hhj acres as
dcwriifed in Record of Deed Book
26, Page 14; Township 2 Soutli.'
liange 2 East 6 o7
'barman, T, Hi. Sou, pail of Homes,
W illiam, D, I,. C , 50-loa ucn-s
US llescriis-d ill Ree.jfd of Jle.ll
fliMik 65, Pag. 29. Township A H. '
Range 2 Easl 6 7 S
Coltery. Mary, paitof Fiumis, S D.
If. L. t'., 15 acres, as dencnii.il
. in P.ecold of Deed Ibrok 60, Page
96; Section 2 and 3 South, Range
2 East 9.76
Mailey, P. 11. NE'i "f SE',4 of HE1,
10 iuies Section 14. TownMiip I
South. Range 2 East 1 46
t'obety, Maty E'-. of NE'i, 80 acres
Section 22, Township 4 South. R
2 East 1,6,71
Kimble, li. B. tt M A 5 aie as
desci ibed in I'.ecords of I feeds,
Book 82, Page 423; Seel ion 2
Township 4 South, Rang" 2 East .72
Forts-. W. V, NE'i of NW'i. Sec
tion 36. Township 4 South, Range
2 East; 40 acres;.,,. 5.59
Rolhe, R. C. BKt-i of NW', S.ctlon
36, Township 5 South, Range 2
Easl. 40 acres; 3 89
(iliecn, JoH. V., W',4 Of SW',, Sec
tion 5. Township b Soiilh. Range
2 East. Ho acres, . ci.nd half ... 3 71
Cli.'iiriian, Ttiotnas, SSV, of NW'i
Section 8. Township 6 Soiilh, R
2 East . 40 acres 3 89
Ryan, T. F all of NW'i of Butte
Creek, Section 32, Township1 6
South. Range 2 E.ist, 53 acre .. 3 89
Reynolds, L. ;., SW'4 Section Bl
TowiiKhlp 6 South, Range 2 East
Pitl acres 9 99
Hoffman, J. E,, SE'i of NE'i Sec
tion 36 Township 6 South, Range
2 East; 40 acre 2.99
McEoid, A. M . W'i of W'j Sec
lion 36, Township 6 South, Range
2 East, 160 acres 1,1.98
Schiiebel, Robert, 2 acres as ib-w
ciiled In RecoriF of Deeds Book
85, Page S3 in Francis Ilowaid
D. L. (!.. Townships 3 and 1 Soiilh
Range 2 East 49
Jones. I. S W of SE", and K'-'.
of HW',4. Secllon 4. 'I'owiiHhip f
South, Itange 2 East, 160 aeii-s 11.70
Jones, I. 8,. 60 Here as described III
Record of Deeds Book 61, Page
153, Section 9, Township 7 South
Range 2 East 4.49
Khiscy, Thus. 10 , NE'i Section 12,
Township 7 South, Range 2 East 10 99
Anderson, Hilda, (.'., NE'i of NW'i
less 7 acres as described in Book
87, Page 214; Section 2'.i, Town
ship 1 South, Range 3 East, 33
acres 12,57
Anderson, Jaines, SE'i of NW",
Section 28, Township 1 South,
Range 2 East, 40 acres jj 7S
1-eydeii, Frank K Lol 1, Section 2!)
Township 1 South, Range 3 East
12 20-100 acics f, r,9
Donley, M. V., SW',4 Secllon 21,
Township 1 Soutli, Itange 3 Eunl
173 acres, second half 46 85
Acock, C. W., S of NK of NE'4
Section 33, Township 1 .South
Range 3 East 2o'acres 7 si
Brown, Ueorgc, WM.. of NW of
Section 26, Township 1 South,
Range 3 East, 80 acres Rtfjj
Mctireugur, BenJ., arid McLane,
Hrace, 1 14-100 acres hh deHcrlbeij
in Book 73, Page 174, Sccdon 4
Township 2 South, Range 3 East (J9
Wade, C. E A. E and C, R
50-10()of an acre tiw described in
Record of Deeds, Hook B,, page,
31, Section 9, Township 2 S011II1
Range 3 East f.p,
WII1I011, A. NW'r of NH'4 Ex. '
5 acres, Secllon 17, Township 2
South, Itange 3 East, 35 acres 10 07
Pickard, F, M 62 acres hh des
cribed In Record of Deeds Book
39, Page ,82; Section 28, Town
ship 2 South, Rungu 3 East,... 3141
(fobkli k, Pel it, lots 2 and 3, Heel ion
36, Towni.hip 2 South, lluiiKe 3
11 ;ti
t'lin llnner, Lnuls, t'3 ne'e as tie
ci lb it In tteeord of Deeds Hook
87, Page mi (pint ' Tho. Pol'
ii'st. r ClrtlnO. Township 2 South
Hitiiit.' '
