OHIOON CITY NTtRPHI9I, rIOAY, JANUARY I, 1S0I. PAGE I. aw Otir Correspondents' Corner ; ReJi R.'t. nl Cle FmHU Afl Pa4w.tf Ilia Correspondents are roquosted to new their work. We will furnish all sweasnT stationery. The news from your neighborhood should appear In these columns every week. PARKPLACE. r-mfeseor Pcrnoro mid wlf... of Fall Cite. Oie.ro.. w.m email. ..f Mr. S, - more' mother, Mn. U O. Hwwn. of Parkulaee. during the holida.v . Mr. vd Mm. J. H. Uivwn. of Dallas. Oregon, were also thi guests of Koevo rnd Mrs. ItiUKn, ft few days last week. The Misses Carter of Ulndstono gave a New Year eve. party to fourteen of their Voting friends, .They w Olil Teur not n,l ih M.w Vnur In hv playing games, after which dainty 1 freshments were served. A very enjoy- Me time was spent by all. Miss Ha. ni l returned from Corvallta Mivnday evening, much Improved In hi'AUh from her Week's reM. Mr. Krank I.ueas w-nt to Itnmaeeu New Yearn day to spend the werk with his father who reside there. Captain Smith had a run-a-way few day ago. which literal tore hi hack to pieces and mrewed It for several rod, but no perlous da matte was done to the hoi-ses. Professor L. A. Keed ha moved his family from Mllwauklc to Gladstone. We are glad to have Mr. and Mrs. Head in our midst and hope they wi!l itnd their new home a pleasant one. Miss Myrtle Holme was made happy beautiful irold watch, a Uft from her pappa and mamma. Mr. and Mis Win. Holmes. Mrs. Fraer and son Henry returned Monday from Kelso. Washington, where they pent the holidays with Mrs. Kra aer's brother and family. Miss Juanltta Kent and two brothers, Otto and Lowell, spent the holidays with their grand parents at Woodtmm, Ore- fon. The Diamond Cur. The latest news from Paris is, that they have discovered a diamond cure for onsumption. If you fear consumption or pneumonia. It will, however, be best for you to take that great remedy men tioned by V. T. MeOee. of Vanieer, Tenn. f l had a cough for fourteen years. Nothing helped me. until I ' took Dr. King-a New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds, which gave Instant relief, and effected a permanent cure." 1'neg.ualitd quick cure, for Throat and Lungs. At Howell & Jones drug store; ric 5tKi and 11.00, guaranteed. Trial bottle free. EAGLE CREEK. Hurrah for 1905, and still it rains. Mrs. A. W. Cook 1 staying with her mother for a few days. W. F. Douglas and wife was visiting at W. J. Howlttt a Sunday. J. P. Woodle went to TAuttlale today. Bina Douglas went to Klrwuod one day last week to visit her sister. Claud Woodle has got part of the roof n his new bam. Mrf James Glpson is having some new feme built. Mr. Calilll's children are yulie HI with the whooping cough. CARUS. The weather seem. to be rather damp at present, as It swms to have bleached the color of the moon considerably. E. Howard and sons were busy im proving the road last week. The card party which was given at the home of Edwin Howard was reported a grand success. There were at least twenty-five Invited guests present. The first part of the evening being spe-nt In card playing In which R. Howard and A. Thomas proving themselves cham pions by winning 6 hand running games. At twelve o'clock sharp a delicious oyster supper was (fired, such a one as had nut been enjoyed before for many u day. A program of basts and comical riddles was enjoyed during the eating hour. The latter part of the evening was H-nt in singing and dancing ami a great crack ing of jokes, and all returned to their homes well satisfied with the night's srwit. Miss Thema and brother Ottie Howard visited the Eldorado school last week. Iloflsands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect it How To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with vour water and let it stand twenty-four hours ; a sea i men tor set tling imlicatcsan I unhealthy con dition of the kid neys; if it stains your linen it i evidence of kid ney trouble ; Urn frequent desire to pass it or j.ain in the back i also convincing proof that the kidnevH and bladder are out of order. What To Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that )r. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism' K.i O...I....1. l.:.i , ,. .. '1 ., . ... fcti. uniiai t iusvuh . corrects inaiuiuv to no i .:itf.r ..... I... 1 ...... . , . r ' ' I and scaldi'ij pain in pashinjf it, or had effects following usu of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant tie. cessity of lieing compelled t3 w often during the day, and' to jet uj manv times during the niht. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most dis tressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the liest. Sold by drug gists in fifty-cent and one-dollar nizes. You may have a sample bottle and a oook mat tells all aboutit.bothsentfree by mail. Address Dr. WQ'ih Kilmer & Co., Bing-iaaStofJgTB uauiiun, iv, t. wuen Home of Bwuup. Hoot. writing mention this paper and don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y. LOGAN. Mud plentiful, new scarce. One man In thin locality while making III toilet on Xinii morn mti,..fc lo. wife's sewhig machine oil for hnlr tonic ,,,t' "t discover hi etror until th (Wtl whs done, ! Th ,,,mi"1 M ,"w, faltering lm,,HV1' - maintained thin i l,m "ml 8,1 hi"1 ''"her w. !, r,IM"p1 Um d",u,Jf lflWr ' """-" "., - rcrnnp true mat ' " proper way to w tr the disorderly ones have to pay few fines maybe thev run leant to be orderly, Quite n number of the member of atehed thejM-m"!"t U"R" t he Hall Friday. i ' 1,1 i .... i a general house-cteantnir ..,,,.,, ,,,J1SW nicets nere Wednesday, 11. w i K.1KI .Mr. jniin ii,i..i..i. ., MUM a largo new barn. Mr. llosa Is on of Clackamas county's solid farmer nnd a successful dalryms- Helen and Clau.' rague, students at the O. A. C. return to Coivallls Tuesday. Waldo, th- ant son of Mr. and Mrs. I A. J, Job , has been quite sick this week wit a pneumonia cold. Mr. CUike and family will move to their new home near Montavilla net Week. it. Hawley and family spent Xmna with Mrs. Hawley's parents. Mr. and Mrs. P. Smith, of lAign. Mr. lnuig is tho biggest man In U.gait now. lis a boy, born on Mamlay. Janu ary J ihi 1'Ylday, Ivoenitn'r JOth. it. 8. An derson Immed the slab pile below the sawmill and it was with dmiculty the mill was saved from burning also In the Krtterprtse of IVcemhrr 30. on She editoiuil page, I notice "Many t)ie gon City meMiants this jear complain that the Xinas trade this year was not what It should have been" and says also, "it Is a failure to patronise home in dustry." N,.w. Mr. Kdstor. Ill not try to givp the city people's reasua, but 1 can j.te facts for we farmers. In the fti-sl place let the merchants remember crot.s were as near a failure In this county this year a they could I. They haven't anything to spare for tawdry l and flashy goods. Three fourths of the farniein are using potatoes this )car that in years previous wcr thrown out a culls. There are many who did not rain. f,,.j sufficient to keep their stock over winter without buying- mill feed "This afimer" dot patronise the home merchants and has fur years. Our