M.ti iti. k. Cltristhin, ol ncrt n ties
cribed lit Itecoid of Deed Book
6,", i'itge 162. Section 4, Township
3 South, Kanse 3 East
Btown, Mis II.. Iiol !' and N
; 20 tot"' tide of lots I and to
Section 12, Township 3 South,
R inne 3 Pant, 25 ncies , .,
Miller, I eiin. SH of S I'! Noilh of
Counl 10.-1.I, Section 32, Township
3 Soiiiii, Uaioso 3 Ktit, 4 acre,.
IVtvis, Juo . Hell. 29 tat act. it
ticket (bed 411 Itcortl or llxeil"
Hook V9, I !' 4R'i Section 8:1,
k'ttwtnditp 3 Soiilh, llttnge 3 lUtst
Charni.oi, Thomas, M iti'ivn a tt -
tribe, I In Ret I of Deeds Hook
li, Page M 4 purl of Ivtvtd Cut
tuoj l I, t'. i Township 3 Soutli
Rlltlfce 3 Eitttt
M. loitie, .1 ti and M . t 'l 72 loo
ion h of Wm Poi it vce D I,. C , 11
dex. lUicd ill Itceord of IVed Book
tit.. 1 in'- .156; Township i itud 3
S.iotli Itange J Kastl ,
I X!
6 31
Ft It
36 58
Towimhtu 4 South H4M 3 rani.
Ciikiiowii Ell .-H. of Ni:',. Sec,
tlott I, rowtlKhlp I Sotilli, Itange
3 .. ...
M.ivli.l.l, I i W .0 ll.les a it.
ciH.e.t In Recold or iH.eds li.mk
:t"V I'aur Ht, and E'j ot SK'( of
SK',, sV-lloii 4. Township I South
ti.lllge ,1 I- a-1. In Hi res, sreoud
bait p it no ill , . . ,
Mrtilav. P. It, SW, Secllon 14, Tp,
4 South, ttttuwo 3 i: tit
Wce.l, tieolge E . SW'i uf Sl'H of
S.-cllon 16, Township I South.
Range 1 i: tt
I. unit. .1 B. and I loci tt J . I 7!i loo
act -i if b-crllid III liecoi tls tif
1 1. . .1-. thick 4 2, Puge 4i,.' , und
His.k I,', Page 261; Secllon
Township 4 Smith R.tiige .1 Paul
l... If .1, NW ', of, t'KV Seellolt
2i. Township I Soul it, Itange 3
t:.. 40 lien s . , ,
II tlgicllt.S. II ,
J,.ites, 11, NS tif ME'. Secllon 31
Towicbip I Soutli, li.tii!..- 3 Fact
80 linn . . ,
R.-cs, A . HeilS. SK', of SW ',, Sec
lion 36. Township 4 Soiilh, Range
I K.tf 1, 40 itei.-s
4 M
3 5
15 61
4 SS
3 89
Pi so
4 ss
Towiuhip S South Hanoe 3 Cot
Jones S W SW , ot NW , Sc. lion
t. loliip it Solllll, Range 3
F.ini 10 iii res
1 H.l.tli J..hll, IV, of SW ,. S1eli1.ll 4
Township 5 Soiilh. Rank- S Fast.
VI ;t 1 1 . 1 , , .
Ifolait, John, E'i "f !Ei Section
5. Township a South, ll.itg. 3
East, mi ai'ie
3 8'
7 80
16 09
Junes H.tnlson. V of NW
SW'., Secllon 10, Township
Range 3 E.t-t. I 'o aei
5 S
n to
J.diiiHou Pent. S' tif N.
Hon 17. Township 5 South.
3 I..1-.1 80 lien s , , ,
Liii.l.-ts John. SW', .if NE",
Hon I Township f Soiillt.
.1 i; tt 40 a. if
S. .
4 81
, s.
4 06
Stlllltlel HetlllM M , N ,
Seett.ili !-f Township
Range S Easl. SO m !-
Soiiiii -r Amt flu A.. SE',
Hot Iton iiii, Township
R owe 1 P.tsl 40 iteles .
t.f SE'
5 Sooth.
of' si: ,
5 South.
9 70
4 84
Towmtiip t South Rng J Et
Collins. I-
n . l-r.-,
6 Htmlh.
S...'iion t'J
Vow itshl)
Range 3 East
i.u in u
P lllltei. F ,
f I:
w'f.j ..r w Section :o
6 South, Range ii Fast
I ow loilop i
li.tl a. re
While. I I J
t.t.ts 1 r,
Tom t.-'op
1 i "1 1. 1
N'obl- II E
'I'ow ii- hlp
1 1,0 ,e 1 .
9 TO
autl Est
6 att.t 7,
W P,
Hon A,
3 East
7, S
Range South
10 Sit
S' of
S' S.-tlott
It.tuge 3 ICtst
12 99
9 99
Shaw. J W. NE', Section 21. Tp
1 Soulll. K.iuge 3 I ..f t It.o ae.-
W-bb W. W . Ij.I 1, Setllon ::
Township Houlti, Range a E t'-t
.',.' , .11 1 . , . '
2 50
Townrtlp I South Rang 4 Et
Stiiith, Alpli.ti Ha. SK., ot SE'.,
Seli.,ii 23. Township I Soulll,
I! fiv.- 4 Easl, 4o ai res
Nell), Ell.n. S', of NE', S.-eliun ;6
Township 1 Soiilh, Rang" 4 Kant
80 :o ich 20 JS
pull, it , 2 acres as ,. s rtU-.l nS
It.-.., id ..f D..
2; 8; Sv. tioti T.
Range 4 Easl . .
Swank. E .1 NF.',
AetcS of K' llf
road. SeeUiiit .' ;.
B".k 82. Page
w n-iop I Souih
.f HE', and 1 75
NK!, South of
Township I S
2 51
R.HIge 4 1 7jt.-t 41 ,.' uteres . . . 1.18.8
5 uteres
of SM Ft
In it! li. T M . SW '
3 it acrej, in SK cotn. r si,, tlott
J'V Township I Soutli, Range 4
Knl. 36 31 iti-r.-s 9.75
Dtitlu. T M.. SE'i t.f SE', Seetl.ui
30, Township t Solllll, R.mge 4
East. 4 acre , 9 75
Shaw, W. A , W 3 of N E1, I u-cotiil
half I Section 33, Township I
Soolh, Range 4 East, 8it n. i. n . 10 tt,
Tovunthlp 2 Bout h flanus 4 Ejt
Siiiilh. J. S. K' of NE', .Hid is
.H ies in NK of SK N of the soonty
load. Section Township 2 S,
Range 4 it isl 98 a. ies ,. JO 13
V.ut t 'liicn, J II.. t to in r. s as .h
ei lbetl III Record of J "'dn pg ,'.8
Page 6, Section "l. Township 2
Souih. Rang" 4 Easl ;i
Robb, T. 16, , ,! 93 loo ai'les i, des
cribed In Record of f'ds li.Nik
83. Page 1, Section 32. Township
2 South, Rang.- 4 Easl 23 16
Robb, T, E, 135 13 iteit, h tM describ
ed ill Record of Deeds Hi,.,1; 83.
Page I. S.-ttioit 5, Township 3
South. Range 4 Fast 15 44
D.ifnr. A. II . NW', of HW, ilnd SE
', of SW', and lot 1, 2, 3. 1, and
5, Secllon 20, Township 3 South,
Range 4 East, L'o'J 56 a i, 31.(1
Alnswortli, J. '., Trustee, SEV, (Ex
Southerly 15 iii-resi Section 21,
Township 3 Soiilh, Range 4 East
1 v acres 1,3
Township 4 South Range 4 taut
Slrhklln. Win, Heir. B'., of HW,
and SSV, of SW'i, Section 7.