mill feed comes from P. F. M. Co. mills In your town and Is over a hundred dollars per month. There are others here whua feed bills are also large. Now don't say all farmers' do not patronise- the home tuwn. Ii Is nice to remember friends at Christmas time If you can afford to do so; but the custom is over done. In many Instances. "In reference to the editorial para graph alluded to by our correspondent, our remarks applied entirely to th.we who make a practice of doing all of thrlr trading in Portland Editor. ) Cough and Cold. All coughs, colds and pulmonary com plaints that are curable are al kly cured !' One Minute Cough Cure. Clears the phlegm, draws out Inftamation and heals and soothes the affected parts, strength ens trie lungs, wards off pneumonia narmivs and pleasant to take. Sold hy Vo. A. Harding. GARFIELD. J. C. GUI is visiting his brother, K, M Cill this week. J. T. Irvin was visiting in Gresham this week with his friend. J. E. Stubbs The entertainment last Wednesday evening was a decided success, consider ing the Inclemency of the weather. The income was about JJfOO net. The Uev. Mr. Craig prea tp d at the Oartield school house Saturday night. The Debuting Sis-lety met last Friday -venlng and debated the question of. "iteeolved. That CapiUl Punishment I not Justifiable. " The affirmative won the decision. P. M. Mil! will go to Eastern Oregon next week to remain the balance of the winter. It is reHii ted that one of -our young men, Milan linkley. who was In Cali fornia for his health, is dead. We hoe the rumor may prove untrue. It. A. Duncan Is home on a visit. F. M r.UA. Speedy Relief. A salve that heals without a scar is DeW'ltt's Witch Hazel Salve. No remedy effect,, such speedy r. lief. It draws out intlamatkiti. sKithes, cools and heals all cuts, burns and bruises. A sure cure for i.iie iUi fioti diseases. DeWItt s Wlti h Hazel Salve is the only genuine. Hevvare Of Counterfeits, tliey Hr(. (iitngeroUH. Kod by Ieo. A Harding. STAFFORD. The gentle Oregon rain is again de scending up,,,, the Just and the unjust. A slight frost visile. us liiiistrnas niKht. not enough to injifre plants upon Ho- porch. A Mr. Cloudy, at, Kaxte, n man, has taeii looking at real estate with a to buying. lew Til.- ( Mi f'iut n, ', u , . , . I .ie.- . ,,- ciilinil anrl i h Included an " ' .'.m-'ll dll'l .1 fli'I.III IT 111 ! I ,1 u .... ..r . .. i eti.y stirniount.-d by a white utiir were beuutiriil and dl played much taste. Mrs. c,;mn lias granddaughters,- the illHH. H (Jie. k, spending pMrt of ibeli- va. cation with her. They return to Ibeir t'efo (h,, n,.,ools on Monday , Kiiiitli Turner and , 'i'n,r.r married last week Wednesday, nnd had a da ru e to ward off a chariv ari Friday evening, and I.oretia Kernse, only daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. 1,,,-en Ki'iikc. and -"""' baKer were man led at high noon Sunday. May pence und h; happiness attend them all. Will Schatz is puitlng u a n,.w w)ld mill. Two pelltions are being circulated ofr road supervisors, one In favor of Zack Kllegsen and on for Arthur Borland Kllegson gave very good satisfaction the nasi year, while lioreland is tt man yet untried. young MARQUAM, The waters of Hut If deck have been very high. Mr, ltngby of Aurora, has fioiHled l'H logs from Coal Creek Into IHitts Creek wHerw Ihey Jammed on Mr. John White' prvpeity. The creek mostly changed back to an old nhnnnol and left the logs In a Jam. Sine then h haa got up a great force of Water ml flooded them m Into Pudding river, The bridge, at Unite Creek, known as Jack's