Township I S iirlh, Range 4 East
HTO acre
I 'rue. 11. E . lot 1, Section II, Tw p
4 SoUlh, Range 4 East. 20 acre
SHI. kiln, Wm, Helm. NE', of NW'i
Sect ion iH. Township 4 Soiilh,
Range 4 East. 4o aeie
Cms, il E. nil of W'm Slrleklln
D L, No. 37, Hectloim 9. 10
1 94
3 65
and 11. 'lownship 4 South, Range
4 Eusl. 223.90 acres 7 1 3? 3
Linden, Alvln S,, SE", Heel ion 30,
Township 5 South, Range 4 East
160 acre 7 sjj
Blazler, J., WV, of NE'i and N'j,
of NW'i. Secllon 32, Township (i
Souih, Range 4 East, I60 m-rcs.. 15 61
Campbell, J. i., NW'4 or NE'i lilnl
S of NW", uud SW'i of NW",
Secllon 14. Township 7 Sulh, R
1 East. 160 acres 1f,f,
Towmihlp 1 South Range 5 Eat
Miller, II, P.. SW', of NW. H
Hon 29, Township 1 South, Itange
5 East, 40 acres 3 gfj
Fair, Alice A., SW'i and H of SE
', Secllon 36, Township , Souih
llangc 5 East, 210 acres 20 J 3
Plekln. Mary A., 60 acres as d s
' t illed In Record of Deeds Book
45. Page 296; S.-cllon 10, Town
ship 2 Souih, Range B East, 9 '0
Boolhe, J. F E'4 of HE '4 Secllon
11, Township 2 South, Range 5
EiiMt, K0 licit f
Donhar, Francis J., lol 4 and 5
Kecllon Iff, Township 2 Souih,
Range 6 Easl, 17.76 11 ere 3 77
Ware, C. M.. NE'4 of HE', Hectlni, '
33, Township 2 Houih, Range 6
East, 40 Here jtij
Colllnge, ThoM,, S'4 of HW'4 und
NW', f HW',4 (2d hair) Secllon
26, Township 2 Souih, Range 5
East. 120 acre , j 70
Bennett and Buxton, undivided '
of WM, or HE', and E'j t,r HW'4
Secllon 30, Township 2 Houih, R,
6 East, 80 acre ,, ' ft 75
Fii-roii, J. F., undivided , of WA
of HE'4 und 16 of HVV.'i Hcc
lion 30, Township 2 South, Range
5 Easl, 80 (lore 9 75
Karr, Isaac C SW4 of HW'4 of
Heftlon,33, Township 3 Houih, R,
5 East, 40 Here ,,, 'I4'
In-gory, W. M., Kj or HE', (2nd
Vt unpaid) Heel Ion 36, Township
it Houih, Rnhge 5 lOast, K0 ncrt 4 g
ilriifTcnhtdm, M HE', Section 10,
Township 3 South, Riingtt 5 EtiHt
160 acre , , , , 0 75
Wolvcrlon, W. D., K Heel Ion 12, ' '
TownHhlp 3 South, Range 5 Emit
220 acre J'J HI
Ciirrle, .In. 11., NW'4 Hcctlnn 12,
Township 3 South, Range. 5 East '
100 acre
lliiirYeohellll, M . 1,'lr
nf swu
Hon Is. Township 4
Sotnh. Itiingf
It l'!at ' i res ; .; ,,'
HI 7.1
Scheel, lel, llcllM. W '
Itud Wt of l of fti-H n .v I
,1 M.111II1, K.tiu." ft East , I "0 m i "
10 no
Noita, lleiuv, si. , or n s fe
ll,. 11 II, lottllnlllp 3 SOtH", ItllllR''
I, ".111! ,111 O'il-H
3 fi
lowtuthlp 4 South Haunt! I
Miller, A, I' i. fi' "i M'r' '
NW', of NW', Met lion . ion
ship 4 Sooili, tittnge S l.tlt, ll.
.M,lli. C. W . SW ', Hcctliin I I
Towiitthip 4 Soiilh, l o' 6 I-'"1
I 51
1 1 70 '
I 60 ttel e
Coodil, h, A i . M'i't Met ilon P..
Towuwhlp 4 Soulh. tiitltge Fit"'.
1 1 ; ;
HtO tlCtcn , ...
Bhighttui, E W
Townxhlp 4 S
,, N W , S t lion 16
r'liilh, Itiinge ft I'.ft
1 10 ttel s
1 1 ;
lieillnisel, I, mil, Soiiiii l'
a S. i lion
Range &
10 Township I Hoiilit,
Etil. !'" ncies
II. 1. 1. 0111 ,1 iv, cod L ' of NW
, amt NW'i ot MiU NV' of
St nun an, r.iwithip 1 s.iiuii. R
.1 40 i
5 Fast, !l 9! were
Ittwniliin t South HU &
6 H 1
Ib.Mttltt A S . all of Set lliill
Townrrhlp 5 South, Haon" it I ' il
1. 10 to t .