bihtgx win In danger of delft lug away the other day, a tree was liHtgvd against It nud a limb wa caught on one side. Some men were there and cut the limb loose, and the tree drifted away, Horn say the bridge Is safer than It ha been. Mr. Jake Nicholson of ttpringtlcld I visiting his sou and relatives of this place. The school meeting was held but noth Ing wa done to-wmd voting a tag for a new school house, Itut us long na people tight it. wo will be In an old svtuHd house and the children will be three deep In one seat, Mr. John l'artli I about to sell his f ,n in to a man near Mt. Angel, which Is one milo northeast of this Uaee. Mr. H K. Skin In Is slowly Improving from his sl khens There waa a meeting held Monday, January ?1. 1HV5, for the purpose of putting farmer's ten phone lino by the way of Molalla to Oregon City. Mr. J tl. lt,M and wife, Mr. V. C Hws and family Xtr, l A. Mar.iunm and Mr, C, K Yoiff.it. of Hulledge. pnt New Year s Day with Mr. and Mr. M, Malum in. Mr, and Mrs. Harry l(tldard, of this place gave a chicken dinner to eeral Inttted guests New Yrttrs day. The revival meeting began Mtida. January 2. Miss Maude Drake has Wen suffering from a sore hand and at the present writing Is no better. M', I'.oy lltddmgs is building a new sidewalk across the street which wi all appreciate very much. Wood for tl. lto ! the gid work go on ISeV, and Mrs l.oncy me on the ck list. Mr. D It. lltild.ard and son are doing lots of work In the way of Improvement on their farm. A Surprise Party. A' pleasant surprise party may ( gHen to our stomach and liver, by taking a medicine wht. h will relieve their pain and discomfort, vis Ir Kings New Life Pills. They tire a most wonderful rem edy. afTording mire relief and cure, for headache, dissinrs nod constipation !5o at Howell it Junes drug store MOLALLA. Write It now UH5 A young tad by the name of tirem, who lives with hi mother and sister near the "l-e Itanch" at the Fork of the Vlolnllit river, got shot accidentally In the leg las! .Wednesday with a chance of bird shot, by a shotgun being knocked down whllr lie and several othr person were going out of the ctln. The wound- MBS, CECELIA STOWE, Orator, Eotiw Noo CTabw l"r Warren ArraiM, Ciitt a.io, III., Out. 22, 1902. For noarly four years 1 tuffered from ovarian troubles. The doc tor insisted on an operation as tbt only way to (fet well. J, howersr, strongly oiiji-eted to a operation. Mv liuidanil felt diaheartmsd as J well as 1, for borne with a sick woman h a disconsolate place at best. A friendly druggist advised hiui to pet g bottle of Wine of ( ardui for me to try, and be did so. 1 began to improve in a few davs and my rwjvery wan very rapid. With in eighWn weeks I iu aacther being. Mrs. Stuwe's letter shows every woman bow ;i home is saddened by ,n --oi'iie,,,,,,, IIOWCOUID etc V M Wine of t'ard.ii cure that sick- I iicKs ami i.nii,i health and happi- ness afc-.-un. io not go on suffer iti(f. Co to vour druggist today nnd s.'.ttire a 1.00 bottle of Wine of (.'ardui. Bss:qgTu ..." g...a K I) PERMANENTLY CURED BY ORRirjE Pli7iela0 prononar drankannsis aiu.u tll 0rTrois ..., ii k will IH,wr " i ..0 rtriDgttibaalUi. lPt od NO SANITARIUM TREATMENT OH PUBLICITY I KTrf"!rLrs .s f 7'" ,-7 lw,,rt lr'aleiil Urn tl cm it All correspondenca confidential, PRICE, $1.00 PER BOX. Cure effected or money refunded. Book on " rrtsnbnn.UM m . . - The Orrine Co., Inc., Washington, D. C.' Hold and rcomirindd bf Howell A Joi, nr Siu.n.e..i- n.ia Oregon City, Oregon. 