B.ii.tw iit, A S, ait of Set mm ;i.
Township 5 South, I! f"e tt Kattl
, in ,,i. ,,,,,,
1! Ill
fit t.i
Town. Hip 2 tiotith -H0 V .1l
KUUSflUiH, iMtte, Moult .wH ',
,l. , 1 1, .ti I 'lowinlilp ; noiiin, 1
li Fital, I lilt tteieS
FIviiii J M, Wtl '( of N-'illi it
and Soiillt. al ', ' Ntoilv
w.t ', itiiil Ni.it'. t'l 't of Soul h
w.M ', "I Hitl.n M ToWitnlilp
; Soutli ll.int;.- 6 I i-l befitei.t
llulv. C E. and M. Ct '' toi
I ! t
lll ', II ."llllil I
i, ToW Itnlilp Solllll, li
S.elliiil .
t. I it
Pttllllel I.
t'i .
mi 1
jt.iotbw. l ', t.f
uud S In tt ',
of S.iiilliw.l 'i"'i -1 ll'
Soiillt l; nice 6 I i-l f"
Noble, II E. W.l S of N.i.tbwe.l
, nttd Noilh ot S.ioil.we.i t,
S.-eiiott,:i lowimiop rotii n.
r..iN.i;'iNl.-i' c' f '.-
. S.111..11 :t Towiisitip ; Soiilh
1 ewiinlnf 3 P-iiiin.
S" I t loll
U.-tnge l i i-t
V .1. 1' M N... Hi. r.Sl ', . I M 'oii.
fMA "
W ' K.. ,11.111 'la. Iiiwfmliil' . Sunlit
ItttiK.. t Fast. I.'l i m i" -Toonlp
4 8oule-' I
Ruin tt. h Jelili
Kit. Lb 1 it-iiii.e West S o' .N..1K1
Wet ', 1111. t S.e.tl.. ll ',
Noill.W. sl '-. tfll.l N e Ho . l '
ot Si 1,1,. st V, .. H. Holt it l e j
I South, t'.ange li litst, b. ' "
,tet, !4i
)... E U N..tlli. tsi Mi .I'.'"
Township So.. ti l! oi ti . 1
Fust. Ml (.- 19 r.i (
Tosvnahip t Oulh Hdiigi I I ' I
Wolf lb-oil Ni.llltwrsl S. . ttosi !
11. Ti.wnliip 2 H.ttiib. lUnge t !
I'iast. Ha! aeie . t ' '
li. uii tutw. . N..(il..l H'ii"ti f
I.. Township ; Soot it. I ; . ' ' ." S
Fast, Hoi to ies . , . . . , , . , Ill
,.wi. I.. A. Kl i of K..iilhat 1
, (tllil W.l lj of M.e.I.Wel t
Se.lt. HI lli Township 2 South,
Brtlige I P l-t I .i 1 ' tl;
H..l.i. Ii.oik Will 'j ..f Hiiiiib. J
e t i 1, nn. I t:,isl I, t.f S.mlltwrt
',. H .Hon li. Vownsijip I Hotit
lb,,.,. I East t ' II It !
The Wisconsin m.ttii-m '.. IV, '
o( S.-, lion ', 1'owitnbip 3 S'Htllv
Rang.- t p.,t. i;o ei- , ,. , J4 41
li.ii.it. c. w , Houih of Notiii ;
1 iti ', and Nottii H of H.miit j
1 al ', H.etioti 23. Township "i
South. IUni I Eai. 160 . i. , tt Hi
TbtlftlpiM.lt. l-ted. Ho.ltbW St ', of, '
S.-tlloii Tuwlislilp i Soiillt. 1! 1
1 Eat 160 acre . II 11
Tb" W Iseottsilt Int. sttll" nt I . . t
Notttiw.st ', of Section Town
ship 2 Souih, Range t 4tat, i
Iter.- , 17 89
Baldwin, A H. ail of H 36 T..n-
Rhip 3 South. tne ,7 I tsi mo i
.11 l' .......
Tonhlp I
M t.tiiui, W H
'.,'5. Ttwnshli
Bouin tna 1 lul
West of H..II00
I Soutli. Il.te6. H
: '') 10 ten
S llson, Joseph A , East H
.j of Secin n 26, Townnbip
Bang.- n : tt. 160 acre
Jones, tietl II Jr Fast S
S. H,t Townslttp I
of E..-I
1 Soutli
of W S
Range II FaiM, 160 ,-? ...