8 m i ' TwM ed boy wna carried hotn and tngdo a easy a possible In the nharti.' of medi cal aid. New Year Rve, Mrs l.aion, who live (wo mile N'oith of this place, had her ankle dislocated by Jumping from a wagon and a tun a-way team. Iter Hiuh wa set In place and the itifterer I getting along a Well nconi.i ie enpected. The leant waa raught by Mr, Wilght near Mbernl. Hanuiel Lewis Dait ha sold hl faint to C, W", Herman and K, C, Judd. the foino r getting s) acre and building ,th latter I't acre, tr, Hc-rtuait ronteiuplii building a saaiulll on hi putt Ion which will be a cnvrnU'tit Ihlug for this sec tion. There is it iuovm tot toot to Inst Huts an I. t), It, F. Dodge at Molalla In the near future. Ml. Mary S Howard Will conduct the Insinuation of offlcet of Molalla tlrang No, 111) on the (list Saturday In Janu ary, and J. W, Thomas ha been Inv tied to Install for Molalla No, 40, on Second (taturdnv In January, litis Hay Ikmghcily ha Invented a tinlitie c Under choin wVlch knock the cream into butter In a "Jiffy, or the sixteenth of no time." ttav la coiitem plating taking out a patent on hi In vention Ye "separator' men, took to our machine now! Mis Mattln I ,euv It I. accompanied by Ms Ni-HI" t'alo, spent Chillina week visiting Dr. and Mi Urn lit on the f 1 1 111. lettiriilug to their chiud so a to beisitig Wolk January Jd Dr. lnvittiinil Dr Patent have ills -J otvrd poi tneishlp Now rach l r I llw I physic Itidlvldiiallv. ; Dr. I'hieii of PoilliiliJ Ms been out j ifiiln for hi health, and .. Id. nUllv inblblting hi old add of Vllalne.t Air": Doctor, why !t cnll It "wreteuid air" ' or stialght g,i (nitron oside) a dull Davy mot Wells, laily In the 1 1 1 IVn lutv. when they htotighl the discovery iH-foie the public In lontle.llon With the fluid We blralhe. It ,.rtns a f "ic- vitalised aii" would tw tt!P most appto- pilule let in of Ihr two . Molalla Mutual Telephone Aao, lation , hda election of oilier i a last Monday. Tim old iiftlcr I a weie . . I . , lt)i tti ptioti of K K Judd and J V. Adams J !. Tubb and E A Shaver rr eln. d directots, the two former declining te ee. Hon. Bent Hr Doubt "I knew ;.o tins for four week, when I wa sick with tvph..ld mnl kldury Itoub- le." wiitrs M' Annie Hunter, of Pitt, buig Pa, "ttiid wh.n got better, l. tllolliih hud one of Use last i1otol I could get, I was bs-nt double, and had to rest my hands on my lnim when I walked From thi terrible sftlti lion I wa rrs.ue.1 bv l.'lectitc llltlrt which restomi my Tealth mid treiiUi. and now 1 ran walk a tnilght a Vrr They ar mniply wonderful " (juariteed to cute sloiiimh. liter atol kidney dls- older; at Howrll A Jotir dreg store. prlc,. 5h-, CANBV. NeW sidewalk Kmll t'anby tniichatit have had their forc l.vi.y Invoicing of .iln Kd Hutct,iiiBon ha liughl thi farm whl. h Wa. ren Kendall bus bad rented for a )e ir past Mr Kendall moved Into 'town aritf twcupVa the hous.' whlru JUr Huti hlnsnti Vat iite. I A gang of Utrek shuveUta ar now at woik In the gravel pit loading tar, ths steam shovel having been taken uth for temporary Mr and Mr t'ba iMuioiigb recrntly visited at r'lrvlrw While away. Mr Horrough went dm k hunting and re. Irt having bagged thriw doet. Hi friend however, think he may have made a slight miscount. Mr. ... K Mote. it dngoe!a merchant of AstorU, ssnt Hunday line visit. Ing hi cousin. M ttornkran Mr. and Mrs. Ill!rmn, of New. Irrg. M-tu eveial il.in visiting the family of J It Wuklns-.n Mr Holder man returned bom Inst week, while hi wife remained until Tuesday. Ilevlvsl meeting sro being held at the Methodist Church thi week Uev C, A, HoiibcI. the pastor In chaige. i'ostmaater J F. Ix yie)-. who ha been pilte erlouly III for some day I r- ported tutter at (hi writing Canby's new imnicll H,k their seat last Tuesday Mr. Smith, who live In Mrs. Cant- well hous.