P.o. Hon Flank II, Wm S of WBt
' . s. t iion i,. Township 1 S.t ih
I'.nngM 8 .u-t Hit) r.
,..u. . E tl . North S .f Nirtli-asl
alel Noltlleasl ' of ttoriltw. t.l
itud Hotitbw esl ',, f N-.f Hi. ,..-.
', Se. Hot, 3.',. T .wiislop 1 H.tollt
li.dlge 8 Fal. bet ,
Ma.iiiio, I A. Noilh '-, of Noiih
II 7m
1 1 7
w si
Relict ,
el loll 31,
Town i,.. I H.
8 li isl 8.1
. goi.l ti M. sl I,
II ml West ',
and Soiiilienftt
ft. , tl-.tt 'Mi, l
Ibinge H Easl,
of Noilh
of H..i.Ht
, Of S-eitlt
OWftSllI. I
bai 10 1 .
S.etl.,tt 36
WeSI ',
West i(
IDde. F
II "0
A , East '. of
lownship I Soolh. Range Easl
.3 .'11 ! t ,
HH EltlFF'S AS-il . J ti A I 4
Harris, H B Hool It I ft K"il I II v No
4 lots 1 l.i 4 Hh IobHc. hlis k .3
Austin. S.lli. It.iis, iitidlvidul
inlei. at In Souih. ( 1,1 Sotib
easl ', and Southwest '., of .S.oib
titfl ', and lot 2, Heel ton Twp.
6 South, Range Eail, St, vi . i.s
Alislln Mi Hi. . Its, tindit i.bd ,
inleitKi in Hotilluitst ', of Noilh
w.st ', and Southwesl ', of
NottheitKt ', of Secllon 30, ToW tl .
ship ii Souih, Bang.. 7 East, 40
o f ft . ,
Colling., Th.niiii, Notlbwesl 1, t,!,
-,i Seciliin 31. Townslilp 2 Houih
Range 5 East Mo lie s ,
I'likimwn, uinlivid. d two-third of
136 ncies In Kredi-rbk lh-bn Ii
1. Nn t,0, Townstilp 3 Houih,
1 10
1 91
tuinge 1 t'.ilM, 131. ncte ,
II 21
Mveis, John,
ll. Nitllheltnl 1, ,,f
S.clloll 3'.', 'I'owtl-
lUing.t Ii East, 40
Sotllhw. Bl ',
nhlp I Soulll,
10 li s , , -i
To the pcisoil who ofr.-tn In f uv l,e
! 18. s cosl lllld llcciolllg pilllllll. s Ihere-
on. iiii.i lake it ceilini ni.. at the lowctt!
lule of Interest and which wild ml, of
IntcrcM sliall uol he gt.itier limit ten
per i t ill. Habl sale shall l, t utu inued
itom nay 10 my until Hn' said list
I . soaiinieo. nt OI l-illil IfltelM of
I .-ill
luopeiiv being siiiiai. In
2 3 1 1 day of
oiiniv, Oregon, Daied Hon
I lei Clllhei , I'.tlll,
Hlli liff of ChickitlllUM Colinly, lltegon
tant'H tli-jlninn wir It
f....: i t i i '
nn inn Hint main) ihivv
BptTathin by thp
Stutinn Ti'ii'ihoiM
111111)-, CHVI'lillg
Quick, ui.Biiratc
All tlio Hiitisfiuition of e
imrHHiml cnifimuriit'iiliun
DiHtatiPB-no nD'oct to h
olnar iiiKliTHtanilifig, Hjmi
kaii hikI Han KriinciHiio
as pjisily ttfiird in Port..
Or(i'on City omen at -
Ihinlin's Dnur Slorc
Superior Work
Lowest Prices
TliitV i lint you jj"t oIm'B A,
MilllMlill titles 'lllir ftllllill(4
wtuk. Ilitiltwi (.'I'liprtD tin ni itg,
itiittliiiji it in I julfliiiiy: bm
tit l.'.itiiiHili"! ilii'i'rfully
fiirniwlinl. Iini nir lii'Mlng
fUtnit(4 iiiatHiiiit'liirt'tl mill
vitin ict tiiti'tioN nrv, MU
( 'I.At'KAM AS Tll'U CO.