-, Is very si k with rheuma tism llllll lo in t touble. H. Terry, who ha been In I'oitland. doing earp.nier woik for .iii time, met with an accident j,at Friday, hy falling fiotn a m affold and Was seriously Injured about the face, the J.iw i,ne lug broken twice. Ilia wile and son left here Saturday to be with him. Fred Hurst came to town Tuesday with force hf iirv-eyois, whom he put 0 work on the .io.os--d Irrigation ditch, making final estimate and figures. Mr. i Hurst u the actual work of excavation will begin nbout the I5lh of this month and ihut the water will be running in ' time for the dty season. SHUDEL. Happy New Year to sail! A number of young folks walr-hed the new year come at d. a. Hchueliels, A merry tltno of course. K W, Hornshuh mid family sp.-nt New Years Hay with their daouhtcr Mis, Mm, ill. Misses Carrie and l.auia Hchuebel are home fiotn I'otthmd Misses I.uiiia tllnther Ji,.a, liiihm nnd Kllen Moehnke. returned to school. lana firossmueller is hums for an In- lefllllte time, 'itir It, F. I), man ha a new rig. Kmll llornshiih, a fotmer resident here, ut now it student ,,t th, Halem t'nlver- slly, spent a few days mining relutlve here. Miss I.ydln Hortishiih I visiting tela- tlves in Knletu this week. A special school meeting held Tues day night voted lo levy a tax of one mill i.ni..ov ..,,.,. , m.hna Mi, and Mis. Will Moehnke ate spend ing vacation with Kelso friends, A crowd of yoiink folks spent, a plcu iint evening at Miss Mien Mlehnke'a home Friday. Misses Carrie and Laura Hchuebel call ed on Misses hjlnoie and Laura (ilnther Hunduy. ,,""ry' un'1 vvl11 1'ettman, Crl and Kllen Moehnke and Lydln Hoitishuh culled the Olnthar home Tuesday nlul.t ami on Thursday the mtitio company paid Cria Ifornshuh and family a visit, if" AMtrlvtllf rtfimrrtliimror A slmiUUlm ihchHXlaiHtlU'tfufci -ling the Sfc.?imttle nml lUmvh if Promote I)ii;iMlion.CIrrril -mHnial llt'Hi Coutaiiit miilar .iiuiu.Morvl'i wt Mmtral. Not Nahcotii. th a t nut Aaif ct Hi'iiti'ily ftf rCtnMtf Hull, SOUr SllMlv, u tl.Dldlltka'rt Wtintw.C'oimiNimiH.IVwri'ih ms funl Lomm u;Si.r.rir fat itnulo .Sik'ivnlurf at NKW VOWK Enterprise for ILKSHairRene 11-,- . ",c n,,r' I1I,IC, ,ne f trow oni in J heivv Al ways restores color to m y hair, all the dark, rich color -S vlutl Stoptftlllnthilr. also. Sold for fifty vear, sS";!': COMPARE QUALITY I ey lien you compare price, and you will send year al eedr for Joe voe te Ih, Oregon Cly 101,4., By gl.lng ,uify , mat.el.l ,nd workmanship we endor a tf.rve your bwln. WE ARE AHEAD in all hinds of Jok end Commercial On trial will convince you. ARE YOU Do you vsn, th.t brief, ct.log. .to., print.d , ntt ; w,(li to th. ent.rpr... office. W. h.v. Ju ,,, . mMn M-fM thaler Linotype machine and er. ppr.d to do all ..., wh on short notice aQ at right prices. OUR EQUIPMENT For turning out all kind, of firs, cl... ork , ,h. wt, o1 flood pr)f. Ing I. aecond to no other hou.e ,u,.,( of porllan- f you n..4 of printing y hIn-, eofr.i()ond w(h you, W.csn save you money. All order. . eorr..pond.nce w... r.c.lve prompt att.ntlon. Telephone Main 2. THE ENTERPRISE OREGON CITY, For Infants am! Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature, of Use For Over Thirty Years AM itt1 In if 5 ifld i mm INt Sff VS i.iipiiiii wi m WV.T m ) teyysyvse. Job Printing 4 aB-. S Prlnllng , w.tl bt1k wo,h IN A RUSH? OREGON