Yttttr t'liu Uituirt t'tnihty aliotrnt'lt ttt
I Klit 11 In ui Id I10 nri'imroil lit th
4 Mitt kiiiutm Till, I'titiiiitiiijf, Int'uri
IHiintoti, 4 nn in her tif t'utniin'ici'
I'liildiiiK. rt'illuiiil. Tlitu riiiiipniy
In (In) Iniililor Hint owner ut Itio iot
IHI.I llllMt ftlllUlllttO lllllll llf I'lUCk'
it limit itninljr uUii. Aslrdcen fiuin
H i m(II ur riullmt f nnt ol
Untg i s.iHi Ifmn. tiutHUtnl mttir
!') 44lttJ ilrailKhUlitrli, mi.) ant uf
EtuHtiiiti'ntl uraoy
CUckami Courtly Lttnd. MorlijiHj
Lo4rt, ClUtvt mngd, Tt
"Mitil ami pld,
c, r.'ii)f, pi . . . r. Q. ny, ..
j u i lli III 661111)311 1
j iwtii-i.it
irranpfe. and Exprepp,
r r'ij;lil moi arvtl lirlivor-ril
to nil j.firt uf thritr.
Hivpr Scheilulo
...of -
Qmtion City tbil-0Hr 'lul:
Slramrra Alton int I'union for H
bio atul v Hilil l.v Bolt 111 4
.. . pi M ot.la. I m it l.l . Ir Hi
it.41 t IH, li m . rlinnii lrt
S.i. 111. in nt ; ll.)tBu 1 llf, 4 I
p nt -
0rt)6 Clly Tlni4Hu Ci.
)( iHikN rtnuc mit.Htt
togtil Mm Mb
hi I in
' ti . in I Allinr f jfw nil
li HI p, in,
. rn rt.'i hi
'.';, .a.
4 al M ill, f Ml.anjf Ijnrnli
'I 1 1 111
Shot line
ako union Pacific
0 A 1 1 Y
IIuohfIi Pullman iandid and Ttr.
lol l. ,ut , ai ,u,iy uiitah. Chb J.
Hs.ko.e, intirlgi slepin. mi, dHr ll
I "' 'l' . Ihiitugli ptllliintn loorll
' ('' Ipetwrniilly condui'txll
I w-. hi, tu 1 1,1. aig, htiiimi tTljf. rclln
1 1 ''" t ft to lh ! dully I
Portland to Cltkagu
N. I liuii;c uf far,
Tim t.hdul.
' hi, ago, Hu k-) lH,mrr
I 01 I Mini , , Woilh, IJllmhll,
Special ; Knii City, Hi.
I i . hi Dmi,, thlca and
!i,2t p m.
I Atlantlt!
! Ii.r.s
KU Ijike, tNnr,
M. Wuilh, tunb.
Ft, n nun Clly, Ml
Umlri, Chicago Und
, it i 111
vu ftiutt
j Ington,
HI Paul
l al Xlali: Wallii Walla.
6 15 l in luton, StMikntio, Mill-
Is j via
hratsill, Ht. Paul,
Dublin, Mllwuki,
Chhagi, ud Kl.
j Ocean and River Schedule
j Fur Hn Fraiit'l.oKvry fly tly !
, ?. I, . l'ir Atorl, way iitilnu and
North ll.-it. t, Dally legcppt Hunday) at
a If- In : Halunlav ai in .. ... 1tll
p, m
, iwinr wirntlltliiii
elti, mul YatnhlA rlvr.
on Wlllan-
t'or duilit Informiillnn of rta.
berth Mirviiilon. lo call r writ !
your tii'.t uckt agKiit, or
A. , CRAiy,
ileneral Pttanongtir Anl.
The Hirgiitt
luiuruun A MMv:
il!on Ca..
fii tlinid. tfrruon.
Astoria & Columbia
iver Railroad Co.
oil A.M.
For Mavcela llnlobo-
f'hltkg, West poil
Clifton, AHltirltt,Vi-
letiton, I'hivul. Hum
"utiid. Fort HlMveiiM
'Iciiihnrt Pnrk, Hi-
Astorltt irnl
16lprell Dally,
AhIoiIu ExprMm
I'ully, Except Hutur
day, Saturday only.
;40 P.M.
a. l,A; 8 KWAHT, Cumm'l Aft..
Alih-r Hlretit phn Mui soil.
4. C, MAVO, fj, jf, ik p, a., Astoria, Or.